Seriously, I hope this scandal will be the end of this disgusting degenerate kike whore who makes the sole living on the backs of hard-working neets and their bux. Worship of this literal degenerate roastie must stop immediately. Hopefully being found out will crush her like Milo was crushed when his degenerate pedo shit came to light. Sorry I don't normally follow eceleb drama shit but if this catches on, hopefully there will be one less subversive kike shill less in this world.

Other urls found in this thread:


There's no proof that's her although I wish it was to expose the degenerate kike slut
This is 4chan tier eceleb faggotry and I hope you're banned from the shit OP alone
Sage because OP is a faggot.

you didn't even sage you whiteknight


whats the time?

good luck keeping this alive OP
too many beta faggots worship her jew pussy and one of the mods here has a crush on her and deletes any anti-jewgirl posts

fake and gay

You guys are pathetic. You let women dominate your movement even if you knew of their true nature. I guess thirst overrides even your ~superior~ intellects, doesn't it?

This is a Jew nation, world and galaxy. My people will spread to the furthest reaches of the universe on the backs of a horde of white incel males. You have lost the cosmic gamble, son; what will you do now?

You're welcome brother
I'd blame the recent reddit invasions

Hey look I found the original tumblr post you used for your bullshit (pic related):

Try harder, chaim.

So it's not Lauren Southern but some random cunt on tumblr?

Real question is why are you going to Tumblr, you filthy degenerate. What you are doing should be a bannable offence.


Are we being raided?

The question to (((you))) would be of how did you make the image of your proof in the first place, especially the image from tumblr, faggot.

>The question to (((you))) would be of how did you make the image of your proof in the first place, especially the image from tumblr, faggot.
I got this information from discord, I don't actually go to kike sites without archive unlike you who unironically, willingly direct-links to Tumblr. Get fucked, you white-knighting astroturfer. I bet you pull the similar thing in other eceleb threads too

Fuck you, gas yourself. Heard it?



you had to capitalize it, didn't you, chaim? have i offended your god whose name is yahweh?

Is it weird that I saw Bane's mask at first glance?

Sage because she's a coal burning canadian libertarian, and three strike you're out.


So you for an apparent reason found this image from a discord channel which you don't want to name for some apparent reason, didn't check it and made a thread about this? You could better explain this story in details in order to prevent such autism to ever spread to here again.
Let me get this straight from your autistic reply. You attack me for claiming me defending some eceleb wannabe, mention other faggots that I haven't named, claim me of being a white knight while at the same defend a eceleb wannabe (evalion). I'm here to call out retarded threads for being retarded and the same way of calling out retarded people for being a retard. But for You, it's difficult to categorize, a charlatan, a liar, a drama whore or just plain stupid.

Discord? You mean that place that's infiltrated with goons? The same goons that got most of the channels shut down not long ago?

Who cares? He proved the point didn't he?

Down to the way you double mentioned gas yourself makes you sound like a goon. Everything he said was right. Starting an eceleb thread is bad enough, but then getting proven wrong? Whew talk about failing in life.




Shit thread.

post more pics m80


She just spouts what we already know, if we must be optimistic she's only a gateway to learning about basic bitch facts that really everyone would know if it wasn't for the kikes.

It has to be said though.
THOTS are gonna THOT

No shit. I don't like Lauren Southern any more than the next user but seriously stop spreading lies even if they are about our enemies, you will get literally no where it is incredibly easy to verify this as being false.

Simonsen means "the son of Simon" and -sen or -son is a common suffix to scandinavian names.
Both Simon and Simonsen are incredibly common names in Denmark.
Stop being niggers, nb.

Why should I expose the link to discord? There are tons of redditors lurking this place at any given time to go there and shill for Trump. If you want to get on this discord, lurk /polk/.
How is this retarded? We are finally taking a kike eceleb trash out of the picture for real. If we ever talk about (((ecelebs))), we discuss how to destroy them from existance and smear their reputation for eons to come.

