Subverting the Jew From The Left

I've been studying this for quite a while. My new thoughts come after reading Max Blumenthal's (a far left Jew) book "Goliath- Life and Loathing In Greater Israel." The lessons I took from it? The Jew's biggest fear is BDS (Boycott, Divest, Sanctions) spreading across campuses to the point where it becomes fashionable to refer to Israel as the apartheid state it is.

In short, if there were a way to get the niggers, muslims, feminists, trannies, etc.. all worked up about Israel, they'd really have no defense. Can you imagine the Jews fighting the Golems they created on campuses through their Hillel foundations. I did my UG at Emory in Atlanta few years ago, which is so full of Jews you wouldn't believe it.

I know, this is an idea in early stages, but if we could fully subvert the Left against the Jews (as is happening with Labour in UK right now. They've even calling for the Holocaust (TM) to be debated. If we can shut down the Jew media from shilling for the Left and really make them aware of the hypocrisy ("nationalism and ethnocentrism for muh Israel, not for you goy") we may have something. Any ideas?

After studying this, I don't think the Jew can ever be defeated from the American Right, since as Trump's administration has shown, the neo-cohens are too strong. but coming around their flank from the left, they are vulnerable.

Other urls found in this thread: YEARS.pdf

1. Stop using so many fucking commas.
2. The left has no agency. They do what their masters tell them. Their masters are jews. There’s a reason you haven’t seen the left be against Israel since the 1990s, and that reason is the total control exerted since 9/11.

addendum: some are going to say to me "If Israel is gone, where will they go? We don't want them here." And this is true of course. The problem vis a vie America and Israel is that as long as there is an Israel, there will be an AIPAC and as Buchanan and Dr. Scheuer have shown, they totally own the congress, senate, right up to the fucking presidency. We're in occupied territory. If we can get rid of Israel or at least make it vulnerable, the jews would have to think twice about flooding the US and Europe with Muslims since they'd have no haven to escape to after they've fouled the nest here.

Lol this does absolutely nothing. Pretty much all Western European leftists are anti-Israel while still being pro-jewish and anti-anything resembling anti-semitism. Total bullshit that they deny the holocaust or anything of the sort. They want Jews to rule over us in a postnational world instead of having a "rightwing ethnostate" like Israel.

A similar experiment exist in France.
Dieudonné M'Bala M'Bala (a Franco-Malian half breed) and Alain Soral (an ex communist, ex FN member) started to name the jew, making jokes on the IsraelI apartheid and on the 9/11 attacks.
They got some judiciary problems because of that and then some limited far-right support.
Now they fight racism by promoting Religion of Cuck™ against the jew.
No thanks.

It's changing. Look at what's happening with Labour in the UK now:

"At a Labour conference fringe event, a speaker is reported to have said people should be allowed to question whether the Holocaust happened, while activists were claimed to have cheered calls for Jewish and pro-Israel groups to be expelled from the party."

The one thing I'm always worried about when it comes to this is potentially making the right-wing even bigger cucks for Israel out of a reaction to the left.

Pretty much this. Kike overlords have been constantly shilling their "the real antisemitic danger comes from the left, not from the right", "antizionism is a code word for antisemitism" narratives for decades, to terrorize and kill any attempt to critize Israel. Which kinda proves OP's point that BDS is their biggest fear.
You also have to keep in mind that antizionism was always another purely cucked and kiked controlled-op (muh Noam Chomsky). The only way to radicalize this movement is probably by having arabs and niggers instead leading it.

The easiest answer has been infront of you this whole time.

What is one of the things the left hate the most, even the atheists? "Religion of Cuck™aphobia".

What has the Muslims been spreading around for years? That the Middle East and Israel is their land and the jews stole it from them and keep taking more land away, especially from Palestine for Israel.

Just get propaganda to spread the left about how "poor oppressed Muslims keep having their land stolen from them by Religion of Cuck™aphobic and racist jews".

Bonus points: Spread the picture of Trump with Benjamin Netanyahu and the footage of Netanyahu cheering Trump during Trump's speech at the UN.

The left will hate on Israel.

Some in the left have new masters.

Saudi, Qatari, Pakistan, Iran : they all have money, they all have studied Israeli influence techniques, they all are willing to pay to get powerful ally or agents in the west.

There is a french nook called "nos chers Emirs" showing that several députés (congressmen is the equivalent I think) have been corrupted by Qatar and UAE.

Convince the left that jews have a ethno-centric patrichial racist (against palestinian sandniggers) country, and watch them cry when the sheckels start drying up.

Pic very related.

This is an interesting angle to explore. The golems are rebelling and trying to outjew the jew.

The nigger/muslim problem in the West could be solved in a month in the West simply by loading them onto barges and dumping them into sea. Or sending them back to their nation of origin if that makes people feel less queasy.

In the US at least,I don't believe the Jew is in full control of his Golem anymore. If all these "anti-white" protesters could be channeled into anti-Jewish, then we'd have something. Look at the nigger professor from Trinity who wrote a kikepost that all Whites should die and that niggers should laugh. What did he get? Put on leave for 6 months. Imagine if we could get them doing it with Jews?

The best example of this is Dr. tony Martin, whom David Irving brought to the IHR back in 2001 and 2002 to speak about the Jewish role in the slave trade. If we can make the negro realize that his primary enemy is the Jew (as Rockwell tried to do with Farrakhan) and that they should be given land in Africa with all the money currently going to Israel going to them in Africa instead, then we'd really have something.

Here's the link to Tony Martin speech. Won't embed since the Jews take them down now as soon as it's embedded:


There is a contradiction in trying to destroy all left-wing influence once and for all, and fighting Israel, since the former has the biggest weapon against the jew. Nobody has been able to get around this problem. Alain Soral in France has been trying to build some sort of multiracial civic nationalism against the kikes, but that went nowhere. The hate between young whites and shitskins runs too deep.

It have already started.
Almost all antisemitic attacks in France are committed by Arabs or Blacks.
(White are to peaceful I thinks)
The most famous were the Gang des barbares and Mohamed Merah.
The gang baited a jew with a woman and then tortured him to get his jew money. The guy had no money so he died (you can't expect niggers to plan ahead)
Merah was an Arab who shot 3 french soldiers and some Jews, including kids, in Toulouse. Because Arabs gonna jihad.
There was (still is?) some fighting between Jews and Blacks in the XIX arrondissement in Paris. Regular stabing / serious beating.

The question is how to weaponize it and sow the seeds among their golem. They have literal armies of "Hasbara" (pro-Israel PR spin) who sit in tel-aviv, snacking on matzo and trying to stop things like this.

I think right now the Jew neo-cohens are almost untouchable. But from the Left, subverting them this way, they are far more vulnerable. you can bet the Jews are going to do another Gaza massacre or try for war with Iran during Trump's term since they don't know if next president will be as amenable. If this could be shilled hard under the guise of the Left, the Jews at twatter won't ban niggers and feminists from pushing BDS since that would cause an uproar. The only potentially serious, harmful shilling can be done by pushing BDS under pseudo-Leftist twatter accounts with an avatar of a nigger, tranny, etc..

