/sg/ Syria General - undefeated edition


youtu.be/ixtct4wYH-8 (Afghanistan)





Developments Sep25
SAA crosses Euphrates from new liberated area, captures Al-Nashid town from IS
Russia denies bombing US-backed forces
RU MOD:US special ops equipment seen on aerial images of IS positions, N DeZ

Other urls found in this thread:


checking in




Arabic video of a single Kurd voting over and over



Checking in for the Kurdish holocoster



Iraqi special forces heading towards Kirkuk (main oil field in Kurdish territory)

ISOF and the Iraqi golden division are actually pretty competent

Kirkuk is also where the Kurdniggerss got sent to the Topzawa concentration camp, expect severe Kurd butthurt both for losing the oil fields and symbolic reasons

Nice digits
They better get the whole army mobilized ASAP before (((Liberation Armies))) spring up fully equipped, though knowing of the times they already have something installed for (((peacekeeping))).

I'm going to bed now. When I wake up, Iraq better have already declared war on Kurds and made some nice gains

Stay comfy, user
Hopefully, i would expect for a Iraqi military buildup to continue for a few days though at least

Report: Syrian air-defenses shot down unidentified target in Southwest of the country.




Probably a UAV/drone most likely


Filthy kurds.


They should have taught the filthy muds to speak english instead.

how autistic are you?

Well it'd be good if they could read the messages on the bombs.



copypasta from leftypol beta version of /sg/


kurdish warfare is literally

you do realise that the US and other NATO cuck countries created, armed and funded terrorists and didnt do shit with their fag airforces except hit some uninportant desert huts and then lie that they destroyed some "key ISIS facilites"

lurk for a few years before posting newfag

I'm just happy that arabs (and jews too with the mossad kikes getting blown up in that bunker, thanks Russia!) are dying.

The more dead arabs and jews the better tbh

Russian airstrike on Faylaq al-Sham HQ that supposedly killed ~45 fighters

Its a pro-Kurd faggot who got his fee-fees hurt about Arabs

Where get in on that sweet jihad cash?? Is there a shelf company i join or something??

Its called AIPAC

It's just kampfy being butthurt

Fucking checked.

Sometimes I get sad about my life, but then I remember "at least I'm not kampfy" and I feel better immediately.

Trump Praised by Jewish Leaders on Syria Strike

Why Israelis are Happy about Trump's Missile Strike
w ww.jta.org/2017/04/07/news-opinion/politics/why-israelis-are-happy-about-trumps-missile-strike-and-why-they-should-be-wary

The Israeli Origins of Trump's Missile Strikes against Syria

Israeli Leaders offer Wall-to-Wall Praise for U.S. Strike on Syria
w ww.timesofisrael.com/netanyahu-praises-message-of-resolve-in-us-strike-on-syria/

Benjamin Netanyahu: I support Trump's Decision to bomb Syria
w ww.jpost.com/Israel-News/Benjamin-Netanyahu/Netanyahu-I-support-Trumps-decision-to-bomb-Syria-486406

Netanyahu doubles Down on Support for 'Moral' U.S. Strike on Syria
w ww.timesofisrael.com/netanyahu-doubles-down-on-support-for-moral-us-strike-on-syria/

Sunni Arab States and Israel welcome U.S. Strikes on Syria Air Base
w ww.ft.com/content/73f9aa8c-1b66-11e7-bcac-6d03d067f81f

Israeli Minister: Syria Strike repositioned America as Regional Leader
w ww.jta.org/2017/04/07/news-opinion/israel-middle-east/israeli-minister-syria-strike-repositioned-america-as-regional-leader

Pence tells Netanyahu: U.S. appreciates Israel's Support for Syria Strike
w ww.timesofisrael.com/us-thanks-israel-for-support-on-syria-strike-pence-tells-netanyahu/

Goodjob hypocritical commies Kurds, there goes your last shred of credibility.

are you also happy your dumbass burgers are dying for israel in some desert?

you might wanna save these friend

The Streisand Effect is real.

btw i always wanted to know how to make this look with ps, you got any manual?


4th side in DeZ


are you ready for
Scud Storm Saturday

I think you missed the best part, his internet tough-guy stance


Fuck off lazy cunt.




lol turkroaches are becoming stupid as the saudis and israelis


Actually right now they're being useful for once



Why nu/sg/ focuses so much on hating kurts when roaches are universal enemies?

go back to >>>Holla Forums
Kurds are the main threat to the stability of the Syrian government and communist faggots who deserve nothing but extermination
Israel/Jews are the ultimate and universal enemy, every other group can be dealt with later

Oh imkikey, trying a different approach now?
Death to the Kurds, death to their American masters



Comedy Gold

Can you please upload russianwarplanes.mp3?

Sorry, not familiar with it


Found the triggered kike/shitskin.

Lets play spot the jew.



Dead arabs make my day.

Weak bait, d&c shlomo
>>>Holla Forums garbage like you will always stand out as the kikes you are

Great contribution to the thread you filthy jew.

Cry more, shitskins.

Based kurds tbh



Fucking hell that tay sachs is getting to you.

This is how upset pro-(((US/Kurd))) Kikes get when their Yinon plan gets destroyed

Aaaand there it is.


You kikes are working over time today. How many threads do you have open right now?


>>>Holla Forums shills need more training
Also you need to update your script, its currently the Kurds whining about being bombed by Russia and Assad


Dead arabs lolol
You know how I know he's your cousin? All shitskins are related.
Incestuous goatfuckers! lolololoolololol



Your handlers need a performance review
Pic related, found your entire population (except those still missing in mass graves) :^)

Kurd genocide coming soon.



Pic related, 2015 before US and Russian intervention
Kurds lost nearly all territory and were getting massacred constantly before the US propped them up, Kurds are shit by literally every metric to compare them by
Kurds are a reverse midas, everything they touch turns to Shit

Crossing fingers for dead Kyrdish and Amer*can subhumans

New map of Euphrates crossing area

i just love the absurdity of these

I'm supposed to do a research essay for class and I chose Assad. This being an English class obviously requires sources for the paper and obviously not any old source will do. I need archives of rebel gassings, sharia law in FSA zones, Kurds bulldozing Assyrians, US troops on the ground, Israel's plan, everything because I haven't done much proper archiving.

i got some of these

You can find basically everything archived on the wordpress site
If you need any specific or more recent information just ask here, don't use the /sg/ site as a link for your sources in your essay though and it has links to original sources

Video unrelated

If you want links to Kurdish crimes against Assyrians, here are some, not all are specifically about Syria but several mention the SDF
The last link is a PDF specifically about Kurdish crimes against Assyrians in northern Syria, including forced deportation, murder, assassination and bomb plots
from aina.org/news/20160427141009.htm

Not Syria but major happening in Ukraine
An ammo storage depot deep in western Ukraine is burning

US once again helping ISIS and promoting cooperation between them and the Kurds

Again! They probably didn't improve their storage methods since the last depot went Vesuvius.

Video with English subtitles

Cowards on the run from DZ to SDF. Notice how the men hide their faces, notice the covered weapons on their hips, even some walking with AK's. Notice their women dressed in garbage bags. Notice the dog litter in amount of children, they truly breed like rats even though there are almost zero resources. Is it safe to say these are ISIS fighters throwing in the towel and now fleeing Syrian and Russian persecution?

These are nothing like the modern arabs i met when i vacationed at latakia.

someone post this to leftypol and their SDF general



Did he call ISIS Daesh? Because no one in ISIS would do that.

daesh is arabic for I. S. , as in Dawla Religion of Cuck™iya (Religion of Cuck™ic state, state of Religion of Cuck™).

whats up wih the retarded wordfilters?
who got his feelings hurt this time?

Imkikey, who else?

take a wild guess

Yes they do, go watch the original propaganda vid

Spoiler this shit.

You know they're ISIS fighters looking for a uniform change behind the trash bags.

Another shoah

top kek, it just keeps happening

Jesus christ.

Nah, it was just an accurate simulation of what would happen (again)

and nothing of value was lost



Not checked enough

well theres already a page for kurdistan on wiki since a world leftist revolution is fought by shitposting, so lets brainstorm something here.

is that the most likely outcome of the next 5 years and if so is it the best reasonably potential outcome?

Its possible but the best potential outcome would be no partition of Syria occurring and Assad simply retaking all territory while the US drops support for the SDF over time, and not too unlikely either

If Syria or Iraq is partitioned its basically confirmed already that they will go to war with the Kurds and a anti-Kurd union is basically happening already in real time


A large Wilayat Barakah (ISIS) raid on Kurdish positions occured today with lots of dead PKK troops, captured equipment, captured troops, and multiple executions and beheading


I've really got to wonder if these (((memri))) subs are even remotely accurate. Could just be jews lying.

I got more shekels than you can point a nose at that that was done so the us can have casus belli for deploying additional regiments

Memri is literally run by the mossad and the IDF.

That pic literally screams of the (((Collin))) type "how could you deny german efficiency" drivel. Not debunking, but blindly believing in it like some political cartoon character. Either it's a flatout jewish lie, like I feel most of the translations are, or you're looking at the mudslime equivalent of the skinheads.

Actually tells Arabs to believe in the Holohaux. Controlled OP confirmed.


ayy lmao

daily reminder

You white genocide-supporting ASS*dists need to fuck off from this board and go back to cuckchan or something. This is a white national socialist board, not a sandnigger hive blindly raging at the last white ethnonationalist society in the Middle East because it goes against the megalomaniac dreams of a power-hungry dictator that you look up to as a father substitute.


go back to leftycuck, fag, nobody thinks you're from here just because you added some Trump pics to your post.


Nobody thinks he's from here especially because of the Trump pics

Oh wow, looks like someone really hates it when this picture is posted!
It would be such a shame if it were to spread any further, so DEFINITELY DO NOT post this picture anywhere!

Oy vey, this post is not deleted already? imkikey must be too busy watching (((porn))) and spamming /sudo/ to do his "job"

top fucking kek





terrorists in jobar lock 50 captured SAA soldiers in buildings and blow them up


taking bets on casualties



Damn, Edrogan is huge, making Putin look like a manlet.
How much can we trust him? He hates Kurds so that's good, may not be too fond of Israel either.

He's a roach. He'll do a 180 the moment he thinks it advantageous.

I find it difficult to use the word "trust" with Turkroaches and it's safe to say the Syrian government will feel the same for years to come. Having said that, at the moment the Turkish role is fairly positive especially with the Astana talks and the position Turkey is taking with Iraq and Iran concerning the turds. I don't like to make predictions especially when it comes to this clusterfuck but if the Russian-Turkish relation keeps improving, it will be positive for Syria and very difficult to accept in DC/tel-aviv.

Now good news of the day with some Russian banter.

>“As we come closer to the rout of (((IS))) by the Syrian Army, supported by the Russian Air Force, we are suddenly discovering that all these years, somewhere behind our backs it was Michael Fallon who did more than anyone to help defeat the terrorists,” Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Major General Igor Konashenkov said in a statement.



How will bongs ever recover?

He's just 6 foot tall, Bashar towers over him

Does Russia have any S400 ready delivery?

Have the Kurds been genocided yet?

yes the monkey models


Konashenkov is a good provider of bantz.

The week a reports, by a Western NGO, gets out explaining by the menu how Ukraine (state enterprise) since the war is selling tons of weapons and ammo from eastern Europe (pretty much gifted to them by NATO to replace their losses against the rebellion) and sending them to place with UN embargo on (and probably ISIS)… all the Ukrainian ammo and weapon depots are blowing up by negligence (4 the same week).


Pure coincidence.
Remember: Ashkenazi Jews = Khazars = Ukrainians.
Same people different names.

Sup lads, i'm digging in the Hillary Clinton thread, i came across these two PDFs that almost fully describe Syrian destabilization efforts.

It shows equipment distribution to 'Idlib Council'. It shows radioshows who are complicit in regurgitating a 'revolution' message and so forth. I do not have the time to fully read it but will post it here for your interest.

Pass it along to relevant channels, might have some intel to hold some traitors responsible.






Found another, sorry for the spam but it's relevant!

And another proving Turkey trained hostiles.


(((NGO))) Syrian Emergency Task Force

Supplying winter clothing and blankets to terrorists.









Messages are slow within the /sg/, is demoralization or media silence kicking in? I've been trying to catch up most of the time, just took note of the massive ISIS quick-react attack ALLEGEDLY killing dozens of Syrian soldiers soldiers who were simply there to gaurd a frontline of mostly desert, these soldiers often haven't seen action in months.

