President Trump added Chad, Venezuela...

President Trump added Chad, Venezuela, and North Korea to the list of countries banned from sending immigrants to the United States.

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This is a shitpost, but at least the first reply isn't a jew

Any idea on why for Chad and Venezuela?

Not sure why Chad, but I know Venezuela is full of commie shits and a fast collapsing economy.

Nigger muzzies.

Y'all are thinking too hard. Shooting sports or bust.

Venezuela is full of socialists and violent cartel members.



Beta uprising confirmed?

Trump confirmed for /r9k/'s guy


this kek

Thank Christ he blocked Vuvuzela. I was really dreading a big fucking wave of spics flooding in with the refugee nonsense.
Also a fantastic opportunity to redpill people on the evils of communism

Chad is full of Muslims and has a nigger tier government

Venezuela could start ending refugees any day now

Yet Saudi doesn't make the list. Really makes you think…

Venezuela is months, maybe weeks from being a failed state like Somalia. They applied the purest form of socialism since the birth of (((Marx))) and despite having number 2 or 3 oil reserves in the world, they're completely dead-broke.

Fuck Saudi Arabia, we need Israel on the list.

I agree obviously, but we both know that's going to be impossible. Too many cucks think they're (((our greatest ally))). Saudi Arabia, however, is obviously one of the biggest terror states and cucks even realize the 9/11 hijackers were (((Saudis))). There is no good reason why they're not on the list unless Trump is actually the goodest of goys.

The ban should be expanded to the entire middle east, central and south America, and China.

That would be a wet dream come true, but this president will never ban the (((Saudis))) or (((Israel))).

they support the petro dollar so they get a pass as always

How many people do you think immigrate into the US from Saudi Arabia?
Oil gibs are high enough to keep them at home.

Yeah, but he has to work in real life where simply wishing for something might not be enough.

There's more than you think. A lot of them come to universities to study, some undergrad but most graduate degrees. I knew a bunch of them, they act like Amish kids who go on the trip out of town when they become adults to go get wasted to get it out of their system before coming back. Most of them don't really give enough of a fuck to go snackbar, they would rather be getting high, but knowing Arabs there will probably be at least a few who either plan on doing it or know someone who is.

If any Norks ever made it here I really think they would be too busy eating burgers to carry out any kind of attack on this country but OK.

I don't want (((Saudis))) traveling here at all. It's a TRAVEL BAN. Banning immigration is another thing altogether. We need to stop them from boarding planes and getting off those plans and then conducting attacks.

I honestly don't think their digestive systems could handle a burger and a beer. They'd probably end up getting really sick from red meat and whole grains.


Does the West warm up to Sudan lately?

As for Chad, it is a refugee center for Darfur, Central African Republic, and the Lake Chad area (rocked by separate insurgencies). Cuckchanners do not know jack shit about that country; instead, they endlessly meme "Chad's" another meaning.

Don't your worry about Mexicans flooding your nation goyim. Those Norks are the real troublemakers here.

The problems in Chad stem from… you guessed it inequality. If a nigger sees another nigger have something, he wants it too. If he can't have it, there will be fighting. To prevent more deaths, the world community must send more money.


Since when did the ban have anything to do with protecting America
The first ban was merely an extension of the same one Obama enforced, it only banned countries that isreal didn't like.

One can only presume Chad, Venezuela must have done something to upset the kikes.

America's policy is and has been for over 70 years, isreal first.

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shoo shoo, shareblue

The one who has rockets doesn't need to invade with people.

Why go to the US when they can get to South Korea aka US lite.

what the fuck does that mean? i don't understand

Fuck the jews and all (((you))) kikes that persist with your shit on here

Trump loves Mexicans. Nobody else though.


There was a constant stream of well-off middle class Venezuelans fleeing to the US. I met a few of them in South Florida. I guess there won't be any more coming, and have no choice but to now fight.

Those God damned Venezuelans!
Can't wait for the ZOG Emperor to declare war on Chad…

You've already lost since sucking that shit stick. Get help from your sociopathic attention whoring.

