my aim in PC shooters is mediocre on a good day and it makes me want to fucking shoot myself, aside from practice and playing more are there any good ways to improve ones mouse aim
Mouse Aim
eat cheese
Can confirm, cheese changed my life.
Turn your sensitivity down by half
When you get used to it, turn it down by half again
down? i thought up was the way to go
Do 50 reps of 50 squats every day.
Did you mean 50 sets of 50 squats?
do you even hyper-rep?
i bet this guy doesn't even activate his almonds
When it's lower more of the control comes from your forearm, high dps just makes it unwealdy
DPI high, sensitivity low.
Get good.
What kind of cheese?
huh go figure i kept trying to learn on higher sensitivity, i'll try this out soon. thanks dude
Make sure your system doesn't have any retarded acceleration enabled and crank up your mouse's DPI if you have the option. Kill smoothing/accel in game. Become Death.
What said. Try playing with a low DPI and aim with your arm rather than your wrist. Having a large mousepad will help as well.
Double-Smoked Gouda
Also turn off mouse acceleration if you hadn't already.
You're wrong, low DPI is only good for camping faggot snipers. Mid range is the goldilocks zone generally
Oh that sounds good. Can I put slices onto crackers or will that affect my aim?
Of course! How else are you going to enjoy it?
good stuff, bad players eat things like doritos
Muenster with some motherfucking triscuits. Also turn off hardware smoothing on mouse
practice moving the mouse with shit like CS:S Surf
You're a wise user. I'll get right on it!
Draw an infinity sign
you didn't draw it, because you are not using your arm
Also DPI =/= accuracy.
Don't crank it up too high, or your mouse will misbehave from hairs or other imaginary shit on your mouse pad.
To have a mouse that doesn't improperly track at any moment is just a matter of the quality of the sensor.
Go to logical increments website and look at the mice they list with a "flawless" sensor if you want to be foolproof.
Also, think logically about your sensitivity choice, if you were to play something like Xonotic or Quake 3 you don't want your sensitivity too low, or your close-quarters game will suffer.
that helped a lot, this has been a very educational thread
if you actually switch DPI mid game just fucking kill yourself
I had it off until windows did an update. I didn't know why I was having a hard time until now. Thanks user
No wonder you're shit.
not gonna deny it, i clearly have much to learn
daily reminder that anything more than 450 dpi is a meme
daily reminder if you bind space bar for jumping you already ruse
I dont. But its nice to have.
I have a Corsair m65. What do you guys think of it with FPS games?
Get a Logitech G400s. Its the best mouse you'll ever have. I dont know the best DPI setting for it, and I would like to know. But in my opinion its one of the best mice.
Cheese made from boy milk, obviously
Meme mouse. Do you keep it in your Razer Gaming Bucket?
Optical sensors are still the only kind to have flawless sensors. Laser technology only allows for super-high DPS, which can hurt you.
Every high-end mouse has a laser sensor because memes make money. Consumers are entirely fooled that higher DPS and laser tech makes a better mouse, but it's wrong.
Should have gone with the m45
You don't. Now stop demanding the world without all the hard work you fucking millennial.
I feel so betrayed. I should have listened to cooller instead he's way cuter.
That's 1400 hours at most. 10,000 hours isn't just a meme. Why are you treating it like a chore? Why don't you enjoy it?
10k hours is top meme
That`s a easy number for some CS or DOTA players to be honest
Because I'm bad and it hurts losing 20-0 every game for two years straight ;_;
Study bullet spread patterns.
Or just practice.
yeah because it's a meme
1k quality hours > 10k meme hours
Are those holes to show the "spray" pattern. That's a good joke.
You don't play enough because you're bad and you're bad because you don't play enough. You need to find your own solution to this. Why do you play Quake?
Some work is more beneficial than other work but in the end it's work that counts.
Clearly you yet to discover what "competitive" means
I am talking about 20k plus hours on a spam of years and years playing every single weekend, shit go see the history of some pro-players on CS, some faggots are around since before 1.5, some guys playing DOTA started on the earlier versions of the war3 mod
I bought it because it was on sale during a cyber monday on amazon. What do you prefer as an optical mouse?
Well, first of all: What are you playing? Meme games like Counter-Strike aren't going to help at all, and for general steady practice - starting out, at least - I'd simply not recommend multiplayer. Play Quake, OP-san!
I'm using a Logitech G502 and it's really nice. Good weight, good shape, software isn't unbearable. Wheel material is weird and it gets greasy and dirty easily, you have to clean the grip with a toothpick because it's deep and finger schmutz accumulates in the cracks.
My last mouse was a Zowie EC1 Evo and it was pretty good too. Really nice rubberized texture and shape, and no software is a plus. Too light for me and M1 kept developing double click problems that would eventually fix themselves.
