Imagine being a naive person trying to learn english, deciding to tune into the Top 10 US/UK chart songs, watching BBC and so on. But we english speakers know that stuff is for NPCs.
If you wanted to learn German and consumed media for German NPCs you'd be offended at all the poz as well
Christian Collins
Learn some history user. Start with pic related.
Ryan Garcia
I wonder (((who))) could be behind this?
Kayden King
Ryder Thompson
The Eternal Jew.
Jonathan Jenkins
Elijah Johnson
Fuck man you're not joking. I went back in '02 and they were fucking everywhere back then even. Gas em
timestamp doesn't work in the embed, click the above link or skip to 46:27
Austin Edwards
holy fuck thats only about 1/20th out of the folder of these that i have
Levi Green
If I could into twitter, I'd make a bot that looks for the phrase "fellow white people" and automatically replies "YOU'RE NOT WHITE, YOU'RE AN ARAB".
Nathaniel Cox
Thank you for the work you're doing. I have the free time and inclination but not determination to save and post this stuff at relevant discussions. When I see people like you on chans and twitter and facebook and comments sections I breathe easier knowing someone is doing this necessary work and doing it properly
Josiah Baker
same reason germany is a shithole. the EU must burn
Brandon Foster
Jeremiah Wood
Because we haven't killed them yet.
Aiden Long
listen to classical music, you profligate.
Everything else is worthless.
Jack Mitchell
Try Paris, Marseille, etc, yes. France as a whole, not yet.
tl;dr version is France gave citizenship to Algerians after WW2. Algeria was still a colony back then.
Oliver Davis
Well, they are.
Gabriel Hughes
pleb, see
Gabriel Sullivan
Learn Yiddish.
Nicholas Gomez
i'm well aware all the semitic races are a mongrel interbred race, but calling kikes, sandniggers is obfuscation.
Adrian Evans
Algerians aren't niggers you dope. Certainly Muslim shitskins though. More like pic related, to your point.
Josiah Bailey
Listen to French RAC instead.
This is a great cover of Nouvelle Croisade:
Ils ont les médias et la police avec eux Non toi seul tu non poux les attaquer Ils t’empêcheront d’agir contre eux comme tu le veux Car nous sommes les valets de leur sou société Nous pouvons remercier les nations unles Qui déja bien infiltrées lours ont donné le pouvoir Et les allemands paient encore aujourd’hul L’extension souterraine de leur territoire
Nous condamnerons l’Israël Qui au nom du mensonge gangrène nos peuples Se plait à rabaisser làchement ses ennemis Rappelez-vous de Déméniouc et de Jeanne d’Arc 88
Leurs mains se referemnt lentement sur l’Europe Et le serpent symbolique avant chaque jour Depuis l’antiquité de la Grèce à Rome Jusqu’à Paris, Madrid, Londres et St. Petersburg Pour limiter leur terres, nous aiderons la Palestine Mais je sais que leur fief, s’étend bien au deià En se déclarant au monde comme peuple martyr Mais moins ouvertement, peuple élu Ca ne passera pas
Nous condamnerons l’Israël Qui au nom du mensonge gangrène nos peuples Se plait à rabaisser làchement ses ennemis Rappelez-vous de Déméniouc et de Jeanne d’Arc 88
Brandon Gomez
This one's very Christian and Nationalistic in its lyrics. "Tu aimeras" dovetails the band's reverence for their motherland with Matthew 22:37.
Tu aimeras ton pays, ainsi que ta race et notre Europe Tu respecteras ta culture, ta religion et notre Histoire!
Tu aimeras notre héritage, de valeurs, de traditions Tu respecteras tes droits, l’ordre et nos lois
Tu aimeras et tu respecteras! Car dans cette voie je mène mon combat
Tu aimeras ta famillie, ton travail et ta patrie, Tu respecteras ta pureté, ton honneur, ta fidélité!
Tu aimeras nos ancêtres, les héros morts et nos armées, Tu respecteras le mérite, la hiérarchie!
Nolan Nguyen
It's worse OP. Frogs took hom souvenirs after they pwned nignoglands. Biggest mistake, EVA.
Jacob Allen
It's tradition, they love their negroes. It's why so many niggers speak French natively too.
Andrew Turner
Yeah I noticed this same thing years ago in high school. I found out about Axelle Red. She's pro globalization propaganda. Then I found SNIPER which is just some nogs yelling "It's written in stone!" Over and over.
French music is shit.
John Torres
Samuel Harris
Fuck France, Quebec and The Ivory coast la triggeré Calling frenchmen frogs is an insult to amphibians the world over. pic related, the always, eternal surrendercheese
Christian Morales
France is a staging ground for access to the UK free money and shit. They don't like France, they just like free shit.
Easton Brooks
This sums up modern day France to a T.
French fag here. Don't worry about France. We can always reconquer it later and cleanse it. The real men of France are almost gone. The worst part is the nignogs are not the real problem. The niggers of france are the arabs. The Africans are alright (behavior wise) but God Damn I don't know where they are coming from. There were practically non in my neighborhood 5 years ago and now 1 in 2 people that goes by inn the street is an ape.
Blake Bailey
Well in the cast of kikes the issue is that a portion (pharisees?) interbreed with Arabs, Turks, and Europeans to produce the modern kike enthnographic groups. The kikiest of a now extinct race interbred with the kikiest of other races and then inbred in urban shitholes for centuries resulting in what we think of as the modern kikes.
Kevin McDonald's book series goes into their ethnography in depth.