I posted an image showing that the ZOG Emperor Trump is no way removed from the previous kike puppet Obama (Half jew half Kenyan).
Both serve jewry and only jewry.

shoo, shoo, dirty shareblue


Let me know when he puts israel on the list and I might give a fuck


hasbarafag you really need to change your writing style, you're far too obvious


This writing style, is it the one where I demonstrably prove you are shilling for neocon zionist kikes with documentary evidence, quotes and visual proof?
Yes well get used to it, you're on Holla Forums not Breibart.

Why are (((you))) kikes complaining about a goy criticising (((you))) kikes on Holla Forums

Every single post you and your team address to me makes little to no sense unless you were posting on MSM comment boards.
I struggle to see in what way you could convince a goy of anything other than your brazen brass-neckery and make people ponder the question why no MODS ever delete any of your comments complaining about the antisemitism on Holla Forums

Some people are delusional and cannot accept reality that the goyim got played again. Others are just shills.

Ok I'll bite. Prove that I am specifically doing these things with all 3 available methods of proof you've listed.

woke up today terribly black pilled
Trump focusing on all of these issues is a distraction

anyone remember roads, bridges and infrastructure, remember the 70,000 factories that closed in the US last year, any new factories being built in the US?
What about US education?
US colleges seem to be a lost cause.
or the drug and murder problem in Chicago and Baltimore?
I picture myself 8 or 9 years in the future eating a bullet, that will be my retirement.
I'd like to see a military take-over of the US and a purge.

You shouldn't have fallen for him completely. Voting for him was just fine but expecting him to change everything was a normie tier attitude.

We won't get a white future by sitting on image boards all day. Get active irl.

What does hasbarafag mean?
Why aren't goys allowed to use the word "hasbara" to identify (((you))) jewish hasbara who shill openly for ZOG every day on here?
Why would a solitary goy ever use the term 'hasbarafag' used disparagingly to someone exposing jewish subversion?
Let alone on Holla Forums of all places?

Seriously, the very fact you object to a goy calling out kikes on Holla Forums and you thave the fucking temerity to openly challenge me on Holla Forums, you could only get away with this shit on Breibart or CNN

Shameless brazen brass necked kike!

Prove it

Why did you use the term "hasbarafag".
It only exists in the lexicon of hasbara jewish trolls who police Holla Forums to ensure the antisemitism and control of discourse doesn;t get out of hand.
It doesn't exist outside the forces of the Tel Aviv kikes who police these boards to keep it in tune with their zionist neocon promotion of controlled opposition.

You people have to be the most retarded non self-aware creatures on this Earth

Hmm, could it be that you absolutely sperg out every time someone says "hasbarafag" and I find it fucking hilarious?

Could it be? Hmmmmmm

the memes are coming alive

We call you Hasbarafag because you're trying to defeat the point of anonymity by the way you speak
You honestly might as well be a fucking tripfag

The sperging out is by hasbara jews crying about whatever kike I've posted documentary proof of.
Theirs is the reaction to my antisemitism on Holla Forums.

Again, can you explain how a single goy, on Holla Forums, would find the input of lying devious kikes like you preferable to that of a goy exposing you kikes?

Seriously, this is why you keep on asking yourselves why the goy despises (((you))) kikes, and you act surprised and shocked every time you encounter our distaste towards you,. like you;ve not understood the 1,000s of years of expulsions and volumes of literature we've written explaining, in detail just why we hate (((you)))

Hasbara jews swarm all online message boards attacking anyone exposing their crimes

No, it's you, and you're continuing to do it without even realizing it.

Never stop sperging hasbarafaggot. You'll get nothing done and never stop being funny.

>(((We))) call you hasbarafag

Because you are kikes who expressed shock that a single goy knows what jewish hasbara is.

Jesus Christ, you people have lower IQs than niggers and zero self-awareness

The issue is that you're openly jews shilling for ZOG and allowed to gaslight goys on Holla Forums, without any censor

You still haven't proved that I've done anything but mock you. Do you know my name, have any screencaps of "my" posts?

You claim to have so much evidence, it would be silly to not post some.

