In what is being described as an “epoch-making act” unlike any taken “since the Middle Ages...

So what do you think - schism soon? Happening? I'm not a catholic, but what do you guys think is going to go down?

Other urls found in this thread:–West_Schism

maybe soon Mother Church will be returned to virtue

Here's hoping.

We had one already. Hardcore Lutheran Protestantism is the the objectively best way to be a Christian.
Too bad most Christians today are cultural and have been colonized in their minds by the Jew.

I can only hope so. If he's declared a heretic, he's no longer the pope and we can get a new one hopefully one that's in favor of kebab removal then i'd feel able to actually return to chuch

The prophesy which the church deemed canon says he will be the last pope. Looking at his very long line of religiously contradictory and heretical actions it's not hard to see why. Christianity is in its end days, so are all Abrahamic religions. It's the duty of good men to squish all these desert cults for good.

TORpedos never cease to unwittingly expose their own kikery.

Schism from what? No one and nothing at the Vatican is legitimate.

Anabaptism is far more theologically sound.

The Vatican is a luciferian entity and must be destroyed

Don't you have more little boys to diddle? Your desert cult is finished. It doesn't belong on European soil and should be exterminated like the Jews and Muslims.

you are aware thats just Nicolaism right?

but thats what the freemasonic infiltrators want?
do you agree with the luciferian freemasons that the vatican must be destroyed?

To explain when Papal infallibility first became a thing they asked the Pope what happens if a Pope using Papal infallibility tries to change dogmas?

The Pope said something like "I guess he would be a heretic then."

Fold back into Orthodoxy or die.

Too true. Let it die, religions come and go and Christianity has served it's purpose, whatever it was. It's time the white man found a religion that is all his own again.
Death is not just an ending.

*tips tor*

A lot of people have lurked for years about the exact meaning of nicolaism and one dude on the internet knows? please tell me.

Checked, well, arians are older, but they are dead like dinosaurs (yeah, i know about birds, please containg your tipping).

Btw, somebody has real evidence about those supposed heresies? a lot of them looks like those videos of putin talking about aliens.

I hope this makes it to WIkileaks.

A-are the NatSoc cardinals finally staging a coup?

Let us return to the ways of our forefathers, and dismiss of the desert heathen's deathcults.

Kek confirms Kikes rape children and are the source of global pedophilia

The Vatican is Luciferian Freemason Kikes newfag.


then why was the vatican so viciously opposed to freemasonry and communism the kgb/masons had a plan to infiltrate and destroy the church from the inside
Are you a mason user?

do you deny that anabaptists and the nicolaism'ers are both followers of antinomianism?

No matter what happens, the jews win.

Fracture Christianity into one thousand sects.

Push paganism to shatter the white man into 2000 more.

Nice and divided we'll make these goyim. Why should they care about being financially plundered by our banking system when they cant even get who they should worship right?

That's an incredibly well written passive aggressive insult and disagreement masked as a form of submission, damage control, and best wishes given from a controlled subject to their appointed controller.
Considered me amazed, that's a remarkable essay from a political standpoint.
The amount of status quo masking all the obvious complaints are thoughtfully placed.

It's the rattle before the strike. Either Pope Commie has cancer and this is safe, or they've got the poison warmed up and ready.

This just means the Vatican turning on the Pope, right?

t. agnostic atheistfag

also on an unrelated point: you are pol so you hate God and love lucifer/kek why would you be against the vatican if you claim that they are luciferian? makes no sense

What a time to be alive

No, it means a tiny minority of the Catholic establishment tells the pope "we're unsatisfied with what you're doing." Basically it's a rift between the kikes in control of the vatican, who wants to update the system to have some relevance in marxist society and the oldfag kikes who wants to hang on to the stuff all their followers ignore and let the system die out peacefully.


You fags know they haven't subverted the whole Church right? There are far right factions that support the NSDAP and deny the 6 gorillion, and hardcore medievalists who still practice exorcism and fight demons. I'm not saying there aren't luciferian/masonic and/or jewish factions but they aren't in control of the whole Church.

This is your mind on Judaic religions

I was assuming that's covered under the “words, deeds and omissions” clause but couldn't be said aloud because muh PC. Especially deeds because the only things he's done are cuck to niggers, not like he's been divorced or wedded fags.

That's true, although a vast majority goes along. But the problem is that they've subverted pretty much the entire user base. Christianity when it was influential relied on being able to regulate society with force and punishment. Now that that's gone there's nothing left. There won't be a comeback through faith alone because that's not how things work. Never have, never will. If Christianity is to regain relevance in the way it had it needs to war for it, and that's not looking very likely.

It's not unheard of, there have been a lot of revivals like the Great Awakenings. But you're right in this age it needs war to regain legitimacy.

(((RABBI WORSHIP))) has completed its goal. Kill the white race and create a new world order based on the vatican and Israel.



But these were when Christian primacy was already in firmly established, albeit in different forms. It's a completely different situation to today. Most people in the western world will not choose uncomfortable faith over very secure materialism, at least not when all the guns are on the materialist side.


Sadly you're right

about fucking time, heretical motherfucker needs to go.
there is good, and evil, as older religions knew.
And then we were saved.

Do you feel saved?

Kike stickers= the definition of cuckservatives. You keep that moral high ground… until the spics replace you. Then you will all summon your godly righteous fury and say s-s-sorry…….

Basically it's "get the fuck out or you'll find a knife in your back next time you take a piss"

What we need is a fusion between Nordic/Greco-Roman paganism and traditional Christianity.

What was "wrong" with paganism? (reigion wise)
Why cant we return to the ways of old?

*tips fedora*

Seriously, your supposed kind was destroyed by christianity and from your ashes civilization was created, you arent nothing but a bunch of irrelevant tards trying to fight a power that you cant understand.

Look, the guys that destroyed europe and still cant notice it.

Since vatican council II, maybe.

*tips* always was an antifedora meme and they are usurping tit, say no to cultural appropriation.

Maybe he is protestant, now to the other point, then both of them share some points, like muslims and jews, but muslims and jews arent the same.

This, remember that the 30 years war started because a merchant told the pope that he will manage the money.

Ask Poland.

Dude, in my land is pretty common founding heads of tortured animals in your backyar or roofs and those witches fear Christ.

*tips discordian*

Not even Napoleon had this level of delusion, if it wasnt by Usa your kind will be beaten on the streets and churches will be filled with slavs, europe is small and in terms of population numbers is irrelevant, every time a western yurop says "the world is x because i am x" he is being delusional.

Nobody is racist because black is an ugly color or because they are jelly of muh dick, is because of black behavior, but a christian is forced to not being a nigger, there is no reason to be racist against a true christian, we wouldnt rape, robin or kill you.

Abusing childs, not working and selling your faith isnt christianity, keep trying yurop.

Already happened

I dont want to be raped by a magician.


Arianism is not older than Nicene Christianity. Arius was initially condemned by his direct superior (the Bishop of Alexandria) and later by the vast majority of bishops present at Nicea. His position was heterodox.

If the Roman Catholic Church were reformed to be
1.Against jews (like they used to be)
2.Against all communism (sjw ,feminists,etc)
3.Against all faggots (trannies, faggots adopting children,etc.)
4.Against anything that breaks down the family unit.
5. Where against third world immigration
(Bible supports strong borders btw)
6. Actually fights for its survival instead of bending over for anyone.
7.Helps remove Kebab ( including jews)! Deus vult!
8. Mass purge of papacy and new rules to weed out faggots, jews, communists, niggers, ,etc. all branches of papacy need to marry women! or get the fuck out.

Then I would go back to the Church until then the Vatican, the leftist favorite pope and the whole lot of them can piss off.

Well the number 1 candidate for next pope isn't too bad–West_Schism

1054, i was talking about the official time of schism, but if you have more info please tell me.


Actually that was the source of the problem.

I consider faggots to the same as pedos btw.

Then not reformed but brought back to when they weren't trash.

Who cares what you think? Go concern yourself with your own race.

Francis is an antipope. Benedict is the true pope.

Do you define jews racially or religiously? Would you accept a jew who converted to Catholicism?

once a jew always a jew I don't accept converts as they would use it as a way to infiltrate and subvert

I love the fact these fucking Jews are getting overturned left and right.

Its fucking glorious.

The Church was never against jews racially, though. They've always accepted jewish converts. Converts of any race actually. So what you said doesn't make much sense in that regard.

and we see how that turned out.

I live in Poland and the Catholic faith is still very strong here. Nonetheless, church authorities are doing everything they can to air lift niggers straight to Europe. Every mass priests are trying to guilt trip the goyim into siphoning resources to Africa. If you look at World Youth Day in Kraków in 2016 you can see that the Church pushed hard for diversity and virtue signaled by bringing pilgrims from Latin America, Asia and nignog land. Additional the number of potential priests candidates declined in recent years and Christian Curia filed in the vacancy by importing subhumans. Many nationalists here feel disfranchised with Christianity as the Church is strongly pro-EU and is pushing hard for importing rapefugees and sees them as potential converts.

They even do hallelujah singouts for the "refugee" reception at local churches, directly importing millions of their christian "brothers" from Africa into Europe and places like Minnesota.

Hell, I even saw a picture of, I think it was a magazine, showcasing how churches in Europe were being bought to make houses and parks. The picture showcased one former church in Sweden that was turned into a house - it was clearly a jewish house and the "holiest" of the church was turned into a restroom. The fact that so-called Christians did nothing about this, but just acted like sheep, was the final stake at making me realize christianity was DEAD (not to mention later knowing it's history and seeing how anti-european it was in the first place). It took too long for me to see such measures ny the "catholic officials", especially considering they have an anti-tradition, anti-christian, especially "anti-christians" "pope" picked entirely by the CIA… Not going to post more against christianity here, but fucking get a grip, liberals are seeing the church as something compatible with their beliefs and propagating it…

Wasn't it leaked churches in Europe are compromised psyops and agents for (((cultural enrichment)))? Polish people can still reject their pozzed leaders, political or religious. Take them out.

Ratzinger is still the pope:

Except Religion of Cuck™ is constantly growing through birthrates and mass-immigration and kikes now have their own country and de facto rule the entire world.

Christianity is a dead weight unfortunately. The best Christians are those who do not pay too much attention to Christ's teaching. In America church goers are the most pro-Zionist group there is. Christian authorities love spics, niggers and gooks and views them as potential converts. Protestants are die-hard Jew lovers, Catholics love importing muds to Europe and Orthodox officials don't mind pimping Russian girls to bearded Chechens.

wait wut?
does this mean that christcuck can't call me a heretic anymore when i shit on their kike on a stick because their cuck pope says so?
Allright ye monotheistic sandnigger worshipers.
your don't like me and i don't like you but i'm willing to burry the hatchet, for now at least, until we can hold hands and sing cumbaya around the bonfire where Francis cuckpope burns

gotta give it tho this pope, he sure got a non christian like me to want to go full DEUS VULT on his ass

Christ teaches the Jew has had the Kingdom of Heaven stripped from them and given to a people more deserving.

I don't think you understand this. Religion of Cuck™ and mudfolk are two separate cancers. As a matter of fact, mudslimes themselves are becoming increasingly more heretical according to their religion and a lot of them are plainly westernizing, yet they still remain inbred semites that won't think twice about stabbing whitey in the back. The political propaganda proposes that it's Religion of Cuck™ to be the problem, when in reality it's just a projection of the semitic hordes being unleashed onto the West.

