Kushner used private email to conduct White House business



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Kushner being taken down will be legal precedent to go after Hillary for EXACTLY what… he… was…

There’s no way this is on purpose. No kike would sacrifice himself for the sake of the goy. Let’s get that out of the way. It’s not chess. Kushner isn’t loyal to Trump (at all) to the point of doing this. Shills are going to push that HARD, so watch for it.

Nice try but using private email for official business was not Hillary's crime it was using private email to communicate classified information and then destroying the evidence.

Who the fuck cares.

I think you meant "what difference at this point does it make"

that's not how this works, why the fuck would he get clearance just to use the same shit anyone else could use? That being said hopefully he'll get shuffled right the fuck out.


oh never mind, read the whole article, it's fucking nothing.

That is exactly how it works as long as you do not fuck up and send or receive classified information through unsecured private servers. If he did send or receive classified information through his private server he can be perp walked right behind Hillary.


yee It thought it was something substantial

No, who the fuck cares, just take the kike shitskin out, that's the point moron.

enjoy your thread OP

Could it have been Trump all along, looking to waste Hillary and his kike son-in-law at once?

Nobody could plan to win on that level, could he?

I sure am enjoying, hilarious seeing you hooknosed vermin trying to damage control this.

We have to go after Kushner, if we don't, the libs will use this as precedent that Hillary doesn't deserve persecution.

Nothing illegal has been proven yet and who said anything about pradon? Trump will let him get gassed if there's no proof of him being a willing participant in the illegal activity.

And we can actually use liberals to do our job and call for his gassing, and then have it as a precedent to prosecute hillary.
This is a godsend and we must take advantage of it

1. I could, as could many Holla Forumsacks. We’re smarter than ✡they✡ think. We know their mindset better than some of them do.
2. That’s exactly what I said isn’t happening here. There’s no way that’s the case. Jews don’t take the fall for goyim. There’s the most minute possibility that Trump knew and let it happen for the purpose of getting both, but this possibility only exists insofar as it is technically PHYSICALLY possible TO exist. There is no evidence he actually did this.

Well that all depends on what exactly the contents of the email are. Could be big, but no matter what him doing this after the Hillary email scandals show he is fucking retarded.

even if she didn't destroy the evidence it still wouldn't been a crime

Do these people think this narrative is going to work? Did they even consider how this could backfire completely?

Libs may freak out but the media will apologize for him since hes a kike.

Bumping this shit because all the kike 'ask Holla Forums x' posts are everywhere for some straaaange reason

If dubs, J-Kush gets Shoah'd and sets a precedent to throw the book at Hillary while Ivanka goes back to the kitchen.

but the shills said that mods are CADRE and paid by Kushner!
The shills wouldn't lie, would they?

But they're just regular concerned Holla Forumsacks just like you and I, they even said so themselves!

Do you guys understand that Kushner is not a zionist?

probably because they know nothing will happen and Trumps been using the whole "it's always someone else whispering poison into my ear" excuse from the beginning.

Bullshit, he was one of the biggest supporters of attacking Syria. And even if he wasn't, he's still a kike

He's a jew. That's all that matters. There are no good jews.

There are no good jews.

Wait a second, i only now understand that op is not serious and is being ironic comparing this whole thing to Hillary. Holy shit.

About that embassy thing, do you seriously think a messianic kike will have priority about an US embassy in jerusalem or destroying the rest of America's sovereignty? He just snubbed Bannon's pitiful dick sucking.


I don't care. I trust him over some faggots on the internet telling me hes a Jew. I can actually differentiate between AMERICAN Jews and ZIONIST Jews.(KIKE WAS GASSED FOR THIS POST)

There is no such thing as an American jew, YOU FILTHY FUCKING KIKE. Jews have allegiance to the jewish nation–ONLY–by definition of BEING a jew.

Step up your b8 game m8


"Sorry buddy, we can't keep you around if we're fighting Shillary on this…"

What about Roy Cohn though? Isn't that where Trump learned to outjew the jew? At least from the Punished Trump theory.

Were you around for Gamergate when all they did was scream "soggy knees" when people asked ethics questions?

They always think brute force narrative works. It doesn't.

Nice try Jared.

I call this Mel Brooks' Holla Forums for a reason.

Trump had Cohn as a fixer and through his father had industrial-grade New York City jewdar.

Yeah it does. Kushner is the leader of the Zionist New World Order and the Shadow President

Yeah it does. Kushner is the leader of the Zionist New World Order and the Shadow President



Wrong. You don't deserve those Hitler dubs.

Fucking idiot newfag or bait. Either way, get the gas.

Reported you for this you greasy kikes.
Fuck off.
Fucking dual citizen kikes get the gas every time.

Don't you dare associate the greatest inventor and mind of our time with a greasy kike.



