Didn't see a thread on this...

Didn't see a thread on this. Some communist faggot is in one of the military academies and decides to show off to all his buddies on Twitter.

The uniform looks like Westpoint and his Twitter location says Watertown NY, however I'm not sure if he is at West point. I figured you guys would want to know about this.

Other urls found in this thread:

drum.army.mil/Lists/Contact Us/ContactUsForm.aspx
usma.edu/news/Shared Documents/Response to Social Media Posts by USMA Graduate.pdf

He's probably bitter about being hazed. Why have a thread on this? You're a faggot.

Every time.

Bump. Communism must be rooted out.

Reported for being antifa. Theres a thread because we want to drag him through the mud and have him put in prison for advocating the overthrow of Democratic government while in the military… as would be done to any white person who said anything offensive to non-whites at all. Fire with fire, until we can hang these people, this is the alternative.




It already looks communistic as fuck. The guy in the middle doesn't understand what the fuck he is doing there.

The key word is 'want'.

Weve done it to plenty of other people, and being an open communist is not okay, even if you thought it was because your cultural marxist indoctrination professors managed to subvert the entire education system, they are supposed to be executed for treason and sedition.

Anyone know what those medals and pins mean exactly? This faggot looks a too young to have that much shit on his chest, unless he did one tour, stepped on an IED, and got a bunch of consolation prizes.

Done what? You're not going to kill him or physically torture him, both of which I'd like to see. What can we do from a Mongolian knitting-club forum?

Getting sodomized?

So what can we actually do? Reds in the armed forces is worrying at the least but is it a punishable offense?

The academies are more pozzed than tthe fucking ivy league, mwell maybe on the same level. Any and all students there are either diversity hires (ie. those muds and chinks) Jews who weaseled their way in or traitorous military families who are just as good as Jews. Anyone in the army knows this, and you'll never see a competent military leader come out of west point these days.

Pretty sure the guy in the second pic can tell he's doing something questionable.

So, what is this kike doing? Fishing for admit of criminal intent? Blackpilling? Simply trying to sweep this open subversion of the military under the rug? Whatever it is youre trying to do, what you are doing is standing in the way, and we do a whole lot more than knitting around here. Stories like these make it into the news, we make news. You hold us back. Ropes for defeatist shills.


Well the commie fist is one certain tell for starters, it's rather uncommon for a white to do it ever unless jewish and or antiwhite commie.

Burn it all down tbh.

Kiss my ass you stuck-up snot-nosed little shit.

Breivik wasn't a jew and that's a piss-poor shoop.

I never realized how faggy the commie fist was. The roman salute is an extended arm, a strong and stoic signal. While his bent elbow commieshit looks like my failing erection after the porno awkwardly zooms in on the guy's face at the end.

He self radicalized on websites about the gates of vienna and such, chances are those places are like anywhere else, a vacuum for truth on jews and the realities of things like communism. The message he received was exclusively anti-muslim, he never saw a Jewish group pushing for immigration, he only saw the local puppet party Jews run. He never saw Rabbis saying 1000 goyim arent worth a single Jewish fingernail and such, and raping little boys, and all that. I dont fault him for being ignorant, given his sacrifice.

Not an argument, also you cant pretend youre suddenly pro-confederacy when you want to sweep communist subversion of the armed forces under the rug. Gallows for people like him, and people who protect people like him.

If this image is legit and no photoshop then this is a matter of concern. If by evaluating his gaze from his eyes and his ideology from his hat then there's a possibility that he is trying to get a higher position in the military. Commie officers can be one of the most traitorous scums when they will try to enforce their ideology to the military and commit treason by betraying the country. I would recommend to research this, identify him and report that scum before he manages to damage even more. Commies target the education, when the students are brainwashed then they target the military.

That's because we're not arguing retard.

Youre clearly lost.

Basic military rule states you can be kicked out for making political stances while in uniform. He can be easily get some sort of punishment simply by complaining to his unit. However the hashtag implies he is a veteran.


Houston area anarchist hold punch a nazi workshop. anarchist call the cops because they are too scared to get their shit pushed. anarchist complaining police didnt show up fast enough. watch in the beginning how they run as fast as they can into the building like a bunch of little bitches

You're clearly an obnoxious faggot.

This is what filters are made for.

I'll begin, for starters.
Although, maybe it's better to become a thread for this shit twitter.com/hashtag/VeteransForKaepernick?src=hash and oh does this contain full of autism.

Then why are you hiding it in your hat, faggot?

Seriously though, if this guy doesn't get booted out of the service for this, you know this country is totally worthless. Tweet it at Trump, tell him that's why you don't support the troops anymore.

KYS antifa commie trash. We will make the blood of your comrades run down our cleansed streets one day.


Then use them and shut the fuck up already.

I'm as much antifa as you are, low-IQ faggot.

Skimming in his profile is enough for me, that's a fully fledged commie. I hope he's the first in the line to be sent if WW3 happens.

Tired, half shutdown. Yep. It's a commie. Can't create his own vitality so he has to siphon it from someone else.

Why havent you killed yourself yet you commie cum junkie?

kek look at this brainless ZOG, not a single independent thought going on in there

If my intention was to prove I'm not communist by calling you names (which is fucking stupid), then why are you calling me names back? Is that you're way of saying you're also not communist? I can't even process your autism it's so bad.

This guy is 100% kike

Of a course a low IQ commie faggot would say that. All commies need to die, this definitely means you, you faggot

Commie…kike, same fuckin difference in my book at this point. The fact he is both just means he gets the express lane to the gas chamber

I thought you were the communist faggot. One of us must be right.

>keeps responding like an autistic faggot

Obviously I'm correct, as commies always need to get the last word in, even if that word is "nooooo, not the ove eeee eeeeeeeeeeeennnnn……"

One of his classmates should execute him for being a traitor to the republic. There was a time when open communists were killed. We need to return to that time.

Can't believe that I have to write this.
People who don't contribute to a thread and are constantly bitching are nothing more than attention seeking sociopath. They don't care about anything but themselves, it only matters for people responding to him, filling his ego. Filter or don't talk to this insignificant faggot.

Ill say this, we get back to such a time, making America great again will quick and simple.

Those are the eyes of a murderer.

what a dickless reject. rope.

It's VTCC. Virginia tech


Sounds like you.

You're not from around here, are (((you)))?

Gtfo and go choke on a trimmed dick

No, just give him one bullet

And if he tries to pull any commie shit in the military, he'll be dishonorably discharged and never work anything higher than nigger McDonalds again.

He should be found and disciplined for this picture as well.

Can someone email the Commandant of Westpoint with this. This is clear violation of UCMJ Article 134 - Disloyal Statements.

Start archiving every key word you can think of. Criticizing the president publically can be immediate courtmarshal.

Actually I am from around here.

Also tell the FBI, he's high risk for espionage.

Im sold, heres a (((you))) as a thank you

Total bullet sponge

I know for a fact there is a meme for this that also applies to Queen Cunt


I'm not selling anything, sorry.


And then letting that filthy blood cover the ground and cleaning that body? Better leave him to die in foreign soil and to rot there. It's better to force corrupt resources first, getting rid of the traitors during wars before using loyal soldiers.

I'm not a merchant. Stop telling me I'm things I'm not! You don't know me!

Don't forget DHS/ICE for being a likely candidate to harbor illegals/fugitives/"migrants"
Oh wait he probably gets state funding and doesn't have the money to even cover his own expenses



I'm e-mailing the commandants office at West Point right now. Here's what I have:


Give me feedback anons.

