Protesters chant "Blood and Soil" outside of Huston Anarchist Bookfair

Leftists host "punch a nazi" workshop, anarchist literature event. American vanguard and the local stormer book club get together outside and basically trap the left inside when they refuse to go out and punch nazis. Anarchists then call the police that they hate so much, and complain when they arrive after the stormer group left.

Other urls found in this thread:

I guess they can do something right. Isn't the stormer down from the big takedowns earlier?


it's a .is now

wtf is this terrorist shit,


"AFD for Germany, that shits for me, the muslims must leave, 1488"


I love how all the commies are running their mouths in the replies but didn't do shit.

>Comment in second pic
There's that famous Jewish wit. It will serve you well when those "Nazi cops" get memed hard enough to make your dreams come true, Shlomo.


Holy crap. These Young Ones memes are great. Feel free to use them to rebut 100% of what an antifa(ggot) throws at you.

That takes effort. Plus it's texas, you run a serious risk of getting your face punched in and when you're doing shit like trying to promote fucking anarchy in a recovering disaster zone I don't think the cops are going to be inclined to help you much.

Last I checked most of southeast side is flooded to fuck still and we got plenty of issues with niggers looting the areas at night. Plus all the displaced ones are nignog'n like usual. I lucked out in that they aren't stuffed in around where I live but I'm hearing things they won't put on the news.

If anything Houston is the last place you should try and launch some anarchy bullshit movement. Cops are on high alert, low on patience, and got plenty of shit to deal with besides some silverspoon baby's tantrum.

should have just got 2 guys in masks to molotov the front and back doors instead of showing up 30 deep

that kike jew bitch should get her shit pushed in. keep it up brothers, bring it to a town near me! BLOOD AND SOIL
Portland Maine

Good points m8. Look at these fucks hiding.


Fellas, you know what to do

An autistic Shareblue astroturfer. Magnificent.

Call me crazy, but I'm starting to feel like maybe we're going to win this thing.

user they held a 'punch a nazi' event not a 'punch a redneck' event.

[email protected]

We will unless our efforts are funneled into Zionist neocon causes. The left will die. I'm not trying to blackpill this is always a completely legitimate threat.

The delusion of Holla Forums

How do anarchists justify calling the police?

More retardation for the Jews.

Not surprised. They only attack when they have an advantage and I can tell from the photo most of those guys are pretty fit and healthy. Even numbers against that? It would of been a curb stomp on the first solid punch.

They didn't want to ruin their cheap rocker makeup they got from hot topic.

to them, it's just a fashion/fad/snowflake political accessory.
they don't actually care nor do they uphold their ideals.

if they were true anarchist, they would have went innawoods by now and set up their own little anarchist paradise.

Because they are LARPing as anarchists.

We are. And every single leftist will fucking hang.
(look to the right) they are on - [email protected]
same place that host BLM and Antfaga, etc.

Like pottery.

I can't wait to hunt these fucking pretend communists down like the dogs they are.


evil natzees kill natzees punch natzees make natzees afra- oh wwait the're right here? lock the doors
Seriously, this is good. Exposes them for what they are. Funniest part is the "anarchists" that hate the police call them when there's people outside shouting at them.



Wrong pic. It's in the stream tho.


at least spoiler man, if I wanted to see a red get fucked I'd watch the riot threads

You're right, mods should spoiler, no man deserves to be forced to see that fetid beav' just because he want shitpost about anarcho-cuckoldry getting BTFO yet again.

Misread the thread title, thought it said "Protestants chant 'Blood and Soil'" and for a second had renewed hope for the future of the protestant church. I feel a little let down, but have renewed faith in the future of America's youth instead. I don't know exactly what this feel is, all in all.


Rockwell did nothing wrong you kike.

kek the rockwells are with the bilderberg group

>larp as (((Captain America)))

Poe's Law really is dead, God help us

Look, you won't ever get nowhere worthwhile worshipping a Jew.

Prove it or get the fuck out.



Your next line will be: Hitler was a Rothschild, goy!
To you!

Lol well done lads. Those boys deserve bbq and beer for afterwards.

Christianity held up alright back when they repelled the Muslims out of Europe, and Christian monarchs had a good track record of expelling Jews from their countries. An institution is only as good or bad as the people it is composed of. The problem with Protestantism is that it is full of people who support the Jews, not that they call themselves Christian.

