
My friend sent me this picture and I wanted to check its source by going to the URL it provided. Unfortunately, the URL is no longer available.

Would anyone happen to have the information that this image refers to? Due to my heritage, I have personal interest to find out what happened to my ancestors.

Additionally, can anyone provide a list of christian or muslim expulsions for comparisons sake?

Other urls found in this thread:



Shalom, how's the weather in Tel-Aviv ? Enjoying the gayest place on earth ?
Yes. I don't have the sources on this hdd but here's a jewtube video.

Now, get comfy and take a seat. We're gonna need an holocaust real soon, and a real one unlike 1939. Your time has run out kike.

I am not a frquent user of this board so please excuse my unfamiliarity with this system.

I'll have you know that I am not actually from Tel-Aviv but instead hail from Neve Yaakov. The weather is fine nonetheless.

I appreciate that you linked me this video, however I would like to see the document that this video uses as its source to confirm its value on the internet.

If there's a God out there then may he allow ME to put your juden filth into an oven irl. Which do the juden prefer - feet first or head first?

How are you able to conjure up so much hate that leads you to wanting to put someone in an oven for the sole reason of asking questions on the internet? Instead of saying that, why can you not take part in a civilized discussion and help me with finding the sources.

Never heeb - can't wait to finally slaughter some fucking yid filth

The sole cause of antisemitism is semitic behavior.

hopefully your'e killed in a drive by you filthy yid bastard


I would personally appreciate it if you had stopped trying to derail this topic and instead helped trying to find the source. You making jokes about a "race war" that you so desperately want to happen but never is going to happen because you and your people are far too inferior to get anything done, instead you sit on the computer and talk about it all the time. You are pathetic.

The question for the source still stands.

kek'd irl there - you are disgusting untermench and will never ever ever be white
Kill yourself with a gun


It's your lucky day Chaim, I'm in the mood to spoon feed you

Those are not the sources I asked for, I'm sure you know.

What does anything I talked about in this topic have to do with skin colour? This is merely about religions.

I have merely asked a question and was answered with disgusting propaganda. This was an unprovoked attack, I have done nothing wrong.

My name is actually not Chaim but Avi. Thank you for providing the source I have been looking for. That attitude was not really necessary but it is appreciated anyways.

Now, would you happen to have a list of expulsions of other religions?

Oh fuck off kike. You started this thread knowing what you were going to get.

Enjoy your ban moishe
Can wait to skin some kikes alive

Can't wait
Cannot wait to scalp some semites irl

Would you look at that, two more internet race warriors that so much want a "race war" but when it comes to that will hide in their mother's basements.

I have asked a question which could have lead to a civil discussion. Instead, you must insult me for no apparent reason other than my religion. And yes, it is a religion. And no, we are not a "rootless clique" only because a criminal has claimed so.

Just ask yourself, are all goyim anti-semites?
If No, ask what did they call anti-semites before the word came about? It's only recent


No, no it's not. Judaism is the ideology of all jews, you are the gods of your own "religion". That's why you don't have one, you expect everyone to bow to jews as gods.
Haha, oh man. You got me, Holla Forums. On the off chance you're not a crossposting fag-boy, look at these two posts and say Hitler did something wrong again:


It's a race and even if you where a convert you wouldn't belong as the jew will always see themselves as the best (even though they fail hard in all categories and are a nigger-tier breed) and you especially when a Caucasian as evil.

Also having a talk with a jew is like having a talk with a mentally ill brick wall.

If your prejudice is that i will be prejudiced, it's a prejudice all the same

Uhh I own my own home outright heeb. There's no dwelling in basements done here. Well maybe when I reload bullets and listen to music but it's MY basement. So yeah def looking forward to this race war. Been practicing my scalping technique , reading up on how it was done effectively in the past

As the new crematoriums were only to be finished in late 1942 [Krema II was not finished until March 1943 and Krema III was not finished until April 1943], the prisoners had to be gassed in provisionally erected gas-chambers [the little red house and the little white house] and then had to be burned in pits. I am now going to explain the method of gassing.

The sick and people unfit to walk were taken there in lorries. In front of the farmhouses [little red house and little white house] everybody had to undress behind walls made from branches. On the door was a notice saying "Disinfectionsraum."

The Unterführer on duty had to tell the prisoners to watch their kit in order to find it again after having been deloused; this prevented disturbances.

When they were undressed, they went into the room according to size, 2 to 300 at a time. The doors were locked and one or two tins of zyklon B were thrown into the room through holes in the wall.

It consisted of a rough substance of Prussic acid. It took, according to the weather 3 to 10 minutes. After half an hour the doors were opened and the bodies were taken out by the commando of prisoners, who were permanently employed there, and burned in pits. Before being cremated, gold teeth and rings were removed.

Firewood was stacked between the bodies and when approximately 100 bodies were in a pit, the wood was lighted with rags soaked in paraffin. When the fire had started properly, more bodies were thrown on to it.

The fat which collected in the bottom of the pits was put into the fire with buckets to hasten the process of burning when it was raining. The burning took 6 to 7 hours.

