Solo que is your home.
You will never find a group of friends to play Comp with.
Are you excited to get to that rank user?
Solo que is your home.
You will never find a group of friends to play Comp with.
Are you excited to get to that rank user?
Other urls found in this thread:
It just never stops. Everything you will ever like will always turn to shit and people are to blame.
Well there's your first problem.
Man I would give anything to not have to deal with randoms. Even one can fuck decent teams. Like the asshole who use toblerone on attack.
overwatch is gay as shit lol
Overwatch is shit, but post Genji
You and your Reddit ilk
Genji weebs need to hang from trees.
I just like cyborgs.
Blizzcucks and Overwatch players should hang from trees
halfcucks need to leave.
sage cause not about the game
not on my watch
Nice try, dubscuck.
Whatever, this game was not free right? Is there any chance of it becoming free soon?
I wonder if they'll ever put in an israeli.
gg ez dubs
I give it a year before it goes F2P.
When does the pain end?
Guaranteed painkiller right here
roughly 3200
If you're going to post webms for your op shouldn't you at least use some good ones unlike this shit?
Try carbot, faglord.
Why is the anti-overwatch crowd on Holla Forums actually more cancerous than the people playing the game? Chill out and play another game holy fuck.
Preemptive reaction to what they assume it's cancer, in which they try to induce actual cancer under all sort of shit arguments.
and of course the usual
Criticism of the game has always been allowed provided that the people are not actually shitposting, which is a rare occurrence but it does happen sometimes.
Fortunately it has gradually gone down and lately we're having threads where shitposters talk to themselves while people who actually pay the game are posting about their experiences in comp, so whatever.
I'm 2800 and people still don't use voice. They do bitch and moan if you don't join voice but never use it themselves though.
does Holla Forums deserve an overwatch discord where we can pretend to be friends while playing this trash
Nah. Fuck off.
no its good for containment, then overfags will get off this board
Fuck off cuck
So I've been thinking about ways that Lúcio could be balanced so he isn't such an obligatory pick in games and I had an idea.
So his thing is that he grants his heals and speed boosts through music right? So it would make perfect sense if players wouldn't be able to benefit from his buffs if they've been hit with abilities that temporarily disrupts their hearing.
These wouldn't feel like arbitrary "anti-lúcio" moves either since there is already such a heavy emphasis on audio in the game that abilities that could block enemy hearing would be incredibly useful. Ultimates like Deadeye which are often crippled by the fact that players get a crystal clear audio warning to run and hide would become a hell of a lot more effective if it's timed with an ability or ult which renders a whole number of players unable to hear the warning.
This could be introduced with a new hero (I'm imagining a sort of feminine omnic librarian who insists on "silence in the battlefield!") but it could also be added to existing abilities in the game. We can all agree that Pharah could do with a buff for example and making it so her concussive blast disrupts hearing as well would mean it's not just the "muh environmental kills" ability.
If you've ever used Skype or really any other high-profile IM/VOIP service within the past five years chances are you've already fallen into at least one of the traps Discord has ready
Not to mention if you use it through a VPN or any such thing you don't fall into most/any of it in the first place
the speed nerf already made lucio not an obligatory pick.
I meant Reddit/Reddit 2.0
Good thing I don't use meme services like this.
You meant "I'm a giant faggot please rape my face"
I dont play Overwatch, Im sorry
Shouldnt you be in school anyway? I mean, if you dont know how to filter a thread you MUST be new.
Thats cuckchan mentality, you should probably go back.
You're ignoring a game. Would you rather have more LOL and Waifu threads you fag? Or maybe you want a namefag circle jerk thread like those autistic 4am threads.
God forbid someone talk about video games.
What proxy are you using to get on this website at your middle school?
But that's the point silly user, you will ignore the threads for your own sanity, but it will not go away. These threads are here to stay. Deal with it.
Not even deserving of a (you).
Heres a (You) for you though
Dont forget to bitch about me to Mark,I know at least one of you fags constantly pesters him to ban anyone that dares shit on your precious fad game.