Nice Gets, I would have used a smug but I do not have a smug smug enough to smug this colossal smug im feeling about the situation.


Is that Charls? Did MDE at one point make yet another production that they end up deleting and hiding for no good reason like the "Who is John Corzine/Knife Training" video?

Pantyfags are so terrified of the ebil nadzees that support their own group and land they had time to turn on a retarded photo filter that what, makes things look purple in the dark and yellowish in the light? It's like an even more retarded version of the orange and blue shit (((hollywood))) uses.


I'd give it like two years at the most before that uneven guy is tossed out. He's too competent and the leadership will see him as a threat, that or his peers will drag him down since it's basically a giant circlejerk and he's got the lowest plebbit point count.

Riiight, that is why my country had a muslim ruling class to varying degrees for eight centuries.


ciafag posting smug anime. nice try kike

Honestly if they're gonna engage in street fights they should do more of this. Go around threatening antifa instead of holding rallies were Soros and other kikes can mobilise large groups of antifa against them.

I can't help the fact that the Spanish are and always have been shit. France repelled their Muslims just fine, and we all know that the French can't hold their own in a war. All joking aside, do you really think that history would have gone any different if Spain had been pagan at that time? Christianity at least provided a degree of unifying identity to Europeans which allowed them to come together to fight against the Muslims in the first place. I don't think that that degree would have been possible if they were still divided into disparate pagan tribes, but I could be wrong.

Don't turn a laugh at antifa thread into a shit-flinging train wreck of an internet holy war.

for real, fags arguing like kikes and shitskins

Anyway, enough of that. Where should we go to gather salt from the salt mines?

We had the pagan Roman religion before that. I posit that if Christianity had not destroyed the Roman Empire from within, the Mudslimes would have been utterly BTFO as soon as they hit the shores.

Fucking suprising here.

There would have never even been mudslimes.

Added to the #DOTRList

Redpill him make him realize leftist is cancer and National Socialism is the only way.

got my twitter account shoah'd for trolling Kit O'Connel on Twitter. So worth it tho

well done sir, enjoy this collectable nigger

Did pre-Christian societies wait all the way for Christianity to start expelling kikes from their countries? Or maybe they were doing the ass-kicking all along even while non-Christian?

Is this the sub that also produced this magnificent gem?

Flash mobs are the only way.

doesn't seem like theres enough coverage of this but seek and ye shall find Im sure

This. organize off-line. look what a small group of 30 did, imagine 100. thats easy, you can find 100 people in your area to mobilize at a moments notice or at least plan quietly but effectivly beforehand

went to the houston subreddit, what poz. They were all complaining about how young and well dressed they were, no joke. They even had the gall to call them terrorists and hypocrites for wearing masks. Not an ounce of irony to be found. By the way, were they using custom masks?


Did any of them yell at them for basically inverting Antifa's color scheme?

You dont even need violence with a flash mob, just showing up will scare the crap out of the faggots.

No, too busy making fun of white people to care. That would be blue and white right? Also, I think the guy in the beard is Azzmador or however you spell his name. Would make sense since he's a stormer right?

It might be a ode to those heroes. They where the first group trying to protect Russia from the (((Bolsheviks)))

antfaga is red and black


That's something they might want to look into

The irony is hot as melting iron. Jesus Christ.

Try to inform them if you can.

you don't actually believe that, do you? some (((fag))) trying to make someone like you paranoid, don't buy into it.

Sucks not having cops around them and bottles of piss and bleech to defend themselves with.

That's a british sitcom from the 80's, m8.

This is a good meme. People are programmed to associate black clothing with the sinister. Antifa have already established themselves as wearing all black clothing. This situation can be exploited to great effect by wearing all white clothing.

>you don't actually believe that, do you? some (((fag))) trying to make someone like you paranoid, don't buy into it.
Only type of infiltration would be law enforcement because a typical lefty wouldn't be able to handle the training. Whereas with the lefties anyone can get in.

Yes, that is Azzmador.

obviously but how would that (((fag))) know? thats what I'm pointing out, its an attention seeking post. when I was 9, I lied to my youth group teacher and told her my uncle was a race car driver and recently died in a crash, I never had an uncle and just lied to get some attention.

Paranoia is a death bell for groups. I don't want to stir up conspiracies. I'm sure they have some sort of initiation procedure to weed out COINTELPRO. Remember to check the shoes, cops sometimes forgot to switch. Besides, one of the guys that posts here is a part of the Houston group, he may know something.