No it's because you try to not be an user you fucking faggot, you're trying to be Hasbarafag
You probably saw the word once and some basic theory that Trump is a Jew which fair enough but you don't move past that and you don't even for a fucking second stop to think "Well if Trump is a kike puppet what do we do" you not even once suggest action


You haven't answered a single one of my pertinent questions.

Why would a goy openly attack a goy on Holla Forums exposing jewish hasbara and try and mock them by using a meaningless retarded term only amusing to a kike?

Why would a goy oppose antisemitism on Holla Forums?

Nope. As I said, I'm only here to mock you for sperging out and not being able to handle seeing "hasbarafag" without going on an absolute autistic tirade. Which I find quite entertaining and funny.

literally the most retarded morons they could find in Tel Aviv

Ok you do know right Goy doesn't mean antisemite, Goy just means non-Jew, hence the term Shabbos Goy

I couldn;t give a fuck what name you kikes call me.
The only objection is you kikes angry a goy is using what you;ve called "your word" on Holla Forums.

My concern is that you jews openly shill on Holla Forums and not once has a MOD ever removed a single one of you

Still haven't posted any of your supposed mountains of evidence to prove who you say I am.

Is it really so hard to believe that someone who isn't a kike shill could find your ranting and autism funny?

To (((you))) jews, I am not a goy, because I can see, you refer to non-jews like me as Amelek

You call MAGApedes goy, Niggerball fanatics to you are goy

Non-jews like me that can see throught your illusions are referred to by your rabbis as Amelek.
I will be the death of you kikes

Good job ignoring the actual main bit of my post
I mean Trump is probably a Jew puppet, but what do you think we need to do about
You just sit here sperging like a sperg and NEVER not even once suggest maybe oh how maybe something can be done
Maybe we can get into politics ourselves maybe we we're forced to take power a more unsavoury way
Either way you don't suggest anything of value and just scream hasbara hasbara hasbara

>To (((you))) jews, I am not a goy
Only Proof your a jew
I bet you think this a serious post
Also how do you suggest being the death of those kikes when you never suggest any action

>Le LoL, I use the term hasbarafag, used to denote a goy on Holla Forums who knows what (((us))) jews are up to :D :D :D

My only concern, I repeat, is that not one mod has ever removed a single one of your gaslighting posts from here.

Again, care to explain why you don't want antisemitic content posted on Holla Forums?

What do you expect though Even if someone does come up with a good plan or course of action why spit it out on a forum being super f5-ed by every definitely-not-FBI-infowars shill on the planet ?

No, if you look on the posts, you'll see I posted comments of substance with proof
Only you and your team of kikes swarmed in complaining of me identifying you kikes.
That's it

Every thread you swarm is because someone is calling out you jews and the neocon kosher clowns you shill for, then you call them
All the while all you and your team do is gaslight the goy and push your jeiwh controlled opposition.

The only reason this is an issue is because this is Holla Forums and all you kikes do here is promote jews and their crypto organisations.
Which is rather odd to see on Holla Forums of all places

So that's all your proof? What about:

Again, I'm just here to laugh at you, hasbarafaggot

Man, when the shills shill this hard, you know Trump is doing something right.


Man, when the shills shill this hard, you know Trump has totally sold out America

Wow again you literally ignored the bulk of my fucking argument

Dunno about them but me personally I see the best way is to take power without the kikes knowing a sort of alpha legion if you will
E-Celebing and having an identity is negative to this way

Explain to me why a kike shill would have these videos saved?

makes me laugh everytime

What argument
Your argument is that I must not be allowed to post antisemitic content on Holla Forums

My argument is that you are shilling for ZOG
You then insist all we can ever do is vote for jews and I should get over it.
It's circular jewish gibberish, the onl;y question is why you;re sanctioned by the mods to post non-stop spam in support of ZOG.

Explain to me why Kike Eunoch got famous for his radio shows mocking the holohoax "between two lampshades", why antiwhite CIA-kike Andre "I want the white race bred out" Anglin has been positioned as one of the loudest voices for pro-white movements?

This is the MO you kikes have been using for the past 2 years
You got the ZOG Emperor elected by pretending he was ourguy while he only works for jews and you're still here shilling your shit for ZOG

Nice try.

