Wants to suck trump's dick

Is anyone else moderately surprised by Macron? He's still probably a crypto-kike but he seems a lot better than he did in the run up to the election.

Other urls found in this thread:


Macron and Trudeau (aka Current Year Man: Leaf Edition) both confuse the fuck out of me, mostly because on paper they're both supposed to be super good goyim, but for whatever reason they're utterly hated by everyone who voted for them.

hes a turbo-manlet so he will always be a subhuman in my eyes

trudeau is horribly fake and incompetent while macron wants to be the next Napoleon

No, not really.

Because you can never please the left. Never.

Close borders, deport all non-whites, give GIGA GIBS to families having white children.

Start from there. EU will become what USA once was. United States of Europe.

Get ready for le war with le Russia/Iran/China/NK, le goyim.

No. Macron hates black people.

Sadly this.

Did you even pay attention to LePen and Macron's platforms? LePen was the gibs candidate, Macron was the austerity candidate, Macron was also for the sandnigger flood though whereas LePen was against it. Leftists are just upset that they got what they voted for economically, Macron's doing exactly what he ran on, both with continuing the massive refugee flood and with cutting welfare for native French(because of course supporting the poor little refugees won't stop).

If EU was all white, would that be a problem?

Giving gibs to rich friends is not capitalism or liberalism. It's influence trafficking, as usual in french politics.
Macron is pro-massive immigration.
Macron is pro-muslims.
Macron is pro-taxes.
Macron is a childless leader. A replacist.

The only good thing that I see in his program is that he wants to get read of the Code du Travail.

Macron is the guy of the three cabals that control France : the Jews, the Freemasons and the Gays.

On a more positive side : Philippot is gone and the FN face a crisis. Maybe we will see a right wing leader rise outside of the Le Pen family. Maybe Robert Menard.

To be honest I'm worried about France.
The FN made good progress the last years but LR and the center never failed to cuck them up while keeping a lot of power.

I wish him the best of luck in becoming Napoleon. He's young enough that he might just pull it off, provided he tries to.

Doing the jew's bidding is always a problem. What does France hope to gain from Russia or China that is worth millions of dead French?

Kek. Have you noticed Trump taking advantage of this to win Macron over?

Have you considered for a moment that maybe he likes Trump because Trump is also a cuck like himself?

Rule over the world? It would be a good trade if it involves killing all niggers too.

Well he likes Trump but Trump does not like him.
It's more about Micron trying to appear as a big businessman I think.

I thought gays weren't allowed to adopt in France. How much control do they really have if they can't do that? They can adopt and molest kids in almost every other first world country.

Yeah, collecting taxes all over the world will be good for the jew, but what about the French?

The jews love sheboons too much.

Napoleon started as an officer and did what he did because of the loyalty of his men and the real-world power it commanded. Caesar did the same thing.
If you don't have real military power, then you're not going to buck the established power structures in any meaningful way.


Makes you think

Fuck yeah, make it happen!

Most stories if pedophilia involving powerful french people take place in Morocco. It's a well known sex tourism place for pedos.

Considering that the (((MSM))) in France is going apeshit against him, yeah, it fucking does make a person think. I still have yet to see anyone lay down a bunch of facts regarding the actions Macron has actually taken. I do know that the French are so pissed with him they're blocking his grandma-wife from taking the French First Lady title.

Morocco is run by shitskins and jews, of course the sodomites do whatever they want there.

This board.

Those are retardation levels that should not be possible.
Trump is 10 times more rightwing that micron will ever be.
Macron got elected by the combined effort of the (((medias))), the most center part of the socialist party and the big banks.

A few sjw blogs aren't the MSN for fuck sake.
The medias in France are backing Macron. Just read Le Monde, Libération or Le Figaro if you don't believe me.

Trump is fucking amazing, despite what the shills say. I find Macron and Trudeau perplexing, because they both seem to be fucking up so hard when ostensibly they should both be raping their respective countries for everything they're worth.

Right from Le Monde:
They're getting cucked. Why?

It's mirroring.
Trump is objectively right wing. White nationalists say he don't do enough but his stance on the NFL kneestuff would be unthinkable for Macron or Trudeau.