Maybe something along these lines?

doubtful but one would hope. if alphabet agencies are willing to supply informants with children to sexual exploit, I have no doubt their agents are also able to make it past the screening process. that should not stop us though, let them in our ranks, having white pride is not illegal and when it gets too big too contain, their surveillance efforts won't matter anyway. it will be way out in the open at the point.

yeah, look how friendly they are opening their arms for a hug.


Yes they do.

You missed the acronym the little shit was tossing around. HPD=Houston Police Department. Which I'm fairly doubtful of as that'd be more the FBI's thing as this isn't some street gang. Most likely stirring shit up for no good reason. Plus if they did have an informant they would of been on the counter protest like flies on shit. If theres anything infiltrating it's FBI keeping tabs on them like they do everyone.

Another fine thread derailment and astroturf attempt from our wonderful neighbors at /christian/. You kikes are pure cancer. Worse raiders than Holla Forums even, they don't try to pretend they're on Holla Forums's side while spewing anti-white rhetoric.

I didn't miss that but thanks for strengthen what I was saying. I almost mentioned that but got lazy. I was going to add how would they know it is specifically HPD and how would they know it's one officer (or at least thats what the post was implying, one officer) like I said, some libshit attention posting

besides, if it is local PD, there is a chance that they are a double agent of sorts and potential supporter. that would be cool

What a surprise. Many of the "anarchists" are far leftists who spend so much of their time shitting around on social media and switching between whatever flavor of the month phone application allows them to spew their shit, that they cannot actually perform in a high tension situation because their heads are spinning uncontrollably. Of course that's stating the obvious, but they refuse to accept it because most believe that they are infallible Gods and in complete control of themselves.
So what happens? The "nazis" that they repeatedly boast about punching show up en masse, and they tuck their tail between their legs and stay in hiding. I just know, I just fucking know most of them were probably having anxiety attacks which made them call "THE PIGS" to save their weak, cowardly asses.
And these are the people who want to run the country. Weak, dysfunctional, hyperemotional narcissistic fucks want to have a major say in how society works. Give me a fucking break.

He'd also know what the fuck operational security is and never mention it to family or friends at all. You don't last long in undercover without learning that and sticking to it, infact most officers selected for undercover have little to zero family connections for their own safety. Having loved ones is a weakness to be exploited heavily if you're exposed. Can't touch the snitch? Bleed his family dry to draw him out.

I'm sure he doesn't know. Regardless though it wouldn't be a lefty. Safe to assume all orgs have them unless they are close knit/old friends.

That sums up everything so fucking well.

God damn

could be some .org shill but I think it's just a stupid person honestly - most likely a lefty considering the context of the situation and the comment

blood and soil seems like an odd chant under the circumstances, but shit, I can't complain about our side going out and doing shit

I'm surprised there weren't any rwds

Sure, after they had killed of many tribes of other nordic christians who thought arianism made a bit more sense

Your blood. On our soil.

Unlike niggerville over in new orleans Houston's got a fairly competent but dickish police force. Add in the fact that Trump held nothing back and had coast guard and national guard assets rolling in soon as possible was basically no chance of rwds happening. Only a nignog would be dumb enough to start shooting in that enviroment. Which a few did but it wasn't ever in the news. Mostly chimp on chimp stuff during the storm nothing big.

Houston is what a town with a basic competence level looks like in a major disaster. Sadly for Holla Forums that is a non-helpful environment for right wing death squads.

I hate when leftists do a 180 and start criticizing police for not doing their jobs

These fucking pussies act like they were attacked
All these guys did was stand outside and chant. They didnt pepper spray anyone or beat people up, throw piss bottles, set cars on fire or anything.
What a bunch of children screaming 'wolf'

try again

What are you talking about user? They bravely held down the orphanage and free book center against five thousand raging Hitlerists. Even through the blood and smoke did the brave anarchist moderates hold the barricades against the combined forces of the nazi and police fascist hordes. Truly, the people stand with them.

Made me laugh good stuff user.

Houston here
THIS! I live in Montgomery county and I was locked and loaded as we helped the victims on our boats. I was expecting mass chimpouts of looting etc, but you're right Houston is a freak when it comes to a major city's competence. I think it's because of the perfect mix of Southerners, Cowboys and Cajuns that keep Houston under check.