Oh ok. So I can't make fun of you for being a sperg, because that makes me a kike shill. I can't post anti-semitic content, because that's the MO of Trump's kike shills.

What's next? Don't post on Holla Forums at all? Don't talk to anyone about the jews or Hitler? Would those things also make me a kike shill?

Here's the dirty little secret, hasbarafag is the only kike here

I'm happy for you burgerbros, however it means more shitskins in Europeans countries…
If ever every hope for my country vanish, I'll be proud to help my fellows Whites in America, it could be the last bastion of the White race.
Still, I will remain here while things can still be changed.
In which state should I go if I ever move there ?

I'll say it one more time loud and clear because it's starting fall on death ears


Give it up kikes, we know your tricks, this isn't cuckchan.

Now I know how hasbarafag was born

You know what there is a chance everyone but me is a shill
I mean you faggots are all reddit spacing
Sure reddit spacing doesn't automatically mean shill but it's everyone except me

Don't vote for jews, do not promote jews, do not support jews.
Which is all you have ever done on Holla Forums, push and promote zionist neocn jews, then declare
etc ad nauseam

There are dozens of nationalist orgs in Europe all doing very well, almost none of them get much attention here, considering the jew operation you kikes have employed here it's better you stay away and continue shilling for Football Lads Alliance, and all the other jew frauds around the world instead so that we can steer clear.

Election is over kikes, ZOG won, no amount of your shilling will ever change the fact the goy got conned and there isn't a single red-pilled user that doesn't realise they got tricked by you lying kikes over this election

why did you post a cartoon of your ugly mate Andre "I want the white race bred out" Anglin, is that some in-joke you kikes tell in private?

I thought you were serious for a second, good one hasbarafag. Genuinely got a laugh out of me

We try not to give it away too much. But come to either Vermont or New Hampshire.

Are Gun laws strict there ? How are housings prices ?

I actually can't unsee it now, he looks so much like Steve Buscemi. You have forever changed my perspective

Step up your game famalams

Honestly with Trump for me it was less of a case of him and more of a case of Hillary was advocating WW3 and would be the greatest cause of White deaths in history



That's why I dont have it saved, his response is automated. Finding other ways to make him sperg out is much more fulfilling



Hey, his automatic response could make the dumbest faggot realize what's actually going on here.

I'm a fucking Satanic Neo-con Mossad Fraud ain't I

Oh, and I completely forgot, he's not allowed to reply in any other way, since he probably doesn't get paid for posts that aren't on the script.

Both states have open carry, in NH you don't even need to register rifles, shotguns and handguns. Only if they're semi-automatic… They don't even have metal detectors at courthouses. House prices in Vermont are very low, even the biggest city Burlington is low compared to the rest of the country. NH, houses are cheap but property tax is high (since their is zero sales tax).

I'm on my phone right now but just Google these two states, they're fucking gorgeous… also they're still almost 99% White. I have never seen a single shitskin in Vermont outside of Burlington.

I don't think he's paid, I just think he's an overzealous autist. Nothing malicious about him.

At least he's entertaining

Really gets the noggin a joggin

We should set up a hasbarafag vs. asses and eggoes grudge match.

Maybe the MODS should do what they;re supposed to do and remove you antagonising kikes from here

Now that really gets the noggin a joggin.

Asses is way more autistic than hasbarafag. That guy can just keep going. If he wasn't banned every time I have a feeling he would never stop posting

thanks a lot, I will do some researches then.

true, he dug his own hole and we're here watching him keep going
I mean he does know right that if he didn't talk the way he did he could after a fuck up just start again but alas we lost him to the mems

Wow man it's almost like we're on some sort of message/image board where there is a central theme. It's almost like most people here agree on certain topics.

Like, wow man.

I'm seriously beginning to think they don't even pay this guy.

Asses is not that bad of a person, other than being an absolute autistic sperg, and he's great because newfags or shills don't know him, so they keep trying to argue with him.

No it's clear you are all one team openly taunting anons and you swarm every thread where the goy is resistant to your shilling.
i.e. every Trump thread
Every Football Lads Alliance thread
Every neocon jew being promoted on Holla Forums
Every thread shilling for neocon zionist cunts like Bannon as ourguy etc

You all swarm around and harass any user who doesn;t support the jew you are shilling for.
It's really not rocket science yet here you are in droves rounding on someone who happily calls out you kikes knowing you haven;t the intellect to outdo me or any average IQ goy on here.

