So is this now officially the newest anti-trump virtue-signalling meme? How much further will they take this?
The X-Files Stars #TaketheKnee
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The same guys who had a neo nazi informant in the 90s seasons?
Top Kek is the cuckneel the trendy new virtue signal?
I can understand mentally retarded niggerball players not getting that kneeling is the act of submission but now these fucking idiots too?
I guess they're proud cucks?
Is this a new meme?
Easily countered.
Kojima is excited that real life is turning out like his Japanese animes. I hope someone in the department of defense starts pumping Trump with nanomachines soon.
The kikes are afraid of whites waking up (still a work in progress). They're playing their last cards. In this case, it's the entire entertainment industry (pro sports, pedowood) going all out. I don't know if there's really bad goyim in NASCAR or if they just recognize going against whites is suicide.
That is a brilliant meme but I wouldn't spoil the virtue signalling just yet. Let it spill over into the schools and churches, let it pile up on the street, in the end they will beg us to save them.
who gives a fuck. we all know where (((hollywood))) stands. it'll all be forgotten by next month.
He's working with this guy as well
What is kneeling even supposed to represent to these cucks?
Something must be done about westaboos.
Kojima is a massive cuck. He does everything his bossy wife wants.
didn't even know that
Not Del Toro…. fucking hell.
This is damage control!
The kikes are trying to dilute the "take a knee" meme to mean kneeling in any context to oppose Trump. The actual context of the meme is a nigger refusing to pledge allegiance to America.
Normalfags don't give a shit about generic kneeling. They only get offended by niggers saying "Fuck America". The jews know that, they know the kneeling meme will wake up millions of white Americans, so they're trying to neuter the meme to make it as inoffensive as possible before the situation grows beyond their control.
Potential memetic counterattacks:
Easy mode: Ignore it. Continue to push the nigger sports players into the public conscious. Meme this faster than the media jews can countermeme.
Hard mode: Get niggers to call them out on counter-memeing to dilute the nigger knee meme. Get niggers to tell these media jews to stop "whitewashing" their nigger meme.
I dont get it,
Do they all support black lives matter now?
Or are they all kneeling before God Emperor?
It's either kneeling because they dont support the NA,
Or they are kneeling for Trump
This is win fucking win
At least when they kneel it'll make it easier shopping them into porn scenes.
How could a beaner whose name means "of the bull" not be a cuck?
a nigger shot up a church over this shit and all we get is kneelers
They're trying to turn it into an anti-Trump thing, rather than an anti-America BLM thing. They know that if common Americans are asked to choose between niggers and America, they'll choose niggers.
Making it an anti-Trump meme is a limited hangout. It will make Trump supporters upset, but it will make them upset at specific media personalities rather than niggers in general. They're attempting to prevent a mass awakening.
Should photoshop a giant Trump holding his dick on their mouths
> They know that if common Americans are asked to choose between niggers and America, they'll choose America
Is obviously what I meant to type.
No, collect as many photos of these kneeling faggots as possible and shoop them all into the same image kneeling to one of those emperor Trump pics.
We have memed too far again. TOO FAR.
Seriously? I fucking liked your work del Toro. Why'd you have to cuck out?
to the altar
might as well
The tv was on earlier in the background, that is basically all I heard.
Still waiting on the 18 remaining episodes for season 10.
Best outcome.
I don't get this shit, but wouldn't it be better to get people to admit the obvious, that this is about niggers, and not reinforce the meme that it's about trump?
They got him. They MKULTRA'd him. He got too close to the truth with his games and the fight with Konami during MGSV was the last straw, it broke him.
Can someone explain what this is about? What are they supposed to be kneeling for?
Colbert will likely do a show where he kneels the entire time.
So… they're protesting Trump by… literally bending the knee.
Wow. We need to meme that shit; they're bending the knee to Trump and capitulating.
He's quite an experienced kneeler considering the amounts of dicks he sucks on a daily basis.
Danaerys Targaryan
Remember kids, being a westaboo is just as bad as weeaboo.
Their careers are deader now than they were before. Fuck those kikes.
Is the network that airs x files connected with NFL?