Also some Jews drown a nigger in a canal in Auberviliers. I forgot this one.
(Jews don't care much about police and justice, they know the system is on their side)

Agreed, sounds perfect. Add a little trigger to it (Tsahal bombing Gaza in the news or whatever) and shit will hit the fan.

Expose not convince. Its a fact. Once they realize the (((msm))) is hiding the fact then the msm will lose the left as well. Any republican who still bevies in the msm these days after the election is a lost cause at this point.

A Judeo-Bolshevist homosexual capitalist banker and herbal Jew smoker was teaching a class on Karl Marx, known ethnic Jew. "Before the class begins, you must get on your knees and worship Marx and accept that he was the most highly-evolved Übermensch that the world has ever known, even greater than Adolf Hitler!" At this moment, a brave, volkisch, nationalist Waffen-SS member who had served 1488 tours of duty and understood the necessity of non-Marxist socialism and hated the Jews for stabbing the Germans in the back stood up and held up a rock. "How old is this rock?" The arrogant banker smirked quite Jewishly and smugly replied "4.6 billion years, you stupid Nazi." "Correct. It's been 4.6 billion years since geothermic forces created it. The natural scientific model must be applied to the political sphere, and thus foreign elements must be removed so that the rock of Germany will be pure." The banker was visibly shaken and dropped his copy of the Treaty of Versailles. He stormed out of the room crying those Jewish crocodile tears. The students applauded and all registered NSDAP that day and accepted Hitler as the immortal Führer of the German Reich and people. An eagle named "Ahnenerbe" flew into the room and perched atop the Swastika flag and shed a tear on the chalk board. Mein Kampf was read several times, and Wotan himself showed up and enacted the Nuremberg Laws all across Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East. The Jew's bank was expropriated the next day. He died in Treblinka and was tossed into a fountain of blood for all eternity. Heil Hitler.

Among the cucked Marxist types? What do you mean, they love the shitskins. It could never work in Germany for obvious reasons, but in France and the US, it has a chance. Dr. Kevin Macdonald gave a good speech on this at Spencer's shitshow in January. the problem is that the street crime in France against Jews isn't impacting the real Jewish elites. So, essentially it's a win/win for them as they get more European Jews to move there (the Ashkenazi birthrates in Israel are a disaster, only ones having kids are the sephardi, unltra-orthodox, and russian kikes who have much lower IQ). Israel is falling apart in many ways. a truly concerted, long-term BDS would the end of them. If you're really interested in this, find a pdf of blumenthal's book, which gets into the deep fractures in israel and so ideas on how to divide them among themselves as they do to Whites.

You can always use Israel as a comparative.

From the right side : Israelis shoot muslim terrorists on side, we should too.

From the left side : shooting terrorists is bad. Israel should deal with hezbollah and Hamas with comprehension and kindness. As in Europe, terorism is Israel is primarily caused by racism and |slamophia #LoveNotHate #BridgesnotWalls

I see we have our first Hasbara. They work that fast. You won't be able to stop it hymie. Shut down this place, will just go to other sites as a leftist and push it.

The very existence of Israel is the worst kind of racist suprematist colonialism. This should be meme'd to push the overton window of cucked antizionism.

I agree with this guy for France.
The white youth is divided. Around half of the 18-25 yo vote for the FN.
The young whites that vote for the left are absolutely pro-Arabs and pro-Blacks.

We need numbers and some level of organization. Much as I don't like Anglin and he's an unhinged LARPer, he (used to at least) have a fairly large outreach. The ammunition is there. It's just a case of the numbers and desire to really push it. Now would be an especially opportune since niggers are chimping out for various reasons all over campus. In the mind of the negro, "White Privilege" needs to be replaced with "Jewish Privilege." Farrakhan was somewhat onto this, which is why the Jews memory-holed him so quickly. For this project, wouldn't even to averse to cooperating with muzzies. Get rid of Israel, shut up the environmentalist cucks so can drill in Canada and more offshore in the Us gulf, and then sit back and laugh and tell the Saudis and their Wahhabist friends to drink their oil.

No I mean between white civnats (freshly redpilled lefties usually, or retarded National-Revolutionary types) and arabs, specifically in the movement of Alain Soral. Otherwise yeah the general anti-white movement will turn against Israel eventually, there's absolutely no way around that, the kikes know and have been spending much of their energy to postpone it for decades.

Their common interest though is in seeing Israel shut down, even if some of them don't know it. Dr. Pierce talked about this as far back as 1999. There's synergy there. I think it's a clear path, just don't know how to implement it.

No white guy follow that cunt Soral.
He is really insufferable.


This is a fact the only way to hurt the kike is to hit them in the money.
Hardly any of the major so-called jew-wise websites have done anything to encourage this, instead they elect to oppose it because
,as the co-opted movement shifted towards Tel Aviv.
In fact a few years ago I had it out with CIA-kike Andre "I want the white race bred out" Anglin on DS where he stated

Boycotting isreal and by proxy all jewish businesses worldwide is the only thing that can hurt them directly and ultimately destroy them once it becomes standard across the Earth.

Boycotting nations not obedient to jewry is exactly what the kikes using their golem vassal states/empires like France, Germany, Britain and now America to sanction and bully their hated goy nations, in fact boycotting their enemies in the Middle East using their American political arm is exactly what has weakened isreal's opponents.

Anyway,the premise is simple and BDS is the start, ultimately it needs to be extended to all jewish businesses, this can work, it's worked for the jews for centuries and none of the kosher nationalist frauds will even entertain the idea.

Yep, that may explain the utter failure. Doesn't mean it can't work in the US.

They are going to have problems. I can't be the only White "millennial" who went through a fairly good uni heavily larded with Jews and began to notice this. Putting heavy economic pressure on the capital of world jewry by using their own golems is the most viable strategy I can see.

Dieudonné M'bala M'bala in a nutshell.

And James Trafficant says the $3.1 billion number, it's more like $15-$20 billion a year when all the various schemes, loan forgiveness, etc.. is taken into account. And that's not even mentioning the trillions spent on wars for Israel, especially the Iraq war which was the complete work of Jews such as Wolfowitz, Pearle, and Fife.

With the Jews the Left hand is always seemingly acting independently from the Right, it's called distraction.

In the US you have very few muslims.
But some black supremacists can be used I think. The Hotep wewazkangz ones. If the believes they were Pharoah and sheeeeeit they must be easy to turn against the Jews.
Back on the day I had a twittee a count with a Baron Samedi avatar. I said lots of antisemitic / anti muslim / racist stuff and I had a fairly large black American following.

We don't even need the muslims, since the feminists and other assorted vermin have now become their shills. I picked up the Goebbels's diary the other day and trying to learn what I can from one of the great propagandists. When push comes to shove and its every man for himself, the myth of "Jewish solidarity" vanishes. We know this from the Adolf Eichmann papers, and how the head Jews in places like Austria were all to happy to turn over lists of their fellow Jews if it saved their own asses. Also, in concentration camps the Jew "capos" were by far more brutal that any SS man. You give a low-class, communist Jew power over his fellow tribesmen and he does the work for you. This can be seen in Frankel's "Man's Search For Meaning," which the Jews don't shill at all since it does their hollow-cost business no good. Also, AH's two prime financiers right up until 1938 were Jewish banks. they thought they could play both sides on that one and bribe AH into "special treatment." They were wrong, although they did end up getting "special treatment" in the end.