You mean Holla Forums discords? Sure, I agree. I am talking /polk/ discords. They are step above and beyond.


It's words like "jew" and "jewish" we don't capitalize, not doing it for names is pure autism, which I guess is to be expected from someone defending a kikess.

i think she's a jewish shill obviously but eh I dunno, is there proof this wasn't just some kind of photoshoot ? I mean this doesn't proof that " I like wearing diapers and doing my business in them " ma

There is literally NO proof that Southern has Jewish blood. NONE. Yes, she worked for a Jew, yes, she is an alt-light "civic nationalism" and probably a pressure release valve (intentionally or unintentionally) but for fucks sake stop lying and spreading this stupid false fucking meme. YOU are the Jew here. YOU are the one filling up the thread with conjecture and shit propaganda.



Kill me now
fix your shit, codemonkey

I'll need to call my aunt to confirm your thumbnail image

Ah but see, there's copypasted PMs of unrelated people, so it must be true.
Honestly, this reeks of attentionwhoring. Seems like a group wants to say "we were responsible for x". Next we'll have STEFAN BTFO pics of some random bald guy fingering a tranny.
I hate Lauren Southern and her kikey center-right ways, but the eyebrows don't match up. Wouldn't be surprised if it's 666Ezra666 showing people what happens if you cross Rebel Media.


kinky shit is a okay, but diapers wtf man!? too far…

And already, the goalposts are shifted. She has a name that COULD be Jewish, so that makes her a Jew! Nevermind that 2000 years of Christendom has ensured over half of fucking Europe now also has a name that also COULD be Jewish, this is clear proof!

And don't even get me started on the blatant overinterpretation of one tweet. Hell even if both of her grandparents were actually Jewish (and this very well might not be the case, she could have only 1, OR she misspoke and neither are Jewish) she wouldn't be considered Jewish under the NUREMBERG FUCKING RACE LAWS. Yes that's right, even if BOTH of her grandparents were Jews, Hitler himself wouldn't consider her a Jew.

No one said Hitler was smart dumbass

Truly, the power of boners is greater than any force known to mankind.

Degens with kinks pick and shame other degens with kinks.


The name combined with the tweet makes it very likely that she's a heeb.

You sound just like the TRSodomites who were defending Kike Eunuch and his B'nai B'rith wife you were probably one of them. If she only has a single jewish grandparent, then she'd had as much jew blood as Tim Wise, are we going to pretend he really is White now to protect your precious ecelebs?


I wonder how many of the posters defending Lauren Simonsen are cuckchanners who came here for this thread?

Are you a Christian? Sodomite is Christian "slang."

They'll just change their diapers

Go back to wherever you cam from, you clearly aren't from here.

The hapa girl from jew york in the OP pic seems like she's in bed with a group of people who call themselves "memelords".

I don't get it, every single day there are threads pinned promoting every single crypto kike and neocon jew on Holla Forums and suddenly they allow a thread critical of one of the 1,000s of ZOG agents who helpd bring the ZOG Emperor to power.

Leave super bad based neocon propagandists alone!

Simonsen is a typical nordic last name. Why does everyone hate her so much? She wants an ethnostate for white people, is that not enough?

Ok, bud.

The fuck? No it ain't.

Sodom and Gomorrah, Abrahamic story.

I don't care about where it's derived from faggot, I ain't christian and I say it all the time.

You scream "faggot".


Oh no, a little slang suddenly upsets you. How dare I point out what a little sodomy means though, faggotry is A-OK on Holla Forums!
Seriously, kill yourself you walking bucket of aids.


Stay based and fashy

I actually came across someone with a similar personality to what yours seems to be the other day. You help nothing. You're very existence is a joke.

I remember a time when e-celeb threads were deleted and their creators banned.

