I saw a thread on here on how intel CPUs are backdoore and it was cute seeing someone ask "so are AMD cpus fine?" In this post I'll go over the full extent of backdooring (protip: EVERYTHING)
1: CPU level Since 2007 it's been public knowledge intel has put 3g modems on die that can operate without power to spy on iran, complete control over the system. AMD has done the same (released by wikileaks, publicly released as Intel AMT/vPro or whatever AMD calls their equivalent)
Since 2012 they have put ON-DIE-MICROPHONES that operate without power "so you can turn on your computer with voice commands" (released in mainstream media)
With these facts in mind it's safe to assume at least 1 chip on every piece of hardware on your PC (mainly CPU, Mobo, and Hard drive) have network connectivity, a microphone, and a plugged into a data mining network. With these facts in hand the rest of the backdoors don't matter because you're compromised no matter what. Also note these are forced by the government, companies have no choice.
2: Software level everything since XP has an unknown software backdoor of unknown size and capability. "muh w10 privacy hacks" are a joke.
Sources? fuck you this has been public knowledge for years
Already a thread fuck off. Use the catalog Reported.
Colton Jenkins
you're right a shit thread that doesn't talk about the actual extent of backdooring is better than one talking about on die microphones
Colton Thomas
Its all part of the same topic of cybersecurity with hardware. A thread died for this
Justin Rivera
Nolan Nguyen
Mostly computer illiterate here, can you elaborate in dummyspeak?
Lincoln Thomas
your pc can hear you when it's off with no power source.
your pc can send data to the internet when it's off and not connected to any source of internet or power.
there is no way to stop it
Christopher Moore
You can prevent it with based faraday cages
Charles Edwards
Ah. Thanks for the (disturbing) clarification. Well then, I hope the NSA likes listening to me listen to death metal while I work out, and am jerking off.
Robert Bell
Yup, that's I raw dog, fuck it. That got data stored away on your mammy, your pappy, your sister and your mama too. Not trying to blackpill, that's just how it is. They want to get to you bad enough, they will.
Thomas Phillips
Gabriel Parker
I have not seen so many threads get saged the way threads have been getting saged these last few weeks.
Asher Green
Yup that's how the NSA works. get dirt and hold onto it until they run for politics.
eat shit it IS common knowledge.
toms hardware reporting on info wars reporting on intel whitepaper. Keyword : remote wipe technology
On chip spying technology is pretty scary. My current processor is from early 2011, so hopefully it doesn't have anything other than ME. I'm getting close to getting all the software I use to be libre. All I have left are: - bios / intel me (haven't gotten around to these since I need to use a hardware flasher) - nvidia graphics driver (I could easily replace it with nouveau) - slack and discord (waiting on some bugs on weechat plugins) - IntelliJ (might be painful, but I can eventually switch to emacs) - Java (switch to using open jdk)
Christopher Ward
the whole point of the post is no, that won't do shit
Eli Brown
Then don't do anything that's blackmail worthy?
Cameron Jones
You have no idea how pervasive everything really is.
None of that is going to do shit, even if you order stuff that does not actually have hardware backdoors they intercept the mail and install backdoor hardware before sending it your way anyways. The only way you could get your hands on stuff without backdoors is in person. Just make a room with the computer, and no means of any surveillance penetrating outside that room. Then keep the rest of your house off the grid. Holla Forumsguys do this all the time.
Still not an excuse to use Winblows10 though, because it takes away your independence with operating systems.
Elijah Green
If you have a libre bios on your motherboard than it won't be compromised. If you remove intel ME you are reducing the attack surface. Doing both of these makes it very hard to make requests over the internet without the host system being aware. If you are worried about a 3g modem, it should be fairly simple to detect since you can sniff for the radio signals it sends.
Jackson Gray
Feels good man
Dominic Carter
Cameron Myers
cypherpunk here. OP IS A FAGGOT AND A NIGGER Mostly
Use external microphone when needed. Never. Use external speakers. Offline. Use external network device. Open-source. Use external storage devices. SD Cards.