It's really endearing how much you care
Like clockwork.
Isnt mumble one of the VIOP, that doesnt track your shit?I cant really think of a good one.
Top kek. Stay mad, bitch nigga.
Let your imagination run wild… please?
So, which one of you is it?
I think this is the last thread you need to post this stuff user. Thanks for the templates though
Not sure what do you mean.
Embed related
Shut up you no fun faggot, next youll tell people not to post Mountain Dew and Doritos chugging chibi DVA.
Thats hilarious
Cuz I was bored.
Yes, can't stop won't stop, is better than shitting on the thread.
The only thing better than shitting on Overwatch threads is no thread at all.
New map seems far more simple than the others, in terms of where blizzard obviously wants you to hold/play certain characters from. Also, happily noticed this during comp.
MOBA tier
season 1 sr 71 support
I think the player quality dropped since season 2.
I got up to 3k+ early on but then I got the retard patrol game after game again down to like 2.8k.
really need to learn how to play offense or something cause its always that case where offense players can not fucking kill worth shit
This cant be real
Are you the faggot that also spammed Serious Sam threads with ingame screenshots?
Bonus ass pics.
The first third and the last third are really straightforward but the middle chunk right after the cap point gate is really good, there's so many different ways up and around the hill to the gate with all of them having different heights and lines of sight.
I am done for now
All I see are fence posts, where is the ass user?
Be done with your life
Down your pants user
I guess you want something more… meaty?
It's pretty good for SFM shit
Wheres the dick?
Any tips for someone new to overwatch?
I need to get good, because I'm in love with someone who plays it.
Just that, get good.
somewhere in there I assume
So what, you're gonna win xhir heart by being the best at the video game?
You mean like a crush or in a relationship with?
Does that person have a dick?
I should mention I never played with her, and she will laugh at me if I fuck up
Hard to help without you saying what you're having issues with. In general learning who is the biggest threat on the enemy team and when to go in are good skills to have.
Just started dating.
Slop box between her legs.
play junkrat
I am going to start my first match soon, I just want tips on how to be good. Like, what's some general unwritten rules and the like.
I don`t usually go to Overwatch threads, I think this game is for autistic faggots
I just came here to laugh at you
Then play support and be her heal slut while you learn.
Besides we all know you're fucking gay and want to take her strapon into your asshole.
oh no.
damn you're pathetic. you better start practising so your girl doesn't dump you sorry as for being bad at video games.
well at launch there were people willing to get into season 1 but I guess after the fucking ggflips and shitty matchmaking system those people probably quit
I'm sorry, It's just my first time, and I think I didn't satisfy her in bed.
I just don't want to screw it up
Good joke, user. Play roadhog. Enrage your enemies and impress your friends. Have someone knock enemies down with Rein's ult, then get a team kill with Dva's ult.
Pharah really shines on this map.
Not a bad thing exactly, given the nature of the game is to swap and change given different situations. Doesn't mean you can't force a certain character if you know what you're doing. I'd rather have different scenarios for different strategies and characters to shine, than homogenize each map into a single strategy.
Overall, I think once people realize what works and how to engage on the map properly, it'll be fine. I haven't had enough time to play Eichenwalde yet, but the front gate seems easy enough to push through given any mobility can get around it. The gate has 3 different flank routes and plenty of characters have access to different ones. A bit of teamwork to get around the enemy and it'll open up easily.
holy shit
She told me she liked it, but I think she was just being nice.
Or just man up and learn how to use a headless linux VPS so you can host your own voice chat/VPN server. That's what I did and it was fucking worth.
I thought the kids were back in school now. What is he still doing here?
well if you arent playing with her right now what are you freaking out about? learn the characters, learn the maps. until then play someone with some self sustain like soldier, zarya or roadhog
I hope to God you're just joking but either way thanks for the laugh.
I'm not.
She tells me I worry to much sometimes, so maybe I'm overthinking it. She says it's adorable though.
What did everyone get placed in? I lost 6 out of my 10 placements and got placed in 2300 anyways. Last one half of my team left, though.