Hoteps are capitalists and vote republican(or don't vote at all), not exactly who we want.

How about memeing BLM into the next Sturmabteilung?


also i may add that jews and lefties have almost completely subverted the academic institutions, so naturally subverting the left against the jew is one of the best approaches to purging said institutions.

Or, you can stop being such a fucking nigger, nigger.

A reminder that JIDF exists to combat leftist anti zionism.
They will raid us hard once we start subverting the left

JIDF is largely a meme organization with no real funding. The Hasbara Jews and their camp followers will surely come, but once the genie is out of the bottle, the Jew will not be able to put it back in.

accurate. Just look at every leftist group thats started to protest israel in someway. Femen, blm, .. there was.. something else, I've forgotten what. All of them funded by kikes, turned on the kikes, and then immediately dropped, all funding cut, and all promotion of them through the media stopped. The kikes have total control of them, so if these groups target them (which is unlikely to begin with, since the kikes almost always control these groups from the inside), they simply cut off all their support and they die.

Why? Because their movements are all artificial to begin with. Very few people ACTUALLY support them with the kind of fervor you see at their protests and riots. most leftist in general are to stoned/lazy to show up, the ones that do go end up doing what that "wimminz march" in DC did, they walk around, hold up some signs, then toss it all and go back to their lives and everyone fucking forgets it happened 24 hours later. The media doesnt talk about it, because its not part of their approved agenda, you dont have constant shilling for it going on because no one is paying for bots or "professional protestors" to keep it alive, and no one funded it to start so there were no paid groups of aggressive fucks showing up to start shit and try to rile everyone up.

Which brings me back to the point, all of these leftist movements that gain traction, are all artificial. They're golems basically, created by the kikes, funded by them, and controlled by them, and as SOON as they try to bite the hand that feeds, all support ends and the kikes move on to the next group in line they've been priming and getting ready, and "suddenly" it has an "unexpected huge surge in support/popularity," why? because then all the funding moves over to them, all the paid goons go there.

Just look at antifa. It was literally NOT present in the USA a few years ago, then bam, suddenly blm is dying off and antifa out of nowhere. Funny, innit?

The important thing to take from this spiel, is that you cannot truly "subvert" these groups, because they dont truly exist. Theres a large group of paid shills and goons who organize these things and attend them to make them look bigger, to make them turn violent, and so on. But the overwhelming majority of members are stoner idiots who are bored, and would forget it all in a day or two if they werent constantlly seeing propaganda about it shoved at them, and where does all that come from? Kike funding and puppets. Soon as the "membership" starts to turn, funding dies, puppets are moved to other groups/cells in waiting, and the dance begins again.

Translation: Don't bother, goyim, just sit back and let it happen. Hymie, I know you're accustomed to dealing with idiots and not people who have actually done their research. The Jews have a 3,000 year history of hubris, over-extension, and then the fall. The Jew is not invincible.

Boycott, Divest, Sanctions.

Now, that isnt to say you CANT work towards throwing wrenches in their gears. They have glaring weaknesses. Specifically, when the group turns on the kikes, the group dies and the membership scatters. If you could outpace the funding/organizing of these groups springing up, by having them turn on the kikes very fast, then they'd eventually be hoping between groups so fast they'd run out of their backlog of names/organizations they control and can run to.

So how do you do that? I suppose one way would be to attempt to control leftists outside of these groups. To drum up sympathy with them towards mudscum, and rile them up against israel, and link it ALL back to immigrations/refugees in some way. That way the left in general has a predisposed anger towards israel/jews. Then make sure you provoke them, draw some connection that makes them want to start protesting the kikes in kikeland, and then the organizations paid goon squad will bail and run, leaving the group adrift with no leadership or money and itll die.

Do this enough times, fast enough, and eventually these people will stop latching on to these new groups forming, because they'll tire of hoping between them, and the kikes will run out of good goyim to be their foot soldiers guarding their puppets and following the cries to protesting and violence.

Basically, dont focus on disolving these groups from within. You cant subvert them because then they just die and they all move over. Instead, change the lefts narrative and get it focused on israel more based on the lefts sympathy towards mudslimes and the kikes constant bombing of them.

Could also probably drum up some angst on the left about kikes playing the "my fellow whites" shit, and then trying to hide behind the "im jewish, im a minority" banner as well. Dont paint it the way we do to each other as kikes trying to destroy whites from within. Instead, try to paint it as kikes trying to have "white privilege" and enjoy its benefits, then also trying to claim they are oppressed at the same time. Of course they'll try to counter it with saying "but we're trying to use this position to get white people to do good! to change and be more accepting," but thats easily enough countered by pointing out that even doing that undermines the achievements of other minorities by the kikes having a mindset that white people need to "fix the brown people" for them essentially, like they view them as to stupid to fix themselves.

It was a long post user, I'm sorry the first portion came across as defeatist or shilling. That wasn't the point, I probably should have constructed it better, but I'm sleepy.

My point, in short, was dont try to subvert these groups themselves, they're way to controlled by the kikes, and any of them that organically turned on the kikes "mysteriously" stopped being relevant right after. The same will happen if we spend all our energy or effort trying to, for instance, get antifa to go after israel. "magically" antifa will vanish and another group will pop up.

Instead, we need to focus on changing the culture of the left as a whole. To get them to see the kikes "my fellow whites" and such as… well as I pointed it out in the second part of my replies. Paint it in a way thats acceptable to the left to make them angry OUTSIDE of these groups, so that when it comes to forming these groups, or rather to showing up to the pre-approved kike controlled groups led by kikes and kike puppets, that they COME WITH anti-kike sentiment already present, and will want to draw the attention to that themselves as soon as these things start happening as they always do.

I'm not saying give up or dont try. I'm saying be smart about it. Subverting a group, even one as seemingly "large" as antifa has become, wont work. The money and the goon squad will just move to another shell-company (essentially) to work out of. We have to change the left itself as a whole to see the kikes as a problem IN THEIR OWN WAY ON THEIR OWN TERMS. So that they're as unacceptable to the left as they are to us.. itll be for different reasons, but fuck it, whats bad for the kikes is good for us regardless

ugh, yeah, I'm sleepy, I need to reword one part here

Make them angry at the same things that rile us up, but make it for reasons they'll be willing to accept into their dogma/mindsets. Like I said, we hate the "my fellow whites" shit because we know its subversion to try to create the false impression that "whites" are for/against against something when its really kikes that are for/against w/e they're pushing. For leftists to be against that same "my fellow whites" kike bullshit, we have to make them mad about it in a way they'll accept, ie: "its holding white privilege while claiming to be an oppressed minority" or "you think you need to try to sucker white people into 'helping us' like we can't do this ourselves, like we're incompetent/useless, you're racists/privileged/etc." Make them angry at the same things, even if for different reasons.