This will prevent most hardware channel attacks.
If you have a plastic computer PC you deserve what you get. Apple does not put cellular antennas in their real computers. Yet.
Best option is to build and flash everything yourself. Luck with that.
Henry Ward
notice there's no source here despite the mention of wikileaks. intel/amd cpu's are backdoor'd with me/psp, but there isn't a fucking 3g modem in every single one of them. this would be easily detectable.
this is also bullshit, site a fucking source. there's no microphone and the fucking die. there's a mic in your laptop, disconnect it.
OP is kike
Nolan Thompson
Edits: 1. Disconnect/remove network devices. 2. This will prevent most hardware channel attacks. Not keyloggers. 3. Text2speech for all voice communication. 4. Use live distributions such as Alpine, Tails, or Heads. Tails is SJW cancer.
Those who want to live, let them fight, and those who do not want to fight in this world of eternal struggle do not deserve to live. -Adolf Hitler
Luke Powell
Get HackRF + antenna. Take devices innawoods. Test. greatscottgadgets.com/hackrf/
Evan Green
You're a retard who has never working in IT and doesnt understand why things like BMCs exist.
you also clearly lack a fundamental understanding of electronics
or even know what a die is
Carter Adams
Bullshit. Bullshit.
Bullshit. That one's actually true. Hence I use Linux. I have more faith in people developing a workhorse OS that's expected to be infallable than in people developing a soccermom OS that's not expected to do anything.
"3g modems can operate without power" Yes mr big brain. I totally meant it's powered on cosmic energy from the sun and not residual system power since microscopic electronics use little power.
see softpedia lonk
all you need is something to be able to vibrate and you have a mic.
Yeah that's obviously backdoored to shit. It doesn't do anything. Daily reminder the CIA's now-released toolkit of "get fucked" was for Windows, UNIX, *NIX, and BSD
Christopher White
the question I have is how does it interface ?
Like OK you have a hardware back door/OS but if the data isn't where it's supposed to be in memory or your back door OS can't access the network because it doesn't have a driver, how does the backdoor work ?
Mason Mitchell
Its possible, he isnt talking about "no power" or using batteries, even condensers, he is talking about "turn on", pc is already plugged and i doubt normies will be using AT power supplies again.
Btw, theorically you can use the ihs as a membrane, like windows are used with lasers right now, you obviously wouldnt get studio quality, but is enough to be called a mic.
Hudson Jenkins
Didnt read that before posting, check id and we can wipe our asses with their stem degrees.
Jonathan Green
Good thing I still use my AMD cpu from 2009. but I already knew all this stuff.
Being serious, the internet is a honeypot and all pcs are compromised.
Ayden Torres
Literally violating the laws of physics.
Aiden Scott
What residual energy you dumb fuck? There are exactly 2 things in a computer that can store energy, capacitors and that tiny ass BIOS battery. Capacitors store fuckall energy and self-discharge to zero within minutes. The BIOS battery also stores fuckall energy %%upwards of 200 mAh to be specific%% but on top of that it's only routed to the clock oscillator (32768 Hz exactly) and goes literally nowhere else. Radio transmission meanwhile drains fuckton of power, and the higher band you go the more power it drains. But, again, it's fucking moot because the die is SHIELDED and that means no radio waves go either in or out.
Liam Bell
Zachary Gonzalez
That was meant to be spoiler and it's more properly stated as upwards of 300 mWh. An 3g radio module drains between 1000 and 3500 mW when active depending on signal level, and the batterry would be dead in 5 minutes tops.
Andrew Cook
How does any of this violate the laws of physics? We're saturated with emf, and if the microphone et cetera really was that small it'd run off the cmos battery no problem. Not saying I buy it 100%, but nothing fucking surprises me anymore.