I mean, it wouldn't be the same without the "GO HOME OVERCUCKS" guy here every thread. I've grown fond.
Stick with teammates, shoot at the small people on the other team instead of the large people if you get the option.
your mom
don't worry you wont have to worry about it too much when she finds a man that can satisfy her and isn't a bitch that comes on a video game image board to ask for advice how to not look like a faggot in a video game
Heroes where teammates will absolutely notice you're shit:
Possibly D.Va
Any support but it's hard to be shit at Lucio
Possibly Widow maker
Possibly Genji
Practice these on your own time if you're not confident.
Would you fug Bastion? If yes, would you be a top or a bottom?
No he isn't sexy in any way.
You sound really fucking beta.
what dat
Robo ero
Aren't you guys aware that this game is not at all competitive? Why are competing for elo ranking? Could someone explain?
They dont belong here, compare these piece of shit threads with anything thas not the sporadic MOBA and MMO thread, youll see what I mean.
How is there not a competition in a red vs blue team shooter?
Do you also watch MLG and FAZE tourneys?
There's a notable difference of player quality between 2450-2500, the occasional retard manages to slip through the net, but it's easy sailing from there onwards.
Mics however are still a rarity.
Missed opportunity of a lifetime.
Seriously though, I would of loved to see a vid like Deathbattle of Tracer feebly believing she would stand a chance against Wesker. Than the fighting leading to obvious S&M scene of Wesker cucking the nigger by abusing Tracer.
Missed opportunity anons, missed opportunity.
Great game guys! I had a lot of fun. Hope to do it again soon!
Enjoy your ban
Ive got plenty of proxies dont you worry
And I've got plenty of reports, bb ;)
You're gonna need a bigger timeframe
Who's your favorite character, Holla Forums?
The bird Bastion is holding
Why is mercy such a bitch to deal with, no matter what it seems like she has her ult.
You posted him, Zarya's pretty good too.
You need a good Reaper/Winston/Genji/Tracer to kill her quick and a team that knows to go in the second she's dead.
The fuck is wrong with Zarya's eyes in the last pic.
your team is damaging things but not killing them so shes able to heal to gain her ult back pretty fast.
McCree is the least weeb character, and I love western shit.
I'm glad I didn't have to deal with 1700-2000 hell
Guys, I've had 3 placement matches. I've won every match because the teams I was put on were communicative, willing to switch heroes, and most of them were decent to really good players.
I'm not sure I want to play any more because law of averages says that the next few are going to be so shit.
Oh, and, look, 4th match was me and a bunch of other no-stars versus a full party of 1 and 2 stars.
That went about as well as you'd expect.
Finally finished my placements and ended at 2955. Won 9 straight games and lost the last due to a retarded Reinhardt who charged off the objective when there were 5 enemies standing on it with 60HP or less and then would ask in chat about how Genji can reflect melee or Ana's ult makes enemies immune to other ults.
I'm working my way out of this hole I dug.
Fucking hell does no one test these things?
How did he die? did he teleport the trap behind you or something? did the dash hitbox ignore the trap?
Nice night goys!
He got caught in the trap and died to trap damage, he was pretty low.
Seems as if the dash hitbox ignored the trap.
what does premade even mean? Also I feel like I might have played and lost hard with you, because I remember doing that and someone complaining in the chat about premade.
That's what I thought, you should report that on the forums.
A premade group of X people in the game, that is, you queue as a group rather than going alone.
Roadhog's hook is just such bullshit. Between the teleporting people around and gigantic range it feels like it hits when it shouldn't too often. It won't get nerfed though since Hog's entirely reliant on that broken piece of shit.
it would be cool if there were speed settings in the training range, i really need to improve my aim against moving targets
Play against Anna bots with headshots only.
i'm familiar with that technique but isn't ana relatively slow?
She's not super slow, plus she actually tries to juke which makes it harder than shooting bots going in a preset pattern.
Okay, placement matches done. Put me at 2763. Where does that stack?
