TRUMP TAKES ON NFL KNEELERS, Encourages Supporters To Leave Stadium If Anthem Protest

'Get that son of a b***h off the field!': Trump calls for BOYCOTTS of NFL teams whose players refuse to stand for the National Anthem

President Donald Trump has ratcheted up the national controversy over black National Football League players who refuse to stand while the U.S. National Anthem is played before games. During a Friday night political rally in Alabama, Trump called on fans to boycott teams that allow players to engage in that particular form of protest. The league's TV ratings have slid since quarterback Colin Kaepernick, then the leader of the San Francisco 49ers, began the trend in September 2016. 'Wouldn't you love to see one of these NFL owners, when somebody disrespects our flag, to say, "Get that son of a b***h off the field right now! He is fired. He's fired!"' Trump boomed. His crowd applauded and chanted 'USA! USA!'

The outspoken president also said American football is 'not the same game anymore' since referees have clamped down on aggressive tackles, throwing penalty flags whenever they hear the crack of a vicious hit. 'They are ruining the game, right?' he asked. 'They are ruining the game.' Players on the field 'want to hit,' he complained. 'But you know what's hurting the game more than that?' Trump asked. 'When people like yourselves turn on television and you see those people taking the knee when they are playing our great National Anthem.' 'The only thing you could do better is, if you see it – even if it's one player – leave the stadium. I guarantee things will stop. Things will stop.' 'Pick up and leave. Just pick up and leave.'

'You know, some owner is going to do that. He is going to say, "That guy that disrespects our flag, he's fired",' he predicted. 'Because that's a total disrespect of our heritage, that's a total disrespect of everything that we stand for.'

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He told them to get the hell out.

Good. American football is gay rip off of rugby without a ball. It's the biggest cancerous in sports

Trump killing off one of the many niggerball times-wasters would be nice.

Win win.

Getting the white man to stop worshipping repurposed farm equipment is good.

What ever happened to baseball and and boxing?

I hope the NFL dies a painful death and the Niggers playing can get a real job. Perhaps farming.


Boxing has been in rough shape ever since MMA hit the scene and gave the people the knockouts they crave. It also doesn't help that boxing is probably the most kiked up sport in America.
Mayweather v. McGregor was actually pretty good though. Even if the ref stopped it before McGregor hit the mat.

Football is the enemy.

They aren't useful for that anymore. We have machines now.

Niggers chimp the fuck out if you insult their mothers.


Trump is playing 4D MIND GAMES

You know what I don't understand..

Why is there not a sport yet where you hunt down illegals at the border or offer the change of death row convicts to avoid death if they participate in a game where they are hunted and they must reach certain exit.

Viewers could even control from their phone or in VR certain traps and turrets or mechanical animals.

As a Texasanon that Baylor shit pisses me off so much. How the cucks try to pass it off "oh, it happens everywhere", and how they try to pass off actual rape as "arranging" women to have sex with the niggers as if it was consensual and not forced and blackmailed. I hope Briles and his son get lynched by some non-cucked father and burn in hell.

Good. Fuck niggerball. Fuck all pro sports leagues. It's the most overblown crap that has somehow manage to completely subvert the simple act of running around in a field getting exercise and kicking a ball around and what have you.
Now? Jesus, ever single sportsball fan is fat and inactive and shoves their face full of liquid jew and processed shit food for hours on end and pays near triple for the right to do so in a stadium when they can just as easily watch it on ppv. Though that's not any better.

Seriously, I know we do know this and discuss it but I honestly think we should destroy all the national sports leagues even before we go after Jewlywood. Nothing, not even movies, has pacified and fattened up so many white men as pro sports. This is one of the big keys to wake up normies, taking away this enormous bread and circus provider because we've all seen how terrorist attack after terrorist attack has not because they always have shit like sportsball to plug their ears and pretend they didn't see anything,

Bout time he stopped trying to appeal to everyone and used the anti America line that worked in 2000 hitting sjw with their own weapons.

Finally someone makes this thread. I've been on the Twitter mining record amounts of salt with this coon shit.


Seeing 90% of a stadium empty would make me kek hard


He shouldn't even be addressing stupid shit like this. Even acknowledging these sub-90 IQ retards is a form of legitimization, and it's not worth his time.

absolutely civic

sportsball is is trouble long term. Cord-cutting(not having traditional CATV) is real and it will only multiply the problems.



Is liquid jew soda or alcohol?

Trump likes to watch the Patriots so its not too surprising. He's friends with Brady and Kraft(their owner) after all.

Anything that isn't crystal clear water is bad, whether it's corn-syrup carbs or estrogenic hops.

Seriously, that awful cash grab? I wouldn't have paid for it if both that potatonigger and that actual nigger had personally sucked me off.

