German Election 2017


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Surprising part is that people still support those 2 popular parties which publicly denounces their own people, threatens anyone who opposes their immigration plan and always breaking their promises.
Especially Merkel, that dry cunt makes U-turns so frequently that she's almost the splitting image of Hillary.

Opening of polls:

Merkel casts vote (in 6 hours):

(((Schulz))) casts vote (in 2 hours):

Results (in 16 hours):

Does occupied Germany's election even mean anything?

Probably not but might be a surprise, should have a thread anyway.

Wasn't Merket the anti immigration candidate before she won?

If AFD "wins" it will be the same bullshit all over again. Someone who is truly RWDS would have been killed or bombarded with fake sexual assault allegations years before that person could go anywhere near some sort of power.

Fucking this. It's the same shit cuckservatives do in every country. Stop fucking falling for it. Saying "i need to stop the other winning" or picking lesser of two evils is the same as voting for either because nothing ever changes, it is the nature of the establishment status quo. You can only break them through a Third Position.

AfD has an important task here, never cuck. Swedes seem to be polling interestingly as well. We'll see what the future holds and AfD should check if they can get Austria to lend them a guy to lead them again.

Her party (christian democrats) was the "conservative" party

AfD landslide incoming

So why is Merkel winning? Didn't she get booed in the last five or seven places she went to?

My friend tells me it's old people and rural communities that are afraid of change and want stability.

Tell your "friend" he's a fucking faggot kike puppet

Jesus, if Merkel survives this election then there really is no hope for the Germans.

Well he's just a 100% bluepilled German who visited my uni for a semester so yeah he's kiked to the core.

That's not how German politics work. Nobody ever voted for Merkel, her position is determined by the parliament. People vote for a local representative and a party to represent their state in parliament. People like Merkel becoming chancellor is often an unfortunate side effect of local politics.

Yeah, forgot it wasn't like the French elections.

The important thing is that AFD gets 5% or more so at least 1 of their representatives can tell the world why they are right.
can the parliament expel members who have become too (((inconvenient)))?

Weird how many political systems have unfortunate side effects, isn't it? If I didn't know better, I'd say they were designed by suicidal people who were desperate to get the guillotine.

I fear the International Jew likes owning Germany. Expect several (((unfortunate side effects))) to again make her the leader. Expect angry Germans to react by getting up in the morning and faithfully continuing to work.

Are members of the Bundestag exempt from German hate-speech and anti-holohoax-blasphemy laws?

I was the only person under 60 at my local polling place.

They get legal immunity which can be revoked by an act of parliament.

German politics is one of the most alien to me. Here goes though. Merkel will be killed by a drunk driving mudshit crashing into her motorcade. At very least that commie bitch must die screaming.

Dude she's a communist. A "former" STASI propaganda agent.
This is what crypto commies do when they get to power. Do a 180° and let the controlled media take care of their image.
How the hell can a christian conservative import muslims into the country, do shit that social democrats would be envious of and still be viewed as the representative of the conservatives?

She's a weak as fuck chancellor that goes where the wind blows and her pipers pipe.



i don't think they do. I think they fake the results, giving the opponents as little as they dare get away with.

This is a mistake.

The parliament aka the ruling party members decide the primer minister in parliamentarian republics. Almost all yurop except frogs.
The prime minister has similar powers to the american president while the president is nothing more that a castrated public figure.

The burger system has more power invested in the president, similar to how the monarchies had it set up before the monarch got their balls cut off.
And the prime minister aka the house leader is the lower tier bitch.
The frogs also have a similar system.

Man, they really are afraid of their own citizens.

Not sure if that's bad or good. Most young Germans are left retards, don't care or are just naive idiots. They have limited interests, parties and drinking are the bulk of it. On the other hand the old brainwashed fuckers are not the ones who can or will change something.

I'm going to vote a bit later, if only because a non-vote for the opposition is basically a vote for Merkel/Schulz. But to be honest it does feel pointless, Merkel will probably win but hopefully AfD gets more attention from the sheep. The whole government is fucked anyway. They are using undefined "hate-speech" arguments that are not even part of the law as far as i know to censor and shut down any opposing thought since months, basically violating the basic rights of the people and not a fucking word from anyone in a meaningful position. Merkel fucked the nation over in just 2 years, now she gets 4 more, again. My anger tires me out. I'm living in a relatively small town pretty far from any megahubs where you would expect to see the brown rainbow of the growing multiculturalism but even here you cannot leave the house without seeing mudshits, burkas with children everywhere, teenmuds with iphones running around and the parks are full of them, during hot days you cannot find a fucking bench to sit on. They are already everywhere. Merkel talks about them staying and making plans to bring all their fucking families over AND PEOPLE STILL VOTE FOR THIS FUCKING CUNT.

Fucking this. He can dissolve parliament or rule the army in most yurop countries, but that's it. They just go on tv crying for muh integration or muh rapefugees.

The system works good in SMALL countries where there aren't many parties and communities aren't (((diverse))).
Mostly Eastern Europe, Switzerland, Austria.
f.e. Poland had all the pozzed up parties thrown out in the last elections. Slovenia completely reshuffled their parties as the social democrats completely fucked up. Same with the Czechs.
As soon as the hard times hit, established parties can lose power in 1 election season and are thrown out of the parliament.

As soon as you go big as Germany, Italy or Spain you get a myriad of different parties that are used for D&C with two biggest established ones using the smaller ones and throwing them away after one election seasons.

mark my words: AfD will get at least 17% of the votes

Formally the monarchs still holds this power. They only chose a prime minister among the majority in the parliament, because if they try to rule themselves, the majority would immediately change the constitution and turn the nation into a republic.

dubs confirm AfD is going to provoke a rarely before seen level of political upset and possible meltdown as Merkel has no choice but to work with them.

Ok just to give you fellow anons a better understanding of OPs pic. The official begin of the enrichment crisis was in autumn of 2015. Thus the (((demoscopes))) tell us that then the poll started to get more shaky. The huge bump in the end of 2016 is 100% propaganda and completely artificial. A huge media campaign of the SPD tried to push for shlomo Schulz as chancellor, but it was too blatant and so they needed to correct the SPD downwards steadily. Pic related.
The problem is now that
1. We had biased vote couting against the AfD proven in recent regional elections
2. The vote transmission to the central commitee is electronic and the software proven to be unsafe
3. The FDP announced that they will introduce a real immigration law, also deporting illegal immigrants, thus stealing AfD's program points. In reality they will try to rule together with Merkel and will forget their promises at the blink of Merkel's eye.
4. Massive and dirty campaings agiainst the AfD for over 1 year

I guess what I'm trying to say is, all points above considered, we can hope for 10% AfD though 15-20% would be realistic.

