What is national socialism about, both economically and socially-wise?
I've gotten interested in ideologies again and I just noticed that I knew virtually nothing about natsoc. I tried googling it but everything I found was just a 1 to 2 pages article about how nazism was bad for killing minorities, completely sidestepping everything else about the government.
So, tell me Holla Forums, what is natsoc about?
Pic semi-related because I still haven't fixed my pictures folder.
Obviously not interested enough to to pick up a book or two.
Read "Hitler's Revolution" by Richard Tedor and lurk for 2 years.
I don't know any good books about it. I tried picking a couple randomly, but they were mostly just "evil things the evil nazis did".
The sticky doesn't have any books that goes deeply into the government either.
Alright, thanks.
Obviously not interested enough to have read the mandatory Holla Forums material like Mein Kampf either.
Wasn't it written before Hitler was elected? I'm more interested in how the government was during his period, rather than how he says it should've been.
Read "Web of Debt by Ellen Brown".
Watch "The Greatest Story Never Told".
Watch "EUROPA - The Last Battle".
I think the stickied into thread has a huge infograph showing books you could read. Most of them are good. I'd start with Nietzsche personally.
Economically, they privatized everything except the railways (as they were of military interest).
Today his system is criticized for being allegedly very economically authoritarian, but overall the economic policies were very much in line with what other nations were doing, and free enterprise/private property was respected (doesn't mean Hitler wasn't against the concept of "free market" in the sense of laissez faire though, just they weren't more authoritarian than others the time)
The ONE BIG DIFFERENCE is that Hitler separated the German Mark from the international jewish banking system, and since they couldn't trade with other countries with money due to jewish blocks on trade, they used barter.
Instead of using gold, the mark was backed by german labour. This isn't better or worse than using gold, the reason they did this is that they had no gold left.
The important thing is that their currency was FREE OF JEWISH MANIPULATION.
And that's the #2 reason the reich had to be destroyed. The same reason Syria, Iran, NK (and Iraq, Lybia RIP) have to be.
Jewish rule: based on jealousy, division, hate between groups -> import many groups, sow division, rule over the divided
NatSoc: based on pride, unity, common heritage and culture, love for your people. Use ideals to bring out the best in people. Discourage thoughts of "class" or "ranks"; being rich or poor doesn't determine your worth…
National Socialism goes much further than some economic model or party program. Lurk moar, start here:
OP, hitler was basically fighting all the globalists. hitler wanted every unique culture to be the best they could be, including his own people. the globalists wanted to rape every culture to death and doom by mixing everyone until they all had coffee hair skin and eyes, wordshipped the same religion, and had a one world currency. (easier to control everyone)
I'll dump some pictures after this one. it's strange because the globalists seem absolutely hell bent on killing off every single innocent white person in existance. I don't really know why. maybe it has something to do with their worship of transmutation, lead into gold, turn the whole world "black" to get some "good/gold" result at the end or some shit.
hitler knew about this, and wanted to save his people. in the greatest story never told, you can see that hitler gives no fucks about different people being different as long as everyone is able to be civilized and live in peace in their own countries. he even says hi to the black marathon runner guy who races against actual horses because everyone was too stuck up to let the guy have good work.
Get out.
open gates
gumballs immigration
diversity for everyone, except for israel
We're not sorry
notice how the globalists are the same cult from back then that built the tower of babel.
God split up their languages and made them into unique cultures again because God is anti globalist.
image from /polk/
That's a fucking stretch. Hitler didn't really give much of a shit about any nationality outside of Germany, nor did he have any "global" plans or ideals like that. Germany was first and foremost in his mind at all times, for every decision he made. He may have respected the British, but it was the Germans he loved. Not whites, not aryans, not Europeans, not nationalists, just Germans.
fucking globalist shill cucks who want to keep Holla Forums and good information permanently hidden away from the rest of the world so that it never changes
Helpful REAL people who want to spread good information so that people can learn instead of the information stagnating forever on Holla Forums
image related! it's the globalist LOSERS! they are all CUCKS!