Nigger logic.


Both are sugar in one form or another

you will never have power or be president kill yourself

I don't like sports despite having played a few at a higher level then the average basement-dweller, and I don't really understand the people that get into it without being a part of it or personally knowing players. I remember cheering for a roommate, but when I would see decently smart whites around me going wild just for for the hell of it, I thought they were playing or being ironic. It took me a long time to figure out they were serious. I still can't really fathom why unless I call them lemmings.

Still, sports is an overlooked subversion vector besides just idolizing niggers and such. I was just reading ''You Gentiles" written nearly 100 years ago and the kike author thinks sports and games are how we(thegentiles) express ourselves in pretty much everything, from war to politics to entertaining ourselves. Which is just one more reason to see all of this as a direct attack on us, just like gamergay.

the veneer of him being focused on money and fame is really all there is

whatever. muh based spics and niggers, just don't insult the redwhiteandblue

Sounds like he is commenting on his foreign affairs policy. Play by my rules or go home. That's the art of the deal.

Yet look how they flip out over rape on colleges.

That only applies to Whites obviously, doesn't even matter if it's true or not. They try to cover up every single nigger rape they can, more so if it's an athlete nigger.

You'd think they would have already been arrested.

anything liquid that tastes good put is secretly poisoning you.

I'd rather have a V8 user

The only people who watch football are normie cucks. Seems like the normies are beginning to lose interest in it.


What, you mean that worked bullshit fight where Mayweather sandbagged and took it easy on an MMA guy way out of his league. to prevent a CM Punk v2.0 Fucker didn't even guard his face, left his hands down practically the whole fight; no fucking way in hell you get away with that if you're a real boxer fighting Floyd.

The length and number of commercial breaks during the games is appalling. I can't believe I used to sit though entire football games.

Reminds me of another Don.

I criticized someone for watching football, saying it's a replacement for the tribalism whites would otherwise have for each other, and that it's a big waste of time. They told me "so they should all go play video games instead then?" Didn't know how to respond.


What about black coffee?

Try something like "at least those nerds are actively doing something, so good job managing to be worse than them".

Video games are fine until the internet is down/can't pay the bill/norked and EMPed.

(I'm starting to think Sarkpuppet and Valkenburger were put into the public sphere as an antidote too, FWIW.)

Well, Mayweather was more active and offensive than in the snoozefest against Pacquiao.

Baseball is mostly white and spic. Relatively few niggers.


Both, obviously.

If you're going to drink, it should at least be something properly alchoholic. The 3% abv megacorp beer that sports fans drink takes you something like 20 cans to get you buzzed. That's more money spent, more calories ingested. It's very bad for you.

Yes, because video games are not passive. At least they weren't. Lot of shitty games now being made for low T and low IQ normalfags.

You shouldn't play video games either. But I'll say this for video games; at least the people playing them aren't cucking themselves by obsessing over the actions of another man.

I've never quite understood the American obsession with football. It's near cult-tier in some places it seems. I love baseball and used to love hockey (the nu-NHL is gay as fuck, hence the "used to love" part) and I do like football but it's definitely my third sport; even up here in Canada where hockey is massive I've never heard of shit like this:

Holy shit, how does someone even say that without feeling like:

Absolutely disgusting.


But the stronger microbrews are usually laden with estrogenic hop chemicals. That will give you bitchtits. Drink water. If you need to get drunk, bourbon on the rocks.

Have you never wondered why I drink only distilled water, or rainwater, and only pure-grain alcohol?


Drinking perrier and vodka right now. Close enough

All I know is that I rarely drink alcohol, and when I do I don't drink myself shit-faced, black-out drunk. A nice glass of wine to go with a nice candlelit dinner, a bit of aquavit to go with the christmas feast, etc.
I mostly drink water and whole milk. Spring water, since the water here in Norway is actually very good. The only bitchtits I've ever had were from when I was around 30 BMI. They disappeared once I toughened up and got my workout on.


Fuck kike owners in the NFL.

Shit, meant to say tap water. Norwegian for water from the tap is 'vann fra springen'.

You could say that they should stop watching sports on tv go join local sports teams, exercise and get out of the house instead of watching overpaid niggers.

Trump is still in denial about what needs to be done it seems.

not good alchohol

Baseballs going great and majority of players aren't paid off by (((Soros))) like the (((NBA))) and (((NFL))).

This is the proper answer.
Watching sports is mediocre but doing sports yourself is much better.