That's the thing I really learned with the 2016 election as well as Brexit: the polls are almost always wrong, especially when the elites are confronted with someone or something that really scares them. Then they start a massive propaganda campaign designed to manipulate the hearts and minds of the voters, but ultimately backfires, and only serves to reinforce the psychic bubble they've been living in for the past few years or decades, the one they're surprised actually existed.

Are the people there in Germany knowledgeable about all this? Or are they thoughtlessly consuming government and corporate propaganda?

polls are wrong
Merkel is not going to win

Sadly, the constant stream of propaganda is very elaborate. It's everywhere. Many folks haven't realized that, which is one of the reasons they still vote for e.g. the SPD, which has no right to exist anymore at all.
See, people that openly spoke in favor of the AfD were treated like the next Hitler, going on constantly for years now. Labor unions had flyers where they called for denouncing colleagues that could be thinking in favor of the AfD. It's really a shit show. After all, the German fears to be labelled ""right wing"", the term "national" is used devaluating. Everyone with a good paying job keeps their mouth shut, because they fear public denouciation.
We all know that the roots of this were planted in '45, but that pill is WAY too big for 99% of the people to swallow.

wait, that stupid slag is actually anti-immigration now? LMAO

Is Germany still using based Euros? Then it doesn't matter who wins. Vote Merkel, the more memeable candidate, and start practicing the dance of doom.


Let's hope so

Let me guess: they'll call you a "Hitzkopf" for expressing a slightly critical opinion of immigrants, multiculturalism, or the behavior of sexual deviants?


That would be nice. Reality is different: Red pilled folks keep their mouth shut. Progressives shout leftist propaganda but it's no problem to ridicule them. The problem are the normal fags. Because they don't think for themselves, their heads are full of the propaganda that only tells them: AfD = right wing = extremely dangerous = next hitler = 6 million = you better be careful GOY.
Burgerfags will never understand, because you don't have a law that will literally bring you into prison for expressing wrongthought in public.

german nationalism is weird like we are good at so many things but how we act about them is like we lost or something never allowed to feel pride like what happened when we won the world cup and then there's times we can be boastful like the sector i work is auto industry and always we brand to foreign markets about the 'superiority/power of german engineering'

by the way i think any german nationalist should join the car industry it's fun there are a lot of redpilled people if you know who to talk to and find at the lines and we make jokes about how volkswagen is literally the natsoc car (obvious reasons) and audi stands for and is nickname for uncle adolf joking how many jews can each model run over plus you can be openly nationalistic especially if you are transferred overseas you are paid to and expected to talk up german superiority and excellence. feels proud man

only during election season and only when it is convenient for her she is like a fucking jew

it's true can't do a lot of things because no real free speech like burgers have but we have shorthands like ways to get around censorship. like how we use the german empire flag instead of third reich one. it may not be the third reich flag but everybody knows exactly what it means. people will always find ways around censorship and the more they call afd nazis the more people will be normalized to it then we can finally unfreeze hitler from his cryogenic state in antarctica kek


Even if that is true, I'm having a hard time being enthusiastic about this whole charade. (((Afd))) is bullshit.

Representative democracy is a joke anyway. There is no contract between the people and the elected. They can promise anything they want to and then do something completely different without any repercussions and since we are all unarmed here in Europe, we can't kill them either. It's a complete farce. That's why the whole we have to protect muh western democracy mentality is a joke.


I understand.


and just a reminder even a cuck like merkel is in on it too how hard she tries to protect the german auto industry naturally it is a major backbone of german power, economy, and dominance in europe and the world. remember volkswagen aktiengesellschaft is the largest auto maker in the world now. uncle adolf would be proud. heil.

kinda agree. there should be a legal binding contract between voters and politicians so they actually fulfill promises and not lie like they always do

Gib Gas macht Spaß
Für die deutsche Industrie, bruddi

haven't seen this many tor fags in ages

not disillusioned about the AfD but with the only option left for me personally.

We had all this shit with our elections, mate.

"Omg how did Theresa May win"

"By signing a deal with the fucking DUP"

"Noooo lel UK cucked"

Delete this, goy oy vey!!!!

Just returned from voting. Mostly old people and some fat degenerates hoping for more gibs there. Its still early and shit weather here so i hope there will be more AfD votes later.
Heard some woman ask her husband if he looked at the voting options on the internet. Its baffling how anyone can even think there are any options left. There nothing else worth crossing on that list. But i guess thats the average German for you, confused by simple choices.

on my part there where also 80% old people some single mothers, went with my mother and brother (student w/o job), mother voted for freie wähler/die linke and my woke bro for the spd/piraten. bro would have voted for pirates if they were represented locally but choose spd because he also doesn't like rapefugees so he didn't went with cdu. he thinks he will get better internet if the pirates win. my mom went with her choices because of some stuff she saw on tv. apparently some kids voted and thats what she went with. both of them dislike refugees but think i voted for nazis. i even shown my brother some of the shit thats been going on with the spd and thier anti german behaviour, but he's to woke for school, even said i fell for their propaganda. i think my mom just wants to help by letting the young choose the future for themselves.

It's easy to explain: The majority of us votes out of tradition. They vote who their parents, grandparents and great-grandparents voted for without reading the actual program or paying attention to what the politicians actually do.

It's hopeless since the German system is so fucked up, nothing close to a nationalist can get elected. Anons better start to try a new Beer Hall Putsch… because voting is pointless in Germany.

Your mother and brother are both cucks and you're a retard for letting your brother vote a far-leftist party just because they support piracy. I know your piracy laws are fucked up but the German pirate party is run by a gay MLP fan for fuck's sake.

No purpose in voting then. In which case only violence will liberate Germany.