You need to include the fact that he's doing all this in uniform and acting like he's a saboteur. The first part is the most important, they don't stand for that kind of shit and take it very poorly.

Thanks user. Updated version:


This is being sent from my personal e-mail address because I'd like them to see it's actual person, not just some throwaway account. Good idea/bad idea?

We should also probably send this to a few relevant news outlets. Kikebart would be a good start, as would Kurt Schlichter from Townhall (he is a former Army Ranger). I'll contact Schlichter, but I wouldn't know who or where to right to at kikebart. Any other people or sites that would be good?

looks like a kike. Everything but the chin adds up.

remove the American patriot part, makes you sound stupid. no offense, other than that its good. might want to add a few more links/references if you can

yep, that's west point, which makes the commie part all the more ironic. Prior service. He needs to turn his head sideways so we can see more of his nose.

no, and he's had years to get over it

the diversity shit is much worse than people think, anons look at all the young white guys and think it's a bastion of the white race or some shit but it's not at all. It's the place where people are chosen to be or molded into politically correct leaders for ZOG. There are a lot of shady people, and some regular, but the regular ones aren't likely to make it through. And then of course, not being politically sound, aren't likely to make it to higher ranks.

what a fag. ackshually, now that fag rule changed, we should see if this guy is a literal fag

I'll change it to "American citizen" then. Also, I have a trio of screenshots taken from his account. No archives though, as I'm doubtful the commandant would be willing to click on what, to him, may seem to be an unknown or malicious link.

I'll add specific links to the pictures as well. At the least he can go and check to see them and if they're deleted he'll hopefully take that as a sign that something ain't right.

Final(?) version.


>Supporting communism in uniform, original photo posted to Twitter 20 hours prior to this e-mail - twitter.com/punkproletarian/status/912065310232072192
>Disrespecting the flag - twitter.com/Deprogrammer9/status/909467936804474880

dont trip, they will open it. they most likely have antvirus anyway and if they dont, they will pass it off to someone that will open it

looks good, nice work

srry to waste another post but just wanted to add, my brother was an assistant professor at west point so thanks for sending that, it matters and people will read it

anyone check his other accounts?

other people need to email similar to the superintendent as well. It doesn't matter if any of these are the right people for such things, only that he gets shit on from a great height.

I hope you are using a more specific greeting

Seems promising. Can any military anons give a run down of things civvies might not know about but would get you into trouble? Could be useful.

hes right, dont just send to an anonmous "contact us here @ here" email addrease. find a few specific commanding officers, reach out to them AND their assistants directly

He's a kike.

Got a better idea? I'm posting it here for the feedback, which means you gotta give feedback user. Just saying "be more specific" isn't feedback. Maybe something like "To the Commandant of West Point" or "To the office of the West Point Commandant" or something?

Die you fucking kike

I wouldn't even begin to know where to look for that, but if someone gives me addresses I'll send e-mails to them too. The more the merrier.

I don't see why you guys think that law enforcement and military soldiers are your friends. They actively work against you because the liberal establishment controls them. That's why they gave a lot of leeway to Antifa, but not to WNs in Charlottesville.

Thinking about it, our types in those fields would be worse because they would gladly throw us under the bus to keep their profession. They're aware that we would forgive them at the end.

You can try, but a lot of those institutions, corporations, and organizations have a double standard when it comes to their stance on free speech. They think that it's a freedom of expression for communists to freely assault their opposition, also claiming that white guys holding tiki torches isn't free speech.

Talked to my friend at the academy, it's an old picture judging by the uniform so this guy is active military

looks like a number 4 to me

Get out kike. We struggle or we lay down and die. This may not work, but if it does then that's a win for us. If it doesn't then we know that West Point is compromised and anyone that comes out of it is a future enemy combatant until proven otherwise. Worst case scenario, we know where loyalties lie.

According to his twitter feed he uploaded the picture ~21 hours prior. Obviously he could have sat on the picture for awhile, but if nothing else then maybe it'll result in a crackdown on cadet twitter accounts by the brass to ensure regulations are being upheld and weed out possible seditioners.

Im at work so I cant spen dmuch time on it but I'm sure there is a list out there somewhere with a handful of private west point staff emails. I couldnt find one but if you manage too, there you go.
Command Sergeant Major Timothy A. Guden
Lt. Gen. Robert L. Caslen, Jr. - Superintendent
Office of the Staff Judge Advocate - [email protected]
inspector generals office - [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]

just search west point academy and start diggin

Jesus Christ NSA.

Will do user, thanks.


You do know that jews steal names from other nations to blend in, right?

Indeed, which is why the jewish media rarely mentioned the (((Behring))) part of his name when they blame the attack on white nationalists, who just so happen to be freemasons and had plastic surgery to "look more Aryan" who kill goys for protesting against isreal…

Breivik had plastic surgery to look more Aryan


Dear LTG Caslen,
Dear CSM Guden
Dear BG Gilland
not all together of course. I got those straight off their website.
There are other people above him of course, but finding out who isn't exactly easy. He might be in 3rd regiment by the picture, so someone who knows could call up
Go to brigade tactical department - about to find the lower level real officers in charge of cadets on a day to day basis

we don't, this is just a chance to fuck with a commie with kike eyes


Breivik has made it very clear that his pro-zionist stance was just a ruse, as was his christianity and templar larping. He was trying to put the blame on the "anti-jihad" movement. He has since made it clear that he has always considered himself a national socialist and that he's an odinist.

Bullshit. Behring is a common Norwegian name. In Scandinavia they always mention his full name in the media. They leave it out in countries where it's not common to include peoples middle name.


ps, mentioning untrustworthy character by his actions and poor judgment may help

if you do some searches with those emails, you might find a list with more emails that were not published on the site. thats what i was looking for earlier but I dont have time right now

Das juden.

Former Marine ZOGbot here. I got you. From left to right:

Almost all of those are literally army participation medals. How the fuck he managed to get the Afghanistan campaign one, and nothing else related to them, is beyond me. That generally doesn't happen. If you're a grunt, you get a Combat Action (Usually). If you're a POG, you get all sorts of bullshit that doesn't mean anything. Hell, I've seen POGs get Combat Action because one of their guys was in the vicinity of a firefight, and they gave a blanket award to the unit, because POG officers are faggot cunts, while infantry guys miss out on the award because they never got the chance to fire back before Haji beat feet.

In summation:
1: He was prior enlisted before becoming an officer
2.He was in Afghanistan between September 11, 2001 and November 30, 2001
3.If he's only just now becoming an officer, he's been in for a good fucking while. Minimum he is 34 years old based on his awards. Which he doesn't look to be. Either he's wearing medals he hasn't earned, or he's a fucking highlander.
4: Even if he got out, waited a few years, then decide to rejoin as an officer, he's a fucking awful soldier that has done fuckall, and most certainly isn't a grunt. You aren't involved in the Army for ~16 years and only have 5 ribbons/medals to show for it.
5.He's in violation of DoD Directive 1344.10, Subj: Political Activities by Members of the Armed Forces.

You're right user nothing you can do. It would probably be best if you just kill yourself now because of how much of a powerless cuck you are

thanks for your service.
even if he is unlisted now, would this violation effect his pension/GI bill?

Die kike, die!

Nice try schlomo, peddle your wares elsewhere merch.

To who? The military has been pozzed with commies since the 50s atleast.

They subvert the military such as allowing women to serve in combat duty, allowing gays & transvestites to serve to get promotion points from other commies.

I don't want to discourage you, you just need to assume that your opposition is 5 steps ahead of you so that you can be 10 steps ahead in each of their single step.

