Digging around on twitter, I came across a number of le'anonymous accounts planning to hack a bunch of right wing sites...

Digging around on twitter, I came across a number of le'anonymous accounts planning to hack a bunch of right wing sites, accounts, and dox people.



They use the hashtags DayOfTheDox, LvlSec, and OpDomesticTerrorism frequently.
Twit accounts Lvl7Security, (their alt account is LvlSec), 0xFL0W, frogfinding, oo0Sn3rp0oo, NFAgov are some of the main ones. They even post about who their targets are and what they're doing.
Just throwing this out there for better anons than I to dig into.

Other urls found in this thread:


tfw I've never heard of some of these websites and am checking them out now.

This is probably going to derail a little bit but I'm not making a new thread for this. Has anyone else noticed the overwhelming amount of commies in tech?

I found these while looking for a new email address.
They are straight up run by communists and run "private" e-mail and other communication services. I'm sure there are more if I keep looking.

They're just larping faggots looking for attention. Any random dumbass 12 year old can create a twitter account claiming to be "anonymous", it doesn't mean anything. Stop giving them the attention they're after.

Missed the first post, rabbi?

there are all new accounts

Whoa look at that, turns I'm I'm the infamous Anonymous! You can tell it's true because I'm namefagging with "Anonymous" in the name and only real legit Anonymous hackers can do that.

Better watch out man, I'm coming to get you! Oh wait, no I'm not. My comprehensive list of priority targets doesn't include Holla Forums because I'm so fucking clueless I probably googled "kkk websites" to make that list.

not at all, and I work in tech.

Outside of the lowest positions (very basic technical support) its pretty much no liberals.

For the most part, its a PR stunt to high horse (pretend to be liberal) and also a lot of liberals are all about labels and since nerdy is currently fashionable, they love to larp as tech nerds.

A lot of them are anarcho communists. Peek at 0ch.org/bash when it's up. They have an /Invasion/ style board with a lot of techies. There's also an onion out there. I think it got taken down, but it'll probably be back up.


Riseup.net is a email list service for commies and degenerates, and I'm damn certain Teacher's unions in Canada, and was used to co-ordinate OWS actions across a large Geographic area.

Say that to Portland, Denver, Seattle… pretty much the entire west coast for that matter. Companies like Google, Intel, IBM, they move their offices around with the specific intent of shifting voting and pozzing a region.

Hmm, so maybe taking down RiseUp should be a priority to disrupt commie networks?

also true

This thread is interesting nonetheless so no sage for me


autistici.org is an italian antifa hacker collective

Rotate E by 270° and put a cyka rune on top.

This faggot has been involved in several hacks on nationalist websites.

would be a great idea, fuck riseup, it would disorganize the fuck out of them, set them back a year if it could be kept down

its a core communication tool for BLM and antfaga

Those retarded lolcow goons are pretending to be Anonymous again, I see…

These people deserve death. At least they gave me some new sites to browse. Are they actually a threat whatsoever?

Alright, fuck riseup then.

kek for real, that shit is dead anyway. remember anti-sec? barret was an fbi fag
fucking nigs larping on twitter, as usual.

I like his faggy eyes and his haircut, resembles a bit the wehrmacht style haircut you see these days but just a little bit longer to match his eyes.
Aligns with his methods.

Bunch of fag fed posers. It never has been the same after lulzsec went bust because of a mentally ill tranny subhuman.

Story for that?

I don't know where you work but all the people I knew who took CS and ended up liberal as fuck. the actual engineers I went to school with are overwhelmingly conservative The entire tech industry is pozzed as they decided to setup shop outside of san fran and the san fran culture has crept in. Bill Maher and John Oliver are their gods. It didn't used to be this way but silicon valley has followed the rest of cali from being a red state to a commie state.

Dunno, but i assume their subconsciousness gets primed in a certain way for them to function.
Like that pavlov pyramid, that is why the brain isnt complicated but complex, it takes in the information all around you.
That is why i like to look into their eyes.

Anonymous was a mistake.

t. All the original sites and people that gave rise to it's inception.

It's really annoying that this anonymous meme keeps getting revived by shitlibs and pebbitors. These idiots will will attack sites like the Fag Anglin's Thai Fuck Shack, but will be completely oblivious of the fact that people like jew were some of the most influential figures of Occupy and the whole lenonymoose scene that just moved on from those movements after they didn't get anywhere. It's a shame really because it's just a total waste of what was a good general meme.

There was some spic involved in Anonymous back in the day called SABU. He went on form Lulz Security (lulzsec) and quickly became infamous for a hacking a number websites. When he was eventually caught and v& by the FBI, he quickly defected and began working with them to dox other Anonymous members. The part where it gets very interesting is that SABU defected to the FBI on June 8th and then started promoting Occupy Wall Street in September, Occupy was controlled opposition all along and they were all being taken for a ride by literal FBI Agents. It just show that Holla Forums was right when they say that Leftist protest movements never will never lead to real change, it's all just a distraction to bait useful idiots.

As for the tranny thing, idk.

Look up Wesley "Laurelai" Bailey.

Occupy was also promoted by Adbusters, who are deeply involved with the social engineering industry and the foundations that support them (e.g. Ford, Carnegie, MacArthur).

I would lock up this shit for half a decade if you asked me, and i wonder why they let this thing in? Like a fucking meat puppet, playing satans descent with this shit apple (which should be red) pretending to be in a box.
Doesnt really speak in their favour.

And the occupy shit doesnt have any meta levels, to speak in their shitspeak. A bunch of primed monkies that circle themselves with that cyka rune, something that is in them.

Why can't 1 person just vuln scan all these sites?

The only peers i like is the pears of holly.

This. Hipsters LARP as programmers for whatever reason. There are no such thing as female programmers either. They simply do not exist in the real world.

This is now a FUCK RISEUP thread

It looks like they have some neat tools. This reminds me of myself as a teen lurking Holla Forums at the time when Anonymous was invented. Of course that old meme is ruined now.

I'm bored. Tell me more about this riseup meme you want me to destroy.

Looks like the risebulb servers are in Seattle, can someone confirm?

Looks like they have their own ANS (16652) with IP ranges 198.252.153.XXX.