World Jewish Congress, Is Alarmed, Contacts Chancellor Angela Merkel Follow Election

World Jewish Congress, Is Alarmed, Contacts Chancellor Angela Merkel Follow Election
Jewish groups in Europe and the United States expressed alarm at the success of the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party in Sunday’s parliamentary election and urged other parties not to form alliances with it.

But a leading member of the AfD, which won 12.6 percent of the vote in the federal election to become the third largest party in Germany’s lower house of parliament, said Jews had nothing to fear from his party’s success.

The far-right has not been represented in parliament since the 1950s, a reflection of Germany’s efforts to distance itself from the horrors of the Nazi Holocaust.

Ronald Lauder, president of the New York-based World Jewish Congress, called Chancellor Angela Merkel a “true friend of Israel and the Jewish people” and decried the AfD’s gains at a time when anti-Semitism was increasing across the globe.

“It is abhorrent that the AfD party, a disgraceful reactionary movement which recalls the worst of Germany’s past and should be outlawed, now has the ability within the German parliament to promote its vile platform,” Lauder said.

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And normies still try and make excuses for the kikes

This is just the kikes giving their kosher controlled opposition some dissident bonafides.

Not quite, it would be
+bonus Nige going full cuck


Confirmed for controlled opposition.

Redpilling normalfags on the holohoax is so easy these days that it's funny. In fact it is funny when doing it. Normalfags like to feel smart so when you start introducing holohoax facts on them and phrase it in such a way that it sounds like a standup comedian said it, they latch onto every word.

Basically if you have social skills and know how to be like-able, and the person you're dealing with isn't completely bluepilled, you can redpill just about anyone just by being their friend. Once people think of you as their friend; they will hear you out, listen to your risqué jokes, and want to know what you know. And once they start asking serious questions, that desire to know more takes over and you can feed them redpills appropriate for that moment, comfortable in the fact that they will soon know even bigger ones.

Protip: combine your redpills with videos catching the fake media being fake and crisis actors being obvious. Those videos are addictive to normalfags because they again, want to feel smart and informed, and so they will feel indebted to you that you showed them how fake the news and media is.

I see Hasbarafag is already shilling and sliding hard ITT

Of course they'd say that. Do you expect them to openly hate Jews when they're at the mercy of said Jews?


Indeed, good advice. Ever since reading The Leuchter Report for myself, it's been much easier to talk about the holocaust and how the "gas chambers" were never even designed for such a purpose, never mind actually used to gas millions of people.

Read up niggers:

All their shit is free, from documentaries to the books. Documentary related is a really normalfag friendly piece.


kikes are such whiny ass bitches

Being fit, well-groomed, interesting and charismatic pays big dividends. In addition to what you are saying, being attractive gives your words more weight in people's mind.

You know anons it's weird, I used to have great social skills and charisma, way way above average but not anymore. As I became older it just went away and was replaced with a kind of reclusive nihilism and siege mentality. Hopefully that makes senses, it's hard to explain.

Anyhow, if anyone knows how to get my charisma and social skills back I'm all ears.

I have a patter practiced that has the subject deny it for me. Takes a while but is great fun. I have never cared for denying it myself although the story is offensively unbelievable, had it have happened however I don’t understand the controversy.

Saying "yes, we do hate kikes" would have gotten them arrested and dissolved as a political party you dumb fuck.

I simply tell them they all starved to death since the war wrecked the economy and that the allies and communists blew up the holocaust stories to distract from their own crimes like nuclear fucking bombs on Japan.

What else would he say? Just wait for Hitler, right?

If they love Israel so much then why haven't they all moved there? We should meme it. Israel will collapse under the weight of its population when the the US ceases giving them gibs and nobody in the country actually works except for the goyim. When they are back in their country they won't be able to say they are persecuted anymore and won't have a need for gibs.

Shit like this proves beyond a doubt that Jews are their own worst enemy.


