What's causing it? Soy? Birth control in the water?
Is it a coincidence or are (((they))) to blame?
Redpill me on the feminization of males
Soy. Yes. Keep in mind some animal are fed soy too.
Also Fluoride in water and toothpaste, lowers testosterone
And last, Plastic.
There's also the mental aspect.
Always important to note all these factors would reduce your test levels by no lower than 10% (nearly putting it in error-margin levels) if all generations had the same access and importance given to PHYSICAL EXERCISE. Most of the difference is due to fatasses with dangerously low T.
Foods such as soy products and non-fats. Fats such as saturated fats are essential to the formation of testosterone. High HDL cholesterol that "good" fats are made of should balance out LDL "bad cholesterol that should be kept low. Pro-inflammation foods decrease sperm levels as well and so omega 6s should be mitigated, also to not fuck up and develop autoimmune diseases.
Just test your testosterone levels
1. This isn’t 4chan.
2. Lurk before posting.
Forgot to tell about fat. If you don't eat fat from animal sources, that are good fats, you won't produce enough hormones, firstly testosterone. So, eat fat and skip sugars.
Take l-glutamine, it reduces the stress hormone cortisol which binds to testosterone. Avoid soft plastic containers and microwaving anything with plastic or wax covered plates, they are notorious for estrogen inducing chemicals.
Foods such as soy products and non-fats. Fats such as saturated fats are essential to the formation of testosterone. High HDL cholesterol that "good" fats are made of should balance out LDL "bad cholesterol that should be kept low. Pro-inflammation foods decrease sperm levels as well and so omega 6s should be mitigated, also to not fuck up and develop autoimmune diseases.
Plastics aka xenoestrogens are fucking everywhere. This doesn't just affect boys but also girls. This is the real culprit behind why girls are entering puberty sooner and end up way more feminized by 16, which the "muh dik" brained idiot might think is good, but increases the formation of diseases like polycystic ovarion syndrome at young ages. In boys this is catastrophic and just to illustrate this I'll mention just two of many xenoestrogens in the environment.
BPAs are the most well known but isn't even the worst. Xenoestrogens are substances that mimic the effects of estrogen and thus your estrogen levels might be "okay" but overall are essentially higher. BPAs are why bottled water has been hazardous for years and why aspiring trannies will binge drink BPA plastic bottles to better develop curves. As a result, some companies are now buying plastic that is BPA-free so that health-conscious people might buy from them.
But the worst one is phthalates. Phthalates are literally known for delaying the effects and onset of puberty. Read that again. It cripples the point in which boys develop into men. This is constantly substance that is put in things like detergents and shampoos and (((for no good reason.))) The explanation for why it's there is so dubious that it might as well be a jew whispering in your ear. This is it in a nutshell: increases the plastic's ability to bend. So why is it in the liquid detergent if it should be in the container instead? Jews.
Go on.
Also, please give reading material.
Here is a list of things (from another user) to do to avoid endocrine disruptors in daily life
1. Grain free diet as outlined in the friendly zombie threads
2. Countertop water distiller, distill and remineralize (heaping 14 teaspoon of himalayan pink salt per gallon) your own water
3. Natural fabrics, cotton for all clothes, 100% or it needs to be replaced, if not, like a jacket, wear a layer of cotton in between it and your skin. Also natural rugs over all the well trafficked areas of your (almost assuredly) plastic-based carpet
4. Natural materials everywhere else, wood, leather, metal (just not aluminum), glass are your friends. Ill try to do a better write-up on this later in the week, im still working solutions out in my own life
5. Solutions literally the liquid things you use all the time in your own home, cleaners, air fresheners, detergents, soaps, almost all harshly chemical, almost all replaceable for cheap with home-made options. this one is really cool and fun, gonna write at length about it.
Copper for door handles, etc.
Red clover has a fuckton of estrogen. Most commercial honey is from clover pollen. You do the math.
Basically, any volatile synthetic material that you come into contact with in daily life (plastics, fiberboards, adhesives, etc) can be assumed to screw up your testosterone production. This includes synthetic fabrics like clothing and carpet.
Nearly all water has birth control (which feminizes men) and pharms in it, which do not get removed during normal filtering processes. These alone will fuck you up. Filter your water with either heat or UV light (or both) and do not drink from plastic vessels.
Lock your diet down. This will include sacrifice and a lot of research. Prepare as much of your food from raw ingredients as possible. You will sleep better, feel better, heal faster, and become more masculine and less feminized.
Look into aromatase inhibitors. These are compounds that prevent your body from absorbing estrogen. American Ginseng, pomegranate, and tobacco are examples of substances that contain aromatase inhibitors. Don't smoke though, because that will hurt your ability to fight effectively.
I know it seems like a lot. But I've made only a handful of these changes in my life and it made a world of difference for me. Do as many as you are capable of right now, and then slowly work on integrating the others into your life.
and STOP masturbating
I know of the microwave shit, but I never knew l-glutamine helps reduce cortisol?!
Gonna get some.
Thanks for this random lesson.
Female marxist-influenced teachers. Masculinity and creativity is squashed at the indoctrination centers the youth are forced into.
And I'd say the transfer of money from white men to women and negros/spics/miscs is a large factor aswell. Far worse in European countries, but still pretty bad in America. Instead of being a leader and caretaker for his wife, women of the marxist society are married to the state. All acute need are taken care of by the state, with funds transferred from white men to the state in the form of taxes.
For an added bonus, sprint or do heavy exercise that brings your heart rate over 140bpm. Take glutamine immediately after. It will stimulate Human Growth Hormone production naturally.
One thing that everyone forgets is that a memory foam mattress is nothing more than a marshmallow of fiberglass and chemical waste. Throw that shit out and get a natural rubber mattress with a wool topper.
What a crock of meme shit. I can't take the rest of your post seriously at all with this kind of bullshit.
The entire food supply is probably jacked with estrogen.
Just a copy paste, I don't agree with all of it. Key information to take from it: