I was genuinely expecting this series to be some sort of silver lining for this cesspool of degeneracy...

I was genuinely expecting this series to be some sort of silver lining for this cesspool of degeneracy. The character has a very cool backstory and might have been a good counterpoint to all the pozfest in (((Soros' backed Netflix))).

It isn't.

You goys ready for (((The Punisher)))?

>His paternal grandfather was musician and producer Murray Bernthal.[3] He has two brothers, Nicholas and Thomas.[4] His family is (((Jewish))).

Remember that Thomas Jane did a great job in 2004, and both (((producers))) were at least reasonably sane to not let one of (((them))) as the main character.

Other urls found in this thread:


who fucking cares, go play some videogames.

To me netflix is at least based enough to openly keep gooks out if media that was hilarious to me that they didn't get sued to shit over that. But yeah, kike nepotism. What are you gonna do? One step at a time.

Making one of my own right now. Next week's gonna be huge.

i know that you are the 1st post bot, but at least make an effort


get back to work sam you lazy fuck

Only got enough money to go so far in development, but there's a playable demo ready. It's due to be in Kikestarter on Monday. You'll notice the heavy historical underline, no-wizards-fireballs-and-dragons approach. If you care about European history, especially those not very widespread inbetween Roman-Medieval times, you'll enjoy it.

make a thread when you lunch it so we all can see it

At least The Tick was funny. Fucking Amazon is less pozzed than Netflix and they offer cloud computing services to CIAniggers.

It's nice to know there are others here doing gamedev. Keep it up, user, and I will too.

He looks like the spitting image of

What was this about?

He was in the walking dead and fury, he always plays the "tough guy" so its not surprisingly they put him in that role.

Get off the electric jew and go outside and meet people.

I was genuinely expecting Hollywood kikery to be anything but.

There are way worse things out there

How do any of you have time to watch a damn television show about super faggots in tight clothes fisting each other? How is uncovering the truth about the world and beyond not occupying your every waking moment? I can't imagine that I'll ever be so satisfied with the amount of knowledge I've attained that I could ever again sit down and consume this trivial slop after becoming aware of how interesting, and consequential the real world is.

Not everyone has had their healthy dose of redpills.

Regardless of the actor, Shane was a better character than Rick, and would have been a better leader in the long run. Sure, he was flawed, but he was the kind of person who could make hard decisions without wavering or second guessing himself. Show went massively downhill once that story-arc ended. Sage because off-topic.

Also: don't expect anything good to come from Netflix. You are only setting yourself up for disappointment.

The curly hair and giant nose didn't give it away? I knew that shit when that kike was on the walking jew.

I don't understand why anyone would have netflix here after dear white people.

Should be a little footer to the Netflix logo.
Because anyone white who still had it, is, indeed, a blithering retard.


You're a complete idiot. Smarten the fuck up.

The Hollywood jews have always hated the classic characters that are the complete opposite of those personalities that resemble the jewish nature (i.e. the underdog, the reject turning into savior, etc.). Lots of times they add these characters in by accident or hoping to present to the audience the opposite of what is intended. George R.R. Martin did this with Stannis Baratheon. The ruthless, reluctant, anti-hero who was the only one willing to save the kingdom out of duty not because of selfishness, greed, or being power hungry. He absolutely hated the character and was bothered that fans loved the character.

Just recently Marvel finally destroyed Wolverines character by "softening" him up, intentionally admitted, by making him some cuck baby daddy who then sacrifices himself for the little shit. The Punisher has always been loved by fans and hated by others since the very beginning. Of course they're going to try and kike up his character to reign him in. When you understand the jew is trying to white wash everything into their image then it makes sense. They start with the easier ones first and then go full on with the most impossible one without anyone thinking twice. Many just chalking it up to a interesting take on the character and nothing more. No, it's intentionally destroying the character who happens to often times represent the Aryan personality, features, duality, and mind. If the jew hates something it's because it reminds of his biologically programmed enemy, Aryans.

You can be The Punisher IRL and protect the sovereign nation of Good Hope.

That's because you've been Red Pilled. I watch garbage and then stop watching it because the pozz is so apparent so quickly.

Shane dies in the first couple chapters of the superior comic, Carl kills him. The show is utter shit.

You idiot.

This post is correct.

turn off all electronics in your home, except for cellphone for basic communication. avoid netflix, youtube, electronic games, all forms of electronic entertainment. you'll see how much those things act like drugs, like an addiction. do something productive or fun with your spare time that doesn't use electricity.

