the victim is a total SJW, I couldn't care less about her fucked up face, but methinks the lady is a liar…

the main idiot

and her denial

somehing ust isn't adding up here
is it just me?

Don't care, this is a political board take this to >>>/4chan/

sounds like they got what they deserved

they got what they deserved. guarantee you the daughter burns coal and the father isn't around

If they had been white they'd be crying about it. Criminal opportunist is the same as saying youth. It was a bunch of nogs.

That's what you get for relaxing around blacks.
Next time have a gun on you, dumb fucks.

taylor Retweeted
Jimmy Urine‏Verified account @jimmyurine Aug 15


fucking nailed it


looks like this piece of shit mother and her dyke daughter were the problematic ones. police made no arrests, even after this assault. as fucked up as they were the police would have arrested someone if this was as they say it is.

the only way the police would have made no arrests is if these dyke's started the fight first, and then lost.


they've managed to scam people out of nearly 7 grand now, i have no doubt that it will go up to 10 grand, despite all of their bills being paid for with obamacare. I'm sure they're one of the one's getting the heavily subsidized health plans that cost next to nothing.

Kek, dat stockholme syndrome.

Someone ask her why they need donations if they get Kang Kare via socialism?

Exactly what the Jew wants, white women being programmed to push away from the white man and find themselves among the non-whites since they're all "victims" of the white man together. Now being away from the white man makes the white woman defenseless against non-white males who are given freedom to attack the white women.


I had Spics down the hall from me one time who had kids they let make noise in the hall and the courtyard. I called child services when the police wouldn't do anything. Fuck them. Why is everyone making excuses for the neighbors? Because the girl has a nosering?

Or if niggers are the culprits but the dykes refuse to tell the cops who did it. Cops can't hardly make arrests if the victims are covering for the negroid assailants.

so either way its their own stupid fault?

if they lie out their ass on the gofundme like here

is that fraud?

Yeah, if they're lying. But will they get charged let alone convicted? Doubtful. For a prosecutor, such a case would be a political live wire. Best for their career to just ignore it entirely.

Did she called the police?
Can -WE- call the police and make them involved?
What's the point on getting surgery if the criminals can still attack them again?

Both probably got into an argument with the other because one used the other's dildo or something then they got drunk and hit each other. The police didn't arrest anyone because there wasn't anyone else involved. They're just covering their asses and getting some free gibs on top of that.

Is it really common for women to beat each other in the face like that? Don't they normally just pull each other's hair and scratch?

They never called the police.
2nd pic kinda related.

user here who lived amongst the niggers in columbus. From her carefully crafted wording, and continual use of the word "gang". Suggest this was entirely niggers. They actually are quite pacified to white people that live around them. They think "hey your life must suck too if you livin' round here". One thing they will not tolerate though is you sticking your nose in where it didn't belong. Calling the cops multiple times on nigs in their area is stupid. They are neanderthals but can put together the basic logic that
They'll come to the conclusion quickly that it's the closet white people calling cops on them because niggers know better than to call cops on other niggers for noise complaints. Too bad the two went goodified.

wern't goodified.

No civnat cucks welcome here. Shitskins don't assimilate or adhere to white values. Let niggers and spics fuck their kids up, not like we can do anything(or even should).

They never call the police because it never happens

That second video…what the fuck.

Just kids practicing dance classes.
All that shit in the floor, I'm guessing it's Brazil but all I see are negros; should see some mulatos too.


This tendency to dismiss everything that isn't 100% kosher leftism as "conspiracy theories" is one of the more disgusting tactics encountered debating normalfags in the wild.

What the fuck.

Look at this creature and tell me that she'll fight for us, not against us, in the upcoming war. I'd venture to say that everyone involved in this story is an enemy of law, order, tradition and civilization.

This one is not in huezil, but yes, we do have a lot of similar videos. Our niggers are more light skinned thanks to racemixing, but they still have nigger mating dances, no matter how young they are.

Report the gofundme for fraud. Use that twitter screen as the proof. That it was the father and not some neighbour.

Going to the police just revictimizes them, user. That's why they complain on social media. They are stronk that way! Now donate!

I second this post.

I also survived the niggerly hordes of Columbus. Large swaths of that city need to be carpet bombed. Just look at the nigger homicide rate, it's like 4th in the country.

Old wypipo are dying off, and once splendid neighborhoods become culturally enriched as nogs and frijoles buy up their houses. If you are a h'white ubermensch looking for a house, be careful about elderly neighbors.

This bitch is an jew, can't you tell?

Honestly, I think you're on to something anonbro

c'mon goys, sooo close to 10k!
remember my mom might need surgery maybe, and none of us will be able to work for a verrrrrry long time and we need moving money so we can get away from these racists, how are we supposed to pay the rent, we'll never be able to work we have ptsd!


