Trump knows Bannon is controlled opposition

Trump knows Bannon is controlled opposition

I wonder if the following story is a result of Bannon/Breitbart trying to place themselves as the gatekeeper of the new congressmen being elected in the future?

T_D Breitbart and Infowars are all trying to push their own crew of potential congress-elects (foreign agents) since pretty much the moment Steve got kicked out of the Whitehouse. Trumps farewell tweet about Bannon was more of a kick in the ass then a appreciative goodbye as well. Remember that congress is what controls America and there is a massive battle underway vs
Trump and the alt-kike with millions of people still fooled by Alex Jones and co being on their side. You will see the more subversive golems start to show themselves as we get closer to the elections.

Other urls found in this thread: kikebart

But wasn't Bannon speaking through Trump? Now that bannon's gone, why is Trump cucking out?

more like Bannon knows Trump is controlled opposition

Ohh the shills like Bannon now. Big fucking surprise. I knew this topic would get your attention.

Luther Strange was a corporate lobbyist. Roy Moore is a Klan tier Christian. Run along you fucking slug.

I don't even know who's jewing who anymore.

The main thing that both saddens and perplexes me is how there have been two generations with absolutely no one standing up for white people.

There is literally not one person with any sort of power who stands for white people. Now it is left to millennial's and gen z to take the impossible task of expelling millions of jews and shit skins by ourselves.

Bannon and Trump are shabbos goys. These people are feeding us to the wolves and trying to pretend they are helping us. Fuck all these niggers.

I bet Bannon and Trump are both controlled opposition. Fuck anybody who doesn't explicitly advocate for white supremacy.

Really nigger? So everybody who doesn't come into the thread slopping on your cock is a shill?
Fucking hell you zog bots are pathetic. You can't even brain storm with other anons because you just call them shills for than bowing down.


5/5 responses are shills so far.

You are on fullchan trying to discredit someone by calling them a Klansman and in the same sentence going against Trumps pick?

Based trump amirite?
1488D underwater interdimensional ominverse connect four!

Name one person with any power who promotes white interests
Hint: You can't

Thanks for exposing yourself you dumb sack of shit. I was using that as a compliment you dick head. Strange is a fucking neocon shabbos goy.

Try killing yourself.

Heil your dubs.

I like Bannon.

So you take Bannons word over Trumps?

There is a very clear divide going on here and you're going to have to choose. I also find it funny that Trumps pick is linked to (((sexual assault))) charges like anyone who goes up against the deep state coincidentally gets.

I am archiving this thread and saving it. Look at all the shills coming out to defend Bannon already, this is hilarious.

Also I'd like to see proof that Trump was behind this and not Strange. Strange knows Bannon is running with Moore.

k. Fire yourself then too.

Nobody's going to choose shit you chump. Fuck them both.

Ah ok. So its Chelsey Clinton then?

Why do you have to pick some figure head? Can't you think for yourself?

Trump really isn't and all the leaks have proven that. It's just he's in a difficult position because no one man can do it alone and he's all alone in DC packed full of establishment vermin nibbling away at the country. Trump needs a whole entire team of exterminators to back him up to accomplish things and that's where you're all supposed to come in. Run and elect /yourguys/ to all levels of government and unfuck the country or starve it off long enough until generation z comes of age, trusting in the new generation to fix the mistakes of the degenerate baby boomers.

Someone needs to tell Alex that the Holocaust never happened. He's not a cryptokike like some of these folks, but he's still convinced that the 'globalis' are Nazis and not jews.

Hes done quite a bit while having almost no support, Congress is going to be an even more difficult battle due to how many people we will have to pay attention to. I love the alt right vs Trump divide going on already though, its good for us that this is being exposed so early.

Alex Jones is most likely jewish and for sure his children are jewish. How hard is this to understand. If there are jews involved it is fucked to begin with. Never trust jews. Anyone who associates with jews is compromised. All jews need gas there are no based jews. Go back to the donald.

Steve King has been saying some pretty saucy stuff in that regard. Relatively, anyways. Saying that white people have a good culture and have a right to exist is about as bad goy as the current field of congressmen will get.

Steven King is a level 10 christ cuck who probably things Israel is our greatest ally. I haven't seen any direct quotes from about this to be fair but he loves Ted Cruz which tells you all you need to know.

Infowhores blatantly excepts the holohoax but sandy hook is a conspiracy.

Pic related is what happens when Bannon or whomever the fuck left or was outed.

that's overdoing it. try the Neo-cons or Communism in general. Try that Truth about McCarthyism video.

If we got the majority of the Republicans to realize the Jews involvement in Communism, then we can hit them with the Holocaust without having them flip out too much.