Guyse. There is a deebly troubling trend in Israel of racist xenophobia!


Why do people pose in front of their book shelves when they mostly read shit?

so fucking based. I'm going to make aliyah next week.

Even an individual person could make an SPLC or ADL type of website and use the same tactics against the jews that they use against us. Letters could be written to people when they display "hate" against the White race, or any other group. The letters and responses could be posted on the website. Politicians could be contacted informing them of how they should be speaking out against this jewish hate etc.

Another big element to this is class/ethnic differences within Israeli Jewry, which are profound and which BDS would completely sink.

I've been learning hebrew for about a year now. Not perfect yet, but even imperfect the assumption is that you are some zionist american Jew. It's good because it gives access to their various schemes they think are unintelligible to outsiders on Fb and elsewhere.

Yes, but it would likely be done by "White Nationalists" and therefore be dead on arrival. WN's don't care about Whites or hate Jews.

They love their Nazi larping more than even theirs or other Whites lives.

The way that I think it would be most effective would be to pretty much exactly replicate what the jews are doing. Utilize the same language and manner of attacks. Then any condemnation sent our way would equally apply to the SPLC, ADL etc. I could see it producing a beneficial effect in the minds of normies.

OP has a point i spammed some commie site with memes about how "Racist" Israel is and received a lot of replies agreeing with me in any case it always a good idea to have a muliti vectored attack.

Kushner email thing. The left would love to propagandize against anyone in trump admin with the same thing that was used against them so effectively. They're probably itching to do so.

Kushner also has connections to funding illegal settlements in Israel. Which would be a good angle if it could get trending on twaater.

Jews are not white and there is no need to lie to them, the truth is all you need.
White liberals will not go after Zionism to go after "white imperialism" but because its imperialism by a "technologically superior faction". Promoting it in a anti-white manner will not win points with them or gain you support to help subvert.
White liberals like to pretend they are on a moral high horse, prove that whites are the only compassionate race in the world (it is) and that they shoot themselves in the foot by supporting isreal.
Bring up how isreal creates blowback upon compassionate European nations for the sake of their jewish only racial colonies. Blame Religion of Cuck™ist extremism on the isreal (half truth,chimps will chimp regardless but the jews are a factor).
White liberals getting shut down by (((them))) are the ripest for redpilling. Non whites just need to go after zionism.

They wouldn't dare. There are far too many liberals that are aware of the topic who would sudden all be labeled as "racist nazis". Redpills would skyrocket.
They will try to ignore it, and not give it any attention.

Honestly (pleasantly) surprised this thread hasn't been (((shut down))) yet.


This idea is worth building upon and implementing.


A very legitimate concern.

Working on it. If any autists want to get Rosetta Stone and start studying Hebrew, would be very helpful. They never imagine a goyim would take the time to learn their scribble. Once you can understand it, subversion becomes far easier.

how would they possibly do it? Were the 29 standing ovations for king kike not enough? $15 billion shekels a year when you add up the military and all the loan forgiveness and other scams? What could they possibly do to cuck to Israel any more?

I love Trump. Hate Kushner.

Apolitically naming the jew has potential. Many moderate lefties hate the same people we hate, they just hate them for being rich instead of being kikes. I think if we can point out that they're all kikes and how interconnected they all are without attacking leftist ideology then we can find common ground. Afterwards, the left will be much easier to defeat with the kikes gone.

You can't out Jew the Jew. Read Rockwell. Also, the JQ is bigger than Israel. Many anti-Zionists Jews are even more subversive than the Zionist ones.

It can't get worse than it already is, how many wars for isreal have we fought thanks to neocons and republicans pushing it?
This is subversion upon the left.
=Jews do not want Israel to even be a topic of discussion at the dinner table=
If its pushed into the open than many opportunity's will reveal themselves latter. Its the system not right or left we are fighting.

What is this opinion of anons here on this book? Fiction, propaganda, leaked playbook?

It certainly makes a hell of a lot of things fall into place.

They will naturally do that on their own, the goal is getting them started. Going after isreal will make it painfully obvious and a shock to them when (((system))) cracks down on them for their progressive noble ideas.

read what FUCKING CHECKED has to say. It's important advice regarding your (((first post))).


The joke about "the jew can take anything but being named" is true. Gamergate showed us that with the reaction.

The term "SJW" itself crystallized a lot of (((irrational behavior))) that people had noticed but couldn't quite put their finger on.


Why don't we meme the jews as the most privileged white people? Everyone already thinks they're white. And when the pressure gets too much to them they'll be forced to admit that they are actually a separate race of thieving niggers.

Not bad. We could certainly meme this due to the current political climate. Lefties will eat it up and Jews will separate themselves from us. And in the end, you know what will happen

Just like just about every civil rights movement in the USA throughout the 20th century!
Black Civil Rights?
A bunch of kiketts doing all of the yappin' and big kikes pulling the propaganda strings

I'm still trying to find a legitimate civil rights or workers rights movement that has happened in the 20th century that was 100% organic without some dirty group of kikes behind it.

You're advocating we help the Left succeed politically. What good is being rid of the jew if you help the jewish political ideologies that are socialism, communism, and marxism thrive? How about "subverting the jew" from the "Right"? Well, that is, the elements feigning support for our ideals. "Right" is white. "Left" is anti-white. Kike be damned, this doesn't change. The true Right already supports disassociation with kikes at a minimum, and is already Ethno or Racial Nationalistic. The Left can never be Ethno or Racial Nationalistic. The Left can not cast out the jew because the jewish intellectual is the basis of their entire fucking social and political ideology. There's nothing there worth assisting. Hurting the physical form of the jew doesn't benefit us if we catapult the ideological jew into power.

Since jews don't have a single hive mind it can be really easy to subvert them.

The jewish community is already divided: We have the religious zealots, the millitarists that wont the borders like after the seven day war, the communist jews that are fucking with arabs, and the money hungry american jews.

When we make the left question their (((overlords))), what part of the jewish community would react? The religious zealots would do nothing. The nationalists wont want their power to wane as do the money masters. The young leftist jews could be convinced of their (((guilt))). As soon as some jews who were turned to communism confess that the money/millitary-jews want Greater Israel, the left will be outraged.

As a reaction the money/millitary-jews will try to bring all the orthodox zealot jews into line but the zealot jews dont want to be part of that whole planned military machine (read up they are boycotting it).

We now have the commie jews, the american money jews, the military jews, and the zealot jews.

The next step is to subvert them from the right. We need some young jews from the military/money/zealot section that dont like the current Regime and want something more modern than what the zealots want while still keeping their culture. They will weaken the military jews and fight the communist jews while shouting for war against the arabs making the international opinion of jews in total worse then it already is.

Thats what they did to us at least.

Why not as paint jews as the nonwhites they are? Why would you paint white people as bad unless you are a kike shill? Use the truth. Fact, anti-white and anti christian jews are ethnically cleansing Palestine with US tax dollars supported by both US parties.