I saw more in his words beyond the surface. we can agree to disagree, but I will always know in my heart that it wasn't about hate. it was always about love. he gave everyone else constant opportunities to surrender and they never did. the globalists wanted a world different than the world of love that hitler wanted.
just look at how fearful the globalist cucks are of being found out! look at how they try to hide the meaning of their own name!
So called high functioning.
And he probably shouldn't. Even though Whites as whole are a genetic/cultural continuum and the best race to have existed the concept of White "nationalism" exists mostly on reactionary ground shaped by globalism and genocide attempts against Europoids as a whole due to kikes' envy and spite against us as a whole.
Alright. Hitlers Second Book and Hitlers Tabletalk. Those are the ones you wanna read. I'd recommend Hitlers War and everything else written by David Irving.
You use globalist one more time and Im going to report you as lefty/pol/ zionist. Kikes. Kikes are our enemies.
Die now.
Are you fucking kidding.
That's not true. If you know what he said about Britannia, America etc. You'll come to understand that he cared about them too and wanting them to be free from the kikes as well. His messages where meant globally.
No? It's a fine read if you ask me.
it means lurk moar
wait, why the fuck would you get banned from Holla Forums for posting something about hitler? what? thats historical education!
And OP, read the fucking sticky.
if you are going to disagree with me, disagree like a white man. discuss why you disagree with me with logic and reasoning instead of being a whiney bitch.
not for shills it isn't. that's why they are mad.
For not.
Shills are always mad user.
ban reason doesn't make sense.
Read Mein Kempf before posting here.
No shit, really?
I'm shocked!
How many of these "Gee, golly guys. Can you educate me about Hitler's beliefs?" threads is it going to take before a mod wakes up from his heroin nod and bans some motherfuckers?
you sound like such a desperate faggot shill trying to block the newest of newfags from learning good shit about history. fuck off cunt.
I'll educate your neck with a rope.
Drop the Pinochet memes, they're Likud-approved lolberg autism.
all globalist cuck shills
anti-slide bump.
shills abandoned this thread and made a new identical one to avoid the anti-shill and anti-globalist dumps that took place here.
this thread is an example of the direction they do NOT want a thread to go.
Another kosher thread on /pol. Never ends.
the thread was good but the intention was very bad.
The Jews won WWll. Hitler lost the war because he wouldn't listen.
what's the point of this post?
They are not interested in the truth, just pathetic larping.
The most important part was government officials decide what projects are approved, not investment bankers and ethnic homogeneity to avoid catastophes like multicutural U.S. where jews mercilessly plunder the "goyim" and send them to war for muh temple.
Examples of shill threads on Holla Forums and what to do with them
take note: as soon as people speak the truth- shills pretending to be interested board users attack the truth, or lose interest and abandon the thread.
Analysis of tactic: standard spam a topic until people are sick of it/polarized against it being brought up as it's spam bait and disrupts the board.
Reason: take advantage of kneejerk hatred reaction that developed as an immune response by community to force out foreign entity assaulting them.
Result: Simple honest questions by neophyte now garners outright hostile response, drives away potential new members of community and discourages spread of information.
Fairly simple yet effective. Also incredibly distracting during some other high profile situation.
Simplest counter: establish a general for all basic questions and refer more advanced topics to the stickies. Afterwards anything outside the general is either paid agitators or a very fresh newfag. Keeps things tightly contained and herds new users to relevant information.
Well maybe instead, you should bump the thread with actual good content and keep it alive. Change people's minds with facts, not having a hissy fit and destroying the thread.
the shills keep asking for books and documentaries while pretending to be newfags, probably to flag them to be removed. Do not give them anything. they might be building some kind of database. we might be about to get holocausted our selves. this might be order 66.
or you can ignore that bullshit and drop some good adolfs?
also you are a giant faggot for referencing star wars
Fuck you and hang yourself.
adolf bamp
Simply put, it is a conservation of the blood. There is nothing more important to conserve than what your people are, against all tides. The metric for whether NatSoc is working is whether your population are expanding. Everything else, like the economy or ability to fight is just a tool to gain this.
make this into a good thread, lead them kicking and screaming to the truth.