Macron and Trudeau are objectively left wing but the SWJ are mad at them because they are not pushing all their agendas.

The Jews are moderately not happy with Trump, and extremely happy with Micron.

Canadian liberal party has always been the big business/keynesian corporatist party. Everything else was mostly just pandering to mobilize the left to oust the moderate "right" progressive "conservatives". All the liberals care about are the bribes and the kickbacks, although maintaining power requires them to pay some lipservice to lefties.

They do have some idealogues but they're so incompetent that thankfully progress is slow.

Is bread and circus. When it comes time for serious policy decisions, he does things like amnesty for illegals and extend subsidies to niggercare after Congress failed to pass an alternative.

Anything in particular that Macron has done / is doing? Sources would be nice, bullet point good as well.

Just one thing Holla Forums shall remember before falling for such obvious D&C : when SHTF at St-Martins, when niggers were roaming the streets and looting white people's house, when the police told white people to defend themselves, MACRON WENT IN JUST TO PROMISE MORE GUN REGULATIONS. There are hundreds of other examples of this guy's anti-whiteness, but this one should really activate your burger almonds.

These kind of threads is a win-win for endkike D&C shills like hasbrofag : any pro-Macron opinion pulls "Holla Forums is a neocon kike cheerleading squad" posts, and any anti-Macron argument is used against Trump.

All of that can be chalked up to the dysfunction of government when we have 100 ZOG'd senators. Hopefully mid-terms play out like I expect them too (which is why the NFL shit and other 'bread and circus' is actually important as venues for redpilling normalfags) and we start seeing some turnover.

Macron's election is the left wing equivalent of the Trump election.

He had the Banks, the Medias and around Half the PS Party.

He forced the commies (huge in France) the other side of the PS, the centrist UDI and Modem and most of Les Républicains to ally with him to defeat the FN.

Of course all those guys are resentful and want their shares now.

Macron was a Rothschild banker. It's pretty clear he's not /ourguy/, but if we could stoke his Napoleon complex hard enough we could get him to rebel against his masters.
He's married to a grandma and addicted to uppers, how fucking hard do you think it would be to push him over the edge? Not that hard, I imagine.

why should I take your rest of the text serious after this kind of sperging?

France is at the end of Destabilization process. Macron is the guy that will radicalize French people in their individual prerogatives and interactions, pushing French society as a whole into crisis. There even is some kind of "savior" thing with him. He is the way non-elected artificial bodies like the media, the bank and social workers will gain power, because he was backed by them.

You know the only replies you got until now are from endkike shills.

I've said, "next election" one too many times. Elections are the cruelest part of bread and circus. Best thing to do is get fit and hope when the major countries are weakened enough during WWIII, the underground NatSoc army joins the fight and defeats them all.

Trudeau had a rather sizeable base of imbecilic voters. Many were 'muh weed' and were angered that he hadn't legalized it immediately upon taking office. They're also inclined to be triggered that he means with Trump, as that is seen as "normalizing" the evil Hitler.


Even 10% whites is enough to easily enslave 90% non-white if they work together. Colonization proved that. I don't think France is lost by any measure, it is utterly controlled by kikes right now, but their power won't last forever.

Well saying "next election" in 2014 got us Trump. So let's see how far we can go.
Lots of you fags do seem to be pretty blackpilled itt, is this really one of the fabled endchan raids?

Forgot to conclude.
I know there are many French people talking about Macron incarnating the golem myth. I don't want to be the blackpill dispenser but I am afraid you are just fooling yourselves. The (((globalists))) are already 3 steps ahead, have planned is probable turning back, and any political way to save Europe is out of reach. Dehumanize yourselves.

You forgot to take in consideration the 50% white French who will back non-whites.

There's no way out for Europe besides oceans of blood though, there are simply too many mudslimes now and they won't leave peacefully. As far as the race traitors, marxist cucks are just that. There's no proletariat fighting for the bankers anymore, so the historic commies revolutions are just that: historic and not to be repeated. The people with strength and power are not backing the kikes and their plays, and minds are being changed every day.
America is a beacon of light, and we're in for interesting times. I do agree that we should all dehumanize ourselves and face to bloodshed, but this is a fight we'll win.