Its about making the jew fail. Communism IS Judaism/Zionism.
Communism was created and funded by zionists who want a jewish ethnostate. There is no left without them pulling the strings.
So leftist energy that's not gonna go away should continually be focused on western civilization instead? We should not steer that energy towards isreal instead thereby defeating the sole purpose for these groups being created in the first place? They are all funded by zionists.
Who said assist them? Steer and divert them. Use their momentum to go after Isreal instead of the west. Let the system work harder to suppress their once useful idiots. Make isreal a topic at the dinner table.
A leftists time spent on a open borders for isreal poster is time spent not making an anti white one.

You can outjew the jew by promoting and amplifying what's dividing them among themselves. The war between right-wing and left-wing kikes has never been as noisy and obvious as it is today already.

only true antisemites will understand this.

Just keeping pushing leftist policies further into insanity. They are constantly falling over themselves to move the needle left to put their virtues on display so this shouldn't be too difficult. While the sane move to the right.

You have graduated into the correct platform. Ignore low IQ apes like who have not mastered their emotions. Low brow apes like them have always been a faction in our demographic. They fuck up more shit than the Jews on average. Anyways, using the Left to defeat the Left is a concept I've promoted since 2006 with great success. I have perfected it into a fine art and plan on writing a book similar to Rules for Radicals, only reversed and more targeted.

Read some of my recent post on the topic of using the Jew to defeat the Jew.

The 1% is 99% Jewish ←- had success

An example of reversing Jewish social theory. In order to maximize energy output / input an immediate reversal can be followed down the line.

A major setback white men have in this area of social engineering is the subconscious pull to "make new ideas". Only the most enlightened white men will obtain the ability to turn off their whiteness in order to effectively combat the jew on the jews own turf.

White men fail at communicating to broad audiences. They lack the ability to set aside their ego and identity unless trained for many years. The Jew lives life is a state of permanent relativity where any goes at any moment so long as it's good for the jews. Stop learning about the Jews, and start using the Jews against themselves.

Perhaps for insulated whites whom never had the displeasure of growing up in a diverse area. These types always seemed pretty reliant on scripture and gospel.


"holohoax exposure, virulent anti-Semitism and Zionist conspiracy theories are the sort of dangerous, rabble-rousing poison you would expect from a neo-Nazi rally packed with knuckle-scraping skinheads.

Most people would not immediately associate this kind of vile behaviour with a self-styled anti-racist party, allegedly committed to equality and diversity.

But that’s exactly what has been on parade at this week’s Labour conference in Brighton. The Fascist Left have been in full flow, monstering supporters of Israel and demanding that members of the Jewish Labour Movement should be expelled from the party."

Agree with your posts. Re: Stalin, most don't realize he was about to clean house of Jews, which was the purpose of "the Doctor's Plot." According to Lazar Kaganovich in biography "The Wolf of the Kremlin," he helped poison Stalin along with his sister (a doctor) since he realized Stalin was about to clean house. Stalin originally studied to be a priest. Maybe as he got older, he had a change of heart and wanted to make amends after his some was killed in WW 2 when he refused a prisoner exchange and his daughter fled.

I wish I had better russian language skills, but currently studying Hebrew which I think is more useful to task at hand. Anyone know if there is a pdf of the "200 Years Together" translation Dr. Macdonald was trying to get done on Occidental Observer?


The weakness that we can subvert are primaries, nothing stops us from putting /ourguys/ into Democrat positions on lower government positions in traditionally liberal areas. Most people don't pay attention and vote across party lines in "safe blue" areas. We should try to sneak in a few Steve Kings in say Massachusetts or California government.

You're thinking about it incorrectly mate. As far as actual congress/senators, the Jews have that more than locked up with their shekels and with AIPAC literally "screening" all candidates of both parties for views on Israel. I don't think that's possible in the US.

My idea is to make it an organic movement on campuses where the kangz and crew could put pressure on schools for a complete academic boycott and to remove Zionist professors. The Jew will never been seen to remove a student/professor if he is a Kang and naming the Jew. there was a recent case of a Kangess at Oberlin naming the Jew and the admin did nothing. It's really a great time for this on campuses to challenge the hillel stangehold. also, Dershowitz and Sheldon adelson are hopefully not long for this life, and Jew tech billionaires are probably not going to move into the place of Zionist lackey money-machine simply because they'd be socially ostracized by the wonderful "vibrancy" they've brought in.

My thoughts are trying to get something like #apartheidisrael trending among the kangz community by exposing how they sterilize Ethiopian Jews with provera depot when they come to Israel.

addendum- the holy grail in all of this getting the BLM kangz on twatter to adopt "boycott israel" over treatment of their fellow Kangz in Israel. For this, might be able to even work with Nation of Religion of Cuck™ online.

200 Years Together YEARS.pdf


For me the holy grail is to simply get isreal as a discussion topic in the open among normies. BLM would be a loud mouthed tool but they inherently do not care for non black Palestinians. Israel sterilizing blacks can be covered up, exposing Israels mobile walls and racial settlements cannot.
Ultimately getting the left to confront the (((msm))) on zionism would open the avenue to the JQ for many.

bumping for good reasons.

10/10, sharing with my Odinic group famalam.

Sort of OT for the thread I started, but what's the good history channel on Jewtube most people use? I want to see how much info (if any) they have on Jewry. It's something like "Hardcore History" or…can't recall name, but want to see if it's as good as people say as far as being uncucked.

I recall seeing a thread that got shoah'd regarding something like forcing our enemies to label themselves by using sockpuppets to profess "our" flag using a hashtag. Something like #ThisIsMyFlag I believe.
Anyway, the skinny of it is to force kikes to display their kikeistanese flag by appealing to their own double standard.


Starting to really pick up steam in the UK:

"Jeremy Corbyn made no reference to the anti-Semitism row which has engulfed the Labour conference this week - but made a pointed reference in his keynote speech to the "oppression" of Palestine.

The row erupted on Monday when activists at a fringe meeting called for the Jewish Labour Movement and Labour Friends of Israel to be “kicked out” of the party, forcing Mr Corbyn to deny that Labour was "the nasty party".

However in his speech Mr Corbyn ignored the controversy and instead praised the Palestinian people and their struggle against Israel."

When the russians were being robbed blind and enslaved by Jew in the 1990s, Dr. Pierce said it would be better for the commies to keep control there than for the Jews to keep going as they were. Much as I despise commies, can't help but see this as a positive.

The mainstream right wing is all failed, reactionary bullshit. Look into Tom Metzger. Someone who was a right-winger for decades until realizing how full of shit it all was.

The best thing to do is take the best from the left and right like National Socialism did.

Daily reminder that Goebbels recruited commies in Berlin to the cause.

The Jews are subverting themselves.

exactly, Labour in the UK is just shifting away from Jews to Muslims. They're still being vehemently anti-white, but are not siding with the Jews on a single, trivial issue.

This is a good idea. One which you're not alone in thinking about.