So triggered they are repeating themselves.

white man's burden strikes again


They are real commies. They're like muslims. They're laying low while they're a minority.

last bump, looks like VA/AV changed their name to Patriot Front.

Blood and soil most succinctly sums up national socialism.

It's the perfect chant because it appeals to the most basic instincts of men. It's a powerful chant because it is true and fundamental to human nature.


**reported for ifunny*

Cucks i am so glad afd got seats goys

Good to know where those shills come from.


All the real anarchists went full Holla Forums after Ron Paul anyway. These are commies, and I have to kek at their shit because the real anarchist groups they larp as (e.g. antifascista) would be killing their weak asses for pushing communism.

Like the whiny faggot commies pretending they're the "IRA", it's almost as if they only exist to destroy the legitimate rebellions; just look at occupy wallstreet and anomalous; complete shit thanks to commies fucking everything up.

Truly great symbolism of the Red horse fucking the black, minority donkey. Using them like a sex slave, pimping them out politically

Hitler was a Rothschold, g–

Sorry I couldn't resist

if intentional then leaving before the police showed up was good tactics, since the lefties suddenly tend to become 10x braver as soon as those LEOs they otherwise instigate against, show up to protect them

good on him for making a presence

Haha holy fuck the self proclaimed "badass nazi punching anarchist revolutionaries" hid inside and called THE FUCKING POLICE.

My sides are currently approaching light speed.

I got your back. Whenever I play Medieval 2 total war, I always initiate a crusade against Cordoba as soon as I can.


very nice

Agreed. Avoid stuff organized by controlled-op e-celebes like Richard Spencer, Stephen Molyneux, etc. Show up, speak out and make your point, don't do stupid shit like torch marches. We aren't there yet.

Is this bait? The stereotype of the French surrendering to everything only came about in WWII when their diplomats severely overestimated the Maginot's defense and decided no to invest in a permanent state-of-the-art army and instead threw outdated tanks and unorganized divisions at the Germans. Even during the war and the Vichy regime the Germans were impressed by the fighting spirit of their own Nazi Frog Divisions and today they're probably the only military in Europe that can actually do something right, at least in their air force. Spain instead had a rough time with the muslim hordes exactly because of christcucks not being able to put aside their differences (since most ex-barbaric kingdoms had adopted it more to cull their people and be in with the times than because they actually believed in it) and mount a defense against an historically stronger and more numerous people. That's why the Crusades are so important to us: they signify a moment where all of Christendom decided they weren't going to take this shit anymore and anally destroyed the hordes. Obviously as with every nice thing, the concept was coopted by lying kikes.

I followed that statement immediately with "all joking aside." It wasn't so much bait as banter. I tried to make it obvious because I didn't want anybody to take it seriously. I actually like the French. Sage because off topic.


What would they have done if this happened in a society with no police?

They would've been killed decades ago. People often forget, the only thing keeping a large majority of 'Nazi's' from killing them outright is the understanding of consequence. Remove that consequence and purification can begin. haha jk FBI niggers, I would never harm my fellow Americans! Hail Israel!

What the fuck?

he wants complete economic freedom but also to be provided with everything at the expense of the tax payers
as always leftists can't understand not only their own ideology but even the words that make up the name of their ideologies.

Sloppy as fuck, learn how to use an iron.

Good part starts at 5:32, its pretty lulzy

my sides

Hippie grandpa user?


They have that reaction because leftists are essentially thieves trying to make their theft legal.


That's uneven compromise guy has too much masculinity left in him to be associated with antifa. Either he's a shitskin or he'll be joining our side soon.

I was thinking the same. The only "libertarian" socialists I know are all racist as fuck. Basically libertaryans. How the fuck do you hold antifacist antiracist believes while being a "libertarian socialist" is beyond me.

The only way I can explain it is
socialism for free stuff and gibsmedat
libertarianism for muh weed, muh trannies.

People need to understand that being armed will not dissuade counter protesters from showing up. It may delay police action, but if someone is legit coming to protest, your Walmart ARs and Century parts kit AKs don't scare anyone. I hate how we have somewhat adopted this mindset as well, using guns as some magic charm that will keep violence and conflict away. They won't. If someone is going to a protest to shoot it up, they won't care if guns are present. And we know, outside of those situations, guns will never actually be used. If someone gets into somebody else's face to yell at them, or they hide in a crowd and throw piss/rocks/molotovs, they still can't use it because they'll open themselves up to so much legal bullshit that they/their backers will go broke trying to fight. Not to mention getting shot back at from the opposing side.