The Catholic church has been heretical and blasphemous for well over 1000 years. It is a corrupt, secular institution built by men to control other men. It was the Catholic church that gave Jews their strongest foothold in Europe, decreeing by law that Jews were the only ones allowed to conduct banking and usury.

Protestantism is the only true Christianity. Religion on the basis of the Word of God supersedes religion on the basis of the Word of Man.

I'm a 'christcuck' and I'd take Francis over this shitstain any day of the week.

He's an illegitimate pope. Definitely gay, and most likely a Jew.

Mass immigration from latin america = Christianity.

The last time I went to a catholic mass it was like living through a shitty MS paint comic.
It was a hooked nosed italian priest who told everyone how important it was to be kind to refugees, that christians are no better than Religion of Cuck™ic terrorists because of the crusades and he reminded us how long the jews have suffered and how important Israel is.
This wasn't a main mass, but a morning mass during the weekday in some smaller room in the church.

Many problems that we are facing today can be attributed the current state of Christianity. Pro-Zionist sentiments are rampant because of the "chosen people" meme. Obsessive notions about equality are made worse through the teaching that we are all made equal before God. The sheer destructions that came about due to some Christians that push for more conflict in the Middle-East in order to quicken the return of Jesus.

There are many things that could make Christianity much better for our cause, my suggestions would be to teach that the Northern Kingdom of Israel was the chosen people and not the Southern Kingdom of Judah. Or well anything would do actually do as long as it refutes that stupid meme. Another suggestion would be to demote Jesus to a mere apocalyptic prophet of the Son of Man. Simply said, Jesus sucks as a messiah. Noone should be able to take away our responsibility to face up to our own sins by dying in our place. We should rather have a cosmic judge as our messiah that will bring true justice by making us pay for our sins.


Why do so many Catholics think the Pope always has to be good? I'd wager there are a surprisingly large proportion of Popes in hell.

Because the Pope is supposed to be the fucking avatar of God, the sole and only middleman between the Creator and Mankind. He's supposed to be half a step lower than Jesus Christ, Son of God, himself. His words are supposed to be God's words.

So you can understand people's resistance to the idea that he might fuck boys.

explain to me I don't understand all of this. Shit I don't even know what's the difference between catholics, christians, protestants. please forgive my ignorance.

You have the Humanists and mindless Egalitarians to thank, Christianity has ceased being a force since 1945.

I wish, they are actually the largest force importing third worlders into the west

The government is secularist and can pass laws to fix the problem. They're not not because Christians are stopping them. They're not because its in line with their Humanist Egalitarian tendencies.

Who are you quoting?

And who are you quoting?

None of the governments promoting regime change, nation building and the promotion of democracy and freedom are Christian. The governments that continue to import immigrants and refugees are not Christian but secular.

Absolutely checked

The governments of Europe and the US opened the flood gates but church authorities are doing their part in importing millions of subhumans as well. Some priests may be redpilled but the majority of Christians institutions are geared towards siphoning resources out of whites and helping spics, nogs and kikes.

I only quoted you. And in the united states Catholics alone import more people then any government program

SSPX, led by the bishop that provided the filial correction, already had their schism after Vatican II. They are trying to right wrongs.

Peter the Roman finally being recognized and censured? One can only hope.

What does it feel like being this new? How's your cornhole?

All Popes after the Second Vatican Council are Anti-Popes.

Get out, newfag.

lol no

Global report.

Reminder that the only only ideologies to name the jew are Christianity and National Socialism and that you are a paid shill.

What the hell is this gobblety gook? He getting ousted

The greatest threat to the European man is the schizophrenic abrahamic religions. They are variations on the same theme of victory through victimhood and take advantage of the Europeans altruism and sense of honesty. First was Christianity to weaken the culture, then Religion of Cuck™ is the sword, and Judaism the man behind the curtain.

there will be no new pope
he is the last one that there will be, at least before the end times
also he isn't a pastor

When did the religion of cuck become a thing?

My theory is his minions found something to blackmail this nigger-foot kisser and they are giving him the opportunity to step down with minimal embarrassment to the cloth.

Reminder that the only only ideologies to name the jew are Christianity and National Socialism.

Probably whenever imkikey last changed the world filters.

The christcuck, fearful and faced with arguments, throws a fit at the mere question of his beliefs, being unable to justify his support for them in any way besides pointing out empty fanatic platitudes like "Deus Vult".

If only they didn't kill each other… The thirty-years war between Catholics and Protestants killed half of the German Population. Not that they are even capable of having "doctrinal divergences" nowadays, they all just act like sheep in the globalists flock.

It wasn't true the first time you said it.
It isn't true now

how annoying

ill just say that that refers to the spirits of whose who genuinely love Him, of course their flesh is different, and people CAN change their nature, but don't count on anyone actually doing it, aside from maybe 10% of each race, perhaps barring abbos

do your churches have apolistic succession?

on a related note, whats the difference between torahic judaism and Christianity? i know torah-abiders at least like Jesus, unlike those talmud-abiders

Reminder that the only ideologies to name the jew are Christianity and National Socialism.

Liberals, everyone.

Reminder that the kikes’ copy-pasted posts can be refuted using only the content of these links.
Not Jewish:
Fundamental Question:

that's a meme for athiests, not pagans, you fucking newfriend

Why would any kike like Jesus? I’ve never heard of Torah-only jews (of which there are so few as to be irrelevant) giving Jesus any consideration.

Why don't you prove it then. you've been at this for months.
Religion of Cuck™ seems to name the jew all the time. Does that make it good? No, but it proves you wrong whenever you make your stupid
red text posts

I don't want to "fight" with you, redpill yourself more and the origins and (((elite))) backing of Christianity and what it has done to Europe and Europeans. And STOP acting like a total butthurt sperg, you're not doing a great case in defending your beliefs… And you're embarassing NatSocs with your foolish ways.

Way to out yourself.

your claim:

Burden of proof is on you, and you know you can't back up your statement

Said the paid shill who isn’t redpilled.
Was the catalyst for creating the greatest civilization in human history, yeah. Thanks for mentioning it, KIKE.
Reminder that only Christianity and National Socialism name the jew.

So did the Romans….prechristianity. Religion of Cuck™ names them all the time, but seeing as how they're part of the desert Trilogy death-cult it's a moot point

Reminder that only Christianity and National Socialism name the jew AND THAT PAID SHILLS ARE SPERGING OUT OVER THE FACT THAT Holla ForumsACKS KNOW THIS.

The Romans didn’t name the jew, but they did ban usury (for a time), which is laudable. And you know nothing about Religion of Cuck™, as jews were always welcomed in the courts and were used as merchants and negotiators by all Muslim societies. Kikes are the ones who opened the fucking gates for the Muslims in Constantinople and Iberia, dipshit.

Shit, it's a real life bot! Neato. Reply to me next!

only Christianity and National Socialism name the jew!!!1!
because 16e243 says so

Really? I remember the Greeks and Romans building such civilization, before the christians started a DARK AGE in europe, banning even hygiene as sinful and getting buttblasted by arab tribes (and vikings, and nomads).

Yeah, church propaganda by pedophile priests and apologists is probably right, even though the whole term was develloped before Liberalism even exhisted, during the Renaissance (of PAGAN ideals and arts).
The facts are there, not a single roman library or bathhouse survived in the christian west. But yeah, keep sperging in favour of an anti-european religion that murdered your ancestors, destroyed their culture and left Europe into an abyss, being now followed mainly by non-white sheep.

You’ll have to do better, kike.

So Greek/Roman civilization was greater than that of the Victorian era, was it? Great job, dipshit.
Holy shit, paid shill confirmed. Even fedoras admit you’re a faggot.

Until the church starts opposing Jewry again, they're fucking worthless.

Reminder that vargtards think the fall of the Eastern Roman Empire and Constantinople was a good thing

But christianity was still strong enough to send missions all over Africa, improving the living conditions of the Niggers there and allowing their population to grow by over a Billion in the last 50 years after "christian" european nations willingly gave them independence…

inb4 King of England wants to remarry - start a new church, plebs follow because fuck it - then the US gets independent and they form an Episcopalian church - because people take their christian beliefs very seriously…

The Romans destroyed Judea, burned the Temple which zionist christcucks want to rebuild and expelled the Jews from Palestine.

Meanwhile the pope in Christian Rome was the main responsible for inviting and maintaining jewish communities in Italy, where they were heavilly allowed involvement in commerce - that is, when the pope was not himself jewish (up to Pope Alexander VII in the 15th century being crypto-jewish).

Even muhammad the pedo goatfucker killed jews - the Chinese, Ghetto Niggers and everyone else that dealt with jews point them out for their kikery, stop projecting - Christianity is the main upholder of zionism outside Judaism.

The fall of Constantinople when the Crusaders went into the city, burned it to the ground, raped nuns and established weak petty kingdoms instead of fighting the Turks?

Yeah, guess what, the Crusades attacked the Levant, Egypt and Greece - and what happened next? The Ottoman Empire quickly sprung up and easily took these places, devastated by the years of war.

Great job christcucks and proto-masonic templar elites, because it served a lot of strategic purposes to take some formely kike-held desert in the middle of nowhere, at enormous costs of life, instead of just attacking Muslims in Spain or Anatolia…

you're wrong because i hear hezbollah talk about the jew all the time. I hear Hamas talk about the jew all the time.
So Christianity and NatSoc are not the only things that name and shame the jew.
You're the shill. shilling for christianity, which no one would have a problem with if it wasn't a semitic desert religion that destroyed our european heritage.


Thanks for conceding, moishe.
K. You know why that happened, yid, but you won’t say it.
This is a term which does not exist. Also thanks for outing yourself again.
lol “the pope is Christian” spam again
Reminder that the only ideologies to name the jew are Christianity and National Socialism and that you are eternally nose-numbed by this fact.
Except the chinks were founded by jewish money and the niggers blame whites for slavery instead of the jews that did it.
Nah, since the term doesn’t exist.


No fucking shit Christcuck. Its all theater when a mohammed the pedo goatfuckerian "names" a Jew. I'm well aware of Toledo and Constantinople and everywhere else in between those Moloch worshipping fucks wormed their way into courts.

Look at all that proof, moishe.
The organizations founded by Mossad, you mean?
They are, in fact.
So fucking cute.
lol didn’t happen
There is no common heritage between kikes and Christians.

Also great job pagans for attacking Constantinople and the black sea coast while the Byzantines were fighting the Arabs in Cilicia and Edessa and had to wind down the campaign.

Speaks a lot for you christcucks uniting Europe with your middle-eastern idol worshipping.

Ok, you just got fully deranged I can't even keep up in trying to understand what you're sperging out.

There wouldn't even be Religion of Cuck™ without christianity,

And yes, the Crusades weakened Eastern Europe and rival middle eastern powers, allowing the Ottoman Empire to attack all the way to Vienna and enslave millions of Europeans, while the Christcuck kings allied themselves with Turks and just slaughtered each other in petty religious wars.


Which is why they fought during the last invasion of Lebanon, and also took back Arsal from ISIS, right?

Reminder that Christians are irrational actors who provide cover for jewish meddling


What the fuck kind of retard are you?
I realize there aren’t many oldfags here anymore, but the ones who do still see right through you.
Reminder that only Christianity and National Socialism name the jew.

Define "Nicolaism".

Don't forget the Alta Vendita - their goal was to subvert the RCC for their own ends, not to destroy it.