The smell of the burned bodies was noticed in the camp even if the wind was blowing from the west. After the pits had been cleaned, the remaining ashes were broken up. This was done on a cement platter where prisoners pulverized the remaining bones with wooden hammers.

The remains were loaded on lorries and taken to an out of the way place on the Weichsel and thrown into the river. After the erection of the new big crematorium, the following method was used. After the first two big crematoriums [Krema II and Krema III] were finished in 1942 (the other two were finished half a year later) mass transports from Belgium, France, Holland and Greece started. [The other two were Krema IV and Krema V]

A confession scrapbookpages.com/AuschwitzScrapbook/History/Articles/RudolfHoess.html

There you have the proof you need.

Goebbels said this to make the jews look bad. How is being generos and nobel bad? And what kind of trap is he talking about?

It is a strict religion. You claim having a talk with me is like having a talk with a brick wall? Why is that? I have read everyone's arguments and replied to them. You are the one jumping to the conclusion that we cannot be talked with.

It is not a prejudice, the proof is in this thread itself.

Nice job READING the post asshat. Leuchter describes very clearly in the excerpt I posted why Zyklon B was never used as a gassing agent, and why the chambers themselves were unfit for such a purpose.

But we both know you'll never admit he was right. We both know you've got more invested in this than just facts and evidence.

No, it's not. Jews are genetically different from whites, you kike.


A report made by a criminal, denying historical facts which is against the law versus someone who actually committed the crime and confessed. Who would a reasonable person trust more?

I asked for source about jewish expulsions so yes this thread is indeed about religions.

You insufferable jew, hang yourself with a shoestring. Film it and dump it here when you do.

I applaud your civil and well constructed arguments that help promote this discussion.

That's just a list where there's documentation, the real list is likely by over 9000 uncut penises

Fred Leuchter is not a criminal.
Read his report. He went to Germany believing in the Holocaust, and made no attempt to reverse the story. He simply went there to gather physical evidence.
>Who would a (((reasonable))) person trust more?
A kike trusts kike interests. Me, I choose facts and evidence.

Do you have any sources to back up your weak argument?

Denying the holocaust is a crime, therefore he is a criminal.
Is a confession not a fact and evidence?

Logic and reason when it comes to the general lack of historical archives between the fall of the Roman Empire and the end of the Middle Ages

This Kike is the furfag by the name of "David Kosher". I've recognized this style of writing before.

Oh right, I forgot that history has to be enforced at the barrel of a gun.
No, confessions by torture are inadmissible as evidence.

I'm done wasting my time with you. Read The Leuchter Report. Watch TGSNT. Do anything but shitting up this board more

Better come get me heeb cause I tell everyone all day in real life how the holocaust was a hoax and Hitler did nothin wrong. Still here. Still normalizing the revulsion to juden and I will never stop and never tire and never slacken. We will end all juden filth down to the gene mark these words

See, I guess we were right, you can't reason with kikes, and you're a prime example - all evidence against your propaganda is dismissed, because obviously only kike sources are valid.

After all, why would you admit something that goes against your interests?
Why would we argue with someone like this?

It's this shit right here chaim. The same with your assumption that Goebbels was saying the jew was noble and generous in arguing. Only a duplicitous kike could read that in such a way as to imagine a compliment. I hope that when Iran expels the jews from israel that you catch a bullet on the way out.

I hope you meant "nuke"

The proof is more a simple confirmation that you were somehow right to be prejudiced because people simply reacted in kind
I don't think this is really exclusive to jews, it's probably the bedrock of racism


Just want to point out that OP booked it as soon as was posted. My guess is user was spot on, and identified the kike-furfag.

Until next time, kike-san

To come back to my second question in the original post I could simply just claim that christians were often expulsed from muslim countries and claim that there is no proof because back in the age before the Middle Ages there were no records kept. Very solid argument.

As I said before, my name is Avi, not David Kosher.

This is exactly why it's good that denying the holocaust is forbidden, to prevent people from tampering with the memory of a delicate historical event.
What if it is only claimed that he was tortured to make his confession seem inadmissible?

I bet you would not say this to a police officer and for good reason, because you do not want to be imprisoned for the crime you admitted which you should be.

I have provided counter arguments that I find more reasonable than the ones provided by the other side.

Being generous and noble is a positive character trait I would say. Treating others generously despite them obviously being hateful towards you is pretty noble and not at all two faced or a reason not to talk to jews.

They tried a war before, look back at what happened then. We defended our country and people.

Prejudice is never right.

This is now a gore posting thread

He claims to be in Neve Yaakov, which is in/near Jerusalem. It's not a likely target for a nuke because of the religious significance of the city. Maybe we'll be lucky and he'll be in Tel'Aviv on the day the bomb drops.

For once, I'm ok with this

He is not saying jews are generous and noble you dumb kike. Only a jew could possibly twist it this way.

He's saying you pretend to be honest, as a tactic to trap people, but your arguments are nothing but sophistry and lies, as you have thoroughly demonstrated in this thread, by first pretending to want an honest discussion and then showing your true colors.

