Have you ever read all the quest text in an MMO?

Have you ever read all the quest text in an MMO?

I tried, gave up about 20 quests in, all the bitch beginner quests.


If there's a "Main story" quest line, I'll read the text for that.
Otherwise, if its just generic fetch quest #3401 fuck that.

would you rather fuck your mom or your dad?

Yes, I always read all the quest text. I try to do all the quests in any given area I go to, though I don't go out of my way to visit every area. I just like MMOs as comfy grinding games.

Only in interesting parts. I play ffxiv, so like the level 20 bullshit is gay but I read the HW text.

Vindictus had nice quest dialog. At least early on. I liked the characters. I thought it was nice when you revisit the starter town and everyone welcomes you back and comments on your world renown exploits.

I read most of the quest text. It doesn't feel like there is much more to WoW than the leveling experience (the endgame being little more than an addictive threadmill), and quests are typically the most interesting part.

Do multi-user dungeons count?
Because it's kind of hard not to.

No you pedantic faggot

It's called Runescape. A game where the quests are actually meaningful and tell you stories in an entertaining and interesting way, instead of slapping a wall of text at your face and telling you to slay 15 boars.

I thought runescape had one of the more extreme grinds.

It's a good thing we're talking about the quests, then.

what's next, playing football with a book?

So it slaps a smaller wall of text before having you slay 1500 boars?

lvl up your hook more m8

I don't read text in non mmo games.

>playin vanilla wow

I used to. Can't be assed nowadays since the large majority of MMOs have chosen one syndrome and terrible writing -not mutually exclusive. Same shit different flavour.

Really a shame, too. Quest texts generally gave lots of fluff that made me give more of a damn about the game.


I wish I could. The game had a lot of interesting lore, but only half of it ever got translated.

MMO? No.
RPG? Yes.
I'm yet to play a MMO with writing good enough to be worth reading.

The only MMO I've ever played that made me interested enough to want to read what's going on was in japanese and the fan translators clearly weren't big enough fans to translate any character dialog, so no

Not anymore, it's just not worth it anymore, I'm getting old man

MMOs with any quest text at all or non player generated story text aren't worth playing. Fuck off with these singleplayer grind games masquerading as multiplayer worlds.

OP here. This is the reply I agree with the most.

Wait, quests have text?

Silly OP. Ain't nobody got time for that