Based on percentages you are basically giving Merkel a vote if you refuse to go. Stop looking for excuses and move your fat ass once in a year. Of course it can be expected that theres fraud but make it harder for them to bury 30% of votes instead of 10%. Also maybe i am fool to think that but i believe that voter fraud is still a harder to pull off in Germany, many officials are more naive then totally corrupt here, at least on the lower levels.
But you are an idiot if you think that being a passive blob waiting for your happening that probably won't come in your lifetime is better then pump AfD votes and shift the perspective of the masses.

Trips of truth. Voting takes so little effort that everyone should do it regardless of any theory they may have.

Listen. Democracy is a farse, but not voting nor campaigning for AfD is even worse.
Campaign as hard as you can, vote for them, and after the election is stolen from you by the usual ((( suspects ))) , then you have permission to violently take down the corrupt government.

AfD Accuses Google of Sabotaging Campaign
Google has refused for more than a week to place certain ads for a controversial anti-Merkel website created by the Alternative for Germany

Trips in a nation saving post


Merkel wins, and AfD plumets, further going with the trend of blatent cuckservitives and neocons winning so then that way they can frame the opposition as them again and try and no platform us as always

So was that emissions scandal a fake then?

Did that stop Baader-Meinhof? Does it stop Muslims today? Alphabetfriends, please note: I'm asking a rhetorical question, I'm not saying anybody should kill anybody.



Isn't there something where after ww2 the allies took control of german media until 2040 or so? I remember reading about it but I can't find it anymore

are we watching ard, zdf or br boys?

Come on you Krauts! Do what the Frogs and Austrians couldn't; add fuel to the fires of nationalism. It's September now.

Wasn't something suppoused to happen on the 23rd?
Oh yeah, it was total bullshit, like every single prophecy ever.

Section Highlighted in Red

Where is the legitimate Government?
What is and what has been happening in Europe, especially in Germany, where in just the last ten years, more than 100,000 truth speaking citizens from around the world, have found themselves in jail and in conflict with the purported law, for having misspoken themselves with faux pas’ at the displeasure of the Ruling Clique and their noisy lobby. This has only happened due to the manipulations and the power of a Shadow Government – an Occupational Institution, ever since 1945, passing itself off as a legitimate government of Germany… however, they are not!
There just so happens to be two Constitutions. According to a Resolution of the Constitutional Court (Verfassungsgericht) of 17 August 1956;

“It is upheld that the German Reich has outlasted the collapse of 1945 and has never gone under or fallen, either through capitulation or through the exertion of foreign state authority in Germany by the Allies, or in the later course of time; it is still an entity with legal capacity, even though it is not fully operable as a government due to a lack of organization. The Federal Republic of Germany is NOT the successor of the German Reich.”

(note: the Constitution of the Third Reich, dates back to the North German Constitution of 1866. The principal reason why it still exists is because only the German High Command surrendered on 8-9 May 1945, and not the German Government or the German people)
The Constitution, enacted by the Occupational Authorities, on 23 May 1949, is termed the ‘Basic Law’, only because it is/was a provisional (interim) Constitution, pending unification of the lost territories. However, the Reunification of 3 October 1990, only effected central Germany and the eastern territories, as defined by the 1937 borders, still remain under Polish and Russian control. Thus, Germany is still occupied, still has Occupational Military authorities making all the decisions, is still under Martial Law (where deceit is not illegal) and is still subject to the ‘Re-education Program’ of the Morgenthau Plan.

However, the legitimate German Reich, the true Reich of the German people, lays dormant in the shadows, embodied with the rightful legal capacity just waiting to be utilised, revived and embraced by the people of Germany, who have the lawful right to determine which Constitutional system they wish to stand upon… that of their own (previously chosen by their volk) or, the system imposed by the foreign occupational military powers?

Professor Hans-Peter Schneider, a former member of a number of provincial (Laender) Constitutional Courts, spoke concerning the constitution of the Third Reich never having been abrogated. He too admitted that it still exists, but according to the Professor, it was apparently only so those who worked during that period, while curiously avoiding the lynching their colleagues were hunted down and subjected to, could still receive their Parliamentary Pensions…
There is another reason which we will discover below, as to why the Third Reich still exists… but in any event, the Third Reich does exists and this widely kept secret, is more legitimate to the German people than any arbitrary occupational rules, it just needs the organisation for its resuscitation.

Further testament to the intentions of the Victorious All-lies not to free Germany, in jurisdiction, movement or mind, is the Secret Treaty (Geheimer Staatsvertrag), enacted two days prior to the enactment of the German Provisional Constitution on 23 May 1949, which gave complete All-lied control over electronic and print media, film, culture and education until the year 2099… 150 years of thought control secretly given to the U.K., France and the U.S. for west Germany.

The Treaty also provided for the confiscation of Germany’s gold reserves to be held in the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank of New York, in which the Rothschilds have a 57% shareholding.
Germany has repeatedly requested for the return of its gold even to this day… to no avail.

Also dumping other docs from the other 3 threads we have on the german elections

Kinda defeatist to think like that. It's almost true about the media though so the more we can push controversial news on the social media outlets the more people are forced to take a stand on the important matters democracy does have an effect in. Like, Marin Schultz says the only thing the new Germany exists for is to guarantee the existence of Israel. That'd be waking some people up.
(Pravda is Russian State Owned, take of it what you will)

ZDF stream is down. I am watching Phoenix.

Is it okay to dream?

You're not the only one

41% participation. It's probably going to be slightly higher than 2013.

Exit polls indicate 13%-14% for the AfD.

That's slightly above polling isn't it

it's okay to dream about the far future, not about the near future. you should have a stable short-term perspective, if you don't then that means you're naive, not rational enough. recognize the patterns. the patterns in this case are:

going back to the brexit and trump votes you can assume that results in this scenario will be as good or slightly better than the last pre-election projections. the last bit of data i heard about AfD was 13% yesterday or the day before that. so 15% is within reach. it could happen. anyone telling you to believe in surprising upset outcomes is insulting your intelligence.

the most dreamy yet realistic outcome is SPD under 20% and AfD over 15%. This would prove Weidel right about a race for second place. She said it tongue in cheek since she knows AfD isn't going to catch up to SPD this time. But if they come within 5% it would demolish the "race for third place" narrative the media resorted to in the last week or two.

Significantly. (((Polls)) were ~10%.

