Small-penised NBA star BTFOs Blumpf!
James followed up on his tweet Saturday afternoon with a video message, telling his fans that "this guy" [Trump] was trying to divide Americans.

"He's now using sports as the platform to try to divide us," James said in the video. "We all know how much sports brings us together, how much passion it has, how much we love and care and, you know, the friendships and the love it creates and for him to try to use this platform to divide us even more, it's not something that I can stand for."

James also defended Colin Kaepernick and Jemele Hill.
"All these people are speaking up and it's for the greater cause," James said. "It's for all of us to come together. It's not about division."

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How will Drumpf ever recover?


Niggers always lie about their penis size. They're insecure as fuck about it.

They're also low-T literal faggots, for the most part, and the women are high-T gorillapes that abuse and murder their children.

Oh no, ooga booga nigger that gets paid too much to play a game said something and (((buzzfeed))) reported on it, asses and eggshells all is lost.

Niggers should leave the internet


Niggas are a lot of things, but they aren't low-T. Don't be delusional.

They really don't have bigger dicks than us, though. Biggest known dick in the world is Jonah Falcons, and he's white.

not the way it works, dubs-waster. they all have high T, which for the men means dumber and hypogonadism, and for the women means more manly appearance. they all are more muscular because of the higher T amount, but it is counter-productive to their cognitive development, which is why they are all so retarded. Best thing to do would be to castrate them all - stop their breeding and maybe boost their avg. IQ by like 5 points.

I didn't expect logic from a nigger, but jeezus

they're high-t early in life, but then whites eventually catch up and pass them with age.

I work with a couple thousand people. Almost all of the black men are openly gay, with that nasty fucking lisp they're fond of. The few that aren't, are typically just fucking stupid with no ability to retain basic information.

Shouldn't he be raping girls behind his wife's back instead of crying like a little bitch about Trump?

Notice how the nog lacks independent thought

wouldn't be surprised if the whole project of putting shit in water and vaccines is to lower the T of the niggers, and a side effect is that it lowered too much the T of whites

LeBron's mom fucked one of his teammates. Top lel.

based delonte

I don't understand why the network or this "King James" egomaniac were never civilly or criminally charged for his exposing himself on national television in front of millions of people. He knew exactly what he was doing.

I remember this. Was fucking hilarious.

His not doing any of this. His not making you protest before you play causing the divide from you and you're audience. It's you, the players, that can't put you're politics on the shelf and just go play a fucking game despite you are paid millions to do so.

It's more of a miscegenational psy-op with these niggers than a political statement. They are trying to get at-risk young White women's pussies wet by being "the bad guys" (again).

LeBron is riding high on a wave of twitter dicksucking, but this sort of shit is probably going to start costing him sponsors. No one wants to be the company that gives millions to the faggot who spends his time picking fights with the president and spewing racist bullshit.

Depends on the (((owner))).

Exactly go look at that nigger Curry's twatter and all the fucking cross-promotion


his favorite team is already an artificial construct, an airbrushed centerfold he gets an erection for instead of spending time with his wife

what is his favorite team? an assortment of tatted up nigs who look like they're playing for a prison team plus a few whites thrown in for the positions that require a modicum of intelligence…and all of these people are from nowhere, they're shipped all over the country based on a bidding process which ironically and amusingly puts one in the mind of buck negroes on the auction block fresh off the Atlantic crossing (modern day bucks are given "million dollar" contracts, but most of that will be clawed back by Jews)

just say it, Joe Fan isn't even rooting for a team, he's rooting for a corporate brand…he's chosen the fake community of merchandised players and jersey flair, and so hopeless is his situation in life and so deep-seated the need to feel connected to a team (because he lacks such community in his own life) that he overlooks this obvious disconnect

Now would be a perfect time to bring up how the NFL doesn't have enough trannies in it.


Stop spreading stupid propaganda.
Nigs have higher estrogen levels but not testosterone. This explains some of the impulsive and cowardly behavior. They're hysterical because they have a greater capacity to be hysterical.

Testosterone doesn't make people stupid and isn't a great indicator for violence. T levels are higher in more accomplished people as well, it's more about drive and willingness. Estrogen makes impulsive behavior and mood swings worse though.


kek it's true

fuck off (you) kike (1)

Lol no it was an invite faggot.