Ryan Barnes
How? Machines cannot work without a power source of some sort. They need a battery at the very least.
Jackson Gomez
I remember an old ivy bridge mobo that needs 24 hours without battery to fix a problem… i wish your claims were true and thats enough for a little nanosecond "beep" every hour, just a morse code every hour at a day and a van can get were the pc is, not trolling, is possible.
Enough for 5 meters "beep".
I am not saying that this will be "eternal" but just plugging your laptop for a nanosecods will charge everything and i am not talking about routines that will appear the next time the pc will be turned on, theorically is possible.
Dylan Roberts
< [citation needed]
Christian Davis
CIA Vault 7. Let's take a look Takes root to install Takes root to install the kernel module for it
I'm pretty sure 90% of linux users know that if someone has root on their machine then they can do pretty much anything.
Henry Wright
You have no fucking clue how even a simple microphone (let alone voice recognition) works, do you?
Allegedly according to unknown anonymous sources deep inside OP's rectum.
James Gomez
How much energy can a microscopic circuit waste as heat when designed to be low power? both are viable sources plus the fuckload of caps in the PSU. "200ma isn't enough to power microcircuitry" GTFO
the shills are out here hard today
Charles King
There's this magical power source inside of every computer running using the souls of aborted goyim that hears everything you do and sends it through the neural kike network (NKN).
Asher Foster
It's a valid argument though. If you give the CIA permission to install a rootkit, why would you be surprised if they did?
Julian Lewis
There are many different types of microphones and I don't see a reason why it wouldn't be possible to create a microphone out of silicon. Here, read this: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microphone#MEMS
Ryder Powell
Computers do have batteries. Crack open the case and take a look you'll see something that looks like a watch battery on your motherboard.
Don't remove it you'll fuck it up.
Christian Allen
Easton Anderson
"CIA has a "fuck you" toolkit for Windows, UNIX, *NIX, and BSD"
Jackson Adams
That keeps the motherboard's clock running for about a year before running out of juice.
Brayden Richardson
Connor Green
just post the damn sources already and I'll quit bothering you
Gavin Diaz
What does that even mean? Just a simple script to destroy your system?
Austin Martin
"I'm not aware of wikileaks released CIA hack tools"
instaroot the listed systems
Samuel Peterson
Is it that hard to post a fucking link you gigantic flaming faggot? archive.is/27rJ7
Kayden Nelson
Feel free to link what you were talking about. I failed to find a privilege escalation exploit for linux in vault 7. If there even one, I am 95% sure it was already fixed before vault 7 came out.
Jackson Stewart
3g modem that doesnt require power? So youre claiming weve found unlimited energy and then you refuse sources? jej
Gavin Russell
so how exactly does a microphone that small pick up shit i say when a. its completely covered by the cpu cooler and b. my gpu 4 cooling fans and psu are constantly screaming at eachother about whose waifu is better right next to it?
Christian Johnson
Holla Forums is being flooded with Zeitgeist-tier boomer logic conspiracy fags a la Alex Jones at the moment. I don't know whether it's actual ppl or an attempt to ensure us with half truth by some agency. Anyways, fuck off boomer cunts. People here are not dumb enough to fall for half truths and dump alien theroies. Take a hike kike.
Same goes for that "EU was Hitler's plan" thread.
Luis Roberts
Lincoln Cook
One of the commenters of that article make a valid point, that the 3g chip is too large to embed into a cpu.
Mason Mitchell
Are you retarded? There is literally a battery installed on the motherboard to store the startup instructions you idiot.
Julian King
Plus why isn't anyone trying to detect data being transmitted when the computer is off while in a Faraday cage?
Jace Long
What is the conspiracy here?
If you are very sceptical of this, I have some articles you might find interesting.