I used to follow NBA and NFL mostly as a way to be able to have something to talk about with normies at the office, but all this fuck-Whitey shit that started with Kaepernick and spread to all the niggers in sports has pissed me off to the point that I can't stand to see it anymore. Football eats up a lot of people's entire Sunday because it's so intertwined with the culture, and that's a day you could spend doing any other fun or relaxing thing. At this point NFL is almost 3/4 nigger and the remaining 25% has a lot of Samoans. Some teams like the Seahawks are almost 100% black. There are barely any whites at all in the league now, whereas 20 years ago it was 50/50 and in the 80s and earlier it was majority white. The whole thing has devolved into worshiping the myth of blacks as superior athletes. I don't want to do that and I especially don't want to continue helping these sports leagues stay profitable when everyone from the owners down to the practice squad players are doing the black power fist. When they kneel for the anthem, they're saying "Fuck wypipo." Most blacks don't think of the US as their country, they associate it with whites, and they hate whites. Tom Brady is only one man and he'll be retiring soon. There's nothing worth seeing in sports. Doing literally anything else is a better use of your time and more enjoyable.

Apparently telling ungrateful criminal niggers you would fire their dumb asses is more important than what's happening in North Korea.

Trump's response to this "take a kneel" bullshit is absolutely insane. These idiots are going to look like even bigger jackasses than they already are if they actually do it. They are going to piss off a lot of veteran families, and NFL ratings are going to tank pretty hard.

exactly what from North Korea? nothing has happened you fucking child. maybe if you weren't such a god damn underage b& you would realize this isn't NK's first time shit flinging somehow.

the man is a freakin genius

this is a nuke and he dropped it early in the season, shape up or ship out

the people are with trump as the media and (((sports team owners))) will soon find out


typical pilpul from a jewish librul

I hate to say this but half chan has an excellent plan in effect that will cause real damage to the NFL, angry blacks and the left.

And we should have thought of it first.

Trump's latest announcement is like a massive gift to our cause. Pure 4D chess.

I hate to say this but you have to go back

Dumb red state Randies who keep getting duped into jewish war after jewish war who have a little shit fit if you don't "honor" them?

This is the one time when 4 is greater than 8

It's called Operation SPARK and the idea is to use your fake accounts to rile up the eggballers to burn the US flag.

It's absolutely brilliant.

They have nothing else user. Remember, they can't be proud of their ancestors. They can't be proud of the current opportunities. They can't be proud of their current success. They can't be proud of their future dreams. So they resolve themselves with being proud of associating themselves with corporate dot races.


It's addictive. It's bad. Clean water, a pound of meat, and a fistful of greens.

Another "alt-right" meme meant to drive jew coffers up the river, just like that "fash" Wendy's crap.

To be fair the kike programing is pretty hard to get through. All those kike "physiologists" came up with 9/11 and it worked brilliantly, with total kike media control and stamping out anyone who didn't tow the official narrative, I don't blame people for falling for it. Woman in pic related is just depressing, lives wrecked for some kike sheckles.

user please,
I just made some thirst quenching lemonade with local white-farmer collected honey and fresh lemons.
And what about Posca? It used to be the drink of choice all throughout Greece, Rome and Byzantium. It's just a simple mix of raw vinegar, water, and honey.
Drinking only water is boring user, don't force that onto people without showing them the real alternatives first.

How about this: Have you ever tried Nambu Pani? It's sparkling water with lime juice and salt. Very refreshing.
What about Lemon Tea? Ginger Tea?
Face it, water only just doesn't make sense, it's too boring and too strict.

Found your problem.

As with anything else that reaches the eyes of the masses, the NFL has been turned into a psyop over time.
But the election of Trump lifted the veil from the eyes of a lot of Americans, and so these old monoliths are beginning to crumble - Hollywood, Music Industry, The Media, NFL, etc. They are all fucked because they all bet hard on a Hillary led America and what ended up happening was the exact opposite. They went left and we juked right.

Interesting note, he just released a book that is supposed to have some redpilled fitness advice in there (anti-gym/weightlifting). I haven't read it yet but managed to secure a copy. I'll share it if you're interested.

I'd say there are also fucked because many of those medias were bread and circus that were never too obvious with their politics.

Now they are all so angry over Trump they can't calm down and normies are overdosing on politics to the point they blackpill and disengage from everyone

That sounds very decadent, user. Maybe you should be more concerned with the foreigners lurking in your realm, rather than the fluids you draw down your throat.

I love it when libshit bitch about middle class white frat bros being rapists. I bring p how nig student athletes commit far more rapes than frat boys and they go nuclear.

Should have said what you were thinking. Which of course is, 'fuck are you retarded' then left.

Checked. High school was the highlight of their life and that shit is big then. Next is, they feel like a man watching it. Yes, out of shape on the couch, it's "their team". Not sure what position the fat, old cunt is playing but whatever. It's all fat niggers in tights barely able to move. When it comes down to it, there's something like only 15mins of any action. The rest is all bullshit meant to sell dog piss beer and shitty American cars assembled in Mexico with chink parts.