To get it back it takes practice. When I redpilled myself I was also going through a lot of division from old friends who turned into shitty people. I had to sort the anger out because telling people such important facts and revealing the truth came tumbling out of my mouth like crazed desperation. After experiencing that, I finally understood why the stereotypical conspiracy buff is the way he is; seen as crazy and unstable because I acted like that, and couldn't control it. No matter how important I believed what I said was, it was that same urgency in telling others that causes words to tumble out and sound crazy. It took a lot of nerve and management of emotions to store them away for when I need them. Once I did I truly understood my own emotions.

The anger you get when learning something awful is validation that what you're feeling is real, but it doesn't help you win over people except people who already understand you. They will see you as crazy, and can you blame them? But the fascinating thing is when you repeat the same words but they come out calm and collected, and enticing, people want to hear more. When I pulled that off the first time, I knew I had to work for it because that power is amazing.

About charisma, you never truly lose it, it just takes time and practice to bring it out again. It also takes the right people. I got new friends through life's changes. I met some really decent people. And now they're all redpilled. I started off shy, vulnerable, and a bit insecure and hyper conscious of my behavior but the guys I hung around were non-judgmental and let me be. So maybe I was lucky, but at the same time why would you be around people who are the opposite of that? Once I got back in the habit of banter, the rest was easy and the way others adressed me changed because they noticed the difference. Brotherhood is such an important part of human existence. Without that, the jews would always win.

It also bares mentioning that I had help from safe herbal remedies like ginkgo biloba. It helps stabilize your mood by reducing cortisol, the fight or flight hormone. If you're a caffeine guy, you probably need this more than the caffeine. Cortisol levels increase from emotional stress so stress plus caffeine equals angry rants. A dropper full of that can give you the calm you need in a pinch.

Man, this is precicely what i've been feeling for ages. The frustration of trying to articulate these nasty revelations upon people who don't want to and/nor can't see it.

Your entire thread is shit and you should be banned for not lurking 14 weeks and 88 days before posting

Farage will hang like the fucking race traitor faggot he is.



Holy shid, gonna cheg my own dubs here



Congratulations, goyim, you've rediscovered the technology used by (((Jon))). Normalfags are putty in your hands.


Historically, anti-semitism has risen in western countries one at a time and the Jews have always been able to flee. That's why Jews are so pro-immigration. Jews need to make sure that the borders are open so that when their neighbouring Jews get in trouble they can cut and run.

This time it's different. We now live in an interconnected world and antisemitism is on the rise everywhere at once. Not just in the west, but everywhere.

And their contingency plan, Israel, isn't a long term option for them either. The entire world hates the Israelis because of Palestine and without western economic and diplomatic support they're finished.

The Jews are scared. The entire world hates them. Half the world wants them dead and the other half is now turning on them. Their crimes are about to catch up with them and they've nowhere in the world left to flee to. They're freaking out over the AfD because they know what's coming but have no idea how to stop it.

And you see little Johnny.. After a long and blood war we had the enemy pushed back to their last stronghold and we replied to their surrender with our last remaining bombs. And that is why every September 25th we celebrate Dubs Day, it is the day that repeating integers collided to meme into existence the conditions to solving the jewish problem once and for all.

A Jew in New York is telling Germans in Germany that a German political party "should be outlawed." Presumably this would require reversing the election results and locking up people whose crime was either standing for election or voting. Remember this when the NY kikes pipe up about our own politics – Theyd quite like to put you in prison for not liking Jews.

It's as if they adore the smell of poison gas and wish we would give them more for the first time in human history.

Fucking hell, Kek. You're serious this time.

In the past, maybe. But now there's a Filipino butt massage discussion board that's worse.

All of this in the near future.

All of this in the near future.

It's beautiful, as those kiwi anons were saying in their threads, the kikes and a lot of high ranking crpyto kike bankers have their apocalypse bunker properties on islands in the South Pacific like New Zealand….. not a bad plan except the fact is that now Chinese are flooding these places and swiftly establishing a foothold. This is of course not a good thing for whites at all but it is making the juden sweat because they know the chinks have no ears for their bullshit and they do not want the Chinese to become a majority anywhere outside of China. It's why, I think, the asians have been dropped entirely from their placement in the oppression olympics.

great advice. bump

I may add, even the holocaust narrative is getting weaker and weaker by the day. People involved in WW2 and post-war era are dying of old age. It's hard to feel ashamed for something that you have nothing to do with it.