For the first thousand years of the Church there were no popes, and Orthodoy is the most theologically and philosophically sound form of Christianity. No need for death threats, though, everything stands by its own merits. It's important to establish national churches in non-EE countries, too. E.g. a renewed, traditional and martial French Orthodox Church.

Their christology was unsound, but as a Germanic expression of Christianity I can and do respect it. Rosenberg wrote about Germanic Christianity and Meister Eckhart in "Mythus".

No, the paganisms died for a reason as well.

You're right, of course there was (and apparently still is) much resistance within the RCC. It's just that the Alta Vendita, perhaps supported by Jewish money, finally achieved their goal of subversion, with Vatican II being their most nefarious achievement.

"Antinomianism" isn't some positive, developed doctrine, it was just the old Gnostic alienation from and struggle against creation. Their grievances were real, of course. Not only spiritually, but politically and economically as well. With regards to Protestantism, desire for liberty and use by the state for better control of the population often went parallel. Those were tough times. Peasant War in Germany, very brutal, later the 30-Years War. In the long-term memory of Germany, this last one left deeper marks than the two World Wars.

How can you manage to have even have less arguments than when you started? And you even forgot to copy your pasta for the millionth time. I can picture the tears in your face right now, LMAO I'm done with you. This is your brain on fanatism - if at least you used it in pro-european pursuits…


Reminder that christcucks think the fall of the Western Roman Empire and Rome was a good thing.
Which christcucks also brought about.

Because christians killed them all, using non-christian mercenaries paid with jew gold. You fucking swindler.

Sadly this. I guess the slavs were right all along.


Incorrect, and I say that in an as neutral a tone as possible. The large majority of Pagans converted voluntarily, otherwise its rapid expansion into the most remote corners of Europe is not explainable. Elites converted and took their levy with them, but also commoners. Obviously, syncretisms like the "Christmas tree" existed and still exist today. It was Germanics who killed other Germanics (Charlemagne etc.), as they had done for hundreds of years before. It's disingenious to deviate from racialism only when it serves you.

Israeli Govt. intelligence created Hamas, but not Hezbollah. I don't know where you're getting that idea from.


What did any of that shit amount to? So it's okay now because it was indiscriminate? I don't understand the point you're making here. The raids were piracy and looting, not establishing bulwarks of defense.
Oh you mean the asian pagans who became the Religion of Cuck™ic Seljuk turks, whom revitalized jihad from the moribund Arabs whom the Byzantines were beating since the fall of the caliphate?
The Varangian guard were present during the defeat at Manzikurt, against said Seljuk Turks. They were a mix of not only Norsemen, but Anglo-Saxons up until the 11th century.

Kike shills, everyone.

Technically I know some Wotanists people who claim that the kikes are musspelheimers - some kind of greedy and angry demons. (not sure of the spelling)

Wrong. Also it "fell" for about a century for entirely secular reasons like shit administration and multi-culturalism. Unless you want to attribute additional power to Christianity?

What do you mean with this? You can't possibly miss that out.

Paganism was not compatible with "ideologies", in an age of ideologies - however, that age is soon to end - but lets say no more of that… There is no excuse for not upholding tradition and return to the way of our forebears - that is exactly what (((they))) want to avoid

The last pagan Roman Emperor of the West, after defeating the Eastern Christians, had its army bribed to turn on him by the richer orientals, whose armies relied heavily on arab and egyptian conscripts. Emperor Julian was murdered by the christians, while leading a victorious campaign against Persia, by arab mercenaries, because he opposed christianity.

Now his argument was rather silly, but you can't say this "never happened" - look up how Christianity spread in the ancient Eastern Rome - ascetic hermits who castrated themselves leaving the desert and desecrating temples, Jews like Paul of Tarsus (describe as a 4 foot tall monobrow hunchback) openly calling for the burning of Rome and so on… When they took power, they murdered millions and, unlike the more tolerant romans, executed people for several hundreds of years because they didn't follow their religion.

Peaceful conversion is a myth. There is a reason so many Frankish Saints of the 6th century were "martyred", and why they had to live in walled monasteries… Versions of christianity did spread peacefully to some parts, like Ireland (where they followed a very satanic gnostic cult), but the vast majority was elite conversions, through bribery and influence, forcefully spreading to the populations - there were reported pagan areas in France up to the 18th century, you have to remember all literacy was banned from the gentiles, even the contents of the bible, and that people had to attend mass on the threat of murder, which was very dilligently performed in such dark ages…

And what did the raids on Byzantium amount to of any difference? And yes, the Seljuks, Bulghars and others became Muslims and Khazars became jews, doesn't mean they didn't do a lot of damage to the Religion of Cuck™ic world before that, during that time. And you have to remember the pagan Mongols destroyed the core of the Religion of Cuck™ic world in the middle ages, killing not only millions in Baghdad, but all over Persia (siege of Merv) and other rich areas of the middle east.

And the Varangians having to serve in the military of the greatest christian empire, because there weren't enough fit man, speaks a lot. They would have been defeated even earlier without them, who held up Constantinople all the way against the Crusaders in the sack of 1204.

Tip Top Lel.

Checked for nah, that's exactly what happened, and Jew-worshipers always try to deflect.
Could you faggots be more Jewish? Is it even possible?

Pics related: Before Christendom, and after.

You mean, like the introduction of a foreign semitic-derived faith worshiping a dead rabbi as the sole son of the one true god?
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Really activates the old almonds.

Constantine quite literally rescued Rome and saved the world by supporting Christianity. Without him, there would have been no continuity of classical culture, and we would all be arab-mongol halfbreeds.

you will know them by their fruits…

how come traditionally protestant countries are way more pozzed than traditionally catholic countries?

The Roman Empire was likely permanently doomed before christianity began to destroy the morale of it's army and incite its lower classes to revolt (the purpose of the jews spreading it in the first place) - the Roman elites adopted christianity AFTER the "Crisis of the 3rd century" as a way to keep their influence in the inevitably crumbling empire.

That doesn't mean, though, that everything related to the Romans, their buildings and art, their many libraries containing the knowledge of our ancestors from times immemorial - that all of it had to be destroyed, desecrated and ruined due to a fanatic religion, that established an order so weak that allowed arab tribes to overrun their world, and even attack the rich Germano-Roman kingdoms that sprung up after its fall, but were sadly christianized.

Just imagine it, we could have a world without jews, a thriving germanic europe and a still Roman middle eastern without arabs, if not for christianity.

I'm honestly starting to think the whole "christian vs. pagan" europeans derailment is done entirely by shills playing both sides and purposefully acting irrationally.

There wouldn't even be Religion of Cuck™ without christianity, if not for christianity we would have a multitude of Romano-Germanic kingdoms in Europe (with germanic democracy and elective monarchies, no bloody succession crisis) and a still Roman middle-east with no arabs (or at worst case a half-european Persia). Without christianity sheltering jews as the only recognized non-state religion, its quite possible that pagan Romans and Germanics would have completely erradicated the jewish religion.

But we don't have that world right? Because of satanic (((elites))) like Constantine, who co-opted Christianity to maintain their power.


Yeah, you seem very unbiased and reliable. Kek.


Or, ya know, people just genuinely have different views of the world and don't like or agree with one anothers interpretations and the result is that the two world views clash aggressively whenever in proximity.

The Mongols, like the Crusaders did little against the Turkish Beyliks and focused mainly on the already fragmented Arabs (whom united anyways under Baibars)
. The Varangians were enlisted because Basil II wanted to cement his dynasty against a palace coup done by conventional guards, being that Basil I was a commoner usurper. Nothing to do with fitness, this was well before the Thematic decay and transition into Taghmata.

Are you denying the Roman empire was multicultural and appropriated non European pantheons when possible? This was well before Constantine.

Not to mention the Mongols also became muslims and attacked the Rus, the descendants of the Variags.

Every "pope" before the Great Schism of 1054 was, by definition, "only" a Patriarch of Rome.

>There is no excuse for not upholding tradition and return to the way of our forebears - that is exactly what (((they))) want to avoid
Agree, but "the way of our forebears" would be the primordial Aryan ways, NOT the degenerate and primitive later ones among Celts and Germanics.

Non-sequitur. Yes, Syrian and Egyptian ascetic practices were severe and un-germanic (Rosenberg was right on that one), but the great problem with your allegiation of genocide is that you see the main factor in religion, instead of the ubiquitious political and racial wars of the era. Like it ornot, it was Christianity who for centuries hold the East against Asiatic and Desert hordes.

Heavily disagree. Religion of Cuck™'s expansion was for the greatest part NOT a military endeavour, but rested on the conversion of former Christians, mostly Nestorians. Nestorianism was theologically already quite close to Religion of Cuck™, so dropping Jesus Christ and remaining an Abrahamite monotheist was often seen as an acceptable compromise if it helped you to survive and prosper. Race ≠ religion. Most "Turkic" besiegers of Vienna later on were racially white, i.e. Greeks and Balkanians come up by Devshirme.

Spotted the fucking newfag. I can't find the image right now, but we've had shills slip up and admit to that.

Yeah, you're right and it needs to be called out. But it is sad to see so many people fanatically misguided into "christian nationalism", defending it as something "their own", not realizing what it trully stands for and what it has done to Europe.

But yeah, sadly it is a point that can be exploited by shills, because of the fanatism and sperging by blue-pilled christians. That is why it is important to expose them, so they can't be used as a cover for shills and the endless de-railment.

The Mongols did little against the Turks because they were not in their way, the damage they did to arab muslims was among the biggest massacres ever. They did convert to Religion of Cuck™ later on, but only because it enabled them to be even more agressive, these muslim mongols continued to do great damage to other Muslims, like the massacres of Timur, the Mughal empire and the Persian dynasties (who were very brutally established, setting up huge slave-trades in the process). Anyway, it's fun to argue history, but what is even the purpose of this?

You're right. Key point here. And in regards to peaceful conversion, I was meaning the spread of christianity into europe, not of Religion of Cuck™ into the Byzantine Empire.

Yes and no. What you call 'appropriation' I call 'consumption'.

Yes, and it wasn't until AFTER Constantine that the Empire fell.

Define 'later', and define what you mean by 'degenerate' in that context.

All denominations got digits. You know what that means?


Meh, that's what happens after a cultural viewpoint has clouded the eyes of a people for literally a thousand fucking years.

I used to have a soft spot for christendom, because i was raised within it - but as I grew older, saw more, learned more, understood more, I can't see how any straight European man of upstanding character can or would still hold forth christendom as an answer: christendom rose because of judaism, and destroyed several powerful and intrinsically European cultural views and behaviors, while the only really 'good' thing that can be held forth is the claim of Charles Martel's actions at Tors (though, just like when Jews bring up kikes who've invented something important, I reiterate that I do not believe in 'sole creator' views of history, instead finding it rational to suggest that, if not for Martel, someone else, somewhere else, would have made a similar stand and won the day - that is: you don't need a Jew to invent an [x] for [x] to have wound up existing, just like you don't need a christian to fight at [y] in order for muzzie expansion into europe to be stopped in general).

They can't. Another pile of European people worshiping a semitic faith which is used to turn them against each other rather than fighting their true enemies.
What a coincidence.

The Baltic crusades - a thorny topic. Authentic faith, greed, superfluous lower classes and third-born sons, a Germanic Drang nach Osten, a civilizing manifest-destiny style expansion… it was all that, and more, together.

I would tend to agree.