Here is what I have been doing to accomplish this goal;
Talk with leftists online. You don't need to say anything about your position. Just talk to them about Israel and how awful it is. Tell them about the USS Liberty and how LBJ was more afraid of offending the Jews than the American voters. Tell them about how it was covered up by the media. Then ask them why they think this happened? WHY did the media cover it up? Maybe ask this question in addition to this image, if you think they can handle it.

I have talked with quite a few Palestinian Patriots and they get it. The problem is the clueless leftist lemmings. No one tells them this. No one helps them put two and two together.

Understanding how to stampede the lemmings in a constructive direction should be the very fist thing a new Holla Forumsack learns.

You gotta use the magic word: meme "Trump Israel Collusion" into existence

You guys aren't going to want to hear this, but I totally wore a pussy hat with a two sided sign this summer: one side was a feminist slogan and the other side was USS LIBERTY 34 DEAD NO INVESTIGATION. It was so successful I got interviewed by a french newspaper who was covering the Independence day parade in Philly.

I believe you
stuff that never happened

jew in the us on a greencard claiming to have cut off heads for hezbollah / hamas. drummer to a shitty band called end of flesh. he needs to be deported asap



He was a nazbol himself and (initially) hated the reactionary / bourgeois cuck tendencies of Hitler.

You got to be brutal but polite. Jews… like everyone else who thinks they are superior, enjoy power. We need convince them we can do so much more.

light bump
Keep it afloat but don't sticky otherwise kikes will crash this thread



This is the oldest shit in the book, a lot of guys have been doing this on autopilot for decades now. They've already dealt with this old attack vector a hundred times over.

Look to countries like France and Germany, who have had entire sections of academia captured by trotskyites who wield the anti-israel arabs/whites as their own hammer in the public arena, while the entire elite still remains subservient, on a micro-level, to their handlers.
There have been multiple instances of african/arab mobs sacking synagogues in western europe, they get memoryholed for being goy-organized outbursts of marxism, and the ride keeps on going.

Couldn't we make liberal Jew brand twitter accounts, gain liberal followers, then start with the "FELLOW JEWISH PEOPLE" rhetoric?

indeed, to the point of losing themselves in that shit and turning into mental mudslimes
but I don't mind, it's a much more harmless hobby than shilling for "based jews".

This is the oldest trick in the book
France and Germany do not send 3 billion in aid to isreal every year. What happens in Europe is unheard of in the United States. Liberals do not know the entire democratic establishment supports isreal unilaterally despite being contradictory it is.
Kikes do not want this to pick up speed in the United States.
Trotskyites are zionists by default and will not do this in the US their biggest cash cow and arms supplier. They cannot control the internet either.
I'm sure you picked up that this is themed around American politics correct?

I think this is the most important aspect I see in all of this. In a hypothetical scenario of an all-out civil war in somewhere like like France, despise the level of cuckoldry Whites could still easily spill enough arab blood to paint the Eiffel Tower red. Between now and Christmas, you can bet the Religion of Piss is going to pull off another big one either in France or UK. How do we reach the threshold where Whites finally have had enough of it and instead of hiding in their homes from these rabble, form a lynch-mob, find him, and string him up. I was also struck by that with the Boston Marathon bombers. The same city that used to tar and feather British officials were in their homes cowering for an entire day over a single muslim, rather than looking for him themselves.

If and only if the West is ever able to truly get the Jewish monkey off their back, the muslim problem will solve itself organically. The left can be used to remove the Jew as the hostile elite that keeps the native population handcuffed and in fear and guilt. If you remove the Jew, the rest will simply fall into place.

Not going to be at all easy, especially since most of the 75 iq retards ("Joe Sixpack and Sandy Soccer Mom" as Dr. Pierce would say) won't understand this method, but if you take a good look at Israeli society, it's the only viable method.

Trump is being slowly but surely cucked by the same neo-cohens who initally fought against him every step of the way. He has a court jew married to his own daughter with the voice and presence of a girl before puberty.

I'm very encouraged by recent events in the UK Labour party. I assume most people here know what I think of communists, but at least Corbyn seems to be genuine in recognizing the Jew for the menace they are. We are headed for many rough years in the West and almost certain civil war in numerous nations. but in the end, the Jews will finally be removed as the parasitically, hostile elite they are.

for anyone lurking or who isjust starting to understand this, read Dr. Kevin Macdonald's trilogy on Jews starting with "the Culture of Critique" and then move on to Blumenthal's book "Goliath– life and loathing in greater Israel." The goal is to see how the Jews subvert the White west and to see if something similar can be achieved.

addendum: for those interested, what is going on in the West is simply an extension of what has been going on for 100+ years– Zionism vs. Bolshevism. Of course, many Jews play both sides and subvert the West that way (I posted the Spectre video since it's the perfect example of a Jew who wants Bolshevism for Sweden but Zionism for her own foul tribe. Churchill summed it up pretty well here before he became a complete flunky of the Jews and set the world on fire for Juden geld:

"In violent opposition to all this sphere of Jewish effort rise the schemes of the International Jews. The adherents of this sinister confederacy are mostly men reared up among the unhappy populations of countries where Jews are persecuted on account of their race. Most, if not all, of them have forsaken the faith of their forefathers, and divorced from their minds all spiritual hopes of the next world. This movement among the Jews is not new. From the days of Spartacus-Weishaupt to those of Karl Marx, and down to Trotsky (Russia), Bela Kun (Hungary), Rosa Luxembourg (Germany), and Emma Goldman (United States), this world-wide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilization and for the reconstitution of society on the basis of arrested development, of envious malevolence, and impossible equality, has been steadily growing. It played, as a modern writer, Mrs. Webster, has so ably shown, a definitely recognizable part in the tragedy of the French Revolution. It has been the mainspring of every subversive movement during the Nineteenth Century; and now at last this band of extraordinary personalities from the underworld of the great cities of Europe and America have gripped the Russian people by the hair of their heads and have become practically the undisputed masters of that enormous empire."

If only. The problem is in the UK is Goodwhites are okay with condemning Israel for all the things that the Palestinians et. al. accuse them of, but don't criticise Jews in the UK, and won't hear of genetic or cultural reasons for separation. They default to a globalist (tikkun olam) 'no borders' position. The Religion of Cuck™ic Left is fine with virtue signalling to each other about how much they hate jews, much like certain people signal about niggers, but the actual violence from the Religion of Cuck™ics is against the host white population, not against Jews.

I don't know what other threads to post this in but I don't fucking care, I need to vent.

I cannot stand Jews, every second they remain on this planet is a second wasted.
I hate everything they do.

Their subversion of western civilization.
Their mutilation of babies.
Their child trafficking rings.
Their importation of third worlders.
Their mass brainwashing of whites into self-hating, nigger-worshipping cucks.
Their dumping of chemicals in food and water.
Their untested medicines.
Their historical retroactivity.
Their non-stop claims of skeptics being "science-deniers" while also claiming there are 25,000 genders, that sex is a social construct and there are no differences between races.
Their subversion of higher education.
Their endless wars.
Their total takeover of all forms of entertainment.
Their complete infiltration of governments.
Their constant data collection and spying on of all people they can reach; collecting literally hundreds of pages on every single person and using this information in vile ways.
Their horrid laws which prevent you from doing basic things like building on your own fucking land and protecting yourself from intruders.
Their molestation of children.
Their assassination of potentially dangerous people who aren't kosher.
Their prison system which is solely designed to keep as many people behind bars as possible.
Their appraisal of races they know are inferior to whites and even themselves solely to try and outbreed races that are more likely to revolt.
Their constant Marxist propaganda that spans the entire globe.