We survived far worse.
We will have to live and fight.
Don't be afraid of struggles.

you got any pics of him looking strung out, or what's your source?

I'm 100% with you on that one, I'm just warning any of my dear French/pol/acks to not hope anything from Macron, as blackpilled as it sounds. And that these kind of threads just attracts D&C shills.

I agree with you.
Macron is the anthesis of what real Holla Forumsacks want.
Fighting Poland and Hungary on the refugee crisis.
Openly bisexual.
Free mason.
Pro Religion of Cuck™ic immigration in Europe.
Pro gun control.
Made a law to strip of their electoral rights people condemned for "hate crimes''
Oh. And when journalists aked his wife Brigitte how her meeting with interior minister Gerard Collomb went, she responded "je me tape aussi des mecs se mon âge vous savez / you know I fuck men my age too"
The guy is a proud cuck.

Stop this macron he's the new napoleon bullshit. It's ridiculous.

This guys wife is also his handler. Never forget that the (((powers that be ))) will find or install both left or right if they need to create conflict somewhere or in a demographic

Napoleon deliberately and repeatedly positioned himself in the right place to further his quest for power. At times it was borderline desertion, but he did it anyway. He knew exactly what he was doing, and was consciously emulating Julius Caesar. Julius Caesar too was deliberate in his pursuit of power. Reading in between the lines his account of the war in Gaul, the war was unnecessary. Undertaken to win him the necessary respect the common Roman people (Commentarii de Bello Gallico was plainly written by Caesar as propaganda directed at the Roman people, to make them adore his wisdom as a leader.)

Yes, Macron lacks an army. But that doesn't rule out the possibility that he's trying to consciously emulate Napoleon in his own way. He's young enough that he just might be that much of a hothead. I certainly don't think he'll succeed; not in any way that truly resembles Napoleon or Julius Caesar, but that doesn't mean he isn't trying.

When Macron was elected, he, out of all the parties involved barring FN, had the least chances of getting in office. The governing parties, realizing the grave mistake they made with Le Pen, decided to shill for the only candidate who on paper wasn't as corrupt as them. So the French collectively voted against Le Pen for a crypto-kike who has an ego the size of the Eiffel Tower and who seriously believes he was destined to rule the country. In a way, this is terrible because he's a troubling Europhile, but on the other hand he just wants to abuse the power to no ends, definitely making idiot voters think about what they've done. And we have the left to thank, because had they not shilled for him but one of their own idiots, right now next elections would play out like they always have.

The only way back is definitely shutting down all subversive elements of our society. Wake me up when Macron cancels civil rights of antifas, marxists and faggots.

>Supress taxes on the (((riches)))

Truly /ourguy/ indeed.

Trudeau didn't legalize weed in the first year, had potheads arrested as much as Harper did, created a deficit 10x greater than what he said would happen, since the first year, and he chose to use the gibs he promised would go toward Canadian youths on niggers, arabs, punjabs and chinks instead. He even flip flopped on feather niggers. The only ones who benefited by voting for him were feminists, faggots, trannies, third worlders who wanted to bring their shitty families into Canada and the eternal Jew who has been bribing the government ever since he stepped foot on Canadian soil. Problem is people will most likely reelect him because the weed bill is scheduled to pass just in time for the next elections so potheads will forgive him for everything else.

Macron and Le Pen were the jewish options, seems funny how a certain kike kvetching and wailing here is determined we only show support for one of the 2 jew controlled oppositions that the jews gave you.
How about neither?

Macron pretends to be leftist but he's simply an extension of the Rothschild zionist bankers just as Le Pen was another freemason and jew controlled distraction.

A bit like the pretence that Clinton and Trump were on two opposed sides when they're both on the same team, it was artificially manufactured and only jews could win the outcome regardless of who you voted for.

So many kikes that swarm these boards determined that the goy gets all hung up fighting over their preferred kike.


>inb4 "no jew criticism allowed on Holla Forums"


servile compromised groundhog opposition

servile compromised controlled bloke

Why don't you fuck off, election is over and all you do is highlight how compromised this board is, even retards can't ignore how openly you kikes swarm these boards

Also daily reminder he pushes newspeak because he'd burst into flames if he'd ever stoop to naming the JIDF.

