Glorious GNU/Linux master race always wins, baybee.
Super Tux Kart 0.9.2 Released
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come back with 1.0.0, legacy tracks all replaced and/or networking
linux is gay lol
Sure, if you hate video games.
Can I play as Mario?
So it's the perfect OS for Holla Forums then.
Nate could use his own kart since 8ch supports FLOSS standards and is running on GPL software.
Holla Forums's code repository hasn't been updated in quite sometime, though I don't think this matters. Vivian would be better tbh.
Reminder that this was more popular than Quake back then
What do they mean by this?
Only under the AGPL would it matter. The current owner has no reason to provide it to the public asides altruism, the public has no interest in working on it for free and even bug bounties didn't attract any attention. Working on a site like 8ch is potentially a career killer, it's why only a complete failure like Josh took up the challenge.
This is still one of the biggest message boards based on FLOSS principles with a large portion of users devoted to it. It's Stallman that recommended the AGPL be used for the infinity next project to HW.
And Nate is a homegrown mascot from one of the most influential boards covered under the CC0. Vivian isn't.
But that gives off that most people on Holla Forums are furfags. which they are
Keep telling yourself that, faggot.
The fuck you think you are? There are furries here, but you'll never be the majority queermo.
It's not furry if it's a chinese cartoon
Tickled your funny bone, eh?
This game looks like ass. I can't tell if this thread is meant to be ironic or linux users are just this desperate.
It looks fine for a cartoon themed kart racer that given away for free. What were you expecting?
They banned me for this? c'mon it's nude not lewd
Holy shit nice.
The latter.
Try to argue with Holla Forums about free software and their clearly superior proprietary alternatives and you'll see.
underage detected
Little of column A and little of column B. Everyone is aware the game looks like crap and plays pretty bad; but at the same time it's improved immensely in the last few years. Considering how sparse resources are for this project, that's amazing.
top lel
sage for off topic.
Nice trips and dubs
It's FOSS you faggots. Also
If the source code is available then yes it fulfills the Stillman definition of open source, the assets can be what ever if wanted as they don't effect the game seriously on a code level (except when they are so large that it take the engine a long time to stream them, granted. However that is a size/engine issue rather than anything to do with any code level interaction with them)
However it is still out side the level of acceptable fetishes by most non channers.
Stallman recommends FLOSS because it reminds people that it's not free as in free beer, but free as in freedom/libre.
Sadly, both FLOSS and LOSS sound retarded, which is why until someone develops an alternative I will go with FOSS.
This is correct. According to Stallman, art is art, and thus doesn't require the same freedoms as code since half of them wouldn't even make sense. He seems to favour CC-ND. or at least that's what he uses for his photos.
Come back when i can play with Holla Forums
I get that this is a proof of concept, but likeā¦
I feel so disgusted that I can't bring myself to have a face
Freetards make the best video games of all time.
>WarMUX so you can torture the PHP elephant
Holy that that looks like shit. The physics are laughably bad. Is this thread a joke? You act like It's difficult for anyone to make a new partition on their hard drive and install Linux. Too bad no one is going to do this for that awful game.
It's obvious you didn't even visit that page. The giant Windows download link is right there at the top, it's almost the first thing you see.
Installing GNU/Linux has no relevance to this thread or that game.
Wesnoth is pretty freaking casual. Open general is much better.
Linux has no relevance anywhere in the world
Where's Diddy Kong, Banjo, and Conker in this game, huh?
Infinity Next is much better than this godawful software, actually. it does proper deduplication without fucking up filenames for one thing. go take a peek at the code, and compare with the last sourcecode release of Holla Forums's Infinity. Josh, Hotwheels, and N.T. Technology fucked up the migration here due to miscommunication and bad decisions. the AGPLv3 is the real reason Jim doesn't use Infinity Next.
this is why you need imageboard software to be under the AGPLv3.
its not based on FLOSS principles if its closed source. the people who cared about that aren't running the site anymore.
What's that gif from?