And Venezuela, and Chad? What the fuck is Chad? There is a country called Chad? I mean sure Venezuela stopped accepting the USD but what has Chad ever done to justify this ban?
Travel Ban for North Korea
Why not read a book? You'll learn so very much. Then, when you're not a nigger anymore, you might be able to add to our little group here.
Are you in middle school? This shit is high-school geography.
Another sign that the kike mods have been dumbing down the userbase. First they ban books threads, now retards like OP start posting.
No it's a raid trying to detract from something, best guess is either the nigger who's batshit that shot up a church or kushner doing a hillary.
Sage, report, move on. They're changing tracks after the hitler bait threads.
Kek you joker you
Fuck you Chad, now who's laughing
Niggers should starve tbh
confirmed tbh
Now that's a great meme.
double dubs of truth
Oh my god. This is amazing. And the country is even shaped right. Holy shit.
Satan=beta confirmed.
WTF, I literally bought my ticket to Chad last week and now I can't go. said no one ever
This is an attempt by President Trump to silence the new Kushner story
It's an 88 character limit, I had to put something.
My post got deleted whys this one get to stay up
why CHAD some one help me understand
He said in a speech he wanted to help Venezuela why now is there a travel ban
You can help a homeless man without inviting him into your own home.
Chad cut off, nothing to hold back beta uprising now. Get ready for SHTF.
We may be trying to gain an intelligence presence there. From a story about the ban:
We may be putting pressure on Chad to cough up what they know about the Bashir regime in Sudan. Or we might want to have what they have on Libya, which is probably a lot.
Or maybe Trump added Chad as a goof to keep everybody guessing. Can't think what else the place is good for, tbh.
I think he foresees a flood of shitskin immigrants from war-torn and devastated places. Also on his list is Libya, which is half-owned by the CIA now, and Somalia, Syria, and Yemen. It makes sense if he's thinking to limit dysgenic imports.
Rolling for South African whites to be given priority refugee status and settled in vacant California homes we kicked the Mexicans out of.
Kek, proof that some higher being has a sense of humor.
Every time I see this it sends me into fucking tears.
looks like he is putting pressure on them though a travel ban so that he can get them to better identify the people living in their countries. More info for us.