Thank you for your taxes :^)
Fuck that, I didn't do anything other than kill sandniggers and unwittingly fight for Israel. I'm actually currently working with the Ordo Militaris to train young folks in my area in order to make up for it

But as for his GI bill, good question. I know a bunch of former Marines that got their shit kanked after the whole deal with the leaked nude photos of females, so maybe?

pps if you can get him to lie on twitter or somewhere about this, you can pass the information on and if booted out, will have to serve as unpromotable enlisted.

what time frame does that cover? That would make him too old. The cutoff is 24 years old to be accepted to west point, iirc


if it's in reference to the bathroom pic, I don't know how that's handled anymore, but he could be a 5th year cadet, making him a fuckup

the thank you stands. i fully understand you were lied to, we all were. dont beat yourself up and thanks for shooting sandniggers! I hope you pissed on one :) and I hope you enjoyed my money! Id rather see it go to you than go to some street shitter in the form of a tax payer funded grant to some faggot NGO.
Would be great if he got his GI bill revoked and had to pay back some kike school, i would fuckin die laughing

Good work

Make sure those young lads are sharper than a spear point m8.

typo, meant unenlisted or whatever term is used

as a cadet, he should be active duty in regular army, by one picture he may already be commisioned, not sure. If they kick him out, to pay back his education he has to serve as enlisted or directly pay huge amounts of money. I don't believe GI Bill would help him in any way.

report it to his academy, but don't expect anything to be done.

That's a lot of shitskins in that shot. US is fucked.

they make shit soldiers, when we go to WW3 they will either die on the front or lose firefights with white militias here at home. nig nogs cant do anything right

How is he not immediately kicked out of West Point for being a communist?

that's what we're trying to do

Is it possible this picture is a few years old which would explain his unusually young look and odd time frame of his awards?

Niggers had horrible casualty rates on the Korean War. People like to say it was because racist white officers stuck them in bad spots on purpose, but the stories of those on the ground say it was really just because they were fucking stupid and couldn't keep their heads down.

I dont doubt it at all. Its that tribal culture. when I see humves with gang tagging on them in Iraq, I know how the culprits are.

I just checked west points site, they don't offer age waivers anymore and you have to be under 22. I looked up the devices for the Afghanistan Campaign Medal and 1 device just means he was there for one of the phases, not strictly phase 1, so he could have gotten it recently. His medal looks wrong though, Maybe it's just picture quality, but the AFC should have green and red bars too, not just black on the border.

Make it a big stink about Trump inserting Russian operatives into West Point and watch jewmedia go nuts about Trump letting Russia take over the US military.

No I just showed him the pic from the OP. Friend is a senior and said it's at least a few years old and he doesn't recognize the kike.

I'm seeing class of '16 for this guy in other documents so
but if we can find the guy elsewhere we might be able to still do something

Outside of twitter, the guy uses the right language to dissassociate his political views


disregard and send the email.
link was 404 fyi

my bad, link is not 404

No, that picture was 1-2 years old. He's not there now. If we can find him, we can send stuff to his chain of command.

aahhhh ok, I see what you are saying now. but minus the dated info, I dont see how emailing can hurt, the more the better. the more people that know, the more likely something will get enforced.

thats not a commie fist you absolute fucking moron.

It does have green and red bars. His medals are overlapping like roof shingles. The green bar you're seeing isn't part of the last ribbon. You are right though, one device doesn't necessarily mean he was in the first phase. I got the Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary rather than the Afghanistan Campaign, so that's just a mistake on my part.

If you read what he wrote at medium, there are sjws there trying to get rid of references to robert e lee and others. Better would be to find the groups involved if possible. As it is, emails about a nonexistent cadet may frustrate the officers there, but won't accomplish anything.


Got him. Information from a friend.

2LT Spenser R Rapone
Component: USARMY
City: Ft Benning
Department: 10Mtn Div 2BCT
State: GA
Duty Installation/Location: Ft Drum
Zip Code: 31905
Building/Room: 10310/Rm 130

Everyone, we need email info for commanders at Ft. Drum. We need to send this to a few levels of his chain of command.

Yep, that's the guy. Let's light a fire beneath his ass

Zogbots are a disgrace.


but communism doesn't work? how can it win? on a large scale but it does when there's less then 50 people and they all agree on how thing should be divided and they all know each other intimately and non of them try and fuck any of the others over ie they're Homogeneous in make up

You forgot "and it's a movie, book, or videogame where nothing happens unless it's scripted to happen and my perfect pipe dream world can exist", /lefytpol/-lite.

Stop with the Communism doesn't work meme. Communism does work, when you realize that the purpose of communism is to kill gentiles.

As a Southerner, I'll look past the bad blood, I'll hear out and consider what Yankees say, and I won't hate Northerners before getting to know them. However, you'll have to excuse me if I will go to my grave hating that cretin's guts.


Absolutely this.

Italian origin.


Archive to be safe. He can always delete posts.

Well whats the word, this fucking cunt is acting brave now.

This is absurd

Are you blind? His are 3.

How is this fucking red in West point.

Gas him first

(((Weinstein))), also a writer for Mother Jones, defending his actions.


It's actually against the UCMJ to have the communist manifesto, mein kampf and a few other books. Maybe this will get the faggot kicked out

I'll wait for updates, this wont get memory holed.

A cursory search yielded a submission form for the CG, and an actual e-mail for the Inspector General there. There's also a FB page.


Ft. Drum Inspector General:
>>>[email protected]

Ft. Drum Commanding General's Hotline:
>>>drum.army.mil/Lists/Contact Us/ContactUsForm.aspx

A cursory search yielded a submission form for the CG, and an actual e-mail for the Inspector General there. There's also a FB page.


Ft. Drum Inspector General:
>>>[email protected]

Ft. Drum Commanding General's Hotline:
>>>drum.army.mil/Lists/Contact Us/ContactUsForm.aspx

Well I've got the bastards family and his hometown.

Is there any bigger cuckold in history than the white American taxpayer?

As a vet, I'm both disgusted and embarrassed.

How this guy keep gettin away with violating the ucmj. has the whole system been compromized since my days


Are you blind? His are 3.

suddenly it all makes sense.

Great the site has shit the bed again.

Isn't this actually against the military's terms of service or some shit? Is this not actual treason? I sure hope not just one user sends in that letter to his superiors at West Point. We need to get their attention and get this shithead kicked the fuck out at the very least.

Well all the info is laid out now so its up to anons to either burn this prick or do nothing.

What you should be embarrassed about is the fact that you're a vet. The U.S. military has done nothing but fight for Jewish interests for a century. WW2 to the Middle East, it's all for the kikes. There's nothing to be proud of when it comes to serving your country if that country is a degenerate pawn of Israel. American soldiers fight for interracial cuckold pornography filmed in Los Angeles and dick mutilations for white boys.

He is indubitably supplying other communists with classified military information.

Why the fuck is nothing considered treason anymore?! This fucking kike should be executed.


Our society is so fundamentally broken that there's nothing that makes sense. Want to be a productive member of society, earn your worth and contribute? Cool stuff goy, now I'm gonna taxe you and give it to Tyrone and Leshaniqua so they have 6 children(all from different fathers though) while you have trouble financially raising two. Want to fight to protect your home, country and people? Awesome! Now go to the middle east and fight for some oil or something, while we ship those destabilized by your war to Europe so they wipe out your race from your ancestral homeland. Want to have a wife that you can support so you can have children that will contribute to society as well? Great! Just a warning though, there's a high probability that your wife will cuck you and take your children to raise them into degeneracy.
Stop paying taxes. Have children and drop your income to untaxable levels and let the state fall, or you will. This is the only solution, the hardest part is going to be finding a woman that will follow you on this though.