Well AfD coming 3rd at all makes them the 2nd party since as far as I know CDU and SPD will team up

Everybody is amazed they even got 10%. The more they rape, they more Germans go ape.


inb4 Jamaica

Jamaica ist schon bestätigt


Oh fugg wrong thread :-DDD
Jamaica is confirmed

Alter wenn ich die Roth in der Regierung sehe…

That would be more entertaining than Trump.

chance for jamaica coalition is close to zero right?
so when will the next election most likely happen?

What did he mean by this


came here to laugh

would be funny but I don't think CDU is going to jump into this clusterfuck when they can hang on to groko AND have a larger majority.

Retarded American, Jamaica is the nickname for a coalition of the cuckservative CDU (black), "liberal-lolberg" FDP (yellow) and green Greens (Green, owowo)

nvm, SPD dude right now saying the SPD is going into opposition. so I guess you were right, jamaica is the only combination left. LMAO

CDU/CSU - black
Greens - green
FDP - yellow


CDU - Globalists masquerading as conservatives
Greens - Leftist globalists masquerading as environmentalists
FDP - Corporate globalists masqurading as libertarians

Merkel is gonna slobber all over that big fat Jamaica dick.

Ah ok I'm a filthy Aussie shitposter tbh

French here.

(((Libcucks))) win again ?


Strewth, cunt :DDD

Well it was a foregone conclusion the election was going to be won by a neocon
But it'll be interesting seeing if AfD can become at least secondary position if not primary opposition

Do you fucks have to deal with fag marriage campaigners somehow knowing your phone number

The SPD just confirmed Jamaica or a CDU/CSU minority government.



I can't stand Merkel for letting in all those migrants so I voted SPD.
At least Schulz has a sense of humour.




weak bait



All the time, get in the oven (((Schulz))) and take Merkel with you too!

Still convinced Schulz is a kike even though there's nothing about it on his wiki page.

Your Jewdar is in perfect condition, user. Schulz is a crypto-kike, just look at the schnoz and the frog lips. What a freak.

well there is this
no idea how credible it is

Well user you are right to say he's a kike! the features easily give it away
All are features that confirm he's a kike

I feel that he must be like the nephew or even lower of some kike. It's impossible to grow up like that and not be descendant of one.

Beat me to it, you nigger

Can someone give me a quick rundown on the AfD? I haven't really kept up with that since I've been moving in to a new home

Checked, I'm still disappointed that they weren't in second place.

Honorary Kike

Can you fuck off back to cuckchan nigger?

Center right conservatives. AKA evil Nazis.


How center-right are they? I know they're against immigration, but what other kind of policies do they have?

they started as Libertarians.
but seriously anyone can explain why they got rid of Petry and replaced her with Goldberg's Lesbian?

Lurk more or kill yourself.




I think Petry had a really heavy law suit to deal with that cast a bad light on the party.

Didn't she get knocked up?

If not in blood, in spirit

Ok, I'm getting a feel for what they are now. Thanks, user

Germany must absorb all the refugees from Israel's expansion.

>50%+ of the vote Merkel and (((Schulz)))


oh the immortal PR shit, so they instead went with worst possible shit?
The ex-Goldman Sachs banker and lesbian mother is one of the top two candidates for the anti-immigrant Eurosceptic party Alternative for Germany (AfD).

I will but first I have to take this

hitler dubs speak the truth

No, I think it was because
>along with wanting to appeal to moderate voters, thus causing her other opponents (including the current dyke in the race that worked for (((Goldman Sachs))) in Europe) to say she was splitting party ranks

Hocke seems like cool guy

he is indeed.
very smart, sophisticated, reflected and eloquent guy.

the funniest part about this whole affair is that the statement he made would be uncontroversial if a politician of any established party had made it. if Angela Merkel called the holohoax memorial a monument to shame people would interpret it as holohoax guilt and nod along. petry really does seem to want to split the party if she's going to go along with blatant crafted narratives of the media.

stop D&C shilling

He looks too Jewish to be "crypto."

fucking pathetic
call me a shill all you want
might as well write in NSDAP, same result

What's wrong with that?

the sanpaku eyes and protruding lower lip are not just jewish featuers, but also an indicator that he's a major degenerate.

88 seats

down to 13.1% unfortunately. 14 is optimistic. but i was hyped for that outcome as well, don't get me wrong.

Absolutely based and civic, Germany is on the right path to stopping the bigoted and antisemitic left

Fuck off back to reddit

You're right, I should have left it out and let you call me a shill instead

Her and Bill Clinton are pedos and child eaters. Shill!

Nah mate, I was merely memeing.

Sorry about that.


fucking hell, it's already corrected…

You're about as retarded as the average American when it comes to the weapons situation in Germany. The Americans have distance as an excuse, what do you have?

Because her main competitor manages to be even worse than her and she lost something between 8-9% points.

A German I spoke to said he voted for her literally just because he doesn't like Schulz.

14% & 88 seats

Someone is having alot of fun with this Wikipedia page right now.

That would be epic.



Congrats AfD. Finally an opposing voice in germany to call out the lefts bullshit.
When Merkel pushes the next phase of her plans, people will be begging for AfD to take over.

we're germans, we don't go ape
we go auschwitz

Remember during the Austrian presidential election exit polls?

where they had antifa counting the votes?

How was it again… it was on a live stream broadcast of some Austrian channel. The polls were out, Hofer was in lead, almost ended the exit poll, then there was this weird message of "we apologize but due to technical errors we will show the full results a bit later", then they showed the polls with Bellen in lead.

A few hundred Antifa are chimping out. #ResistTrump Elektrischer Boogaloo

But Antifa are an actual threat in Germany, aren't they?


"AFD for Germany, that shits for me, the muslims must leave, 1488"


That depends on whom you ask. SPD and Greens like them so much they pay them for their efforts using our taxes.

If by "threat" you mean willing, able, and allowed to intimidate and attack right-wingers/nationalists without consequence, then yes. If you're speaking in revolutionary terms, the barricade would collapse underneath a single antifa's weight,



Antifa in Germany receives money from the SPD and Greens.

Antifa in Europe get paid with tax dollars.

Is it true the winning party can refuse to deal with the minority parties to force another election?

live stream of demonstrations, action seems over for now:

note kek's hand in pic ( seats in parliament )

yes, if they dont come to an agreement. but they never would do that as the left and right would get even more votes than today. heat is rising. still it will be hard for the "center" parties to coime to such an agreement as conservatives ( CDU/CSU ), liberals ( FDP ) and green ( B90/GRUENE ) are the only options as the socialist party ( SPD ) already said they want to go into opposition.

first east german result is in and it's epic.