Good thing I'm not an Atheist either :^)

oh god not a bagan

Hi, Holla Forums. Why do you want our attention? You're like a grabby ugly stepchild.

Nobody fucking cares about your eceleb hangups.

That's her.

Prove it or stop bumping the thread.

rageaftersform > Lauren

You want it to be her. There's a difference. Stop letting your feels dictate your existence.

It is her. Every kike is into piss and shit.

gorgo is best altkikefu

You out yourself too easily chaim.

Paganism is an edgy fucking joke.

Isn't it you shilling for ZOG and pretending that Holla Forums hasn't been sucking on neocon jew dick the last few years?

Lauren the dyed hair crypto kike was doing exactly the same thing as the mods here have been.

He is clearly a jew

Shut the fuck up and go back to your commie hughole.
On a scale of 1 to 10, how mad does this picture make you?

Oh boy, not just straight outta T_D, but a weeaboo too. Go cry about how disgusting "3D" women are while your race dies out, faggot.

Every fucking time.

Prove it you retard. Stop bumping the thread until you prove it. It's not complicated. the source so far is a random image from tumblr and a collage from discord.

Seriously cunt, are you fucking retarded? Jew or not, so far it's disproven. Truth above all else.

you just outed yourself you faggot kike

So I'm feeling a strong 8


And you wonder why whites are getting outbred in our own countries. But atleast we got BASED JEWS like Lauren to ease the pain, right?

Nigger, you're lost.

At least you're saging. Good boy.


Cry harder Shlomo. Only kikes cry about 2d.

And all of you fucking virgin scum are to blame.

Do not pay attention to, and do not encourage and share things from degenerate cunts - even if they seem to "fight our cause" on the surface level.

Women should preach procreation, family life and the like, not be engaged directly in politics, physical activism and so on.

You all need to stop being so fucking desperate for meaningless mouthes to represent you - especially when they are unaffiliated with any trusted groups, organizations or parties (mostly goes for males, as women shouldn't partake in these things in the first place.)

You couldn't have outed yourself more easily if you tried.


This thread needs a good gassing along with this kike Sutherland


I understand you are jewish doing your daily routine of gaslighting the goy.
Only I am clearly against you jews of both the neocon jew promotion and your e-celebs who have been promoting the exact same kikes you are promoting.

I pointed out you and Lauren are on the same jew cheerleading team.

I am opposed to both of you jews.
Whereas you are creating a false impression that you jews shilling for ZOG on here are in some way different to Lauren Southern shilling for ZOG on jewtube.

You are both on the same team, you both campigned for jews to win the US election.

You are both taunting the goy, while pretending the goy actually won.
You are the same poisonous kike virus, pushing and promoting the ZOG Emperor while pretending to be on different sides.

Nobody cares about alt-kike faggots and their fucked up jew spokespeople.

In the end, all degenerates and kikes will be purged.

Shut up cunt. Reading comprehension, apply it.

Nobody fucking cares. The only good part of your post was the digits.

I have literally no clue what your saying, filthy weeabo as Merriam Webster list Parentheses
as an amplifying (see amplify 1) or explanatory word, phrase, or sentence inserted in a passage from which it is usually set off by punctuation

You aren't morally pure if you aren't a virgin before marriage

It's embarrassing to watch you post. I'm a Christian too. Stop making us look bad.

You seem like one of those pro gay Christians.

Stop bumping the thread. This thread is about nothing.

Stop bumping it.

I call you a jew, because while I was clearly opposing both kinds of jew propagandist, you were claiming I was siding with one of the jew propagandists.
I wasn;t, and yoiu knew this only you used Talmudic mental gymnastics to claim something completely opposite.

Both the hasbara jews on Holla Forums and Lauren Southern were campaigning for ZOG, Holla Forums still openly shills for ZOG, every single Sticky every single fucking day and thread for the last few years is testimony to that.

You were in some way trying to infer that you jews shilling for ZOG on here is somehow different than Lauren Southern shilling for ZOG on youtube.