The Tigers were sent to Idlib following their capture of Maadan in northern DZ. In Idlib a large scale HTS led campaign to take Hama suddenly broke out which might have been simply to buy time for the SDF. A ferocious Russian bombing campaign took effect for days within Idlib and only after Putin went to Turkey a peace deal was brokered. The Religion of Cuck™ists fighting Syria within the northern Hama region ended their allegiance to HTS in response to this betrayal of a seize fire agreement and are continueing to launch sporadic attacks.

The Tigers have now been moving back to Suknah which was partially captured by ISIS andwhere fighting against ISIS has been productive with plenty of images of dead ISIS fighters.

During a press conference Trump denounced support for Catalonia and Kurdistan independence referendums, (still no thread up about this?) confirming the creation of SDF is merely the next iteration of FSA/ISIS for the purpose of destabilization and proxy war.

Death to the jews
VICTORY TO Religion of Cuck™



mods banned hald the posters the last thread because thats about all they can do. other than that people who didnt get banned just keep on lurking and dont contribute alot of large quality posts.

and youre right, theres a lot to post and debate about. you even have fags from leftypol coming here shilling for kurds and israel.

IS is not a threat anymore. two or three major offensives is what they can still do, but thats it.
kurdistan will be a kosovo 2.0

and what trump or any other western cuck presidente sais is completely irrelevant. everyone knows that their word doesent mean shit.

also you shlould replace "S" with a "Z" in izlam, because youll get Religion of Cuck™ if you dont thanks to the autistic wordfilters on here.

just say isIam
wordfilters are fucking retarded

damn, how didnt i think of that!
thanks m8.
isIam isIam isIam no wordfilters for dis man

S*nni genocide when?

ıslam. ıslamic state of iraq and the levant. Fuck word filters.

it's getting fucking blatant. I assume Assad gave up on the oilfields near Deir and will instead try to grab the ones to the south. At least he has a bridgehead across euphrates when the time comes to eliminate kurds

Has news been slow or is Assad deliberately doing things in secret again?

News is slow and Imkikey has banned half of the persons who post.

What does it take to have 8ch owners to replace imkikey?
Seeing how Holla Forums is one of the most important and influential boards, they might be interested in replacing him if a large number of people show support in doing so.
Its evident that he shills for Jews and their interests.

Holla Forums is honeypot and a mould. (((They))) control the narrative and give us selected topics top discuss about.
Kikey is just taking care of that for the masonic Jim.
There almost no more old Holla Forums posters. It's all 4cuck now.
/sg/ is one of the rare ones where shills are instantly spotted since you need some actual knowledge to participate.

Is there any /sg/ board?
Also is anything happening right now in Syria that we do not know of? Too many coincidental religion of peace attacks.


There is an /sg/ but nobody uses it. I'd rather stay here tbh, despite the mods. We're more visible here.

Holy fuck I hate kampfy.
Why don't we just move to >>>/sg/?

Does anybody know who the board owner on /sg/ is?
Also i would say post in both

Idk, somebody can claim it for all I care.

I'd say make the next thread on there and see how it works out.

absolutely no.
the sg board is dead, noone posts there.
and if a parallel thread is created there it really undermines the hegemonity and credibility of this one, not to mention the problem of loop holes and everything you get with duplicate threads.

and if another migration of oldfags happens here then pol will degrade even further than it has since the elections.

youd be doing shills a favor by deporting yourself.
if /sg/ moves there, pol degrades, number of posters declines and /sg/ dies. its a lose-lose situation.

Talk shit, get hit.

cucks like you always hate alphas, such is the way of the world.

/sg/ died when you faggots decided D&C was more important than discussing the topic at hand. You made your bed, lay in it.


D&C my ass. I'm American and I said Death to the jews as well. Why are you here if you want to preserve ZOG? Probably because you're here to push civcuckery on Holla Forums or just too autistic to know the difference between America and Americans.


This is exactly the kind of shit we left cuckchan for, so why wouldn't we leave again?





(jews and subhumans aren't people)

The asshurt is real.





Death to A.M.E.R.I.C.A


Are you retarded?

Keep fighting the autistic mods /sg/, this board needs a good dose of chemo

t. Brit/pol/

yeah, that's how it went down


Are you lost leftypol?


Newfag spotted

I bullied you lads a lot back in the day tbh.

quoting unofficial SAA fb page
Some updates from the Desert front:

al-Qaryaten: Still completely surrounded by the Syrian Forces and the units awaits orders to enter the town.

al-Sukhna: The communication is very hard with anyone on the ground, and the news are mixed so we call upon everyone not to be drawn behind terrorist propaganda; as we reported last time the town and the troops are holding, SyAAF and RuaF jets are not leaving the sky above them; so although it is not pretty but it is not bad; last update we got was few hours ago. We understand its a rapidly changing battlefield but we have all the confidence in our brothers on the ground.

Our estimation from our contact suggest elimination of no less than 800 ISIS terrorists in the past few days; when the Syrian troops advanced toward Dair al-Zoor they made sure to secure the overseeing hilltops prevent any breach in their supply lines; and it is paying off.

It's alright we're all BIG BOYS here well, except imkampfy

Need a new machine tbh

Wotcher lad

holy fucking shit


/>sg/ died when you faggots decided D&C
sg never went for DC.
if you want a scapegoat for autism on pol this year blame the redditors and other fags that think the US has a "perfect working democracy with credible participants".

nothing happened to lie in you mongoloid. there was just some shills that always ry to deral the thread but thats it.



/sg/ is not dead. Do not let any filthy kike tell you otherwise.

fuck off from /sg/ you britpol jihadist

are you sure about that?


kek, this is an interesting turn of events




Britpol IDs:

MODS do it right this time


is there a 21st century version where the britcunt is geting raped by a pakistani?


>The public does not know (((everything))) and it's a good thing
>The public does not know (((everything))) and it's a good thing
>The public does not know (((everything))) and it's a good thing


good to see the country they fought for go down the shitter


Wow lad you sure are some kind of genius detective




are you really this butthurt after the laughing stock of pol was banned?
dont you have your own britpol board? or did your posting license expire?




whats next, claiming youre proud of your pakistan 2.0 island?


m8 you lot are the laughing stock of Holla Forums, being your laughing stock is like being called mad by a schizophrenic

We're supporting /sg/ against Holla Forums's (((moderation)))




you gotta spoiler that shit….and his mom is fatter than that

Hello newfag, did you come from /r/The_Donald?



this is what pan-Europeanism gets you

Who /deathtoamericathegreatsatan/ here?

i as in i personnaly, sg, pol or what exactly?
i know you britbongs arent good at being specific, it must be kinda hard to know what specific type of immigrant raped your family again tonight


Autumn's cold better turn up the heating

the autists who ruined Holla Forums with all the low quality hero worship

Your reddit is showing, time to go back


do you think anyone outside your gay britpol cared who mosley was? to everyone else youre all just a bunch of eternal anglos.

Wew lad, you wogs really do have trouble with literacy

smh tbh


/sg/ was always high quality, until redditors and butthurt britbongs came along

We're talking about Holla Forums mindlessly worshipping Trump you mong.


Your reddit is showing again


Take you're pills, brits.

And Hitler

im just to lazy to type /t/h/e/s/e/
besides, dont you have your tv license to mind to or something

Death to the jews.

we need some quintessential yank removal itt tbh

Death to the jews


Might as well repost some inconvenient content.


I wake up and it's this shit happening again

ISIS claims to have captured two Russian nationals in fighting along the Palmyra-DeZ highway this week.
ISIS claims they are Russian special forces troops. Russian MoD has issued a statement saying all its personnel are accounted for. Southfront points out that Russian servicemen are not normally allowed to wear beards (see SF for pic, can't attach because phoneposting), however the two men could be Russian civilians or PMCs.

Meanwhile, reports that the last ISIS pocket in the Hama/Homs area is "collapsing" and may have been split in two today. Should shortly free up more govt forces to secure the DeZ road and hopefully retake initiative in the east.

ISIS claims to have captured two Russian nationals in fighting along the Palmyra-DeZ highway this week.
ISIS claims they are Russian special forces troops. Russian MoD has issued a statement saying all its personnel are accounted for. Southfront points out that Russian servicemen are not normally allowed to wear beards (see SF for pic, can't attach because phoneposting), however the two men could be Russian civilians or PMCs.

Meanwhile, reports that the last ISIS pocket in the Hama/Homs area is "collapsing" and may have been split in two today. Should shortly free up more govt forces to secure the DeZ road and hopefully retake initiative in the east.

pic related

Good news, according to hoholmaps the ISIS pocket east of Homs/Hama (Salamiyah) has been closed.
However, ISIS is making gains further south around al-Qaryatayn. This attack basically materialized out of nowhere, though Russian MoD is pointing out how (((coincidentally))) close to the US-controlled al-Tanf area this area is.
Fighting on the Palmyra-DeZ highway continues, with Sukhnah allegedly close to being cut off.
Amazing how ISIS can manage to summon so much strength to strike in the SAA rear areas while putting up no fight against the poorly-armed, poorly-trained "S"DF forces. Really activates the old almonds.

those guys are PMCs right?

apparently one of the men captured was a volunteer and fought in Donbass.
definetly a PMC.

also a shoutout to the MODS for doing a proper good job with the britpol raid here

leftypolniggers in Syria:

BREAKING: Antifa receiving military training from US backed Kurdish militias - my latest article for @infowars

The people shilling /sg/ are the same people responsible for shitting up brit/pol/ and deutsche/pol/. They work in english and german.

Or maybe not everyone is a shill and some people have different opinions than you


so? most of them dont have the balls to do shit when they come back, and the ones who might will be detained and sentenced.


Israel is training kuds and supplying equipment for war with Iraq

They're probably just become mindless fodder in the civil war while the actual merc grunts do the real bloody work and leftyniggers within the (((state dept))) to cover their (il)legal ass, and most likely as a propaganda front to show off in the internet, e.g. posing in front of a camera as some faggot who claimed to have killed 6 gorillion enemy fighters totally all by himself and shit or something

Tell me about imkikey, why is he so butthurt?

Because every morning he wakes up and looks in the mirror, hoping that today is the day that he finally becomes white. But he knows that deep down, all he'll ever be is a filthy Turkroach.


Fix your shit codemonkey.


Captured ISIS fighter, need further information!
2 days ago, a single ISIS fighter injured but survived the fighting near Salamiyah was captured alive, interrogated by soldiers on the ground and then by a Syrian news outlet to then be taken for medical treatment and then be questioned by Syrian Intelligence for further information.

Trying to figure out of this vermin past through Jordan or Iraq and or if the US sent this dog from the Al'tanf region or is part of a new batch of the US/Israeli/Saud funded fighters.

Your help would be much appreciated.

Is he crying?

make a separate thread about it, just dont go offtopic here

whats the point
can't break that thick of a skull anyways, nothing will change unless Holla Forums moderation is replaced

hes from iraq, didnt get much else. besides, the low level proxies are never let in on op details just for this reason.
lets just wait for an article from madsar or ANNA of something is really behind this

backup thread

then go do something about it. just dont debate on it here in /sg/.
its /sg/, and you can make a separate thread about pol moderation or whatever.
the beef /sg/ had with mods was because of what happened a few weeks back on their part.
but we stuck with the truth and we came out ok.
but that doesent mean we can always keep picking beef with them, even less that we should start shit.

/sg/ is alive because we stick to one thing:
we are mighty because we are right,
not right because we are mighty.

No, user. They're already radical enough to leave US and go to ME to shoot at "nazis". They will only radicalise more now that they're trained by a commie militia and will likely keep on murdering once they get back.

i dont see the problem.
not because im in europe and dont have to worry about american circus, but because the moment ANTIFA militarises and attempts to start shit they will catalyse an immensive backlash from both the right and the federal goverment.
not to mention that the ensuing destabilisation would give opportunity to the rise of various new political and social forces.


fix the sidebar formatting its larger than the body.

It amazes me, what some low tech arabs can do vs rich west. If the US didn't have a license to print money and not have to pay for its way, out of pocket things would of been very different.

New fag to /sg/ I read the Syria for Dummies and Summaries.