So niggers

So niggers

Someone who's good at makeup should do these to suck shekels out of the good shabbos goyim. Just make up some sob story about Nazis attacking you and rake in the money to donate to actual nationalist groups, lel.

Can't be racist against whites goy

Anyone found anything else more hard hitting? You guys are generally more on top of things when it comes to fucking over the badguys when they're not protected by golems funded by huge piles of money.

Someone with twatter account needs to call her on this bullshit.

Facial piercings are cancerous in general, but them septum piercings are the ultimate in disgusting piercings. I see all sorts of cunts with them, and from that I gather they're leftist trash and have hit the century mark on cocks taken.

Where do you thin you are, leftypol?

The no turning back disfiguring stretched ears nigger hoop earrings are worse than the nigger nose ring, at least that can be hidden for the most part removed, but removed hoop earrings? They look like people walking around with open shredded wounds, truly revolting.

nobody here has twitter accounts anymore, you need valid phone numbers and valid phone numbers require name/social/credit card because muh terrorism

twitter has somewhat successfully purged wrongthink. all the right wing twitter accounts are normal conservatives with zero regard to privacy

I bet anything it was Haiti.

Except she literally said that her neighbors did it retard.

Funny part is the kike/shill who said it was entry level anti-semitism wasn't really wrong. Once someone gets back to understanding what objective truth, coming to the conclusion kikes are evil is inevitable.

Thanks, Trump for refusing to create a single-payer healthcare system. Drug dealers get shot, Trump is there for them. Those poor noble savages whose environment sent them on a life of crime. It would be cruel to make cuts to niggercare. White people get attacked by rabid "dreamers" though, well sucks for them.

Please nuke us, Kim.

I find it lets me know what sort of person I'm dealing with. I now know not to take their words seriously and can, without hesitation, mock them


She gets the rope.

meant for this post


Good point. To me theyre both disgusting and signs of being a mentally unstable commie piece of shit. They both get ovens.

lul sounds like they deserved it from what the rumors in the thread are saying


That description is text book niggers, possibly spics, very unlikely Whites. Where is this? North East Whites might have high enough concentration of wiggers to increase the odds.

It's whites. That's why this thread was made. Once enough comments like yours are posted, ebonics nigga comes in wit da tooth tellin it like it is to ebil chan fascists.

Source is untrustworthy, it's possible but verdict is still out until we see some photos/video of those involved and doesn't change this is text book nigger behavior in spades.

I lived near s8 housing and saw the most dark horrors of nigger society. Shorty after moving in i hear a stabbing at the local elementary school from my window.
Every neighbor i had was a crack addict or selling it. Saw many crack disputes. We used to go out in the porch all the time and smoke cigarettes and "hood watch". One time i saw two jig drug addict women walk up to the crack dealers house across the street and start taking a shit against the house leaning on it. She looked over and screamed "stop lookin' ova hur" many times, but it was right in our sight and horrific. Another great time i saw a baby momma square off with the baby daddy's side bitch. Shit was fucking hilarious. Baby momma fights this bitch hard knuckled, and does a sweet upper cut on this jigres's that causes this perfect arch upwards and flat on the ground whilst her crocks shoot off her feet and 15 feet in one direction. Jigs are fucking nuts, don't live near them.

I'll lead you to this>>10661346
There are no "white gangs" in cbus. Niggers roam in packs and fuck with white people, its known locally.


She claimed on social media that unspecified neighbors did it. That doesn't mean she's cooperating with the poilce. You retard.

this thread being bounced off of here is likely in order to justify shilling this event with polposting botspam comments well before the race angle is confirmed.

most likely, but this post is too reassuring and bias-affirming to go off of

Can you restate this, in English?

I believe he's saying that this thread exists to provide reasonable corroborating evidence of our guilt when the most deranged, caricature level cartoon-Nazi spambots descend on their fundme comment/twitter pages saying niggers this niggers that and it's actually somehow white people, or something.

He's basically saying practice good infosec and opsec and verify shit before jumping the gun and going off or allow your group to be construed as doing so. I think.

I've got a Twitter, it's my main normie social media platform. You don't have to have phone numbers and credit cards or any shit like that, just don't put it in or deny when they ask you to. All you need is an Email.
Also I've been suspended twice for calling people tranny faggots

Somehow didn't link replies

It feels fake, especially with the immediate gofundme

They only get descriptive when it suits them. Like mentioning the political beliefs of the alleged perp here. So we can assume by their not mentioning anything personal or specific that the fight scenario "attackers" story is either fucky or involves protected classes.

Makeup and Photoshop can do a lot these days.

Yeah idk either fam.
For me it was

the kike cries as he strikes you

Stephen Paddock
