ALIPAC has discovered a new (((amnesty))) bill slipping into Congress: the proposed Succeed Act

ALIPAC has discovered a new (((amnesty))) bill slipping into Congress: the proposed Succeed Act.

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And of course its Senate republicans pushing it. There really is only one way for this bullshit to stop.

Also OP you're a fucking nigger learn how to post.

Bump. Requesting sticky. Get this to halfchan and those useful idiots over at the_Donald.

Bump to slide the tranny porn thread.


these traitors have to be removed from their offices - absolutely.

what a (((coincidence)))?

Amnesty is treason. Breaking immigration law and aiding invasion should warrant a charge of treason followed by execution.

If this shit passes and the white men here do nothing, I'm going to lose my cool. Fuck this gay earth.

Traitors hang first.



Democracy was a mistake.

haven't you been paying attention?


Make sure to put whatever info and redpill pics you have on a mass spam account to send to every normie you can.You know, after you climb the tower>>10665757


What? They wouldn't upboat this?

Better start waxing your board, a big wave is coming.
Climb the tower. Kek. That Texan did it right.

big shocker that congress wants to let the invasive force stay.

when 'the don' changed his mind about daca and started talking about fairness for those great immigrants, it's not their fault they got brought here, t_D lapped it up. And then they shilled here

You know what to do. Call your representatives and tell everyone else to do the same.'

you know how lefties on plebbit refer to the_donald sub?

Actually nvm u seem legit. My mistake

It isn't hard. Campaigning against the republicans for doing things that their constituents believe only democrats would push for is how you keep them out of office permanently.

The republicans make it so easy these days. The normalfags who keep voting them in are doing it on blind faith and aren't even aware that they're voting in traitors. All someone has to do is show them how successful their guy has been and how their record in congress matches a democrat.

you're living in fairytale land. The senate has proven themselves unanimously against us and for the jews recently. My own two senators are some of the most rightwing and have been in congress for more than a decade.

There is no voting our way out of this, despite us giving it one hell of a shot these last few years. There is no 'redpilling' most of the plebs. We get a few, but even more only go part way and end up like the_Donald or Kekistanis or alt-kike/lite/right/etc. I don't mean I know a magic strategy for winning, but this isn't it and 'just show them the voting record' has been tried since the 50s and hasn't worked.

Double trips confirm. Rev___ is the only solution. Although I think that has always been understood by the initiated.

Trump pls fuck them,
fuck them right in the pussy

These faggots didn't even give the bill
we'll have to wait to find out what's in it, but the title sure sounds like amnesty

No fuck waiting (dont forget TPP and finding out whats in it only after it passes bs), get trumps attention and have him bring fire and brimstone at the republicuck traitors. He's already sending people to boycott the NFL as well as pushing support for certain candidates, ruin the reps and keep it in the memory of voters so they'll hopefully lose their seats. The more cucks begin to lose their positions for cucking out, the closer we get to a white ethnostate. Not a single amnesty bill or provision can pass.

Be honest. There's never been a concerted effort to smear these zogbots with their own track record. You also didn't understand by what I meant when dealing with plebs. You don't have to redpill them to get them to keep the zogbot republicans out, you simply enlighten them on how their elected representatives have been constantly voting democrat and crafting what would otherwise be seen as "democrat" legislation. The normalfags voting for these zogbots will essentially ban them for life because they will finally see how they're constantly betrayed.

You say you don't know what will work, but then why is this so hard to understand? Normalfags put blind faith in the republican label and assume they get "republican" results. They don't. That's all we have to do is show how they're constantly betrayed by their representatives. We already have tons of OC made for other reasons that show this. It's a redpill in its own right but it's also an op to put the pressure on the zogbots and get them banned. Their own track records will kill their political career. They don't count on resistance for this specific reason: that if people had their track record handy come election time, that would kill their political career forever.

Don't take the blackpill on this when you yourself admit you don't have a better plan. That's simply defeatism. We ran against every major opponent in the last presidential election. Why wouldn't we be able to have an impact on the congressional election? What's stopping us? That it might not work? Normalfags are waking up to the fake news and this somehow means they won't wake up to fake representatives? Come on, it's so easy.

How the Hell do you "slip" a law?

How the hell do you "slip" a signature?


Stop looking into it, goy.

I meant we don't know details yet, a factual statement, not that they aren't trying to fuck us and wreck america
this is exactly the type of thing Trump started pushing for.
manufactured distraction
not going to happen, especially in senate. at most we could get one or two in the house in the way the (subverted) tea party did.

the history of failure of the right wing is to show people evidence and tell people we need better congressman to fix it. Then you get someone new in, he votes better for a term or two to get more power, and then he turns into the same ones we have now. SenateAnon was probably fake, but his point of everyone being blackmailed or bought off is correct.