Does China have an interest in the Syrian conflict?

if youre new to /sg/ i definetly recommend you watch southfont on youtube and visit their page.
being this late to the matter you literally have two years of material to go over, but just go for more important ones.
look for their special edition videos like

china supports assad materially and diplomatically by VETOing US autism in the UN, however theyre not as involved as iran and russia.
china is focusing on securing the south china sea with their artificial islands and also expanding their role in africa, where they plan to establish a strong position and fuck over EU and the US when the middle east runs dry and africa will still have all its diamond, oil, gold, mineral, metal and other reserves

I didn't make the wordpress site
also the larger issue is that it hasn't been updated in months

To a degree, they always support Syria and Russia in the UN and are funding some of the rebuilding effort but aren't willing to engage in actual combat of any type

Is this from telegram?
The quality of stormfront is impressive. On par with professional outlets.

not sure
Southfront and Stormfront are entirely different


he was a PMC for Wagner.
russia is using this company like the US is using blackwater to get around rules of war and law

kek yeah I just realized I fucked up. I meant southfront.org

kek. stormfront is an old WP (world peace) site that isnt very active anymore.
southfront is an organisation that a few russian journalists and students formed in 2014 in Donbass/Rostov.
since they went straight for the social media they grew pretty fast and became the best NGO source on ukraine and later syria and the world geopolitics.

they have some graphic design and media students there too, and apparently they do this as a part-time job with the 5K budget a month.
i give them some pocket change when i have the chance.

the funny thing is that both pol and IeftypoI liked it, but when it became obvious that kurds were US proxies IeftypoI just went


lel, stay mad, buffalo queers.

I really don't think that "buffalo queers" thing is catching on, considering you're the only one who's been saying it, this past month.

Are Iran really the bad guys?

They're possible allies of convenience, a bit of D&C we can do with lslam. It's a really gray world we live in, but I suppose Iran are on our side because of Israel's hate towards em. They've got no Kiked Central bank, for all I know.
After that, not really, unless a mass conversion to Zoroastrian occurs.

No, it's all kike lies as usual.

This. I know that there are some people in Indonesia that went to Syria and got radicalized fighting for ISIS. If they can get radicalized fighting for ISIS, why can't some landwhales from the US also get radicalized fighting for the PKK?

Iran is based.

You have to clarify what you mean by 'bad guys' I assume you mean in the conventional sense. I hope you're not getting your news from the MSM.
Iran is the gallant champion of Syria and vanquisher of kikes
Where did you even come from?

what the fuck is that? do you redditors fuck wildlife now?

at this point theyre gods gift to the world to counter american zionism.


Apex kek

It's a forced meme that cuckfy invented and loves to spam. Just in case you can't tell when he shoves his gay t*rk mug here.

Eastern hama pocket has been cleared out of ISIS


>source (((svoboda.org)))
If the FSB told them to keep quiet, why would they blab to Radio Liberty?

That is one deformed benis

When has that ever stopped cianiggers from doing anything ever?

imjust trying to get some light on the thing. its obvious that they arent dejure russian servicemen, eventhough they were defacto working for the russian MoD.
anyway its all good aslong as some western (((media))) outlet doesent go on with


Can't go one minute, without cucking out. Can you, Seth? No mention of the "readiness exercise", he signed, either?


Not really.
The Iranians are Shia muslims who follow a general "leave us the fuck alone" approach to the rest of the world.
In the late 1800s and early 1900s they pursued an aggressive campaign of modernisation in the western image. Hence why the nation is called Iran rather than Persia, the name change was part of this modernisation.

Universities, railways, power plants, etc. They wanted it all and wanted to be able to build it all.
They sold an oil concession to the UK to help finance it and develop their oil industry. But the anglo-iranian oil concession was fucking crooked and the UK never held up its end of the bargain.
This eventually lead to a nationalist government under Mossadegh which at first tried to get the Brits to uphold their end and when that failed decided to rewrite the terms to be more fair overall, which also failed.
Then the Mossadegh led government decided that fuck it, if the Brits wouldn't play fair then the oil could sit there untapped for eternity and the Brits could fuck off.
The UK government tried to overthrow the Iranian government but got caught and booted out of the country.

The UK cried to the USA and said communists existed in Iran (the mostly irrelevant Tudeh) so the Dulles brothers went on an anti-commie rampage in the country. That paradoxically involved hiring a couple of circuses to protest on behalf of the Tudeh.
Hilariously the Mossadegh government and the man himself were wildly pro-US. The man even gave possibly the most pro-US speech in UN history at the UN.
And this pro-US sentiment was shared by the nation at large.
Buuut the USA/CIA went ahead with the overthrow and installed a stupidly over the top tyrannical government.

Said tyrannical puppet government went on a rampage of its own and purged everyone who could possibly be a threat except the Shia clerics.
This inevitably led to the Religion of Cuck™ic revolution that overthrow the US puppet government and installed the Religion of Cuck™ic Republic we know today.

Iran is an enemy entirely of the USAs making.

These days they like anyone with an ounce of sense oppose the USA's hegemonic desires and the globalists backing the USA.
They want to be left alone.

this is Holla Forums tier faggotry tbh smh not even on topic ffs

King roach seems to be allying with Al Qaeda in Idlib

no, its a move coordinated with russia.
theyre going in idlib as "peacekeepers" and as a part of ATO, wo that they can build up legitimacy for when they start rolling in rojava.
apparently damascus considers putting idlib off the menu a good option if they get to go on with it in the post-war negotiations and have that american kurd state in the north destabilised enough to provoke "intervention" by russia and syria

sounds like the only thing left before wrapping it up is the oil fields, then. Kinda sad I wont get to see the faggots in Duma pocket burn for all the shelling they did.

Wasn't the Shah /ourguy/?

He was a weak willed puppet of pretty much whoever could get their claws in him.
First the British then the Americans.
When it seemed the USA had failed in its attempt to overthrow the elected parliament and Mossadegh, he bailed on the country and fled to Italy. Expecting to live the rest of his life there. He only found they'd turned it around and succeeded when reporters swarmed him at a restaurant. Indicating the USA didn't even consider him worth keeping in the loop.
Which was true as they'd already put Zahedi in place as leader of the new Iranian government.

The USA didn't bring the Shah back though. He returned to the country a few days after the successful coup and went on to become a key puppet of the USAs in Iran.

When things went south again though due to doing what the USA told him to do. He fled the country again and lived the rest of his life in Egypt. Held by the Egyptian government as a potential bargaining chip, though one that was never used.

Mossadegh meanwhile was a principled nationalist.

He was a CIA/MI6 puppet.
You can see that in the fact that he lost control so fast that only 3000 died in demonstrations.
Classical CIA botched operation. They throw money at them, give them best toys but in the end the fact that they picked an obedient puppet in a doggy dog world of the 3rd world shitholes result in their quick overthrow.
Cue a big "surprise".
Almost as if they needed a bad guy in the ME.

USA seems to have resumed funding FSA


No, user, I meant it literally. Turkey is coordinating with HTS in Idlib.

well its obvious that the US and turkey are struggleing to retain control over the militants in idlib.
whos your money on?

The FSA doesn't exist.
It's a patch and a letterhead.

The reality of the FSA is its a bunch of fixers from the region living in New York who help the CIA pick which militias to finance and supply.
All while trying to exert some manner of influence but ultimately being ignored most of the time.

we know FSA isnt real, we just use the term because its 6 letters faster than typing "terrorist"

The correct term to use is ISIS or Al Qaeda affiliate.

Not that i'm here to defend the Turks But look at this from a geopolitical point of view. The US is now openly attacking the Turkish Lira and downing their credit status. This was after the Turks tarted to cooperate with Putin and leashed HTS (Al Qaeda in Syria). There are media rumors of a Turk-US diplomatic citizen being arrested who had ties to the Gulen group which was a western backed coup attempt to get Erdogan gone and it failed. This might be the beginning of the Turkish backlash against that coup attempt.

The same economic tactic was done against Russia with their Rouble during their intervention in eastern Ukraine. Because it dampened the regime change in Ukraine. After this and a western boycott, Russia revised it's future policy and is now working towards Eurasianism without the EU. In the future Visegrad group members or other European countries could join but not with the current political climate and the EU as it is. This move is to unite the Arab and Asiatic countries in a unified economic trade power house, politically working together and eventually a nato like pact which includes article 5. The cherry on top of this is the BRIC collaboration with it's own gold backed currency which destroys the economic power of the petrodollar. It would make sense that the US and EU would oppose even the slightest hint at collaboration or effort towards such a unified front.

Gulen and the coup wasn't the USA.
It was what was left of the Attaturk order.
The democratically elected Religion of Cuck™ist government that currently runs Turkey was brought in by the EUs demands that Turkey adopt a democratic system that the EU would approve of as a precondition of membership talks.

This of course inevitably resulted in everything Ataturk worked for being swept aside by muslims.
Once that happened the EU got cold feet.


Can't wait till Assad starts barrel bombing them

International Pro-Assad Nazi Brigades when?

No, while he does name the Jew that was pretty casual behavior for anyone with an IQ above 115, he was a puppet for America and the British because Mossadegh told the British to fuck off and nationalized the country's oil. The British whined to America and said he was a communist when it was the commies that sympathized with him, coup happens that puts the shah in power, Mossadegh is practically in house arrest for the rest of his life, and anyone who spoke out against him were kidnapped by CIA goons, the only ones who miss him are babyboomer immigrants who think the Religion of Cuck™ic Republic was as bad it was in the 80s not realizing that Iran has an extremely young population. The last shah was friendly to the west but didn't care for the Iranians but his father was the best thing to happen to Iran in hundreds of years.

Reza Khan is the reason why Iran is a modernized country and had a liking towards Hitler which prompted the British and Soviets to invade an officially neutral country to "prevent it from being invaded", my grandmother semi-solemnly talks about it sometimes.

Damn map rape.

a few years ago already. serbian, greek and russian nationalists have been fighting in govt militias since 2013

so anything new?

Just a reminder to all of you retards who come here to shill and spam the board with your D&C shit.

the kurds are blocking all the roads if they keep it up they will get a war with the iraqi forces.



Triggered Shills


NATO should disband anyways. the cold war has long been over.

slide thread

i really dont know if theres (((anyone))) stupid enough not to know this

damn IeftypoI, why u so buttmad?
syria, iraq, iran and turkey are gonna finish what saddam started

are you autistic?

new Southfront
turks enter Idlib in a corridor between kurd and FSA held areas.
no fighting reported, as turk forces were greeted by an allied militia.

dozens of FSA fighters from the US garrison at the jordanian border defected surrendered to the SAA, they gave intel and arms in excahnge for green buses to a Jaish al isIam pocket to the north

SDF and ISIS are again negotiating over raqqa for another IS deportation


The Kurd removal has begun

The Goy Emperor just branded IRGC as a terror organization while accusing Iran of the things USA routinely does itself.


Holy fuck those pictures. Did you get lost on your way to facebook?

This is very clearly the same fucker who keeps getting banned, trying to do a false flag post making the other side look embarrassing. I'll give him credit. Those look well made, but we went too far with the filenames. Should've been more subtle.


you fucked up

keep in mind that it takes actual time and effort to make that crap. ive worked in graphic design with ps and it takes atleast over half an hour to get the material, edit it all and put it together with effects like that.
whoever made those two shitposters is either paid or literally has nothing better to do his entire day than shitpost on temporary threads somewhere in the knee of the internet.

not all chads are from Chad, but all from Chad are chads

allright anons take a roll
dubs for SCUDs
trips for chemSCUDs
quads for a five star rocket holocoaster extreme

Time for Death

What's the SCUD arsenal look like even? I'm a little hazy on the military capabilities of Iraq and the Peshmerga

I know Iraq has an air force, does Iraqi kurdistan have one? What role will Israel try to play in the conflict?

Aside from that, rolling for

Eternal reminder that Imkikey is and always will be a filthy T*rk

poasting for Based Iran

pls no ban

What is this picture?

Well, you've seen Iraq beat ISIS, but only thanks to PMU's and foreign support – its actual army isn't in best shape. Peshmerga has quite a bit of manpower, but rather sorry training. More worryingly, Peshmerga likely has a lot of american toys, and will definitely get reinforcements and material support from SDF in Syria should a war break out.

On the other hand, Iraq has total air superiority, still has higher numbers, and should Turkey actuall send troops to help, it would curbstomp Kurds easily. Peshmerga cannot hope to win this war by storming Baghdad, but should the international pressure mount against Iraq, and should Turkey not enter the war, it would have a solid chance at turning it into a stalemate and giving the kikes enough time to shill a (((compromise))) to the UN. All this is, of course, assuming Assad wouldn't attack SDF and that Peshmerga didn't inflate the number of its armed forces for propaganda purposes.

Hi cianigger A.I. The picture is more or less saying death to babylon/israelhell and death to the world.

ban these fucking things already


Go be fucking autistic on a different board.

it's a cute syrian girl making the roman salute

SCUD is usually just two trucks, one with the missile and one with the crew and guard escort.
its a ballistic missile, so the crew just sets up flight path like you would with a mortar and then they launch and leave.
its kinda like trying to hit targets with a newyears firework rocket except its on a big boom scale.
"our" coalition troops were aware that these arent very accurate or effective against mobile formations, yet since they were good at outrunning patriot and could hit anytime anywhere everyone was scared of them as hell.
troops refused to stay in makeshift barracks in the open without aircover and anti-missile protection, and everyone was nervous as hell.
there were very few good scud hits (like the one on the national guard barracks in saudi arabia), but still, the chance of you getting blasted out of nowhere was there.