You are both kike apologists and liars, pushing and promoting every neocon kike in world politics.
This is how I draw the conclusion you are a kike.

Fuck this attention whore but using lies to fight your enemies is a judeo-leftist tactic which we do not need because WE HAVE THE TRUTH ON OUR SIDE YOU FAGGOT

You seem like an unfunny communist.

Diapers are THE most disgusting "fetish" one could have. There is nothing sexy about wearing a fucking diaper as an adult. Are these degenerates into babies or shit or both?!

Are you retarded?



Are you referencing an old cuckchan meme or did you forget where the sage goes?

I skimmed through the images with great disgust. The person keeps a blog with people wearing diapers. It's not the same person in all the images, the user is just collecting. That might as well actually be Southern.

It would be fucking hilarious if true, and I wish it was, but it seems like people are claiming Mike Thernovich is into CBT because some chubby retard was getting his balls slapped on Brazzers.
Give me more than "it kind of looks like her from behind".

Kill yourself mooshie
All fields for this shit thread

I see.
This retarded whore probably doesn't wear diapers to get off, but you're making me want to side with the believers.

It's be really funny if this was real.


…and of course

Why the fuck are these shitty eceleb threads here?

She clearly had nose job

Trash, her older sister is much better.


A u T i S m


I told you niggers that there is always SOMETHING in everyone's closet. If this is true or isnt, there is always something lurking behind every closed door. This person's life and rep is ruined now. Even if this is proven fake, she will be forever known as "that diaper chick".

Doesnt matter what side she was on, she wasnt on "OUR" side. We are the only ones on our side. We need to tear down everyone, regardless of affiliation unless they have any worth…then when they run out we ruin them. So ignore the niggers not wanting to spread this. Ruin an attention whore who decided to wear the twitter star of david.

Why would anybody take pictures with niggers? I don't take pictures with niggers. Do you take pictures with niggers?

Do you mean, "photographed and uploaded to the internet"?

I can't wait until I get to gas kikes like you.

Reverse image search to disprove the idiotic op? How new are you?>>10653113

You are retarded and should learn reading comprehension. No, everyone has some fucked up thing. This is what you dig for. Its fucking sad that I have to explain this to you. You go for what they are hiding, regardless of who they are. Not everyone has some diaper fetish but they have something. Either they fuck their mom, they rape dogs, wear diapers or something else thats horrible. They always have something. So regardless of who is up there, they have something to hide. Use it. This is why you dont have the gas, because you do not know who to actually use it on due to lack of reading comprehension.

Shareblue is at it again. Who will be on the next smear campaign, Styxhexenhammer666?

I wonder if she was blackmailed to let cia kikes post that on her account because antifa/sjw was falling too low compared to the alt-right according to the narrative
saging e-celeb bullshit anyway

This is fake, gay and probably made by shills.


That was before getting hired by zionist (((Ezra Levant)))…


same nose piercing that Lauren Southern doesn't seem to have, too?

I'll just leave this here.

You linked to a literal joke of a website. Congrats pal


wtf I hate right wing women now

take a hike kike

Why are these threads always such obvious bullshit?

The real joke is that "Lauren" is a covert MtF trannie and is just tucking his junk and sack in these photos.
Yes, of course, you think that "Lauren" doesn't know that a large % of "her" supporters would consider a diaper fetish to be degenerate? This has been done to increase publicity and shares, with the added benefit of INCREASING belief that "Lauren" is a biological woman.
He isn't, he's a tucking trannie and the "joke/satirical" changing "gender" to male was a piece of double psychology. Now Lauren and his handlers have used that "gender change" to engineer a condition where anyone pointing out that Lauren is actually a man, is thought to simply have misunderstood Laurens own words on "changing gender".
Typical "evil genius" kike tactics.