Their kneeling fulfills the get that Trump will become emperor
Gillian Anderson isn't even hot anymore and her tits were a huge disappointment to begin with. Nobody cares about these people. Polite sage.
I'd smash
life imitates art
She really that fat?
Never would have expected this.
A Jew and a dyke. Meh.
What? The lady in that fantasy days of our lives series? That doesn't make any sense. Is this user pulling my leg?
The overpaid monkeys meme is going mainstream among the normies. "It's not about Trump, it's about acknowledging the sacrifices made by those who served to give us our freedom; fuck the NFL and privledged meatheads for being egoistic and edgy."
He'll be plenty disappointed when and if (((Hollywood))) pozzes his stories should he ever decide to get involved in movie directing. Could you imagine what they would have done to a patriots movie or something about big boss and his army army nation? They would turn it into some retarded zeitgeist that chases puppets and proxies, not the real problem.
This kneeling thing is stupid, and here's why.
Kneeling as an action symbolizes submission.
People knelt before royalty, knelt before bishops etc. It's an action that represents respect, and says 'you are great, and I am not worthy'. That's why when I first saw those
niggers kneeling it was jarring. It actually seemed like they were being more respectful
towards the anthem, or kneeling before their
owner on the plantation. It was jarring.
The action and the intended meaning simply didn't and don't work smoothly together.
At first I couldn't understand why.
I then realized the subconscious reason,
as I said, kneeling is an act of submission,
so trying to make kneeling into an
act of defiance is utterly supid. Kneeling
as a protest against Trump can't work,
because as I said people used to kneel in front
of Kings and Emperors as a sign of submission. A person kneeling just looks submissive and just looks like they are
honouring the president.
Only fucking niggers could have thought
up something so stupid.
Pffft degenerate filth and she won an award for sucking cocks. Literally no joke.
Remember user. To leftists, weakness is strength.
Never interrupt your enemy when they're making a mistake.
Also fix your unnecessary line breaks. Even if you're phone-posting you should not have this problem.
This reminds me of pic related. They revel in submission, and humiliation. And what's the more popular kind of humor for commies and leftists? Making fun of their laziness, their weaknesses, and be proud of it in the process, but never trying to fix them.
That's just the way some people are, they get their kicks on being weak and dominated
I mean, when you see how much the leftists lost recently, you'd have to be a masochist to remain one
Kojima is a westaboo who worships Hollywood. He'll be overjoyed to see Hollywood pozz his creations up.
Kojima is an unwitting prophet.
I wish NHL players would kneel for the Canadian anthem to protest mass immigration…
Meme it.
Ha ha, after spending most of the 90s making conspiracy and UFO research look cool to people? Now why did they do that, anyway? Were they hoping people would get stuck on some Illuminati bullshit and not notice the jews?
This sums up all of modernity and the "progress" in society in the last 500 years.
But the real
why do you
write like this?
It took them a few days to roll in to action, but the smarter kikes higher up the chain finally managed to work out how catastrophic Trump's latest attack was. Now they're doing their best to scrub it from the public consciousness, I just checked Jewgle news and the story is buried right down at the very bottom of the page. It's really too late though, they didn't react in time and couldn't stop the niggers from giving everyone that strong visual image of groups of 'based' niggers disrespecting the flag. Yesterday the circus part of the bread and circuses was mortally wounded.
If I had to hazard a guess, the thing that finally got the kikes spooked were all the videos of white men getting angry and burning things that made them angry. Setting things on fire in general does something within the white man, it changes his core mindset.
The inference is that they're kneeling before a greater power and ideal, in the case of BLM that would be the subversive influence of Soros and kike manipulation in general, so this is the Sign of the Cuck which was long foretold and the worship of the Beast.
Any way to co opt this and turn it into the new "planking" ?
The universe works in mysterious ways.
blessed digits
Fox maybe? That's what the X files were on, and yes it's very much associated with the NFL. Also this week saw ratings drop for that specific channel the most iirc.
