The "Jews were booted out of all those countries for their bad behaviour" meme critiqued

An interesting critique on reddit I thought this board might be interested in:

Things which aren't a rebuttal of this post:

- shrieking "SHILL MORE SHLOMO!!!"

-saying "plebbitors suck!!"

-posting the happy merchant or any variation of it, coupled with typical catchphrases (oy vey, the goyim know, etc)

Other urls found in this thread:


Fuck you nigger, don't tell me what is and isn't a rebuttal.That leddit post reeks of the typical smugness you would expect. The phrase "Most likely didn't happen" and its variants come up around 30 times, check it yourself you kike. Is that what passes for an iron-clad argument on plebbit? He also uses Haaretz as a source. Weak.


Do you have some examples of expulsions which did happen which you can source from historical texts which aren't accessible via Google? If you do, I'd be happy to see them. If not, stop shitposting.

Given the plethora of faults uncovered in this critique, why is it such an implausible idea that whoever designed the original graphics was mistaken that some of them didn't occur?

not really, no.

How is the Haaretz source actually mistaken though?


No it's better than that. Take a look at this
basically "jews did nothing wrong - the post"

OP, choke on a bagel/matzo you fucking lying jude

I forgot to throw this in there.

Some immoral person posted a story about incest, and many redditors are neckbeards.

This yet another thing that doesn't actually intellectually engage with the post at all. For all this board's mockery of Jewish casuistry, you guys do a lot of it yourselves.
Very well

Imagine that.

It baffles me that some people are so cucked to an alien race. And don't give me some bullshit about how you're just doing this for the sake of truth, because we'll never hear you reddit niggers discuss the holohoax in the same manner you do for anything "antisemitic".

Fuck off back to reddit, shlomo.

Fuck me. The sheer level of mental gymnastics some people go through to make sure the jews are never at fault is insane.

Haha! you called me shlomo and a nigger! how edgy and "red-pilled".

Why do you enter this thread with the unfounded presumption that there must have been an ulterior motive for the creation of said graphics, much less that "there HAVE to be some mistakes, reddit told me!"

You seem quite opinionated, to be honest. What are you doing here?

This is your mind on reddit-spacing and jewish smegma.

Shill more, shlomo. Plebbitors suck.

Is that so, Chaim? I specifically counted the number of times the JIDF - uh i mean, the random redditor - rebukes a claim by simply saying it "probably didn't happen". That is the level of intellectual discourse in that post. The rest of it seems like a copy-paste from kikepedia. If this is your attempt at consensus cracking you're doing a piss-poor job, Chaim.

I want cuckchan to go and stay go

Typically, these graphics aren't just a list of purported expulsions: they are usually accompanied with an explanation along the following lines: "Jews have been a plague to the countries that have hosted them for thousands of years. Eventually Jews wear out their welcome through rape, murder and thievery"

Let me give one example of a genuine mistake that I think that that reddit post uncovered:

That General Grant's General Order Number 11 never actually passed, and so thus this wasn't actually an expulsion.

How do you think this particular criticism is flawed?

Don't bother user; Reddit's idea of "honest intellectual discourse" can be summed up with a string of loaded questions shrouded in willful ignorance and smug assertion of their opinionated beliefs.

I.e. "Why was Martim Loofa Kang a great person and american patriot?"
A refusal to engage will be framed as "ignorance of history" at best, and a refutation claiming that he wasn't the greatest nigger in US history will net you with "racist kneejerk!" at best.


The Rothschilds.

I'll do you one-up better; can you provide any citation for this, or are you going to do exactly what I accused you of doing – refuting all evidence because you assume that these graphs were created with an ulterior motive. Which you are doing. By stating that "typically, usually, there's like a bunch of antisemitism on there!"

Even kikepedia refutes this one, for fuck's sake:

Even if it stood less for a month, it passed; no amount of pedantry or sophistry can refute the fact that – regardless of your own opinionated bias that might consider this illegitimate – there was a concrete order, on the books, at the behest of General Grant, to expel jews.

It's easy to make sweeping statements that appear to counter an argument. Look at specific examples and it falls apart instantly.

There's also the fact that modern day examples lend credence to history. If they still do it today, chances are those accounts of them doing it historically are true as well. Are nepotistic jews in all sorts of positions where they can use their 'power' to get what they want, even if to the detriment of others? Yes. Be it film, education or the government - we know they are massively over-represented. How about we look at some actual examples?

So there are three main areas that Jews are blamed for.
1. Usury, theft, coin-cutting. Money.
2. Opening the gates to the enemy. Treachery.
3. Blood-libel. Poisoning wells. Murder.

So let's answer.
Yes. Modern day banking IS usury, and it was something that Christians nations were not supposed to do or partake in historically. The fact that it is 'legal' today is irrelevant.