Compromising Electromagnetic Emanations of Wired and Wireless Keyboards archive.is/9Sa1d
Clever Attack Uses the Sound of a Computer’s Fan to Steal Data archive.is/AThRY
But do you get my point? That they are constantly devising new ways to access personal devices. For a government, gaining such direct insight into the lives of its people is invaluable. It makes them nearly omniescent, nearly like a god. What surviving government do you know of would not want such power?
Carter Moore
Spotted the Yid.
Zachary Anderson
better remove your CMOS battery too. Wouldn't want the FBI to track you while your computer is unplugged
Ryan Clark
Yes, I couldn't resist reminding people that Israel, too, is very keen on this kind of stuff.
Or did you mean to call me a kike?
Easton Campbell
sneaking something that theoretically would work as a microphone into the 1000 components that make up a pc i could believe
however a battery powered transmitter receiver is a bit hard to believe, if true there would be dozens of webms on here of anons using detection gear to prove the transmission and isolated the component not a cs fag, but even the nsa cannot evade the laws of physics, any em based communications could easily be detected by simple gear, and that is of course not even talking about practical problems such as bandwidth for 24h audio data
also would like to know how they compensate for the 3 big ass fans inside any decent pc case with small ass hidden microphones
modern smartphones on the other hand are the perfect spying device
well in theory you could use the components from modern day high precission scientific instruments like quartz crystal micro balances in there, or basicly any piezoelectric component, the fact that it is macroscopically stuck into the die isn't a problem for surface resonance effects but like you said understandable speech is quite unlikely to be recorded by such a setup
Jace Martin
That's the point of these threads. Doing anything on behalf of whites is blackmail worthy for a lot of people.
Colton Perry
Good goy faggot mong tier logic
Levi Hernandez
seems legit
Ryan Morgan
so this is literally just a troll/distraction thread? got it.
Jaxson Richardson
Perhaps you should take it to >>>Holla Forums
Christian Davis
Well, it is known of many backdoors planted onto devices for a while now. I would be cautious, and further tests should be made publicly available about said backdoors.
Not sure why there are these Holla Forums posts in Holla Forums today, so politely saged, but as other oldtechfags also point out here, and in the other Intel ME thread: All your base are belong to (((us))) Where (((us))) == the TLA of your choice, for all values of glow in the dark.
What OpSec solutions exist in such an environment? Plausible deniability. It happened, but cannot be proven to be (you). Yes, the forum post came from that burner cell phone, but the cell phone was stolen from you wasn't it?
As for those claiming extra modems in many devices need a dedicated power source an example may be seen in answers to the question You know those phones you can't remove the battery from? You can never truly switch them off, so they have power for a modem that bypasses the main power control switches (all for your 'safety' :^) of course)
Andrew Bell
A simple analysis of GPS coordinates would prove that's a lie and you'd be in a worse situation then you would've been in before.
Eli Adams
Saging you on my phone. Because I can.
Have some reddit spacing.
Because fuck you I can.
Liam Garcia
This is retarded on so many levels. It draws AT LEAST 300mA at 5V. Good luck getting that by induction. To listen to the chips' radiators? Also they would be sensitive as fuck with such size and will get too much interference to be usable. That obviously doesn't mean that ME is good in any way, but (((OP))) is trying too hard. Reported.
Isaiah Richardson
Grayson Martinez
Nope Read the Intel White Paper.
The chip can accept an encrypted SMS message if the computer is equipped with a 3G card. The radio receiver is not in the chip itself and can only accept and act on the encrypted SMS message of an external 3G card that receives the message.
intel.com/technology/anti-theft/ link is kill intel.de/content/dam/doc/product-brief/mobile-computing-protect-laptops-and-data-with-intel-anti-theft-technology-brief.pdf web.archive.org/web/20081220183805/download.intel.com:80/products/vpro/whitepaper/crossclient.pdf
It is important to note: Intel demonstrated a Sandy Bridge processor in 2009, and released first products based on the architecture in January 2011 under the Core brand. Developed primarily by the Israeli branch of Intel, the codename was originally "Gesher" (meaning "bridge" in Hebrew).""