Perhaps we should sacrifice trump to the 25th amendment? If Obama gave us trump, then just imagine what that would give us.

Checked. I'm here in Alabama and Strange is the goodest of goys. I'm voting Moore on Tuesday.

Hello CIAnigger.

The majority of republicans are neo cons. Neo cons are jews. Jews are commies. Therefore Neocons are commies. Do the math shill.

Saying that a congressman is hopelessly addicted to the taste of circumcised cock is redundant. Just call them a congressman.


From what I can tell talking to people, he's going to win.


Bannon is backing Moore instead of strange.

I don't see a problem with that.

Thats what I'm hearing from a lot of folks in Bama. I mean just from hearing Moore say this I knew it was a shoe in.

Damn look at all these people amazingly from Alabama in this thread calling Trumps pick bad and going with (((Breitbarts))) candidate.

Alright lets see why people shouldn't vote for Moore and hear your benefits on voting for Strange.

Stick with real issues, niggers; the what, not the who. American politics is very much like professional wrestling. Remember this when you read the news.

Yes. That's the point.


checking for get
someone stole it with a hidden sage post i think
lets find out.

Obama's excuse for failure too.

Because I trust Trump and don't trust Breitbart.

This is not about Bannon or Breitbart or Trump. It's about which of these two men best represents the people of Alabama, specifically the white people of Alabama. Leave the celebrities worship out of it. If I were in Alabama, I would vote Judge Roy Moore.

God be with you, Dixieniggers.

You're a faggot you know that right. Answer the fucking question faggot. Why should people vote for Strange. The way I see it, it's Trump throwing a bone to Mitch the turtle. Now go on and point out the benefits for the people of Alabama.

Unfortunately it is about these 2 because both candidates are saying great warm things that voters love to hear (welcome to subversion in politics 101) and its very hard to tell whos the jew plant and whos the actual American. Trump knows more than us, Breitbart / Infowars is another layer of propaganda pretending to be on our side. I will take Trumps pick over Breitbarts every single time, I didn't elect Bannon and I don't have a single example of anything he has done for America except the Alex Jonestein hype of how NATIONALIST he is without any examples ever given.

Why do you trust Trump? I have very little faith in a person who is surrounded by jews and is a self proclaimed civic nationalist. He is all talk no action.

I hope you don't live in Alabama.

Let me know when the faggot Strange calls for a crusade against the depths of degeneracy and nigger criminals. Also notice how this cadrenigger can't give any examples of the benefits for Alabama in regards to voting for Strange the shabbos goy.

The problem is, it isn't Breitbart that made Strange unappealing to Alabama and there's no clear way to secure him a victory. Not a chance in hell. Maybe if Trump had been more clear in his reasons for supporting the guy, it would have gone differently. It really looked like he was just pretending to support him.

< 3 examples of shillspeak in 2 sentences.

Give us reasons why we should trust Breitbart over the person we elected as president.

OP is a faggot. Thread is full of paid monkeys with typewriters still trying to write a novel. Here's a pug on a toddler swing.

Trump may really believe he could shoot a man in the street, and we'd still support. Maybe we would, too. What WILL lose him our support is amnesty of any sort, backsliding on the wall, and starting another damn war. We can't just back any and everything he does. We have a mission to preserve our country and our race.

I don't give a fuck about kikebart you dumb cunt. I'm talking about what has been said and what hasn't. What has Strange said that will benefit the people of Alabama. Here is what Moore has said-โ†’

Checked. Thanks brother. We'll send Roy "Gas the Gays" Moore up there.

Nice. I need to go watch the rest of that debate.

I hope you don't live here.

every'' local user agreed that strange was the wrong choice, and trump has gone back on almost everything lately. But he told the handegg niggers to dog bless not live on their knees, so muh godemperor

You think that your shill squad agreeing with each other a bunch of times in this thread is "winning" but really its revealing that the jew paid shills have now gotten marching orders to defend Bannon. I can tell by your picture that you've been here 3 years. Keep up the good work. :^)

Thats rich coming from a Strange shill.

Are you really that stupid to think we are going to vote for someone based on the words he is saying?

Holy shit, they need to take their shilling A team off cuckchan and bring them here.

Im the OP of the Assad sticky at that top of this board. I gotta be the shill though. :^)

Isn't that how Trump got elected along with every other politician you sack of retardation. You've been btfo this entire thread. You know nothing about Alabama. Roy Moore will win and the gays will be hanged, is that why you're mad? You and your two dads need to go.

I can read id's faggot. Go hang yourself beside your two dads you fucking twat.