How does he do it? How does he manage to put a loaded gun in his enemy's hands and convince them to blow their own brains out? A one minute aside in an hour long speech has caused every virtue-signaling leftist to perform such bad optics in the front of the entire world. Even the complacent Boomer crowd is finally taking a stand against these dolts.
You're right, kneeling is subservient. We need them all to do black power fists instead. That would really wake whitey up.
This is all true. You type in bend the knee, google defines it just as you have while showing pictures of them doing so. They're submitting. Still not watching anymore cuckball though.
what are you talking about, dudes always been a weeaboo cuck
I want to see this continue on further before spoiling their fun. They can't help but look fucking stupid, but hey, it's libs.
Seriously why would actors from a tv show do this?
Also, there must be a name and explanation for this mass psychosis that is happening right now, the way everyone is tripping over themselves who will virtue signal harder and faster against Trump. Daddy issues or ravenous desire for validation from fellow npc's.
Washed up celebs cant help but virtue signal to get recognized again.
Gee, I wonder why… It's like a new season of their show is coming, and they want to use a current trend to market their shit
Because that worked out so well for Cisbusters.
but all they are doing is alienating themselves from millions of people for no reason. Never have we seen this level of cuckoldery. They are such cucks, their feel good virtue signalling is more important than their career as a whole. They basically blacked themselves with this nigger meme and will never truely recover. Its not like when we RWDS the left, we will just forget, and even if that somehow never happens, they cant magically make themselves MORE popular as a scifi show by cucking to nigger bullshit. Liberals already watched sci fi and niggers dont. They are just losing fans from the right only. This is so fucking stupid of them.
remember, shoop dicks on their mouths, they are kneeling down to suck the emperor's cock.
That's probably the point user. We're pretty far into this little shitshow now and the juden couldn't care less about ratings. In fact the ratings slump could be blamed on evil racist Trump voters etc
Sad but not surprising really. We've been over scully and moldy s various sjw antics over the years. Let them kneel and show fealty.
bonus level the only thing x files got correct in the newest season is how the Haunebu craft cloaks and turns clear
gas em all
i remember Scully being one of my first crushes when i was a kid, now look at the monster that replaced that lovey woman, what a shame.
the last season was complete shit btw, i couldn't even finish it
I don't like the way you write but you have a point.
Can we confirm who started this stupid idea and why the hell did he thought it made any sense?
When I wanted to make clear I didn't like something, instead of sitting down or kneeling I just showed my back.
It started as a BLM thing, refusing to honor the flag of a nation that is systematically slaughtering niggers in the streetsI wish. So it was already retarded before it got co-opted into more retarded by being in defiance of Trump personally.
Let's hinge our virtue signalling resistance around a physical motion that for all of humanity has signalled the submission of one man to another.
Let's face it Holla Forums, they are finally bending the knee to us.
I was thinking the same thing. It makes no sense why people would be doing this. What is there gameplan, end goal? What do they think they are doing? Trying to start a civil war?
Is this the real meme that is being pushed. It does seem like a common denominator in everything they do
Is Football Jewish???
I'm a History major, and because I have an interest in history, I look at a lot of old pictures from America and old films. When I look back at old snapshots from the 1900's, all I see is people playing baseball or field hockey. I only see football promoted in Jewish comedy's, like the Marx Brothers, where it's depicted as a "college thing." And we all know Jews infiltrated American colleges by the 20's or 30's at least. It isn't after WWII, with post war America, where everyone want to make white babies and watch TV, does Football, and Superbowls, outside of college sports, become "a thing." Yet every big city had major league baseball teams since the 1900's, but football seems to be post war as a national league game.
It's also a sport that requires little skill unlike hockey or baseball, that require slightly more. In football, all you need is size and to run back and forth and catch, even niggerball (basketball) requires more skill, and not much more. It's the most unsportsman of the sports, yet is portrayed as some kind of replacement for Roman gladiators, when in reality it's just a bunch of fat overpaid nogs running back and forth.
Did the Jews do this???
I really don't care about sports, but I'm curious as a historian. It seems to come out of Jewish run state colleges and Ivy League Jewish run colleges.
This is outright one of the lamest things I've ever seen. Good god the left is ridiculous.