It's true, he's not bad. I actually get disappointed when I see Asses in a thread and realize he's already banned by the time I click on it.

I'm sure he'll come around and cure his massive schizophrenia and nihilism some day.

I love how he switches ips, but he still writes the exact same way. It's like avatarfagging in text format.

you admit you are not from here then?

Yes, that would be a problem I agree. Which jew was I shilling for again?

3.8 billion dollars a year. does it pay for shit posting? how much does a shit post cost? couldn't we be producing these shitposts in America? Shouldn't we be creating America jobs with our tax dollars?
The newly unemployed can join the Israeli Aparthied police to patrol the ghettos of west bank and gaza.

answer me this, oh ye paid trolls, why does Israel evict families who have already won court cases? does the rule of law mean nothing to you?

I do wonder just how many of you there are doing this?
Are you one kike using different VPNs or is it really that important to Kushner that Holla Forums remains totally under ZOG control?

Again, more jewish chicanery, I called out (((you))) kikes shilling for ZOG, it doesn;t refer to me in any way.
Your response is simply more kikery bearing no relation to my comment made.

Dunno, you just got upset because I was demonstrating Trump is a jew puppet.

Well you caught me I'm actually part of an Organisation called B.A.N.E and we swear a lotta loyalty as a hired gun

Sure, remember there is nothing wrong with a strategic retreat. Besides, if one White country is successfully nationalistic then we can go from there.

Strange you didn't quote the post where that happened. Unless you're talking about >>1066015. In which case, could you tell me how far this goes?




I heard you were some pretty big guys in the intelligence community.


Who fucking cares?
This is all a distraction.


He's right you know.

For (You)

I've always wanted to know.
The stories about you shooting a man, before throwing him out of a plane. Who would do something like that?


At least you can talk

V1 of a good Travel Ban, feel free to remove/add more countries. Give a reason why.
I kept SA out of the travel ban because I think the Boers are genuine refugees, they're escaping the worst white genocide.
I feel I should've added Syria, Iraq and Libya though.

Venezuela is led by a Communist Jew like Bernie Sanders, for your information.

I see you left out Argentina, I've heard they've been bad goyim lately. What happened?

Why leave Cuba and Ethiopia out?

Autism Universalis

Feel free to fix it, I made it like in one minute.
From what I know Ethiopian are black Caucasians or something like that, I'm not so sure though. Thing is Ethiopia is one of the only countries in Africa which actually had a functioning civilization. Cuba I forgot.

Argentines have always been bad goyim as far as I remember, though I haven't heard an specific case in these last months. I kept it out because Argentina is White.

Yeah, fix it for me please. I really screwed up.


It sounds to me like this is really just Trump's personal shitlist. Venezuela just made the list for being full of commies.

Throw in Indonesia, Bangladesh, both muzzie-heavy. Libya and Egypt too.

Venezuela has bad vetting processes. Remember, this is all under the guise of vetting. The WH is saying that Venezuela lets terrorists in their country, so we can't trust anybody coming from there.

still no Saudi Arabia though, even though the 9-11 hijackers were allegedly from there

We also need to put Kenya on the list, so we don't get another Obama.

TGEoM shows no stopping


Thank fuck for the Venezuela ban. That was an invader crisis waiting to happen any week now.

Despite there being a considerable amount of Jews there, the people have always been very anti-Israel. Haven't followed the issue closely but they recognise Palestine as a country and usually there's massive protests whenever an Israeli politician visits. I don't think they're exactly redpilled… but if they hate Israel, they're okay in my book.

One more step and we're officially in WW3, baby!

The only world war worth fighting is against the invaders already in our countries and their enablers.

Okay I made two versions of a potential travel ban. First is ideal, what we should be doing if our country wasn't kiked to all hell, and second is more realistic for the short term, prioritizing what countries really need to be fucking banned now while others can wait.