We got a smart one here.

Heavily disagree. The would have been no Germanic kingsdoms without Christianity, period. Germanics at that time still followed their old tribalistic and pagan (= localistic) ways, they didn't have a unifying metaphysical doctrine to unite all tribes into real nations (a process of centuries).

Up until the moral corruption of the Papist usurpers and the later Protestant kings (Luthers redpilledness nonwithstanding), the Jewish danger was well-contained.

>Because of satanic (((elites))) like Constantine, who co-opted Christianity to maintain their power.
What is it exactly you're criticizing - Christianity itself, or it's corruption by the power-seeking?

A time millenia after the original Aryan/Indo-European expansion into Eurasia, and especially Europe. What began roughly 10.000 years ago with a well-developed solar metaphysic, splintered and degenerated into localistic and often superstitious tribal practices in the dark forests. Only in some myths and legends shimmered the original Aryan light. The Germanics of Roman times weren't "snow niggers", but it's clear as day that Germany reached its first flowering in the 12th century under a Christian aegide.

That would happen despite the faith.

Even if it was the main cause we have to deal with it either way, so let's cooperate like we occasionally did in the past.

Welp, i don't know what i was expecting when i saw this thread.

The numbers show that pagan vs christian posts are jewish shilling.

Topkek, christianity was always the most cucked religion from the very beginning, litterally.
But return of Christ any day now, right fellow (((christians)))? Any day now.

All kind of shitflinging that offers no type of solution is shilling, it's basic knowledge.

Amongst others user.

Which culminated in the form of non-christian mercs deployed by the church, paid for with jew gold, to kill non-christian europeans and force conversion to a foreign semitic-derived faith of worshiping a dead rabbi upon them.
That's really all there is to it, end of the day.

Incredibly vague user.
Okay, yeah, no, I don't agree with you in the least in terms of that terminology for what you're citing.
Nyoooooooooooooooooooooooope. Pic related.

The thing is with the Mongol massacres is that the Arabs where irrelevant since the 9th century but the Turks were the main threat in Anatolia. History is nice though because it points out retards like

Are they?

Yes. And that is best done by shedding the chains of the abrahamic religions


Couldn't work together for over 2000 years, slaughtering each other, killing their brothers over "interpretation differences", even if that means getting the fight away from Muslims and others, doing Crusades against "heretics" and murdering them to the last man, while springing thousands of different sects, some with no purpose other than personal gains or even actual satan worship (like the Templars, who also got killed). Yeah, that is a tough outlook there…

Contained, as opposed to erradicated without christianity. Even the tolerant romans would have wiped them out if they had a few more years without christianity, as to the Germanics, there is no doubt they would have been erradicated there. You talk about containment, but where has it lead to? The total erradication of our cultures, because they were minimally tolerant to (((them))).

Yes, but still another attrocity done against europeans by shady (((elites))) in the name of christianity… You can't shrug that off.

There weren't germanic kingdoms with christianity. The triumph of the Germanic "Barbarians" over the Western Romans would have meant the spreading of Germania to the rest of former-roman Europe and Northern Africa, they would have retained their traditions in a much better fashion than with christianity, where they adopted latin and the (((traditions))) of the late roman empire, with the French kings even imprisoning people who claimed they had Germanic heritage and not Roman-Trojan.

And to claim Germany reached its "flowering" in the 12 century, after all the attrocities done by (((christian))) frankish elites there in the establishment of their empire and of the huge landholding church, is just romantic nostalgia (hopefully).

And I'm pretty sure he is pointing out the universalism of Helenistic-Roman civilizations, not "paganism" itself. Constantine was an effective ruler, his decision to legalize christianity, while catastrophic, can't be pinned down only to him, it was a much broader force inside the satanic roman elites, and emperors before him were crypto-christians like Moloch-priest Elogabalus and "Severus Alexander", both reputedly circumcized patrons of synagogues and who kept a shrine to Abraham… And Julian was an indeed faulty person, being involved with the disputes of his time, but that doesn't exclude the fact he was assassinated by christians (using arab mercenaries) while leading a victorious campaign against Rome's enemies. The war with Persia that Julian ignited was a continuity for nearly a thousand years, the devastating one that allowed Religion of Cuck™ happening much later, under emperor Heraclius.

Oh, also, now that I marinate upon it: What was wrong with wanting to rebuild that temple?
Seriously, what's wrong with it?

The Jews were in diaspora, does it not make sense, perhaps seeing the results of such, to want to lure them back to their sandland and keep them there?

you know that jesus called the jews sons of the devil, right?

Have you been to a church recently? Just because we know that doesn't mean a combination of retarded niggerspics and half-senile boomers know that.

Ooh, can we meme some clergy members to wash a nazi's feet?

Oh ok, that's too much too soon. How about washing the feet of a problematic cisgendered heteronormative white male?

You know that Jesus WAS an ethnic Jew, right?
Look bro, Jesus was an ethnic Jew, and a rabbi. Why do the Jews hate Jesus and Christendom?

The same reason Americans hate people like Jeb Bush - he's a traitor to the perceived enemy.
Jesus decried the organized religious hierarchy of Judaism, whilst preaching a softer and generally more cuckolded version to both Jew and Gentile alike (though he routinely showed disdain for gentiles, and made explicit mention of the intent not to truly change the nature of Judaism as it was at the time).

The religious hierarchy - the Establishment, if you will - didn't like this upstart's actions: Jesus was, at the end of the day, a subversive rabbi who preached contrary to Judaic claims/worldview, contrary to the established religious hegemony, and so the Jews disliked him. In the wake of his death, his fellows - also Jews, both ethnically and culturally - fled to Greece and further into Europe, spreading the faith of the dead subversive rabbi in order to gain themselves prestige and influence, and the religion quickly caught on amongst the dregs of society because of its universalist teachings (amongst others).

I don't even believe that Jesus meant the shit he said, that he was some kind of self-hating Jew - it was just typical Jewish tricks, and he was using those actions and words to attack the established religious hegemony. He was calling the Jews 'sons of the devil' - himself thereby likewise - because it suited him to do so, in a political context. Jews have always been like this. They never change.


fair point,but the user i replied to said something specifically about what jesus said.

Yes, but very little of established christianity has to do with Jesus nowadays. It has always been shaped by the (((elites))) behind the setting up of the church and its propagation, the oldest globalist tool of white genocide really, up to this day sending missionaries hand-in-hand with globalistst to the far-corners of the world to destroy the temples of other gods and convert non-whites into "christianity" and consumerist global culture.

And Jesus also preached only to Jews and claimed descent from King Solomon - he was a reformer inside Judaism, trying to revitalize the old creed, to the benefit not of the goyim…

Spic christians will even say Jews are G'd's chosen people, first, the goyim later. Their masses are just a combination of Hallelujah shouting, a fucked up version of nigger-choirs and reciting old passages about Old Hebrew Prophet that the spics there have no idea on the meaning - its a public religion, after all.

Now there are zionist Muslims, there has even been Zionist-sympathizing "pagans", but the amount of zionist christians is simply disturbing.

The myth of European unity through Christian religion is one big meme. The Teutonic Order fought a series of bloody wars against Catholic Poles. Crusaders burnt down the capitol of the Byzantine Empire. Every sect of Christianity usually tries to destroy any other denomination. The thirty years war decimated the German states. French Catholics hunt down the Huguenots. Both Serbian Orthodox and Croatian Catholics prosecuted Bogomilis to such a extend that they converted to Religion of Cuck™. Nonetheless, the Church loves new adherents regardless of their race or ethnic background. Protestants are eager to send white girls to Africa to convert niggers there. The biggest bastion of Catholicism is the spic part of America plus the the Filipinos. Orthodox authorities would love to keep the Turks around as long as they change their faith to Christianity.


Even as their own priests fiddle their children and their own pope advocates their genocide, Christians still cling to their forsaken "god", while condemning the ancestors that built them and everything they know.

European Pagans lighted the fires of civilization. The Sumerians, the Greeks, the Romans, the Babylonians and Illyrians were blue eyed Aryans and Pagans. Christians only ever were successful because they adopted the methods and traditions of Paganism. Now that they have abandoned most of that, which was always the end game plan (The Northern Crusades, the Forbidding of Pagan rites like Lupercalia and even early Christmas traditions like the trees), the modern American Christian has about as much to do with his own blood as the average American nigger. Maybe thats why Christian dads are ok with niggers defiling their daughters as long as the nigger is "Christian".

I do not like the word Christcuck, there was indeed a glorious time for Christianity, when it shined like a beacon. That time is long gone now. Christ has failed the white race. If you think the likes of Charlemagne, Cortez, Martel or any of the great heroes of Christ are coming back you must be stupid. Our true gods are the only way now. I'm sorry.

Those numbers…

See kids? western yurops are delusional.

Prove it.

More delusion.

Thanks to Isabel la Catolica americans (the entire continent) isnt talking in turkish or any other allan ackbar tongue and Luther was anti synagogue of satan. See kids? more yurop delusion (aka fedora).

Relative, we have a fuckyon of haitians and colombians living here, some do voodoo stuff and the others are murderers.

Ashkenazi detected.

Go back to parasite on french taxpayers varg.

Thanks to bankers and the pope selling indulgences.

Are you a pajeet?

Cool story bro.

Keep posting refuted crap like Balam doctrine… keep trying.

I have a theory about Vatican II.

Now, immunization is when you take a little of the virus and expose it to your own immune system, so that your antibodies can adapt and grow stronger to kill it.

What if the novus ordo mass and other (((innovations))) to the church – masonic boyfucking, letting nuns dyke out, and culminating in having a fucking Jesuit as (((pope))) – leads to the biggest counterreformation ever?

Nothing theological is "sound"


Have you read the book of Revelations? 2:9 and 3:9

Checkmate faggotron.

Don't you have more foreskins to bite off?

How so? Christianity has always been one of the largest sources of division in Europe

Doesn't make it right. I've had this thought too. Basically the power elites are taking advantage of karmic law, intentionally creating so much managed evil in order to cause a synthetic holy reaction a synthetic messiah.** All those poor children.**

Brb looking for rope to neck myself.


If you're not a real pope, the prophecy of St. Malachy cannot be applied to you. St. Malachy's table of future popes omitted all anti-popes. There were over 50 anti-popes in 2000 years of church history. Anti-popes by definition were accepted to be real popes in their day and had a vast following, but were later declared to be anti-popes and erased from the church annals.

The REAL prophecy that applies to the current situation are the visions of Anna Katharina Emmerick, a 19th century nun. The visions of Anna Katharina Emmerick about the crucification of Christ inspired Mel Gibson's blockbuster The Passion. In particular, her Prophecy of the Two Popes and her Prophecy about the Church of Darkness can be applied to the current situation. One pope is isolated and powerless and surrounded by enemies, while a second pope tries to build a completely godless Church of Darkness. God then intervenes big time and wipes out a huge part of mankind in a single divine intervention ("Three Days of Darkness"), after which the Church will be rebuilt under the final pope and the his sidekick, the Great Catholic Monarch, also called the Last Roman Emperor, who will restore the Holy Roman Empire one last time.

This Great Monarch is said to conquer the entire world, he will wipe out Religion of Cuck™ for good. He will even conquer Israel and finally die of old age after a long life of asskicking, an unstoppable conqueror that cannot be beaten on the battlefield. Shortly after this Great Monarch dies of old age, the jewish antichrist, the false messiah, first appears in public and the final tribulation begins.

