Freelance teenage Holla Forumslacks in Olathe demonstrated the people's righteous indignation at fag shit being crammed down their throats by throwing dirt and candy at rainbow marchers and chanting "Make America straight again" during homecoming parade.
Based Gen-Z Students Wreck Fags' Homecoming Parade in Kansas
Generation Zyclon doing great work
Generation Zyklon rides again.
Your time is up, faggot.
Too slow jew
Dailymail is so fucking kiked.
They regularly manipulate the comments that people can post. They know before the story is published on their website what it's TONE is going to be, and then set the ability of views to comment on an article to one of "moderated" or "not moderated" or "no comment at all".
News subjects that people will be upset by are moderated or no commenting is allowed.
When moderated commenting is the default setting the comments are one sided in favor of the biased PC liberal view.
It's a fucking farce. It makes people feel they have the wrong mind set if they are rightly pissed or oppose the premise of the story being told.
Only one comment allowed.
And it's fucking kikery at it's finest.
Really? It is an example of people rejecting fag culture. Oh, and that is one of the biggest towns in Kansas. Even if you don't like it, it is a rejection of the queer agenda in places outside of the coasts.
WEW checking these trips of truth. Kikes btfo
Depends on how you look at that comment. I read it as "don't have these faggot parades if you can't accept criticism." And that's cucky but it's better than going full kike and denouncing the students who also exercised "muh freeze peach."
This is in one of the jewiest, richest, most liberal counties in the state, so it's heartening even if it was probably pretty minor namecalling.
that "make america gay again flag" is what pisses me off the most
Any footage of the kids yelling shit? The only video on the article is some fag literally whining about not having a safe space at school. The reporter even used the phrase safe space. Anyway have a webm of a retarded nigger who got owned by some other based I'm assuming Gen Z kids.
>pozzed up affirmative action quotients require (((diversity))) in government jobs like teachers
Naturally they see shit for how it is. Kids are relentless in those grades because they can get away with it. We started the "nazi" game in german class, where you'd get points for roman saluting when the teacher wasn't looking. Worst thing that happens is you get expelled and go to a different school. I was constantly fighting my teachers(idealistically) and rejecting their liberal arguments in high school in the late 00's. I can't imagine the bullshit that they try and force on kids now that the liberal agenda has gone into turbo mode since 2010. If i was in high school now, i'd being telling the spic teachers that they need to go back every day.
I love cock as much as the next guy but I don't think anyone deserves a parade for it.
Generation Red Pill
I love about twenty min north of olathe.. good to see the moar populated metro areas still have right wing youth
In awe of the mortality rate maybe
These kids are geniuses. Why didn't we think of this sooner?
Kill yourself, queer. Reported.
I'd tell you to kill yourself, but the AIDS will get you eventually.
My old high school classmates went hog wild with the nazi jokes, hell, we even got a teacher in on it. Then there were sing-alongs to johnny rebel in class whenever the teacher didn't look, the nazi game that you've mentioned also happened.
'Twas ebin.
I don't even know what the fuck "Gen-Z" is.
It's included in Make America Great Again
It's included in Make America Great Again
I too believe that being happy is awesome, since for many it is hard to find these days.
Lurk more then, newfag.
One-fag raid. Filtered until you're banned.
Great fucking thread OP,
"AFD for Germany, that shits for me, the muslims must leave, 1488"
I've probably been on this site longer than you, what I tried to say is that i'm not certain of what even constitutes as part of the so called Gen Z which as far as i'm concerned is another kike term to sell magazines.
what a fucking cry baby. "boo hoo! gonna tattle and cry cause you said some shit i don't like". im not even gay! i just like shitposting. and just an fyi… you couldn't sound any gayer with a dick in your mouth. you sound like a bitch.
Welcome back Kek.
Nice projection there, homo.
You are very gay.
I went to school with Italians, and one day a nice new student teacher was in class… one of their cousins. "Miss, why aren't you in the kitchen making sandwiches instead of teaching? Miss, why aren't you married and bearing Nonna some grandkids?"
The limits of the human body are, yes. Faggotry is just circus geekdom by narcissists.
Back in the Gen-X days (remember Zima?) we were fond of saying we were not a target market.
I'm so glad that commies didn't realize that the constant stream of prog bullshit was eventually going to wear on the new generation instead of them thinking it was all normal and natural. It's basically what happened to them/their parents, but they couldn't imagine it happening again.
I love this so much.
Excellent. Good kids.
I live 15 minutes away from this shit. Dammit, I might as well have been on the moon. Good job, Dragon Gen Z, and good luck. See if my coworker knows anything tomorrow; he lives even closer.
Today was a good day.