Everyone has the same movespeed except Tracer , Genji, and arguably Lucio.
I had a really good team aside from this one guy that was doing whatever he wanted, we'd plea with him to switch or join team talk, but he wouldn't do it. We did win, but it was 5 very long rounds. The guy just wanted to play "muh main" and not work with us as a team.
I have been playing Mercy lately, I'd rather scale slowly but steady, still, they were playing their game without caring about their heals, then on attack used Lucio just for the boost, they still tried to rush from the front instead of behind (Route 66)
Overwatch's maps don't have 1:1 texture to geometry, so blame their crappy map design not the hook. As for the "teleporting people" thing, I've never seen it from anything that wasn't multiple patches ago in a few spots at most. You probably also assume that because you can't see roadhog, he can't hook you while in reality half your character is sticking out.
Side note, anybody that solely relies on roadhog's hook is a bad roadhog and should be bullied like the faggot they are.
Playing Bastion feels so fucking cheap.
anyone in the mid 2000 wants to help this poor soul to get to 2100 at least?
Was a good night of games, although it quickly spiralled out of control into that 5 man group.
I didn't expect that, but it went well regardless.
I'm close to your rank, sure. Just give me 10 minutes to finish muh animu.
No rush, don't worry.
it wasn't until recently i was getting so irritable with this damn game
Comp is kind of stressful
i'm not even in comp, i'm just playing some quick play to work on my aim and stuff since my comp buddies aren't on
Welp, try to not get frustrated with your aiming.
You want to work on your aim bigtime?
download tr_walkway_fix.
Start up tf2, type into console
sv_allow_point_servercommand always
load the map, set all the players to scout speed and random directional movement
Boom, be a demon after about two hours
awhile back i would just play instagib against decent level bots in UT2K4 but it certainly didn't help with distance aim, i think my eyesight might be a bit poorer than i think
The hook's grabbox is larger than its terrain collisionbox, meaning it CAN grab a completely hidden player, especially from above.
damn being a jew during pre summer games helped, i can get 3 skins if i want now granted a lot of them are shite and i can't fucking buy americree
Just takes practice, hell I'm nearly 40 and I think my aim is better than ever and that reaction chart dealo thing I'm still at the top end of the spectrum
TFW over 10k and nothing to buy.
The hook is pretty much spot-on horizontally but is much larger on both ends vertically. Not only that but it's kind of a cone so the farther out the hook reaches the larger the hitbox gets vertically. I can sort of get why the hook's hitbox is huge but I really don't understand why it gets bigger.
thank you grampa of wisdom
i guess part of my frustration comes from not playing lots of PC FPS during their hayday (i said i played some UT2K4 but i got it in like 2k14) so i'll keep playing and working on it
i think i'll get junker and wolf hanzo and save the other 1k, i think the only character who has consistently good skins might be ana, and i'm horrid as her
You can improve your aim with two hours of what I just suggested, also turn your sensitivity way down
>its cybergoth zarya
Also you should never set mouse DPI higher than 1000DPI, and game multiplier should never be more than 3x I've heard or you get interpolation artifacts, FPS pros call it "Staircasing"
i'll probably give that a try tomorrow since i don't have TF2 installed
imagine a world where we could sell our shite skins like that for some overbux
For real man. If Overwatch really is just TF2 we should be able to trade with other players and shit.
Sorry I mean you should turn up mouse DPI, and keep game DPI settings low
i wouldn't be surprised if trading was implemented after more skins and shit are added after some more events
Would be cool to trade, but I do not want tradign at all. Due to the fact it will just be another TF2 marketplace shit.
being able to sell skins you don't like for overbux would be fine too, i just know i'm never going to use fucking cybergoth or some shite
Is the weekend just when all the shit players decide to play? Im no MLG pro but im pretty sure I'm not bad enough to lose the last 6 matches by myself.
Kids don't have to go to bed as early. So they all decide to play like shit on comp. Lost 3 in a row and decided to take a break for a while.
This game is a lot more fun when you stop trying and just dick around.