Do you not understand that no one gives a fuck about Bannon? Roy stood up to king nigger about the fags and got removed for it. The only times to support Trump are when he supports the interests of whites. This is not one of them. He chose to hitch himself to a shit Israel First corrupt candidate. Most people here hate Strange. Trump made a mistake or its another case of him bowing to the establishment. Either way I'm still voting for Judge Moore.

I don't know whos going to win. I find it interesting that the alt kike and Trump divide is happening already and am alerting people that this is currently taking place. I find it very interesting. Good luck with your Breitbart Jonestein candidate.

He doesn't actually care about your support. If he loses an election he still keeps all of his money and his properties. If you want to know what he actually cares about, look at what he's actually gotten done while in office.
It's boilerplate Rockefeller republican, now with zionism.

good luck choosing an actor over the survival of the white race

Trump doesn't need us ebil nazis anymore. He has at least 800,000 dreamers - hard working dreamers I almost forgot to say - who will surely choose Trump over Perez when the time comes.

Have you ever considered that since you haven't lived here during either of the two candidates tenures in office that you may not have the full picture?

I'd have to go back and look, but I think he has more top-level kikes around him then even clinton did.

Did Trump find out that Bannon had kike grandkids?

Again, it isn't about Bannon or Trump, but Alabama. They clearly like Roy Moore in Alabama. Even a compelling challenger would have been overwhelmed. I don't know what Trump's plan was, but surely he knew that Moore was going to own this from the start.

I know this is a shillpost, but it still makes me happy to think about the fuel efficiency rollback. Get me power!

you spelled kike wrong


Why would you be happy about paying more money to travel the same distance? I hope you don't actually believe automotive industry propaganda that they just don't have any way to hit fuel efficiency standards without shoving hybrid battery packs into everything. It's also odd to find your general consumerist sentiment on this board. Even odder that you seem to be under the impression that anyone else is bringing the shill posts.

Amazing how after all these posts from me asking you to give some exampled why Strange should be good for Alabama you have yet to provide any.

This board is unreadable. Ten paid agents agreeing with each other in every thread. Guess fullchan is pro Infowars / Breitbart now, Nothing to see here goyim.

Mechanical simplicity. Safety standards also need to be rolled back big league.

I explained myself very clearly.

I don't believe the words of a politician even if hes telling me what I want to hear. I elected Trump, I trust him over Bannon and Alex Jones so if hes supporting someone I am going to vote for that person.

This has nothing to with kikebart or jonestein you dumb fuck, this has everything to do with whats good for Alabama.

Don't go to breitbart my good goyim. Nothing to see there. Go watch some niggerball.

If even on Holla Forums people struggle with this concept, then surely the general population is even worse.


You're an idiot dude. Show one instance where Roy Moore has pivoted his stance. He has a track record for being a hard right Christian.

Now this is interesting.
I know nothing about Moore or Strange. I watched a few minutes of the debate between the two, and I liked Moore's speaking skills much better than Strange's.

I'm reading a bit about Moore:

Then Strange: >lawyer lawyer lawyer lawyer

On paper they seem pretty similar, I'm wondering exactly why Moore was so hated, and normally MPs aren't billeted with regular servicemen, so it'd be good to know exactly who would have wanted to frag him. If it was his own MPs, then I'd say that raises some concerns, but if it's just pissed off riff-raff then that's another story.


I didn't stutter fucktard. You know nothing about Alabama politics so go take a seat in the corner and grab a dunce hat.

Ah, hello again. I still maintain that the level of technology we're allowed to have needs to stay ahead of efficiency demands. The reciprocating piston motor is being overengineered to death by efficiency demands with permitted technology.

Didn't all 100 senators vote for that resolution against "white supremacy?" That would include Strange, no?

Perfect dubs for that comment.

You are too stupid to live. Drink bleach.


The zio candidates are usually the better speaking ones since they practice how to lie without giving off tells and giving non answers to questions for thousands of hours.

It reminds me of the Mattis hype. All these guys have these ghost stories of how badass they are. Sleeping on sandbags sounds idiotic, wouldn't it be easier to stab him in his sleep then get a grenade?

Thanks for being the first person in this thread to actually bring something to the discussion instead of "Moore is saying words I like!!! Hes ourguy!!!!"

I know that feel user. I had to reread that comment to verify there are actually lemmings here.
Civcucks GTFO

Kikes like OP feel threatened by Bannon. The 60 minutes interview didn't have the effect they were hoping for so now they're afraid. Bannon has the capacity to defend his POV intelligently and can also potentially inspire more whites to speak up publicly. Therefore, he's considered dangerous. Personally, I don't see him taking a more active role (public/private speeches) but if he does he'll probably have an accident.

Breitbart could have two times more pro-Israel articles they'd still attack Bannon. The website is secondary in all of this. They want to destroy him but the usual (((PR))) methods don't work.