Red is outright, no one in that fucking country gets over here, and orange is some level of restriction on people from that country, sometimes ethnic groups and other times low caste. Full explanation for all of the key choices as I'm sure I'll get shit for some of them:
Lots of durkas coming from there and smuggling in weapons, and we don't need any of their cuckoldry here.
Obvious reasons, mainly wetbacks coming for gibs and cartels/gangs, misc shitskins in Caribbean.
Also drug lords in Colombia, Venezuela is a failed socialist shithole with lots of low class shitskins that are about to pour in, and nothing good has ever come from the Guyana area.
Not completely bad but lots of questionable people here so some restrictions apply, especially to Brazil and favela shitters. White Brazilians would be fine. The other countries are fine from what I here.
Explains itself. South Africa has restrictions on the niggers in there but the whites get priority for immigration and refugee status. The countries in the north are relatively moderate from what I here so only some restrictions, and most of them don't come here anyway.
Applies only to countries that opened up for refugees to a high degree and have regular terrorism/violence from muslims. Anyone with origins from a red country is banned. All whites are fine.
Most Turks would be barred but some of the minority of decent Turks that don't follow Religion of Cuck™ and are mostly white are fine. I would love to just not include Syria but it is a hotbed of durkas so most would be banned. Christians and other ethnic groups that are victims of ISIS are the exceptions. Same with Lebanon. Similar with Iran although most would be allowed, but Iran has minorities of Arabs and other shits that we can't let in. Persians are fine and get priority. The rest is outright barred, no exceptions, they've all proven to be dangerous. Israel especially.
The Stans have produced little of value and are muslim so fuck that. Especially Pakistan, I considered making it black. India for obvious reasons, Myanmar because it's been in unrest forever like Somalia. Indoniggers and the like are muslim. North Korea sends spies and shit so fuck that, we have no use of Koreans period, I should have colored South Korea too but they aren't a high priority.

For realistic, I went with keep Mexico, Central America and Cuba, Colombia bumped down to restrictions and Venezuela still red. Central African countries are banned because that's where a lot of rapefugees come from, and they aren't important enough to bitch, plus Boko Haram and all. Libya still has a fuck ton of ISIS so some restrictions, same with Egypt. I wouldn't outright ban most ME countries because it would piss them off too much but restrictions should still apply that would cross 90% of them out. For Israel you could even go the Neocon route and claim that you have to keep the radical Palestinians out (fuck them anyway) but set the restrictions in a way that keeps some kikes out. Fuck Afghanistan, Bangladesh and especially Pakistan. India has too many street shitters and a lot of muslims too so you could restrict on that but allow some openings so to not piss off a country with 1.3 billion people and nukes that are known to get angry easily. And also fuck NK, fuck going to war with them but we don't need their ass either.

Israel is a country dispersed among all others. It truly will be a "world" war on DOTR wont it?

You forgot California.

let's roll baybeee

Adding norks to the travel ban is to make the rest of the travel ban more acceptable, you dummy.

woah, you sure showed me that you're pathetic and you don't know how diplomacy and persuasion works, better yet, you fail at politics, fuck off from this board.


You're the type of faggot that wants every thread but the stickied ones anchored as "slide threads" because you think Holla Forums is too stupid to pay attention to more than one thing at a time.
Just because you can't breathe and think at the same time doesn't mean other people are stupid as you.

Is hasbarafag one and the same with commonspic, the poster that keeps ban evading and posting images that claim pro-white things like white nationalism and natsoc are "anti-white" because muh pr?



That'd make it even truer to the story.

Oh no, whatever USA will do without Baseball-Americans, niggers and gooks.

Come on kampfy, you're being no better than hasbarafag when it comes to avatarfagging through text.

checked and keked

checked and keked

You have to go back Chad

I predict shareblue shill will lose sanity within three months, they will drooling, shaking, incontinent by the end of 4 years

they are just burning money at this point, it is literally like throwing stacks upon stacks of money into an incinerator.
No matter how butthurt they are, they can't do anything to change that people elected Trump and support him.
If anything, they're turning normies away from their cause to vote democrat

I've honestly never understood the extent to which you guys experience smug and condescending satisfaction. I don't feel smug, condescending satisfaction when I look at the Trump presidency, or how the media presents it, or how the average pleb receives it, or over any other typical tricks by shlomo that happen daily. That guy is more representative of my internal anguish over kike tricks, being sold down the river by "(((ourguy)))" politicians, and nigger attacks on whites that I see every single day. As opposed to being representative of subversive kike "writers" for the media. What the fuck do you people have to be happy about? "Tired of winning" and all that? The victories we get feel petty and hollow. Only thing I have gotten a kick out of are ICE deportation videos.