You kneel for the anthem in any other country… you'd get beaten to death by a mob. It's such disrespect. These faggot niggers can try and spin shit however they like, it's still an ENORMOUS fuck you to the country. But dumb Whites have been made into cucks so they tolerate it like fucking trannies and other degenerate Jewish bullshit.

Good point - by injecting politics into everything in order to make their point they ended up losing a large percentage of their base, and may even have helped push some to the right. I think there used to be a widely circulated cap that talked about this.

I agree that caring too much about getting pleasure from food is bad but some of the drinks I mentioned are anti-decadent. Most people won't consider putting vinegar in their water. I do it all the time and am stronger for it. Plus it helps with digestion and is invigorating. Supposed to have health benefits as well. Same goes for ginger tea. Drinking water only puts you on the extreme far end of asceticism/stoicism and there is a little wiggle room I would think.
Your ancestors probably drank posca.

And I am concerned.

It's interesting that this has gone on so long (the NFL bullshit) without anybody being able to make it into a shitstorm until now. It's honestly disgraceful. I am not into football, my father was and is dissapointed that I don't give a fuck. I have a real autographed Dan Marino card that I got when I was a child. I never grew up to give a fuck. When the kneeling thing started I was surprised that more boomers etc didn't have a more negative reaction. It literally took The President of the United States to finally blow this up. It was probably the NFL asking for this to be blown up the entire time so we need to make sure this goes the right way.


This was cute when he was running for president, but now it's just empty talk.

Trump is entertaining, but he's not the go getter we all hoped he'd be. I wanted someone who'd use his executive powers to CRUSH Black Lives Matter. Instead he plays these faggy PR games with the niggers and they still call him a racist. It's embarrassing.

This is the best fucking timeline I swear.

Baseball is all spics. Who wants to watch that crap either?

How can you even make a sport out of that? Pretending to hit each other and falling down on cue, might as well just be watching one of these rigged boxing matches.

I would much rather come up with a way to plant the idea in normies minds that the only sports that matter are the ones with their own people in them. Even niggerball crowds are almost all whites.

they got away with it because race card, and anyone who plays sports is a jew-media-certified hero so they might be wrong, but you can't even think about touching them. If a normie does shit like that, it'll start arguments or fights, depending on the size of the crowd
t. former zogbot who always tries to pretend he isn't hearing the anthem

He's a great actor at being a bad actor. Trump talking about football of all things, IS THE CIRCUS. What he is distracting from, daca or foreign policy or sabrerattling, I don't know. He was always good at manipulating the media.

The same way modern day fencing works. You hit your opponent, you get a point. The first one to a certain amount of points wins.

Something like this but better thought out. It would have to be more refined though, since there is no technique flailing blunt metal weapons around to knock your opponent down as in most metal contact sports.

There is little more sick and depraved than football in the modern era.

80% black players cheered on by 80% scantily clad white cheerleaders. Millions of impotent potbellied white men glued to their chairs and seats, living vicariously through young muscled negroids as they shower them with money and enough fame to make them celebrities. Replacing their ethnic tribal identity with the "Miami Dolphins". His son learns to worship the negroid, and his daughters form harems around these demigods in college campuses across the country, simply following in their father's footsteps. I mean what the fuck, we live in some dystopia and it's hell after you realize it.

That's all it ever was.

You're putting a lot of thought into sustenance. Again, very decadent. More literal problems go on outside of your home.


Are these real, or are they ours?

Everything you are, every ounce of energy you have, every though you think, every hormone you produce is literally only made possible because of your diet.
You have gone off the deep end and are now pissing me off. Take this sage and rethink your position.

pics related.
Especially the second pic.

Just stay hydrated. Will you? I don't have time for your rabble.


I remember there was news about police and firefighters leaving a football stadium because some of the football players were kneeling. It was about a month or more ago. Anyone got the source or link?

Ask them why they feel so attached to team that they are not financially invested in, from towns they did not grow up in, or if it is their hometown team, constituted with players not from the area and that are total strangers to them. This has elicited nothing but shrugs from dozens of lemmings.
Pic related, these guys probably all lived within walking distance of each other.

Have you even watched Battle of the Nations?

Those guys also play the game

Not just beginning to. Even for the normalfags, the SJW shit has been grating on them for a while now, and they've been slowly drifting away from it and tuning out. It's a slow-moving form of white flight.

Trump wading in at this point is 10/10 politics, there is literally no way for him to lose and he's going to bring what everyone was feeling out into the open and tell them they're not alone in thinking this way. Good.

Well said user. I can't for the life of me figure out how the jews have orchestrated all of this madness in my lifetime. I want off this gay earth or atleast have my own self sustaining place to live, far and away from all of this cultural marxism parasitic nightmare that we live in.