Biggest nigger-infested shithole in Lawrence County. The only place close to there that's worse is Butler and maybe Youngstown in Ohio if you want to stretch that far.
t. lifelong west PAnon

This guy would eat lunch at my table sometimes at West Point. Didn't realize he was a commie but did realize he was Jewish. When his command finds out about him he's fucked

If what you say is true then you would probably have a better idea than anyone else here as to who his command is. Know any names?

That means you have a personal connection there, you can help inform the academy about the snake in the garden. Other than that, any personal stories about the guy?

He graduated a few years ago. I can't remember if he was class of 2015 or 2016, but it was one of those. Contacting West Point won't do you any good. Contact the investigator general at fort drum where he is currently stationed. He is prior enlisted and served with the ranger regiment.

Don't share any more details. No need getting yourself blacklisted, v&, or FEMA'd

Checked. Nice find.

There's a young veteran at a grocery store. Chatted with him a few times. Served once in Afghanistan as an EOD. One time he was wearing short sleeves and I spotted a large hammer/sickle tattoo on his upper arm. Granted, this guy's working the check out register now, but that was the first time I ever witnessed an outwardly open Commie that served. Disgrace.

I won't, you can't be too careful these days. More people than you think from the academies browse Holla Forums. There is hope yet

How many reds are there in the armed service?

Post this on /k/. They are going to love this.



Jews make up 0.3% of the military.
They're all in officer positions and communists.

Sherman was a literal white supremacist. This guy is either willfully ignorant or just a fucking moron.

I wonder how many other veterans are seeing this faggot's pictures?

His reason for wearing the Sherman shirt is very simple. Sherman killed countless white Southerners, and he likes jerking off to that. That's as deep as his reason for wearing a Sherman shirt is.

nice dubs. The civil war is going to be brutal man, just brutal

Yeah it's obvious. I see a lot of left-leaning people try and promote historical figures that are only relevant to them because they fought a war against confederates/nazis. Communist don't seem to understand how these same figures would put the bullet into them with joy.

Has to be the gayest uniform ever made. Also, not a single white officer.


Is there a way to lookup current West Point cadets? My google fu is failing me.

Talked to a buddy who talked to a buddy who looked this guy up on the global computer: He's enrolled at the Infantry Basic Officer Leader Course at Ft. Benning.

That just ruined his future clearance.

[email protected] Also, he's in RTB awaiting Ranger training.

too bad we can't find this much info on the people shot by the sudan nigger yesterday

Holla Forums was right…

At least I got weapons training out of it, r-right? training that I could've done myself over a weekend with 500 rounds of M855

Blanket party when?

Fuck, sorry
Spenser.r.rapone.mil at mail.mil

Not anymore.

I'd wager they're less of a threat is the reason

My buddy told me that he knows of at least 1 infantry 1st sergeant that will be calling his chain of command tomorrow.

doing god's work user

I'm going to forward this to a few friends. Dude wasn't taught PERSEC apparently.

2LT Spenser R Rapone
Component: USARMY
City: Ft Benning
Department: 10Mtn Div 2BCT
State: GA
Duty Installation/Location: Ft Drum
Zip Code: 31905
Building/Room: 10310/Rm 130

The best part of getting this unstable traitor discharged is that we will certainly be reading about him at some future date.

His twitter account says Watertown, which is Ft Drum.

other websites have already picked this guy up. Next thing we know this faggot will be on talmudvision

I'm talking about the reverse-Dylann Roof that no one is talking about

He means the victims aren't a threat so they are low priority.

I hope he gets the old soap innasock.

Thanks, but the credit should really go to buddy. I'm just a simple messenger

Well, commies can't into smart, bud

Buddy says he's now talked to a First Sergeant and a Sergeant Major who will be e-mailing dude's future chain of command and the commander of the RTB tomorrow.
My bad, I thought you were talking about the people who got shot. Niggers are always good bois who din du nuffin, obvs.

My fault for not being clear. Being pissed at the media kikes and the lemmings is a mitigating factor, but when is it not?

Army Regulation 381–12 Subversion and Espionage Directed Against the U.S.
Article 134-12, Article 81, Article 88, Article 94, Article 106a, Article 133, Article 134-56, Article 134-53.

Hell throw 101 at him while they're at it. Nail these fuckers to the wall.

His face is now known… kill him. I suggest a firearm.


Update: at least one e-mail sent.

Ah no problem. Like I said, niggers will always be good bois din du nuffins

Here is some moar of his crap


boy o boy i am looking forward to see how this pans out

can't tell if boomer or kike or both

Those are Jew eyes.

He's just another bored faggot who talks shit online for attention.

Anyone who seriously talks about Communism is either 12 or a complete fucking retard.

If you're White, the US military is your enemy at every level. Every single person who has ever suited up is your enemy. Retired, active duty. All of them are rope material. Don't ever believe the zionist shills here who work overtime to convince you that the military is chock full of sympathetic figures who just need "the right moment".

Every single one of them is your enemy, full stop. Their track record in the 20th century and beyond is the only proof I need to provide.

Fellow Irish American here. I thought I'd throw in. After 15 years why am I the only one to ever bring up the U.S. Siberian Expedition of 1918–1922? Many Bolsheviks met their end.

America has a long history of fighting Bolsheviks.

I can't agree 100%, but by and large this is still correct. Red team planner and the like are full of shit. There are an exceptional fraction of a percentage who can hold anti-gov, anti-zog, or pro-white views who can withstand the propaganda, especially over time. The ones who can put aside their paychecks and benefits and retirement are a separate, rare group

What matters is who can be swayed when the time comes, how stable their future looks, what situation arises where americans are the enemy, and how strong that enemy is.

Good work, user.

No, it has a very short history of fighting Bolsehviks. Followed by an all out genocidal assault on the three most anti-Communist nations in the world during the Second Zionist War and full material support and military alliance with the USSR and communist forces in China. Their genocidal occupation of Italy, Germany, and Japan continues to this day, with the Hooton plan progressing at warp speed in the two European countries, using NATO vassal Turkey as the prime land route for funneling racial invaders.

I dont think that has existed for a while now. Remotely talking about doing shit like that will get you and whoever you talked to fucked.

Holy tripd checked, and confirmed that I did God's work. Also confirmed that I wuz kangz.

Every power structure is only as good as it's leadership.

It's motives and allies change because our democratic republic says they should.

We the people are the schizophrenic force that drives the ship that is our state.

Other countries watch us like we watch "twitch plays pokemon"

trying to be optimistic here, but maybe he's going to be going undercover somewhere as a double agent?

If not, get him the fuck out of the military. Communist agitators have been trying to overthrow our government for over a century. How is this not sedition?

army faggot here. ribbons on point, badges are as follows, from bottom to top:
1) Air Assault - whoopdie-fucking-doo you did a 12 mile ruck in 3 hours.

2) Airborne - cool story bro you did some pull ups before each chow.

3) Combat Infantry Badge - was an 11-series (infantry) MOS, in a combat zone, and took incoming fire. Could be anything from a single bullet whizzing over your head up to and including getting nuked. Literally the only legit item on this dude's chest.

You're not fit for this work. Your focus is all retarded and backwards. But congrats on preaching to the choir.

This board values the truth, not catering to your patriotard sympathies towards an America that never existed outside of marketing.

that is never going to happen. the media know the difference because they are in fact communists.