I'm not even scratching the surface, I have nothing but a white hot fucking hatred for Jews.
Everything wrong in this world can be traced back to some fucking kike who wants either power or money.
This isn't a race of people, it's a race of soulless, money-hungry bastards who want to rule the world with an iron fist and will do anything they can to achieve it.


For those truly interested in this, Israel Shamir (Jew convert to Russian Orthodoxy & Assange's main contact for wikileaks in Russia) has a new article with an interesting premise: put a wage ceiling on all Jews to control their greed. Article also makes an interesting point that I'd never really consider: America was already Jewed at the start of the Industrial Revolution and is essentially built on a Jewish model and to cater to their parasitic nature. I'd never seen this quote from Marx before:

"Karl Marx wrote that “in North America, the practical domination of Judaism over the Christian world has achieved as its unambiguous and normal expression”. He said that all Yankees are Jews, behave like Jews, aspire to be Jews and even are circumcised like Jews. So it is natural that real Jews succeed better in being Jews than their Gentile neighbours. Werner Sombart added that Jews were prominent from the very dawn of America and they created American-style capitalism the way that fits them. The Jews are prominent now because America is custom-built for Jews to fit and suit them, he said.

In terms of subversion from the left, would most of their Golems in the Us not support a wage ceiling for Jews? I know, "muh constitution," but those documents weren't designed with the Jew in mind since life in North America was still hard and required independence. Realistically, after a revolution and the formation of a new government, could something like this work?

*fug, posted page 2x rather than the archive:

some will say this is simply communism in other form, but I don't think so. The driving forces behind both communism and capitalism were Jews. National Socialism worked in Germany from 1933-1939 because it gave the German people a true ideal to strive for as a folk, a people. This model might be more appropriate to the few nations left in Europe, like Iceland and Hungary who have a relatively homogenous population.

If there is one thing you don't inherently realize as good -

Reminder that it's mostly minority groups behind bars for drug crimes. however with the ongoing leniency of the prison system this will change soon, at least in America

I was amazed too. The young reporter started talking to me with his boss right behind him. When i told him I was a socialist and a nationalist, the boss (he was wearing doc martins, so I doubt they were fbi or anything) whispered something in his ear and he spent 15 minutes picking my brain about my political beliefs


This Trump election really fucked up their overton window, and they coped by making anti sematism a right wing thing (in the past it was considered more lefty to be for the poor Palestinians). Now we can LARP as leftists and they really can't say shit without looking like idiots. All because they made it so Nazi = conservative even though the original 'nazi that got punched' Richard Spencer is as far from a socialist as you can be,

Remember 2 things user: Pride Comes before the Fall, and Jews have a ~2,500 year history of pathological behavior where they push their programs too far too fast, and they end up with a bullet in the back of their head and then thrown into a pit.

I'm convinced beyond any doubt we're now in the Weimar phase in the US and much of Europe. Whether we will be saved as the Germans were or go into full Judeo-Bolshevism has yet to be seen.

They have not won completely. Not yet. If they do, you'll see them knockdown the Dome of the Rock and rebuild their temple, which many Jews are actively planning for and this will only get stronger as the Askenazis aren't having kids there, only the Haredim are. The internal struggles within Jewry was shown nicely last week with the Talmud/Torah Jews fighting with the others over having to be drafted. It was bizarre to see Jews hit with a water cannon, as over here the swine even have their own little Jew police force to protect them from niggers in places like Crown Heights, Brooklyn and in Atlanta.

Have been reading a lot on Ezra Pound, who absolutely despised them and (correctly) saw them as the cause of both WWs. Look into the life of Ezra Pound user and you will find a fellow traveler who felt just as you do.

These fucking pictures seem almost surreal. Never in a million years in ZOG could police do this to Jews for any reason. These fucking Orthodox are the worst vermin earth, and the ones who do work sell diamonds (which one of their tribesmen bought and gave them a essentially a monopoly for all time) or fur coats. Dressed in those fucking black suits even in summer. the only group I'm aware of that gets to use marked police vehicles just for themselves.

God, I dream about a life outside Jewish occupation. My dream used to be Iceland, but the crash of 2008 ruined that and now Iceland is getting millions of tourists, along with a lot of dark trash to do the menial work. And thus the only real pure race in Europe, pure for a thousand years as a mixture of Celtic and Nordic genes– is disappearing.

No Holla Forums, we aren't going to save you from yourselves. Fuck off.

Arabs have potential, but niggers only care about nigger things.

The MAGA movement was artificial too. You're dumb as fuck if you think that only one side of the hegelian dialectic is fake, while the other is real.

Perhaps and certainty arguable, but this thread isn't really centered around the American right is it? I'm sure you noticed though.

I was responding to a specific post that implied that Leftwing movements are fake, while Rightwing movements are real. Don't pretend that I was derailing.

Where in that post and its following ones you referenced did it mention the right wing?
Putting words in your own mouth

The jew has been making itself a comfy place in the far-right since decades, shaping the entire narrative and ideology from within (with the help of traitors like Guillaume Faye). I don't even fully understand how EVERY SINGLE far-right leader is a shabbos goy cuck at this point… Or maybe I do : antisemitism is still bad PR because kikes don't allah ouakbar people in the street ; they operate in secrecy.
Anyway, naming the jew by attacking Israel is much, much easier, we shouldn't let trotskites have the exclusive ownership of that toy.

The Jew controls every outlet of the system. If you actually believe going to "the left" will help, then you're still just a purple pilled normie. They own the Democratic party just as much as they own the Republican one. The difference is, at least the basic theory behind Conservatism is founded on the truth and is something we agree with. Nothing Democrats have stood for in the last hundred and fifty years has been in our better interests.

Suggesting we flee a position and use Jew-style lies and cleverness to pose as something else is foolish and proven in the past to be ineffective. Such things have been done before, and they always result in the pretenders being forced to loudly signal about how much they hate white people or love Jews, but they still never get into power, because they don't signal those things enough. Richard Spencer is a great example of this. All his pro-Zionist rhetoric in the name of white nationalism falls completely flat: he's not utterly anti-white, so it's wasted effort on the powers that be to suck up to Jews, but by sucking up to the Jews, he sets himself against the far-right zeitgeist and loses our favor and support. Thus does he find himself alone and under fire from all sides.

The correct solution to the problem at hand is to engage in a multi-pronged attack. Some of us should infiltrate the Republican party, others should form overt trad worker or NS youth political groups, and still others should pose as liberals on social media and attack Israel while LARPing as the left. The conjoined establishment of overt Bolsheviks and the "losing with dignity" cuckold Trotskiests that enable them is already starting to collapse. Creating pressure from all sides and refusing to relent is the way to bring the foundation down.