The level of mental gymnastics you guys will do for the God Emperor.

Don't hold your breath.

Can't say I trust this man.

Kek wouldn't that make for a wild time line?

Macron wants to physically attach Africa to Europe

He literally said:
0:30 - la stratégie que je veux mettre en oeuvre consiste à créer un axe intégré entre l'Afrique, la Méditerranée et l'Europe the strategy which I want to put in place consists of creating an integrated axle between Africa, the Mediterranean and Europe
0:55 - nous devons arrimer ensemble, enfin, les continents Européens et Africains à travers la Méditerranée we must attach together, finally, the European and African continents through the Mediterranean
1:35 - ces routes de la nécéssité doivent devenir des chemins de la liberté unissants l'Europe, la Méditerranée et l'Afrique. Car c'est en Afrique que se joue largement l'avenir du monde these routes of necessity (he's referring to migrant routes) must become paths of liberty uniting Europe, the Mediterranean and Africa. Because it is in Africa that the future of humanity largely takes place

Is that why you are both kvetching and wailing at me identifying you and naming you as the JIDF/hasbara that you are?

You are literally jews openly talking amongst yourselves on Holla Forums, complaining that a goy is calling out you hasbara kikes, and then claiming I am jewish by identifying you jews openly shilling for ZOG.



At this stage, supporting Trump is in everyone's interests for self-preservation. The man is throwing his enemies to the ground and pummeling them like little bitches.

Expect to see the left bending to his will by the end of his (2) terms. Then we'll get a much more far-right person in office.

he called niggers sons of bitches.. what more you want from Trump?

Call them extinct.

Trump is not Hitler or a Messiah.
I understand that some people are disappointed, especially after all the Based God Emperor memes during the campaign.

Let's be honnest : Trump is the least cucked republican president since Reagan.
And Hillary would have been a fucking disaster.
Trump is not /ourguy/, but his election was a victory for our side in the war against the ZOG.
Now we have to continue the fight.

(And Macron is a banker minion, a worthless sodomite and a leftist)

the fact of the matter is that macron is much more of a man than trump is. sad!

Tres ironiqué

t. trump's 4D chess meme
trump is not taking advantage of jack shit and sure as hell he doesn't have neither the competence nor the the intellect to play macron. the funniest thing is that macron is showing himself to be much more right-wing (strong military, africans BTFO etc.) than trump

hasbrofag is so predicatble it must be a bot, at least partially. All these pre-made replies with little to no improvisation. And look at him, sockpupetting like always with (1)s high-fiving himself and antagonizing anons.
Get a life, hasbarafag. You're so obvious it kills my sides.


Did you take a serious blow to the head or experience chronic chemical exposure recently?

What kind of retard must one be to think Micron is more right-wing than Trump?

It's a figure of speech. He doesn't plan to physically attach the continents.
He just want more migrants and safer roads for them to come in Europe.
That's not better at all for us.

Since when is it okay for hasbara kikes like (((you))) to openly show contempt for all anons and demand no criticism of jews takes place on Holla Forums


macron is saying that he wants to attach africa to europe and shit like that only to have brussels on his side while he build up the foundations of a new strong nationalism in france. he actually has some plans for africa as well, but they're more much close to being a form of economic colonialism than globalism. the truth is that macron is playing both the media and juncker with misleading statements and he's appeasing to the left while he goes more and more to the right, he's a great strategist

Macron wants MORE immigration. He's from the party who pushed immigration in France since the 80', he works with anti racist associations, he fund shelters for migrants and is planning to give citizenship to the refugees after 2 years of presence in France.


I don't get it of which hasbara you people are talking about. You mean that youtube faggot who calls everyone a jew and doesn't bring any alternative solution?

Macron the nationalist ; Macron is the guy who said that French culture does not exist.

