why the fuck is bestiality outlawed? the goverment should have no place enforcing such a law.
and there is literally no argument against it. anyone who says 'consent' is just shitposting and has never been around animals.
Why the fuck is bestiality outlawed? the goverment should have no place enforcing such a law
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Gas yourself, kike.
Just another way for you to be a race traitor.
go get fucked to death by a horse you degenerate kike faggot
where are your rational arguments against consensual bestiality?
Just use common sense. Was your human dick meant for humans or beasts?
Global Report, Sage, and Filter anons
and how about YOU use common sense, you can't RAPE a horse. if she doesn't want it she will let you know, and if you keep going you are going to get killed.
ponies are sexy though.
you will fit right in here:
>>>Holla Forums
But I suggest you
Drown In Semen
maybe they can form logical arguments instead of chimping out at anything they dont like.
im still waiting on that argument against consensual bestiality.
It spreads disease.
You're on the wrong board.
miscegenation is gross
Bestiality is where the first STDs came from.
It isn't, kikes make interracial porn all the time
not politics.
Nice try, faggot. Everyone can smell this bullshit coming from you and the strategy of your autism. Keeping this on page 1 as long as you can, then patting and congratulating yourself of your accomplishment. You'd even go that far to use 2 devices and to make an impression that there are people who take your existence seriously. That's how bathetic and low you are. Kill yourself.
legal questions deal the law, and by affect, political powers.
Alright, since I have nothing better to do, because the purpose of sexual intercourse is reproduction and different species cannot reproduce.
tbh fam dogs and horses make better fathers than ackbars and niggers
pick related
Social mores
Its part of white culture to not fuck animals. As far as Im aware outside of the middle east and africa thats actually quite normal to not fuck animals, or at least not on a regular basis if human women are available.
TLDR: The government doesn't care if you fuck animals, and if the kikes running things certainly dont. Its literally everyone else who doesn't fuck animals, and outnumbering the people who do, that dictate that fucking animals is not permissible.
also hidden for trash slide thread, also enjoy a sage.
Into the pen of horny, sex starved, hormone fed gorillas you go.
the moral law inscribed in our hearts
That's an oxymoron.
because bestiality is sick and degenerate, you filthy kike
pic related in the example of what happens when pervs begin to believe in their own lies about "consent"
t. has never seen a dog or mare in heat.
they are literal fucking sluts, espessically mares. mares will present to their human handlers, they will push their big round asses into the chests of their handlers, rubbing their wet pussies on them, pinning them against a wall, begging to get bred.
and then retards like you go "BUT NO SPOKEN WORD CONSENT!!!!!"
why does everyone assume its a gay thing, or always with male animals?
im only interested in female animals, and only 2 kinds, but overwhelmingly horses.
i assume they raped the animal.
of course that's bad, im talking about CONSENSUAL. screwing a mare or dog in heat, assuming they dont get any kind of injuries from it. or having a male dog mount a women out of their own free will.
how the fuck are you going to say im 'raping' a horse when she could just kick me off at any point? how are you going to say someone is 'raping' the male dog and FORCING him to mount and fuck her. how the fuck would that even work?
consent is NOT an argument, and anyone who says it is a retard, or shitposting
t.limpwristed fanfiction writer that lives downtown in a big city
so this… is the power… of autism
lol you zoofags only get animals to fuck you because you spray yourselves with pheromones to trick the animals
That is actually sickening as fuck.
It is degenerate. Degenerate porn, even BDSM, is illegal in my country.
lol I didnt say it doesn't happen.. It just doesn't happen to you because you live in a big city in a basement suite that doesn't allow animals
cucked by rover, what a sad life
Is unnatural
End of story kill yourself bye
do you even know where you are, you degenerate? go back to whatever backwater board you use.
oh, and for arguments, here's one. Besides the "my animal consented" crowd who, might not even know signals given by their animals, you have a large subset of people who don't give a shit and just wanna bang whenever, causing trauma to the animal. and before you whine about "not every animal fucker", bestiality had been legal since before a few years. the reason why they did that is because veterinarians were getting more and more fractured rectums to deal with on dogs, cats, etc. are you honestly saying that those animals 'wanted it'? really nigga?
also, fucking animals who are bigger than you can either rupture YOUR BUTTHOLE, or place you in a position that the larger animal can attack you pretty fucking easy.
i already addressed this.
I don't think it is outlawed most places. But it's obviously wrong. That's because you put humans on the level of animals. It's degrading and unhealthy for the human.
If you love animal fucking so much, and you love and respect animals for their elevated minds, why are you psychologically damaging them by having them fuck you instead of breeding with their species? You are confusing them and causing untold psychological damage. Every time you fuck them or they fuck you and produce no offspring it damages them psychologically. Animals are far more intelligent than people think, and inadequacy is part of that. They want to breed and when they fuck you and produce no young they blame themselves.
For shame.