I hope Merkel doesn't pull that nonsense. Once people hear the truth on a daily basis, that fire will rise exponentially.

This is why hitler was needed back then. Germans are so difficult to change, that it takes a catastrophy to elect something that will fix their problems.

The backlash for the remaining whites (lefties included) will be fierce. Hope people are prepared for this.

Hell yeah!


German from the "east" here. Hope, you Anglos now realise that not all of Germany is cucked. It is only the west.
Middle Germany is farther right than eastern Europe. If only Men in middle Germany would have voted AfD would be the strongest party.

Secession may be temporarily necessary.

Not a surprise. East Germans grew up being told they were the innocent victims of fascist aggressors, not the perpetrators. So they have WAY less imposed guilt than the Westerners. They also have a lot of living memories of Stasi cunts like Merkel.

Who could have thought, 25 years ago, that fucking East Germany would be the hope for freedom in Europe?

Are all the muzzies located in the west or all over?


aren't they close to Poland? :D

If you want to find cancer, find where the US touched. It's not a coincidence that every single country aligned with the US is nigger shithole.

That's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.

Yes, Japan and South Korea are full of niggers.

Gas yourself Wojack

Compared to North Korea, they are swimming in them.

Not surprising given (((who))) runs the US.

They've got the job of cleaning up the stasi fucks they didn't deal with before reunification.


Jews around world concerned by far-right breakthrough in German election

Ronald Lauder, president of the New York-based World Jewish Congress, called Chancellor Angela Merkel a “true friend of Israel and the Jewish people” and decried the AfD’s gains at a time when anti-Semitism was increasing across the globe. “It is abhorrent that the AfD party, a disgraceful reactionary movement which recalls the worst of Germany’s past and should be outlawed, now has the ability within the German parliament to promote its vile platform,” Lauder said.

The AfD, which has surged in the two years since Merkel left Germany’s borders open to more than 1 million migrants mainly fleeing Middle East wars, says immigration jeopardizes Germany’s culture but denies it is racist or anti-Semitic. The European Jewish Congress urged centrist parties to stick to their vows to avoid forming coalitions with the AfD.

“I expect our democratic forces to expose the true nature of the AfD and its empty, populist promises,” he added. Germany, home today to an estimated 200,000 Jews, has built a reputation in recent decades as a tolerant, safe place for Jews to live, but official data show anti-Semitic crimes reported to the police rising 4 percent to 681 in the first eight months of 2017 against the same period last year.

more in the west than in the east. east germans just like their stuff sorted in the way it always was. they are way more likely to have a right wing view. on a related note i always voted left but merkel fucked this shit up so badly i didnt saw any alternative to vote for afd this time. there you have it pol - i switched sides. no regrets.

my own area just got updated. not too bad. 50% csu (!), over 10% AfD, SPD under 17%, no other party over 10%. feels good to be bavarian.

it'll be interesting to see how seehofer (csu boss) plans to uncuck his party now that the election is over and he doesn't have to play nice with merkel anymore. his first statement was that his party had a hole on the right and that had to be closed, implying moving the party to the right to get those AfD voters back. and the timeframe he gave fo this were the coming WEEKS, implying putting down the hammer during the coalition deal. his past empty rhetoric did NOT protect the csu from losing voters, he knows he must achieve results soon. but how could he, in a coalition with the greens, under merkel? what special deal for bavaria will he be able to negotiate?

The kvetching will intensify slowly into hysterical sqealing. It's beautiful.

We all have to go through the breakthrough user. Remember to stick around.

Bavarian regionalism is pretty strong right? Why do you south germans play so nice with the centrists?

By far in the west. Middle Germany is almost completely white while the west has massive 40%+ minorities. Western cities are compromised of mostly foreigners these days.
West Germany may be another country at this point and I say this not with a light heart.

Look at the map and compare the blue shading (percentage of foreigners) in the west and "east". It tells the whole story and the data is from 2012 - imagine how disgustingly foreign it is now.
I don't see any other way than secession now.

The West is as cucked as Sweden and dominates us by simple majority. It cannot stay this way. People here want to remain German. It didn't have to be this way but "denazification" (in fact de-germanisation) won in the west. The globalist iGadget zombie hordes without culture and heritage in the west can have their liberal utopia. We will choose a different path.

now let's not think too hard about whose fault that is!



Bring them back into the fold by force if necessary, if their spirit is as weak as you say it would be easy to break it.

Gold Jerry!

This is exactly the plan. But first we must reorganize and strenghten the Volk.
After that:

Reconquista Germania

The blue spec in the sea of white in the east needs to be looked after. That shit will spread like a cancer.

"New Germans? We'll make them ourselves."
Shows picture of pregnant white woman who has the nerve to reproduce in her own country.
Jews think this is racist.

I'd love to see some posters like that around here, tbh.

While that is true IMO the problem in Western Germany is threefold:

1. Many foreigners like elsewhere in Western Europe. When these foreigners vote, they aritificially tilt the balance.
2. Massive vote fraud. After Eastern Germany fell, the whole Stasi and whatnot swamp were dismantled whereas in the West, the Atlanticist swamp is implanted since 1945. And they do rig votes.
3. Liberalism. Nothing is more cancerous than Liberalism when it comes to maintining nationalism. Liberalism is really the ultimate anti-nationalism. Communsim is objectively less harmful as evidenced by ex Soviet satellite states who are all much much more nationalistic than their western liberal counterparts.

But looking at polls in France for example, I really think that 1 and 2 are the biggest problems by far. Point nr 3 is blown out of proportion when you consider that even in liberal western Europe (France or elsewhere), majorities are against Religion of Cuck™, immigrants etc.

The irony in all of this is they instantly blame whites instead of the hordes of muzzies while trying to convince people Religion of Cuck™ is out to get them. Classic jewery.

I guess Bavaria has always done well with the CSU. The CSU consciously remained its own entity instead of becoming just another part of the CDU and it retained special privileges. Bavarians will keep voting CSU until CSU politicians start talking the PC language. As long as CSU politicians speak clearly about wanting to limit immigration and just having their hands tied by bad cop CDU the Bavarians are not going to abandon the party.