Guys like you can't handle the truth. Seen it for 20 years. There's a history in the United States that comes before World War 2. You should go learn about it some time instead of wasting your time on this board acting like a newfag.

We should make an example of this commie faggot.


Your writing style emulates that of a dryasdust.

naggers, the army has a site dedicated to reporting threats to : inscom.army.mil/isalute/

Former 4-31 11B here.
Fuck this piece of shit.

Wolfie, contact some of your pals that are still in and get this shitbag.

Dude, you are a fucking idiot, you don't fucking upload a photo of yourself on motherfucking Holla Forums. Everything here is trackable, and tattoo is just as good identity checker, as a face.

Which isn't relevant to the situation we find ourselves existing today. It's nice bit of escapism for you. A nice imagined memory. Western civilization was effectively destroyed in the Second Zionist War and all remaining and converted edifices, and those who protect, enforce, defend them, are hostile occupiers of the White race.

I was in Charlottesville .
I don't give a fuck.

Yeah, sure. You should give a fuck about your public stunts when they are lead by rats.

10th Mountain. Fuck I don't envy you. That was the Siberia of all posts.

Still no fucks to give, but thanks for the concern.

Is this your way of obtaining male attention? Black pills are for weird anglo protestant cults who all have a fascination with the morbid and degenerate. Go listen to your cold play album, read morgoth's review and jerk off to dark ambient sounds on youtube.

Celts, Slavs, Meds and Slavs don't share your genetic disposition for Anglo misery.

We wuz sailboats 'n shit.

I fucking love this place. We truly are everywhere.
Regardless of what other anons say, I respect your lack of fuck giving. It is a good sign as anons are stepping into the light. Also, thank you for your service.

I'm going to go ahead and filter you. I was operating under the impression you were a legitimate poster, but it's clear you're a shill. You're trying to pull this tangent way offline and you're doing it in defense of a jewish occupying government. Feel free to reciprocate.

It helps being old.
I mostly lurk and cheer you guys on from the sidelines, you all do more good than I can these days.

Yo jarhead, would corpsman be an alright job so I can get EMT training along with firearms and small unit training?

Cheer up ye miserable muppet. We'll grab you when the time calls.

November 4th, 2017 is going to be bad…

These can't be the only sons of bitches in the military. They've been overflowing with shitskins these days too


Rewrite entirely without posting the text here first.

Funny how the problems get worse when you aren't allowed to discipline children. Same kind of bullshit Dr. Spock used to ruin generations helped with the talmudification of the armed forces.

I forgot these:




Remember to not repeat the mistake of the Czar. Slaughter any and every member of the military you come across.

Possible doxx information

Ah, those who love american capitalist economy but love gay niggers, so they believed hillary was the best choice? This guy knows nothing who the fuck is Che Guevara on his shirt, nor what the fuck is a communism.

Already got e-mails sent out to his chain of command from real military members…lrn2read up.

Great work Patriot



Spencer is a pussy, but Charlottesville was great for us in the long run. We need more Charlottesville. Acceleration is the key.

Zogbots are the enemy, I can't believe some people don't get this. Cops and soldiers keep the Jews in power.

The commie speaks French. What is connection to the Madagascar central bank??


Dammit I kept waiting for a truck to plow through him but it never came :(

Oh so they are trying to infiltrate the military now. I wonder if he was the one that got beaten with the soap socks

should be goatse

Wish I never searched that. You must be anglo.

And you must be a newfag.

Welcome to the internet newfriend, you must have just connected!

Run along to whatever fag sub-board you multitask on.

then that is the wrong way to accelerate though the guy in the challenger did ok


I found his Reddit:


Spenser R Rapone, if you read this I'd like to thank you for your service. We need more young men like you.

Good post. We need to keep checking out of the corrupt society and raise the children of the future. This is the easy, non-violent way to resist white genocide.

Proof that he is planing to subvert the government. (real joke here is that somebody warned him about being doxed)


It would be a shame if the academy gets blowback for this stunt.

Get as off grid as possible, teach your kids to grow their own food and farm. Home-school them or have your wife do it, try to get any sort of government checks/gibbs you can because let the fire rise. It's ironic, in the past the slogan of dropping out of society was used to remove children from their parents patriarchial christian families and into the "Big Brother Govt Family." But now since the social norm has reversed and religion, family, and normal gender roles are persecuted, dropping out of this (((new society))) is the way to go.

Dryasdust was an imaginary and tediously thorough literary authority cited by Sir Walter Scott to present background information in his novels; thereafter, a derisory term for anyone who presents historical facts with no feeling for the personalities involved.

“Dryasdust” is mentioned in a whole introductory chapter of Thomas Carlyle’s Oliver Cromwell's Letters and Speeches, this chapter being entitled “Anti-Dryasdust.” It is continually referenced, as Carlyle depicts history being surrendered to Dryasdust.

"To Dryasdust, who wishes merely to compile torpedo Histories of the philosophical or other sorts, and gain immortal laurels for himself by writing about it and about it, all this is sport; but to us who struggle piously, passionately, to behold, but in glimpses, the faces of our vanished Fathers, it is death! - Oh, Dryasdust, my voluminous friend, had Human Stupidity continued in the diligent state, think you it might have ever come to this? Surely at least you might have made an Index for these huge books!"

The best army officers come in this order

1. Prior-Service
2. College Option OCS
4. Academy Fags

The academy dipshits think they're actual soldiers from living under boarding school conditions and hazing, which they complain bitterly about. Their dipshit instructors (mostly also academy grads) lecture them about how they're gonna become sooper important officers and eventually become generals. Typically going through a tough experience makes you a better human being. In the case of academy grads, it turns them into autists with no sense of self-awareness and a massive case of unwarranted self importance.

The result is a junior officer with a stick so far up his ass that he spends all day picking leaves out of his teeth. The burnout rate is pretty severe since their NCOs resolve to make life for these wind-up retards. I'm biased, being a college option, but we're generally considered the second most low-key and decent, right after prior-service guys who get commissioned.

Rest assured, the E-4 mafia will make short work out of this faggot.

I highly doubt that. Can you find the specific citation?

Also they can pry my copy of Imperium from my cold lifeless fingers.

In the army? Great job. In the Marines? Not so much. The Army may be full of nogs, but Combat MOS generally isn't. Marines is full of flips and spics, even in combat arms. Also the Marines generally have a rep for getting the worst gear and the least support since the Navy is too busy polishing their jets with diapers to actually worry about them.

Pro Patria!

2LT Commie is now showing up in the mainstream mil-blog community.


209eb1 here, got with another buddy who was part of the 10MtnDiv for 10 years. He has promised to spread this info as far as he can, and to make the guy famous.

I did 4 years up at Drum and a deployment with them. I've been in touch with some people I still talk to about this faggot. The military community is fairly small so this news is spreading like wildfire.

McCarthy did nothing wrong

This guy was screwed the second this stuff hit the blogosphere. I can't believe how retarded he was to post this and think that it wouldn't come back to him or that it wouldn't matter. Senior leadership may be ZOG'd up to the max, but there's going to be enough outrage to put this guy's career on ice.

I can't believe my commissioning board (2 negresses and the president being a male hispanic) saw fit to lecture me about what titanic pieces of shit Lee, Jackson, and every other American officer in the "bad war" was and shitheads like this can stroll around with their shitty views on their sleeves. In his faggoty ass medium article he said he and other students whined to instructors over colonial American bigotry and white supremacy. Of course things being what they are nowadays, their instructors probably tacitly agreed or had cuck explanations about Jefferson being "a man of his times."