That's what you get for picking McCree when we already had 3 DPSs and no healers or tanks.
How do you punish bad teammates, Holla Forums?
How do I get banned?
Tried a lot of homophobic shit but isn't working.
Even tried anti semitism(common sense)
Use cheats in competitive, make sure players get a good killcam with lots of evidence.
I mean just by my deportment. I'm wasted right now and am shit talking everyone I play against. Every time someone kills me I am flaming them in all talk calling them a faggot.
Nope, nothing, despite what you may believe, people on the internet don't care about their e-feelings.
Don't know how to feel about my 2718 now..
Then again a friend I know irl has plummeted so low I won't even be able to play with him soon because of the 1k rank lock.
overwatch doesnt have a laid back enough atmosphere for me to do anything like that. i cant help but do my best. the most spiteful thing i can do is leave or switch to a character id like to practice.
but ive seen people refuse to give out heals, or switch to mei to grief. i dont know how they can maintain that mindset. i see an injured teammate i just heal it without thinking unless for some reason i want to stay hidden. i cant help it.
itll usually take a while for your ban to go through. but its also just luck of the draw and how made youve made somewan. i imagine with most people its out of sight out of mind, but some slutty children would love nothing more than leverage to get back at you for humiliating them.
any times ive gotten in trouble with buzzard it was centered around my distaste for the jewish people.
You are a true hero, and credit to team user.
I think I've done that a grand total of twice, once in quickplay and once in PTR comp. In quickplay I went mercy (as usual), and said that that I would only use my pistol until someone picked a tank. They didn't. In PTR comp we had a team of Widow, Hanzo, McCree, and I forget who else, also no tanks. I switched to Ana and said "we're all snipers now".
we're already playing overcuck, do we need to use encrypted communications to discuss our overcuck when this thread is public and gets mined either way.
Yeah it was great.
What the fuck?
when the team is shit and won't switch from 3 snipers even after i point out that we won't have any presence, i usually go symmetra and after we inevitably lose the first point because the enemy team can pretty much just run onto it, i set up the teleporter in the first enemy spawn. that way, my teammates don't just walk off a cliff, die and respawn in a few seconds, instead they have to run across the entire map to get back to the point they need to defend, our team gets crumbled all across the map and everyone gets picked off 1 by 1. this griefing tactic ensures our loss and makes it quick and painless.
i used to try for a while and usually i still do a bit in the beginning just in case that the enemy team is as incompetent as mine but in most cases we're just getting stomped. the way i see it, my teammates have a choice to be or not to be cancer. if they choose to try, i'll be there, trying alongside them. if they choose to be cancer and "learn this hero it's quickplay lol" i can be far more cancerous.
How the fuck is this game even considered good, nevermind competitive? It has too many glaring issues.
The same way you can love someone in spite of all their flaws
it's a blizzard title and it brings something new to the table.
What are the glaring issues you seem to have with it?
>Netcode is a big issue, responsible for many complaints
I really do want to like this game but it's severely flawed with some people calling it the second coming of jesus.
First of all the second coming of Jesus already happened. Read the bible.
Second of all nobody on this website says it.
That you, Joseph Smith?
I don't know who that is, sounds American too since they're all bible crazy.
I dislike overwatch too, but what's so bad about being to shoot and walk through your allies in it?
I really don't see how that's an issue, let alone a glaring one.
When you start to realise most of your deaths/damage received comes from enemies clearly shooting through someone (so no LOS) it starts to piss you off.
I've chased players into other players and gotten killed because I've been stuck on player whilst A stands behind and shoots.
It means you can't position yourself behind enemies to block incoming fire etc, which has been a standard in pretty much every FPS i've played.
i don't quite see how that would be too useful in most situations. like, you'll run behind an enemy roadhog so that some hanzo can't shoot you? it just feels like you'll only successfully pull it off against the biggest of retards and even then your chances will remain rather low.
It doesn't have to be a roadhog, any character model in front of you is enough to block the majority of shots. Other games have been doing this for years without issue.