Up until the age of 10 I had seen two or three niggers in my small town, at different times mind you, not all at once. For many Bavarians that was the reality all the way up until 2015 when the wave hit. They don't have prejudices against niggers yet, it takes time to build those up. Niggers were a thing from America and France, a thing you see on TV, usually in a humorous context, and a thing that your cuck priest tells you to give charity for. There's a small Bavarian town where all the habitants still to this day dress up in black face and have a party to the benefit of some Africa charity. You have to understand how far removed from our Bavarian reality all this non-White and politically correct stuff is. It'll take many years for the mainstream here to get redpilled beyond racist jokes.

So with that context in mind, I hope you can see why Bavarians aren't as terrified of the rapefugees as we should be.

The cancer has a name: Berlin. It needs too be chemically cleansed.

If they are going to call AfD antisemitic, maybe we should do our (((friends))) a favor by pointing them in the right direction, that the muslims refugees are far more antisemitic. Really shouldn't be difficult to prove muslims are far, far more antisemitic than AfD. Specially since shills are trying to convince us AfD are zionists by posting AfD flags next to isreali flags.

Kikes are so slippery. They come to Holla Forums and tell you to hate the AfD because they are zionists. Then they go on MSM and tell you AfD is antisemitic and must be stopped because they are a threat to jews.

I understand why jews don't like you to bring attention to them. The more you learn about them, the more you realize they're horrible people and they are mostly concerned with fucking over anyone who isn't a fellow jew.

I love it. Its affected every single elections over the past few years and knowing their plan, it will make their growth inevitable.

Might as well free Westeuropa while we're at it.


When a country is too left or right, people should seek to bring it back to the center. Ideally the AfD should be one of the two top parties, otherwise you end up in a commie hell hole.

Again Berlin.

If you ban and delete this one more time I will post it over and over on all the other boards until the /pol ownership is changed. This board is "Politically Incorrect" and not White Nationalist only.

interesting trend on display here: in nearly all of the former GDR, the territories the AfD is strongest in, the results seem to take longer.


remember this if there's fuckery and AfD suddenly only gets 12% or less in the end.

Somewhat off-topic but speaking of Bavaria, I have the opportunity to study abroad in Augsburg. I take it there aren't many rapefugees there and it's somewhat safe?

i might as well get it out. i lurked for some years. basically because pol's dark jokes are way better and i always loved to hear both sides. slowly the libtards took over promoting censorship of speech and thoughts online and irl. i've been interested in satanism and masonry for more than a decade now. at some point you will go down the rabbit hole and see the patterns. i actively joined the ride after the DDOS related to wikileaks. the separation of ( where the mails are missing and is hosted on dynadot ) and ( where are surplus mails and is related to MIR TELEMATIKI ). the compromised wikileaks mail service RISEUP that now has a replaced fishy canary statement. i dont even care anymore when i sound like a batshit crazy user. atm i just care about my own rl, but be assured i have seen shit and i will be around.

it's definitely safer than bigger cities and probably safer than most non-bavarian cities. but it's still a city so there will absolutely be rapefugees there. the question is mostly how they are housed. if they are far away from the city center then it'll feel like a german city pre-2015. i don't know that though.

where are you from?

Augsburg is in pretty close to Munich and Bavaria is closest to Austria (where a lot of rapefugees get to). So I wouldnt take bets on that.

If you want to study in Germany, go into the Saxon-states. Leipzig and Magdeburg universities are pretty decent - though depends on what you want to study. Generally in Bavaria the more rural, the better. Augsburg isn't the worst, neither is Nürnberg - but Bavarias overall location is the issue.

Oklahoma, US.
I really don't know how bad things really are in Europe. I went to France and into Italy in 2011 and even then Paris had a ton of shitskins but probably nowhere close to as bad as it is now.

I won't go into detail what I'm studying because I don't want to dox myself because I'm paranoid, not sure how many people applied for this specific program but I figure it isn't many. That's what I figured though, the location thing.

Thanks to both of you btw

The German Spirit shall heal the World!


I just wish to crusade against Bolshevism and finish it off once and for all.

France is gone. When the actual war for Europe starts, they will not make it. So don't even bother thinking of that shitplace. They aren't good at anything aside from cooking and waving the white flag anyway.

And you will not find any decent universities in Europe that aren't in decadent countries. Eastern Germany is your best bet here. Bavaria comes after. Everything more eastern is lower quality education. Everything more western is more cucked - except for maybe Scottland. But they don't really have much influence over the UKs policy-making + you are stuck on a fucking isle when shit hits the fan. Oh. And Iceland. But I have no clue what their education is like.

Paris was an African city in the 90s if not earlier. That's colonialism for you, same as the UK.

To be sure, NO city in Germany is as bad as American cities with a nigger population. There are no gangs roaming the streets in broad daylight, mostly the rapefugees just sit in parks and drink alcohol. At night I don't see any at all, maybe they have a curfew where I live.

Make Europe great again.

How did this sneak up on us? We should have had better mobilization for helping out the krauts.

I'll just say it. It's at the University for Applied Sciences, studying engineering. Good to know Bavaria isn't a shit hole though, I'm considering it a bit more strongly now.

Niggers are pretty tame here as they tend to segregate themselves into their own neighborhoods, nowhere close to as bad as Los Angeles. That's good to know though, thanks.

Asian are too traditional overall to accept the overly liberal ways of the west dude.

I've been to Japan, Korea, and Manilla. Lived in Japan (near Sapporo) for 4 months. They hate blacks, or pretty much anyone with even darker skin shade. Legit. Japanese and Koreans are super racist against anyone non-east Asian, even each-other.

The women loved me because most of the Japanese men were beta pussies. Seriously had some of the longest sessions of fucking in my life with Japanese women. They want to preez :-)

Seems legit

France is as much to blame for the migration crisis, if not more. it wasa french american lead aerial assualt on lybia for no reason whatsoever.
does anyone remember the excuse the MSM spouted when libya kicked off? the anti-war hippies didnt have a chance to begin protesting before it even began

Well, as the other guy said. Germany isn't nowhere near to compare to those extreme nigger shitholes in the US, but with all the rapefugees several cities are on a good path there.