Take lockfag from Berkeley as an example. A clear cut case where lethal force is warranted and it still would have been difficult to get a shot off since he retreated back into the crowd. This is why I don't place much stock into open carrying as an intimidation tool.

They're anarcho commies like muh weed liberties for laws and gibs commie shit for economy.

FALSE FLAG. 'Blood and soil' is the motto of Ukrainian Nazis who betrayed the Germans. The faggots leading them in Ukraine today are Jews. The leader is pals with John McCaine. You can find photos of them together. No American right wing group uses that term. This is Spencer tier bullshit.

You're a moron. It dates back to late 1800s in Germany. Richard Darre popularized it in his book Neuadel aus Blut und Boden. In the likely case that you don't know who Darre was he was the Reich's minister of Food and Agriculture.

I don't know how many layers of irony I can take of this



Their bear Israel flags and their leader is a zionist LGBT dyke.
What the fuck is going on anymore…

Is being able to understand irony a kind of last stand of implicit white identity?

Hey, nazis read books. Get over it.

I feel like this is the way to rally. Find meetings, then disrupt. Documenting them studying Milo was interesting, to say the least. The gathering outside was counter-protesting hate, therefore it was appropriate. They did nothing wrong. I cautiously approve of this method. Disrupting them, is using their tactics against them!

u wot m8

Antifa call the police for help you know the police are laugh at this one.

God damn stupid nayzis! Do you even understand the definition of the word "punch"!?!

Not exactly. What happened was Thomas and the other "classical fascist" tards got ousted from Vanguard, which was taken over by militant National Socialist radicals. All of the Tommunists got assblasted, stole the website, and went to form their own group without the muh bad PR that scares off the normies of the swastika et al. Patriot Front is their group. They couldn't even pull this op off themselves, they're joining forces with the alt-kike here. Azzmador is peak alt-kike, he's almost creepily defensive of Kike Enoch.


I can't stop fucking laughing. Especially that little qualifier that it must have been some random guy walking down the street who called the cops and most definitely not the pussies who wouldn't even dream of going outside

Rare Police Pepe. Saved

Considering how difficult of a time the Romans had with the pagan Celtiberians, yes.

KYS faggot. It was the slogan of the Nazi agricultural ministry headed by Richard Walter Darre.

He basically got Hitler elected by swinging the farmer vote to NS.

Torture cucks and commies to death. No mercy, only punishment and fire

VANGUARD had absolutely nothing to do with this. It was Azzmador and DS guys.

…Patriot Front was there too.

Serves those alt-kike faggots right for stealing Vanguard's website and banners when they left. This could have been good for their new faggy group's name recognition, since it is in a vacuum a great op, but they had to be spergs when they left, so the guys in Vanguard get all the credit.

Vanguard is finally Holla Forums-tier. They've decided to take the group down a militant NatSoc path and break from the alt-kike.

I'm laughing

In other news, water is wet.

Ya got a video source for that picture?

2012 antifag protest in Eskilstuna, Sweden.

Does not compute.

danke danke

Petry left m8.

Do you have a link to their current site? I can't see to find it.


Ancaps with private security and tomahawk missiles would've blown the police, the leftists and the nazis to smitherines.

Not sure if they've got a new one set up after PatFront managed to steal the old one during the split, but here's some new propaganda that was recently posted by their Virginia cell to give you an idea of the direction they're going.

Yeah but they'd have to have money first and AnCraps are broker than the privileged communist trust fund kiddies. All the NatSocs need are some long knives.

Nice, but I do hope they keep up the tidy appearance and don't let too many prison skins in


Hello, Holla Forums. Butt's still sore, I see.

Skins have their place, I feel. What was it that Junger said? Better a degenerate than a bourgeois?

I happen to know that a lot of the RAM leaders (our RAM, not the commie RAM) are either skins or ex-skins, and they're great people.

I'm pro White. WN is a Jewish maintained psyop.

You are posting to a site and a board run by a Jew .

Oh, I wasn't aware of that.
Still not seeing a dyke, just a cuckservative.

I'm curious, which way did Heimbach go?

More fucking Jew Nazi shit. Never ends for the eternal retard WN.