I said "I don't mean I know a magic strategy for winning"
my point is there are no guarantees of success, but there are proven paths to failure.
this is exactly what campaign pamphlets and ads consist of, and in the end, it's who is the better propagandist, who plays dirtier, who has more money. Not facts.

Don't take the whitepill or whatever gay trs meme and pretend your tactics work because you want them to and double down


I'm not saying don't tell people that they vote against whites, against america, for the jews. I do. But it's not near enough, and it doesn't do anything to stop what they are doing NOW.

Votes better for a term or two?
Look at the tea party cadre. Almost all of them immediately were lackeys to the leadership.

Even in your own scenario you admit it will succeed even if it just buys us time.

Did we not essentually run Trump's online campaign?

By the same token user, don't be a hypocrite and pretend something won't work because - oh wait the only explanation there is that you're a defeatist. What other plan do you propose then? I've illustrated in great detail how simple and easy a plan like this is and how it's backed by our proven effect on things. The media fears our influence. What plans do you have to offer?

Amusing. Now you go type in all caps as if that changes your real tone. You want to make it sound like I'm betting it all on this or any election when the problem still remains that our countries are at the mercy of (((democracy))). By all means user, help us discover a way to bypass democracy. Maybe take the FBIposters advice and actually bomb a federal building or whatever sting they want you to fall for. And hey, I'm an optimist so maybe you might succeed and get away with it. You have to believe in yourself. Or you can keep posting how things are ineffectual and that's really helpful. Nothing works so why do anything, I get it. Just come out and say it already. You already do at this point.

I agree on that last part but that's a totally moot point. That's like saying we can't stop something because we can't immediately stop something. This is again just plain old defeatism. Did ZOG hatch their schemes overnight? Did the jewish merchant wring his hands all day in his shop in ancient babylon? No. The jews didn't take over overnight. They made plans. Plans take time. This is painfully obvious.

The next thing to address is you saying it is "not near enough," which is again just plain old defeatism. Even if we have a minimal effect, or half of the zogbots still get back re-elected, that's half of their strength gone.

Better yet, the most optimal but realistic outcome in this is that nearly all of them get ousted in the election and that means the ZOG agents have to scramble to blackmail them all the new ones. Do you know how hard it will be to blackmail dozens of politicians and how much room for error that leaves? They will be stretched thin. Some will see it coming. We can catch CIAniggers in the act. This simple plan is so potent that it opens up new possibilities.

But look at how utterly defeated you are inside when you can't see a solid opportunity where in every scenario we stll effect the overall outcome. If you're not a defeatist shill you might as well be one. When useful idiots are made there's also useful defeatists. You prove it.

I'm seeing that we're Whittling away and that we're steadily becoming the thing to pander to.

I was thinking of my own representatives, one cucked for the main local lobby for years but was otherwise closer to ron paul. As soon as he got where he wanted, he proved himself a traitor. Another one had a manufactured controversey over sexism and got beat by a scumbag RINO (who got support from Trump)

I started to reply point by point, but the further I read, the more you sounded like a disingenuous kike.

If I was a disingenuous kike I would be agreeing with everything you said previously and feeding the defeatist tone you're spreading. If you're butthurt that I exposed all of that, you only have yourself to blame. Either way you surrender by default since you provided no rebuttal.

I was being open about my views.You put words in my mouth, misrepresenting me, and you were repeatedly telling me what I really think. Hence disingenuous.

I'm here to exchange ideas and information to ensure our racial survival, not 'winning' debates. I don't think you're arguing in good faith, so I don't care to rebut any of it.

Double trips confirmed.

I never misrepresented what you said. You are right when you say you were open about them which is why you were exposed as a defeatist.

Oh so that's why you're trying to steer people away from action.
Now that you are exposed your recourse is to go meta and misconstrue context from there. Very common tactic to mitigate a loss.

Looks like amnesty, sounds like amnesty, it's amnesty. This is going to be redpilling season on conservatives. It's one thing for them to cuck out on healthcare but to propose the next big amnesty bill? There isn't a single shred of plausible deniability. Cuckservatives will defend this.

I'm surprised that we don't already do this. I've had a similar idea in the past that in order to stifle the re-election process of RINOs, we have to campaign against them the same way that we redpill normies on ordinary topics. Moments like these are perfect in a way. Redpilling normies requires a slow burn to start the fire and make it rise. That's the way we should be handling happenings like these. By the time it's confirmed what this bill is, we should be ready to spread the word around on normie hangout sites and twitter. By the time the congressional elections come around, it should already be household knowledge that RINOs are literal traitors.

Under rated post. Kek blesses you with double trips on reminding us, you must redouble your efforts to prepare for what comes. Get fit, study strategy and logistics, get fit, memorize as much knowledge as possible, get fit, learn your main weapon platforms, get fit, organize a small team if possible, get fit, prepare yourself mentally to dehumanize yourself and face to bloodshed, get fit, practice being charismatic since we need men whom can lead.