You are a prime example of why we despise your kind.


Please consider listening to some of your ancestors and wisest brightest members of your tribe then

"The fact is that the Jews were known only as destroyers in ancient history, not creators. They have developed no science, have produced no art, have built no great cities, and alone have no talent for the finer things of civilized life. The Jews claim to be the torchbearers of civilization, but thorough their parasitic habits have deteriorated or destroyed every nation in which they have existed in large numbers." ~ Charles A. Weisman (Jew)

“Jewish history has been tragic to the Jews and no less tragic to the neighboring nations who have suffered them. Our major vice of old as of today is parasitism. We are a people of vultures living on the labor and good fortune of the rest of the world.” ~ Samuel Roth (Jew), “Jews Must Live,” page 18.

Anti-semitism is nothing but the antagonistic attitude produced in non-Jews by the Jewish group. This is a normal social reaction. - Albert Einstein

Please also tell your tribe to stop Jewing or else gentiles will be forced to exterminatus your heretical lot once and for all as a self-defense measure.

Oh I do at least once or twice a month. See that's the cool thing about having white friends and living in a white town , we all grew up together and played sports together and school and such. It's well known around these parts that Adolf Hitler did nothing wrong and is to be respected and admired

Meh , dehumanize yourself brüder and gore post. Drive the heeb into the ocean kek

Die before we get our hands on you or you’re going to wish the holocaust had happened.

I don't save gore m8, but this thread deserves a swift death, unlike our kike OP here. He deserves to die slow.

this is the only gore I have, humorous

This is legitimately what kikes believe.

The solution then is obvious

No but it's very easy to fall into and not so easy to climb out of =)
This proof is plain to see

Lovely, you ran out of arguments so you again try to derail this discussion. I have seen many horrors in my life, this does not scare me.

It is not so close. No nuke will ever hit Israel. If it does, the world will end and you know that.

Someone provided an answer to half of my questions and I thanked them for it. Now, I am still waiting for any information about my second original question. But instead of having a discussion about the topic, I have to defend myself against people coming into this thread in an attempt to derail the topic and hide the truth.

I have looked at the so called "arguments" provided here and they were easily dismissable by quick research which I have linked as source before.

Those are traitors that are spreading lies.

You are defending a person who the UN classified as a war criminal. I feel sorry for the dead you disrespected.

It has happened. The evidence was posted in this very thread.

Another well constructed argument.

The jew cries out in pain as he strikes you.
That is not your country. It's land that you have stolen from the people who lived there and then claimed as your own. You had absolutely no claim towards it.
And the only reason Israel still exists is the help of the US, which you leech off - you are nothing but parasites and couldn't ever survive on your own, which is why you subvert and destroy societies.

But eventually, people wisen up and give you what you deserve. Every single time. And hopefully next time will be the final one.

Of course as a kike you find your own lies to be the only admissible truth. Nobody gives a shit.
Your logic is quite literally circular and dishonest
Case in point:

How do you expect anyone to even consider debating you when you resort to this sort of dishonesty? It's circular logic. When you say this, you completely disqualify yourself from being taken seriously at all.

You are not here to debate at all, you just want to pretend to, because you are duplicitous just like the rest of your race.

Sorry, but you jews and your "history" aren't special snowflakes exempt from scrutiny and evidence.

Once again you show that you have no intention of engaging in debate, your propaganda should be accepted a priori, and anyone showing that it's wrong must be silenced, because these lies can't survive actual scrutiny.

You mean this organization that was created by jews and for jews? That must mean he's a great person.

You absolute ass faggot kike - Adolf Hitler was a god amongst mortals
This is something that we live by here , we will not tolerate the existence of any semitic parasitic filth. prepare for the end

Thanks user, pretty much said what I would have. Perhaps he called the holocaust a "delicate" event because he knows that with even the slightest bit of pressure applied to the mainstream story, it would all come crashing down


Are you a Croat? If not, where is it accepted that Hitler did nothing wrong? Certainly not where I live

Hi Avi, you might be better off trying 4/pol or /leftypol, people here really do not like Jewish people.

Expulsion of Jews, with reasons


Reported. The holocaust did not happen, but it will.

In the Rocky Mountains somewhere. And yeah , basically every single prime normie faggot knows now. The cat is out of the bag. The fart has been farted , the cake cut so to speak. It's over. The goyim know


Deleting this thread will feel good, I know. But leave this thread up and bumplocked. The kike has revealed himself incredibly hard ITT. For any newfag lurkers, this thread is GOLD.


Ah, maybe that's why I'm not feeling the effects quite yet. I'm in the northeastern US, and people here are still quite bluepilled about Hitler and kikes. However, people are open to talking about it, which is more than any other generation has had going for it in terms of this historical myth busting

That's how I steer the conversation usually my man , let them just talk about it. Once one is talking about it then truth and logic prevail every single fucking time.

Shit chaim, I'm getting an erection over here

I made the mistake of showing my friend this thread. He is now in tears because of the filth that was produced here. There is no point in having a discussion on here. I thank you all for proving this. Good bye.

See you tomorrow