Well well. Holla Forums is an expect on this one. We say Holla Forums is always right, specifically because essentially ANY time that something against the people happens - it is being pushed by Jews. Homosexuality. Transgenders. Pornography. Immigration. Divorce. Race-Mixing. Atheism. Marxism. It goes on. Yes, it is Jews who are opening the gates to our enemies - physically in the case of the muslim and mexican hordes, and metaphorically in the case of degeneracy.
I'd argue this is a little bit more controversial as you cannot just 'look it up' and have overwhelming proof that a large percentage of Jews are involved in this (whereas they admit the other 2 openly). Holla Forums has done plenty of digging however. They may not openly abduct people of the street often anymore (they also might, lots of people disappear without a trace) - but there is certainly a lot of violence involved in jewish movements like antifa, blm and general communism. Then there's the list of political dead with Mossad being a prime suspect. For more information read the 'Blood Libel' threads.

So there we have it. 2 out of 3 of the main reasons for Jewish hate are 100% true and justified, and admitted to. The final one may well be true, and to someone who has done the research is almost certainly true - though I imagine you have not so you won't just take my word for it. 2/3 is still good for instant evidence though.

plebbitors suck!!
oy vey, the goyim know, etc


Funny innit, how this faggot admits that jews were indeed expelled many times, but it was never the fault of the jews at all. Weird…

Sure. Here's an example.


Neat. And how does any of that preamble - whether you agree with it or not - invalidate the accurate information the graph in question is relaying? You dismiss it out of hand because you don't like how it speaks of the jews - which says more about your capacity for honest intellectual discourse than it does of whoever the creator is.

Now address the part in which I refuted your lie regarding General Grant; which you so conveniently left out in your reply.



I will add to this. Across the entire world, from the eastern coast of Japan to the western coast of the U.S., the kikes were blamed for exactly these same things. Now how the fuck does that happen? How do people who not only have zero communication but do not even know of each other's existence, drive the same ethnoreligious group out of their countries for the same reasons? Yids have recently been expelled from Guatemala, for fuck's sake. Somewhere in the South American jungle, a naked man smeared in tribal paint is cursing the Jews. Let that sink in.
You know, kikes themselves have a proverb that fits the situation perfectly: "If one man calls you a donkey, laugh at him. If several men call you a donkey, think of the reasons. If everyone calls you a donkey, it is time to put on a harness."
Jews are the Typhoid Mary of civilization and it is time someone snuffed out that epidemic once and for all.

In and of itself, it doesn't.

I admit I was wrong in that I said the bill *didn't pass*: it passed but was never implemented, and can't be counted in a list of expulsions which was my point.

What were the jews doing that made Grant pass that order?



You originally said "Why do you enter this thread with the unfounded presumption that there must have been an ulterior motive for the creation of said graphics, much less that "there HAVE to be some mistakes, reddit told me!"

And so, I provided an example of how these graphics are presented with the motivation of implying that Jews are responsible for these expulsions. Merely showing that there is this motivation present doesn't show that the information presented is false, but it does show that your claim that this was an "unfounded presumption" that people have a motive in making these graphics is false.

why did they choose a woman for Samus?
ruined it

The unfounded presumption in that, because there might be ulterior motive in some, that it automatically equals to "all information presented herein is false".*

Hell, the example of General Grant you chose to present here as "proof that its all biased bullshit and cherry-picking!!1", proves my point all the more; you've really given yourself ample role to hang yourself with here, my friend, and I suggest you do so before you embarrass yourself any further than you already have.

so girls like me can identify with her

Well, look at this: an actual refutation with citation of one of the reddit article's probably-did-not-happens. Funny how it has no replies, yet. Our valiant modern-day Samson just breezes right by it, and continues to act like nobody has responded with anything other than "shlomo" and "nigger."

You know the drill, whore.

jk jk, the reason I identify with Samus is that I am have partial bird DNA, of course.

This ain't /b fagget.. tits or gtfo is degenerate.

because it would be gay if you died and the suit exploded to reveal a dude in skintight spandex/manthong
the nips obviously wanted a rule 34 even then too

He's done the same to my refutation of Reddit's claim of

Which then changed to…
Which then changed to…

All his "critique" can be chategorized in one of three explanations:
1) Didn't happen, cuz I say so
2) Antisemitism
3) It doesn't have anything to do with them being Jewish(while ignoring Jewish behaviour that led them there all together)

Yet this isn't /r9k/ either, thirsty nigger. Women don't get pussy-pedestals for mentioning their genitalia.

Here, have this. Old but gold.

fair enough
still ruined it though one of the best game

Oy vey, thank you! Please do humbly accept this gracious Roman-tier antisemitic meme as payment, the value is sure to rise as the shill count increases in the next quarter!


… this… has to be a troll. Right?….

Please tell me its a troll, please for the love of fucking god tell me its a god damn troll. Theres a part of me screaming inside that this cannot be real, that wont accept something like that could happen. That while these (((mothers))) may seriously fuck up their male children to the point they want to cut their dicks off, that even THEY wouldn't go so far as to basically have sex with them to continue to encourage their degeneracy and descent into madness and eventual suicide…. no one, no one can be THAT must of a depraved, disgusting, absolutely [something, I cant even think of a word strong enough to fit here], that they would go THAT far… right?

Confirmed shill. Report and hide.