From our ranks must come the future leaders of this world. Nothing else will save our peoples, our race, our species. Most of us need to be competing to be the best leader and warriors possible, and refrain from letting your ego grow beyond reality if we begin to win. Stay humble and keep the fires of righteous rage burning. Each of us will bring different and valuable qualities to the fight, we must remember when we meet each other to combine and focus our efforts rather than getting bogged down in an pissing match which will lead to infighting and conflict while we wage our war against our true enemies. We must be prepared to purge anyone in leadership not of us, but embrace our initiated brothers and let their qualities light our path. Get fit you fat fucks. This fight is for more than ourselves.

What's up with all that tasty looking food in the OP?


He always posts those.

It's a poor GET tbh. Too pessimistic.

What's stopping people from running for office? If we're already fit and aren't social retards why aren't we voting literal ourguys in?

So, what liberal shithole did you crawl out of? Generally curious since it is clear you are not from around here, but are an cuck.


That's a very broad baseless accusation user. Just because I disagree with you on that GET shouldn't prompt such a response. But now that you already made your move you make me wonder if you are what you're implying and projecting that onto me. To start off, your filename and its dimensions are ripped from the batman wiki. This is hilarious since anyone who is truly initiated has unix timecodes in their filenames and posts OC. I could continue picking your post apart but the next major thing that arouses suspicion is that I asked a genuine question that came from quoting your own suggestion. Instead your reply is your accusation. That's a very strange occurrence in posting behavior.

Did you just blow your cover too early? I give you a 3/10 for effort.

confirmed, we are running out of "boxes"

Trump said no chain migration. Schumer and the dems can't give up chain migration.

I was very confused because I thought it said AIPAC

He's trying to get the thread reviewed on Report of the Week.

Same. I'm surprised I've never heard of them. The WHOIS states the site was registered in 2004. It seems to be completely owned and operated by one guy named William Gheen. I've just now looked at all of this so I'm not sure what to expect but he seems to be an interesting character so far.

He has his own news site which looks very simplified like drudgereport.

Then he has a personal website where he explains why wikipedia does not have an article about him and it's because they're open borders which is obligatory. Pic related

ALIPAC has a whitelist of sorts for congressman who fit ALIPAC's view on immigration.

And then there's his bio page which shows his work history.

If anyone has heard of this guy or any of his affiliations, it might help to know if he's legit or not.

Stop with the food I just started a fast it's fucking killing me.

This is some top tier autism, I'll tip my hat for that but your first post I wont agree with. The system must burn.

Am I still banned?

Never mind.

Nigger, why are you making me hungry, I'm trying to NOT be a fatfuck here.

Of course Kek agrees, but also of course our methods are not voting. We are programming at a higher level. Perhaps an analogy will help here?
Organizing to vote in local precincts = programming in C
Redpilling your family & local friends = C++
Organizing your local meme bureaus and reaching millions on multiple social media platforms = python

I am sure user can help extend the allegory, but I hope you agree that we are not simply voting our way out, yet voting IS part of the solution ;] Rememeber, Rememeber the 5th of Octemeber.

yea, still showing how new you are, you really don't get us do you? Stick around, it gets more interesting.

As to your genuine question, we have proven that voting does not work. Belief in the system supports cuckoldry and hero worship which eventually devolves into apathy and helplessness in such people whom hold it as an valid outlet of change. Maybe you are just young and have not learned. Or maybe you are just stupid and cannot comprehend something easily proven. Or maybe you are a coward and choose to believe in this bullshit ass voting system so as to avoid conflict. Or you are a faggot shill with your 'arouses suspicion' shit trying to muddy the waters of common acceptance (tho honestly not total) of the reality we face.

Any which way. Trump is the final nail in the coffin of this corrupt system. It is a matter of what is the final hammer blow which cements the path and timing we take on our path. No matter what the fuck you are, legitimate autistic faggot or some ignorant invader, enjoy the ride kid. And remember. Your here forever.

Nice digits there mate, also a great post, thank you for this. Haven't read down the rest of the thread yet, but 1b986c is obviously a massive faggot with a tremendously gaped asshole. I'm a lurkanon, but sometimes the projection as they lash out and strike you is just ridiculous you have to thank a nigger and say something. Never bothered to really learn the details and intricacies for any of the other right-aligned online communities, but I think I finally understand the TRS kike thing.


All good things must come to an end. Bless you my brothers. Good luck in the war to come.

Yes, Project RINO needs to happen!

Can we pick a top 5 to start targeting?

FBI faggot.

You are a boot-licking faggot and an obvious defeatist. Not only is it not time to give up hope, we're actually in a better position than we have been in decades. We have a nationalist in the White House, no one likes the media, and everyone sees the current government is a sham.