Rrrriiiight. Now, why don't you go back to your room and play with your dollies.

Someone say skinhead?


My sources say that Heimbach went hard right after CVille, especially after the alt-kike narrative about CVille solidified, namely, that the failure at CVille was due to "Nazi LARPers" causing "bad optics". There's gonna be a split in the alt-right between Southron nationalists like Wallace and the LotS and the Yankee faggots like Spencer. The alt-kike is saying, "we need to fly the American flag only, that's good optics." The Southrons are saying "no, we won't do that, that's the symbol of the imperial system that's oppressed our people for over a hundred years", so there's currently a lot of friction. Heimbach has definitely taken the SIEGEpill, though.

I've met a few cool skins, but I think they do better as henchmen doing behind the scenes stuff and leave the recruitment/public statements to the suit and tie types. I do think using NatSoc and skinhead imagery is a good way to bully aut-righters

Nice to read, had a feeling that he would have.

You're a nazi, no how much you cuck, even cuckservatives that all but beg for niggers not to call them racist still get called racist. Even Trump gets called a nazi and he's still no more than civic nationalist when you boil things down to it.

Well they could let them in but they'd have to dress and look more presentable. Then they could do the heavy lifting.

As for those like Dicky Spencer, I don't think it's bad what he's doing in how he points out Israeli hypocrisy. They have everything from anti-miscegenation laws to forcefully sterilising shitskins and ethnically cleansing the fuck out of brown folk. Others should be able to as well and congress and media can't fight the argument because they're ZOG as fuck.

And finally, only people who are good as Jared Taylor should be doing any talking, period.

Hard nope. They're both racist liberals. Spencer is explicitly anti-fascist.

I remember a hilarious clip from the first Unite the Right event, which was much smaller. Someone was interviewing Spencer as they were marching along at their small torchlight rally, and he was saying about antifa, "Their message is violence, and their message is fascism!"

Now, mind you, he was marching alongside some of Heimbach's boys while he was saying this.

Jared Taylor is more suited to dry lecture halls than inspiring passion, hardly someone you want to use as a standard. For speaking capabilities, let's ignore actual political opinions for a moment, I'd take someone like Trump over someone like Taylor any day of the week despite the fact that by conventional measures most would say Taylor's a better speaker.


Seems that "nazis are cucks" is the new cuck meme

The meme of "Nazis are actually a Jewish trick!" has been around for a long time now. old brit/pol/ used to shill it a lot, IIRC.

TRSodomites used it a lot as well when they first started shilling the board.

Did it come from them? I wouldn't think it would. Doesn't quite seem like their bag. They like using NS imagery ironically, even if they don't support the ideology in actuality.

I've been seeing it outside here, for example a cuck called me a "white supremacist cuck" for saying "nigger" in a game today

It's at Fag Anglin's Thai Fuck now

It didn't originate from them but they definitely used it.

Liberals have tried to steal our insults, they're also calling the right-wing "snowflakes" now.

kek, never noticed that before


Jews control the world with the "Nazi" whining. And you faggots will rim their asses forever.

this is a really popular shill image I've noticed on 4cuck and here its always used

Millions of Whites are dying from immigration and poverty and all you degenerates want to do is suck Hitler's cock and use the word Nigger.

When you know full well doing so hurts Whites. That makes you a traitor and worse than a Jew.

Where the fuck do you think you're kike. Into bog you go.

Are you 14 years old? This is a public forum. I see you cannot defend your Nazi shit. Save the White Race yet? Help a White get a job or business yet?

That's how Jews run the world, not jerking off to Nazi cartoons on an anonymous wanker board.

Why would anyone want to do that?

Top kek. Enjoy the ban, JEW.

Lol, tornigger.

when are we going to ban torfags permanently? I have never seen a good torpost its always shills

Some torfags are fine, I'm convinced that shills use tor to attempt to shame anons who are privacy conscious.
You can go through tor and still have an ID if you just bother to use a proxy on top of it

That's what the kikes want, tor to be banned again. They have been on a crusade for it for weeks now. Very obvious.

Some niggers are fine too, does that mean we must call the DotR off?

They need to realize that anarchy is impossible because of jews.
Even without jews, the system is still destined to fail.

So White Nationalists want Whites to die from poverty while Jews retain control. You need to be killed for being a traitor.