How the fuck do you not know about the whitest sport on the planet?
It's so white there's already sjws trying to ruin it, despite the fact that it's only 20 or so years old.

Saged and reported.

You mean this kike?

I have an ongoing battle with FAR and that faggot rawlings. HEMA alliance is compromised, and as usual the jew was let in by an anglo.

This kike, this fucking kike.

Amazon just sent me an email offering "tailgating essentials." As if.
It's time to force these retards to get jobs that are productive.
Kapaernick needs to get off his ass and put a slice of cheese on my burger, then ship himself to Africa.

To watch sports is to be cucked.
The most absurd, insidious aspect of "sports fanaticism"—which I genuinely do not understand—is how fans refer to "their" team in the first person.
At the core, I think it's the substitution of the real for its image, and Americans in all aspects of life cut corners for empty feels. (An example may be the difference between empty calories and nutritional food.)

Kek, just came across this randomly in my search for homoerotic football terms.
In all seriousness, hazing is an inextricable rite of passage in college and pro football. I couldn't even ballpark the percentage of players who are victims of sexual assault.

This classic Zkylon Ben is relevant again

Absolutely glorious.

How will Trump ever recover?

Wrong skin is saying there will be massive nigger kneelings.

Some shitlibs are admitting that the repeal of Obama-era "preponderance of evidence" rules for College rape allegations is a good idea, but only because of "racism" i.e. blacks commit actual rape at a massively higher rate and this standard meant they were having to face consequences for it occasionally.

I like that that pozzed nigger ball shit is going under my only concern is that they've been kvetching that "football is dangerous for a while and that male children shouldn't play this….. this might allow them to push for more faggotry ie male kids shouldn't work out or do anything strenuous.

Please, please yes. Oh how I hope they double down.

Bets on when they'll be added to the LONG list of Trump "victims"?


Even that might be questionable due to mammalian oestrogen content, which are concentrated in the fat fraction thus there's more of them in whole milk. It probably depends on your local animal husbandry practices. Apparently in the US cows are kept pregnant most of the time, which spikes the oestrogens / progesterones.

Jeez. What an enriching insight, greatest ally. Can the gassing begin now?

The Cleveland police union is refusing to hold the flag in NFL games as a counter-protest.

It's happening in real time. They are already doubling down, the players are planning to 'unify' against Trump, which probably means more kneeling. Trump played this perfectly by making the way to rebel equivalent to royally pissing off the NFL's normie viewers.

Isn't there some official Republican party forum you could go to to endlessly shill for the ZOG Emperor, only on Holla Forums it looks really weird with all these kikes cheering on zionist jews here pretending that Trump isn't kiked

Your stupid niggerball's gonna get rekt Chaim and there's nothing you can do about it.

niggers should be banned from sports. just fill it up with polynesians who are just as good and look almost the same so nobody can cry about the lack of diversity and get on with it.

I'm not American, in England we look on your jewish niggerball with confusion, it looks like rugby only with padding and breaks in the game every 3 seconds.

You are here shilling for ZOG
I am calling out you shilling for necon jews.
Which makes your response all the more confusing.

or remove all shitskins and allow actual Americans ie whites to represent Americans.

You're really bad at this, so I think my best course of action is to just smug at you.

Several hundred demonstrating NFL players. Will they be looting the liquor stores and weave shops?

This is Trump taking the safe option. While it's kinda nice it's also kinda too late the populace have been Clinton foundationed, they've been pizzagated, redpilled, gamergated, hoaxed, ripped off in healthcare, dealt with insane immigation polices, no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and so on and so on.

It's too late in a way for a lot of people, they're way past fucking football now.

Is there a single mod on Holla Forums that isn't jewish?
If so why is every day like Yom kippur on here?

#TakeTheKnee now trending at #1 on Twitter. They're all doubling down, they're really doing this. The NFL is so fucked it's not even funny, they are going to drive all their supporters with this shit.

it's a classic easy circle jerk manoeuvre though. Down at the lodge they tell based negro that he has to take that knee because based secret society needs a distraction and bingo bango there you go. Something to talk about except blatant and obvious corruption.

It's important to get the normalfag hordes off of niggerball, that in itself is a worthy goal.

So if all the Niggers are going to take a knee and leave does that pretty much guarantee that the Pat's will go 2 in a row

Ok I see someone trying to make a jab at Trump's comments about McCain
Fucking retards don't know McCain's actions cost thousands of lives

Hunt down illegals before they cross to Kowloon.
It all works out.

Again people ignorant of McCain
These same people are also ignorant I bet of Churchill's actions in WW1



A’s Bruce Maxwell first MLB player to kneel for anthem

He also ran on anti-immigration for his latest term and now look what he's doing. McCain is a fuck up, a liar, and a traitor.