Arguing over the postmodern colonial implications of bread and circuses is the new bread and circuses.
It should be "kneel before". Right now it says they essentially kneel for the sake of Trump or on his behalf, which makes little sense.
Reminder that they’re both kikes.
Are you fucking retarded? Do you know NOTHING about hollywood?
Yep. This is the new virtuesignal that sorts out the Cucks from the sane people. Remember them all.
Yes obviously. Just take a few photos of you and your friends kneeling in silly and hard to reach places, and post them with related hashtags.
#taketheknee now refers to taking yourself, and your knee, somewhere weird and taking a selfie. The counter memes are all too easy. We sit on this for like a week or two. Start generating OC now, flood mid October.
I still don't understand when this normie ball shit is suppose to happen. From what I think I understand, there are smaller normie ball games and then there are going to be big finalist normie ball match?
funny enough jews are mostly pretending to be pale. They're also wrinkly inhuman faggots with some white admixture. You guys should turn it back on them.
Rugby was all over Europe at that time, and in 1924 at the summer olympics at Paris there was a huge drama involving French and American rugby players.
Quote from kikepedia :
Since then Rugby had been dropped off the Olympics
So my guess is they tried to make rugby more appealing and less *dangerous* and the American Football began trending over there. That's just my guess, user.
sage for off-topic
Football is a jewish plot to give strong white men brain damage.
Never interrupt an enemy in the midst of making a mistake OP.
Are.. are you srs? This sodomite is flaming about it friend.
Why the fuck are you smug about that?
>>>Holla Forums
This pisses me off more than anything that these cuckolds have ever done in the name of virtue signalling. Pink pussy hats, #notmypresident, #kony2012, all of those other liberal fads. None hold a candle to how much this infuriates me.
Literally kneeling in reverence for billionaire negroes who rape white women with impunity. On top of that, you choose this deliberately over honoring your own country's history.
I'm one with these cucks. I'm over trying to save them. I don't want them alive anymore. Any white cunt who is emasculated enough to grovel like a worm in the comfort of modernity doesn't deserve to live. His genes are absolutely, irredeemably, inferior.
Them kneeling is hysterical. What’s next name your god and bleed the freak to protest trump?
They're actually knealing on behalf of all of the blacks/shitskins who died at the hands of whites
muh slavery
muh jim crow
muh colonialism
muh polis brutality
muh black struggle
The fact that whites are doing it is contemptuous.
but I liked the X-Files
why do you gotta do this
Welcome. You may have finally seen the path of light but do not get cozy there are many deeper red pills to find. Tea and pastries are in the back.
Was it their plan to destroy everything I once loved including the distractions upon which I once relied? Why would they take even the bread and circus? Surely they hunger for war and they will get it.
I have the greatest idea (patent pending), we use the green 3d frog who magically appears the proced a recieve a fellatio from the knee cunts
all artist are welcome, need animation and meme coloring
we need this shit for yesterday so don't care much about quality but simplicity
No they aren’t. They are kneeling as a form of protest but in doing so they are admitting they they lack the agency and power to accomplish anything without yt’s approval.
Because the kikes can not help but shoot themselves in the foot and cause a shoah. Did you plan on posting that at exactly 1488 o’clock? The kikes ensure their own destruction and repeating integers cause national socialism to grow.
You fucking what.
And basically all of that was actually done by kikes. Everything from chattel slavery to making niggers into a race of fatherless drug mules. Colonialism is the only exception, and even there the now starving niggers in Africa have started to admit that they were better off under white rule.
Their propaganda is failing, so they're going all in on it. They care more about maintaining control over culture than keeping the circuses running. Even more than making a profit, although I guess "profits" don't really mean much when you're in charge of printing money.
Yes, protesting the national anthem, protesting the United States' history.
Why? Because the US' history is full of racist old white men who weren't nice to shitskins.
Instead of paying respect to the US, they pay respect to it's "victims", aka shitskins. Ask any random shitskin what the knealing represents and he will tell you exactly what I just did. Shitskins and cucks are a nation apart from us. They worship the history of the shitskin, and the god of equality. We may share the same landmass as them, but they are living in a different nation.
kek, never seen that dubsman before. pure gold lad.