Fortunately, this is all already happening, because we are a leaderless zeitgeist of like-minded individuals with different opinions on the best course of action, and not soldiers in some kind of force that is directed and moved about through central decision making. We are already doing exactly what we should be doing, and the fact that OP ended his post with the claim that we should all abandon traditional ideals and morals like they are a simple suit of clothes to be discarded or changed out, and instead join ranks with Communists, shows him for the fool and shill that he is. He understands nothing, and neither do you for defending him.

Best thread on the board right now. This book is essential, it's written by a Jew who was on the ground and can act as a primary source for much of what he reports on in the book, and he even played both sides during his reporting to get even deeper into their hypocrisy. It's almost unassailable, which is why its buried so hard. The author also does speaking tours on US college campuses where he is completely ignored and sent to the darkest, smallest corners of campus to give his talks. When they're afraid to even shame you, you know it's an effective attack.

Bullshit. Trump's election is proof that the Right is currently the only real opposition to the Jews.

Best way would be to find ways to cause divisions in the left and have it be perpetrated by Jews or Jewish accounts/personas.

Then signal boost all anti-Israel sentiments, while signal boosting all leftist anti-sentiment from being jokingly serious to deadly serious and ever present.

This has to happen with the de-judaization of Christianity, the resurgence of National Socialism and Fascism, and a rejection of ALL philo-semitic right wing branches.

Holla Forums has done well to do this. The Alt-Right (Not Spencer's Globalist Welfare State, Self-Masturbatory Dugin Fever Dream) has done well to do this thanks to Anglin's giving the fuck you to potential Buckleys like RamZPaul or Vox Day.

Oh boy
Who said to get the left to "help" on their own discord? The theme has been to direct, steer and divert them. Use their momentum to go after Isreal instead of the west. Let the system work harder to suppress their once useful idiots. Making isreal a topic at the dinner table will utterly fuck them.
Do you suggest to just leave them be? Do you have some sort of accountability of the anti jewish "resources" where we cannot spare time towards this vector whatsoever? Its a great approach imo.
They own the establishment not its followers hence why this thread exists.
It can start somewhere
The truth is the only weapon needed. There are no lies here. Israel is a racist apartheid state (who cares but the left does) with jewish only settlements in the west bank built on top of forcefully bulldozed Palestinian villages.
Isreal does in fact bulldoze Palestinian villages to build racial jewish only colonies on top of these ethnically cleansed villages.
Fact: The entire planet through the United Nations condemns isreals settlements and the only reason nothing comes of it is because the US alone vetoing anything anti isreal.
Isreal in fact does indiscriminately terror bomb civilians with its US tax funded munitions.

So i reiterate, how does exposing the liberal left to the cold hard truths and facts about what the establishment democratic party supports and hides from its base harm white nationalism in anyway? It only pisses off the zionist kikes who do want this to go public, (kikes who worry about the 3 billion in US tax gibs to isreal).
When has this ever been done before? This is the trailblazing of new paths and uses the truth.
Isreal is not a white nation but a jewish one, why imply that it is white? What white people did in the past is irrelevant. Today white people are the most compassionate people in human history (in all of it and whites alone) on earth and it is the jewish nation of isreal who actively violates the values of the left hence why the left should be exposed to the truth of it.
Those are allot of words you are putting in OP's mouth.

"After studying this, I don't think the Jew can ever be defeated from the American Right, since as Trump's administration has shown, the neo-cohens are too strong. but coming around their flank from the left, they are vulnerable."
I read that a new attack vector should be used. Nothing about abandoning traditional values or joining jewish communism. I think the truth is the only weapon needed when exposing isreal to the left, the Streisand affect with bring them naturally to the JQ.

Filtered right there, Holla Forums. You faggots always out yourselves when it comes to Jews.

I like this plan!

Convince commies it's edgy and green to make your own food or to buy less popular, non-kiked, food. Point out REAL health problems and bad ingredients with kiked brands and give them alternatives and recipes.

Some of them hate kikes.

I was responding to a defeatist tone the muh "jews are all encompassing and powerful, give up goy its usless"
But whatever you TRS fronting kike

nice posts, I appreciate your thoughts! Don't get bummed out by the idiots posting tumblr gifs or just kvetching for percieved defeatism or whatever the fuck bugged them when they read it. We must think "big" like a certain someone once put it, and focus on grand strategy, and not on the antics of merely one battle. Undermining a controlled group will just lead to us chasing ghosts, because even if we do manage to have success, they just disappear and a clone with a new name emerges, like you described.

Like, this approach of going against the big groups isn't wrong per say, it's instead just very shortsighted, you could almost say we're getting lead by a bait, and once we bite, they'll have us just chase another one. Turning the bait on them will take much longer, but will be the most effective way to keep turning the tide to our favor.

That's fucking fantastic then. If your thesis were correct, all we would have to do to destroy any leftist movement/group would be to get them to turn against Israel. If your thesis is wrong, then OP's plan is good on its own merits. It's a win win.

I fully support this idea as the only possible outcomes are either mass opposition to Israel, or mass destruction of leftist movements/groups.

Getting this guy on the Joe Rogan Podcast would be a good start, he's viewed as relatively neutral by the left.

Make it fashionable. Che shirt levels.
Conflate it with Rastafarianism. Dudeweedbro. Palestinian Flag, but Haile Selassie-Ethiopian Lion in the center.

Fake but convincing tattoos.

Rainbows over the Israeli Flag, "God Loves

Unironic praise of dick cutting as turbo-dyke
Unironic criticism as baby-hazing infants into the Rabbinic patriarchy; argue for X other less irredentistic sect

But just Judaism and Religion of Cuck™

Get them to out-chosen each other harder, faster. Sephards against Ashkenazim against Mishnas ect. Caste system is already coalescing there. Counter to kibbutzy-commie ethos.

Turbo-Ghetto shaming, imperialism angle on settlments; Bibi clique as 'NeoCon' theocrats trying to bring literal end times about (Embassy move from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem)

Crypto-chosens unironically praised for massacres; or reviled from a kosher religious/marxist angle.

The 1% is __ . Capitalism is __ . per
To hold office in ancient Athens, you were required to pay dickloads toward public works; any meaningful taxing of the top 1-5% so some of their ill begotten shekels are reinvested in the society (rather than the to the other half of their dual citizenships) hurts them where it counts

Less consumption, less turbo-singularity inertia for the usery engine; traditional living (kibbutz goes here) – all that hipster shit pulls money away from ZOG; push Chomsky on them, reflexive anti-war stance does the same, regardless of the rationalization for the stance.


>want to not call them out on that and instead just say they're privileged, strengthening a (((leftist))) term

Just state that whenever someone suffers from capitalism that there's a jew somewhere along the lines.

Also, fractional reserve banking being one of the greastest evils.

Genital mutilation, too.

You know, everything.

They wouldnt even need brown shirts

Not a bad plan in all honesty, maybe get a hashtag going? Maybe relate it how how muh white people stole the native americans land? #GiveItBack