I understand what a SCUD is and how it works, it was a poorly phrased question. I'm asking how many SCUD's does Iraq even have.

I was reading about it, I saw a report from 1991 about ~28 killed and 95 injured in some barrack during the gulf war.

That is a question open for debate.

nice astroturf imkikey, you going to ban yourself for that now?

I think a better question would be how many Al Hussein they've got buried out innadesert.

iraq army and the republican guard managed to keep up to a 100 larger ballistic missiles intact by the end of the invasion according to western intelligence. however the US actively searched for any remaining units both because of the need to excuse the WMD pretext and because they considered such weapons too dangerous to be left to the new iraqi army, and ofcourse out of fear thet insurgents and ex-baathist units would recover them and strike US positions.
plenty were also captured or sold to IS and other major sunni militias who used them up fast. if iraq will be using such missiles they will be coming from iran or perhaps syria, now that the SAA deems them overkill against urban areas.


I imagine that a good part of the available SCUDs would have been used against ISIS by now, that's why I'm skeptical of it being a big factor, although I really would like to see it happen.

This sounds like the most plausible analysis.

Sorry for barging in, I am not super well informed on the entire situation down there, and I do not know what the deal with the kurds is down there. You guys don't like them, even though they fight isis and not syria. Can you clue me in on your reasons? Are they some sort of commie 2.0?

The Kurds are communists backed by the ZOG US and Israel. The reason that they are being backed is because Israel wants to partition Syria and Iraq by having Kurdish region's in both Iraq and Sryia secede from these nations, creating new nations that are allies to Israeli interests in the middle east.

This is a quote from the New York times from Netanyahu:

From an article explaining the Kurd's positive relations with the Jews: archive.is/BnhAp

Kurdish militaries, funded by the USA, have been using the guise of fighting ISIS (also created by the US-Israeli-Saudi alliance) as well as the lack of government power in order grab huge amounts of lands from the government in Syria, and in Iraq the Kurds were able to greatly expand their controlled territory. In Syria, the Kurdish faction (SDF/YPG) has claimed all the territory to the east of the euphrates river. However, this isn't because the Kurds have any racial legitimacy in these areas, but because it will allow a new ZOG state to control a huge amount of Syria's oil.

Previously Iraqi Kurds only controlled the Kurdish Autonomous region, but because of the Civil war, they were able to push into territories that the Iraqi Government had lost during the war against ISIS, such as the oil city of Kirkuk. Now, Iraqi Kurdistan is attempting to become an independent nation, with it's new territories. An independence referendum was held on September 25, and they have not backed down. So, they are attempting to consolidate their land grab from Iraq and achieve full independence. This is very bad for everybody in the region, because it means that Israeli influence will have been greatly increased.

There is more to say, but i'm out of time to write, so maybe i'll post later about it.

i was ok with them up to 2016, when it became obvious that the US will just use them as a gateway into the region.
its not about ideology and sectarianism, its simply about the wellbeing of the region.
the entire region shouldnt burn for another three decades just because some tribe wants to run its show

Religion of Cuck™

Holy fucking cancer this is worse than fucking cuckchan with these retarded wordfilters.

Holla Forums niggers really took the board ownership that day.


did you mean isIam?
as in isIam from that muhammed the pedo goatfucker guy?

hm i didnt skip the last wordfilter.
letrs see which ones work
muhomo'd the pedo goatfucker
muhammed the pedo goatfucker
mohomo'd the pedo goatfucker

ok, seems well be using a single M now like the rest of the non-eternal anglo world.

lets just hope america wont get jelous when theyre not israels best goy anymore


roachy tantrum in 3… 2… 1…

/sg/ has really slowed down as of late. Is there a roach free bunker that I'm not aware of? Or do I have to go to cuckchan for my daily dose of Assad?

Here is some footage from 2014 I thought was interesting, was uploaded pretty recently on LiveLeak.

Is there anything that we can do to help Assad? Hezbollah is considered a terrorist organization, so it would probably get Holla Forums shoa'd if we did anything major to help them. But there are a fare amount of Assad sympathizers out there, so it should be safe to give them any support we can.

I wonder if it would be legal to send money and gifts to SAA soldiers.

courtesy of mods banning half the posters

yes it is legal to send gifts to them.
your only problem is getting the adress of the unit.


Kek, weren't they going on about how there would be no retreat from Kirkuk?


Kurds lost Sinjar, also without a fight, all oilfields in Kirkuk reported captured by Iraq. How is Holla Forums coping with this?

holy shit they really left that entire side of the country with their tail between their legs.

>drumpf = zogpuppet deal with it goy zog shill!1 :^)


theyre pretending they only care about syria. they didnt even mention it

pathetic millenials.

1) america = ZOG
2) the current iraqi army is majorly shia
3) stop putting words in other peoples mouths and fuck off back to reddit or leftypol or whatever NEET shithole youre from

samefag leftycuck


Fucking kek! This is what an impotent leader looks like. Also they're already beginning to eat one another

OP here
Stopped posting updates here and posting to halfchan and other boards instead

keep posting here. things are cool now. be around when this thread limits out and we make a new one.

After the roach tantrum and seeing even more evidence of this board being co-opted and only allowing bluepilled narratives (knew but didn't realize it was this bad) i don't plan to support this board any more

No idea what you're trying to pull here but things are definitely NOT improving. It's only getting worse and I'm talking boardwide, sitewide.

To add to this, in 2015 the kurdish militia YPG merged with certain "FSA"(anti-government terrorists) elements. All the more reason to dislike them.

next thread on >>>/sg/


that place is dead tho

Dear Bibi…

not if we make the next thread on >>>/sg/

get bump

daily reminder that they will make it look like IsraeliSecretIntelligenceService is "beaten" (vacationing in Israel, Saudi Arabia and Europe) and move on to Assad
they'll get the trumptards aboard by making it about Iran



how about no, go fuck yourself samefag.







Suheil Hassan mourning Issam's death.
We will not stop until we fill the Earth with their corpses to avenge you, or we will die trying.

rest in peace BIG GUY

you faggots still use that kiddy-grade reverse talk like it can convince people you all aren't leftycucks in this board
(((us state dept)))

Well shit, at least he held on until the Deir-Ezzor siege got lifted


This shit isn't fucking fair. "Men" like McC*in survive through brain cancer and carrier fires, and fucking Issam dies from a landmine.

Because assholes like mccain run from danger. Cowards usually live longer because they have other people do all the dirty and dangerous work.
Why the hell would you censor his name though?

McC*in is a disgusting neo-c*n whose name doesn't deserve to be written in full.
Like j*ws, k*rds, t*rks and the like.

Just seems to me that you're a coward who can't name the jew.

In other news, something incredibly interesting is brewing up with the Russian special forces.

tl;dr, the Russians will launch a massive investigation with the help of Spetznaz in Syria, in order to question American and Jewish intelligence for their possible role in the deaths of Issam, several Russian PMCs and most importantly, Valery Asapov.

It seems to me that you are using non-arguments. I will name these "people" how i want.

Rest in peace friend, enjoy peace.

It's just a spook

Read my post again: It's not mentioning Trump.

If you want my opinion on Trump, I like most of the stuff he is doing at home, but I don't like how he is funding the SDF. His foreign policy is retarded, he said some red pilled things about Syria during the election, but there hasn't been a significant enough change in policy.

I was worried about DACA before he made the "list of demands" that the congress will probably not agree on, so I am less worried. amnesty isn't an option, so I can't support anyone who grants or endorses amnesty as an ideological ally. I'm still waiting on DACA to be repealed with no amnesty to the illegal aliens before I can believe in him again. He probably will do the right thing there, though.

Kind of off topic post, sorry.

Oh wow the bottom image would spook Chicago if those were gang members.

What if it turns of that the CIA and the ISIS were responsible?


This is just brutal how badly they are beating the k*rds, holy shit

When did the Iraqi Army become competent?

When Trump let the military do their fuckin jobs.

It has a lot less to do with Trump- Arab governments have been generally incompetent with their armies and vulnerable to guerrilla warfare, but it seems like there are changes happening in the armies of Iraq and Syria. They've basically been infused with huge amounts of investments from Iran, Russia, and the USA in Iraq's case, as well as combat experience and military advisory.

Can we get some redpills on YPG? Are they in fact (officially) a separatist group? How long would they last against real opponents (SAA)? We already know the end goal is to provide the Israelis a base of operations within Syria and to break Syria up (as well as Iraq with Peshmerga and the KRG there), but I need evidence to show useful idiots that they may be wrong in trusting YPG.

earlier in the thread:

YPG is just the more Kurdish, more Communist army that is fighting with the SDF on the side of the Kurds.

I can't talk about equipment differences between the SDF/YPG but right now the Kurds do not have an air force or mechanized infantry and rely on the coalition air force to weaken its targets (ISIS villages mostly) while the ground force moves in with little resistance after the heavy bombing. This tactic isn't limited to the countryside either, the USAF isn't afraid to bomb urban centers like Raqqa so the Kurds can keep advancing forwards on time.[3]

Against the SAA, this is a tricky situation. USAF and Russian air force cannot meet each other in combat, also the USAF would be in danger from all of the Anti-aircraft guns Russia has been installing in Syria. So, its not likely that the USA and Russia would just start bombing each other's side, because of how tense and risky that situation is. Assuming that there is no air war because of this, it is the SAA Tiger forces[2] who have mechanized infantry and much superior equipment in general against the YPG/SDF which is a mainly infantry based force, so the SAA can definitely defeat them on the battlefield. Both the Kurds and the SAA are being armed, the SAA gets Russian weaponry and some modern or experiemental Russian weapons platforms, while the USA has been shipping in arms for the Kurds, but I don't think all of it is very new; the USA has been supplying these rebel groups with older Russian arms[1].

[1]: nationalinterest.org/blog/the-buzz/heres-why-us-special-forces-want-russian-machine-guns-20642

[2]: southfront.org/syrian-armys-tiger-forces-history-and-capabilities/

[3]: businessinsider.com/syria-raqqa-sacrificed-in-isis-fight-2017-10

Yeah, I read that post earlier but what I want to know is how really different are they to the KRG in Iraq in terms of their social policies or treatment of minorities. Are they good or bad or untrustworthy or just trying to garner sympathy and support for their state? Is any of this backed by actual evidence and statements from party officials?

Do they have a constitution? Is there any mention of their treatment towards Assyrians, Yezidis, and Arabs there? Are there any statistics showing a percentage of different groups supporting or opposing YPG?

How the fuck do you not get that all Kurdish groups are leftist garbage?
They are all unironic socialists that support "Apoist-Marxism"
Regardless of a constitution these groups are all treated like inferior shit

No dude, I understand this, I have for a very long time, trust me on this one. I just need evidence to confirm it to other people.
I've been told that the Assyrians get to teach their language in schools occupied by the YPG, as well as set their own curriculum. They also gave up Khabour Valley to the Khabour Guard. I see them as doing some good for Assyrians, at least much better than the KRG in Iraq. Although, they have been involved in some sketchy shit towards Assyrians like the assassination of the leader of Khabour Guards and the attempted murder of an Assyrian official. They had also abandoned them to ISIS, which fucked up 250 villages.

I'm on the fence here, are they really treated like trash or are the kurds at least attempting to give more rights and freedoms to minorities?

Every "female" on game of thrones is a hidden transgender.

Most of (((Hollywood))) females allegedly are trannies. Not sure if I agree, but I certainly won't disagree.

More like (((the state dept))) and the (((cianiggers))) can't do anything significant outside of subversive means because of Trump and co.

that and the media

You have no reason to get off the fence. They have fucked with us and they have helped us tremendously. We now have control of Khabour Valley and Hasakah thanks to the YPG, and we have also employed dozens of Syriac teachers and published many Syriac materials for schools. And yes, many Assyrians are leftists themselves, as are the Baathists these retards on here like to dickride.

Yazidis have their own PMU that, in the last few days, went on to liberate Yazidi areas from the Kurdish menace. That should say enough about where their sympathies lie.


What do you think?
Here's a number of links talking about Kurdish crimes against Assyrians in both Syria and Iraq including the SDF
The last link is a PDF specifically about Kurdish crimes against Assyrians in northern Syria, including forced deportation, murder, assassination and bomb plots
from aina.org/news/20160427141009.htm


IeftypoI on suicide watch

tl;dr version:


I just looked up sources, they're articles that I read earlier. Is citing proof now shilling?

hes just throwing a tantrum, must be new to the double digit age group

That's not happening. Iraqi Assyrians are vehemently against the KRG, and Syrian Assyrians are pro-government. Not every Assyrian supports the MFS's policies, but the MFS and the YPG are the ones who saved Hasakah from ISIS and there's no denying it. They're in control because they fought and took control when the SAA was busy else where. I don't know why you're so upset that Kurds and Assyrians fought against ISIS when the SAA was no where near Hasakah. Hasakah is one of the largest Syrian cities, so you should be grateful that it was defended.