I don't recall any sort of netcode issues, especially when "netcode" is such a vague term that's thrown around here often. But yeah, shooting through allies and moving through them is pretty dumb, it allows for too much cheese, especially when I eject as and run behind my allies while taking potshots with her fucking absurd pistol.
It's primarily to do with the game being on a 60tick and possibly a lower client update rate. I notice it alot more when playing as mei, using cryo-freeze to dodge certain abilities, going into third person for 0.1s and dying because the game said "nah, that attack hit first".
I really want to like this game but it's executed poorly.
Not sure if you are serious, nobody has done anything else with the ones I posted.
nice strawman, faggot.
overwatch isn't a slow, static game where you camp a spot throughout the entire game. it's not CS or red orchestra and it's not quake or unreal tournament either. it's still a team shooter but it's faster and more "versatile" than CS or RO but it's still not as fast as arena shooters. i'm explaining this to you because it feels like you haven't actually played the game despite talking like you did and i need to make this clear to conclude my counterargument. that said, you move around a lot in overwatch. the only characters that feel somewhat static are bastion and torbjorn and even those two need to move around quite a bit unless if they wanna eat lead for breakfast, lunch and dinner. basically, what i'm saying is you won't be able to use them as human shields effectively for very long since every player that isn't actually retarded will turn around, shoot at you and keep moving while he's doing all that. overwatch doesn't really have movement punishing mechanics like counter strike so to stand still while shooting means you're essentially handicapping yourself. also, you generally wanna stick close to your team in overwatch and you don't stand in a perfect line one after the other. so while you'd be masterfully blocking the view from the guy behind the guy who's currently shooting at you, chances are you'd probably still have 2 other guys shooting at you from the sides and back. also, your enemies still can't see you through their teammates therefore they can't shoot as accurately so your amazing dodging skills are still good for something.
it's related to my initial argument, asshole. i don't intend to argue about the strawman you made AFTER since it's not what i was talking about in the first place. if you wanna talk about the fucking strawman present it in a respectful form that doesn't make the other person look bad if they attempt to discuss it. you're honestly such a fucking asshole…
Nah suck a dick.
i'm not sure whether you're still just trying to make me look like a dick after already trying to make me look like an idiot and failing (i dunno why you're doing that in the first place tbh, it's an user imageboard but i guess you're le epic trole or somethin?) or if you're trying to say that you never said anything about what i'm arguing in the post i initially quoted, so i'll just cover both bases.
here's last sentence of the post that i replied to
are you saying my post wasn't arguing this? feel free to reread it then tell me again how my point wasn't on point.
now, if you're trying to make me look like a dick cause you were trying to make me look stupid by replying with a strawman and i pointed it out, then… just fuck you, i guess.
meant to quote with first quote
I got wasted and spammed nigger last night. Now my queue time is 8 minutes. Lol
I'd wonder how that would affect balance considering that'd mean huge front-line fuckers like Reinhardt would be blocking shots. Suddenly the giant German blender shoving his massive hammer up the asses of anyone trying to contest the objective can become a liability who just blocks the shots of actual DPS characters.
Literally how.
I thought 2500 was bad. How garbage are you?
Scout > Tracer
I wish I was this good to get this rank in 16 hrs
Feels bad man
Guy has played a lot.
Holy shit that autism.
Bonk Atomic Punch can't be used as a counter to Tracer's Ultimate since the consumption time is longer than the Ult's detonation time.
The fight basically boils down to whether Tracer has her Ult charged or not. She wins if she does but is completely fucked if she doesn't.
maybe this season, yeah, but that guy played a lot of OW
I lost most of my placement matches due to leavers. I'm never going into placement matches without being in a group again.
user. Wesker vs Tracer makes the most sense as a match up and has the greatest potential for new porn. But nope, they fucked up.