I'm trying to be actually objective, because Trump says a lot of different things, but you always have to read in between the lines and think for your self. Do you think Moore is a Zio candidate moreso than Strange? Strange's record seems to be just one cucking for big oil or similar after another.

Both Trump and Bannon are controlled opposition. If you believe Trump is a "secret NatSoc" you are a gigantic retard.

Strange is one of the co sponsors on that bill to make boycotting Israel a crime.

Holy fuck m8 you really are either one shit tier shill or just a plain retarded reddit nigger.

Remember when people were claiming Pozzobiec was a Holla Forumsak?

He's Navy Intel and most likely mossad.

I don't know either of them and its impossible for people on the outside to be able to tell whats what. I didn't spend all this time getting Trump in office to vote against him when it matters the most. Trumps done many great things already including killing Israelis proxy army in Syria and ripping up the TPP etc. Why go against him now when getting his choices in congress will obviously be the ones most likely to vote his agenda through.

Bannon, Trump, and literally every other US politician is an Israel dicksucking Zionist. Every single politician should be hung from a lamppost.

Theres Alabama lads in this thread calling you a fucking retard. Yet you seem to know more about Moore then they do. I'm guessing you're a sodomite.

Remember he tried to false flag us.


Yep. Strange was never going to win this. And there's no possible way Trump didn't also know. They couldn't even Diebold a victory for Strange with these numbers. The only reason I can think of for this bizarre choice is to show Congress that the people are worked up enough that they'll do what they want, with or without the word of politicians. The stakes were very low here, given that Alabama men are clearly not sheep.

Never will forget. He'll get his one day.

Longer than that actually. By the way, they're taking multiple sides in this thread.


Strange is a part of the swamp. I don`t agree with everything Trump says or does. If you want to blindly follow, go back to reddit.

He's still funding the communist YPG/PKK in Syria, which is arguably worse than the original opposition because they are giving training to Antifa. Trump is indirectly giving training and weapons to Antifa and you Reddit clowns still support him.

Nigger run.

Oh fuck off leftypol cuck

Man this fucking cunts been btfo this whole thread.

y u sage tho

Forgot it was there tbh.

I was just about to post that.
Shills BTFO

Nice dubs, but famposting is for niggers, user.

If you actually provided something like this from the beginning instead of making your main arguments "this politician says things I like" then the debate would have been done 30 comments ago.

You're right.

Kill yourself. You will not be missed.

Fuck off faggot.

You are upset I made you post facts instead of blindly following you?

Funny considering you've been espousing that the whole thread.

Kek they do make them selves obvious.


Kill yourself.

I think these people are literal shills/kikes/goons, the projection and endless contradictions are just too much.

not really

These "le 4d checkers gd empror" retards are lemmings. Trump could switch parties and become a democrat and they'd still follow him.

My thoughts as well. Almost seemed like arguing with a boomer, though surely thats not the case. Do you ever wonder if Trump has a shill team here?

Except we just showed that Strange is a ziocuck and that Moore is better to vote for. Trump knows exactly what he's doing, politically, but that doesn't mean we're supposed to do exactly what he says, and at this point I'm positive Moore is going to take it, especially considering the result in the primary with Moore at 38.87% to Strange's 32.83%.
99% of the 1488D chess is using your own fucking brain because everything has to be figured out with inference if you want to really understand what's going on.

Shills argue both sides, user. It's 100% possible for a shill to come here and be pro-Trump but still be a retarded shill.

and I mean that in the sense Shareblue would come here and pretend to be pro-Trump, but seed in disinfo that would actually work against support for Trump and his base. They work both sides on every d&c narrative.

Checked and noted user.

if you don't think Bannon is the true god father of the alt right you haven't been paying attention


know the difference between "controlled opposition" and "low ranking goy"

I think how Trump handles NoKo will ultimately reveal his hand to us.

He surely has one. Just not sure who they are and whether they are here. I've never seen even the most blatant ones banned.

agreed, but they tend to be pretty hamfisted about it kinda like OP

Here's hoping he provokes them to nuke Israel.

Bannon is a shill for Israel.

Trump is a cuck. Strange is a swamp faggot.

Trump himself is a "ziocuck" you faggot. He sucks more Israeli dick than Obama did. His UN speech sounded like Axis of Evil, but given by a clown. He's not playing "4d chess" and never was, he's just playing gullible conservatards who thought he would actually change things.

Kill yourself.

Bannon is the mouth piece of the Mercers. He doesn't shit without their say so. It's just a job for the old drunk. The motherfucker wroteโ€ฆ I kid you not, a hip hop opera whatever the fuck that is. Oh and some Seinfeld episodes which is where his money first came from.