Baseball just wants someone to remember that it exists.

'This guy that we put in charge has tried to divide us once again': LeBron explains why he called Trump a bum and says that he had to speak out when the president attacked rival Steph Curry and the sport he loves

Trump sits there cucked as he watches Ivanka get fucked by a nigger buck!

Stevie Wonder kneels 'for America' in defiance of the President at Central Park gig


And we're at the fucking point with him he'll probably die before those 6 years wrap up

Wait did he really or was it just him being blind

so brave

China would drag these fuckers into a prison and remind them that they have been allowed to earn the money they do, to live the lives they do, all due to the protections and opportunities the State has afforded them. Ungrateful fucks would then be sent back to see if they've changed their minds.

I like China for this, China also executes corrupt billion dollar earning executives.


All this anti national anthem bullshit
All this flagg burning
i was once in that stage back when i was ablue pilled edgy 14 year old who wanted to rebel against authority in the most autistic way possible and who swallowed that kike bulshit that was "citicen of the world idea"
I guess i shouldn't be surprised that niggers behave like ungratefull inmmature teenagers
if they hate Merica so much they can't even be bothered to show even the sligtest ut of respect to it's national simbols they should be catapulted back to the land of their ancestors

Call him out for being a strawmanning faggot and tell him that watching sports is a form of non-sexual cuckholdry, and that he should practice them, not watch them like the strawmanning faggot cuck he is.

I agree. I honestly think this is our September 23 happening. He put the Jews and golems in a corner and forced them to say America OR the NFL. Normies will be unable to avoid this one because they go to football games to avoid everything else, now their favorite pastime will be reminding them of their cognitive dissonance.

The asshurt think pain they have on their faces on Monday will be awesome. Also the divide between family members who are already on the fence will be extremely useful. Trump just did the best thing he could have done to make fence sitting middle of the road normies (still majority of voters) lose their ability to fence sit. 2018 elections gon be interesting.

Nazis invented mechanical exercise equupment, called it "mechanotherapy". Also a guy named Gustav Zander found many of the principles behind work-to-failure muscle inroad that underly all modern exercise to gain muscle. Second, that guy in the bottom pic is on copious anabolic steroids, and likely lifts weights.

Tom Brady is in a unique position because he needs to throw a ball, which is a whip motion. Everyone else on the field needs to use mass in motion (force) to achieve their goals, so they exercise hard with weights. Also, if tom Brady knew some uncucked weightlifting techniques, he could train without lowering his agility. But that is another level of fitness redpill that most, even on here, would not bother taking because the work is too hard and men tend to get asshurt about being told they are doing one of the forbidden four wrong.

Never tell aan he is doing one of the four wrong, his mind will shut off:
1. Fucking
2. Eating
3. Lifting
4. Driving

Today is Gold Star Mothers Day This is Going to Destroy The NFL.

Don't forget today is "Gold Star Mothers Day" Talk about insult to injury.

was the use of capitalization truly necessary?

NFL Week 3: Ravens, Jaguars respond to President Trump’s comments by linking arms, kneeling during anthem
BREAKING NEWS: American football stars drop to their knees during national anthem at Wembley in protest defying Donald Trump after he said sportsman who 'disrespect America' should be SACKED

yes but no


Oh yes, it just keeps getting better.

Trump is doing the United States a favor.
It's time for a real sport. Lets put faggotball behind us.
Its all theater though. All we are seeing is different branches of the same illuminatti tree warring for who runs the show.

I'd be happy to see these fagots forced to fight to the death against lions and tigers

Thanks Trump. You are doing the US a huge favor.

Georgia digits pls. Kek.

Now they're going to bring up that Khan fuck from last year

What will happen when 100s of thousands of White chads stop watching nigger ball.

You can tell every shill because they refuse to say the word kike or the term white nationalist, and they'll capitalize random things like file extensions.

All that Chad energy left unspilled on girdiron theater. This is a prime time to strike with memes.

do marxists even watch football?

God Damit!!
DOTR can't come soon enough.
Yesterday a big nigger got out of his car, bowed all up, and then pulled on a Steelers jersey with the number 84 on it. Walked into the eatery I was sitting at and proceeded to want to stare me down. I'd strongly felt a need

The thing is most of the people who do watch are your average "I just want to relax from life" americans, who get pissed off at seeing these rich people piss all over themselves. They only hurt their cause.

that is what I actually do not get, are they so self absorbed by their own greatness to not be objective at all??? Had this experience last year with a black co-worker, he lives in a nice house in the suburbs, drives a 7 series BMW, has a high salary, wears suits if not ill fitting everyday, and yet, he is oppressed as he steps over a homeless bum.

underrated post

notice how it's only the nigs

The Trump curse?

