^Law enforcement say they've taken down monstrous pedophile who ran and operated a dual life network of child pornography for trading and enabling other vicious child sexual predators to have access to the materials on Facebook.
Ran out of room (hotpockets increase characters to 4000 plz):
Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook allowed a Pedophile to Operate Child Porn Ring for Years
Other urls found in this thread:
Here's the BBC article on the pedo vids a while back
Here's the UK times article on the child porn from I believe last spring
Just as a source of reference
I actually hope Cuck Zuckerkike runs in 2020 because it's a great way to expose this Kikes and Faceberg for their international Bolshevik Communism
One of these days the world will eliminate the hasbara pedophiles
Oh, would you look at that! Yet another faggot who just so happens to to like little boy's bums. What a coinkydink!
They kept it open because it made for useful blackmail and entrapment tools.
Im starting to sense a trend where all pedophiles and pedo sympathizers are also anti-racist. This might be useful.
That's a legit devil's advocate post. But i wouldn't doubt that average goys who used it got busted while fatcat kikes didn't face any repercussions.
Because that worked against… ah, fuck, I can't remember his goddamn name.
"are also jewish."
Fixed that for you.
They laugh at us.
2:[email protected]
has 4chan lost the throne of edginess? facebook livestreams gangrape and murder, twitter recruits terrorists and other shit is filled with pedophiles and drug dealers
Somewhere along the line being a fit, anti-immigrant, pro-white, teetotaler became more taboo than being a pedophile.
Same situation with russian vkontakte. I guess its inheritable by social networking websites. To push the degradation of people and make everything socially acceptable. With extend to huge amount of normalfags.
I would suspect that clearnet CP is used to generate leads for future blackmail. Once they catch a big fish they can further entrap him with live boys and private stuff. Then clearnet CP then serves a dual purpose of being a small fish they can throw away to make it look like LEA has the problem under wraps.
Of course they allowed white children being raped to be broadcast into Muslim and African countries. How do you think (((they))) have been getting them into Europe so fast?
There's so much to bring up if he ever does decide to run for president. He's a pedo enabler, he's a "former" atheist, he's a Jew, he's racemixer who farmed the rice so no white or black woman will vote for him, he's a generally horrible piece of shit who continually fucks over all his co-founders and shareholders. Anyone who trusts him is a dumbfuck.
This is old news. I remember two years ago NBC or someone else interviewed him and he admitted to running pedo rings.
I gotta run but lord have mercy someone tell op about the kikes.
Didnt you mean to say, eliminate kikes, niggers, spicks, pajeets, and chinks, and faggots?
Theres your answer. LEA don't give a shit about stuff with boys. look at TOR, they are constantly shutting down the girl sites but the boy stuff goes on ignored
Also sandniggers, can't forget about the filthy sandniggers.
Pigfucker Jim and his shitposting tranny squad are shilling for their fake news site again.
How many shekels did you get for this post Schlomo?
Well go ahead, Jewgle. De-list them from your platform. It's ok, i'll wait.
kill yourself, there is no reason not to trust goldwater just because jim is a faggot "mason". Also, at least he protects this site and seemingly Holla Forums in the process.
Bunch of goddamned faggots.