BREAKING:Footage of #US Troops fighting along side of #ISIS #DAESH in #Syria #AlRai using Toyota Trucks & #Merkava #Israel|i tanks #Terror
What the... what the fuck? WHAT THE FUCK? CIA ISIS
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G GUYS?!?!
Never get caught sitting on confiscated enemy hardware. Oh what a feeling it will be when you are used as sub par lefty meme attempts.
that footage doesn't show any fighting, faggot. it's just video of a military parade with some shitskin filming from his cellphone and giving sherka derpa commentary
How'd they fuck up like this? Or is it a false flag by Russians to make the US look worse, sure we usually support ISIS but not overtly while wearing US uniforms.
Why the fuck are they in technicals?! explain that
i don't keep up with middle eastern war shit, user. i don't even know what a technical is. are you the same faggot who posted that retarded "russia caught the usa siding with isis and these shitty low-res satellite images prove it"?
This month Zog put a US military base in Israel. Coincidence?
I thought the video was bullshit until I saw the Israeli tanks
Technical is those pickup trucks with rear mounted 50 Cal guns
Bump and reported for being an obvious kike shill.
Don’t tell shills anything.
Are you surprised? Isis is juden and ZOGbots serve the jew
He's throwing up a fucking Shaka brah
ISIS are too fucking primitive to operate tanks
oh, okay user
What the fuck did I just watch.
What the fuck, those actually are Merkavas
Zogbots fighting for Israel
Old desert pattern. Virtually everywhere. There are even ISIS pictured in ACUs. All of these were aquired from Iraqi stores. After the Iraqi army fled, equipment the US provided for Iraq fell in ISIS hands. This has obviously been memory-holed.
You either fell for the psych ops, or you are willingly pushing it.The line: "We do not accept American troops fighting for ourside" gives it away. This is a weak demoralization attempt.
Why are you trying so hard in pointing out the shaka? I believe you don't think this "evidence" can't stand on its own.
I don't know (((who))) operates Merkavas.
The Jew tanks are surprising though
Its a well known fact the U.S and Israel both are with ISIS.
Shut it down
look at the helmets you donkey
After further research its old footage of US and Turkish special forces
low effort attempt at discrediting it, shill
M-60 Sabras or Merkavas have never been captured by ISIS and this doesn't look like transporting captured equipment since nothing is damaged and troops are manning weapons
Wow, you really are a massive faggot
That example had much more hard evidence
Its American special forces from a few years ago
>I don't know (((who))) operates Merkavas.
Its Turkish M-60 Sabras actually, which look nearly identical due to being upgraded by the Israelis using armor developed for the Merkava
Tweets of the video have been deleted
exactly, proving how utter shit this thread is
good find
fakenews delete this thread mods
Thanks for giving a source and some information. OP is a fag.
this, a plane air dropped bottles of water for isis in southern syria a few weeks ago. who the fuck even does that?
Not Merkava, M-60s upgraded by (((them))) for the Turks. It's called the Sabra and it cost the roaches more than Leo 2A4s. Apparently the roaches upgraded, on their own, their Leos to an A6 standard.
The shills are already here to discredit the proof and Twitter Jews deleted the original post.
Go to hell you kikes. The Kurds and you will both be gassed soon enough.
Even if you occupy the oil fields colluding with ISIS, the Syrians and Russians will win them back from you and kill anyone who stands in their way.
It's only a matter of time.
It's not fair that their blood be shed and you rush to seize the oil.
We will kill all of you Jews I swear to God.
For reference.
For reference. Fuck you flood detection/server
I know
Video related
There are shills that try to discredit anything that makes the US look bad like but this is just a case of a mistaken or retarded Twitter user and OP not doing more research
Bump and inb4 this thread gets fucked by shills and goons.
Same user here to check these dubs. Kek is here.
Yeah, and?
Well, this video is shit quality, but some of those "US" troops look white.
Conclusion: Who fucking knows? The video is shit quality, there is nothing else besides this video. Although this is possible, the evidence presented here is shaky.
What about the tank?
Fuck off you stupid nigger this shit is over a year old.
Shitty clips from:
Second twatter vid.
Fuck off the original twatter post is still there nigger.
other video of shitskins snackbarring
Stupid fucking lazy OP
This. That is not a current US military uniform at all.
Because the video is from at least 2015
Stryker brigade and ranger deployment to prop up cianigger puppets vs a russian backed offensive in march of this year.
thread bumplocked, yet i was the kike shill…
sure thing, moshie