Never interrupt an enemy in the middle of making a mistake digits.

There is a faggot Union team in Australia, not sure how bad it is in burgerland.

being oppressed is when you are arrested for home invasion, drugs, violent assault, robbery murder and sex crimes, ad nauseum, etc. That's oppression in the minds of these African animals.

Normalfags aren't going to leave the stadium over a few protesting players… They just won't, normalfags don't care that much and they probably spent a fortune on tickets. Trump is just alienating supporters at this point. Why did he side with the kikes?

I can truly say I'm ashamed of ever supporting the Jaguars as of today. Wayne Weaver just why?

I'm glad it's dying.

Ayo but we dindu nuffin even though we wuz 'bout to do sumfin but we dindu it n sheeeit

That fucking gook


/salt-(1)eft/ pls. you are gay is showing.


Saw this shit pop up on Kikebook, surprisingly saw quite a few normalfags actually agreeing with Trump on this one.



Ok that was pretty good

Given a choice between patriotism and supporting niggers, your average american will choose the flag. Especially since the niggers in question are millionaires telling their poor and middle class viewers how oppressive america is.


if you were ever watching niggerball before this you don't fucking belong here.

I couldn't agree more brüder

Salt? You're a paranoid nigger… Wait and see as absolutely 0 people leave the stadium in protest.

Love the comments.

Why would you even use this as a metric. It doesn't matter if people who have already paid for a ticket leave the stadium or not. What matters is viewers at home. If viewership drops dramatically, ad revenue will fall with it. That's where the shekels come from.

mate your sportsball is dead and the patriots will probably end up being the last time to win a super bowl

Okay, lets talk about the viewers at home instead. Nobody is going to change the channel because some nigger or two kneeled during the national anthem. Actually the NFL has been declining on its own just fine. You can make an argument that Trump making a big deal out of the NFL actually brought more attention to them. Stop being dumb porch monkeys

Video games are cucky too, generally speaking. Simulation games are okay, but watching niggers beat their heads in to the point of retardation isn't much better or worse than pretending to be a character (sometimes an actual nigger character) that does things you only wish you could.
That said, actual war strategy games or things like Civilization or Sim City or Flight Sims or things like that are infinitely better than football.
But pretending to be some wizard on a quest to kill dragons is pretty cucky and infantile tbh.

These soft and sheltered man boys who get paid to play kid's games need to be forced into the marines to earn some respect

tom brady has an entire approach to fitness that's based on stretching, and has some mad-scientist personal physiologist who's convinced him that weight training reduces flexibility over time so he straight up doesn't do it.
at this point i'd say it's pretty hard to argue with his results. not that i give a fuck about football, but i'm pretty sure nobody before him has put up league-leading stats as a 40yearold.


is this the end of sportsball?
I hope so

Actually there have been many who have excelled into their 40s. Not taking anything away from Brady's routine because he will probably end up doing it longer, but his career and many other careers can be ended with one hit to the head or knee and flexibility can not stop taking a helmet to the knee.
Back in the days before concussion protocol and before low hits were ever a penalty, Favre was doing great things in his 40s, but it's hard to compare him to Brady because Favre was a gunslinger and Brady plays conservative. Brady is a pocket passer and that has much more to do with his health than any sort of stretching does. Guys like Favre or Steve Young took many many more hits than Brady ever will.
Kurt Warner comes to mind. He didn't even start playing professionally until he was 28 and never had anything close to the offensive line that Brady has had.
pls don't talk out of your ass about football.
t. Former football cuck

get fucked, cuckold


Matters hugely, it's symbolic and this game is a symbolic representation of tribal identity.

Sounding more and more desperate. I'll say it now, cap this, this fight is the biggest thing Trump has done since taking office. He doesn't need congressional approval, and there can be no walking it back, no untweeting it. This will drive a further wedge between right and left normie who could otherwise get along because of the symbolic jewfest.

Some potential meme boosters:

1. College: many have left the NFL but remain staunch college football fans. Target memes at all levels of participation, fan player school advertisers etc, shame them into kneeling as well.

2. Game time: kneeling before the game is already big, but that doesn't even make the telecast in prime viewer time. Target memes at "weak" protesters who aren't strong enough to kneel at all times they are in the sideline. This will break the usual visual display the normie has in front of him and remind him of the political reality outside all through the game. Super important, because normie likes his fantasy world uninterrupted. Pink shit in October was already bad, this will be devastating if it works.

3. Other sports: why stop. Every sports baller kneels the while time they are not in the game. Every sportsballer needs to bash Trump and by association whites in every interview. All sports at all levels need to have a clear divide between blacks/cucks and real white men. If 99℅ cuck even better, there will always be one white guy to stand up and show balls, this will make all other look cuck/ intensify the dividing process.