Mind you Syrian Kurds never "raped" us, they initiated clashes that we won every time. It's an alliance out of necessity, and majority of Assyrians are against the idea of Rojava.


Iraq legitimized the Nineveh Plains Protection Units, and Iraqi Kurdistam won't lose its autonomy. It's possible that the same thing could happen in Syria. Assyrians and Kurds are the ones who saved Hasakah from ISIS, and have contributed to many offensives. You can't say for certain that the Assad government won't "reward" them for this.

Easy to spot you

NPU and PUK =/= PKK, also the PUK and affiliates is being rewarded for cooperating with the Iraqi government by working against pro-KRG/PKK groups
Also i said "he thinks any territory seized by the YPG has any legitimacy and will be the same post-war"
Reminder that the Iraqi army said the Kurds have to go back to the 2003 borders

You mean enabled ISIS to gain power in the first place and are the overall cause of western interventionism

Winning is not having your territory controlled by communist faggots and not participating in a separatist movement that regularly victimizes your people

wow does they really got shot it down the f-35?

I'd like to apologize for this cuck making concessions for the ZOG puppet pseudo-state controlled by the YPG, he wants to believe everything will be alright if we trust an illegitimate terrorist organisation with strong ties to Israel and the US, you can't blame him for being happy getting as little gains as we did after all this time of getting nothing at all. The vast majority of us loathe Kurdish occupation and wish they would just fuck off. We're obviously not "winning" anything by siding with separatists, it just tarnishes our good reputation as proud, nationalistic, pro-government Christians; even if it's a "necessity" out of choice.


Now this, i can support

I believe the plane lost all it's stealth from the damage.

Tech is so old, it literally circumvented the MAW within the DAS which failed to respond as it detected no incoming signals and did not send any warnings nor did it activate the automatic counter flare system. Stupid kike nigger pilots are just sitting there thinking their tech is superior so they aren't even visually scanning let alone flying in patterns which would allow you to visually see such a incoming missiles, they fully trusted and delegated these tasks to the plane to alert and defend them.

It's the Millennium Challenge 2002 all over again and they are trying to hush it up that a what is now considered primitive made ballistic missile fucked up their plane. Had it been a engine hit instead of a side of the warframe it would have taken the plane down.

PKK is in Turkey you fucking idiot they're not relevant to this discussion. We're talking about Syrian and Iraqi Kurds.

Supporting Arabs or Kurds =/= supporting Assyrians. If you have even a shred of knowledge about the Assyrian situation you'd understand that all Muslims are bad for Assyrians. If you can justify Trump sucking Jew cock as 6D chess then Assyrians allying with Kurds when the SAA isn't anywhere near Hasakah is also justifiable. You're a fucking idiot if you think the Assyrians should've went to war with the YPG and you obviously don't care about Assyrian lives, you just want Assyrians to fulfill your anti-communist wet dream. The majority of Assyrians are pro-government, I don't know how many times I can say this. The MFS will most likely be shut down after this war, but there's a chance it will stay intact the same way the NPU is.

The 2003 borders still constitute a large part of Iraqi land. Do you think that it's even a punishment?

Please tell me how the MFS enabled ISIS to gain power in the first place.

I said clash, fuckwit. Every time the Kurds directly challenge us we win all battles. The only time Kurds can win against us is with support from greater nations, or when they assassinate our leaders like the did in WW1.

Don't put words in my mouth. The YPG saved us, that's pretense. Credit is due where credit is due. I said it already, the YPG isn't going to last. They're either going to bend to Assad or get wiped. Regardless, there's nothing wrong with Kurds and Assyrians asking for autonomy from Assad. We're getting it in Iraq, why can't we get it in Syria? These people arguing with me are Baathist dickriders. The Baathists have never been good to us, don't forget that the Assad regime was jailing Assyrians way before the civil war started. The MFS is more pro-government now, but why do you think they were criticising the government heavily in the first place? Why are you denying the experiences of your Assyrians brothers in Syria? Stop putting Baathist dickriding before your own people. Ati ewet khala ekhre d nokhraye. Khashwet aneh khwareh w Arabayeh makhbilan? Akhnan ewekh khaiutanayeh ka aneh khwareh speeseh. Kurdayeh, Arabayeh, Englisnayeh, koolah eeneh Sataneh, koolah eena makhrooweh atran.

A member of Iraqi special forces told me that Israel was only one who supported the referendum for the Kurds. Trump opposed it and the Iraqis opposed it because it further balkanzises the middle east, Exactly what Israel wants. And PKK are not only in Turkey, the fact you think that is funny. The Kurds were caught several times working with Isis, taking pictures with them, and letting them set up defensive structures in Iraqi terroritory. They are working with Mossad and Isis to “valiantly” fight off evil Isis and look like the good guys when they get back terroritory.

Its like that one gundam episode where they roll out some old mothballed models that trashed whoever the fuck they were fighting because lol no missile defenses because those were so last century.

The reason I don't like talking about Kurds on Holla Forums is because you guys keep jumping. You're talking about Iraq now, and Assyrians in Iraq are against the referendum, only a small minority living in Kurdish cities are pro-Kurdistan.

PKK is a Turkish organisation. Just because PKK fighters traveled to Iraq to support the referendum doesn't mean the PKK has power in Iraq or Syria.

Yes there's a lot of evidence for this, not to mention the fact that the KRG expanded its borders to the land taken from ISIS, which is mostly Assyrian

Barzani's clan is going to lose a lot of support. The fact that the PKK traveled to Kirkuk to fight for their Kurdish brothers while the main forces backed down doesn't bode well. Everyone knows Barzani's clan has countless billions in their bank accounts, they're getting rich while cucking to the West/ZOG, while the PKK soldiers are being martyred regularly in Turkey fighting for their rights. It's a good thing Iraq isn't being divided, but I honestly can't justify denying 30-40 million Kurds their right to a nation. Ideally Kurds and Assyrians would both have a state, the only reason that this is a problem is because Arabs and Turks are racists. Ask an Arab why an Assyrian state the size of Sydney, Australia is a bad idea, and they'll cry about balkanization, destabilization and ZOG. Really makes you think why a tiny land mass among 20 Arab nations is going to destabilize the region.


Kurds swearing at the peshmerga who were retreating from Kirkuk.

It's hard to not feel bad for these dudes. Barzani promised them independence, morale through the roof, tens of thousands of hot blooded Kurds ready to fight and die for their people and the chance at independence, and just like that, Barzani bent the knee so he could keep his riches

Except there is something wrong with it, especially since we both inhabit the same regions, it's either one or the other. Regardless, Syria isn't meant to be broken apart in autonomous regions like the Kurds were granted in Iraq back when Saddam was around. We need to show our loyalty to the legitimate government especially if we are to be rewarded for it at the end of the war. If however, we side with the YPG when the inevitable comes around, we'll be punished and our reputation tarnished. Don't forget that the YPG won't tolerate any opposition to their rule, they've shut down a dozens of political offices including two from the ADO. They seem to be going to way of Barzani's Kurdistan in terms of political repression.

There's literally no evidence at all that proves we're getting autonomy in Iraq, if anything it's the direct opposite considering we're getting our own mayors replaced by the KRG with pro-Kurd traitors. In fact:

It's never going to happen, probably for the best too. Iraq isn't supposed to be divided like the Kurds are trying to make it so.

That's because certain political organisations (like the ADO) and activists that undermine the government with shit-tier left-wing "democratic ideals" are illegal. You don't just get sent to jail for no reason.
You tell me.
Shut the fuck up already, you're literally jumping on a Kurdish dick and chanting gooble gabble gibberish in Kurdish about independence and a free proletarian society free from the shackles of capitalism as we speak.

But you can when they don't have any legitimate claims to the land nor do they need a country of their own just because they inhabit those lands. Not to mention how irresponsible it would be in the world of geopolitics considering it would definitely just be another ZOG puppet state to give Israel a base of operations.

You sound bluepilled af, this isn't a matter of SJW pseudo-politic issues, it's a genuine serious matter of who is in control of a strategic position in the middle east, not to mention the issue of oil in the area that could hurt the economic development of Iraq if it were lost (Kirkuk currently holds 10% of Iraq's oil reserves). I don't even want to get into the issue of the threatened pipeline construction.

Why would you want to break Iraq up anyway? A divided Iraq and Syria is what Israel wants and you unironically support it because you don't understand the implications and consequences of an independence.

There is no reason at all to have a tiny state the size of Sydney, if the size of the land was the issue anybody in the world could claim their culture should have a nation of their own regardless of their population or status and balkanize an otherwise large, stable nation. Should we give Yazidis, Turkmen, and Shabaks land as well just for existing? It isn't necessary, the only thing we do need is cooperate with the government and other minorities to stop Kurdish oppression and for the government to grant us equal rights/protection so that we may be able to preserve our culture in our homeland without threatening the legitimate government with independence.

We must not be like the perfidious Kurds who at any moment would betray their host nation like the brown mountain Jews that they are. We must remain steadfast in our loyalty to the state of Iraq, as well as the government in Syria, they would be more keen to do something for us in return (perhaps offer to return our homes and villages that the Kurds took/provide repairs to our infrastructure, might even let us participate in their government) if we are seen as trustworthy allies.

Assyrians won't side with the YPG when the inevitable comes around. Assyrians are pro-government. That being said, there's literally nothing wrong with the YPG shutting down ADO and pro-Turk/pro-Barzani Kurd offices. The ADO were working with the rebels, and gave addresses of pro-MFS, pro-Assad Assyrians to the rebels. The ADO are scum who should be executed.

That's in 2016. The government made the NPU an official security force, which highly increases the chances of Assyrians receiving autonomy in Nineveh.

Kurds have had autonomy in Iraq for years, what possible reason can you have for being against Assyrian autonomy in Iraq? I can understand being against it in Syria, I personally don't care about autonomy in Syria, but it's necessary in Iraq.

Protesting the governments treatment of Assyrians isn't illegal, or cause for a jail sentence or disappearing. Why are you against Assyrians protesting their rights? This has been happening for decades, way before the civil war happened. It's not a threat to the regime, we never had an insurgency.

I shouldn't need to if you were Assyrian

You're putting Arabs before your own people. My Kurdish gooble gabble gibberish is Assyrian, which you would have known if you were Assyrian and not a shill posing as an Assyrian. That being said, why are you speaking for the above poster?

Neither do the Arabs or Turks. Potential ZOG ally is the only valid argument against a Kurdish nation. Both the Arabs and Turks migrated to these lands and massacred Assyrians, what possible difference is there between them and the Kurds? Why are you being selective with Muslims?

What's bluepilled in pointing out that Assyrians are not having their rights fully realized because of racism? Are you denying that Arabs, Turks and Kurds are racist against Assyrians? There's no threat to Iraq if Assyrians in the Nineveh Plains were given autonomy. It's no where near the size of Iraqi Kurdistan. I didn't say Assyrians should declare independence, I said autonomy. It's not breaking up Iraq.

Why are you so against the idea of autonomy in Nineveh? You keep talking about being rewarded, what possible reward is there besides autonomy? We are back to square one, I don't want to be an Iraqi Christian, I want to be an Iraqi Assyrian.

You're literally a shill pretending to be an Assyrian. How can you sit there with a straight face and tell me that pic related is a threat to Iraq? You are not an Assyrian, and if you are, you shouldn't call yourself one because you don't even speak our tongue or care about our future. Go mix your blood with Arabs.

Can you please explain to me what the point of an independent nation is? For me it is to preserve our race and culture, we can do that without having an independent state of our own in Iraq or Syria. Why should the kurds be given shit for balkanizing these countries when you're going on about the same thing which achieves nothing at all.

What's so important about 3 tiny provinces outside of Mosul? Why not claim Mosul as well since that's where Nineveh is? Why not claim more land where our ancestors lived in and built their ancient cities?

I've made it very clear, for the countless months and years that I've been posting here, that Assyrians are working for autonomy in Iraq, not an independent state. There's not enough Assyrians in Beth Nahrain for an independent state, but we need autonomy. Without autonomy we have no guarantees, we are at the whim of the Arab rulers who've fucked us over for so many years. Why do you think many Assyrians sided with the Kurds during the Iraq Iran war? Do you know how many Assyrian villages were destroyed during the Al-Anfal campaign? We have no allies, autonomy guarantees our ability to defend ourselves with our own security force, it guarantees our ability to educate our youth, it guarantees our abilities to manage our own villages and towns. Those tiny regions hold Alqosh, Telkep, Bakhdida, Karamlesh. These aren't little villages, they're major Assyrian cities. We have thousands of years of history here. As for Mosul, it's literally Nineveh City and we should get it, but we won't, which is fine.