Jacob Davis
Because super-bad-based zionist occupied Britain and America made certain of Europe being destroyed for the jews.
Xavier Barnes
You can ask the exact same about The Netherlands.
Parker Johnson
They've had plenty of time since then to take care of their own pests, it's pathetic to blame the current state over an event that happened over 70 years ago.
Robert Morris
Thank God for based neocon jew America forcing all European nations to be completely under the ZOG jackboot Just like America helped Serbia when they tried to attempt to remove kebab, super bad based ZOG controlled Yanks blew them up. Then spent the next 20 years trying to start a war against the same muslims that they stopped Serbia from defending themselves against.
America is ZOGs army They have only ever brought death and destruction to the West for their jewish masters
Elijah Lee
The Apefricans are not alright , at least not in Paris . They are responsible for almost all riots with the Muslims second . Police have to keep close eye on them like the hawks so they don't hurt our tourist euros but it is too late . Everyone knows or will soon know Paris is a shitskin shithole save a few of the wealthiest most guarded arondissements that keep out shitskin subhumans like in the wealthiest parts of London . It's over , we are now like the camp of the saints . We should have just joined Hitler back then .
Thomas Jenkins
I very much doubt you're French but anyway, the French people backed Germany and were more than contented with the Germans arriving they've been bitter towards the Americans and British ever since you forced them back under ZOG control, you being a froggy would've known that.
Spot the difference competition: France under German military occupation 1942
Levi Sanders
France after 70 years of Zionist occupation
Lucas Wilson
I should have been clearer. I ment the africans (mostly congolese and nigerian) who came before 2015 legally and speak French. Now with the (((migrants))), yes, Africans have become a problem as well. I go to a shooting range in the north of Paris and there's a tent camp under the bridge I have to walk through before getting to the building. Human shit all along the street, junk everywhere. Another month and there will be typhoid outbreaks.
Elijah Gray
This is true for some but not others. France was 30% communist at the time and the French and Germans did hate each other. Of course there were plenty of smart French who understood what was going on, but there were also (((communist))) agitators and old French nobility who didn't want the Germans there, not to mention the resistance and DeGaule.
Carson Stewart
Nobody knows anything here . History is heavily propagandised same as your country and stupid amounts of ZOG that even African comedians cannot get away with making jokes about the Jews when he got away with making fun of all other races and peoples . Fact remains it was multisided and not everyone sided with Hitler like they should have . It was our fault as well as the eternal Anglo that Germany ended up the way it did anyway because Germans were very mad at us because of the treaty of Versailles that fucked over Germany hard . But what you say see how many love Hitler in France today if you think you're right . If they actually did then Le Pen would have won in landslide but he and neither his daughter did not . This country is fucked and I need to get the hell out of here maybe somewhere in Eastern Europe . The West is lost and you are right in a way , it is mostly entirely the fault of Americans, British, and Russian ZOG slaves you ruined Europe . Fuck you .
Angel Turner
Christian Lewis
Is there a single user on this board that isn't concerned how openly jews gaslight the goy on Holla Forums?
William Richardson
Fucking hell no. They have to be deported back to niggerland, along with kikes and shitskin and every goddamn racemixer. On croirait lire asterix putain, faut te faire soigner user
Xavier Barnes
Question Le kike, sanctioned by the mods here.
Why aren't non-jews allowed to comment on Holla Forums anymore? Is there some kind of FAQ here that explains why you kikes are allowed to astroturf and gaslight the goys without any of us responding in kind?
When did Holla Forums officially become the property of Tel Aviv?
Connor Edwards
Matthew Rogers
Genuine question to all anons here. Why do you put up with this open hijacking of Holla Forums by these hasbara jews, not once has a single mod ever banned these kikes, only goys calling out these kikes get banned from here.
It kind of makes it all the weirder since there hasn't been a single genuine discussion on Holla Forums for years without these verminous kikes swarming in and controlling the debate, with the mods later mopping up all the antisemitic content and leaving these kikes posts alone, gloating about their hijacking of Holla Forums
Camden Price
Nathaniel Howard
This guy probably dropped 100's $ in VPN, kek. The question is, will hasbarafag ever learn ?
blackpill thread = sage & report
Hudson Hughes
And to answer OP, France was bound to have a non-white presence on its soil since the French revolution, with its nonsensical Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen which basically guarantees equality among every human being. Niggers being obviously inferior, human right activists claim that it's because of their social context so it's up to privileged (white) people to make up for it. Oh, and they managed to make the declaration of the rights of man backing the constitution since 1971, so any law that doesn't take into account our precious niggers' specificities is declared unconstitutional. France is what you'd expect from such a society : exhausted white people working extra hours to drown ungrateful, lazy and arrogant niggers in gibsmedat, until the whole population becomes a brown gruel of soulless consumerist slaves, constantly getting to a new low under the victorious and watchful eye of the universal, successful Republic. The worst of all being that, it's successful. France is a successful communist state. Why don't French people just throw them back to the sea ? Because after decades and decades of niggerification, almost every French family has a nigger now. You don't want to deport your son-in-law, do you ? That's pretty much the problem of the French people.
Grayson King
USA on the other hand…
Evan Perry
Joshua Ross
USA nigger population stabilizes itself, thanks to Darwin laws and the 2nd amendment. In France, niggers are free to behave like the apes they never really ceased to be, under the benevolent watch of the wonderful Repblican law. So you can expect niggers population to grow incessantly in the next decades.