Gabriel Reyes
Alexander Harris
Logan Peterson
Why would anyone trust a company called fucking Intel to begin with?
Henry Rodriguez
I'm a POWER machine running 100% Free Software.
Get fucked, x86lets.
Tyler Jackson
How much data do you expect to transfer in a "beep", whatever the fuck that is
Landon Young
If you don't do a clean reinstall of windows (if you absolutely need to use it) every time you get a new laptop, you're retarded. I don't care if it's a Lenovo, HP, Sony or the latest chinkshit directly from Shenzen, do a clean install and only install the software that you need.
Camden Butler
They won't get me if I use my Amiga 1200
Jonathan Campbell
Does RFID violate the laws of physics?
Christian Cooper
Ask chinnesse government, the other point was already answered.
I am living in south american and here mobos arent that bad, seriously.
Its an error, not plugged is the proper answer.
At last a decent question, even the shitiest mic can get something, you also have active noise cancelling and all intel fans have similar noise.
Fun fact, using a third party cooler will help you a lot, like using foam in your case.
Millenials just dont read and boomers cant understand it, so they hear the shills.
Morse, but is mostly for geolocation, check Jimmy Cameron's aliens movie, its exactly the same.
Gavin Rodriguez
Do you even know how RFID works?
Jaxon Cook
You should absolutely spend the money to get a SOIC-8 clip to flash your own BIOS. It is not difficult and well worth the money.
Isaiah Diaz
I've heard you can do it with a raspberry pi. Mine is currently hooked up to flash some CPLDs, but I could probably easily repurpose it for this.
Noah Wood
I'm a licensed radio amateur with an upgraded class license, of course I know how it works.
Do you even know how it works?
Jordan Myers
If you're not smart enough to understand how to use plausible deniability with a burner phone without doxxing yourself - leave it to others. Pro tip: the phone is not glued to you.
Parker Morgan
Want secure office equipment?
Pic related.
All these point to quantum attacks, stuff like the heat and fan signature to isolate and identify rather than as a vector for data transmission itself. Prepare your anguses.
Ethan Gomez
Then they'll assume you have something to hide and dispatch a van with a laser interferometer that picks up the sound of your hard drive reads/writes and reconstruct what anime you fapped to
Eli Flores
Hate to break it to you, but the Selectric was one of the most insecure typewriters on the market. The "globe" of typesets ran against a thin film of dry ink. Just replay back the ink tape and your message was revealed.
t.dad worked for IBM in the early '80s
Jeremiah Hughes
Has traceable fingerprint on any printed text coming out of it. They are great machines though.
Joseph Baker
More importantly they were not TEMPEST certified and gave out a distinct radio emission for each keystroke / imprint combination.
Brayden Cox
Hudson Barnes
Lucky fuck! haven't audited it all have you? (implying auditing is even feasible at such a large scale)
Jaxon Garcia
Jack Cook
You need to take a holistic approach to security.
Do you keep your High Times magazines in Fort Knox? No. Overkill attracts attention, being too open attracts moochers. Find the balance. Learn OPSEC.
Robert Murphy
Good thread
John Murphy
Well shit.
I knew about typeset matching and reading the ribbon but yes, they are quite noisy electrically.
Samuel Sullivan
Every few years I buy an Alpha machine on eBay, install Gentoo on it, then decide it's not worth the increased cost of air conditioning and throw it away.
Adam Bennett
Criminally unchecked trips but really quite unnecessary
Parker Lopez
OpenBSD on x40 ibm laptop. if you aren't running OpenBSD you are getting jewed big time. Linux is for fags.
Juan Perez
Technician here. Allow me to clear some things up.
