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Fifth thread on this. Nukes are fake. What are you sliding schlomo?
I wish these gooks would actually throw a bomb once and for all and end this shit.
Two meme leaders engaging in meme brinkmanship is not a happening. When they stop shitposting against each other and start lobbing bombs then there is a happening but until then nothing is really happening.
This. Nothing is happening here, just intercontinental shitposting.
Those comments
dude what
Is this some kind of degenerate obsession with peaking without ejaculation or something?
At last i truly see.
Kim has really good teeth for a gook
they can't get here were I live
wimpered the /nkpol/ as he got fucked in the ass by a tomahawk missile
Norks have been threatening us non-stop for decades.
Why do people think this is news?
Don't post about it. Just DO IT.
kek confirmed
Fuck off necon r/the_donal cuckhold
Slurp a chode, commie fellator!
North Korea says a lot of things.
Yeah, Kim has been threatening to bomb the US for longer than he has been alive at this point.
really makes you think
Yes, a strong non-cucked nationalist sits idly by when people are attacking his country, because if you fight them they win!
It's the latest hot meme for trying to poison the well
The people first bank of best Korea and Wells Fargo kek
uh huh
We have to invade North Korea because they want to steal our freedom!!!
Fucking boomer
Those are great tbh
The one place that needed to be wiped off the face of the earth (besides tel aviv)..
Nah i was just shitting you user
Irl that fishing boat looks fun as fuck , would do 11/10
Criminally underchecked trips. It does make one think. Why fearmonger so much about something that will never happen? Especially since nukes are fake.
See this entire thread on why nukes are fake.
You saged wrong you npc. The earth is a sphere, nukes are fake, fuck the kikes, and the moon landing may or may have not been faked.
Yes, you’re trolling. Thanks for admitting it, COMMUNIST SUPPORTER. Reported.
And Hollywood. And New York City. And Mecca. And Shanghai. And the central desert of Australia where the abbos live.
They say Japan was (((nuked))) in WWII. They also say the holocaust happened.
Reported. >>>/x/
Atleast you saged.
Would be a shame if an earthquake hit the Norks and caused them to blow themselves up in nuclear cleansing fire.
I really hope you disgusting Amis get nuked by based Kim.
America is a pockmark on the face of this Earth.
Kike shills really seem to want war with NK. That, or degenerate NEETs who just want something to happen to alleviate the boredom of their pathetic lives.
This is the weirdest conspiracy theory there is because if it were true, it would literally change nothing for 99.9999% of the population.
Let's say it's true and they don't exist and it's all a hoax for some reason.
Then what? What would we do differently now that we know they aren't real?
Well that 99.99999 percent of the population could safely ignore the fear mongering from kikes about nuclear war. The USA could invade korea without a excuse for not doing so now. It would end israel's hedgemony over the midle east i.e palestine. It would mean russia could go to war safely and retake europe. It would mean china could invade the USA at huge cost of life and limb. Finally it would end the kikes stronghold over the world because of stalemates of nukes being fake.
Literally the whole world thinks good is evil and evil is good because of kikes. What did you expect when everything (((they))) feed the goyim is a lie, a decieving gesture, and a fallacy?
Those same shills would say that VX isn't a thing or SARIN or any of the other myriad chem/bio weapons that exist.
use them.
I believe they have explosive power but that fall out forever nuclear winter bullshit is a little unbelievable.
Care to explain what those are and how they work? I have personally never heard of them. Stop bumping the slide thread btw.
No because if you don't know the complete history of the v agents you can go fuck yourself.
here's another bump
one could make vvx with a high school chem set if one was so inclined
you will never be as happy as Kim Jung un is inspecting the troops
rolling for L.A. and San Fransisco.
Dudes a Flat-Earth Tier retard running his psyop to poison the well.
Russia and China both supposedly have nukes themselves. Surely if the "nukes are fake" narrative is real, these countries are part of the conspiracy?
Bacicly just a shill tactic for misinformation, spread fear and doubt. Also consider that the word conspiracy theory was thought up for the obfuscation of anyone questioning the official like on jfk's assination by mossad and the cia. Just more of the same.
The way it went down was probably a kike headed agreement to stfu about it after destroying japan. The cianiggers were created to oversee that agreement and subvert nations not agreeing nukes are real and for shekels. The kikes co-opted all of it to continue spreading kikery/communism for the time. Hence why china had that revolution to overthrow the old government that knew the truth.
But the cianiggers have degraded into factions of factions world wide. It would make sense if kikes turned on each other for shekels. Especially if the ruse was up about nukes being fake.
Actual war is still terrifying though. You don't need nukes to make it destructive and awful.