Holla Forums is not alt-right

Lauren Southern is not alt-right

Diaper pics are not of Lauren Southern

OP is secretly a retarded tranny youtuber who thinks Lauren is a 'fascist' and mistakenly thinks anyone on 8pol gives a fuck about her; thinks he is taking down the alt-right by attacking someone none of us give a fuck about


This actually makes a lot of sense that a jewess would be into a pedophilia derived fetish, seeing as jews are pushing pedophilia lately. It's like that other thread in the catalog where pop stars are dressing like little girls and sucking pacifiers. I really think the whole diaper fetish thing is jewish astroturfing to pave the way for pedophilia proper

it's not her. OP should be permabanned for creating a shitty shill thread. I hope my eyes betrayed me, but it looked like this was stickied too. Whoever stickied it needs to be chambered asap.

It's not her face cunt

Are these drama faggots or very dumb people?


This thread got more then 100 posts the board was clearly interested

Pretty sure she is. She's close to Milo and the other Jews and fags.

Shameful but ultimately not surprising. Trad chicks today are the gamer girls of yesterday. Women love attention and allays try to fit in. Being labeled as feminist could potentially be a social suicide in certain circles. It could lead to being associated with pink haired nutjobs. Nonetheless, feminism has won. Females got the right to vote and can easily divorce-rape their husbands. Trad chicks usually party hard in their early to mid twenties just to find religion at the ripe age of 30. They go to the church, dress a bit more modestly and project some good girl qualities in order to attract gullible betas. When they were young they whore themselves freely, but after marriage they became prude.
Word to the wise, never marry a girl who is past 25 years old, avoid carrier women and single mothers like a plague. It's extremely degradation for a man to raise a child of another guy.

Personally I don't really get why people care so much, if it's her fetish, ok then. If its her "kink" why does it give me reason to care. at least its not straight up scat, necrophilia or some other weird shit.
I just don't think i could care about a persons fetish unless A. I know them personally (but even then I might not care) B. It could in some way affect unrelated people and possibly me if i were within a close distance of said person. C. its a funny fetish that makes me laugh


Except it is
Diapers, furfags, vore, inflation etc are just as bad as scat and necro. Anything apart from straight white married sex is unacceptable

She is somewhat of a spokesperson.
Sex drive is very strong in humans and they will never fully be able to betray it.
One of the bigger sources of western problems is infantilization and autodomestication.

Ergo, you don't want a spokesperson who gets off to being a baby.
A spokesperson who thinks that being a baby child toddler is so great that it makes her pussy pulse with sexual tension.

No one is morally pure that is why we need Christ's gift of grace that saves us

This diaper thing isn't true, but she's a cryptokike, and women are always trouble. Just ignore her and she'll go away. Women crave attention and stop acting out when you ignore them.

I don't like Lauren either, but this thread seems fishy.


Someone is trying to pull an op to destroy our credibility or make us look like idiots and start infighting in the alt right.

What bothers me about shitty OP's being tolerated is when they are fabrications.

Astroturfing and shit threads have become a common occurrence. It is up to vigilant autism to properly identify a shit thread. Consider this thread identified.
Also, we're not alt right.

This. sometimes you can't expect too much from Holla Forums

Again? No one gives a fuck about this eceleb kike cunt.

I already came visualizing Lauren in diapers.. don't care.

I know, right? It's like they don't even get that Simon is a hebe name.

(hello satan)
Are you retarded?
It's a biblical name which is quite fucking common in traditionally christian nations. If you live in a christian country then your name is "hebe" as well.


Thats not actually her. She is a filthy zionist though, and so is that finnkike who shills for her.

e-celeb or not i don't give a damn, but you're a fucking faggot for even trying to spread disinfo shit like this

pretty HOT if you ask me!

Oh my, what have we here?

>>>Holla Forums2099645

It's real

I get kicked off the internet for a week and this is what I walk into.

that archive doesn't prove anything, people post it in the comments, there is no prove of her posting it.