T_D Redditors are the scum of the Earth

You already lost yourself, roach

What's wrong, Jew?

Nice try.

Nice Try

Nice try really framing this shit, but we're too smart for that. We're not blind Trump supporters here, keep that shit to Reddit. All your attempt has done is made me trust Trump even less.

I'd side with Bannon over Trump.

Dropping an unrelated redpill on Jews. Fuck you.

Steve Bannon is a faggot.

CIAniggers, generals, politicians, celebrities. Who next will name the Jew?

You definitely have to be the most pozzed roach if you support him only because of this and ignore his other remarks and actions.

You know where the Soros McMaster story came from


Best thing Trump could do is pass a bill forcing all bills to go through referendums. Then he could go spend the rest of his terms at the golf course. Less crap bills would be proposed. More good decisions would be made, and they would be made faster.

What ever happened to this user? Last I remember hearing out him is he was being charged with some kind of hate crime and was expelled. What ever became of him?

I don't even live in Alabama, but after reading this thread, OP convinced me with his non-arguments that I would be voting for Roy Moore.

Here's the correct version, and Bannon is a Goldman Sachs shabbos goy. If you going to side with him, then you might as well start adhering to the Talmud and siding with the jewish "people".

Now start posting how Roy Moore is a jew lover faggot. You're shilling for Luther the shabbos goy Strange.

No, I just pointing out how bad Bannon and Kikebart are. Given that they're running for office, I'm sure they're both shabbos goyim and devoted servants of the jew.

Like I said show me where Alabama needs Strange instead of Moore.

Wew, he just called Israel as being filled with losers

I don't care about Bannon's shilling Strange actively supports neocon policies, Moore at the minimum has not shown to support those policies and the big problem with him is that he's a Christcuck who might be like Rand who'll never compromise on any front. So if I were to vote it would be Moore.

Every time I've asked this the convo has ended.
Really makes me think.

Trump supports Strange bcause he's been loyal to Trumps agenda. Stop lying.

Trusting politics to fix politicsโ€ฆ.good goy!

oh look another d&c thread
we didn't have one of these in a long while


Who's this thread trying to d&c us from exactly? The "good" jews over at Kikebart?

It's important for the people (this includes us) to oppose any cucking Trump does, even if it's part of a "chess move".

Trump isn't alone, and politicians need limits, they need boundaries, even if they're on our side.

Since they are surrounded by enemies they will always try and seek the most "comfortable" position.

Every time we cuck for bad Trump decisions we tell the entire world of politics that we are fine with their bullshit.

We should NEVER do this. If Trump plays chess then he should expect opposition and carry it with a straight face, he will understand.

Still, it is of utmost importance that we don't forget that it's not just politicians that play the game, it is us, as well.

Just saying. This isn't meant to imply any good or bad moves by Trump in this thread.
I just wanted to remind people of the fact that we are part of politics as well.

1. we know the alt-kike is fucked and fucking fucked as bolshivism

2. we know Trump has a Jewish son in law and Don Jr.'s wife is a half Jew on her fathers side. But that didn't stop the Alt-right from claiming they were all Jews, while supporting Zionism.

3. We know that Trump is scary to the worst people on earth.

4. We know that Putin is a Globalist jew worshiper

5. We know the Philippines guy is the only world leader left alive.

6. We know that Iran is the secret to WW3 and the death of the white race.

7. We know Bannon is just as anti-white as Trump has ever been. But he is a true idealist. Idealism for what? A fake America? A new capitalism? What? At least Trump is consistent. He wants to be great. He wants his product to be great. His product is now AMERICA.

8. We know Jews HATE America more than Jesus or anything that has EVER existed outside of NatSoc Germany which was based on Early America according to Hitler himself.

I've given you the facts now

YOU decide.

cap this post for your granchildren

Im the user that started the thread asking for his dox, im telling you it legitimately did not start out as a false flag

U wot?

There's no such thing as "half jew", a jew is a jew.

Fuck you and Israel I can;t wait until Iran glasses your entire place faggot.

they have become naught but an annoyance. Filtering them is like removing pimples of a face, fucking niggers.


If Bannon was a true 14/88 white man, he wouldn't be such a fatass. It's disgraceful and impractical.

TBH, if Bannon was a true 14/88 white man, he wouldn't be sucking endlessly on neocon zionist jew dick for his entire professional career, as a chief propagandist for ZOG as editor for J-bartโ€ฆ

I kind agree with you but I don't think Trump is a good guy. None of these people are.

They're all running scams instead of being honest. These billionaires and their puppets might disagree with each other every now and then but believe when push comes to shove the idea that the goy ever really get to know what's going on or have a real say in how things get run will make them blood brothers/sisters.

