Destroying the NFL with the progressive stack

Gentlemen, we have a massive opportunity. I didn't see a single lgbt, tranny, feminist coach or ref taking a knee.

Is the NFL actively keeping out minority groups in favor of maintaining their toxic patriarchal system?

The NFL must meet allow trannies onto the the field to knee with the players and suit up.

The NFL must identify the white fans in the stadiums who refuse to take a knee with our oppressed african brothers and dox them. We must contact the fans employers and let them know they currently have a nazi working for their company.

We must introduce the progressive stack into this to ensure the destruction of the NFL.

Other urls found in this thread:

wow, just wow!

This board has been subverted by Jim. He doesn't want his shitty site to be dominated by Holla Forums

The mods are all compromised. You got served.

We must demand that the anchors, photographers, concession stand workers, security, everyone employed by the team to take a knee. If they refuse to, they must be fired.

Where is video footage of the owners kneeling during the anthem? They must provide evidence to us that they are in solidarity with the oppressed victims of fascist racist kkk police brutality.

We must stand together to stop Trump and his nazis from destroying America and the world.

Bump for shenanigans

This is the Liberal States of NFL now. You either rise up against all oppressive whites in the name of NFL or you pay the consequences.

Imagine a meme with awkward looking NFL players or fans with the words "Nazis Watch Out!" underneath.

To show solidarity the NFL must stop playing the national anthem and play Beyonce instead.
No more national anthems in NFL stadiuems, it's a constant reminder of white supremacy.

Spread this like wildfire.


Is this real?

Poe's Law.

crash professional sports with no survivors

I really don't want to regurgitate their rhetoric to do anything. It feels dirty to put more out there in the overall public discourse, if you catch my drift.
The NFL is destroying itself and white men are turning away. White men are the reason NFL players and owners are rich. When the viewers go, they go, and perhaps alternatives start to pop up? Maybe Vince can try his hand at the XFL again. kek

Don't ever fucking post here again you double nigger

So how hard is the NFL actually financially going to suffer from this? Can a knowledgeable user fill me in?

TV licensing deals account for something like 40% of the NFL's revenue (roughly $5 billion dollars).

That is mostly done via long term contracts (the last one was DirectTV's agreement for Sunday Ticket. Most of these contracts come up for renewal in the next 4-6 years. So this revenue is safe (short of something like ESPN failing due to costs locked in and massive cord cutting).

Merchandise. parking, and ticket sales are much shorter term (many tickets are sold via season ticket plans, so these would impact this year and next year). These are each about 15-20% of most teams revenues, with the remainder coming from concessions and other sources (NFL films and box seats). So while tickets are mostly sold, there's probably $1.5-3 billion in revenue from concessions, merchandise and other game day stuff that's at risk starting next week (if people don't use their tickets or walk out).

The games (except for Monday Night Football and Thursday Night Football) are shown over broadcast channels, so the money comes from ads, which are immediately adjusted for ratings (when a network sells a show promising 1,000,000 views and only gets 800,000 they have to reassign other ad time to make up or make good ads). So a ratings decline immediately impacts the finances of FOX, NBC, and CBS. With roughly $5 billion in ad revenue (the networks also benefit from a large audience leading into other programming) and pre-game/post game show ads.

So while the NFL's suffering may not happen immediately, the (((media companies'))) suffering begins with ratings declines, and the NFL starts suffering severely as soon as the TV contracts renew.

The salary cap adjusts with revenue, so player contracts will adjust for the expectations of the salary cap over the contract period.

It would probably take a drop in revenue of a bit over $1 billion to force cost cutting (most player contracts last a few years, but non-players can be laid off) or teams to carry a loss. Something like a 30% reduction in game day attendance, and 20% drop in ratings would have the NFL facing a long string of losses before the player salaries would be absorbed.

Given the speed at which even Trump supporting owners protested his remarks, suggests that team valuations have already begun falling.



That is absolutely brilliant. I have a feeling this thread is going to catch fire tomorrow.

wrong pic

Checked for the Battle of Hastings.
Also, we have to start winding up trannies who think they are cheerleader material and feed their delusions online..

That picture is really stupid. If Southern Europeans were superior, it would be more logical that you preferred your own women. There is some obvious inferiority complex in that picture.

We need tranny reporters in the ESPN room commenting on the game.

it wouldnt be too hard to convince niggers that nfl higher ups have been talking about what to do via email and decided that if they ignore the boycotters and continue to side with the knee protests they would lose as many as 58% of their viewers and if they side with the boycotters and stop the knee protests they would lose 18% of their viewers. They have decided that siding with the boycotters is the smartest move but are lamenting about the changes that would have to be made, if they do that and lose their black viewers they are going to have to restructure the nfl to get more engagement from the boycotter (white) demographic so they will have to institute a quota system on new contracts signed with niggers until they are phased out over the next 5 years.