FALSE. Nigger, have you ever seen a CPU? Have you ever seen a 3-g modem? Let alone one from 2007? The modems are literally bigger than the cpu and require their own micro-processors. They've gotten smaller in recent years, yes, but not this small. Are there backdoors in Intel and AMD chips? Yes. Absolutely. But they only work on boards that support them (which all boards do, now). Are there backdoors on motherboards? Yes, absolutely–at firmware level, and they require a NIC to send data. The theft prevention shit visibly in most boards these days–Computrace? Same thing, different use.
FALSE. There is no microphone built into your CPU. If there were, as someone else already pointed out, it won't hear shit over the sound of your fan running while it's on. However–it doesn't take anything special beyond code to turn speakers into microphones, including the piezo speakers on most boards.
FALSE. Wireless induction technology wasn't even a fucking pipe dream in 2007. It was a pipe dream in 2012. It's only just now getting any sort of real traction/success rate. Even then, you can't run much off of it for one, for another you have to have something actively broadcasting nearby. Your router would suffice for low powered stuff, but running a mic, saving data, then powering up a nic would take more juice than it could harvest in a short time. They'd have to build super-capacitors or something similar and have it cycle on/off in bursts, assuming it wasn't running off your 110v AC. Crystal radio is a thing. For a fucking receiver. Not a transmitter. You need juice to transmit and juice to interpret signal beyond relaying it to a simple speaker.
FALSE. Those are an entirely fucking different chipset, unconnected to your CPU.
No. It's really not. This shit only activates when it gets the 'go' signal. It doesn't get that signal except from the internet. Any commercial router running something along the lines of ddwrt or tomato, a hardware firewall, or a squid proxy could block everything to/from your network. The 'go' order won't come in over 3g, or 4g, or 5g or whatever because most computers don't have one of those NICs installed. Some laptops do, as an addon card, but no desktops come with them by default and they aren't built into the hardware–otherwise, Intel, AMD, etc would advertise their presence AS A FEATURE. (((Schlomo))) won't turn down shekels if he can monetize it, and he won't NOT monetize it–especially if he's forced to put it in. Half-truth. They have a choice: comply and add backdoors or do not sell chips in the US.
TRUE. Unless you code it yourself, there is a software backdoor somewhere. Yes, even open source software. Yes, even most popular distros of linux. No, it isn't used often, statistically speaking. Statistically speaking, you're more likely to get hit by a car that was thrown through the air by an aircraft that was downed by a lightning strike than you are for the government to actively target you. Passive data collection? Absolutely. But it's like idiots who say "I'VE BEEN HACKED!!!!" No, fool, you haven't. Hacking is an active process. It's the equivalent of Tyrone breaking into your home. Likewise, the equivalent here is CIA/NSA/etc sneaking into your home to read your mail. Too much fucking work. It's easier to just scan your mail as it goes through the post office–and in this analogy, that's the data centers they have backdoors to, the data from which goes straight to the Utah Data Center. THAT is what you should worry about. Not about random backdoors on your chips. Worry about every unencrypted bit you send going straight to a datacenter and getting scanned by 'AI.'
Ryder Torres
To be fair I don't think the modem has to be 3g, could just be a serial console delivered over morse code or something. To write off the possibility that there's a radio inside the die is ignorant, we don't have any way to check without planing off the cpu one atom at a time, photographing it, and then building a spice simulation, even then you'd need an expert to spot a well hidden radio.
Adrian Sanchez
nice try though
Ryder Harris
He's largely correct about the attack vector being more MITM than directed malware, since it is far easier to tap an infrastructure fibre optic for analysis when all knowns are controllable (hardware to tap, your hardware to tap with, software to use, etc). There is a wide variation in hardware/software when it comes to directed attacks. Though he is hopelessly off in terms of time scales. As a rough, but useful, approximation - current capabilities by TLAs = Public research + 10 years = Commercial tech + 20 years.
Jeremiah Jenkins
On die mics. Microphones made of sillicon, encapsulated and isolated from sound? Fuck off. Cite sources you faggot.