The only real option is obvious:

Why not make an online list of politicans and their crimes against the American people?

Pick a few of the worst offenders, have a weekly thread on them here or something?

How about a weekly aftermath thread.

What level of chess are we even on?

Oh you paranoid little faggot. Did you ever consider that I'm just a genuinely pissed off burger? Anyone who thinks change will be enacted via the ballot box is a reddit tier retard or hopelessly optimistic. Victory will only be attained through life or death struggle this time. The men of today's struggle don't have the luxury Uncle Addie did of not having to fight against his own legacy or that of other pro white leaders. Nor the level of brainwashing seen in the general populace today.

Well Trump may be a Kike lover but this is arguably a better situation then if we got Hillary. The left would have seen a Hillary election as justification for outright full blown white genocide. At least Trump needs to LARP as a right winger. So voting does serves a purpose and that purpose is to hold off the inevitable, a bit more time to prepare and organize. But if someone is thinking that brief reprieve will last forever or that voting will solve the problem then its obviously only fooling oneself.

Good enough for me. It would also help with choosing who to vote for in my state.

Tfw stopped getting black-pilled at all these traitors, and started feeling nothing but pure hate.

Why are beaners Christians in such great numbers?

It's also arguably worse that he got elected. People get riled up, think they've succeeded, then go back to sleep. Even the media's hatred of him is helpful, because it portrays him as a good guy fighting against entrenched interests rather than the guy that's slowly selling us out.

Controlled op is a bitch to fight. At least with Hillary it would be open season, especially when people are certain of her criminal nature.

I hope yesterday's primary result in Alabama will make Republican senators think twice about supporting this crap. Even though Trump backed Strange, his "base" got rid of Strange. The Trump Team no longer needs Trump's approval all the time.

Have you seen the surveillance they put on Trump and many others? Maybe that survellance was on you and me too, or it could be.

If Hillary were in, things would go smooth for her. They would just take out the opposition. We came "this close" to losing everything permanently.

They are Catholics. And the Catholics give them everything here in the USA, it's a constant trend of take from the whites, give to the beaners and Muslims. When it slows down, Pope Frances steps in to speed it back up.


How easy it is to simply make some infographics and show that Orrin is as good as a democrat by creating and endorsing this bill.

That (((two-party system))) sure is great, isn't it goyim?

Most of the RINOs are in the Senate, where most bills and repeals die. The House has it's own issues to but it's actually less of a problem then the Senate.

Always the same strategy. Again and again and again until they finally get their way.

This shit is such a joke.
These republicucks are just aching to sell this country down the river.

These people are traitors in service to foreign powers.


Amnesty also means just to be done with everything they did for decades and just allow them to stay without any caveats whatsoever. I never saw somebody on any part of the spectrum propose that instead of an amnesty you can "buy" let's say 10 years of probation to stay. After application, you are legalized, but only with proper documentation (where you're from etc.) but it also means if you would go to prison in those 10 years, you're out, deported and banned. Amnesty really is outrageous and means all those social impacts they did for the last decades will remain and be expanded, bigger electorate, chaos etc.
Probation to stay would break a lot of "business" schemes. And 10 years is a fucking long time if one is sub-IQ tier.

Some people itt need to go listen to WLP on the subject of voting and politicians to understand where many of us come from on this topic, instead of fighting about 'defeatism.'

OP you got my attention - I thought Jews were gonna ban beef. But fuck that noise too; where do I go to oppose the Jew in this nonsense?

instant 'redneck revolt'

Only one solution.
Nobody wants to be the first penguin off the ice slope though, so the only way it will happen is after the killer whale flips it.

nice post FBI

Redpill me on how to stop the government from using these and hacking my computer.

define these?

Nuke fucking Commiefornia

Fuck Commiefornia. Fuck Commiefornia and all its commie shit. Fucking commie beaner state, even the ZOGbots are beaners. That's right, you will get fucking killed if you're white in shitty, brown Commiefornia. You're going to be a stinky beaner or else, user.

It takes a thousand lone wolves to push national socialism.

ignore the onionbaby


Is anything I said false?

That lobster really looks like a bug damn. Just thinking of eating a huge woodlouse makes me sick. I hate seafood

is anything you said true?

Don't be delusional, Hillary would of started WW3 by now if she won

Yeah no, you'd never do a better job yourself with that level of antagonism against you. And people are not a cult of personality surrounding Trump, Luther Strange losing to Roy Moore should make this obvious.

The lobster with the steak looks like the only appetizing picture there. What the fuck is that other shit? Those sandwiches look legitimately fucking disgusting. OP is a fag for posting useless pictures of food for attention click bait.

>screencapped fucking google


apparently niggerball is more important than amnesty


Fuck off.

Im sorry user that sucks