Literally their excuse is traditional massed artillery pointed at Seoul. Nukes are a problem because they pose a first strike risk, not because they prevent (and they won't) us from attacking the Norks. (And we will)
No, it wouldn't. They have that because we support them financially and militarily.
Russian high-ups would know they aren't real so why would this stop them?
Likewise, China would know they were fake, so this wouldn't change anything.
You're not thinking this through. If nukes are fake, there's no reason for a stalemate. It would never happen because the military high command would know they aren't real.
sage is a downvote you faggot.
I'm just not sure if I buy it since the kikes had every reason to want a WW3 for economic reasons (which could easily have taken place during Cold War if not for nuclear factor)
*is not
No, only kikes know they aren't real and nuclear plane/submarine operators. Not even that USA senator user from the pedohunt thread knew they were fake. But yet he knew about bluebeam which may or may not be real in of itself.
A nuclear reaction can not continue taking place without a neutron moderator and cooling. That is something all nuclear powerplants have. Yet nuclear bombs lack both. This is because they are fake. The bombings in japan were the regular old fire bombs that were being used on the rest of japan. Kikery at the highest levels hid this away by making deals with the newly instated japanese government of the time.
>And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridefroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived.
I fucking suck cocks
should be
Those soldiers are dead because radiation and when was this bomb exploded?
That is just a bomb exploding mid air.
If you pause at 1:00 you can see the bomb starting as a ovular shape instead of circular. Almost like the video was edited. Oh and then theres no explanation for how this was being recorded as they flied towards it.
If you pause at 1:20 you can see shrapnel coming out of the explosion. Like as if it were a regular bomb. Then the rest looks heavily edited due to how the smoke falls
Nice music though NASA.
so did 9/11 happen from space lazors?
Fucking kill yourself. 9/11 was a controlled demolition by kikes via the cianiggers. Jet fuel can't melt steel beams. But thermite can.
I did you faggot. That reaction is only continuing because the atoms are being bounced back towards the center of the reaction. How are they bounced back? By a nuetron moderator found in all nuclear powerplants.
The supposed bombs that were dropped on japan do not have a neutron moderator that continues the reaction. Nor do they have enough coolant to allow the reaction to continue. But pretending they did it would just cause a heaping mold of radioactivity for a very tiny portion of the reaction that initially happened.
It would be like if a miniature fukishima happened. But no destruction. Just radiation in much smaller amounts since the reaction could not continue for long without the neutron moderator.
nuclear powerplants = real
nuclear bombs = fake
Otherwise why don't nuclear powerplant meltdowns have the same reaction a nuclear bomb supposedly did over japan? It's the exact same conditions after all.
Last year I looked into the Pinetree and DEW radar lines and found, well, some irregularities. Also found an Air Force prostitution ring, but hey,
Post the air force's tits or gtfo.
what is pinetree and DEW?
Agreed and I live in Jew Jersey
If that is a regular bomb then I'd love to know what materials they use because that is not what a regular bomb that explodes in midair looks like. Tons of TNT exploding off the shore of a harbor in Canada did not match the A-Bomb and pound for pound the payload was much heavier on the ship.
That's actually not the same condition and you're a faggot for listening to what entertainment tells you what a meltdown is, or even what a nuclear reactor does. A nuclear reactor running normally splits atoms as it's primary function, a meltdown is the whole system breaking down from overheating.
You're just the nuclear equivlant of flat earthers. DisInfo.
If anyone knew they weren't real, it would invalidate the whole scheme and that doesn't even make any sense, there are hundreds of thousands of people (if not millions over the years) involved in nuclear weapons programs in multiple countries, from development, to testing, to maintenance and deployment. You must be young because you don't remember the tests. People saw Starfish. They saw Castle Bravo. The whole night lit up like it was day in the pacific. You can measure radiation with a Geiger counter. Pre 1945 steel from beneath the ocean is noticeably less radioactive than anything that wasn't.
You have classified complete nuclear bomb plans? I bet Iran would pay you a lot for those.
Ah, I see the problem. You're worried we might nuke Rabbi Yeshua when he returns.
this one's great, cianiggers. turn up the gas on the gaslighting!
A MOAB doesn't mach the power of an A-Bomb either.
Your next argument is going to be that diffusion is the same as reflection.
Do I need to get out a fucking dictionary for you? Do you even know what those words mean?
Kill yourself wéev.
Well you don't even know basic facts like how the A-Bomb relies on enriched Uranium, uranium-235 separated from uranium-238, to work for the very reasons you've listed. And you don't know that uranium-238 doesn't cause the chain reaction and this is the uranium used in nuclear reactors, but uranium-235 does have the chain reaction properties necessary for the A-Bomb.
