Attention Holla Forums: We are being raided again, and this time they're pretending to want to know what we think about blah-blah-blah. Do not engage the fucking shills/raiders/salt-left homos. Report, filter, and move on.
Today's Shill Raid
Other urls found in this thread:
when duplicates start popping up it gets annoying though. the real shills are the people who want to block others from learning, especially when it's effortless to give people certain information. these shill fucks rather make the effort to complain and tell someone hungry for knowledge to fuck off rather than help them out and set them on a good path.
Actually OP, you're right.
this thread was abandoned as soon as the shills were called out.
suddenly this thread was made, (identical) and the same questions were being asked and answered again as if to avoid the information dump in the previous one.
(new thread)
See! now that this thread is called out for being shill bullshit, all the shills stop replying!
except spoonfeeding ad nauseum invites feds, kikes, and newfags to shit up a board. we have stickies for a reason.
I just reported him for "redpill me on x" and not using the catalog.
Engage and post redpills/gore/smug anime girls.
sometimes newfags (the real ones, not the fake shills like these who didn't actually want real answers) need to be fed some breadcrumbs to work up an appetite. throwing a giant wall of text as in "the sticky" at them is overwhelming.
one educational thread at a time is healthy for hungry minds. (when it's not a shill thread)
Analysis of tactic, standard spam a topic until people are sick of it/polarized against it being brought up as it's spam bait and disrupts the board.
Reason, take advantage of kneejerk hatred reaction that developed as an immune response by community to force out foreign entity assaulting them.
Result, Simple honest questions by neophyte now garners outright hostile response, drives away potential new members of community and discourages spread of information.
Fairly simple yet effective. Also incredibly distracting during a high profile thing or two like that middle east Religion of Cuckā¢ic negroid that shot up a predominately white church today. Have to admit the new spin is mildly interesting but ultimately basic and uninspired, they could of at least been funny about it. Simplest counter, establish a general for all basic questions and refer more advanced topics to the stickies. Afterwards anything outside the general is either paid agitators or a very fresh newfag. Keeps things tightly contained and herds new users to relevant information.
yes that's true, but the correct way to handle this is having the mod delete the thread, and banning the user for like, 15mins while linking to the already existing sticky that answers his question, rather than letting the newfag shit up the whole board making threads asking the same thing.
new copypasta
Examples of shill threads on Holla Forums and what to do with them
take note: as soon as people speak the truth- shills pretending to be interested board users attack the truth, or lose interest and abandon the thread.
Analysis of tactic: standard spam a topic until people are sick of it/polarized against it being brought up as it's spam bait and disrupts the board.
Reason: take advantage of kneejerk hatred reaction that developed as an immune response by community to force out foreign entity assaulting them.
Result: Simple honest questions by neophyte now garners outright hostile response, drives away potential new members of community and discourages spread of information.
Fairly simple yet effective. Also incredibly distracting during some other high profile situation.
Simplest counter: establish a general for all basic questions and refer more advanced topics to the stickies. Afterwards anything outside the general is either paid agitators or a very fresh newfag. Keeps things tightly contained and herds new users to relevant information.
why would raiders be hired if you guys will raid yourselves
this board was so much better in 2014
did you not read my post?
a real newfag asks and then learns unless they are a fool. a fake shill newfag will spam newfag threads on purpose like what we saw today.
That's not even new. They always do that shit when they want to slide a thread.
very constructive post. I wonder who could be behind this?
they do alot of stupid shit when they want to slide a thread. but /x/ and Holla Forums are close. closer than the shills would like to admit.
Not /x/ you dingus.
x as in whatever topic
Kikes to starboard! Run out the gore folders boys!
They keep asking for books and documentaries, probably to flag them to be removed. Do not give them anything. Report and move the fuck on. Some serious kike shit is going on.
noticing this.
bumping so others can see. this should be a sticky.
Agreed there has been a lot of this BS last few days.
They probably don't want us fucking with kikener.
Bears repeating. Stay frosty, everyone.
then you link them to the post that has "the greatest story never told" this isn't rocket science. Stickies do serve a fucking purpose. If they cannot into that then they don't fucking belong here, and you're inviting cancer.
Update, they're changing tactics to sending up random gibberish threads with bait questions trying to invite flamewars. Best guess is they assume the randomly jumping topics will confuse somehow. That or just desperate.
They must be butt-hurt that the AfD did so well in the election.
newfags aren't supposed to post OPs anyway, they're supposed to fucking lurk. There's too much information here that has to be processed before you can start asking questions, and simple questions go to QTDDTOT. imageboards are the internet on hard mode, and h8 Holla Forums is imageboards: Nightmare Mode. Easy redpills get spread elsewhere.
shill tactics image.
very important. spread around alot. if you want updates, make a low quality shrunk copy and add suggestions to the bottom or something. eventually it will spread around and it might get included.
holy shit Holla Forums is slow. we getting ddosed?
I was literally going to post this. Sage because this shit is literally one of the few rules. Lurk moar, newniggers.
Also, gas the kikes.
Something is going on today, seems weird. Check out cuckchan, even by their standards it's not normal. It's a 100% inversion of the kind of threads the board would normally have.
This thread,
a shill tells we are being shilled and uses a meme that is blatantly not ours in order to gain our trust and subvert our culture.
there is literally nothing wrong with having one newfag questions general open at all times. shilling is to be treated differently of course.
bump for sticky
A cyclops was sent to the sky exactly at the day of the happening.
Whatever happen next is related to that, assume an aatrox in 2 3 days.
Yeah, it's called QTDDTOT, retard.
lol anchored instead
kek'd 'n check'd
p.s. get more resolution you nigger
What if the new fags are asking for hard print information because it's not widely available in our institutions today? Like looking outside the box for information so to speak?
test. please pay no attention.