But if shit hits the fan, I would bet my life on eastern Germany and Bavaria to fight back. Just that Bavaria most likely is going to be hit first themselves due to their geographic location - and Augsburg is really close to Munich. So that holds a certain risk. But hey, pretty much everywhere right now holds risks. The US is ahead of a civil war themselves.

Though I definitely would get a gun, if you decide for that approach. An illegal one of course since a) its too difficult to get a legal one and b) its probably going to be taken away when things are about to escalate.

You know, you're the reason why there hasn't been.
For two possible reasons,
Either you're a working for some Jewish ad firm right now and getting paid to post defeatist shit
You're a pussy who refuses to solve perceived problems himself.

Pick either, you're one of either. No exceptions.
So why don't you stop being the latter if you're the latter and start this 'public-friendly huwhite nationalist movement' you so crave?

Eastern germany can team with the vicegrad,

I would hope so.

Watching the reaction to AfD on twitter from non germans is hilarious. A few white chicks posting pics with their muzzie boyfriends to signal hard to the planet "We're not racist!"


speaks VOLUMES that this isnt stickied.
I came back to point this out to you guys, Leave if you only realised.
There are newer and better places for us.
time for lonewolfe

such as?

that pic is bullshit and so are you.
non of these is true except maybe the first one, but if thats the case he doesnt care about it

That's a real part from the socialists' 'simple' programme. The joke is it is written in retard tier German. Now I explained it to you

No off hand. Just watching the posts go by under #afd


Bavaria will go AfD next election.

"Since Hitler" because Hitler scored more seats than the AfD did- the AfD was bloody close though.

Reich within the next decade.

"Since Hitler" because Hitler scored more seats than the AfD did- the AfD was bloody close though.

Reich within the next decade.

All AfD has to do is become the sane candidate. Sit back and call out the liberals bullshit while not feeding them an easy ones (jews, WW2, etc). There should be plenty of material since anything Merkel does is against germanys interests.

Reichstag's is going to be amazingly hostile under the new Jamaican coalition. We Wiemar again!

15% of germans are nazis or nazi sympathisers. It's not going to be a fucking picnic whatever happens.

Don't underestimate french people. Younger males are getting redpilled at a faster rate than ever since Bataclan and co. Last election, 33% far right in France is huge, especially since old people won't ever vote far right and the same for africans who are 20-25% of the voting population.

When the war will start, we WILL lose the cities because way too many muslims and leftists.
But we will keep the rural areas and retake the country from there during winter, with the terrain advantage and supply advantage.

Germamy is done merkel will keep gate open an allow family réunification. ….in 4 yrs theyll vote in higher numbers for merkel or labour. Afd will struggle again

Pretty true but japan will fuck dark guys….korean girls are more picky.

Agree somewhat that there should be some sort of contract that the elected government should be bound to. The biggest issue with modern democracies is that they allow everyone to vote. There are idiots who vote that could not tell you where Iraq or Afghanistan is on a map and yet they would support bringing troops there. If people were required to at least answer some basic questions about the facts of the situation the country is dealing with, maybe, just maybe, democracy could be salvageable.


When the war in Europe starts a majority of the non-natives with the exception of some of the Saracens who will be fighting for conquest will bolt back home. Africans will likely not go to Africa but wont stay and fight alongside Europeans, they will run wherever they can to avoid conflict on the search for another host to mother them.

When it comes to the upcoming European conflict, forget the percentage of non-natives that makes up a countries population and focus on whom they are. Saracens are the ones who will be fighting, they are in Europe to defeat her and make her Religion of Cuck™ic, the rest of the invaders are just opportunists who will split the second things get tough no matter how much they claim to be totally ‘European’.

I'm a bit confused, are the results in yet, I can't seem to find the number of seats

(((google))) has the results. just search German Election.

When they try to tell you this isn't a big fucking deal, remember that everything blue here is brand new. They've never been in parliament.

oh yeah and to top it off the SPD is probably going to go into opposition which means if slimy merkel wants to run the show she has to make a deal with the left and green etc. Totally not going to fan the flames at all

for historical comparison brown is NSDAP.

Holy shit, they actually got 88 seats!?

If my countan skills are right, there's about 101 seats for the NSDAP. So really, the fact the AfD got quite close to that number of seats is a huge deal. And if they keep gaining seats, it won't be long before we see both the rise of a new nation, and also certain folks trying to start WW3 because OY VEY WE CAN'T LET THOSE DIRTY EBIL GHATZIES RUIN THE WORLD :^)

Tonight is a good night.

Probable FDP and the Greens
but your point remains

Once you pick up your pitch fork, you don't put it down until the job is done.

Alliance with Merkel is a suicide for FDP. They will stay in opposition if they know what's good for them. Merkel will join up with Lefties.

107 but yeah

Take back Germany

They got 14% and 88 seats

Man, September really has been a magical month. A bunch of massive hurricanes slamming the mostly resilient American South, two earthquakes in Mexico, Trump calling NorK leader a Little Rocket Man in front of the UN while also bashing socialism and communism, Trump then ending the week by calling out the diseased walking megalithic corpse formerly known as the NFL, starting the week by adding even more countries to the travel ban.

All that and the first real and authentic right-wing party in Germany gaining 88 seats after German politicos and thought leaders successfully kept down all voices critical of the globo-homo agenda for decades.

October is looking to be an authentically scary month for those who carry water for the (((frugalists and merchants)))

I thought they got around 13.1% of the popular vote, although 88 is 14% of the seats,

that's suicide for her party though as well. Even old people will be redpilled

Just to add that it's going to be interesting to see how Germany's own Hillary Clinton is going to be getting along in the coming months.

Probably going to have a stroke after under a month of getting heckled in parliament every single day

Kek speak to us.

Nothing really clear yet, but I don't have any good German news sources. I just keep hearing around 88 seats in English media

It is about 13.96%, close enough to round up to 14%

Like just imagine the glory that is about to unfold. Actually going to see this pissant raked over the coals, constantly challenged on everything for all the world to see

That's so crazy:
88 ÷ 631 = 13.94611%

That's so crazy:
88 ÷ 631 = 13.94611%

According to here they're at 12% unfortuantally
but a man can dream

How kosher is AfD exactly? I hear they're still pretty cucked but I'm inclined to give them some slack considering how strict German laws about naming the jew.