It's going to happen.
Study recent Marian apparitions.
Traditional prophecies of the great Catholic monarch and the angelic Pope.

God will not be mocked forever.

You are insane, kike lover.

back to /Religion of Cuck™/ goatfucker

Goatfuckers are semites too, kike-kun.

If only you would take my advice, you would already know that everything has been proceeding exactly as foretold. Insanity would be not to expect it to continue to do so.

you are a goatfucker user just admit it

How am I a goatfucker?

holy crap!


Repent or be purged during the Three Days of Darkness with all the other godless roaches

Talmudist please.

I have sephardic blood and i am a christian and no, money worshippers arent jews.

Still delusional… christianity is still relevant in west europe and relevant outside west europe, protip all yurop isnt more relevant than just one Usa or Russia.

Did spics like me have english as their native tongue?

I never said that, i said that most western yurops are delusional.

Why? he is the living proof that removing christianity is the most stupid idea ever.

Shills loaded as always.

Please, cultural marxists hate Paul because in reality happened exactly the opposite.

As a christian i dontneed to do that, nice projection btw.

Most post Rome wars in europe always have a banker or two behind them.

Is that pic real?

Ok, but what happened with the beast, tha false prophet and the antichrist? was religion of nambla the one of the phalse prophet? more info please.

The innocents dying on those days will be count as martyrs.

Not worshipping Jesus because he was a Jew is like not taking a life-saving cancer cure because the cure was discovered by a Jew. You're only hurting yourself, no matter how rebellious and independent you think you are.


Jesus bore little resemblance to the Jews of today.
The word "kike" comes from the illiterate Yids who immigrated to this country and refused to sign their names with an X because it reminded them of a Christian cross. So instead they would sign with a circle or kikel.

It is ironic in the extreme therefore that those who love the Cross are called "kike lovers" by (((certain anons))) whereas those who hate it would dare posture as enemies of the Jew.

The Jewish identity is constituted first and foremost by enmity against their own king Jesus Christ. It occurs in all aspects of Jewishness: a cultural enmity, a religious enmity, a moral enmity, a national enmity.
The National Socialists who will not attempt to awaken their Christian brethren from the spell of Zionism, or who will not join hands with them in the struggle against the Jewish agenda, are D&C good goy edgelords.

I am aware brother. However, we cannot deny that Jesus was ethnically a Judean.

Having said that, "Jew" today means something very different than "Jew did 2,000 years ago.

My point is that just because Jesus wasn't a German Aryan Nord doesn't mean He shouldn't be worshipped.

Why? The main point here is not Jesus' ethnicity, but all the arguments presented above - the church is and has always been anti-european, designed by kiddie-diddling (((elites))), and having christian mentality only hinders pro-european activities. Besides why would I suffer eternal torment for merely being born and need to do some servile worship to some old rabbi who attempted to reform the jewish creed to escape it? This isn't to doubt God, but christianity is clearly a psy-op designed to control people. I never got it, I can't justify any support for it, especially consider what it has done.

>designed by kiddie-diddling (((elites)))
The elites in every place in every age have been into all kinds of terrible perversions. Christianity merely reined it in a little. If the same (((elites))) designed it then why did they campaign so hard against it in the beginning, and why did it have the effect of limiting their degenerate orgies?

Varg is a dipshit that much I'll admit. But removing Christianity is a mistake because people do not have an ethos or set of core values without it. Because they have forgotten what came before it.

That kind of sums up my struggle with Christianity and the hashemite religions. They are about victimhood and Leverage instead of strength and integrity.

Sounds about right. Hating Jesus because of problems in some churches and some popes is like hating Hitler because of bad professors/colleges.

Maybe now it is, because it is successfully being subverted by (((them))), but it hasn't always been.

Only the Catholic Church because they don't allow their priests to marry, which is in direct contradiction to the New Testament which says ALL bishops, priests and deacons need to be married and have children.

Again, this is a recent phenomenon. Christianity is corruptible, I am not arguing with that. But don't you think Paganism is corruptible too? You really don't think the Jews could corrupt Paganism if they really wanted to? That hasn't happened yet because Paganism is very fringe and almost no one is pagan, so they haven't even bothered yet. I do really think that Paganism is just as corruptible as Christianity though. Just look at all the LGBTQ friendly pacifist pagans there are.

Jesus was 33 when he died. That's hardly old: actually it is quite young. He didn't "reform" the Jewish creed: he annihilated it. He said all Jews are going to hell and Gentiles are going to heaven. He said he IS GOD (which is the highest blasphemy in Judaism) and told them that they're all going to hell, and that all the Jews in the future will go to hell too, and all the Gentiles (who believe) will go to heaven.

Understood properly, Christianity is the most anti-Semitic religion. Why? Consider the free will dialectic. God made the world, leading to those who reject him going to hell. God became a Jew, leading to all Jews going to hell.

Don't believe me? Check out this verse:

" I say to you that many will come from the east and the west to share the banquet with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven. But the sons of the kingdom will be cast into the outer darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth." (Matthew 8:11-12)

"Many will come from the east and the west" is referring to Gentiles, and "the sons of the kingdom (of Israel) is transparently referring to Jews. This is why the Jews hated Jesus (and still do) so much. His whole message was that they are going to hell and that Gentiles are going to heaven.

Many early saints even believed that God became a Jew IN ORDER to condemn the Jews to hell eternally for not believing in him. Tell me, what other religion says all Jews are going to hell? Wotanism? Asatru? Heathenism?

Check out this page full of quotes so anti-Semitic FROM THE MOST FAMOUS CHRISTIAN SAINTS that they make Hitler look like a Shabbos goy:

(They get progressively more violent and anti-Semitic as you scroll down)

God bless, friend.


I'm sick of you stupid faggots falling for JIDF fucking D&C kikery. Pagan/Christian doesn't matter. All that matters is the 14 words. Stop fucking goddamn falling for schlomo's tricks.

Every single nigger that starts with that "semetic desert religion" or "jew on a stick" is helping the kikes win. And into the goddamn trash you will go. Christianity, in it's TRUE form are the original kike-removers. Go look at the fucking list of who shoahed the kikes for hundreds of years before. I'm no christcuck, but literally hundreds of years of kebab removal and schlomo shoahing IS a worthy ideology.

You fucking JIDF D&C scum will pay and I've been buying popcorn in bulk to watch you kikes dance your final jig during the DOTR.

Jesus christ can you try to reddit space any harder, Chaim? For fuck's sake……….

Fucking kill yourself you fucking mongrel and get off the white man's board

Cucktianity in its true form is an evil religion born from the lies of a foreign race. Christcucks are incapable of being true to the 14 words because their souls have been corrupted by their worship of a Semitic idol and Semitic tribal deity. Christcucks are directly responsible for the establishment of Semitic hegemony and the destruction of our cultures. There was never an acceptable version of Cucktianity, it degrades men into slaves of foreign interests no matter what philosophies they try to adopt because their very spirits are tainted.

There is no future for Europeans which does not involve the removal of Cucktianity from our cultures. Semites themselves will never be removed while our nations are influenced by their religion, and the Christcucks themselves will serve as the army to suppress ethnonationalism.

All Christcucks are race traitors.

Cucktianity in its true form is an evil religion born from the lies of a foreign race. Christcucks are incapable of being true to the 14 words because their souls have been corrupted by their worship of a Semitic idol and Semitic tribal deity. Christcucks are directly responsible for the establishment of Semitic hegemony and the destruction of our cultures. There was never an acceptable version of Cucktianity, it degrades men into slaves of foreign interests no matter what philosophies they try to adopt because their very spirits are tainted.

There is no future for Europeans which does not involve the removal of Cucktianity from our cultures. Semites themselves will never be removed while our nations are influenced by their religion, and the Christcucks themselves will serve as the army to suppress ethnonationalism.

All Christcucks are race traitors.

Not one of (((your))) 22 posts has been anything but an autism-storm of christcuckery, D&Cing, and an inability to find Caps Lock.


Your good book seems to dispute this one, nigger.

Sure was.

Crusade soon?

True. Though if we get another crusade against the sand niggers before then I'll join if they'll let me.


Yeah, real neutral appeal there, nigger-lover. Don't you have some muslim feet to wash or something?

Honestly, sometimes I wonder if we'll ever managed to actually get anything done in terms of muh religion when we can't even go one thread without both sides throwing a shit-flinging contest that turns into basically Console Wars: Religion Edition. I'm just a confused NEET who knows he'll get hung on the DotR, but I feel like for once if we want to really figure shit out, we need to stop acting like we're Holla Forums with religion. We can at least act slightly less retarded than that shithole.

They're talking about this on /christain/ as well at the moment, you can find better insight there.
As for a "happening" this really doesn't mean anything unless pope Francis excommunicates or punishes SSPX for their involvement in this, which would be very strange considering that he's the one who granted them the powers they hold today

in short, this really isn't anything big, and it probably won't turn into anything big, just the media trying to drum up a schismatic fantasy in the Vatican to sell papers/get views

Go to /christain/
seriously, if you want to have an in-depth discussion on religion you'd be better off going to that board than here or any other board

Pagans and Christians will only learn the true answer together after all the kikes & kebabs are dead first.


Reminder that St. Thomas Aquinas's Sum Logica is literally the Anti thesis to the jew
Reminder that Pagan Dieties are demons in disguise that lead men into err

You can always tell who the jews in a thread are because if you mention the word "Christ" or "Jesus", they fly into such a rage that they forget they posted and copy/paste their Hasbara talking points twice. Neurotic little kikes, aren't they? Nothing a kike hates more than Jesus other than when the white man comes to realize who the true synagogue of Satan is and shoah them again.

Kikes hate Jesus more than having to recall a defective item they sold to goyim.

Such deceit is the standard for Christcucks, corrupted as they are to be like the Semites through their worship of a Semitic idol and a Semitic tribal deity. Christcucks submit to Semites, never do they shoah them. Thus why all Cucktian nations come to be ruled by Semites.

What you say about Christians loving minorities is unfortunately 100% true. I can't count the amount of times I've heard "isn't it great that so many Hispanics are immigrating here user? We're becoming a Christian nation again!"

These people can only think in one dimension, namely religious demographics.

Oh look, /christian/ astroturf agent arrives to shill disinformation again.

Oh look, the /christian/ astroturf agent also brought his BASED godly nigger friend Jamal to help shill!

And here's yet another /christian/ astroturf agent. "Drop your native european religion and follow ours instead you stupid fucking goy!"

Yet another /christian/ astroturf agent.

And here's a /christian/ astroturf agent shilling for going to his specific board for "good discussion on religion" because the definition for "good discussion on religion" there is "pro-christian anti-everything else including native European white religions".

No matter how asshurt you are over it, Holla Forums will NEVER give up European roots and will NEVER give up Kek.

What's it like being so fucking stupid that you don't even know basic shoahing history? Read the pic, faggot. Guess who shoahed the Jews more times than anyone else? That's right you fucking Jew rat — Christians, be they kings, emperors, or popes. >>

Trying to equate modern Christianity to the historical version that used to shoah the Christ-killers is like saying Germany shouldn't go back to NSDAP because the Jews ruined it and gave us modern Germany.

Your tricks don't work here, schlomo. No one is buying your fucking D&C bullshit. Modern Christianity is not actual Christianity. No matter how many times you try to screech it so. You jew neckbeard fucks will be shoved in the oven right alongside your Hasbara shift team leads.

