Mods are perma banning people for commenting in threads, 404ing meta threads, Holla Forums has been comepletely subverted.
Half chan Holla Forums is fucked
Other urls found in this thread:
Water is wet. More at 11.
Besides, what are the shills trying to slide again?
user this place isnt any better
best try polk or
You're not welcome here
You get perma banned for discussing antartica and they ban you for making meta threads
blueshare go check our meta board
guess what
same story here
2ch and Holla Forums are controlled by united states military intelligence under Jim Watkins, 4chan has a similar arrangement though I'm not entirely sure that Jim Watkins is its direct manager
start getting yourself ready for war, there is no where to run and everyone who doesn't fight will be psychologically tortured until they die of old age or whatever else
Legitimately end your life. Go kill as many niggers or jews as you can. Kill yourself.
Wow, this is like the 15th major example that indicates this, or the several thousandth example if you go by daily moderation policy, bots, shills posting with impunity. Really makes you think.
Sage the fucking thread.
the mods sound like the ones from here
That’s cute. Retard thinks that the site ownership gives a fuck about truth and isn’t the one doing it in the first place.
Listen, I'm not one for giving up.
Mate, they've been doing this for a while. Either 2 or 3 years by now. Yes the mods are kikes and yes the mods frequently sperg out and start fucking up the board. If you're gonna use 4chan's Holla Forums then you honestly matter as well as use Reddit's or Voat's, it's the same damn thing not that this board is all that much better, mods at least delete the obvious shill threads though
Listen, blow your brains out. We don’t give a fuck about your kike shithole. Go away.
Your organs sold on the black market seperately are worth more than anything you could produce in life.
It's been like that for about a year now you fucking retard. Pointless thread.
We don’t care about cuckchan, you kike shill. Blow your brains out.
You tell him, Supersatan.
Sage the fucking thread.
Just go back and samson option the entire site. You can do some phoneshitting by toggling airplane mode for a minute and clearing cookies whenever you get B&. Hell, tell that to the rest of the cuckchanners, have a blast.
Too late for that. Bully me more, for I am retarded.
They turned off phoneposting about 20 minutes ago, at least for AT&T
You're only 3 years late, faggot.
I've noticed it too. Its become 99% overrun. During non U.S. hours its complete shills. Its pure lefty pol. Does it have something to do with getting new mods?
This place isn't much better. Its been hit with overwhelming shills and they are still in threads at this moment. There is either no activity or shill activity these days.
it's not that bad
I don't know what it has to do with all i know is it's progressively getting worse every day.
Cuckchan has been cucked for a while. Try not to shit this board up.
I only lurk cuckchan sometimes for the SKYKANGZ but got b& for wanting to know about what the fuck this whole Antarctica shit was about. Now I'm missing out on some good skykangz because of faggot mods
fuck kikechan
They have IP range bans and PERMANENT bans. You can’t really do much to them.
Reddit is irredeemable garbage. Voat actually has 100% freedom of speech, though.
I hate when you dumb fags get banned on a site we've known was shit and compromised for years and you immediately come here to whine about it as if this board is some kind of cuckchan vent shit. I question your character because you've stayed on a board that is – at this point, 80% shill/cuck/interracial threads. Why the fuck should we care and what is the fucking point of these threads?
Do you understand the layers of the internet and dissemination of information? Do you understand how much harder it becomes to spread the word about certain topics if shit is censored?
Reported for being a kike.
you should have been banned for worrying about antarctica
If just now you're coming here because you only now realizing cuck-chan is shit, you are a shitskin dumbass that should be permabanned.
Fuck off, we're full
You're not reaching anyone that matters on cuckchan, more than half of its active users are shitskins and you're more likely to find rabid antifa degenerate tumblrites on every board except Holla Forums, and Holla Forums has its own problems in that all of its mods are rabid antifa degenerate tumblrites and faggot kekistani queers who think everything is "ironic". 8ch is just as infamous as cuckchan now anyway, if not moreso since they know we're actually serious.
i don't think it even matters
the kikes just ignore everything said on the chans and roll full-steam ahead with the sjw agenda regardless
pepe was the only thing that gained any traction lately and that's limited to a few safespace warrior on the fringes of the left anyway
For you to only notice this now, you must have the IQ of an average nigger.
For fucks sake. We know it's fucked. That's why we're here and not there.
I see a lot of our people and lingo all over the internet now though. Before a few years ago you'd never catch "WE WUZ" and youtube names like Moishie Bergenblattstein in the comments. Some shit game on steam just recently got raided with such memes too. They are going to keep pushing this shit, but we'll be there to counter them every time. And we're actually funny and capable of appealing to a far boarder audience than trannies, faggots and race-mixing can.
slide thread
I've replied multiple times faggot
Get the fuck out and never come back. Full/pol/ isn't your speed, kiddo.
You mad faggot?
and samefagging
Congratulations on finding out what we already know cuckban.
This also means we have another batch of these cuckchan refugees incoming.
you just know the jews pressure youtube to shut it down and they have to otherwise they'll be 'complicit' with the evil nazis
Uh… ✡Google✡ owns ✡YouTube✡, idiot.
Everything is gonna be ok.
Excuse me sir, you appear to have dropped some assmad
that's got nothing to do with what i said, which was the point on speech influencing others, so your IDIOTIC fucking bullshit about
is fucking useless you disturbed cunt
the bullshit you've probably seen is on "altright" videos anyway so you're looking at comments preaching to the choir
fucking hell
You're replying to a different person, I was the one talking about seen youtube comments, and no, it's been on things like that Canadian "beige horizon" thing and that nigger shit from Scotland, and just all over the place.
Saged and reported, hopefully you get a perma.
even your gifs are pathetic
fuck outta here
I went through their entire catalog a few days ago. Nothing but shit-tier threads.
It was bad before, but now it is so bad that I don't think I will even do the occasional lurk.
Also, they use (((Google owned and hosted recaptcha)))
Given the state of things, I expect a mass migration.
Dude go there right now and check the posts by creation date on the catalog. It has completely inverted. The board is now shills saying they want to impeach Trump and Trump BTFO. They aren't even trying to hide anything anymore it's completely bought and paid for now.
I left 4chan 3 years ago, you should have too.
The loyal order of moose is in cahoots with the national parks service and especially yellowstone national park. Mooseheart is a child city. 4chan is being shilled because they upset the freemasons.They farm children and are the culprits to missing 411.
Spread the word.
Clever girl.
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and don't trust disconnect.
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except the info you volunteer.
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Good. Eat shit, kike.
Flat earth and most Antarctica is total shill bait. Now, I'm gonna say something that's true and a bunch of teenagers will get their panties in a bunch because they can't read what I actually said: Shareblue and Department of Defense post lots of Nazi images because they think it's bad optics and discredits the boards. Now, before any illiterate faggots start crying, I'm not attacking the idea. All I'm saying is that outside groups are definitely doing this because they think it makes these boards look bad, and distracts from discussion of the merits of the ideas, which is the only thing that matters.
I had the very same suspicion, user. Most Moose see it as a social club, since it's less formal than the masons, but they have higher degrees and I really think Mooseheart is a pedo center.
You can't use TOR on halfchan.
go to public libraries.