Tor does more good than harm. There's plenty of reason to use tor, like living in a country with hate crime laws like Germany or the UK. Biggest downside is that shills use it and that's a fairly minor thing to deal with. Plenty of non-tor shills.

You need to be killed for being a faggot.

Can't defend you your Jewish White Nationalist larping?

What have you done for the white race? Note that feeding into and supporting the System doesn't count.

White Nationalists are White "niggers". And the reason the "White Race" is dying.

ANY political system can work in a homogenous White society, even communism, that of course does not mean that certain ones like anarchism and communism would not be terribly inefficient.

will you just fuck off already you kike? You're going to put quotes around white race like its a made up thing?


I wonder why they just dont go outside and punch those Nazis?!

Where do you think you are, Schlomo?

Only WN retards use the word "Race" which = "racism".

Who got it? >>10666666





Gonna tell them in white appalacha they should read about Hitler and use the word Nigger?

White other groups network on a daily basis.


So, just to be clear, the person trying to lecture us on how National Socialism is a Jewish plot doesn't believe that race exists?

Really maneuvers my macadamias.

(((Torpedos))) is a nutshell.

The cuck memes have truly evolved

So 'held it down' is a synonym for 'cowered like a bunch of gutless little bitches'. Gotcha.

So Antifa was having a "punch a Nazi" workshop that Whites have ridiculed and told them there are no "Nazis".

Then Larping Nazi fags show up to help reinforce the "Nazi" hysteria by shouting "Blood and Soil". Who's the Jew that organized this genius rally?

He didn't say race does not exist and you know it.

Lot's a straw men faggot? He's telling you that your bowel movement is nothing but Jew propaganda. You cannot get shit done, never have and never will.

Another jew to add to my filter pile.

You kikes are really trying hard to get tor banned again arent you?

The kike boasts when he knows he is in danger.


Bunch a fucking losers.

Nice response, especially when it's coming from a kike.

That chutzpah is real.

Yes, a Kike. Yet you post to a board run by a kike. Why would a Jew run a White Nationalist board? Don't hurt yourself trying to figure that out.

Danger from larping faggots posting to /pol?

Ah, so you really are a kike.

We have all kinds of people here, not only white Nationalists. Didn't your shill department give you the note? You can go to leftypol, that board is ran by tranny I'm sure that is more to your liking, kike.

Ahahahahahahha, I bet you type with that hook nose.

Cowardly deflection noted. Brave internet warrior .

How absolutely cute. Can I pinch your chosen cheeks with my filthy goy hands? Please cry again.

Just filter the jew. He's earned enough shekels from (you)s already.

holy shit the lack of self awareness of these fucks

The jewboy deserves the shekels, he's been very entertaining for such a boring day.

If the Visigoths stayed pagan, they would have converted to Religion of Cuck™ en masse after being conquered by the Moors, so your argument makes no sense.


The white polo look has got to go. It's gay as hell

That's not what that means friendo


Wow, in that painting, such dark skin they have.

We were wrong, you should be proud of your spanish heritage my fellow European.

Uh American vanguard are part of the alt kike tho all the evidence is on the TRS board of them supporting TRS and Richard spencer

Get out torpedo




Fucking HAIL VICTORY! Max Resist is great. we need to spread the awareness of the RAC message online more often. i dont think that enough young folks realize there is an entire genre created JUST FOR THEM!

Stop spamming this, kike.


Training on infiltration and how to spot infiltrators.



Where's gondola?

Has Heimbach stopped the orthodox christcuck larping?

Is that a hortler I see up top?


Reminder that NatSocs win against leftists in absolutely any circumstance

Is he wrong? EVERY openly pro white group is nothing but degenerates. faggots who look like azzmador or anglin. Thats the extent of pro white groups. Just standing out in front of state capitols with confed/nazi battle flags, with bear guts over hanging their carhartts, wearing new balance shoes chanting grandeous slogans about this and that, all while doing LITERALLY the exact opposite of REAL NS. Listening to NS metal makes you a faggot. Acting like that makes you a plastic NS. So by all means…point me in the direction of a SOLID, good looking, healthy looking, positive influencing, rational pro white/NS group out there??? Im fucking waiting. Ive been fucking waiting.

(Hard mode: No TradWorkers party. I dont believe for one second that Heimbach is 100% european. You cant genetically look like that and be German)

Is she pregnant yet?

How hard would it be to make a siege drone with the sole purpose of breaking down a door via certain means?