It would be great if someone would leak some emails that showed that, right user?

Trannies, women, the lack of Mexicans and whatever other races just shove em all down. Let em drown.

It's not like niggers are smart enough to use correct spelling and have rational goals anyway.





This kind of shit doesn't work. Stop trying to use the left as a weapon.

What if people are too brainwashed and weak and they just go along with it and don't rebel and all we end up having done is advance the poz?

The sad thing is, I can't tell if this is real or Holla Forums

There is a multitude of factors that are causing most "entertainment" companies to lose revenue, though the NFL will still be the highest-grossing sports league in the world this year. The NFL has always been very reactionary (in the literal sense, not the new pozzed definition of reactionary) though. Any time a hint of controversy arises, they tuck tail. Ben Roethlisburger (one of the more famous QBs) already came out and said it was a mistake and that he guarantees every player will be on the field next week. The problem is his nigger coach is going the opposite direction. This take a knee schtick is causing a mini race war in the NFL. It's hilarious to watch.

It actually does. That's how I fucked over OWS and a bunch of other leftist groups. Just astroturf + progressive stack. They will never ever have any communist utopia delusions and I will ensure that as I am paid to.

I need ideas for hashtags and stuff lads. We can do this.

If we can meme women coaches/players and fags into football it'll shrivel and die.

The beauty in all of this is more people will get off their asses and prepare. The less people that are blasted with brainwashing the better.

Much better off pushing this train wreck over the cliff. Those still in the "I'll return if the protests stop" camp need the extra motivation.

That would really scatter some kike ashes

We need freedom of speech rallies at every NFL game in every city.

Invite AJ, Faith Goldy and Lauren Southern to cover the event.

The NFL is already on the decline. Good opportunity to alienate the white fans who provide most of the money.

National Felony League
fuck those monkeys

lowest ratings since its inception in 1970
ratings so bad because of kraperdick they had to refund advertisers

tons of people posting vidy of them burning there jerseys

this just because i laughed

America's Got Talent 2017 Donald Trump

Considering all of that is a part of everyday life now no matter how mundane, I support this plan. The lemmings still don't care because they have their niggerball to watch and piss water to drink. Remove their final degenerate distraction and there'll be a ton of Whites that will rapidly wake the fuck up

That is way too goddamn obvious my friend, 1-5 was good but 6 and up you really dropped the ball


That’s actually not bad

I like it.

Also… remember there is no way to achieve the tabula rasa without identity politics. :^)

Excellent job, user. Use forebears to find more Israeli surnames if needed.

We don't need more of their rhetoric in the public discourse.
Unless it's something that's sure to make normal white people revolt, like trannies wanting to beat up all "cis" people.

Where the fuck have you been and where the fuck do you think you are?

Can someone please refine this document so it's more believable? We need blm and liberals eating it up enough to tweet it.

Item 6 blows the whole thing. It has to go, especially since BLM hates them now for being white supremacists. Other than that, this is largely believable.

Underrated post. Thanks for the detailed analysis user.

This. Femshits absolutely loathe traps by and large.


this looks like it was made in MS paint no normies will ever buy this

Can someone please brush up on the blm demands and transleader images? The more professional and thought out, the more believable.

fixed it ;)

thats awesome user, great work!

If Ms Paint was good enough for Mr Trump in 2016, she'll be good enough for you in current-year, user.

The fucking election really did ruin Holla Forums Now every fucking thread is a Did you see what Trump did today?!, News Threads about who the fuck care or (insert country),YES!. All the fun or good threads Holla Forums used to have that made Holla Forums what it is are slid off or shilled to death. Holla Forums will return but current Holla Forums is a shadow of the Golden Holla Forums thanks to shills and newfags.

Here have some normie book versions.

If there is one thing cultural marxism is good at, it's destroying institutions.


Why stop there? Why the fuck doesn't the NFL have tranny players? Why are almost all the refs white males? We must demand that at least 50% of all players, refs and sports anchors be transsexual, black, overweight, feminist disabled people. Anything less would be just more white oppression.

These came out badass, thanks user!

How many institutions has it destroyed and taken over for themselves?

Just cause something is destroyed doesn't mean it's dead. These people have an amazing ability to suck the life out of almost anything. Kinda like a vampire.

On a similar sort of topic we can also use the NFL shit to bring up the United State of Good Hope

You did this just to goad my autism didn't you
good job

BLM isnt liberal anymore. They now hate lgbtqp, communism, feminism etc. They are pure black supremacist

Nah, rich cucks and companies will start funding the sport.