Guess what also act like drugs: alcohol, caffeine. Men drunk alcohol for millenia. Coffee keeps you awake when your body wants you to shut down. Do you also want men to stop drinking alcohol/coffee?

I don't. It is exactly like you said; something addictive that can hurt you. But in moderation, it can do wondrous things. It is no wonder alcohol is a 'social lubricant', and having a couple beers with friends is a way of bonding and socializing. Coffee keeps you going for some extra hours until you crash. Gets you focused when needed. In excess, those two things are dangerous.

It's no exception for everything you mentioned. If it wasn't for YT, I'd never watch TGSNT, the Europa series or several other nationalistic stuff. Good electronic games taught me about history, gave me good reflexes and decision-making, and also expanded my creativity for activities. Netflix gave me a step-up in cable when I just want to check on a movie or something. And no one is supposed to quit being productive over these things.

If you DO are being enslaved by those things, the blame is on you and your lack of willpower. The good part is, mild exposure gives you resistance. Cut yourself off completely, and the pathogens can destroy you.

Braindead "logic" like this is very typical from addicts.

okay, then get off the computer.
And you pretend to be a self improvement guru.
You're sick.

fight back on all fronts
you motherfuckers

please dont inject it with d&c shit


Nigger it's this kind of sony cinematic focused shit that's why video games suck these days

Go have your """discussion""" of time-wasting jew propaganda elsewhere, dipshit.

Agreed, vidya is the one way we can strike back in the entertainment world without having multi-million dollar budgets.

this is true. At least for a month or two, everyone should try nothing more stimulating then nature and books. It really helps in opening your eyes. if your social environment is nothing but normies, that alone is enough to leave you pretty brainwashed, but that's a hard sell to convince people to cut out extraneous social contact for even a week or two

yes, at least on occasion. I drink both regularly, but if you don't take time off you'll never know if you're self-medicating or if you might feel or think better without. At least with chemicals, we have many generations to become adapted. That is not the case with hollywood or tv or vidya or even radio.

netflix gave people access to a few rare oldies, until they change what they have, but then taught people to 'binge', stupefying themselves with garbage. Caring about fictional characters with no outstanding characteristics. And getting constant practice at 'suspension of disbelief.' Which means they have no problem believing anything if they want to.

which is the majority of whites. Now that you've blamed them, how do you propose to fix them without getting them to unplug?

i'm taking steps to go off grid indefinitely, user. in a few months, i'll say farewell to you shitlords forever. you'll be talking about establishing a homeland for whites while i'll be making my own little piece of it. i'm old enough and experienced enough to know i won't regret the choice.

i agree. the difference between a medicine and a poison is the dosage. i'm not handing down a mandate. you do what's right for you. i'm just putting it out there in case anons don't realize that electronics mimic drug addictions.

hey user, got an email? I got a few posts on homesteading and building and farming? I'm also friends with the Herbal Wizard.

I'm gonna watch it so fuck your opinion.

i do, but i'm not putting it on Holla Forums

tox then? Or wire?

>reading (((comics)))

i have no idea what those are. i'm not a very social person, user. do you have a link for your homesteading posts?

I'll just post them to pastebin: pastebin.com/r67TDRuB

looks like good stuff, user. you might like this video re: harvesting rain water. he goes off topic a lot, but it's loaded with info. apparently the aussies never stopped collecting rainwater and still remember how it's done properly.

Here's a thread on a new system of watering >>>/tok/1261
and there is another way to water plants efficently.

he may be a kike but he had some sick ink in Shot Caller. they gave him ϟϟ bolts tatted from a bunch of skulls. he also dies violently.

Here's an idea for people that have existing growing beds: Put containers with gravel at the bottom and dig them in. (Provided your growing bed is high enough for that). You can even add pipes to fill them, but I just buried them and let them fill up passively. Any overflow will simply trickle down into the ground. It's a crude method and not as effective as shown in this video, but it works. :) In other beds I've buried a large amount of wood. Sticks, branches, logs and filled that up with soil. The wood retains a lot of water and while it's decomposing it provides nutrition for compost worms for a long time. I believe this method is called Hugelkultur, with the difference of applying it to a growing bed..



You better stop breathing the oxygen jew then.

eat shit faggot

like the skinheads in real-life