Fuck, my brother is a SSgt based out of Ft. Hood so I dunno if I should get him involved in this or not (I think he became a DI recently)

Unless you want to enjoy a REEE session, there's not much he can do personally in this situation. This guy's out of the Academy, is about to finish BOLCs at Ft. Benning, and is then either going to Ranger School or reporting to Ft. Drum in NY. Your brother will probably never meet him. Guys from the 10th already know who this guy is and will make sure every other officer and enlisted man does too.

But if you wand to have a bonding moment with your bro where you talk about how shitty commies are, go ahead.

Niggers, and yankees, are still extremely salty that a bunch of redneck farmers kicked the shit out of them in a war a long time ago.

Anyway, I'll keep y'all updated the best I can on what comes of this. Just fortunate that I knew 2 people who were part of that unit in some form, with one of them being attached to the 2BCT for a time. In other news, I was included in screenshots on faggotchan.


The mental gymnastics are insane. So is this shitstorm lol like everybody knows it now tons of military sites reported and more.

for starters, if your going to quote someone, do it right, dont do it like a kike.
thats what I said kike
I scanned over it, I didn't waste my time fully reading that kike dribble, however what he said is not relevant to what I was saying, the more people that mention this inceident (emailing) even in a general manner, is helpful and will increase that odds that a punishment will get enforced.
you are a fag and a shill judging from your other post and your d&c kikery will not be tolerated.r
you supported communism in one of your post, you are a fag and a bad shill
stop dbl spacing like a newfag

dubs confirm he's a filthy dead-eyed kike

Pretty clear you're a newfag you dumb cunt. Also it's clear you're the poster from the Roy Moore thread. Filtered.

I would prefer we mix commie blood with mortar and concrete and then build a monumental statue out of it rather than let the estrogen drain into the drinking water.
That said, lets get this thing going.

I suspected this. They generally push all infantry officers towards Ranger School, and I'd imagine anybody going into the 10th as an officer would be in the front of the line for a slot.

A lot of what I've heard from recent graduates runs the line of "just stay committed and cooperative and you'll make it." I don't know how much of that is them being humble about it or whether they have softened the requirements. I was watching stuff like Surviving the Cut and other docus to gear up for it since I'm a college option and haven't gotten through OCS yet, and they say it's nothing near as difficult as that.

Why is it over and over again commies are literally the most privileged brats, literal children of the bourgeois? I hope they know they're going to get the bullet too because the proletariat will never accept them or at least only until the revolution is succeeded otherwise it's off to the wall for them.

Simple user. They have never learned how much sweat, exertion and problem solving and repeated failure it takes to bring an object into existence. They just go to a store and buy it, or push a button and it appears. They want to spread that ability to everyone, and are massively naive to think it would actually work. They also have never done a shift of labour like roofing, or warehouse, or honest temp labour in their entire lives, and they never saw how tiring all that is and how much literal rage you would feel if that day's paycheque was taken out of your hands to be blown by niggers.

Checked. Also someone is already archiving his comments. This guy is fucked.

>I'm currently an infantry officer at Ft. Drum, NY assigned to the same brigade that she was while enlisted. Every single day I think of the contradictions of being a communist while in this organization, and her courage and tenacity gives me strength to continue the long march through the institutions. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_long_march_through_the_institutions

Thanks user. I guess that explains this


Navy Corpsman do not serve with the Army, they go in with the Marines and serve as field medics.
You want to tell me your mos?


You need to lurk more. Communism has been dominant since the 50's.


Update on the e-mail I sent yesterday. Got a response, and it seems to be more than a form letter.

U.S. Military Academy graduate. I am aware of the issue and share your

academy's motto of Duty, Honor, Country, and who live the Army values.
Second Lieutenant Rapone's actions in no way reflect the values of the U.S.
Military Academy or the U.S. Army.

conduct, and are prohibited from engaging in certain expressions of
political speech in uniform. Second Lieutenant Rapone's chain of command is
aware of his actions and is looking into the matter.


Apparently the other anons who talked with their friends/colleagues in the service had an effect. Any other news?


Thanks for sending that email user, though getting just one guy sunk is a small victory, it is a victory nonetheless.

people should learn more about post-"communist" countries before falling in love with such a terrible ideology what kill more than all fought wars in history.

Absolutely checked.

America has been a fully fledged communist country for the last 60 years.

There's even a moment of Epiphany when a commie gets something valuable he sweated bled and has lost friends for, and realizes he doesn't want to share….. And then if talked to in the right way of feelings he realizes he was looking at all this the wrong way, and can be steered to the jew.
Like a certain scene out of Stalker Novels.

Westpoint has made an official statement.
links to
>usma.edu/news/Shared Documents/Response to Social Media Posts by USMA Graduate.pdf
see pic. Not sure if archive works for pdfs.


So they're not going to do shit.


So can we(Americans) finally quit playing the "democracy" game then? rhetorical question obviosly

When the bread and circus charade collapses. NFL is the first tipping point. Hollywood is already going under, along with the video game industry. It's up to the normies now. It's always been up to them.

Why would they? The US IS a communist country.

the academies are very different from each other, some are nigger-tier and some certainly better than ROTC. The reason so many academy grads are shit has more to do with the type of people having political connections these days.

he's not there anymore, that's all they can do

don't give up on democracy, we can vote them out! Trumpteam 2018! *rubbeti rub*

That's a funny conclusion to reach considering it's not at all what they said. In fact they're implying he's pretty much fucked.

remember, these people are just like politicians

Apparently he is trained in the Japanese style and wants to Karate punch a Nazi.

They have to do something. It is a violation of the UCMJ to make any type of political statement in uniform. This violation is clear cut, make no mistakes, broke the law. Not punishing him would open up a can of worms they're really not ready to deal with right now.

We've got an elderly literal faggot for Sec. of Defense who has made a career out of pushing for zio-kike wars and defraud the taxpayers currently doing his best to make sure mentally ill reprobates who cut off their own dicks get to stay in the service. Wake up to what this country really is.

Not even trying to sound tough, but if you told me I had to fight someone in that line up, I'd pick him right after the chick. Maybe before actually. Something about his resting face.

Just seems like he's never gotten hurt in a fight before.

How did this faggot get into the academy? And why haven't they taught him anything about physical combat?

His facebook page has friends who are current military and several appear to not use a fake name and are pictured in uniform. I wonder if they have any sort of duty to report UCMJ violations. Oh look, one of his friends is from


Holla Forums has never read Otto Strasser or any NatSoc theory.

You're all a bunch of Fox News Cuckservatives now.

Oh look, some of his friends work at the military academy*

He obviously hasn't. You get into a military academy (often) by having mummy and pup petition a Congressman, sometimes with a little "donation" attached to it. He's a trust-fund baby, and he's going to get people killed if he takes a line position.

look, shit's fucked, we know. but again, if they just sweep this under the rug or give the guy a slap on the wrist, then worst case scenario it's solid proof we can throw in front of normies to say "look at this shit." either this pinko fuck gets torn several new assholes, or we get a potent meme weapon to wield as a part of our ongoing intel warfare to wake the normie.

sedition is a powerful word that holds a great deal of weight with normies. anything less than full punishment would be enough to trigger all but the cuckiest boomers to take action. combine this with his support of #TakeTheKnee and you have a potent, two-pronged weapon to wield. here's a guy who is both an avowed communist infiltrator who also supports the niggerball bullshit that disrespects america. it won't wake every saxon, but it'll wake quite a few.

wew lads the USMA twitter is blowing up
his dishonrably discharged tears will be collected for desalination

I'm not blackpilling. Blackpilling would be telling people the military is your buddy, it's righteous, it has your best interests at heart. That in all of the filth and degradation we find ourselves surrounded in is all the result a handful of New York kike families orchestrating the Sumerian swindle. The guys with the nukes, and the subs, and ICBMs have nothing to do with it.