Fuck jews


It's called plastic surgery, all of the kikes who have famous faces use it to look less like lizard people.


kushner is just a retard

wow i typed wouldn't
well thats not the first time i made such a blatant mistake and didnt realize it until it was far too late
yeah it would've been a crime anyway if she didn't destroy the evidence

They have completely different eyebrows.

What the fuck is your issue?

This better have been a lifetime ban



I was thinking. If Kushner gets kicked out, investigated, and charged for doing it, wouldn't it give prosecutors a huge leverage to charge Hillary also?

This is because humanity itself is the creation of the Jew.
In fact homosapiens are a test tube species that the Neanderthal Kikes invented to serve them when they first arrived to earth
The Neanderthal was fleeing from the reptilian and crashed onto Earth, thus leaving them trapped here.
Fortunately there were an entire legion of good goy test tube beings (their slaves) on their ship. When they crashed, they had to teach the Goy to serve because they hadn't been through the re-education camps yet.
So they had to teach them to obey.
Hence came religion.
The rest is history.
You are a test tube race, we all are, and we are meant to serve the Hebrew Neanderthal.

Kushner is the rat. He's the "keep your enemies closer" part.
Unsecured emails are unsecured with a reason.
Give out info.

Any more info on this? Was it just regular faggotry emailing "friends" or actual government docs/info etc?


Based team Trump, based son in law part of the administration and the perfect excuse as to why Trump can't drain a single swamp creature

and you wouldn't be against Trump w-w-ould you ?

What the fuck
He doesnt just look like a kid, he also sounds like the most insecure kiddo Ive ever seen.

gonna be funny to watch the msm make a big deal over this after deflecting for shillary for so long.

(not that i support him or anything.)

Watch Trump be fucked by the same shit that should have taken down Hillary. Watching yankee politics is like watching a drooling mongoloid being constantly bullied by a kike, it's embarassing.


Next you'll think the good goy will give up his daughter that he sold to the kikes.

What the fuck is wrong with this thread. It appears as stickied when loading the page, but disappears when the page is fully loaded.

wouldn't worry about it, goyim


You want to get rid of Donald Trump???


Every pres meets with israel.

They actually are separating themselves from the admin.


You know these zionists aren't practicing jews that go to your neighborhood temple right? Big difference.

The one passing on the Amnesty bill? Oh wait that's Trump all on his own.

Fucking Kusher. I've always hated this faggot. Please let Trump fire him. I want him and his traitor daughter gone.

But not Trump?

No, kike. He is too trusting thanks to seeing Kushner as a son, and not aware of the jew problem undermining his presidency. He lends his ear to this snake and it influences him to make bad decisions for this country.

He was never going to do that originally. Day one he wanted a giant ass wall put up and has from day one had to deal with a castrated and spineless Congress who is either too inept or unwilling to get his policies through. Despite being gun-ho about it for the past 8 years when they knew their bills would have no chance of passing.

What did he meme by this?


Increasingly nervous shilling and the last one even samefags. Kikes are a mess, kikes are a big fat mistake.

Look at this jew samefagging

Lol when the ISISrael shit comes out you know they are fretting like mad.

Why are faggots acting like this ius the same as what Shillary did? The issue is that she set-up an unsecured private e-mail server in her home and transferred classified information through it.

This is not the same. Use your brains.

Kill yourself bignose.

good one. please how explain how this is even remotely the same. all this does is give the left ammo to say Shillary did nothing wrong, because Jared did it too, even though it isn't the same.

Nobody cares kike, being one of your kind is a death sentence crime no matter what.

Try harder.

Seriously gas yourself you stupid god damn kike. No one gives a fuck if it's like what Hillary did or not, if we can use it to get this kike son of a bitch fired we will.


This x10. You might as well try to indight him for having private conversations with his wife and kids. Fucking shill threads.

You two type like kikes and but think like niggers. Anyone with a critical thinking ability past a room temperature IQ would be able to tell that

was meant for

Both of you do me a favor and perform your best lamp impersonations.

What is going on with posts today.

was meant for



Oh wow. The liberals are already asking for his head and will use it no matter what out of pure Trump blind rage, if they believe in the completely made up bullshit like the Russian conspiracy theories you think they will stop themselves over facts. Keep trying to defend your kike and saging a sticky.

Duh. He took money from Soros and has attended globalist meeting after globalist meeting.

We need to be consistent. We condemn any private email usage. It's not on. Why are you keeping secrets from the government when you're a public official.

We need to be consistent. We condemn any private email usage. It's not on. Why are you keeping secrets from the government when you're a public official.

Woops. The fucks with my phone.

Woops. The fucks with my phone.

It looks bad. It needs to be condemned. If he must forward info, use a usb or something.

Sorry for posting this, but I am having issues posting - I think 8ch is being throttled or something

Was anything classified on his private email? If not, he's fine

Jesus how do you fucks still trust the US government