You mean onboard mics? Fucks sake that's nothing new since early 00s.
This thread explains the level of pozzing well. Sure you can flash libreboot etc but end of the day you have a myriad of other firmwares and embedded subsystems you can't touch that are not alterable.
Noah Jones
This user gets it.
Oliver Ward
I can buy that they make some devices subtly vibrate or give off emf or something that would help compromise cryptography etc
Chase Bennett
Holy fuck is this cuckchan? Am I somehow on /g/?
Brandon Wood
Xavier Ortiz
Oliver Wright
Im calling bullshit on the "no power needed" part. Wireless transmission of any kind requires a ton of power, no exceptions.
RFID has to be saturated in a deliberately created extremely intense radio broadcast zone, and even then the range is limited to about 5 feet. Power scavenger antennas exist, but trying to create power out of random radio transmissions would provide at best a few nanowatts? Not enough to send anything any distance.
It cant store the info for later either. Storage space on a cpu is very limited.
Benjamin Gray
You can power small devices from wifi, 3g and 4g networks.
Pics related, fuck engadget, also note there are other examples of this kind of technology dating back to 2010 or so.
Earlier if you remember the stories about Russians spying with RF powered bugs.
Jace Rivera
So you are telling me debian has a backdoor in it, sitting right there in its open source code for anyone to read, and nobody ever noticed or cared?
Grayson Cox
Look at the size of that antenna IN YOUR OWN PICTURE.
Now imagine the size of a cpu. The actual die part is smaller than your fingernail. Keep in mind almost all of it is for actual computing, so this leech antenna you are talking about would have to be much smaller than that.
This is clearly not physically possible without external power.
David Adams
The only way for plausible deniability is 1) you bought the cell phone with something that is very hard to trace and in such a way that your face and name is not attached to the purchase of either the phone or whatever means you use to pay for a pre-paid card or whatever by in store (or online) surveillance and 2) that you never use the phone or have it anywhere near a none public-wifi network especially if that wifi is your private wifi and 3) that you are not the only one ever using that phone and you let other people use it
And no, using the phone at home or on a private network will not increase plausible deniability it is much easier to isolate who does what in private wifi networks.
Gavin Cruz
Yes, and if what you say is true, you would already know how fucking close it has to be to a power source to even begin working.
Dominic James
Wrong. Even if you "code" it yourself you are probably introducing a new backdoor to be exploited someday.
Julian Flores
Yes it is, any ungrounded metal can be used as an antenna, including the case itself. See the foxhole radio for more information. FYI, they've been in use since WWII.
Yes everything is backdoor but your a flipping retard if you think you can put a cell phone modem on dye and have it actually be functional without an external antenna.
Same for microphone.
Source, licensed ham radio operator.
Ethan Powell
High IQ user detected ;^)
Gavin Morgan
To my knowledge, SPARC from a few years ago and before should be alright. Sun Microsystems hardware and OS were the shit!
On die 3g modem? On die microphone? Fucking retarded. The truth is Intel ME is a CPU within your CPU and has full access to everything in memory and implements its own network stack. It is virtually 100% guarunteed to be backdoor'd. That information is enough. AMD has the same shit.
Nicholas Thompson
Yes, yes. Research vs commercial tech gap.
However, just because it's being researched, and the military may have access to it, doesn't mean it's going to be on every fucking chip. Why?
>(((Schlomo))) won't turn down shekels if he can monetize it, and he won't NOT monetize it–especially if he's forced to put it in That's why.
Ask yourself this. Which is more likely: A.) The government hands down the order to put these in along with a gag order to everyone at Intel, AMD, etc and tells them they'll be murdered, raped, and eaten by niggers (and in that order if they're lucky) if they talk about it, and NO ONE in the manufacturing/design process knows or talks about it… OR B.) It's just not there.
Pretty sure I said that. This shit has been on chips since (((computrace))), but it still needs a connected NIC–which it doesn't have because of above.