They're no Hitler but as far as I know they're better than Trump, Le Pen and Hanson, if only barely

kosher enough not to get your hopes up too much but still unkosher enough to vote for them. it doesn't cost you anything tbh.

What's kosher about Hanson?

still hoping UPF gets their shit together though

Israel cucking here and there as well basically being the vote that means we're wasting $120m on a shitty fag vote and have it not be in limbo like it should be
And I too hope UPF gets their shit together Shame Blair is a convict even if it was because of self defence

Current zog-news provided results.

Worthless gimmick politician who is nothing more than a shill for the LNP. She's no different to the other loosers in the senate. I say its only a matter of time before she's arrested again for embezzlement. In Australia its best not to have faith in politicians, ever.

why the fuck is still anyone voting merkel though? jesus christ my countrymen are retarded.
weird is i dont know a single person that supports her

Well their main options are Traitor Sell-out, Blatent Traitor Sell-out and literally the devil to these people

God bless

meant for

Quick question: what is the most pozzed area (city, district, region, etc.) in Germany today? Is it Berlin? Koln? Some other place in the western half?

No fucking way.

Gibs map?

95 is maybe not a memeish as 88, but I'll take it

Same place it was pre war, as it is now


almost as good as when Hillary lost.

Is their slogan seriously "the middle"?

In the middle between their wife and her boyfriend.

It's the comforting delusion of having a "middle road" out of a vertical bore hole.


Why? because of the tainted blood you see before you? Gas yourself
REMINDER only true aryans are human. any feelings you have for non-aryans are on par with lust for a dog

Nice bottle blonde whore.



You know how I know you're a kike?


I am not underestimating France. I am saying that they are already too far gone. Yes, there is a strong movement in there - but I am 100% sure it's not gonna be enough. Which also has to do with their location. Germany - especially eastern - will get support by the glorious eastern European countries. Polish, Czech and Hungarian have always done well with eastern Germany. And once that part is back, the rest of Germany will follow.

France does not have a similar support system.

Everyone here is mad and i fucking love it.All the lefties were fucking smug about "how the afd will fail so hard lmao xd" yesterday before the ==14% and 88 Seats== had been revealed. Im swimming in a Sea of Mett right now!

Answer to the question: How? Easy! You and Holla Forums did nothing about it. Instead of whining like little pigs, you could've done something about it.

Don't talk if you can't back it up. If you want something, you gotta just DO IT. There are place and time for talking and thinking, this was NOT.

*North west

Particularly East Germans. Knew this young guy from there, and already 10 years ago he was making jokes about gassing the kikes.

Reminds me of Poland. Anyone who actually had to live through communism fucking hates anything to do with commies. Only kikes and people in designer clothes sucking from the first world tit since birth have a positive view of communism. NS = your enemies are miserable. Communism = Everyone is miserable, so its fair. Except (((party members))) which you aren't allowed to notice or you die. Polish people are pretty based though. Communism failed pretty hard there in a lot of ways, like when the farmers pretty much said "fuck off" when they were told farms were now communal property, not to minimise the massive harm it did to their country. Sucks that the (((poles))) infesting jew york gave them reputation.



I don't get it, how did they take over without a majority?


Gauland (one of the party leaders of AfD) just semi-named the Jew in the press conference. He told the Lügenpresse that Germany's purpose is not to die for Israel.

Imagine the howling of cuckservatives and leftists.

Hahahahaahahahahahahahahhahahahahaha nice

The more liberal policies are publicly opposed the better. Just hearing a sane voice calling out merkel is worth it.

Slightly offtopic but Mansplaining is really the most funny shit libtards have ever come up with. All it is is men having to correct women whenever they stay stupid shit or whenever they fail to understand the most simple causalities.

The irony of that is - if I had to estimate who runs over anyones mouth more often, I would bet my fucking testicles, that it's mostly women doing it with their smug, self-righteous hivemind think.

Weimar was split in 3. Hitler, Commies and Democrats. Stalin got the commies to support Hitler in banning the democrats, then Hitler banned the commies.

Very true.

I have to tell you an anecdote of sorts here. My mother is a molecular biologist. She's smarter than the vast majority of women and when I say smarter I mean much, much smarter (how many women even study STEM subjects? 3%?)

Whenever I see her, we generally talk about politics and being a Holla Forumsack I consider myself pretty well informed with regards to politics and thus explain novel concepts which she might not have heard about like Astroturfing for example.
9 times out 10, as evidenced by her follow up which completely misses the point, she didn't at all understand what I just explained to her.

At least she's smart enough to be anti immigration and anti Religion of Cuck™ but still, I'm honestly frightened when I think how stupid most women are. When my own mother who's a molecular biologist generally misunderstands simple political concepts, what does that tell you about average, normal, non STEM women?

Frightening. Absolutely frightening.

Sucks that the (((poles))) infesting jew york gave them reputation.

The positive for poland is people can't fool them with communism/socialism and no one can label them nazis given they were invaded. They are uniquely the only country who can tell both sides to fuck off.

I've noticed this as well. I wonder how they manage to do well in school (even in male studies) when they are otherwise so stupid.

Women are usually much better at remembering things then men are, that could be part of it.

Unquestioning obedience is a female trait. Men can only get behind a leader if they are actually convinced of his merit in some way.

Just keep in mind that France has a much more RW youth than the Anglo countries and than Germany.

I agree, man. It's because women are booksmart. They can learn set system pretty well through remembering and repeating. But they are fucking aweful at creative thinking. Especially since women often agree with other women just on the merit of shared vaginas.

The problem then occurs with the lack of respect for male views that has been created through social engineering. Decades ago women knew and admitted that they are emotionally swayable and thus trusted the word of men way more.

Additionally I still think any married couple should get only one vote that accounts worth as 3 votes in order to counter-act retarded women. Especially since married women vote more conservative.

Fortunately my mom swallowed the red pill. I mean, she always knew that there is a lot of behind the scenes shit going - but she denied a few points of that as the use of feminism and the immigration. But she got around it over the last 24 months. Though she is the exception and looks down on most women as well while growing up mostly with male friends and being a fathers child.

Rote memorization doesn't necessitate complex reasoning and independent thinking. Many girls do better on science tests than myself or other men, but they can't think outside the specifically taught concepts and theorize other possibilities. Not compared to men anyway.

Who won?