If you look around there's spreadsheets for Quake and CS pros and what mice they use. G400s is a common one.
How's the zowie za12?
Never used it.
800 to 900 dpi depending on your mouse's native dpi
low sensitivity
large mouse pad
optical wired mouse
play lots of railgun only/instagib servers in Quake Live, OP. even if you get slaughtered by other players, just having to constantly make quick twitch railgun shots in that game will make you better at aiming overall, no matter what game you play.
Use hitscan guns that have perfect accuracy in arena shooters, such as the sniper/shock rifle in UT4 or railgun on QL (does anyone still play that anymore?). I haven't played Xonotic yet but I'm sure they have a railgun type weapon and is hopefully slightly less dead than UT4 is at the moment. Worst case scenario play with bots, I prefer UT4's bots over Quake 3 Arena or Live but to each their own (I mostly play CTF and UT bots actually try to coordinate on higher difficulties).
smochi pls
Fuck I haven't heard that name in a long while.
Turn off mouse acceleration.
Have a milky glass mousepad for less friction.
Clean your mouse in regular intervals.
Cordless mice are shit. Use a traditional one that has switchable DPI modes.
Use one that fits to your palm, one that is too small may cause hand cramps.
Find the configuration you are the most comfortable with.
Optic or laser, it's of little difference.
Depends, a Roccat Savu if you can find one is one of the cheapest mouse with a flawless sensor (40 bucks), only real default is high lift-off distance
Anything Zowie is great but the clicks are heavy.
Logitech is a mixed bag, the G502 is great but pricy and heavy, the G302/303 have a very bad reputation for being defective on arrival and the clicks are shit (G302 has low PCS on top of that), the G402 is good but has low PCS too
Haven't tried any other personally
If for some reason you just want a cheap unbreakable mouse that is decent for games but doesn't have a flawless sensor, the Gigabyte M6880 is what you want, it has accel by default because it's a laser sensor but it's less than 20 bucks and you can't break it unless you actively try to.
Also get yourself a hard pad, cloth pads are all shit without exception.
those are the two most important
You're never gonna git gud with that attitude.
It used to be the way to go when movement was a factor. Now you just need to put the pixel on the guys head so low sensitivity is usually better in a post counterstrike world.
That's a thing a lot of CS players do, they keep their KBs on a tilted angle because in the 1.6 days LANs were cramped and mouse movement is more important, as you only really need WASD, crtl, shift and 1234.
depends on the game your playing but go with 400 dpi at 2 sens in a game like csgo
This seems exactly the opposite of what you want. The speed you move your pointer in a game greatly exceeds what you need when you're using it for other computer shit like browsing on the internet or whatever. I find a constant speed just makes me overcorrect when I'm not playing a game.
Of course, I also have a ridiculously high dpi because my cramped desk only allows a mousepad 6" wide (or twice as wide as the mouse itself. I need the damn cursor to go completely across the screen when moving the mouse less than an inch.
Well we're talking about games, and some games fon't have raw input.
I always found no accel helped everywhere, but you do need to spend time getting used to it.
I was bad at one time too, and the best way to improve is to git gud. The first day you do it you should notice a difference already.
Since this is a mouse thread, any suggestions for a guy with large palms and long fingers. My hands cover so much of the mouse that I'm always dragging my wrist/ pinkie/thumb.
First ensure your mouse works well.
If you move your mouse from one end of your mousepad to the next and back at very different speeds (like slow the one time and fast the other time), the mouse cursor should still end up nearly exactly where it left off. If not, there are options like mouse acceleration to turn off.
Next up, look at your sensitivity ingame. Most people I talk to like to make it so if they move their mouse from one end of the mousepad to the other, their character turns exactly 360 degrees. For most people, this is a nice way to fully utulize their mousepad and not have the ingame aim go so quickly its hard to hit things.
lastly, practice a lot. I would suggest trying something like unreal tournament instagib or other similar 1 hit kill games (with quick respawn so you can practice a lot). Anything but perfectly accurate one hit kills means you will adjust to game mechanics more than actually train your aim to get good.
High DPI isn't bad, you usually want to turn the ingame sensitivity lower if its moving too fast. You only need to turn down the DPI if your mouse just sucks at higher DPI (don't always trust the DPI on the box, many mice do not work well at all at their max DPI).
There aren't too many mouses large enough to support an entire hand that aren't those silly monstrous trackball things. I have average-sized hands and in a palm grip my fingers extend a quarter inch over the front of most. That's why I use a fingertip grip.
Please tell me you're not using one of those shitty desks with a tiny "slideout keyboard tray.".
Why is the art style different in the first panel?
Use a trackball
laser mice are complete shit
I am, unfortunately. It's the best desk I could get for the money I had at the time. I got it because it had shelves and stuff for my other junk that I didn't have a space for.