Hahahahahahahaha, Ahem

Nice try kikes. See

Christcucks have never eradicated the Semites. This is a fact which can be confirmed merely by the continued presence of Semites. There has never been a time when Cucktianity has not been "subverted and infiltrated" by Semites. It is a religion which was begun by Semites in order to reform other sects of Abrahamism. Yeshua is a fictional character based on hundreds of years of Semitic revolutionaries, amalgamated by other Semites seeking to overthrow Roman rule of Israel and acquire revenge for the destruction of the Temple. "Actual Christianity" is proto-Marxist filth which naturally descends into "modern Christianity"because it was a degenerate, false religion from the beginning.

The Christianity about which you LARP and shitpost is the myth. It was a beast in the middle of shapeshifting to match the image needed to subvert and supplant European cultures. Everything which has ever been "good" about Christian culture originates outside of Christianity with the traditions of Europe. The closer to "actual Christianity" Christendom becomes, the more it has descended into savagery and enslavement to Semites.

All Christcucks are race traitors.

Natsocs didn't eradicate the kikes either, you fucking idiot.

Learn what the word christcuck even means before you start throwing it around. Proto-Marxist filth, i'm assuming you mean that old trope about Christianity being socialist in nature. When really it's about YOU helping out a man poorer than yourself — Which is LITERALLY what Hitler said was a core principle of national socialism. You help your fellow white man if he is struggling and you have the means to do so, you do not depend on 'someone else' (ie Govt) to do the job that you should be doing yourself.

Get fucked, kike. Your entire reasoning why 'christcuckery' is haha, "evil", is because you've been listening to/repeating jewish subversion and other D&C tactics. The bottom line is that Christianity gave the European civilization the structure it needed to tie together many different cultures, nations, and white 'races' into a single unified force that became the greatest civilization in the history of mankind. THEN the Jew rats came and infiltrated the civilization and started to go to work undermining, scheming, coin-clipping, and doing what they've been doing for thousands of years.

You keep saying 'christcucks' are race traitors —- and only a fucking kike would try to say that Charles Martel, King Sobieski, and Adolph Hitler were race traitors.


There are two lines of reasoning for why Cucktianity is evil. The first and simplest is that it is a religion centered around the worship of a fictional Semitic idol and a Semitic tribal deity. Semites are an evil race and thus worship of them brings evil into one's soul. The second line of reasoning revolves around the subversive message of Cucktianity in regards to it providing justification for "the meek" to rebel against the traditions of their own people in order to establish a globalist hegemony headed by an eternal Semite as king. This is the manner in which it is proto-Marxist, as it operates under the same banner of cultural and class warfare in order to infect, destabilize, and enslave nations. This can be seen in the indisputable decline of European cultures under Christian influence.

Europeans conquered the world several times over thousands of years before the fictional Yeshua was forged into existence, under Christianity it is the Semites who have gained control of the world. All Christcucks are race traitors.

Nigger, you have no idea wtf you're talking about. "Meek" is mistranslated and doesn't mean what you think it means. It doesn't mean 'submissive'. It simply means humble. The way Hitler had many war decoration yet only wore the Iron Cross.

Your other lines of "reasoning" are demonstrations that you have absolutely no idea what Christianity is about. Even I, a person who hasn't set foot inside a church in over 3 fucking decades knows more about it than your little neckbearded fedora-tipping idiocy. Your pseudo-intellectual monologue proves that.

Christianity is not proto-marxist. For fuck's sake. Vikings were "all equal under the eye of Odin" in the same way Christians say "we're all equal under the eyes of God". This in NO way is some fucking appeal to egalitarianism kikery. That's the ruse the kikes have inserted into the narrative that got picked up by fucking non-critical thinking retards. For thousands of fucking years, whites had kings, emperors, knights, Lords and Ladies, and peasants. A hierarchy which existed LONG before Christianity ever came to Europe. Literally NO ONE believed in this mythical "everyone is equal" egalitarian shit until the kikes tricked you into thinking that is what Christianity is about. It never was and never has been. See: Naturalization Act of 1790.

Your idea of what Christianity is has been a lie. A lie as big as the fucking Holohoax. Your rabid foam-at-the-mouth hatred of Christianity is a kike creation and manipulation desgined to keep people away from reforming and 'un-kiking' the biggest anti-Jew establishment in Human history. You hate and yet you simply do not understand. What you think you know is a kike lie.

The entire historical basis for white hatred of the Jew is literally BASED on Christianity. They are the Christ-killers. This is why they try so fucking hard to get rid of Christianity. And that part that they cannot get rid of they subvert. Without Christianity, the kike can roam free and use his Talmudic logic to subvert and destroy all 'pagan' societies at whim. They are virus to which paganism has no defense. Christianity has the antibodies.

So congratulations, you're no better than a stupid woman holding a "refugees welcome" sign. Hope you're proud. You fell for Schlomo's tricks.

No one here is saying "come to Jesus". Fuck, especially me. However you need to understand that the time to slough off Christianity is NOT the time when the kikes are at their strongest. Christianity's very nature is ANTI-kike. Has been for over 2000 fucking years.

Cucktianity cannot be anti-kike, it is formed from the same race as the kikes. Its nature is the same as their vileness. All who worship a Semite become slaves to Semites. Christcucks will never remove Semites from their nations and thus the only way to remove Semites is to first remove those who worship them. All Christcucks are race traitors.

Your lies carry no weight here where the truth is known, but then again, a shill such as you doesn't care either way.

No Christian would admit the premise of this argument, namely, that Christ is a fictional deity; and neither would anyone who was seriously considering becoming Christian. So you can only appeal to your fellow fedoras who don't need convincing. Therefore your argument is shit.
Even the Talmud recognizes the historicity of Jesus, but it calls him an evil sorcerer who was the son of a prostitute and went to hell after he was justly hanged. Actually that sounds familiar.

Let me stop you right there, user.
You can't have this argument and the previous argument too. You can't assert that Christ was fictitious and at the same time consider Christianity a rebellion against pagan traditions. For if Christianity had no factual basis, then obviously all of its elements had to come from somewhere. And the only materials available would have been the already existing religions.
Evangelical Protestants are quite fond of accusing the early Church of paganism. Why would that be? It's because many Church traditions were in fact modified versions of the pagan traditions that had gone before them. The celebrations of Christmas, Easter, and the other major feasts of the early Church all incorporated elements of pagan festivals that occurred around the same time of year.
The reason for this can be traced back to Biblical times. The question arose among the Apostles whether in order to become a Christian it was first necessary to become a Jew. The answer was no. Therefore from the very beginning gentile converts to Christianity would not be required to abandon the traditions of their forebears as long as they did not go against the gospel.

In short, for Europeans, "the traditions of their own people" and Christianity are the same thing and have been for almost two thousand years. European paganism is dead. What is today called "traditional" paganism is anti-traditional paganism, an innovative syncretism between Western (((Hermetic))) and Oriental sources.

Now if Christ were the true God, there might be something to the second argument; in that case what history must show is the progressive overthrow of the false gods that had overtaken Europe by the true God originally worshipped by the Europeans' ultimate ancestors. But in that case your conclusion obviously does not follow, because it implies the truth and thus the goodness of Christianity.
Either way, it's patently obvious that you don't know what you are talking about. You are a D&C shill. Kindly fuck off

How jewish of you. You have twisted "outlawed usury" to "jews were allowed to conduct usury."

Seriously, do you have ANY idea wtf Christianity is? You have no idea do you? Christians LITERALLY removed Jews from their nations MANY times. They always slithered back because there was no concentrated coordinated effort amongst the various kings and emperors, etc to exterminate them. The Jews is a fucking weasel and NEVER had much power. White Europeans were too busy in-fighting with each other and dealing with the fucking Muslim invasions than to worry about expending precious resources exterminating the Jews.

Dude, again, you have no fucking idea wtf you're talking about. You parroting shit about being semite slaves means nothing because it's not an argument and because not only do you not provide proof, historical evidence actually contradicts your claims. Whenever the kikes got brazen enough with their kikery, Christianity shoahed them. Period.

It wasn't until the kike Rothschild, in one fell swoop, bought up the Bank of England and acquired the power necessary to finally start the zionist kike agenda like we see today. That was a failing of Western Civilization. One that Hitler tried to correct. But unfortunatly failed in doing so.

You know absolutely nothing but the standard stupid kike bullshit lines and neckbeard loser buzzwords. You have no argument at all. Just nonsense you keep spewing. Nonsense which demonstrates that you know nothing but Judaic lies and falsehoods.

Do you seriously not understand that the elimination of Christianity has been like the #1 fucking goal of Jews for over two thousand fucking years??? I mean, jesus christ —- are you literally so fucking stupid and brainwashed you're going to give them exactly what they want?

Again, Congratulations on falling for schlomo's tricks, you stupid fucking bastard.

Gets that noggin joggin.



Prove it, retard.

There's no point in arguing against the truth. The Dead Sea materials prove that Yeshua and the gospels about him were compiled over hundreds of years, starting long before he was supposed to have lived.

Which is why the vast majority of the Abrahamic tradition is formed from degenerated versions of Egyptian, Sumerian, Persian, and Greek religions. However, the important point here is that these superior traditions were used to fill in the gaps in the native Canaanite tribal religions which converged with the new idea of monotheism which runs counter to all European religions. It is from the Semitic aspects of the Abrahamic tradition that the evil of Cucktianity is derived. Again, anything which is of the Semites is inherently as evil as they are and a corrupting influence. Thus the ideals which make Cucktianity distinct from other religions are false ideals, because they were invented by Semites. This ideal can be summarized as the justification for the rejection of nativist traditions simply due to their non-Cucktian nature.

European spirituality cannot die as long as there are Europeans yet living, for it is the tradition of truth itself and can be found everywhere and within. Your assertion that it can die reveals that you are a materialist corrupted by Semitic influences, as is to be expected of a Christcuck.

There would not be Semites in our nations today if not for the Christcucks who invited them. Let alone that the greatest cause of brother wars has been Cucktianity.

How can absolute purity of blood, soil, and spirit be schlomo's trick? You defend treason and say that I am in the wrong. All Christcucks are race traitors.

This is a strange letter, they're pissed off about Lutherans receiving Communion? What about the foot / Koran kissing and various other devilishness?

The fedoras are this retarded.

Quod gratis asseritur, gratis negatur.

Now I know you are a LARPing faggot.

On the one hand, you assert that Semitic ideals were invented (rather than received).
On the other hand, European spirituality, which you falsely equate with European paganism, is supposed to be immortal because it is a tradition of truth itself.
Yet, I would remind you, as I have already pointed out, that for nearly the last two thousand years, European spirituality has been uniformly Christian. Surely European spirituality cannot be both an invention and a tradition of truth.
Or, more likely, what you call "European spirituality" is something that you yourself invented. It only exists in your imagination and has no relation to the spirituality of the actual European ancestors who have handed down profound spiritual truths in an unbroken line to the present age.

Your response basically fails to address my previous point, which you conveniently did not quote, at all.
This bores me, your shill tactics have degraded over the thread, and therefore you will not receive my attention in the future.
Pic related, it's you.

GG nuPole

Semitic ideals were invented, the research on their development through textual analysis matched with historical records is quite thorough. The only thing the Semites received was the gift of civilization from Europoids following the Younger Dryas.