You need to stop thinking about what is best for the Arabs and start thinking about what's best for our own people, which I don't think is our people because I don't think you're an Assyrian since you don't even speak our tongue (which is very disappointing). The Baathists have done a lot of damage to us, don't forget this and don't be selective. All Muslims are our enemies.

To make it extra clear, Zowa'a isn't working for independence, only for a safe zone for Assyrians. This will most likely mean that the NPU has control of the security in the region, without autonomy, but autonomy is the best outcome.

israel is doing exactly that

It doesn't change shit and you know it. Half the NPU is under KRG control anyway.

Kurds shouldn't have autonomy either, I believe Iraq shouldn't have to deal with autonomous regions, the country should be unified under one central government. If the government cannot provide for us nor support our existence or the preservation of our heritage, then autonomy may be a viable option for our own sake. Until then, we'll have to see what the government has in plans for us.

Nice cop out.

I know it's Assyrian, I wasn't referring to you speaking in Sureth. I'm not putting Arabs before my own people, I'm saying we should respect the actual legitimate governments regardless if they're run by Arabs or not instead of fighting with them for no reason, especially considering our predicament.

It's not about muslims, like I said it's about supporting an actual legitimate government who has been in control of Iraq since the British Mandate handed it over to the Arabs.

What's bluepilled in pointing out that Assyrians are not having their rights fully realized because of racism? Are you denying that Arabs, Turks and Kurds are racist against Assyrians? There's no threat to Iraq if Assyrians in the Nineveh Plains were given autonomy. It's no where near the size of Iraqi Kurdistan. I didn't say Assyrians should declare independence, I said autonomy. It's not breaking up Iraq.
Except it's not "racism", we've been in conflict with each other for centuries, it's a historical and cultural issue that won't be solved by simply asking for autonomy.

You may have a point about autonomy, but like I said, it depends on how much is needed. I don't want us to end up acting like the Kurds who think they own the fucking place because of Saddam's generosity.

I'm thinking about what's best for our people by attempting a strategy where both the Assyrian people and the government work together making an autonomous state unnecessary, if the government doesn't wish to work with us then by all means we should have autonomy one way or another, but for now we just have to see what the government will do for us after all this is over. Also I speak Assyrian, I'm just not going to do it over here because this isn't an Assyrian board and I don't want to look like an asshat in an English spoken board.

Yeah but the Baathists aren't even in power in Iraq, I'm not being selective in terms of ethnicity or religion, I'm being selective in which dominant power we should support, whether you like it or not our future depends on either of these two powers.

I don't have a problem with safe zones or anything of that nature, autonomy would be really generous but it isn't absolutely necessary if the government will be providing us with essential cultural services.

Your ID is different from the OP's post. Also, what's this roach tantrum that went on?

State Department admits terrorists use chemical weapons in Syria.
Haven't read the whole thread so apologies if this is a repost.

It does change shit because the government made it an official force, created official checkpoints, and is pushing the KRG out of Nineveh. You're mistaking the Nineveh Plains Forces and random other groups with the NPU. They're run by the KRG, but will be disbanded. Alliances with Kurds happen out of necessity, don't talk shit about our people back home when they're desperate. It's easy to judge their actions from the comfort of the West.

I don't know why you care so much about a British invention. The existence of Iraq is an insult to Assyrians. Who created Iraq at our expense, and then left us to the mercy of these Iraqi Arab degenerates? It was the British who created these bullshit borders with no regard to the ethnic makeup of the region, it was the British, the perfidious Albion who used Assyrians to crush rebellions by Kurds against the Arabs, and used us to go to war with the Arabs, only to create Iraq and place it in the Arabs hands. The British are directly responsible for Simele.

Take a second to Google, speak to Assyrians back home, or keep talking shit on Vietnamese Claymation websites. We've been trying to get autonomy in Syria for over 70 years, this isn't new. We are the indigenous people of this land and Syria and Iraq are French/British creations. We've been jailed for protesting the Arabization of our people, so many youth have disappeared for speaking up for our culture and language. You think our language was never under threat? You think Baathists didn't shut us down and force us to speak Arabic? Back in Saddam's Iraq, Assyrian youth used to frequently sleep at each others houses, always moving around and sharing books and our identity, always organizing ways to educate the community and organize protests against the Ba'ath. These were the kids getting arrested, and we both know what happens when you're arrested by the Ba'ath

The governments don't respect us, and asking for autonomy isn't fighting for them. The constitution itself declares that we have the right to autonomy. We are asking for the exact same rights the Kurds have, this is what you're not getting. Kurds will never lose their autonomy, they have everything they want and need. There's literally no reason Assyrians can't have the same, because it's written in article 125 of the constitution. That's the whole premise for this. It's a show of goodwill to the people of the country who have taken so much shit with no recognition.

They gave it to the Arabs when we, the Assyrian levies, were supposed to get it. It was an insult to our people, and it led to many deaths.
what could go wrong

The entire Middle East is racist and everyone hates everyone in the Middle East. You should know this by now, considering we use Kurdi and Arab as insults, too. You say historical and cultural issue is the cause, yet we've been subjugated by these people for centuries for being non-Arab, non-Kurd and Christian. I'm not sure how you can deny Arab supremacy is a thing

Assyrians are loyal until pushed too far. I don't think even the government fears Assyrian betrayal. They walk over us because they know we'll turn the other cheek.

The Iraqi government has an obligation to give us autonomy because it is written in their constitution. If they give the Kurds autonomy and don't give us autonomy, it is an act of extreme ill will. There is no way around this. Autonomy must happen.

Who gives a fuck? Swedes and other random Europeans always speak in their fake ching chong language, we can do the same. I only want you to prove you know your own tongue so I know you're not a White faggot shill who tries to live vicariously through foreign peoples struggles

Arabs are still in power. Iraq is still in power. Iraq is our best chance. There's no denying this.

Autonomy is necessary because constitutionally it is our right, it's simple as that. If you don't ask for autonomy then you're literally being a cuck and accepting scraps when you know what you're owed.

Other Assyrians houses*. My mums home hosted a couple 18-20 year old Assyrian girls, my mum was a kid at the time. The girls were sharing books and lit the fire of Assyrian patriotism in my mums heart, by my grandpa kicked the girls out shortly after cos he was too scared of the mukhabarat finding out, since he would've been responsible. We've never had freedom

/sg/ still going?? lol
kike Holla Forums mods BTFO!!

That's all you needed to say, if the government is legally obligated to give us an autonomous region of our own that's what should be done, especially if the Kurds have an autonomous region of their own.

I prefer an Iraq which didn't need autonomous regions to contain minorities considering we all share the same nation and have done so for around 1.5k years, the borders drawn up by the British weren't too bad, it encompassed most of Mesopotamia and some of the Zagros mountains. I fear than an autonomy would spark an independence movement much like the Kurds have done and would put us in bad light.

fuck off shill

it was kinda the same shit as with the serbs shooting down the 117 in 99

Why are you so against the idea of autonomy in Nineveh?
keep iraq and syria in one piece and with current regeimes in power and america and aisrael lose.


Well the official version is:
"The F-35 can be heavily damaged by bird collision".
The unofficial version is:
"The F-35 can be seen and shot at by even old as fuck SA-5".

No matter which you pick it doesn't say "the F-35 is a great plane" (which is nothing new to anyone)…

Nineveh Plains autonomy doesn't contribute to destabilization, nor does it lead to balkanization

Checkin' an kek'd them digits.
Glad I wasn't drinking anything, that's some hilarious shit.

t. imkampfy

it acts as a carte blanche to other groups like KRG

Outside the US consulate in Iraq Kurdish region where the American and Kurdish flag were vandalized, stepped on and partially burned a Kurdish man expresses the anger of the crowd, he feels betrayed "we want America and Israel to come, they promised us..but they are liars." before he can finish expressing his anger further he is pulled away by the protest organizers.

With jews, you lose.

where the American and Iraqi flag were vandalized*

like pottery
the idiotic group of retarded shills that own this place can't contain themnselves from using their favorite strawman even when there is absolutly no relation to it

in case youre new to /sg/ theres shills from reddit and IeftypoI that try to get this thread deleted by shitposting and attacking the mods while posing as "hardcore /sg/ posters"

kill yourself kampfy

are you autistic?

I cant tell who is jewing who anymore, maybe it's best to adopt a "clean slate" before the thread degenerates into shill callouts.

Please explain how NIneveh Plains autonomy acts as a carte blanche to the KRG, cos you're talking out of your ass. The KRG is legal according to the constitution of Iraq, and the Nineveh Plains is eligible to the exact same autonomy for the exact same reasons the KRG is eligible, as per the CONSTITUTION

well just stick to the basics

yeah you can take that dejure crap and stick it back up your ass.
i dont give a fuck about whats written on some piece of paper, and neither does anyone else down there.
if kurds get their state, others are gonna want it too. a weakened iraqi goverment will lean toward iran while the US supports sunni insurgencies.
iraq is doomed for another few decades.
either that or just steamroll anything that isnt conforming to the supreme authority of the legitimate iraqi govt and then start to rebuild.

But Kurds already have autonomy, and have had it for decades. Kurdistan isn't going to get independence, and all of its neighbours and even the USA supported Iraq. What makes you think that the Nineveh Plains, with some hundreds of thousands of people will be backed by anyone for independence, when Kurdistan with 8 million peopole couldn't do it? Do you have any idea how fucking stupid the notion of an independent Nineveh Plains sounds? Tell me again how Nineveh Plains autonomy is a threat to Iraq?

Yeah, and look how that worked out. Better roll in the tanks and shoot all peshmerga as traitors while revoking any sort of autonomy whatsoever, so that such military groups can never again appear.

/sg/ just needed a few rounds of chemo to get rid of the cancer, it'll be weak and anemic for a while.
Mods did nothing wrong.

The kurds actually did kill some ISIS while the iraqis were busy making ARVN rifles: Desert Edition.

who fucking cares? The fact remains they're a tool of kikes and as such deserve no sympathy or mercy.

Why so butthurt over the sand commies? You aren't some dirty arab, are ya?

Middle Eastern people: Kurds aren't that bad maybe we can work out a way where all Arabs, Assyrians, Iranians, Kurds and Turks can live together in harmony


Death to commies.

he says while praising leftist Baathists. Sorry bud, last I checked it was capitalists supporting Israel and communists Palestine, all the way to Japan who have been terrorizing Israel for decades

pic related, Japanese gook commie waifu who organized an airport massacre in Israel with other communists

What a bunch of fucking whores. This is what being truly inferior parasitics subhumans is like. These commie insects have less will to live and power than niggers.

you dont know what dejure and defacto mean do you

No mercy for communists, you retarded fuck.


I didn't until I googled your medieval bullshit 30 seconds ago and it still adds nothing to your argument you retard

yeah no. we prefer to think in practical terms, you know, in the real world, where most of your theory doesent work and where you have no idea how anything works.

wella apparently youre cognitively biased.
lets give it another try. i will be describing the defacto situation, just so you know.
if one group in iraq acheives independance from the Baghdad goverment, many others will also attempt to do so because of ethnic tensions and political events, which will only increase in the coming years due to irans bigger role in iraq and the US/saudi desparate need to remain in power


If it happens then it happens. There's no reason that should be an issue. Assyrians gaining independence wouldn't make them USA puppets. Assyria as a state would have a shared cultural heritage between Syria all the countries around it. Assyrians have massive communities in Iraq and Syria, with a fair few in Iran, and we've got at least some respect from those countries. Iran has named streets or something after Assyrians who've died in the Iran-Iraq war fighting on Irans side. I'm sure you've spoken to Assyrians online, most of them are anti-ZOG, but still less hostile than Muslims I guess. Assyrians are always loyal when treated right. Baghdad and Damascus would have to show good faith and approach it peacefully. There's no reason the governments wouldn't seek peace, since we all have the same interests after all. If anything, it'd be Russia we cucked to, not the USA and ZOG, like Armenia. You saw that Assyrians living within Kurdistan overwhelmingly voted no in the referendum, and there's a reason for that that's mutual between Assyrians and the Arabs.

