Happening soon in France!

Happening soon in France!

Muslim call for killing french people.

"And fight against the disbelievers collectively as they fight against you collectively. And know that Allah is with the righteous [who fear Him]"

Source of the sceond webm.

Other urls found in this thread:


Translate in french.

Sur les 6200+ versets que comporte le Coran, celui qui guide la prière utilise le verset préféré des terroristes de Daesh (9:36). Ce verset est la dernière chose que beaucoup de Chrétiens d’Orient ont entendu avant d’être tués.

Ceci donne une idée de la logique dans laquelle se fait cette prière. Date de la priere de rue: 22 septembre 2017 - 15:00 - Clichy la Garenne (Bd Jean-Jaures en face de la MAIRIE!!!) Explications…

Une vidéo, parmi plein d’autres, de terroristes utilisant ce même verset (Groupe Abu Wahib, 2013. A la minute 3:44 vous entendez le terroriste citer le meme verset 9:36)

This video need english translation

Where are the frogs when we need them the most?

How will we be able to tell? There's an IS linked attack at least once a week. At this point, you may as well say that there will be snow in the alps this winter.

French cops literally protect daesh now.

Fuck it. Bump.

Good. Let them be an example for the rest of europe of what not to do.

Not enough.


That's not Paris, the bus is the 274 (Levallois / Clichy / St-Ouen / St-Denis)
Basically the north-north west of Paris, 95% shitskin.

It's probably at Clichy near the Town Hall.

France is no longer France, and this sort of thing no longer surprises anyone.

the "peace" in "religion of peace" means that every muslim is at war against infidels until there are no more infidels and the entire country is 100% muslim

95% of frenchies live in a fantasy world of liberal bullshit and arrogance, they are Sloppy sailors with bad personal hygiene and a false sense of granduer

Well I can't translate all the sentences, but I can give you the gist of that video.
It was a street prayer by some shitskin, Madjid Oukacha, and they used the verse told to middle eastern christians before they get executed: "Indeed, the number of months with Allah is twelve [lunar] months in the register of Allah [from] the day He created the heavens and the earth; of these, four are sacred. That is the correct religion, so do not wrong yourselves during them. And fight against the disbelievers collectively as they fight against you collectively. And know that Allah is with the righteous [who fear Him]."
The police was there and just watched.

Guy with the sunglasses says he can't believe french people would be so cucked.
That verse is frequently used by terrorists, it says you have to "fight" collectively the disbelievers, emphasis on collectively. And fight in this verse means kill, collectively means for example the bomb in the bus, the truck of peace; don't be afraid of collateral damage. There's no innocent for them.

Next he shows a propaganda video of isis, where they captured truckers and asked about their religion, then they realize they're not muslims and kill them.

After that he explains the important bit is where the truckers say they didn't do anything to muslims, and the isis guy respond "I don't give a shit, god said to fight you collectively (kill you all disbelievers)" same thing said in the verse in that street prayer.

Next he shows that verse translated in english (quran.com/9/36) and point they used the word "fight" but in reality, it means kill. Make no mistake, it means kill them all, no exceptions for women, children, innocent, people being nice to you.
It also says in that verse you should fight the disbeliever as they fight you, but who fund their mosquee, ask the guy? who keeps giving them welfare? who keeps saying "not all muslims" each time there's an attack?

There, hope it helped


That should have been Rhodesia. South Africa. Hiati. Sweden. Fuck it, lets let France be a lesson too.


Madjid oukacha posted the video. He's anti Religion of Cuck™.

This will be the first muzzie lesson since they're now everyones darlings.

OY VEY! Prepare to fight Islann in Iran, goyim.

Thanks user. You frogs need to get your shit together. All this jew and muslim business has gone on long enough.

Get your shit together frogs.

You've been invaded by an enemy posing as refugees and controlled by a treasonous government that wants to see you dead.

I'm not a frog, don't insult me please, but I wonder where the fuck they are, those goat fuckers are calling for frog blood in broad daylight, under the supervision of the police.
It's funny though, you can see the blue banner at the end of the first webm that says "No to illegal street prayers" As if they shouldn't be all illegal in the first place. They block the streets and get to have a police escort when they could be used elsewhere. All of this is just them showing off how they control the streets, taunt the disbelievers, and do you see any women or children in this? Of course not, just men announcing they're ready to conquer this nation of white guilted cucks



And they will use that to ban christians because that offend muslims.

hWhite men will wake up at some point

All the kikes keep on rushing to such threads posing as bants from Americans. Not a single western country is free from the Jew. At some point either we unite temporarily against the Jewish menace and its Muslim and nigger attack dogs, as it happened back in the crusades or Europe and North America will end up failing due to division, apathy and selfishness, all created and pushed by ZOG.

It's over soon.

they cant, its not the gay pride.

In other words, it's Monday.

Cut the cancer out

This. Nuclear fire is the only to save France, the cancer is far too deep.

couldn't agree more, get over the guilt trips and just raid the local museum, find the nearest plate armor and weapon, go find the nearest mosque and claim it as your castle.

…and then they start killing each other, because the other muslims are not religious enough.

Make no mistake, Religion of Cuck™ is NEVER peaceful, total domination or not.


We cannot help being convinced, whilst reading this history, that the religion of Mahomet, thoroughly warlike as it is in principle, does not endue its disciples with that obstinate bravery, that boundless devotedness, of which the Crusaders presented so many examples. The fanaticism of the Muslims required victory to keep up its power or its violence. Bred in a conviction of blind fatalism, they were accustomed to consider successes or reverses as simple decrees of Heaven; victorious, they were full of ardour and confidence; conquered, they were depressed, and without shame succumbed to an enemy, whom they believed to be the instrument of destiny. An ambition for renown seldom excited their courage, and even in the excesses of their warlike fervour, the fear of chastisements and punishments kept their faces towards the enemy more frequently than any generous love of glory. A chief, whom they themselves dreaded, was the only captain that could lead them to victory; and thus despotism became necessary to their valour.

What are you Europeans going to do about it hmmm? Play your vidya and watch your hollyjew vision?

Enjoy the decay.