What's so fucking pathetic about this guy is he brought up his "neutron moderator" argument in a previous thread and he was blown the fuck out by multiple anons. It went on for many posts and this guy never once addressed their points directly. He was completely blown the fuck out but learned absolutely nothing from it. Typical Jewish behavior to so easily forget those events and to reuse the same defeated argument a few weeks later.
What does this have to do with nukes being fake? Why are you still bumping this slide thread? Of course I knew about that already you faggot. There is a reason a specific isotope of uranium is enriched for use in nuclear power plants.
Jews of the East everyone.
Sage because we have plenty of these fucking threads already
I fucking linked to the thread already you faggot . Go read it. The arguements there are the exact same here. Shills or deceived power plant operators argue the exact same points you are now.
good lord, the tundra wookies that must have been involved in that
There are so many traitors within the U.S. that are more hated than any foreign enemy. I think a lot of people would secretly be pleased if an NK bomb wiped out some of the scum we have in politics, press and entertainment.
He knows he's full of shit. It's the kike weév who spreads this shit, he's paid to do it by the feds. Don't bother arguing with him, you're wasting your time.
kim just time the one meant for san fran during the faggot pride please
A thread about the continuing growing escalation between best Korea and the US is not a slide thread.
Rolling for hollywood becoming a crater
Tbh getting into a nuclear exchange might be a good thing, it would eliminate the major population centers of niggers, spics and kikes. Would just have to time it right so all the upper echelon kike rats couldn't weasel their way down into their bunkers to ride it out though.
Really wish Trump would ignore this guy and just do what he ran on. The U.N. wasn't exactly excited about his speech attacking socialism. Everybody knows we're a country that's all about niggerfication and debt slavery. There are a lot of countries not at all excited about that. Fighting NK will bring Kim support from everybody except gimped, irrelevant Europe. He has only 4 years to figure out how to reverse white genocide and change the system so it can withstand President Chavez's corruption. Unless the plan is to get nuked and let a Russian puppet control us.
guessing this came from some fallen sandnigger palace or a cartel kingpin's container got intercepted.
Do you know what a Neutron Modulator is?
Are you telling me that nukes aren't pressure cooker bombs?
tfw no chrome AK
tfw maybe gold plated SKS
what's that shit
You're responding to Weév. You're wasting your time.
pre-SJW television
Is jew connected to Kike face? Cause that would explain a lot of shit.
Watching this movie now, shit forgot how red pilled it is.
Holy shit mods actually did something about this nihilistic faggot, every fucking discussion thread it's aways shitted up the same. 9/11: space lazors. space travel: moon landing fake flat earth. Now this nukes are fake gay shit.
Good job mod.
One is not like the other.
Either the earth is flat ( it isn't its hollow as fuckery) or we landed on the moon irl
Yes. The flatness isn't really the problem here, the firmament is. If there's a firmament, a "moon landing" is by definition impossible; if there had been a real moon landing, there's no firmament and therefore no "flat earth".
Fuck your like buy bullshit ( ((firmament))) too
It's all kike tier bullshit
What exactly is bullshit? It's really important to be specific when talking about so-called conspiracy topics.
Fuck off kike.
Just park a couple Ohio class subs near the peninsula. They won't do shit.
Checked. Couldn't agree more my man
Fortunately he could wipe out a significant portion of each if he turns only hollywood into a glass parking lot.
The shills ramp up as they come back from vacation, and they have unlimited IPs. At this point the only way to truly combat the shills is an IP whitelist instead of a blacklist.
Check Twitter. Trump sabre rattling for war hard right now.
Trump and Fat Kimmie will make a deal, Trump is the only world leader in modern history who has the balls to shitpost to a North Korean level of shitposting. I wouldn't be surprised if a few years down the road relations are normalized.
Jesus, as much shit as I talk about how pussified modern day warfare is I can't help but feel intimidated by seeing rockets fire off like that
Could someone please explain to me just how NK has gotten away with as many threats or pseudo-threats or veiled threats or meme threats as it has in a world where America passed the PATRIOT Act after 9/11 specifically so they could "legally" pre-emptively strike a hostile enemy nation?
Wasn't NK warned that if it tested another missile it would face military action, and then NK up and did it anyway - and 5 more times after that?
How dickless does the rest of the world need to look before Kim just calls everyones bluff, rises to nuclear capability and then flings whatever they want wherever they want?
Because they've got a 1.6 billion Chinese standing menacingly behind them.
Once China says "go ahead and invade NK, we really don't care" it will happen.