What a wonderful display of pilpul! A complete lack of supporting details and straight into prophecy of a world that cannot be argued against. Your synagogue is proud of you.! The "brother wars" sure were caused by christianity and not land, money, or ambition. There were no wars between white people before the birth of christ after all!

Followed by:
Vague so it is unknown you are talking about really, but inspiring enough to move and convince the goyim to somehow, inexplicably hate Christianity. Don't worry about the fact the people of the same family, land, and nation have been betraying each other ever since the dawn of humanity; they won't even ask. Reals don't matter if you give them the feels. Just keep calling christianity evil and you won't even need facts!

Excellent work!

You stupid nigger, you have no idea about the Khazar Jews do you? Otherwise known as the Ashkenazis. You literally have no fucking idea how they came to be in Europe do you? Goddamn just STFU already and gas yourself for being this incredibly untermensch.

It's "blood and soil" you stupid nigger. You can't fucking insert another word and claim the movement is yours. And FWIW, Paganism is fine. Literally no one is saying it is not. You are the one that has fallen for kike lies literally wants to HAND the Jews their #2 greatest goal of all fucking time — the destruction of Christianity. #1 was getting Israel again, a goal they've achieved.

Christianity is as much a "white" spirituality as are all the various Pagan ideologies. Literally look at a fucking Norman Rockwell painting and see what stable and strong white society is like. Father, mother, and children all at church and respectful of themselves, their country, and their heritage. Why the fuck do you think the Jews hate it so damn much? Why the fuck do you think the Jews hate Christianity WAY more than Religion of Cuck™? We got fucking shitskin mudslimes literally SAYING they are going to kill all Jews and yet the kikes always keep trying to exterminate Christianity above all others.

And FWIW, "Paganism" is not a fucking religion, dipshit. There are hundreds of "pagan" religions. And the less cohesive and homogeneous we are as a white society, the easier it is for the kikes to destroy us. Fucking god damn you're so fucking dumb it boggles the mind.

Whether you fucking like it or not, Christianity is European heritage now. For over 2000 years. So just get the fuck over it. The goddamn Irish aren't going to be worshiping Thor, and the fucking Swedes aren't going to be sacrificing doves to Jupiter. Christianity is the fucking carbon atoms that gives structure to the underlying Iron of white society. Giving it incredible strength and resilience. Without it, we're nothing but a vast collection of people with no common roots or bonds. Without it, there would have been no reason for King Sobieski to come to the rescue of Vienna. I mean, why would he? They're not his kin. Or clan. But with Christianity, there is a common bond linking those two different lands and people.

So again, fuck right off you stupid fedora dipshit. You're nothing but a Kike-subverted retard that literally is too goddamn stupid to realize it even when it's pointed out. But please, I'm sure you're so dumb you'd even call Vlad Tepes a Christcuck. Because that's how utterly kike-fucked in the head you are.

Oh god damn, just fuck off. Go fuck yourself with a goddamn quartz crystal, you ancient aliens stupid motherfucker. Jesus can you be any more of a fucking retarded neckbeard. Please say something about flat earth too.

The picture of the Pope kissing the Koran is John Paul II, not Francis. You've stumbled onto the reason why this letter is not very interesting.
True Catholics have been rebuking the hierarchy since Vatican II. There's nothing new that Francis has done that would suddenly now justify deposing him or causing a schism. Ever since John XXIII the popes have been calling for a new world order and cozying up to the Jews. Francis is just out of his mind, and this letter is a way for more "conservative" members of the new religion to distance themselves from his outrageous antics and (God forbid) save the rest of the corrupt edifice when he inevitably goes down in flames.

You really need to work on blending in, the all-caps and acronyms are dead-giveaways. Let your supervisors know they need to add some things to the manual.

Try again, dipshit.

Christians on Holla Forums look at the past and see the struggle between christian kingdoms and the Muslim invaders and they feel praud, as they should. Charles Martel stoped Saracens at Tours, Kings Sobieski smached Turks at Viena, Cortez conquered whole civilization with a handful of men. Those are great accomplishments and helped shaping the European identity. Unfortunetaly, Christians like to forgot the 4th Crusade that burnt down Constantinopole and greatlly weakened the Byzantine Empire, the heresis and religious wars that killed milions of Europeans and constant endeavors of erasing or rewriting pre-christian European history.
Christians look at the present and want to see nice and orderly society of white people who go the the church every sunday, nuns gathering money for the poor and women in white dresses waiting to be married. I really wish it was like that. However church authorites are doing everything they can to import as many new converts from the third world as they can. They will not deport Mexicans back to the spic land as they are Catholics. They will allow unreagulated immigrations from the Arab world as some of those shitskins culd potentialy convert. Those ts nuns are accepting donations just to air lift niggers straight to Europe. Those women in white dresses are usually ex party sluts wanting to trik some guilable guy into marring a used good. Church girls are divercing men at the same rate as secular chicks.
Christians can look at the future of Christian faith. Unfortunetaly, the future is bleak. In a capule of decades most adherents will be muds and niggs with the occasional white man marring his daughter to as based Christian nigger to produce little based christian nigglets. Most Christians can be at best civic nationalists and we know that is cancer.
Christians here remind me of communists. They don't see any faults in their belefes and view every mishaps as flaws of worshiping the wrong branch of Christianity. Real Christianity hasn't been tried m8, ditch Catholicsm and became Orthodox or convert to Protestantyzm as it is closer to God's teachings, right?

Sorry for taking my time, but apparently some kike mod didnt like being exposed and banned me, i can still post untill vpns and proxies are banned, then i can use 3g, but at that time another ip will appear (implying i have only one, implying in just one country), well:

Not an argument

Most pagans and natsocs are self hating fedoras that follow controlled opposition like stormfront.

Read a book before posting please and you have Holla Forums for your edgyness.

There is a reason all white (and some asians) mass school shooters are always fedoras.

>Maybe now it is, because it is successfully being subverted by (((them))), but it hasn't always been.
Relative, the "secular" church is subverted by definition, but the Bible remains the same, mormons and JW arent christians.
You have a point but the problem is a lot deeper than that, catholic living in a catholic country here, the problem started with people sending their homosexuals childs to seminaries, this is why you dont a lot of molested girls, fun fact, you have stories about nuns molesting them and if i am not wrong they arent forced to be married, but they can have just one wife, no more.
The other points are so great that they name all antichristians as the synagogue of satan, but i need more info please, second council ruined a lot.

Holla Forums tier posters arent banned…

Holla Forums spammers arent banned

A lot of christians are saying that the pope is falling into heresy.

Rome was already dead and Byzantium lasted 1000 years.

Oh on the contrary, it shows that Protestants are viewed as bigger enemies than Muslims or Jews.

I can respect this stance. When the enemy is lies itself, we shouldn't fight IDs or flags, we should fight the jews.

Hey jews ITT
Jahwe is Jesus
Jesus is nice guy
I love Jesus
Remember the temple and you getting kicked out

actually the pope predicted that there would have been a backlash against him since the get-go and that's why he started to go full right-wing since a couple of months. he's playing chess with the left

The fedora meme is great against edgy "atheists", but throwing it at every small questioning of religious doctrine to cover for your lack of arguments and butthurt is just sheep mentality.

Regardless of Jesus or the jews that preceded him, the establishment of the church (es) and christian religion has always been heavily conducted by closed "elites". Even the Crusades were heavily sabotaged - assassination of emperor Barbarossa while leading the biggest crusader army, the notorious sabotage by some nobles of the Jerusalemite armies during the crucial defeat at Hattin, the templars being proto-masons and worshiping the Temple of Moloch-serving, demon-invoking King Solomon (who however wrote a book of the bible and was a reputed ancestor of Jesus) until being all burned at the stake, the directly satanic cults of gnostic "heretical religions" like the Cathars and Celtic Christians who had 666-inspired snake temples, the sheer madness of Donatists, who attacked random travellers with clubs in the hope of being "martyred" - you can almost say satanism is intrinsically linked to christianity - the kikery of the Vatican is second only to the jews itself - look at the symbolism the kiddie-diddling pope surrounds himself with "Saturn hats", obelisks and what-so-not.

You HAVE to follow these ethic principles of else you will go to hell, goyim. All the people who lived before knowing of Christ would go to hell too? Your patriarch Abraham is in hell? Our ancestors worshipped god and had knowledge of him, and of our world, they followed these original ethic principles (who are also the basis of most abrahamic religions - they share one common root) before getting their whole culture wiped out, libraries burned, temples and sacred trees destroyed and so on (guess (((who))) wants you to believe they didn't, that they were savage barbarians that deserved to be slaughtered and having their "superstitious" culture completely removed, the same people who want you to believe "monotheism" and "polytheism" are even a thing and not different facets of creation).

Because destroying the whole "gentile" culture and executing everyone of your brothers who didnt follow your religion, or followed it the wrong way - "heretics" - was very pro-european…

Yeah, only your special moral branch is, all the things done by other branches are just satan working!

Rejecting it because its where you come from as opposed to being completely foreign to judaism and their kikery.

Indeed, christianity had called out the jews - but so does North Korea and Iran - When christianity came to power ONLY judaism was recognized as a paralel religion. Now look at what christianity has become now - the biggest haven for zionists, and now even gays - being followed mostly in non-white countries.

Also Jesus never preached to the gentiles or said they would be saved. That was the work of 4ft tall hunchback temple official (((Paul of Tarsus))). Read "a real case against the jews".

And he comes back to spew even mpre salt and butthurt

As opposed to "smart" christians who follow total-ns organizations like The Vatican and the house of Israel…

Definitely not. She came from a famoly who circumcized all its male members and claimed descent from king David - see British Israelism - that is not christians, and you know these "elites" and "royals" follow anything but the christianity they pretend to preach.

Getting buttblasted by arab tribes, turks and crusaders…

Holla Forums isn't a christian board and religion in itself isn't a theme here. /christian/ is just a cringy circlejerk of blue-pill and no arguments, though.

Sure its delusion time here. Really hope you're just a shill

Shoah is a lie on itself but Pagan Rome utterly destroyed Judea (and Moloch worshiping Carthage) they would have completely eradicated judaism if wasnt for christianity destroying their empire.

Now christianity recognized judaism as the only paralel religion and the pope invited and maintained jews into Italy, "Charlemagne" granting them numerous privileges. Muslims removed jews too, so did pagan Assyrians. And the original "Shoah" was supposedly done by Germanic NSDAP and orchestrated by Himmler and the pagan SS.

What? Have you ever heard any descriptipn of ancient germanics like Tacitus Germania (good simplified source) - inequality was a fundamental part pf the Germanic worldview - because everything alive is different from each other and competing - only darkness, the void black cube of the kikes, has absolute equality.

More lies and projection by you kikes. Now the germanic tribes had a freer organization and germanic democracy, with allodial property holders SELECTING their kings among the most fit (as opppsed to the endless sucession crisis and brother killing of the Christians and Romans, who saw their kingdoms as property - because they were not part of the tribe, of the gentes, they ruled). Christianity did indeed eatablish hierarchy in Europe - enslaving thr masses of landless european peasants, taxing them to death, torturing and murdering them in the name of christianity, forcefully draftig them into armies for their petry wars or sterilization in the monasteries - the folk starving while the nobility and the huge landed clergy lived lifes of luxury, hoarding riches they got from exploiting the hard labor of the populace and inviting jews who had the privilege to collect taxes and practice usury. Not to mention the depredations done by christians whe they took power, destroying all of European culture which didnt recover untill the renaissance and banning hygiene as sinfull and all literacy, even the bible, from the goyim.