Trump is controlled opposition though.

Strange is a shabbo goyim.

notice how the shills (ITT and elsewhere) always try to force a dichotomy between "Donald ZOG Puppet Trump" and "4D chess Trump can do no wrong"

Don't let them shove you in a D&C corner

I've seen it time and time again that whenever someone is critical of Trump someone responds by picking out a word and then seems to think it's proof of something. But i've probably just made sure you got some noodles for dinner tonight by responding like this.

whatever you say, friendo.

That Strange dude is definitively worst than Moore from what I gather, am I mistaken?

He is a boomer.

Same with "Putin teh Savior" and "Rasha = ebil gommunist mongols".
Silly shill "logic" always stands out as nonsense.

Shill hunt isnยดt quiet perfect yet.

Everyone report this D&C thread

There is a pile of people in this thread using typical shill speak buzzwords and not knowing the basics of how this site works which makes it obvious that the same team that joined us 10 days ago is attacking this thread. Strange doesn't look good on that "muh Israel" bill but why are the paid agents now backing Bannon and his choice?

Ive repeated this 20 times and never get an answer. Putin is bombing Israels proxy army in Syria and allowing Iran to put a base in Latakia. If he is a globalist jew shill why is he attacking Israel and putting their greatest enemy on its borders?

I'm a super oldfag that lurks far more than I post.

Can any of you non-shills explain what the purpose of this thread is? All I see is a ton of posters calling each other shills and wild claims based on shaky "evidence".
If OP is a shill, what was his goal?
If all the early posters are shills, why the infighting?
Is this just to cause chaos for chaos sake?

Remember user.

We got what we needed when Trump was elected.
Anything else that comes from him is gravy.
We need to be looking for Trumps replacement so we can boost him to hijack one of the parties.

It isn't so much what Putin does as what he doesn't do. He basically had America shitting on him and his country in the press and he doesn't really do anything about it.

It's idiots arguing essentially.
Surely you're old enough to recognise that?

Forgot to mention sanctions also. Russia also co-operates with the US on space and other things.

None of them are controlled opposition, that is the entire point of the mass media rampage against them. It is just that they are not efficient opposition at all because they don't really accurately identify their enemies nor use the correct tactics. They would indeed knock out lots of America's subversive enemies with their catch-all term "globalists" if they took action against them, but they wouldn't be able to solve the problem in the end because of their skewed analysis and lack of understanding of what we are dealing with here.

However, I strongly feel the libertarians (Andrew Breitbart, Alex Jones, Stephen Bannon) are more useful to us than Trump himself because they are outside the system and could to more damage to it, than Trump that is inside and has to make compromises, moderate his own actions to please operatives, etc.

In the end, both of this groups are stepping stones to reach our goals. We have a sort of implicit cooperation going on with them for now

D&C as a tactic works quite well

Why would he?
It cements his position domestically. Every time a US media outlet decries him as the ultimate evil it boosts domestic support for him and his allies.

Based neocon jews in total control of America and also all its pretend resistance movements?
I always thought that was what Holla Forums never wantedโ€ฆ

this. look at the people in bannons employ, kikes, niggers, spics. not our guy

What's the deal with RT then ? Who really runs it ?

Are you seriously telling me in the case of Jones that he isn't fully aware that he isn't backing up his own rhetoric ?

The controlled opposition media just waiting to take the crown from CNN MSNBC are totally your friends goyim.

Ross is on his way out if you've been paying attention. All of those guys do what Trump tells them to do except the military side since Trump has no experience there but there are many stories of him asking a pile of questions and making Mattis / McMaster write down actual military goals and holding them accountable. Obama/Bush/Clinton didn't do this, they just nodded their head and let the MIC do what they wanted.

Its a tough situation here. We got Kikebart and shill speaking retards who don't know how to sage telling us Bannon and Moore are the best choice but Trump is backing someone who is cosponsoring that greasy Israel bill.

No Kek-faggots will check these fucking trips, now will they?

Do not forget the fight against globalism and one world government that they all share. It is of hte utmost importance. By the way, a lefty cunt got into an argument with me about why I didn't support globalism or one world government, I replied "why don't you support monopolies". They quickly shut up lulz

Wow man kek doesn't seem to be Trump's friend lately. It's kinda spooky tbh fam.

RT is a lot like the BBC. Sort of state controlled but mostly left to its own devices.

May need to reevaluate.

The argument I'm using though is that the public dialogue has changed and the people become more aware of how shit the political situation is.
Trump was the extreme outsider candidate who made all the big promises they wanted to hear.
The media response was overwhelmingly negative to him. The public were told every second of every day that he would fail.

And he won.