Retarded nigger.

yes, he knew that this party would have been his best chance to climb the political food-chain and so he larped as a leftist for his whole career in order to achieve power
same as before, he doesn't want to alienate the supporters from the left while he actually pursues his real nationalist agenda, it's a great move
you're confusing macron interest in africa with charitable globalism, it's not, it's economic colonialism, france is getting less refugees and it's starting to redirect many that are in its to land to other part of europe (macron played a big role forcing the visegrad group into accepting more refugees), and every now and then the real macron leaks in like when he said that africa has a civilizational problem and its women have too much offspring. see the big picture? moves after moves, his plans are getting clearer


Look at his ID's messages.
Obvious d&c shill. Like most posters of this thread.

fix the site codemonkey

Henry de Lesquen is the real deal
He want to "burn the labor code and deport the immigrant"
He is also a master at shitposting
youtu.be/t0GoavBfuUE (you can activate english subtitles)

H2L is obviously a troll. He wouldn't last two days as a president. He is funny, but does not have the shoulders to hold the power. He unironically backed Fillon to the first round of the presidential election. Not quite /ourguy/, but he would be a good propaganda minister though.

Henry is extremely based. But born too early to ever win a Presidency.
Bernard Lugan is also too based for the system.

My bet for the who's the future of the hard right in France goes to Robert Ménard.
Getting elected in that full of Arabs, Gypsies and Narbonoides Shitcity of Béziers was a major accomplishment.
He's identitarian, pro-guns, pro-freedom of speech and his wife is a traditionalist catholic.

Trump is on the same team as Cunton? Pfft go and remove yourself out of the gene pool you spastic cunt

Ménard is fine, has a much stronger back than H2L but isn't he kinda civnat though ? Could be a posture but I didn't see any hints of him being radically racist or pro-white.



Yep, he's not openly racist.
But remember when he calculated the number of muslims children in Beziers schools?

Tell me, what changed with regard to complete zionist control of the US government after Trumps election win?

Glorious. Still not good enough in his speeches and on his position to make it to the throne I'm afraid. But I would have 1000x voted for him instead of MLP that's for sure.

I don't really get those vibes from his physical appearance. Am I missing something?

some common sense, finally.

Look closer.

By electing ZOG you've opposed ZOG in what way exactly?
How does that work even when the Talmudic bent-logic is applied?
How is it common sense to claim that voting for neocon zionist jews, in some way defeats the neocon zionist jews that have hijacked and are destroying America?

That's not common sense that's Talmudic upside-down gibberish, it's literally nonsense.

Holy shit, I don't think I have ever seen pictures of him not heads-on, but this would explain why. The nose isn't all that definitive, but that rotation on the ears and the lower lip really are.

this thread:


fuck your thread

Macron's favorite book is The Prince. What do you expect? He wants to acquire power and does not care how or who gives it, only the strings that are attached… and how easy they are to cut.

He is a rothschild banker that wants to build a bridge between France and Africa so niggers can cuck his country faster, and calls colonialism a crime against humanity

I think he wants to go down in history as the most tolerant man in the world. Or hide the white genocide caused by the replacement of Christianity with cultural marxism. Only niggers are stupid or crazy enough to enter France. They'll say it was jungle fever in the Yiddish history books.

then why the fuck is his wife look like someone who could be his mom?

It is not easy to know exactly what motivates Macron and what his end game his.
However, what I'm sure of is that he probably doesn't fully realize the demographic bomb on which Europe and particularly France is sitting on. The reason for this is that he comes from a rich family, lives in nice suburb etc… Sounds simple, but these guys in France just never see any arab or blacks in their daily life, and thus this reality is completely hidden from them, especially if you add the daily media brainwashing that his generation had during all his youth (We are all equals, education is everything etc…).

Overall, all white people in France with a bit of power are completely sheltered from the reality of the average French person, which is that Religion of Cuck™ is currently taking over the country. I'm not sure they can wake up before Arabs knock at their door to genocide them.

what? france is the country with the lowest income inequality in europe. you can find a multi-millionaire literally living next-door with a working class dude

Macron is a strange little man. Like he's a rightist playing a leftist who plays a rightist who plays a leftist who plays a rightist etc etc

Trudeau is hilarious because looking at what he's actually done you'd think he's literally everything leftists claim Trump is right down to shady oil deals, fucking over shitskins and closing off the Canadian boarder to spics and loads of other shitskins lol

These are politicians true colours. They care only for image and these two Macron and Trudeau are narcissists who do not practice what they preach.