This shit right here is what happens when you don't oppress faggots. First they're whining about how they should be allowed to be faggots without being persecuted and because in a moment of weakness you didn't punch that faggot in the mouth, now you have animal fuckers roaming around. You faggots better climb so far back into the fucking closet you come out in Narnia because after we deal with horsefucker here, we're sorting you out too.
you are a fucking retard. i want to fuck furry girls and female animals only, i have no inclination to men whatsoever.
after animal fucking do people become pedos in your autistic world view?
I'm muslim and I am offended by this. I demand reparations and sensitivity to my religion.
What are you going to do to convince me to not splash acid upon you like Allah commands?
So your argument against it is that male dogs can't be raped, disregarding the fact that most of bestiality occurs with male humans and female animals? that ruptured butthole wasn't a joke or anything, that actually occured. dutch veterinarians banded together to get this issue addressed in politics, due to the amount of dogs they got with internal bleeding or scar tissue. Even if only 20 percent of you fucked a dog not because she wanted to, but because you wanted to, that's sick and is perfectly fine to ban.
and to turn your argument on it's head, if a human wanted sex with a male horse, they have a very high chance of internal bleeding themselves, and a horse's dick isn't exactly sterile. more than one person died because of their insatiable hunger for big cocks. the government has laws that protect their citizens against themselves for centuries, why should be just overlook this one?
also, consent is an argument, you hypocritical ass. that you do a little > inb4 or say we can't use it doesn't change jack shit. even by your own logic, consent would be the animal displaying signs that it is in heat. as such, you use it as an argument yourself.
So how does bestiality create white children and help the white race which is the core of this board?
mudslimes and niggers are the only reason i want to carry a gun on me, so i can execute some brown skin one day when they try to get uppitty ill be a national hero, like George "no simmer" Zimmerman
thats not very progressive and bestiality is clearly as you say is the future
It's not about the animal only, but about the degradation of your own humanity, on top of harm you cause to an animal that for all intents and purposes never should be involved in something like that in the first place.
If you can't control your own lust and preferences then you are not really human, you are a creature driven by twisted urges not common to either humans or animals. That is what is revolting.
why did you retards think it was a good idea to even respond to this thread? having this furry on Holla Forums baiting is on your heads.
If you zoos want to argue so much about animal intelligence, then why do none of you fuck monkeys/apes/great apes?
Honest question
oh yeah, because we don't have pedo's demanding they be viewed as normal following the gays, trannies and all the fake genders made up.
or the destroying confederate statues allowing the destruction of the founding fathers.
or the slippery slope of 'slut shaming' leading to 'fatshaming', 'gendershaming' and 'IQ shaming'.
or the slippery slope of "whitey gimme dats" leading to segregated public places, universities and schools.
no, slippery slope is totally a fallacy guiz.
Drown in horse semen
tell me where pedos are demanding they be normalized, stop making shit up nigger.
Did your parents ever hug you and tell you they are proud of you?
ITT: retards or people wanting to make Holla Forums look retarded respond to some trolling faggot as if they were serious
Same reason I'd throw you into to bog with actual faggots. Enjoy your landfill.
As long as you don't torture your animal.
I think it's disgusting, but I don't care enough to think some government intervention is required.
The government is already a overreaching bureaucratic nightmare, if anything it should stay out of the daily lives of people as much as humanly possible and let people and local communities deal with it.
I know it's really hard for your chubby, cheeto dusted fingers to google anything other than animal porn, but this isn't new. these are just the top of what i got, there are much more articles trying to display pedophilia as a sexual orientation
I think we all agree that furfags should be the first to go during the Day Of The Rope™
also, it is an orientation in a way, as in its a fetish. but pedos are shit anyway. everyone knows that HEBE is the true and pure pinnacle.
14 year old girls are the BEST, once they start going through puberty, they are fair game, fam.
Marty you're gonna get hanged.
This is a troll thread, folks
and a fucking successful one too. Why anyone is giving this furry horsefucker any leeway is beyond me
lolbergs get the rope, too
What are you talking about user? The government has allowed white people to fuck niggers for years.
lol look a degenerate, are you a mohammed the pedo goatfucker by any chance?
Yeah, yeah, everyone gets the rope. You too. Don't worry, we'll find something wrong with you too.
What? IF you aren't forcing the animal, tying it down or anything, than the animal is doing things of it's own will. Thus, from the animal cruelty standpoint, I see no problem. After all, sex is nice and most animals can't jack off like we do. It makes sense a dog or a horse wouldn't really be picky as long as he can get release.
We humans do have opposable thumbs, so we have ways to take care of that, thus we don't have the excuse.
you need to leave and go choke on a horse cock right now
Just hang OP and anyone who sympathizes with him, then anyone who sympathized with them, and so forth. It's time for society to be rid of this infection.
polite sage
I don't assume it.
It's where you need to go.
The den of hypersexual, rhiled up gorillas.
Don't worry, it's not rape if they're into it…and into you.
Tell you what, you can join OP in the gorilla pen
Go home leaf.
No thanks, I don't belong among your people.
This world is not for you, user. I think you should execute yourself. If you're too afraid of a shotgun, you can always try an exit bag. Maybe if you're lucky Hinduism will be right and you'll come back as a more so you can be fucked by a big horse dong like you always wanted.