I thought that was going to be good but then it got terrible.
why would tracer need her ult to defeat scoot when she has a higher effective range and a self heal? unless were talking pre nerf shortstop, that thing was demonic
kinda feels like that was the desired effect. go full cancer at the press of a button
Tracer can simply blink up to scout point blank and kill him in under 1 second. That's basically how tracer fights period, she has 240dps with headshot capability for double, scout doesn't come close except with random crits. It's basically tracer vs lucio on speed boost only
roadhog is ratchet
Makes the official pairing ,roadhog and mercy, even weirder.
King of the Hill maps, or rather the people I get paired with on them, make me want to drink bleach.
I die a little inside every time I get a gold for objective time on one, because I know I didn't earn it for being the best, only for being the least terrible.
why do people think you have to do everything as a group of 6? well alright if thats the strategy they want to employ thats okay, but they dont even try to make it work. they dont pick the right characters for the strategy or know when to get aggressive. no opportunities are made or taken.
standing at a chokepoint with your shield up as reinhardt doesnt mean your team should stand right next to you firing into the enemy and feeding their support.
It only took 198 games, but I'm finally at diamond. Still have a
what happened that you decided to tarnish your stats like that?
I don't want to talk about it
You know why I hate KOTH? Because Mercy sucks at KOTH. I am forced to go Lucio or Zen, and when I play Lucio or Zen I ALWAYS gain less rank and lose more compared to when I play Mercy.
I seriously cant tell whats more cancerous, this or Undertale.
why do people say that? she doesnt suck if you have people on the team decent at counterflanking. she always wins a war of attrition
Because Lucio is flat out better on KOTH to the point of being absolutely mandatory, and Zenyatta can easily at least compete for the second slot.
So I have to go Lucio, unless someone else is going to lucio in which case I'm probably stuck with Zen because there's much less room to maneuver and no one "counterflanks".
The game is 64 tick now lol.
Whats the point of being able to shoot teammates? Just seems like a unnecessary addition. And you want to shoot your teammates why?
You cant "walk" through them. You like, push them to get past. But for enemies you cant even do that.
protecting mercy is like communism
Whats your rank, guys?
2955. Haven't played any comp games since I got that rank because the support main in my team went off to hunt moose for a week that same day.
On most maps I have enough room to maneuver I don't really need dedicated protection and I can handle on my own. KOTH just doesn't give me space.
Used to be 2300 but I keep getting shit skins on my teams man
at least in my opinion flanking is just something thats always happening on most koth maps. its not so much that someone would be playing mercys bodyguard as it is that you dont want people shooting your team in the back. but its true that having room to maneuver is a huge deal. its definitely map dependant
Is 2256 good for my score at the end of the placement matches? Or shit? Mediocre? AIDS?
When will people stop saying this shit, it sounds retarded, and its not right.
I have no idea what any of these ranks actually mean, honestly. They're not as easily readable as season 1 ranks. I'm just a dude who plays this game and prefers ranked rules over QP rules.
it means a lot, its just not concrete. but its usually a safe bet that the level 20 guy matchmaking decided to give you is going to under perform as hes pretty new.
You aren't allowed in comp until level 25 I think. Not sure since I was over 100 when comp launched anyway.
Experience doesn't equal skill but it is valuable. Unfortunately there are plenty of people with hundreds of hours who absolutely suck and still can't grasp the basic concepts.
It's very simple.
2500 is average. Every 500 points away from that is another tier above or below average. So 2256 is pretty solidly below average.
Just given what this game is and who plays it, being "just" below average generally means you are extremely shit.
Actually I looked it up and that score hovering just below platinum. Feels good man.
Okay, so, since I was placed at 2763 (slightly above average) you're saying I have to earn 237 points to reach the next tier?
Which would be what, exactly? I assume it started me off in silver, so 3000 would be gold? And you get how many points on average for a win, assuming you're not playing support?
You're platinum.
They need to change the platinum and silver badges because I see this mistake way too often.
I'm not sure I follow but 2500 is the starting point for platinum.
I see way too many people who see platinum badges and assume it's silver due to how similar they look. The graphics need to be changed.
Just remember, Platinum marks the 50 percentile. If you aren't in the 90 percentile you are trash, because 90% of everything is trash.