Wait a minute,
Call me crazy but I don't like the looks of this guy for (((some))) reason

It's not about income inequality or whatever metrics. I'm speaking of what I see of high profile people (bankers, doctors, politicians etc…). Let me explain in more details.
They live in nice suburbs that are 100% white (because prices are way too high for niggers and arabs to live here). Their children go to private christian schools.
At work, it's the same, 100% white.
They take their car or 3-wheel bike to go to work. Never take the metro full of Africans.
If they take the train, it's the TGV in first class, same story (high speed train).

They do see some of these people from time to time, at the station or in the streets of course, but it is not where they do live, and thus it just doesn't compute in their brain than our population is getting replaced extremely fast.
I've been hinting at redpills to some of these guys, they are much less receptive than middle class white people (hell, even boomers are receptive). The reason ? Middle class now have to interact daily with shitskins.
It's even more true for younger generation which has much a higher percentage of Africans. This explains far-right vote for French youth, I'm convinced that there is a direct correlation between time interacting with shitkins and redpilling on the subject.
My point is, Macron likely has a blind spot, like most politicians, for which immigration is just a number on a sheet of paper, and not a important topic which is changing their daily lifes (yet).

I agree mostly but elites have always been obsessed with virtue signaling because it gives them smug sense of self-satisfaction but of course if they had to personally deal with the effects of diversity like the working class whites and increasingly the white middle class they would change their tune in a heartbeat like that Samantha Bee liberal idiot who keeps shitskins out of her personal area on purpose but relentlessly virtue signals everywhere else. Such is life.

yeah…. sure…..

This sir, is the perfectest ID I've ever seen on a chan.

Fun fact. The ugly fucker pic related is a politician who recently got stolen his 7000€ watch in the streets of Paris. Also got a broken teeth. He said
Nothing better than a kick in the head to understand what diversity really means.

Get out, newfag.

This thread is nonsense, only the few frenchfag here knows that macron is the second worst president we had for decades (1st one was sarkozy). This guy wasn't even in politics before hollande.

Checklist here :



They both follow the "do whatever POTUS tells you to do" strategy. Because Trump is 60 to 70 percent zog, as opposed to previous leaders who were closer to 100% (I.e. the Kenyan), our allies arent completely cucked.

Don't fucking trust this snake for a second
If you don't remember the Nork leaks involving this fuck then you need to gtfo this board

This piece of shit pushes some of the most cancerous EU policies in existence. No, I am not surprised, I despise him just as much as during the elections because I knew this Rothschild lackey would do just that

Pretty funny you retards aren't seeing it. He's doing literally the same thing that people who shill for Trump non stop do, "he's only denouncing white supremacy to appease the left" "he's only allowing daca babies so the dems will side with him". 4D chess and so on.

His policies on Syria and improvement of relations with Assad are decent at least
Not familiar with his other policies

Okay, I'm actually involved in the legalization of pot so I'll give you the answer. Weedman knows this draws out the 420bot autists who help him campaign (somewhat similar to the Trump folks and here and cuckchan). Of course they are going to tax the shit out of it and only place it will NOT be controlled by government stores will be BC… where the Hell's Angels control is and will continue to thanks to an "innovative policy" of "hands off regulation."

tl;dr BC is the degenerate containment area, and Trudeau is just a spokesmodel

The kvetching over the corporate tax shit is the biggest laugh I've had in ages.

I can't see these guys without wanting to euthanize them. Not even because I hate them and all they represent, but rather because I hate seeing animals suffer.

Hey, jude.

What does the cuckime have to do with anything? at all?

excuse me but since when?

ask yourself; what type of person would think that trump is incompetent and stupid?

No, Trumps an alpha and macron is a beta. Macron was naturally drawn to Trump for that reason. He wanted to be with the cool kid(Trump). Look at the summit. Macron tries to go to with Trump for the picture and tries to sit next to him during the music.


Lmao @ turbo-manlet

Ok. Im part danish and dont confuse a big beatiful aryan shnoz for the kike hook nose.

Nothing… Yet.