The U.S. Military Academy strives to develop leaders who internalize the academy's motto of Duty, Honor, Country, and who live the Army values. Second Lieutenant Rapone's actions in no way reflect the values of the U.S. Military Academy or the U.S. Army.

As figures of public trust, members of the military must exhibit exemplary conduct, and are prohibited from engaging in certain expressions of political speech in uniform. Second Lieutenant Rapone's chain of command is aware of his actions and is looking into the matter.

The academy is prepared to assist the officer's chain of command as required.

usma.edu/news/Shared Documents/Response to Social Media Posts by USMA Graduate.pdf

Well, he's boned.

looks like he's looking to take down the USA from within. why post this shit? think much about potential consequences?

how long until his profiles are private?

He better be. An example needs to be set. The left has an easy time creating public outrage, I think we need to do it ourselves. Having commies who dislike America in the military is easy enough to piss off most right-wingers, especially veterans and boomers.

Your order is missing one.

0. All Officers are Fags

NCO's are the backbone of the military. Enlisted are groomed from the beginning to despise your typical officer until otherwise proven, but show him the respect that's commanded. The old saying, "Respect the rank, not the individual wearing it." pretty much applies to all officers. Few will ever earn the respect of an 11B to say the least.

This traitor can be an officer in Rocket Man's army. He'd be purged within a week. Or maybe he knows that by fighting for Israel, he is indirectly allowing commies to exist, because without jews, the remaining reds get the helicopter ride.

is that karate? I don't know shit, but I know they had a judo team there. Everyone is supposed to do a sport, so they have a lot of that crap there

all the guys have boxing and jewjitsu classes

We made a good try at reforming the system by getting the guy who claimed he wanted to drain the swamp, etc. elected. And look how shit that is turning out. But we're doing this for fun, to hurt a commie and a little work by us leads to huge amounts of trouble for his superiors and further brings SJWism to light.

normies don't even know what the word is.

Then let's teach them, with a good example…

this was obviously done on purpose to rile up those who harbor fascist views on what the military ought to be.

dude's praxis is 10/10. normies and fascists confirmed upset and clinging to the liberal value of institutions being "neutral"

my 2c

the fact that this ended up on minor news sites already makes me skeptical overall.

People who use the word obliviously need to be shot in the fucking head.

why? the minor news sites watch Holla Forums

he isn't in west point any longer so they can't do anything to him. whoever he is reporting to now will deal with it. hopefully he gets the boot, but i doubt it. most likely will serve out the rest of his contract (hopefully cleaning toilets) and then won't be able to sign a new one.

Ok, let's get to work on Antonio Rosciano and Suhanraj Rajasegaran. Why stop at 1, when you can work to bring down a cabal?

your first day on the internet and you're already pushing anglo d&c on multiple threads. you'll be a jew pawn yet goy

Everyone he knows should just be killed. Don't even bother waiting for the military to do something. One shot to the head when they're using that veteran discount at Costco.

Drive over to Georgia, and have at it then FBI. This is a board of peace.

you should be shot in the fucking head

Watertown is a small military city in Northern NY. Its whole economy is based off of Fort Drum one of the largest military bases in the States. I grew up near there in Henderson Harbor. He's probably from there and probably from a military family

If he wants to be a medic, he can go into the Army as a combat medic. Guy at the station I recruited at wasgoing from Navy into Army as that. I'm going into OCS next month. Easy with the dick-waving competition.

I'd bet money he was a regular at Clueless.

Army Times picked it up. Seems his chain of command was made aware. Well done.



Reddit Communist want to kill this guy for embarrassing Communism. Reddit is a website full of killers and terrorist. It's really scary.

By now we're all familiar with Spenser Rapone and his hijinks. Knowing a little bit about the military, I know such things don't happen in a vacuum. So I started digging. Check out the following:


Rapone is a USMA Phi Alpha Theta member. Look at the group photo. Who is that middle-eastern civilian advising the group? That's Dr. Rasheed Hosein. Turns out, he was Rapone's faculty mentor during his time at West Point. So I started looking into Dr. Hosein. Haven't found much yet, except that he is an Religion of Cuck™ic scholar who appears to have come to West Point via academia in Canada.

Where does this guy come from? How did he come to be teaching at West Point? I bet the answers will be interesting…


And that, ladies and gentleman, is what we call a self-rationalized inferiority complex.

I have a buddy who's an infantry officer with his ranger tab and says there's a certain class of NCOs who get off on "withholding approval" from decent officers because it thinks it makes them look important. It just makes him a faggot. A bitter faggot who won't go higher than E-6 because he's in love with the smell of his own excrement.

The "no-good-officer" myth comes from people who are just plain shitty individuals failing to recognize the common denominator in their lives. I'm not kidding, most of the people I heard it from were niggers.

But the majority of officers I dealt with (O1-O4) were adaquate at their duties, nothing more or less, and of those who weren't the shitbags far outnumbered those who were worthy of command.

He's going to get ass fucked by the rest of the people in his class, then he won't receive a commission.

Leftypol BTFO, thanks for bringing this to our attention. If you hadn't posted him he'd still be sailing clean.

Jews really aren't that smart are you?

Whats a jew doing in the military? You only see that in israel.

Tell Megan Myers we said hello. Her feminist take on current events in incredibly fascinating. Always enjoy reading her articles.
[email protected]

There is no way in hell that poll is accurate. I know of 0 people that voted Hilldawg but several that voted for Cuck Johnson. The overwhelming majority was either Trump or not voting. Trust no poll.

More people are picking this up. The comments in the Army Times is predictable but still good to see. Someone should email the jew at business insider his reddit and facebook accounts.



He graduated and he's done with IBOLC. He's got his commission and his butter bar. From what I read he's held over in Benning waiting for his class at Ranger School to start.

If they conduct an investigation and find that he lied on any of his background check paperwork (like saying you're not part of any group dedicated to the overthrow of the US government when you actually are), he's through. If they find any extremely subversive statements that communicate intention to subvert the Constitution, he's through. But they could just as easily just refuse to investigate or do a really half ass job of it and just wait for him to get spectacularly unimpressive reviews and wash him out by making his life miserable. I don't have any illusion that he'll be allowed to make Captain and get a shot at being a senior officer, but it's actually a completely possible scenario for nothing really big to come of it other than him getting Article 15'd and reduced pay for giving a political opinion while in uniform. It's like those 2 navy corpsmen women who were flipping off kids in the NICU. There's not really much you can do to them under the UCMJ except hand them an NJP for misconduct (theirs probably wasn't anything more severe than extra duty for a few weeks). You can just make sure they're persona non-grata and have a miserable time in the military because nobody supports or helps them.

It would be great if this faggot's life got so horrible that he deserted.

accidental sage

What a fucking kike. What a fucking disgrace of the number who thinks the post need changing.

Jesus Christ you faggot. They really know how to attract simps like you with those fake names. The story is everywhere. No need to post every conservative LARPing kike news outlet.

She also defends trannys by concern trolling and routinely goes after high ranking white males with accusations of sexual misconduct. Army Times is owned by a Jew LARPer which no connection to the military. It's part of the Jewish cabal network actively engaged in Jewish Supremacy.