If Kurds got independence they'd also try to make peace with all the neighbouring countries. Kurds have no loyalty, you see in the Twitter link above that Kurds are quick to hostility and anger. Go on Twitter or wherever kurds frequent, you'll see how many violent af posts there are. Some years back Kurds chimped out and rioted all over Assyrian neighbourhoods in Dohuk and started burning stores down and attacking homes cos a sheikh riled up all the Kurds at the mosque

The moment of consumate disaster
When puppets turn to face the puppetmaster

You know that she's holding an US supplied weapon?

they didnt turn on them. some locals just got pissed off because they arent helping them.
at this point the kurd govt is just in a limbo of dropping sphagetti while thus US drops sphagetti over what to do

Fuck off, kike, your tricks won't work here.

Wanna know how I know you aren't from around here, shill?

learn to argue kike

Turkey's "Turks" aren't very Turkic.

you mean freedom fighter that was murdered in a last stand in occupied palestine

This is because "turk" was used for anyone who spoke a language with an asian base. Bulgarians, Hungarians and Finns were considered turks a few hundred years ago.

Then we started seriously classifying people we figured out they were very different, so we invented the classification "turkic" to mean asiatic turks.

At the same time Ataturk, an ottoman musulman, took the word "turk" and applied it as a non-religious ethnonym to what used to be the ottoman empire.

End result is modern Turks think they're Mongols or Turans, but they're actually a mix of persian and greek. Basically an army of 20,000 horsemen with a persian blood and minor asiatic admixture came down from the caspian mountains and invaded Byzantium, a 1.2 million people empire with 90% of its adult men wiped out by the plague, famine and repeated wars. The admixture is what you'd expect.

DNA tests prove this all the time, just google "turkish genetic roots" or something. There's even a kikepedia page on it.

This is not earlobe spacing I'm trying to do paragraphs on a small phone screen.

I understand all that just, it Isn't fair to compare Mongols to the "Turks" of Turkey that got Arab'd.

Anyone know the song in this webm?


the funny thing is that the speedboats with rocket launchers you see in the beggining can take out an entire US carrier group, and that was proven by noone else than the US navy

Thanks for the laugh. I needed it.


Turkish soldiers executing two female PKK soldiers

Gotta ask for source on that picture, just curious on the whole back story of someone in a serafuku holding an LAW.


Lemme test

Religion of Cuck™ic
Religion of Cuck™

8/pol/ is fucking fake and gay.
Al Mawt Holla Forums mods. They're supreme niggers that fall to moot tier cancer.
All of them need to behead themselves.
CuckChan Holla Forums's /sg/ is infinitely better in the sense that retarded word filters aren't in place.
These niggers should learn to not be triggered by the best religion ever. The only reason they do this shit is to trigger Muslim posters so that actual debates don't happen because they will constantly be Btfo by anyone who knows his stuff.
Like i said, anyone responsible is an immature faggot that needs to go to hell.

I think Western foreign policy needs a rework

Kurds get pissed off at anyone and anything. They don't make for the best allies.

Majority of Turks are natives. The Asian ruling caste is diluted af. Most of the Middle East has an appreciation for Turkish culture, and have varying degrees of respect for the Ottomans (although Arabs and Ottomans were at odds at times). Also no, I don't think Holla Forums is alt-right, but the above poster parrots the exact same shit that self-proclaimed alt-righters on Facebook do

You missed the point. These Arabs that you guys praise are leftists. Middle Eastern people are far more communal than Westerners and lean towards leftist politics like Baathism more than not. It's Baathists, communists, SSNP etc that have been the most hostile against Israeli imperialism. I would support a communist against Israel than support right wing allies of Israel. Left and right don't mean shit when "our side" are the ones cucking to ZOG the most.

I mean, they did kill innocent people in an airport, but the point was that leftists are the ones who have done the most in the battle against ZOG while right wingers more often than not are capitalist cucks to Israel. Pic related, Fusako makes for top tier commie propaganda. Proof is in the pudding, Eastern leftists make Western leftists/rightwingers look like a bunch of cowardly faggots.

I wonder how many are Turkified Assyrians. Turkish women are beautiful, if they weren't Muslims I'd be open to marrying one. It's probably a good thing that everyone around Assyrians are Muslims, it's a big deterrent to race mixing.

Neck yourself.


this is old inst it? i remember it in a /sg/ like over a year ago

no idea, it was posted recently on some telegram chat.

Got a source for that? Sounds interesting

it was an excesrsise by the US navy called millenium challange. back in around 2004 or something. They wanted to test how effective irans light hit and run naval and air tactics were against a potential invasion force via sea. team blue was an US carrier with escort, team red was speedboats with light airsupport and coastal batteries. the result was an absolute team red victory, so the navy had to redo the entire excersise with reduced team red strenght and predetermined moves to have team blue win. they attempted to burry the shameful result of the original excersise, but to this day marines and army makes fun of the navy for it.

My condoleances for Brig Gen Issam Zahreddine.

3rd, top kek!

Thanks, reading it I feel rather bothered; are there any other examples of the US or other military's blatantly ignoring their failings and refusing to adopt new tactics like this? What purpose does it all serve?

well in the summer there was a NATO excersise and bulgarian troops refused to fire on targets because they looked like they had russian markings.
in another NATO excersise german motorised units had to use brooms (yes brooms for swiping dust) on their vehicles because they were "lacking in machineguns"

So what have kurds done against ZOG? What have assyrians done against ZOG?
Any good reason why the Syrian army shouldn't just gas both of you?

Why'd you bring them up? They're fine people.

There is a lot of talk about Happenings but in Syria, the Happening began in 2011 and won´t last another 6 months…

Checked! Map is old.

Really? Based!

There is a lot of talk about Happenings but in Syria, the Happening began in 2011 and won´t last another 6 months…

Checked! Map is old, thought.

Really? Based!

Don't bother with Holla Forums shills, he unironically believes in the communist/capitalist paradigm, give him some time to catch up to speed with current politics.


The PKK trained with communists in Lebanon, and went to war against Israel in the Lebanon war in the 80s. The PKK gave a dozen martyrs in battle against ZOG. Assyrians aren't in much of a position to do anything against Israel, but the SSNP was heavily active in resisting Israeli forces in Lebanon. Major Assyrian parties in Iraq and Syria don't cuck to Israel, and align with the government.

Thank you

Anti ZOG commies > ZOG cuck right wingers

What you and I believe in has no bearing on the reality that some people self-identify as capitalists and communists and act according to those self-prescribed labels. The reality is that Eastern people self-identifying as communist revolutionaries are fighting ZOG, and some people who act in accordance with capitalism are ZOG cucks. If you're going to speak for me, you should have been lurking enough to see that in my many posts on this board shilling for Assyrians, I've made it clear that I don't align with either capitalism or communism, left or right. They're useless labels.

We get it, you vape

Except the same can be said for eastern commies cucking to ZOG like the YPG and PKK. You claim to not take sides but you keep pushing the whole >leftists are anti-ZOG meme
While conveniently ignoring most countries that claim to be right wing or capitalist as you'd prefer in your Marxist linguistics are heavily influenced by Jewish groups, just to give you an example George W. Bush had many Jewish members in his cabinet and many more Jewish advisors; yet he claimed to be a right-wing conservative, etc.

At the very least, the right wing had anti-Jewish should origins and the left wing had an over proportional amount of Jews backing up the overthrow of many European and Asian countries when it first picked up. Many true right-wing groups are and have always been anti-ZOG, and no amount of cherry picking Asian commies will save your argument.

Also modern Ba'athists aren't leftist, stop pushing that meme as well.

I literally just said that the PKK gave 11 martyrs fighting Israel alongside the Lebanese. You can call the YPG ZOG cucks, but you can't call the PKK ZOG cucks. The PKK are internationally known as a terrorist organization, who have been fucking with Turkey for years. Netanyahu came out recently and declared the PKK a terrorist organization.

That's not what I conveniently ignored, because that's what I just said. People who claim to be right wing, capitalist, conservative etc are more often than not ZOG cucks.

I never said leftism is anti-Jew, I merely pointed out the reality (and irony) that, TODAY, it's leftists who are the most anti-ZOG, and right wingers who are more often than not ZOG cucks. Even the most insane, purple haired liberals today suck Palestinian cock and call Israel a terrorist colonial state.

Ba'athism is leftism (socialism) mixed with Arab nationalism.

I can claim to be some socialist bernout and receive donations from Jews too, that doesn't necessarily make me a true representative of socialism. Why are you applying this false logic to the right wing? Also you haven't actually given any examples of the right wing supporting Jews, I can name 5 anti-Jew groups who actually fought against the interests of ZOG from the top of my head:
The list can go on, these groups alone did more with less resources than any leftist nation will ever do against ZOG.

Those groups did literally nothing against ZOG. They killed European Jews, they didn't attack ZOG itself. Regardless, you missed the point and turned this into a left vs right dick measuring contest. That was never the point

Except they did even before Israel existed.
No, you just wouldn't admit that you're wrong so I provided examples and explained the political situation to you since you just don't get it, it might be your slow cognition but try to understand that the "right wing capitalists" you're attacking aren't actually right wing, and they most definitely aren't supporting an ideology with Jewish origins. You should be thankful, goy.

Have a meme, I made it just for you.

Also you're a race traitor, proceed to the gas chamber at aisle 9.


My mistake, I meant Israel itself

Civic nationalists, evangelical neoconservatives, classical liberals, the average Zion dickriding baby boomers. These people adhere to rightwing economic ideals, you can't deny these. These are the selfish capitalists who have no issue replacing everyone with foreigners if it means saving a penny, while sending their sons to die for Israel in a desert.


Yeah, I see your point except none of these are actual right-wingers, they're all co-opted zionist stooges who for the most part seem to be based in the US, the country with the most amount of Jews in the world. They don't adhere to nationalist principles or conservative/traditionalist ideals, they work for the Jew first and foremost; even if they think we should have a smaller government, less taxes, and be able to make contracts with others to purchase their tangible good or service, that doesn't matter.


This argument is flawed because we're arguing about two different things, the social and economic right.

It's easy, just pick the least Arab/Mongol looking Turks and you're good to go.

Regardless, the (((capitalists))) you speak of are Jewish and their supporters are mindless ZOGbots regardless of their political affiliation, even the most degenerate Marxist cuck loves supporting Jewish mega corporations even when they decry Israeli "imperialism" (Starbucks, Apple, Facebook, CNN, etc). I understand your point even if it is flawed in nature considering both sides of the shekel are owned by the same (((chosen few))).

That's not how genetics or anthropology works, lad. I wish our population would grow substantially simply by adding the numbers of Turks who don't know they're Assyrians, but the world doesn't work like this.

Do you forget how Exxon Mobil made deals with the Kurds to siphon oil out of Nineveh? Thy directly profited off ISIS fucking Assyrians up in the region. You can call it Jews all you want, but at the end of the day greed isn't exclusive to Jews. My point was never that communism is better than capitalism, it's that they're both shit and everyone here who keeps sucking capitalist cock needs to understand that even Hitler was against capitalism for a good reason. Capitalism is the other side of the Jewish coin, there's no way around this.

A lot of people in East/South East Turkey literally are Assyrians and Armenians, descendants of either forced converts, slaves or children who were adopted by Muslims when their families were massacred in the various massacres/genocides committed against Christians. Turkish genetics vary immensely depending on region. They're not a homogeneous people

Literally Jews working with Jews to profit off war. I get what you mean but it's autistic as fuck to put the blame on "greedy capitalists", especially when there's a loose definition of it. Is every business man a capitalist due to the nature of earning capital? If so does that automatically make him a slave to Zion? You do know how that sounds, right? You're falling into the Marxist trap of blaming things on faceless "capitalists".

Oh look, it's that one thing that did very well in the Millennium Challenge. What a coincidence.

Surely the Navy made new plans to counter them right?

What is this autistic bulllshit?

Serious question, how white Turks really are? I know they have a lot of that Greek / Anatolian blood in them but they look so inbred it's actually horrifying. Even some people in Serbia and Bulgaria look brown as fuck. I always though it was due to the 500 years long Ottoman occupation.

They're never white in the first place, long before the seljuks even existed
That's the end result of turk mongrel rapefests throughout the ottoman's lifespan in SE Europe. (((albania))) being the finest example of shitskin traits being more prominent despite a reasonable amount of the population being whites, but it's mostly because of 'muh ottoman/piss.lam superiority' education and the main religion being said mudslime religion
now into the gaschamber you go leftycuck


i see.

Question: if the ceasefire occurs, do syrians lose the ability to claim "rapefugee"? I know that kikes will let them continue, but to convince the normalfag would they?


I like that frog rock shirt

Also, you're a nigger that should be suffocated via lynching

>>>Holla Forums


Southfront just named the jew




What? I'm pro-Assad you fucking idiot

I came to US to study (California | Mechanical) and professor praised the rebels, gonna have a talk with him in two days. How can i enlighten him best, sg?