They've already given the go ahead to fuck gook shit if the Norks launch first strike.
this tbh. Kim got denied gibs and is just waiving his dick around while Trump is just threatening to unzip. Actual war won't benefit best korea a damn thing unless China gets serious, and even they have no real motivation.
But we can't strike first so what's the point? You can't win a nuclear war like that.
The US started the Vietnam war over a false flag and killed millions of people and got away with more war crimes than the Nazis, Soviets, and the Imperial Japanese. Why the fuck can't we do the same to North Korea? Just false flag an attack with South Korean actors and then have the go ahead to nuke them out of existence. The chinks can't act and then we can kill all the chinks with the greater foothold in Asia.
That was legitimately one of the worst things i've ever read.
When will this scare mongering end?
"Our defense is too good for Russia or China to attack, lazeh beams, anti-missiles n shieett"
fuck a war in that region, kill the kim family off once and for all and be done with it
History will remember them as heroes.
its called edging, newfag.
its called a flamewar, you fucking newfags.
I do think there are plans on the table to decapitate North Korean leadership. I can see an assassination attempt taking place. That is what America does now in it's role as world leader. And there is a lot of public support by ignorant fool to kill the "fatman".
yfw best koreas missles can only reach west coast scum and trumps second term is assured even if they strike first
Please just don't nuke Guam, it will be so anti-climatic.
We all know Kim's got a single shot at this, if he nukes some non-country shithole that people only remember exist because of crap like this, what's the point? Israel is a much better target and nobody is expecting that!
But if they do launch and ICBM, wouldn't it hit all Blue States?
it blows me away how after a lifetime of being a patriotic American and now having been Red Pilled I am no longer on board with this Zionist ZOGbotted, NWO kike controlled American super power rhetoric I once believed. I no longer look at cops (I think they are criminal psychopaths) the way I once used too.
LA and NYC please Kim. Thanks in advance!
Pick 1
California Chicago, New york, Thanks Kim.
I wonder if there were equivalents during the ww1 era, "bob, they're faking, gas doesn't exist"
Just fucking do it already for fuck's sake.
How about you not bump this kike’s shit, okay?
where can I find more like this?
That liturgical music plus modern footage is incredible.
I've seen a few others a few years ago when Russia dropped a few bombs.
There was a yellow orthodox cross on the top left.
This is how Kiked Wikipedia is. I used this as a source to explain and it has no been changed from Kim to Gim…. what do Americans know right?
If you're going to kill the family of Kim you have about 500,000 in North Korea and to a lesser degree 50,000 in South Korea. Again I've talked about this. all these problems came about during the Japanese occupation. Kim, as in Kim Jung-un (the fatty) is damn near Korean royalty by birth.
I can not believe at times people are so completely ignorant on subject and simply want to kill millions of people, it reflects badly on America.
la and ny would be a start.
Third pic is fake news. Look it up.
20151120 - Russian Caspian Sea Launch Against ISIS sites in Syria
https www youtube com/watch?v=vPu_RL7Ncao
Jet fuel can't melt steel beams, though I appreciate the argument that it does burn hot enough to detrimentally affect their structure enough to cause collapse, I think it's even more preposterous to then assume there's be enough jet fuel burning for long enough to cause the beams to heat up enough to collapse.
Thermite is 100% the reason for their collapse.
Trump is a hypermeme friendo
Kim will be the light of the new world. So based.
story behind this?
cannot make much out, but the soldier screaming sounds freaked like its real and not practice.
Kim will be a light for a few moments, that's for sure.
How can be if he is just trolling?
Gods bless Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un
kim didn't actually say that, it was a re-interpretation of what he said by a us diplomatic representative, what kim actually said was "serious measures" or something similar, when the representative was asked what he means by that by us media, then that representative went into the headline exaggeration title op is showing.
Kim is a neo-communist.
Nuke Australia, it has nothing but shitposters and billions of deadly venomous things that kill people.
Trump isn't Bush and Kim Jong Un isn't Kim Jong-il
This might actually happen this time.
Thousands of White American men will die over this bullshit non-conflict with people on the other side of the world.
All for nothing.
This isn't 'America First', this is just more globalism and failure.
Like the last five Presidents, Trump was full of shit. No surprise sadly
Nothing would change for the current population but denying the existence of nukes is equal to denying that Hiroshima and Nagasaki ever happened.
I'm curious to how those faggots would explain Japan giving up durng WWII when that event didn't occur.
If 0.0001% of the population believes the earth is flat, nukes didn't exist and aliens live amongst us, it is already a large group of people that can be manipulated into anything an alphabet agency wants them to believe.
lol your gooks will die.
wrong. he's just retarded dork
The US has been flying planes into North Korea territory at night. This isn't your usual showmanship sabre rattling.