Format Tabloid
Owner(s) Sightline Media Group
Publisher Michael Reinstein
Founded 1940
Headquarters 6883 Commercial Drive, Springfield, Virginia, 22159, U.S.
Circulation 92,801 (June 2013

Sightline Media Group, formerly Gannett Government Media, is a United States company which publishes newspapers, magazines, Web sites, and other publications about the U.S. and other militaries. Founded in 1940, it was purchased by the Gannett Company in August 1997.

It publishes four bimonthly newspapers aimed at current and former U.S. military personnel: Army Times (founded 1940), Navy Times (founded 1951), Air Force Times (founded 1947), and Marine Corps Times. It also publishes Defense News (founded 1986), C4ISRNET and Federal Times.

Half of the people on Holla Forums are saying he's COINTELPRO, th other half are trannies that want to suck his dick.

I received death threats by Communist / AntiFa members simply for re-tweeting West Point's official statement on the matter. Reddit is a den of psychopaths.

No idea. What a cabal of newspapers. When i always walk by one in the store the front page always feels like a cheap tabloid magazine.

They're impotent cucks. I remember this nu male from my uni who said he was going shoot up the school after that landwhale got BTFO. He just seethed as people laughed at him

Which should leave you asking "Why haven't I started an online newspaper yet?"

Suggested ideas:
Hebrew Times
Sanhedrin Tribune

Which should leave you asking "Why haven't I started an online newspaper yet?"

Suggested ideas:
Hebrew Times
Sanhedrin Tribune

found his linkedIN


He specialised in early Religion of Cuck™, which is basically strategy on how to use violence to enforce a doctrine,

Saudi intelligence / Agent of influence

analysing "kingdom of heaven" with the good doctor Religion of Cuck™.

troy szwaczkowski

ruben maldonado
"United States Army Criminal Investigation Command"

not 100% sure on this one.
Bryan Houp


looks pretty straight

Agree. Definitely a 4. We caught a live current day Bolshevik commissar. Who is taking bets that he's Jewish?

Jacob Sanborn, from Flyod County (northwestgeorgianews.com/rome/news/local/locals-conquer-west-point-annapolis-graduates-share-how-tough-military/article_105b812a-1ee8-11e5-a638-8712f45f2a62.html)
"Jacob Sanborn, a senior at Rome High School, received an appointment to the United States Military Academy at West Point, New York. He was nominated by Congressman Phil Gingrey of the 11th District of Georgia."
Son of Scotty and Kanitha Davis

this looks like him, but gotta go, can't double check: facebook.com/jacob.sanborn.3/

Anthony Rosiano's (or whatever) real name may be Michael Ross, per info from a buddy

Holy fuckin slowpoke. We had his name 200 post ago.

Professor Rasheed Hosein
- Early 90s Canadian connections in Winnipeg / public relations duties.
- 2000 - 2008 The University of Chicago for Middle Eastern Studies
- Obama's Military Purges 2012ish (170+ Officers fired and replaced

- Possible connections to Canada's Prime Minster Justine Trudeau's government following Obama military purges.
- Possible links to Middle East Intelligence Agency

- Winnipeg, Canada
- New York City, USA
- Chicago, USA
- West Point Academy

Self-identified Communist Second Lieutenant Spenser Rapone ("Make the long march through the institutions."

Dr. Rasheed Hosein
Assistant Professor

“Arab Muslim Garrison Towns – Agents of Arabization and Religion of Cuck™ization,” World History Encyclopedia, vol. VII, New York: ABC-CLIO, 2011, pp. 208-11.

what do you mean?
We are going through the list of cadets 'advised' by Rasheed specifically.

Someone opened a new thread and it's mostly a bunch of simps chit chatting. All the good stuff is here.

Get that personal info and get em.

jesus we need better vetting

he probably watched anime too

this shouldn't be a phrase in the military. this is entropy.

it's our greatest weapon

Hows that been working out for ya?

worked out pretty well?

just fine

juuussttt fine

Not really m8, you attacked Germany with out being attacked and if you were attacked you'd be fucked.

Yeaaaaah you lot are done when it comes to your Israeli invasion of the ME, where else are you going to use that?

Jesus fuck you shits are ass burned over this. Anyway what are the sand niggers going to do, explode en-masse?

We'll use whatever we want, wherever we want.

Pretty accurate description of murica. Also we have a saying that if joe isn't bitching then something is wrong, but joe is only bitching because everythings fucked up. When you stop trying to win you then become successful in army.

When did this board become cuckchan?

even if israel and jews didn't exist our superior military would be necessary you dumbshit

Did you shine your nose before you posted?

Backtracking on what user? What did I claim and then take back?

That's the problem with you lefties, your arguments crumble easily because they're all basically lies or projection.

My only point is that your little 'how's that working out for ya' quip was retarded, and it is.

You backtracked on fighting for Israel, the only gain that comes from this tech is for the jew. Where else are you using it? Are you a patriotard?
Your point was on of a neocon. Is ole Johnny McCain your uncle?

Don't be a colossal faggot. I joined the military fully aware of the jews and that it was a war for Israel, but I did so because it's the only real place to get the skills needed if conflict breaks out. William Pierce also recommended this, before he died clearly, but his reasoning was correct. Plus I managed to make my entire platoon aware of zionism, israel, and the jews in general, and my previous squad prior to that unit with minimal effort.

You sound like the armchair general type who'll never pick up a gun because it doesn't fall within his exact specifications for doing so.

When? That's a lie.

You're just an ass blasted lefty faggot who's mad that this is going to lead to a big vetting for gommies in the military. This and Reality Winner prove that we need a serious overhaul of who gets into the defense and intelligence positions in this nation.

I doubt it but if true then good on ya.
I learnt plenty on the land my family has you fucking ingrate. We don't need zog.

Nope, I don't care for race traitors and they should be shot on sight which you will never do. Keep shilling for zog tho.

Again, armchair general talk. What skills have you gained to make it happen? You don't really have a point other than muh fighting for israel by joining the army.

Get this through your head. America is Israel's little bitch, not the other way around. Everything you do from the moment you wake up to the moment you fall asleep is serving jewish interests including wasting your time on an imageboard by your line of thinking and not crushing your enemy wherever you see him. Down to paying for internet from an ISP owned by kikes trying to stifle your ability to use it freely and then again it's getting taxed to feed the same government run by other kikes to oppress you further.

Unless you're getting everything free you work for the jew every day of your life just like the rest of us. Save your moral posturing.

Can you faggots quit being niggers, and focus on the task at hand? Anthony Rosciano's real name may be Michael Ross. Now, what about the pajeet he's friends with?

So I can chalk it up to no argument then.

trips of truth

I shouldn't be going at you lads like that tho. Take my apology.

>Michael (((Ross)))
every fucking time

Breivik was right.

maybe a bored user wants to cross reference faces to here?
opsec is ok, but i'm finding other cadets in there via likes.
this lot turn up jan 11th 2016.
pic related looks like 2nd from left, bottom. mum maybe Brandi Bryan Peasley. other goons including mr Che himself.

i can't download the original file (phialphatheta.org/wp-content/uploads/USMA-920x1842.jpg)
highest res i can get attached.
Name badges can almost be read.

other related names and profiles(friends/parents):
facebook.com/profile.php?id=100010371639990 (liu's mum?)
only 'zach affrin' from pic 2 i can find is actually isis: facebook.com/afrinzach.zhr (must be coincidence, right?)
looks like he is actually zachary affin, now married to sara. website won't archive, so read it while you can

and they still don't realize who they fight for

Blow up synagogues, bomb government departments.

Imagine being Jewish and realizing all these cartoons are right

Holy shit, that's memeable