I have families in Syria (emotion)
I can talk about how the rebels are too savage to even cooperate with eachothers, how they're linked to other terrorist groups and how they allowed unholy forced (ISIS) to slip into the domain, some of them also joined ISIS. not to forget about the fact that they allowed the Turdistanis to steal land and oppress the locals (proves they do not care about Syria)
Also they destroyed Syria and people run away from the areas they conquer, they also never care to rebuild them. But i am speaking to a professor and i want to be more specific with citations

Call him a racist shitlord who belittles the struggle of your people by thinking he can understand it

I wasn't going to spam this time but then I was banned.

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Just tell him the media narrative is bullshit, if he believes that Assad is evil, etc then he doesn't care about objective evidence (or lack thereof on the media's part).

Don't be afraid to use the race card. Tell him that he is a White liberal who is living vicariously through illegitimate foreign revolutions

South Front is running low on rubles again.
Need 4600
Got 2963 in direct donations
Got 900 from ((patreon)) who gets a ((healthy cut))
I guess outing the kurds meant they lost the lefty funding
Please don't die SF


Kurds posing as iraqi army capture checkpoints and kill soldiers
a violation of international law and rules of law should you know

The next steps.

hopefully damascus will extend the area of operations allowed for iraqi forces to operate in syria

turkey entered north Iraq yesterday

OC from halfC

turkey advancing in iraq, PMU capturing last major IS stronghold before the sy border, SDF beating SAA to the southern border.

What would happen if the SAA attacked the turds?


That is my personal fav meme user.

govt forces continue deployng reinforcements for Idlib offensive.
is it a move coordinated or against turks/SDF?

turkey would attack back and the US would be spilling even more sphagetti having to decid between SDF and turkey

if you're against assad, you're mossad

bump for imcuckfy asshurt

offtopic but i loved that Harvey show in the background

govt forces advance in north hama


Its not, Iraq doesn't recognize the existence of the state of Israel either and never has


A top US military official puts the number of American forces allegedly fighting Daesh Takfiri terrorists in Syria at 4,000, then immediately retracts the figure after being reminded that the official tally is way lower.

I can't imagine how retarded you would have to be to believe this.

we all know why americans are in syria. the point of the article is that the monkeys at DoD dont even know how many divisions theyre trying to hide there

Deir ez zor liberated.

post pics of map



SDF cucked by based PMU

I'm guessing the 4000 number is with all the ISIS mercenaries paid for by american tax dollars and CIA black budget programs. After all, there's not much left of ISIS.

Is this level of ignorance the norm here these days? Perhaps consider at least reading the wikipedia article.
Barzani is not a commie. Never was. He's just your run-of-the-mill kleptocrat who wants an independent Kurdistan, so he, his family, and business allies can appropriate all the oil revenues for themselves without sharing anything with the federal government in Baghdad.
There is nothing even remotely communist about the slow-motion train wreck that is the Kurdistan independence movement. Which is primarily led by a coalition of nationalist business interests. In particular the KDP - the party of the ruling nepotistic Barzani family.

Almost nobody cares. And why would they? What exactly does Kurdish independence have to do with the socialist movement?

Wtf I love ziocons and based jews now!





muh fredoms

Inb4 "YPG is in Syria" no shit you dumb cunt, but in case of a kurdish independence in Iraq, it would naturally lead to increased attempts to annex Syrian clay to it through SDF, which happens to be massively leftist

iraqi specops are usually in full black, but because theres alot more US camo gear in stock than costum black gear they wera those.
camo isnt even that important to them since they fight in urban areas

could you put some more context into your post, it neither arguments or backs my post

Turds will never go/get across the river. It's their objective to hold the defense there for the peace conference.

harder to run away if youre in all black. I thought that was the rationale (plus they have a lot of NV goggles making night ops tactically useful)

Except the SDF and the Rojavan leadership want nothing to do with the KDP and the Barzani family. And visa versa.
Iraqi Kurdistan at one point banned trade and travel to Rojava. (Trade is still restricted) And in turn KDP-affiliated parties have been attacked in Syria. Including a party headquarter's that was burned to the ground, and it's members imprisoned.
archive.fo/dRkC4 - Party HQ set on fire in Rojava
archive.fo/uQDSw - Barzani rejecting Rojavan autonomy declartion
archive.fo/x77YK - Rojava blockaded by Iraqi Kurdistan

Massively leftist in the 19th century liberal sense of the word maybe. Their two vision are irreconcilable. In Rojava the ruling TEV-DEM coalition wants a federation of democratically-managed autonomous autarkic communes within Syria. The KDP and it's allies on the other hand are rabid-nationalists who want an ethnically pure Kurdistan - including non-Iraqi areas, ruled by a powerful central government and business elite.
Do some research next time.

In urban fight scenarios, you use black in night missions. Most spec ops use it as standard clothing because camo in urban fights is much less effective during day.

I guess all those weapons pouring into Syria from Iraqi Kurdistan half a year ago were just a fucking fata morgana. And I bet Kurds, who'd finally achieve independence, would just go "lol let's have two competing countries instead of just one because we can't agree on a political party :^)"

Do you realise that more than half of all SDF forces is made out of YPG and YPJ, which are literally commie militias? That the moment they feel like it, they can easily coup any sort of "democratic" government set up there? Do you actually believe the bullshit MSM feeds you about "muh democratic regions and councils"?

Which is precisely why they'd jump at the opportunity to grab Syrian clay even if it meant letting commies in. No matter how much they might disagree with each other, both want independence and both want to have a big, unified Kurdistan. That is not to mention that both USA and Israel (which Kurds love and admire, btw) have a vested interest in such a big and unified Kurdistan happening as well. The notion that a few political parties would prevent this is laughable. I can imagine it just now:

let me put it as simple as i can for you.
if kurdistan in iraq seccedes it will be a carte blanche for SDF groups to attempt the same.
If kurdistan is incorporated back into iraq there is less credibility in SDF leanings to stay autonomous.
IF a conflict erupts between bagdad and kurdistan theres a bigger chance things will heat up with damascus and rojava

Source? Rojava was blockaded for years. On the other hand, Barzani has been trying again and again to placate them. Each time they've ignored or rejected his advances.
archive.fo/6PjBC - Barzani offered to send troops to Syria, but it was rejected.

That's exactly what has already happened. And at this point Rojava also has more Arab inhabitants than kurds. Their interests and vision just cannot be reconciled because they actively oppose one another. Just because they speak the same language doesn't mean they want to live under one roof together.

I'm talking about the KDP and the Barzanis though, who aren't commies at all.

No need for that when the PYD affiliated leadership of the YPG/YPJ already runs the place. And the Barzanis won't give up their power without a fight. At the end of the day though neither side really enjoys influence in the other's territory.

I don't get that info from mainstream sites. It's not all milk and honey, but it's evident they're serious about the project.

They've tried luring them into an alliance, and were rejected multiple times.

Not really. Again, perhaps considering looking deeper into both sides. One wants a monoethnic centralized nation-state, the other wants an ethnically pluralist confederation of communes. Do I need to explain why those two things don't go together?

Israel isn't really loved in Rojava though. That's the Iraqi Kurdistan thing. Now Rojava has it's geopolitical uses, but at this point they're really using each other. It's one big game. They've even enjoyed Russian support (Particularly in the Afrin region).

It's not just a "few political parties". It's the communes and militias themselves, as well as the Iraqi Kurdistani business elite.

Except the PYD has openly rejected independence several times. Considering they've had the opportunity for years, their track record backs it up. Besides, as stated before, there are more Arabs than Kurds at this point in both the SDF and Rojava as a whole. This is no longer strictly Kurdish affair.
archive.fo/mybDs (PYD chair rejecting independence)

Except it's the KDP that wants to intergrate Syrian Kurdish areas (through its local allies), and the TEV-DEM coalition, the militias, the SDF and the communes keep rejecting it.

They've had this opportunity for years and didn't take it. Again, read more into what these people actually want and what they've been doing the last few years.

Except the two struggles are both different and have been separate since the beginning. One wants an independent state, the other wants local autonomy and communal ownership.
Let me put it even simpler. If - whatever you want to call the development in northern Syria - were to spread to Iraqi Kurdistan and take hold there, it would mean the end of the Barzani family's influence, and all those allied to them. If on the other hand the views and influence of the KDP would come to dominate in northern Syria, it would mean the end of the communalist project there, as well as the PYD and it's coalition.
This "Greater Kurdistan" fantasy where everyone holds hands and sings Kumbaya only exists in the minds of people that haven't done their research.

being vague is among (((their))) carte blanche in shill ops. do it better next time when calling out shills without collateral nigger

they did. just because they didnt go dejure with it doesent mean shit. here on /sg/ we take things at defacto value

noone cares about greater kurdistan or political systems or whatever in this, the only thing we here cared about from the start of the war is that both syria and iraq remain whole and centralised as to be better suited for opposing US atempts in the region.
so far that is not going well since eastern syria is under defacto US control and northeastern iraq is in a rouge state which will allow further US involvement should baghdad successfuly break away from US grip and attempt to ally itself with iran and syria

for anyone still keeping this thing on life support

People quit posting here for a reason, see the /polmeta/ thread

Al-Boukamal City has been Fully Liberated
Wew goys, the last major ISIS-held city has fallen. Daesh is now basically nothing but desert.

So where did everyone go?

im not quiting on /sg/.

there was a thing with the mods and alot of people got banned, so they went to other chans fot /sg/ and didnt come back yet.
just keep this thing going and people will eventually come back like before.


Yeah no
I quit using Holla Forums altogether, the site as a whole is compromised and i only monitor this thread to argue with the cucks

I don't see much of a chance for /sg/ to ever become as active here again and a lot of people are definitely not going to return and have said so in other /sg/s

Hope you're right.
Hez vs. (((diapers))) soon?

if youre just gonna bitch and not contribute dont post.

hopefully not actually.
id rather see syria rebuild and get ready for the next war in the iran-iraq-syria-lebanon axis.
iraq too needs some time so we can see if the US will support the sunni and kurd insurgencies there.

I agree; I want to see the long game play out properly, with consolidated pivots to Tehran.
If anyone wants cheap fireworks, well thats what Mr. Burkan is for.

explaining to newfags why the thread is dead and now co-opted by shills is necessary

/sg/ was, is and will be undefeated
we're not going away, and we're not quitting


Hwy Guys Nasrallah is speaking right now its good shit.


For the short term yes. Long term I'd like to see Greater Iran come to fruition. It would have to be based in persian nationalism and not a religious republic though. It might be just a pipe dream though. The crusty old mullahs aren't really the problem, it's great men like Soleimani who are still wedded to the revolution. They could be so much more if they wanted to be.

no. you dont know how the middle east works if your up for that or you just dont care.

im know im not some bigtime thinktank analyst but by my opinion it would be best if the region stays with its designated pre war borders, but provincial autonomies are established for ethnic lines, especially in iraq that is split into shia parts in the east and south, sunni parts in the west and kurd parts in the north.

ofcourse this would only work if outside actors were only there to help, not try to run their proxy wars.

but because the latter is the case i would say the best thing is for syria to be liberated (eventho the US will still hold the rojava region), iraq either centralises and gets an iron grip or splits into kurd, central govt and sunni regions, with a secure axis going from iran to lebanon.
the baghdad-damascus and baghdad-aleppo highways are critical here.
unless assad barrelbombs a new one into existance

also irans Religion of Cuck™ic fundamentalism is what keeps it standing.
the concept of nationalism doesent work there as it does in europe. and a shift in political matters like that would create chaos and give the US a shot they wont miss.

also the emblem that guy is throwing in the trash is a symbol that represents a tulip and a persian word for something religious. a red tulip is a sybol of martyres; those who died fighting for their country.

Just to clarify this part, they've been calling themselves Iran (Ērān, Ērānšahr - land of the aryans, kingdom of the aryans) forever, Persia was the name that was stuck to them by the Greeks.

Probably when the interests of the Shia groups in command of the troops actually started coinciding with the interests of the government.

You could bring him a mirror and he'd explain why he's secretly a tranny.

a /sg/ debate is going on here
including one hardcore JIDF shill, all interested are invited


new southfront


ISIS-SDF deal on raqqa confirmed

I remember watching a short documentary filmed in Damascus where there are interviews, one with a female artist with short hair and an opera singer. I can't find it, can someone link it?

it was probably from ANNA, a syrian news network.
and no, because jewtube deleted their channel when FSA started losing.

ANNA is Abkhazian


still, if youre right the i confused it with SANA.


US spilling sphaggeti yet again

al bukamal taken, general Suleimani of the IRGC quds force on the ground there
