Adolf Hitler’s underpants have been sold for $6,737 at an auction in the US


So? He wore underwear; what's to laugh at?


It was almost certainly a perverse jew who bought this.


✡Jim✡, go shill your website elsewhere.

Damn, I think I'm going to start wearing pretty pink panties now, guys. I mean, I wouldn't want to look like a buffoon for wearing underwear.

please oh please let this happen

Oh man Hitler wore underpants? What an idiot :^)


user dont tell me you actually wear underwear

Pretty sure sperm doesnt live for multiple decades

Who initials their underwear? This has to be a scam.

thats what I think too.

calling bullshit. so its over 80 years old, has been warn and washed a bunch of times and isnt falling apart at all? seems legit.

It just happens to be in mint condition :^)
Here give me your money to minimize this monster :^)

Also who got these digits?

Finely threaded fabric
No wear marks
New-style button

No hand stitches
No cotton yellowing

Sure thing, this is authentic goy.
Just buy it goy !

I have a pair of Hitler's socks right here. I bought them for him last week


The kikes will never call her Eva Hitler, the name she died with.

Dude, he owned and wore underwear? HAHAHAHHAAHA!! What a buffoon!


user don't tell me you actually post worst horror series.


This must be the endgame of the Jews - create a massive world event and then sell trivial bullshit associated with it into eternity. It's like nostalgiafaggotry to the 6,000,000th power.

So this is the crap you buttblasted kikes post when your ns thread gows horribly wrong?

Yeah, nah.

Just a reminder mods shoaed a ns thread and this pops up right after.

it's like a shitty gift shop in disney world. holy shit

it's like a shitty gift shop at dosney werl

Wouldn't this just normalize Hitler more and make the norms think of him as more human than monster? This will benefit Nazis.


No skid marks for DNA? Damn.

I willing to bet a 1000 bucks that this is a forgery by some kikes again, just like phone.

The kikes really aren't smart. Just look at 'Man in the High Castle.'


I'm calling complete and utter fucking bullshit on this.

"Oh yeah, Hitler just happened to leave his pristine underwear behind and we've just kept them locked away without telling anybody for three generations and oh yeah they look just like the day he lost them no age at all totally pristine pretty neat huh?"

How will those ebil nahtzees ever deal with the revelation that their leader wore underwear?

Almost certainly a fake, but those are pretty fancy pants, being adjustable with buttons and creases and stuff

I always used to have a monogrammed handkerchief as a kid, we all had a few of them each. My grandmother used to sew my initials into the labels of my coats as well. It's still quite common for people to write their names or initials on their jackets, handkerchiefs, underwear, blankets etc, although now they usually use pen rather than sewing it in.

Maybe it's not an American thing? Certainly not unusual where I'm from.


Don't worry about it goy.

Can someone vouch for/against watching this?

I wish >>>/polmeta/ wasn't a joke.

It's still the electric jew and has plenty of race-mixing references. Read Mein Kampf instead.

it's kind of interesting in a 'lets all see what they are being subversive about and where they shot themselves in the foot' way. They have to work hard to make the reich not look cool as shit. But that's about all.

Higurashi was always a mystery, you damn casual.