If and when the US attacks North Korea

What will happen in South Korea?

1) President Moon goes back on his promise to prevent war at all costs, joins the war

2) President Moon refuses to participate, forces the US out of South Korea

3) There is a coup and President Moon and his party are removed from office, the new military government joins the war

One of these will have to end up happening.

The men in North Korea spend 7 years in the military. What do you think is going to happen to the pink-haired men in South Korea? It's going to be ugly.

If they have any sense it will be option number 2.

You've never met a Korean, have you? They are all, Nork and Souk, compact little dynamos. Every one of them is an attack hamster. Pure fireplug in their genes, and fucking fanatics about every goddamned thing you can imagine.

The southerners may not have such crisp uniforms as the Norks, but I absolutely guarantee their entire army is made up of soldiers who know how to take a punch in the face like a boss. It's how their junior officers keep discipline.

Their fatty flat faces help with that.

Jimmies will be rustled.

The South will cry like bitches and commit suicide once they have to stop shopping and start fighting.

Don't forget that recent reports are finding that the Norkies are experience a mass starvation due to all the sanctions. This is now even found among the military class where desertion, which has never really been heard of among the soldiers, is suddenly at extremely unexpectedly high levels. Commanding officers are now even encouraging their men to steal from civilians in hopes that they won't abandon or AWOL their posts. The propaganda videos we see of bad ass soldiers are not as numerous as they'd have you think. The majority of soldiers are there strictly to be meat shields.

Never met a Korean. Never met a Korean. Never met a Korean. Never met a Korean. Never met a Korean. Never met a Korean. Never met a Korean. Never met a Korean. Never met a Korean. Never met a Korean. Never met a Korean. Never met a Korean. Never met a Korean. Never met a Korean. Never met a Korean. Never met a Korean. Never met a Korean. Never met a Korean. Never met a Korean. Never met a Korean. Never met a Korean. Never met a Korean. Never met a Korean. Never met a Korean. Never met a Korean. Never met a Korean. Never met a Korean. Never met a Korean. Never met a Korean. Never met a Korean. Never met a Korean. Never met a Korean. Never met a Korean. Never met a Korean. Never met a Korean. Never met a Korean.

Every communist army is the same. They have 10 million bullet sponges out front for human wave attacks, because they don't give a fuck and human life is meaningless to a communist, and then a small handful of absurdly overtrained Spetznaz types who will kill you with piano wire.

Some political analyst was dropping redpills on RT last night about why north Korea is just theatre that exists only to justify the US military's presence in Asia which is why the MiC and neocohens are constantly poking the norks but never following through. Now Trump is in and doesn't know this is just pretend so he's escalating like a retard.

Good for you.

Never spent 7 years in the military. Never spent 7 years in the military. Never spent 7 years in the military. Never spent 7 years in the military. Never spent 7 years in the military. Never spent 7 years in the military. Never spent 7 years in the military. Never spent 7 years in the military. Never spent 7 years in the military. Never spent 7 years in the military. Never spent 7 years in the military. Never spent 7 years in the military. Never spent 7 years in the military. Never spent 7 years in the military.

I'll go to war with China but not just NORK.

Sandniggers in pajamas with towels on their heads are no big deal either, right?

Exactly. Hopefully with China cutting oil and food trade to North Korea, allegedly, even their spetznaz will start to feel it.

I'd rather it escalate and finally come to an end that keep persisting where the tax payers have to keep giving North Korea money to convince them to sheath the saber for another 2 to 4 years. Furthermore, with the Chicoms economy teetering on a very fragile edge, one nice little nudge, probably via the Norks would have their entire economy collapsing and their currency plummeting and with it every stupid nation that tied their currency to the Yuan. There is potential to see a travesty that is 100 times worse than what we see in Venezuela. And, with a tattered economy China wouldn't even have the strength to keep it's focus on North Korea which could lead to a unified Korea under the South's banner and create a new western based Capitalist boom due to all the investment and Job creation opportunities in the North and their clear abundance of natural resources. All of this is possible if executed just right and could give Trump a legacy that every politician on the left and the right will want to chase after, a la Reagan for Republicans, and cement a long future for a Capitalist Populist movement.

Why do you think they have flatty fat faces?

They really aren't when you're not fighting by these outdated rules of engagement that the establishment, the media, and every other foreign entity sets on you.

If you don't have to fight with your hands tied behind your back they are nothing. That's why more progress has been made in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Syria in the last 6 months than has been made in 8 years.

Either that or he knows full well it's a sham and is calling time as an excuse to pull US assets out of the area. It's a worthless money pit, just give Japan a standing army again and let them police the East.

All Trump has to do is wait for the inevitable civilian/military uprising and swoop in during the confusion to seize NK's nuclear assets.

They didn't have their hands tied behind their backs. It's just an excuse for failing. They made a million enemies there very quickly and got their shit pushed in. Same thing will happen in NK.

>send white men to die fighting one of the last anti-ZOG counties for (((capitalism)))
McCain pls go

This is the best scenario for Holla Forums. Rearm Japan and less of the global US hegemony.

There's no reason to fight either of them

I hope my girls make it through okay


for a round eye you don't see so good

From left to right

Your mom's pretty fuckable, user

You believe 'recent reports'?

And you are here? You expect our system to not lie about everything? Especially to yourself? What because best korea is somehow spoken of honestly?

I don't give a fuck about those wannabe jap fucks, but seriously what the fuck?