That dark purple text on black background is fucking awful. Who thought this was okay?
Why are you posturing like this when it took you 198 games to hit 3000? top kek
Wait, 2500 is platinum? Other user said 2500 is average. Platinum seems way too high a rank to be average, that (along with the silver-colored emblem) led me to think 2500 is silver.
Someone here seems incorrect. Either 2500 is average and I'm silver not platinum, or 2500 is platinum and I'm above-average.
Or, I suppose, 2500 really is both average AND platinum and this ranking system is fucked.
Right and if even trash like me can hit diamond what's that say about you mr gold shitter?
Yes it's both. Technically "average" is the very start of platinum, but anything in that rank is still close enough.
If you look at the image posted you can see platinum is smack dab in the middle. It seems about right.
I only did my placement matches.
i thought gold was average. you know, gold standard?
Blame blizzard, it's below average, ends at 2499 where average is 2500
Basically they designed it in order to make shitters feel better about themselves.
i could always use that but i know when im being deceived
I laughed
Back to cuckchan with you
dont you see the lolis chicken hat? clearly a tf2 reference
-CoD 76
Just thought I'd share this with you since I went to the trouble of figuring it out. This here is one of the angles for Lucio to hit the side ball. It's a reflect shot off the upper panel.
FYI that's standing, NOT crouched.
The basketball meta is super important.
why is it always lucio that scores baskets
For retarded kids. By Retarded kids.
damned if I know. Here's everyone's center shot, plus hanzo side.
Imagine TF2 competitive, or what passes for it, but as the entire game and with 90% less autism.
huh? you mean the hats? cause theres still autism in droves
I'm talking about the autism required to make a competitive scene work in a game that's completely anti-competitive in nature.
i wish i knew competitive pokemon terminology to throw at you in jest. im sorry for letting you down
Tha comparison also applies to Smash, if that helps.
In any case I have yet to see the comp aspect of this game being taken seriously in here, at least not "esports level" serious. I don't understand why using that as an argument against the existence of these threads.
For a mockery at the online competitive scene, there's a lot of dedication in the fullderp threads and yet no one asks them to stop.
shitposters gonna shitpost. its nice to have a 'reason' to shitpost even if its a flimsy one. youll probably get a reply out of somebody who thinks theyre so smart for proving you wrong.
its the nigger genes
But Lucio is a huehue. He should be more proficient at football.
Solo queue is one of the worst things. People have mics but they don't talk and even if you take initiative and try to lead nobody follows. People don't group up and then they die.
will I ever climb out of this 1800-1900 hell? It seems like only occasionally do I get teammates with brain cells and that makes progressing out of this rank frustrating.
You are probably doing it wrong. Most of Holla Forums is pretty socially inept and I doubt you are an exception. Not that I'm much better socially I just usually manage gentle persuasion alright.
Otherwise it could be your rank, shit players are also often shit people.
Jesus Christ JC!
Honestly it seems that every time I pick Mei it gets the team a sick comeback, is it a case of the enemy team being too slow to adapt to new heroes attacking them or is she just overpowered in the current meta?
It's not like I have anything better to do. It's part time job from hell, overwatch, posting, and sleep. This is my life.
She's OP as fuck.
People always hated her because the pros don't use her, but they forget that they aren't pros and neither team is going to have the coordination or skill to deal with her appropriately. And then she got buffed on top of already being broken when used right.
Start going to the gym m8, you might feel a little better about yourself.
She's a fantastic healer killer, her icicle headshots just tear through lucios and zens.
shit, if youre headshotting lucios what is going to give you a problem?
Is a GTX 970 powerful enough to get 144fps on ultra? Since I moved to a 144hz monitor my R9 270X can't hack it anymore.
I get screen tearing on my 120hz so I'm sticking with 60.
Forgot to mention that my 770 does the job so your 970 will do it easily.
I hope the maintenance gets the servers unfucked. I've been getting a lot of disconnects since the past weekend.
the human eye can only see at 143 fps