You better start looking for a new line of work soon. Shilling just isn't your thing.


Have a version that doesn't look so shitty.

I came here for this post, and it's the first one.
so glad it isnt jidf

I'm not shilling or trying to concern troll I'm just venting. I guess it is just too much blackpill.

Can someone explain how Africa has had 100 years of non-colonialism, mixed with the left-behind infrastructure and is doing worse than ever before while Europe bombed itself to shit in WW2 and rebuilt within a decade? I know IQ differences etc. but seriously what the fuck? At a certain point don't people realize there is nothing you can do to make Africa better aside from taking it over?

It's too much blackpill my friend. Let's shift perspective a bit.
1. No politician is /ourguy/ nor could they be because Amerifat is not the white homeland (muh everyone is equal, muh gibs, muh niggerball, muh sacred ally of israel etc.). When people are smug about Trump, they're smug about a particular action he's doing - because it has some downstream effect that's either (A) good for whites and/or (B) bad for non-whites. Only the_donald-tier retards shill for Trump as muh gawd emperor. He's the leader of one of the most kosher govts in the world. Don't tie your hitch to the US government wagon, that wagon will never go where you want it to nor be pulled by the kind of horses you want.
2. You should feel smug when your opponent gets hurt or angered in some way. If an Israeli kills an arab, I crack a smile. Not because an Israeli did something good, but because an arab got btfo. This is really the crux of smugness. Memetic warfare is based on seeding subversive ideas in culture and sitting back and laughing as you have an effect on the cultural noosphere. We're not smug because everything is going our way, we're smug because the enemy stumbled over the stick we hid in the leaves.
3. Victory is the 14 words. Victory is personal. Victory is waking up knowing you're not going to fall for kosher propaganda. Victory is bettering yourself so you can create a better family. Victory is watching your kids grow up and have happy, healthy, white families. Victory is knowing you're not stuck on the normie farm feeding from the trough. The victories we get are the victories we make. If you won't be happy until every white person is safe in a white ethnostate, don't expect to ever be happy in your lifetime.
4. Lighten up.

Niggers aren't evolved for a world they couldn't dream of if they had a billion years. Their understanding of time and cause-consequence is a joke, there's a pasta somewhere about how a guy spent a year helping niggers farm, and showing them how the fertilizer did make them more money despite not being free, but when he leaves the niggers immediately stop using it. Nigglets can't even pass the mirror test (self-awareness) until they're 5 years old, while humans can by 18 months.
Nobody wants to make it better. Industry and nigger politicians make money. Bleeding hearts feel good about themselves despite their "help" only increasing the number of niggers suffering.

The biggest whitepill from the administration right now is Gorsuch.
Supreme Court is a big fucking deal, user.

Not tired of

actually, the vicepresident (el aissami) and the "prosecutor general"(saab) have ties with hezbollah and cover other niggers muslims as well as providing muslims with venezuelan passports to enter america during the muslim travel ban. It probably doesn't help that two of the nephews of the first lady (iirc, at least one of them was raised by the first lady herself as her sister died) were captured last year trying to smuggle almost a ton of cocaine to usa, with diplomatic visas, to boot.

In that case, shouldn't he also ban immigrants from Sweden?

the only people that would flee are sane swedish men, why leave sweden when you get housing, money and a free pass to chimpout and wreck shit?. In the case of venezuela, venezuela isn't sheltering rapefugees, the deal is directly with terrorist and terrorist affiliates (not only muslims, actually, also FARC and ELN). I don't follow the situation too closely in europe but as far as I know there really hasn't been terrorism in sweden, just muslims being niggers, raping, murdering and destroying cars in a disorganized fashion.