If you Holla Forumsacks will make memes about "Making America Straight Again", make sure you use AJ Styles as your template.
I still remember back in High School when that proposition 8 shit was happening in California and my classmates and even the teacher joined in on anti faggot chants and even let us draw rainbows with big Xs over them telling fags to fuck off from our state. That was nearly 10 years ago.
What's funny is the faggot prop lost but that stupid nigger had to ruin it, even in California the populace doesn't want to associate itself with homosexuals if you let them vote.
It often seems like these things happen and we don't know until it's over. Kind of strange. There was a right wing even where I lived today that I didn't know about until after it was over. Not sure what that means.
more aj memes kamerad
Holla Forums is dead, long live Holla Forums
Remember to vote "no" Ausbros
We need to push stuff like this.
Yeah, because nigglets don't give white kids shit.
Maybe if she wasn't such a bitch always shitting on them they wouldn't deliberately antagonize her, thankfully for us she's unintentionally redpilling them.
It means that you need to get more involved locally instead of operating purely online. Unless you're autistic, if so just stick to what you're good at.
What a waste. It's not even a pest.
And what are the gays even on about? Those snails are transvestites, they fertilize eachother and reproduce, unlike guys who get off on wasting their lives in a hedonistic stupor.
If gays feel like being snails they can be slugs. Disgusting slimy pests that ruin crops, vegetable gardens and flowerbeds.
Haha hwat?
Minnesota is one of the worst states in the US
Kansans are the most POWERFUL race.
t. sunflower
That video never gets old. Those smug bastards really know how to shitpost.
Kek leave it to Gen Z to out shitpost us all.
Enjoy your STDs.
Big fat YOU'RE NEXT sign.
So the future is all mutilated female trannies and no natural procreation?
How wonderful
Oh shit I went to that high school, might drop by the area and see what's going on
Please do not pour cinnamon on snails.
The Jewish future is made up of brown, mystery-meat lesbians pumped full of testosterone working dawn-'til-dusk for their Jewish slave-masters before they go home to their concrete cubes, snack on a diet of artificial protean, the kitchen mealworm farm, and vegan fake-foods (naturally full of hormones and chemicals that are easy to mass-produce), before they plug themselves into their VR systems/drug dispensaries and force orgasms out of themselves in virtual orgies until they pass into a coma until the automated drugs wake them up the next morning for work. Every aspect of it will be designed for Jewish control.
Single-sexes are preferred because then kikes can totally control reproduction. Women are the logical choice for this because they don't require artificial wombs and naturally create only more women. Women are also naturally easier to control because that is what they have evolved for. All social connections must be boiled away, so they will also be deracinated and incapable of forming proper friendships or romances (with only women available they will be forced to fill both roles which means they fulfill neither role, since no one will be safe in their friendships or safe in their romances; this will be exacerbated by the fact that it will be a bonobo society centered around orgasm worship). They'll probably be following some sort of liberal Religion of Cuck™ too.
Look forward to it.
Hello kike tor posting bots.
Don't give a fuck about fag stuff. it's 1-2% of a population at any given time.
Meanwhile we're the minority of babies and will occupy 25% of this country in no time.
Focus your shit on race, not this non-issue. I'm even tempted to call this a distraction from the real issue, racial demography / genocide through intermixing
Get that kike shit out of here, faggot, and come back with something actually from the land of the rising sun.
>gay parade in my Slav country
>all of it for
get out jew
It is if you have a lot of plants in your garden.
(((Dailymail))) banned me for holohoax denial. Oops. I'll probably catch another one because fuck if I can stand normie commentary any longer. I do notice that only certain articles are moderated and you need to filter your words. There's an auto-censor setup.
I'm glad Melania sued their asses.
Holy shit prop 8 was a decade ago where does time go? I was also in high school at the time.
I noticed the same thing but I tried looking online for protests and counterprotests but I don't know where normalfags plan this stuff.
Laughing my ass off
Holy shit what country?
Checked. Keep up the great work young lads. I once worked in Atlanta, GA and there were/are homos every-fuckin-where. They always feel the need to make it known that they love taking cock up their asses, as if everyone wants to know their sexual orientation. It wouldn't be so bad if the fucking faggots didn't have to shove it in everyone's faces, but they always have to push across the line and piss people off.
Those digits are mighty. You must visit your old HS user.
bully early and bully often
those are some good kids!
not too bad yourself m8
Any pics or video from the "incident"?
I think Kek was just nodding along in agreement
Amazing. Simply amazing description of Hillary's Vision for The Global States of Earth.
I know Idiocracy was made, but this vision of yours would be a better movie. Dark comedy is best comedy.