Now, your fanatical triggering shows you have good intentions. We are not "enemies". You know a lot, but just don't see the full picture, which goes much further than the bank of england.

Its arguable to say so, since they're always after mudslimes when they oppose Israel while endorsing christian zionists to "crusade against them" (just make sure not to hurt any jews, hehe). But kikes do so because they hate/are threatened by WHITES, not by inbred brown fellow semites. You don't see kikes trying to defile christianity in Africa or to spics.

Because christianity is one unified cult that never branched out into millions of completely incompatible branches (including satan worshiping heretics and templars, kiddie-diddlers, proto-kikes, mormons and so on) that made europeans kill each other BECAUSE of religion. And European had similar gods everywhere they lived, just with different names and minor aspects - look at Interpretatio Graeca to see how out of touch is what you're saying. And they, like the Christians, killed each other, even in Germania - but never over religion - they never tried to impose their gods on others, not only because they were the same and they saw other peoples as unequal, but because they didny believe in "conversion" they religion was based in their blood and traditions, and, despite what you say, in the truth (which is where they share a common root with the corrupted abrahamic religions), before the christians depredated their traditions and established a dark age, the kikes purposefully refraining people from their knowledge of god - the "Dark Ages" is a METAPHYSICAL term.

Who genocided Frisians then Saxons and, when the Muslims where fractured and weak in Spain, they sent embassies to the Caliphs and attacked the Basques… All while allowing the Vatican to take over, kikes to dominate trade and usury and causing sucession wars that split Europe up to this day.

Europeans would have defended themselves regardless (and there wouldn't even be Religion of Cuck™ without christianity and preaching to the gentiles) - and even with Christianity others would have risen to their place, others much less kiked - like Odo of Aquitaine who kept the Muslims at bay with a much smaller army before getting overwhelmed, allowing the muslims to be defeated later on.

You got a billion catholics but I swear its harder to find a real one then a Scotsmen!

Wrong. See Matthew 8:11-12, Luke 20:9-16, Matthew 22:1-14. These are all Jesus Himself clearly saying exactly the opposite of what you just said.

That's the farthest thing from the truth. Modern Jesuits are Protestants. They share communion with Protestants, they expound a liberal Protestant theology, and so on. Their greatest enemy is neither Protestants, nor Muslims, nor especially Jews. Rather, their great enemy is traditionalist Catholics. The mission of that Society has been the same for decades, namely to effect a general reformation in morals and doctrine within the Catholic Church, so as to make it more amenable to the modern way and more easily merged with other religions. If you don't even know this much then you should just lurk like a proper newfag until you get a clue.

Over the centuries the Holy See has published canons and decrees that define what it means to be a Catholic, stating that anyone who breaks them is outside of the Church. It isn't rocket science to apply them to the present situation.

Again, when it comes to the Catholic Church, you need to know history before you can know what you are talking about.

pls stop already

Have you read the Summa Contra Gentiles?
Have you even perused its table of contents?
Evidently not, because if you had, you wouldn't even have to know any Latin to figure out that the phrase "contra gentiles" doesn't mean "against non-Jews." It means "against heretics and infidels," among them the Jews.

Sage for double posting but really because you are a dilettante

Did all the Protties run to Holla Forums after you got genocided on /Christian/ for heresy? In case you haven't noticed, people are seeking out rooted tradition to orient their lives in this godless world, not "Diet Christian Lite".

You fucking splendid crypto-kike protestant.

No pun intended but it speaks volumes about a religion when the leaders don't want people to be able to read their own holy-books.



Hi, moishe. Way to out yourself!

Who said?

Democratizing holy books is a big red flag in every religions… wake up man you know better than this.

Yeah, totally not jewish. Thanks for proving my point, obnoxious friend.

Shut the fuck up retard , Sumerians literally started fucking civilization you cock sucking mongoloid. Im betting you think Hebrew is the original written language because da (((Bible))) says so ! I bet you believe the Babylonians were Satan worshippers and the original Hebrews were Aryans

This is why you Christians will fail, and why the world is laughing at you. Pagan Aryans built the foundations of the world. Christians kept the flames alit, for a while. Now your pope actively pisses in your gene pool. Your god is a false Jewish construct made to brainwash dumb dumb goyim like you into abandoning their culture, and it seems to have been a pretty effective Jewish virus.

I see Catholics practice pilpul / taqiyya.

It's obvious that Christianity has been subverted by Jews. Just one question for you. Why do Jews waste their time then hating Christianity and Christians? What's the point?

Is this nigger serious?

Because Cucktianity was influenced by the traditions of Europe and keeps some of the trappings of truth from those influences. It is a corrupt religion which took on pure aspects as part of its disguise, thus the complete elimination of European cultures requires the destruction of those trace elements. What's more, some Semitic groups detest Cucktianity because it is a rival faction of Semitism.

Cucktianity itself is subversion by Semites. There is no configuration of the religion which has not been subverted because it is filth begun by Semites. There was never a good and noble Cucktianity, nor is such a thing ever possible.


always fun to watch.

You didn't answer the question and you're contradicting yourself.

So why do they still hate Christians?

There is a widespread conspiracy within the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod that the Jesuits have sent out infiltrators to take them over through ecumenicism.

Semites are not unified, there is factional strife between various groups of Semites. There is no contradiction and the question is answered.

Thats because kikes hate/are threatened by whites. You don't see (((them))) atempting to subvert the church in Africa or with spics, especially as it encourages natality among these "people", their fellow christian "brothers" hehe…

You're so full of shit it hurts.

Hurr durr my argument is "factional strife". What a cop out you fucking pussy. Can't even think of any original answer to blow smoke up my ass you fucking kike.

Jews have hated Jesus and Christians since the inception of Christ himself. Oh but I get it, Jesus was a kike on a stick XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

Jews were the ones who invented Yeshua, as revealed by the Essene writings from ~300BC which reference a martyred son of god and contain prototypes of gospel passages including sermons later attributed to Yeshua. Yeshua is a fictional character derived from many Semitic (Jewish) revolutionaries over hundreds of years. Some Jews invented Yeshua as a culture hero in order to reform Yahwehism, other Jews hate Yeshua because they preferred to live under Roman occupation and enjoy the benefits of having exclusive rights as moneychangers.

I'm dying fam

Those guys were syncretic as fuck and were probably importing elements of Mithraism. The martyred Son of God is an archetype dating back much further and was common across the entire world. Prohibitions on Christians lending money were not established until after Constantine's time. Jews did not have this special status during the time you mention.

I was referring to the exclusive right to change money at the temple, enforced for the Pharisees by Roman authority and peacekeeping.

It's likely that the messianic tradition was adapted from other religions, but that simply explains the origin of the Yeshua culture hero. We know that the character of Yeshua was built upon the Essene tradition because they were the first authors of gospel materials and some sermons, before the supposed time of Yeshua.

I believe this only applied to Jews visiting the actual Temple, non-Jews weren't even allowed into the Temple area. It was surely lucrative but it was entirely based on fleecing fellow Jews.

I happen to have in my library the entire collection of Dead Sea Scrolls and while you can make a tenuous link between Jesus and a generic Jewish Apocalyptic Messiah, you're reaching rather far here. Not sure which sermons or parts of the gospel were authored by them, either, is there any evidence of this or just theorizing?

The Jews didn't maintain any special money exchange rights outside the Temple grounds. Roman law prevailed and most people would exchange money at banks, if at all.

Also, not sure about the Essenes writing the gospels (I note you say gospel "materials" very Jewishly) or sermons, this has a whiff of (((Judeo-Christian))) studies to me.

Get lost faggot.

1. Reported for kikery.
2. Reported for kikery.
3. Reported for kikery.

I can only assume you are saying that if a nigger is a "true christian", then he is "based" in your eyes.
Good job cucking yourself to a semitic religion.

That fact you have to twist verb for "reading" into that just proves how nonsensical the idea is.

What aspect of the structure of Christianity is most valuable?

>People ITT unironically think that a return to 'paganism' A word that serves the same purpose for Christianity as 'Goyim' does for Judaism necessarily entails a return to bloodshed between different faiths
There is always another way. We can reach a consensus that acknowledges the inherent value of these ancestral faiths and enforce civility. Besides, Christianity had even worse sectarian violence.

No one will be able to answer you with something which was not adapted from superior European religions and added to Christianity beyond Yeshua's influence.


"Pagan" isn't a religion. "Pagan" is just anything that isn't an Abrahamic Faith. There are many multitudes of Pagan I wouldn't ally with nor would you. No, I won't work with Gypsies or "Witches" and I'd be hard pressed to find a druidic man I could take seriously in any respect.

Your perspective is just like how leftists use the term "minority", ignorant of the vast differences between that which you supposedly represent and using it as weapon against Christianity. What kind of Pagan are you, why not just talk from your faith and culture that you are so proud of?

The dubs show you the true Way. Come home.

Pathetic, Holla Forums.

You have convinced me, there is a strong core of truth to your words. How can I learn more about Thor? How can I seek out more of this Truth?

Seems to be a trend when arguing with Christians on Holla Forums. You think you are talking to same aryan looking motherfucker but it turns out your are discussing theology with a spic.

I bet you have some superior secret intel to know that all these anons are pretending, huh?

The only thing more funny in this thread is christians trying to use repeating digits as proof that they're right when that means that the satanic frog god demon false idol facebook reptilian is signaling it so.

It's like they want to have it both ways or something.


Remember… the reason the church does not speak out against jews is because of WW2. The allied forces were tricked into a 'never again' mindset and started cracking down on anything said against jews. It's similar to how US churches are not allowed to say anything about politics, or else lose their tax-exempt status. Though, I find myself wondering what would prevent a church from going 'Forget your tax exemption. I'll speak the truth.' I suppose it's a terminal case of lacking a spine and balls.

Catholic church is ridiculously POZ'd

You do know that it's Atheism that is on it's death bed, right?

This. I honestly do still do have a soft spot for it and despite it's foreign origins I still think it has a lot of good in it, though this could be from various Pagan/ Philosophical influences because Christianity isn't as original as people think it is

Christcucks need to unironically be banned this this board like kikes and mudslimes are. You guys think Cucktholics are cucked? Look at the others like Lutherans bringing in Somalis and other niggers by the thousands into Scandinavia and Minnesota. Look at what the Evangelicals and their Israel cucking does daily to America. Look at all protestant dominions do in North America and Europe shipping in shitskins always making excuses hiding them and using them to pack their churches as religion declines. They are the worst. The only good Christian sect that could be spoken of are the Orthodox, Amish, and Mennonites and most can only really stand to join the first one. It's over. They are a relic of the past, all these Abrahamic religions are obsolete and served their purpose long ago now they work against and undermine European peoples all around the world. They must be destroyed but if it makes you feel better Christianity can be destroyed last but destroyed they must be.


What did he mean by this?

What could someone possibly mean by such a post?


i need to register to make an account there? and for what to listen to gamers stream?

It's a server specially set up to discuss Paganism and IIRC and yeah you do have to make an account, it's fairly private though



Daily reminder that all popes are ethnic kikes wearing literal yarmulkes.

Start the Church SuperPAC then.

Out of the loop. What the fuck is that necklace?


There is also some pedo scandal going on in the vatican
The popes 2nd in command got caught with underage boys ((media)) blackout is evidence he works for (((them)))