They realised that not only are they not alone in their worries but they outnumber the cucks and jews.
Then Trump turned on them completely and utterly the instant he was in power.

So the overton window got pushed a lot wider (which is always good for us) and the populace got angry.

Trump is irrelevant to us at this stage, we should look to his replacement. He was always a stepping stone.

Is it shocking?
He has turned his back on Kek and embraced Moloch.
And so Kek turns on him now that he has returned.

If by state controlled you mean zog controlled. BBC is almost exactly like CNN. RT is more credible than any of the US media but I don't trust them for Russian news.

Didn't he kill the TPP in the first couple of days? Keep trying.

Im not in the states but I 100% supported him (from 2015, bet hundreds of dollars pre RNC) because of the things he campaigned on
amongst other things
Not shilling in any way, shape or form, these ideas are transferable to any country that wants the best for their nationalist population, but im fucking sick of the chess T_D fucks. lets call a spade a spade.

So where is the spider god in all of this.

The last frame of Wojak, meant to represent all those who fell for the kayfabe of Democracyยฎ, again, should not be kys, but a calmer expression showing more resolve to improve themselves and resist getting manipulated by PR symbols (pic related) and phrases like MAGA, God Emperor, 10 feet taller, etc again.

The only contributions you've made to this thread were shill accusations. Good job.

TPP Was dead and dying before Trump got into office.
Mostly because it was so openly and publicly reviled.

Still. He did a few good things. Now though? Now he's no good.

The BBC is a complex beast.
On certain things it will defy zog to toe the government or royal line.
But most of the time it's zogbots are obedient.

He was just pointing out everyone not on his team. This thread could have had 90% less shit in it if that squad didn't attack it from the beginning. I bet they didn't even know Strange supported that Israel bill until 100 posts in.

Nice greasy revisionist history. I am sure Bernie and Hillary totally would have ripped up the TPP too. Fuck off kike.

He has built up enough credibility to do a few things "wrong" and still have my trust but selling weapons the the Saudis and sending out that DACA tweet were both really bad.

The BBC is 99.9% carbon copy of CNN for brits.

That seems like a perfect way to maintain the illusion on public that they (the public) are still the ones in control of things.

All of this assumes that he was /ourguy/ at the beginning, and that there definitely are more /ourguy/s coming in the future elections. This path of stepping stones does not lead to where you think it does. No legitimate candidate will ever be allowed to clear the primaries.

Moore is by far the better pick. Bannon is pushing the correct candidate.
My fear is that when Moore wins, Bannon will gain cred (fighting for the people), then begin pushing establishment candidates in 2018.
In the end, both Bannon and Trump are openly kiked but if we only support non establishment types, they'll have no choice but to bend our way a little.

This is interesting. Why all the hype for an Alabama election that is going republican anyway? I have been active in local Al politics for the past 15 yrs and and have seen a trend away from cronyism and "good ole boy" mindset due to the exposed corruption. Social media is the main pathway that has achieved this. I was at the rally Friday night and was almost swayed by Trumps speech on Strange but later at the local watering hole we debated about the ethics charges levyed against Bentley and the subsequent dismissal of charges. This resulted in Bently appointing Strange as acting Senator in Sessions vacated seat. We (alabama) are tired of the phony politics. Back to the original statement as I and and other participants of the beer joint debate have concluded is that any national endorsement of a local politician is something up to no good. Call us cautious, paranoid or just plain retarded, we still fall back on our values. God, family, friends, State and Country. In that order.

What's important to know is that we don't want a political victory.
We want the populace to get angry. To get so mad that the day of the rope comes about.
That's our goal.

The day of the rope.
Just picture it in your mind and remember it won't happen unless the people are fucking pissed.

How much in line would Moore be with Trumps agenda. Wall, beaner removal etc?

Minimal to non-existent.

Moore will vote as a constitutionalist and what is best for Alabama.


It's a D/C thread, duh. Split the good guys by exaggerating their differences and complaining about the kikes they're allied with. It works on us every time.

Honestly after Trumps DACA tweets he's even more cucked then Alex Jones.

Mainline republicans are never the good guys

"Im a nationalist and a globalist" - Trump
Globalism = Communim
Communism = Socialism

"Im a national socialist"

Far fetched, but one can dream

I'd rather have Bennon there, tbh


He is a nationalist in a way that he wants to save his country from foreign interest and a globalist in a sense that he still wants to benefit his country from influencing others. It was pretty clear, the only ones pretending it was ambiguous or Trump showing himself as a globalist were the shills.