Stop using semantics like your Jew handlers, you little dick having fuckboy.

He's not wrong though Chaim.

Checked for niggers don't understand what an invitation is.

They do though, that's just it.
This narrative is bullshit, because these corporations don't give a shit, and neither do most of the libnig sorts who are truly committed to shit like the NBA. The target audience doesn't even know how to spell 'politics', and the corporate sponsors are firmly in the globalist embrace.

They don't even hide their racism. We shouldn't either.

user, the NBA is hemorrhaging money because of this shit. So is the NFL. White people are tuning out.

It's nice to see professional athletes show their true colors. They aren't any more fit than celebrities when it comes to being a role model.

All I could read was

cross promotion? What does that mean?

I, for one, love seeing all our enemies shouting loudly and clearly that they are the enemy. Even normalfags are seeing it. It just took their nigger sportsball (((heroes))) being typical niggers for normalfags to see it.

brilliant. Introducing the progressive stack into a cause always leads to it's destruction.

Inside every seemingly good black role model is an inner nigger just itching to come out. The uninitiated, too, will learn this soon enough.

They go through puberty earlier, so yes, a pubescent 11-year-old niglet will have higher T than a prepubescent white 11-year-old. It's not a meaningful comparison. When both have gone through puberty they do not have higher T than whites.


I live in downtown Baltimore. I can confirm that a fuckton of the niggers here are homosexual.

this is true. niggers are low-T and it makes sense if you know niggers. they get super emotional and upset and cant control themselves like a woman on their period. thats why they start throwing haymakers when they lose an argument or feel insulted.

if you start thinking of niggers as low-T high-estrogen gorillas that are spoiled rotten children, it starts to make alot more sense. we tend not to think of them in these terms, but once you do its a real eye-opener.

The narrative that usually gets pushed to promote athletes as good role models is that they've gotten to the high level they've attained through relentless work, study, practice, and sacrifice, but more and more it's becoming obvious that this is rarely the case, especially for basketball. Everyone in pro sports won the genetic lottery by being stronger and faster than the average human, and in the case of basketball, they're also freakishly tall and usually have extremely long arms and huge hands on top of that. Even the guys at the end of the bench who might play 5 minutes in a whole season were guys who mostly destroyed everyone they played against in high school and college with no effort because of their physical traits.

Colleges entice these black kids to play for their school teams by literally giving them wads of cash, new cars and jobs for their parents, and in some cases hiring strippers and prostitutes to entertain them. Then, once they're at school, the athletic department hires some smart white or Asian kids to "tutor" them, which actually means doing all their homework for them. Teachers are instructed to allow them to skip class and to let their "tutors" take their tests for them. The student-atholeets themselves even say that they don't give a fuck about getting an education, they shouldn't have to go to class anyway, and they even want to be paid on top of all the other free shit they get for being niggers who put a ball in a basket. They routinely get in trouble for gang rapes, assaults, thefts, and other offenses, and it's hardly ever reported because the universities immediately offer the white girls these niggers violate large sums of hush money in exchange for their silence.

For the ones who manage to make it to the pro level, the teams provide them with any accommodation they could possibly want. 85% of NBA players smoke weed even though it's technically prohibited, but it's barely enforced. On top of that, almost every team employs a Jewish team of physicians who are happy to prescribe huge amounts of narcotic painkillers far beyond what would legitimately be needed for chronic pain relief. Top it off with the players' Jewish agents working in tandem with management and the Jewish-run sports press to cover up and hide most of the criminal activities the players commit, and also carefully script and manicure all public and TV appearances so that the generally public never learns about how niggish most of these guys actually are. The Malice in the Palace brawl in 2005 threatened to wreck the NBA's entire image, so the league worked overtime to reel in all the ghetto behavior that they had been allowing up to that point. These guys are still actually ghetto as fuck, but it's better hidden now.

tl;dr: They get by mostly by being genetic freaks of nature and less on practice and sacrifice, and they have Jewish handlers who do a very good job of covering up their inner nigger with a disguise of respectable civility. A worse role model you could not possibly find.

Jonah Falcon isn't white. He's a degenerate bisexual Jew. And he's also full of shit.