I have no control over digits, time or otherwise, I am but a humble vessel.
I watched the originla X Files series back in the 90s and watched the first episodes of the reboot last year. COMPLETE TRASH, fuck them.
doesn't he make a lot of that kind of movies where humans "are the real monsters"?
are you surprised?
It had a few good moments.
This further solidifies my decision not to buy the X-Files box set and torrent it instead.
If we're able to successfully jape them into inadvertantly admitting defeat as a form of defiance, what else can we do to make them shoot their feet off?
Next the A-Team will come out of retirement and punch nazis.
That’s what I thought this was all about before I got all the context
They kneel to trump asking him to fix “systemic” racism
Can you post last image in the Qtddtot thread? Pls
What a worthless fucking pussy.
I guess it figures. The fascist Spaniards in Pan's Labyrinth were presented as the bad guys after all. That's one more movie that I can't enjoy anymore.
And that's one more TV series that I can't enjoy anymore. Fuck.
God damn kikes are so ugly. It really is like putting on the They Live glasses.
But after they’ve made the mistake, we use it
Proud of humiliated defeat
They are all kneeled down because they're all blowing each other
Not a surprise.
Tomokazu Fukushima was behind mgs2 story. Kojima is a hack.
I love how the left is so stupid they don't get this.
They're like a disgusting parody of what humans should look like.
I fucking love it. Kneeling at my feet in surrender.
Just edit these kneeling tweets with the people making them hailing Trump and making a pact of loyalty to him. See how much libshits get asshurt about it.
How can any one say, there is no such thing as actually Skaven. Flithy fucking creatures, they all need to go in the oven.
Of course he uses pale instead of white, in Mexico the paler your skin the higher up the social ladder you reside, like in practically every country. Del Toro was always a cuck, from displaying the communist nun killers sympathetically in Pan's Labyrinth, to, like the big fat nerd he is, trying to divorce Lovecraft's racialism from the Cthulhu Mythos in many of his movies.
Go figure this nerd presents a likable and sympathetic villain in Hellboy 2, who is white (or PALE) and a man, and has gang of freaks and weirdos kill him. Of course like most nerds he made the villain very sympathetic and may have been unaware of the strongly traditionalist message that that movie actually contained within it.
It's great they kneel before white America.
In other universes they are known as Ferengi.
(((David Duchovny)))
(((The establishment))) is desperate. They can smell their deaths, and the sound they'll make rattling their cages will serve as a warning to the lemmings.
There is no end to this madness called Cultural Marxism
The left is trying to be "2deep4u" by kneeling for the same reasons the Nietzschean slave does: he is strong because of his subservience, submission, and reluctant adherence to duty.
Clearly, not only is it gay as fuck, but it's wrong as well. Nietzschean morality is grievously misattributed to mean whatever the fuck you want it to mean, nowadays.
inb4 its racist not to kneel LOL
or codeword
Yeah, it's funny that the Elven villains are actually the complete antithesis of the garden variety Hollywood Nazis the comics have. Sending a completely mixed message there, del Toro.
If anything, you'd cheer for Prince Nuada to fuck modern civilization up.
"You will find I am kind, unlike the cruel President Trump who demanded that you stand, I require only that you kneel."
Take a knee = nigger
Just shop all these fags kneeling to trump
think grander
Race Traitors Kneel
Wrong you nigger. Skaven are better than jews. Dont insult skaven.
this is a seriously good idea. should be a view from behind trump sitting on a throne (or maybe looking out a window at trump tower) and as far as you can see is all these cucks kneeling in submission.
either needs a thought bubble saying something about "perfect" or "excellent" or it should have a title that mentions submission
if it got spread enough they would knock that shit off so fast your head would spin
t. GTA3 chatterbox radio
I have always hated sports. Chasing balls is for dogs, people ought to have better things to do. What's worse is sports enthusiasts don't even want to chase the ball themselves. They want to sit and watch someone else chase the ball. I have never understood why sports has such a grip on so many people.