It's one of the most retarded threads I've seen here in a long time. The shilling is as real as the obtuseness.
Trump is losing his way, and is surrounded by kikes. I see this every day, and it worries me. I don't know what to make of it, but he's still better than Hillary would have been.
Bannon and Kikebart are definitely neocons pushing Civic Nationalism. He couldn't have made it more plain, I don't know why anybody's confused about this.
But neither of them have shit to do with this race in Alabama. Some fucking rapper's opinion on who should win would have as much legitimacy. Between these two guys there is no contest. Strange plays the game like a good goy, and Moore stands on principle.

It's like zionist jew shaprio declaring his identity to his audience then proceeds to tell them that that ethnic identity is bad, demographics don't matter, Whites becoming a minority is OK, not really bothered by open borders other than "legally," typical jew good for me, not for thee.

Basically this. All the anons ITT who said they're probably both controlled opposition are likely right, but who even knows anymore.

Oy vey, I heard they had free matzo in thie thread!

Read between the lines. How many are actually successful and not a burden on this country? It is a vast minority of the dreamers and the ones that aren't productive are getting the boot. He's blowing smoke up their asses because he knws damn well very few if any will do what they need to do to remain in the country legally.
They have 6 months to get their papers in order.

The thing is, dreamers are going to hate Trump no matter what he does, and at the same time, the way he has recently handled DACA has demoralized his base, at least the part that wants these fuckers out. I don't see how anything about those tweets can be a good thing.

Fuck what the dreamers think. It's Optics for normies. Trump chooses his words. The kikes taught him well.




polite sage

Dubs of wisdom, this thread is full of pathetically weak shills scrambling for a new attack angle after DACA imploded. Webm related is 95% of the posters in here.

Idk how they think we are dumb enough to buy this deep.

So Breitbart tries to be edgy and "name the globalist". They make an obvious homage to use of (((echoes))).
It doesn't matter if they are pretenders. Take a lesson from Kurt Vonnegut's "Mother Night".
They are catchers in the rye, gatekeepers who stand at the threshold to stop people from crossing, but invariably lead people to the threshold to begin with.

Also true.

Trump's a sellout you fucking cuck. You have no values if you support the guy who's destroying this country's future with DACA and backpedaled on the wall.
No you fag, you got played.

This is a great thread to read through and play 'find the shill'
Once you weed out the chaff with some filtering, interesting discussions.




Oh look, OP's boss told him to come back for round two. Kill yourself kike faggot.

I have heard that Strange and Moore are both shitty candidates. IF true, I guess it makes sense to gain some GOPe favor during such a race. we'll see if that pays off tomorrowโ€ฆ
FWIW, I don't care who he endorses; I've already got my shit list of swamp creatures for the 2018 primaries and won't be swayed

More like โ€˜kikes are playing both sides.โ€™

Good year, good dubs, good observation.

This basically. Everybody noticed it, too.

Thank you, user.

Say goodnight to your "Jewish Conservative" neocons, faggot. Same goes for you Tory sympathizers.

America's back in the game.

Kikebart shills are CIA / Mossad / British Tories / Neocons.

Here's the plan. We start a Jew Civil War.That's right fellas. Make these kikes kill each other. We have to go full anti-Kikebart now. If we do, it'll force the "Conservative Jews" to go abosultely ape shit and start mass murdering everyone in the room. Then we can point our fingers while the normies wake up in mass. "omg, these Jews are thugs and killers".

Jew Civil War 2017

Russia releases photos today of US military collusion with ISIS.

Iron Ann is decently influential. How much power that translates into is debatable.

Trick for not having your comments censored on kikebart's disqus section (or any disqus section): Write your comments in a different unicode font.

๐…๐ฎ๐œ๐ค ๐ค๐ข๐ค๐ž๐›๐š๐ซ๐ญ
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Their faggot word filter cannot autoflag these comments. Of course none if this will save you if your comment gets flagged by a user and deleted by a kikebart mod, but if you want to hit them with comments, use this trick. Here's a site for converting normal text to unicode fonts: kikebart

You can also create your own keyboard mappings for unicode fonts so you can switch between different mappings easily.

And judging by the way he's been shifting positions he had during the campaign, you could almost say he was camouflaged in the opposite way you think he is. I'd love to see all this play out in our favor in the end, but I'm sick of seeing anons being bamboozled into taking the good things Trump says as gospel while always dismissing the bad things as being part of some grand scheme when they don't know exactly what the deal is.

I'm 99% sure the Trump/Bannon conflict is a show put on for the (((media))), not a real thing. Moore is the better choice in Alabama, but Trump thinks he has something to gain by being seen supporting Strange (not necessarily by actually getting Strange the win, though).

really makes you think about how gay trump's supporters areโ€ฆ

Eat shit. Nationalist candidates like Moore are better than neocohens like Strange, no matter who supports or opposes them.