i think the anfem poster is someone just trying to derail threads. is also quite likely a false flagging Holla Forumslack
I think the anfem poster is someone just trying to derail threads...
This was a Holla Forums thread and you're asking if they're being covert about this
Are you on your meds
No, the anfem poster simply enjoys trigger other user's.
He/she told me so the other day.
I think you have me confused with someone else
I only talked with n1x and other irc folk one time in August and late July
you derailed this thread though
Can confirm, someone with an AnFem flag was sperging out for nearly an hour over on the Sam Hyde thread. I don't think it's a Holla Forums falseflag though, I think they might be legit retarded.
the correct pronouns are Xe / Xir
Disregard this, I suck cocks.
I refuse to use such words.
I'm actually just here to stymie discussion and kill humor with thread shitting, but call me a troll if that's easier for your peasized brain to grasp.
I think the name "anarcha"-feminism makes me laugh more than anything else
Special snowflakes
I like em. They trigger the partly reformed Holla Forumsacks constantly.
You were asking whether or not making YouTube videos was considered labor
Who's retarded
Like whites
There's a lot of anfems m8. I miss catposter and the dyke, those bitches were fun. Oh and that hooker from a while back, she was cool.
I'm the dyke one. Unless there were multiple
LOL, I asked you about ethical consumption, nice try though. I'm honestly gonna be disappointed when you get banned, you are a true comedian.
The sadist who liked latina dykes?
Catposting must a lurking.
Yeah that's the one. I went away for a while
That's the one, the catposter. That poster is very interesting.
being white is pretty good tbh
Says the Greek
Post more. Or at least dump some of your cats.
Still using your hitachi and pegging?
Unleashing autism, you mean.
M8 I'm still here.
Just making more Hades memes.
Also having a vacation
I'm mostly tired and I don't want to be in college
tits. post em.
I'm a bloke, m8
good enough
I meant the anfem with the catgirl collection. I do like the hades though.
Fuck that's where I'm at too.
Post more cats and racoons please my beta friend
seriously, they're in at least a couple of threads doing nothing but derailing and blogposting
quality thread