20 years from now, you'll still have jews in their 60's or 70's claiming to be 120 years old holohoax survivors.
pic related.

In the same Interview Gauland said when jewish press asked about whether Israel's right to exist is part of Germany's national interest that we have to be honest when asking such a question. It would mean that Germany would send german soldiers to die for Israel. National interest would sound nice and all, but that is just empty words. Ask german politicians whether they want german soldiers dying for Israel and you get different answers.

You didn't lose them. You've lost patience with the sleepy people around you. Their interests don't align with your own.

After my "OMG it's all real" and subsequent cool down phases, I found it very hard to relate to normies. Instead, I focused on improving myself. I developed a magnetism that draws like-minded people, and I learned to tolerate everyone else. Even further along, my annoyance with those sleepers subsided, I developed the skill of cataloging strangers into those who know, those who would like to know, those who are too far gone to know, and those who actively try to keep others from knowing.

I don't set out trying to convince people of anything, but will gladly discuss such matters when people ask. As they get to know me, they usually do. But when I meet that last class of person (it happens, and so far they've all been jews,) I like to pro-actively exercise my lines of attack. It's good for consolidating my arguments and rhetorical skills, and it can open the eyes of those watching. You obviously will not _convince_ someone acting in bad faith of anything.

The most important first step for you is realizing you've lost nothing. What use do you have for water cooler chats about the latest (((hollywood))) show or (((sportsball))) team when you are busy exercising, reading, learning new and useful skills and maximizing your potential?

I was reading some archived news papers from when Hitler became a Chancellor and it was writing about the Social Democrats protesting against the about-to-be new government. They used the similar words written in OP's post, where the term "reactionary" was always present. Lemme see if I can find it.

Except in Germany. As a foreigner, you can never fully understand the extend to which the people were brainwashed for 2-3 generations straight. Dare to try what you said and even your family will denounce you or if you voice it openly you go into prison even before ending your little speech.
A bluepilled German would never dare to say "Germany for the Germans". The brainwashing physically eradicated the positive thought of being patriotic (ecxept when it is sports). It's difficult to put into words but come over here and find out for yourself what being bluepilled really means.


TORposters every time. Being openly anti-Jew in Germany is illegal. They have no free speech, they can't go full Hitler without ending up dissolved as a political party and thrown in jail.

It's finally happening. The decline is over.

are you braindead? I just translated what he said.

What did he mean by this?

Sounds like depression, or lingering PTSD. Did anything happen in your life which was major and traumatic? How about anything moderately traumatic you might be downplaying to yourself?

Yes and no. You can't be anti-Jew but you can be anti-Zionist. Germans give a fair amount of Palestinian aid too.


Nigger, they are third in parliament and not first, Germany also isn't America. There is a party called NPD(Nationalist Party Germany) and many of their important members got their houses raided and arrested for doing or saying the wrong thing throughout the years, until it became a total Honeypot. They tried the direct road, and it didn't work out. You are forced to lie about this or you fuck yourself and your party. The NSDAP did not have this problem, the AfD can't get into power the same way, the allies made sure of that through law.
If you really want to get jews out in Germany, FIRST you need to get in total power (>50% seats), change certain laws, and only after that can they effectively do something about them by ruling the parliament. It's already good enough they don't cuck about Germans past, but don't expect them to name the jew until late in the game.

Why are you, a jew, here posting on Holla Forums complaining about goys calling out you kikes?

Nigger, they are third in parliament and not first, Germany also isn't America. There is a party called NPD(Nationalist Party Germany) and many of their important members got their houses raided and arrested for doing or saying the wrong thing throughout the years, until it became a total Honeypot. They tried the direct road, and it didn't work out. You are forced to lie about this or you fuck yourself and your party. The NSDAP did not have this problem, the AfD can't get into power the same way, the allies made sure of that through law.
If you really want to get jews out in Germany, FIRST you need to get in total power (>50% seats), change certain laws, and only after that can they effectively do something about them by ruling the parliament. It's already good enough they don't cuck about Germans past, but don't expect them to name the jew until late in the game.

THIS user gets it.