4. Alternatives: meme this out, not just "hey my sports suck now", but show idyllic scenes of white families hunting and fishing together, or playing ball with friends at the park. "Do instead of spectate". Emphasis on the whiteness and idyllic nature of the alternatives you show.

6. Fringes: don't stop at the mainstream. Soccer has huge problems with this, make Americans who follow European soccer feel bad with memes. Tell them they are avoiding the real question by watching non American sports. There are more of these burgers than you think and they are super asshurt easily. Also, consider NASCAR. One coon kneeling in all of American motorsports is enough to set literally every rednecks hair on fire across the country.

7. Religion: Tim Tebow made a side career out of kneeling. However no one has dragged him into this yet in a meaningful way. He needs to be forced to "admit" that "Tebowing" was in fact stolen / appropriated from blacks, and to reaffirm that Christianity is indeed opposed to any and all forms of oppression, even oppression of Jew tier rich niggers by white workers who don't even know them. Make every white fence sitter feel the burn next time they go to church for their oxytocin rush.

8. Bylines:
- Do, don't spectate (alternatives)
- Leave the hate behind (alternatives)
- Not my Feelings! League
- Kneeling For Healing (religion)
- Tebow NoShow (religion)

I like the burn meme but I doubt it will work. Push it too but consider these.

Definitely losing it's edge. Compare to pic related (Jack Lambert circa 1970s). Badass, white dudes that were someone to look up to… you don't see that much anymore, and I really doubt it's because blacks have somehow become that much athletically superior in the last 40 years.

Goddamn there are so many good family fishing / sportsballer photos

can you fucking read, or do you always just sign with a kikel?


wew 88d chess lads

Roger Staubach was in the U.S. Naval Academy where he won the 1963 Heisman Trophy, and after graduation he served in the U.S. Navy, including a tour of duty in Vietnam. Staubach joined the Dallas Cowboys in 1969 and played with the club during all 11 seasons of his career.

This was when football was worth watching.

we will ruin everything for the normalfags until they have nowhere to run and have to face reality

I stopped watching football-niggerball once this era of American football died. Looking back on it now, I count my blessings.

Why do niggers do this? Even when they know you are 100% joking they still chimp out about a mom joke.

only one parent so she's doubly important

stuff like that would, if unchecked, eventually cause the football audience to be replaced almost entirely by SJWs and hipsters who don't actually care about football
then when the last hardcore football fan thats born in the next 20 years dies of old age, all of them would be SJWs

football is gonna go the way of the video game industry

also, i know SJWs dont actually care about football, but they'd watch it anyway because it'd become
and do you know what'd be even more HIP AND TRENDY than watching football?

eventually there'd only be just enough football left so they have plausible deniability when people say it isn't football
it'd be filled to the brim with faggotry of such ungodly kinds

Not sure how you figured I'm desperate at all. I'd agree that this will further drive a wedge between the right and left but "the biggest thing Trump has done since taking office".

Isn't that a bit of an overstatement?


my point is not defending nytimes, nfl etc. nigger, it's that he's giving attention (therefore *energy*) to something that needs to be ignored. if you truly want to piss off your wife or gf, which will be more effective, ignoring her / moving on or antagonizing her?
normies are already turning away from the nfl and (((hollywood))), it's a decision that they need to reach by themselves, and the ones who keep watching are harmless to us anyways. instead now it's turned into a big show where the players will be painted as #proudunitedresistance and even those that have turned off the nfl hear of this pointless shit.
trump's energy would be much better spent elsewhere on stuff that truly matters but looks like nothing meaningful is going to happen on his watch.

The beginning of the end of pro-football was when they drafted the fag nigger player about 5 years ago.
iirc he was an average college player who probably should have went undrafted but the virtue signaling forced him to be drafted in the 3rd? round. He was out of football within a few years and didn't even really play. You compound that with the multiracial and actual fags kissing on the kiss cam l and now Kaepernick, this shit is a dumpster fire.
Kikes forgot that it's mostly white midwesterners and southerners are the ones watching. And in the south, prayers before games are pretty much mandatory. Kikes forget that. Football almost died when they desegregated it and now they're forcing fags and black panthers into the limelight. And they can't stop doing it.

Come on, at least try a little.

oh, well how about that
well football would still be popular in commiefornia if they replaced their audience with liberals

Baseball just had it's first kneeling player the other day, and he played for Oakland. Boxing has just went through a string of terrible decisions, and it's in even worse shape than that. Pure boxers like Gennady Golovkin get lambasted for wanting to be great at their weight class, and people who fight only for the money are celebrated. It's in worse shape than it was in the 1940s.

meaningful is anti-semitism is rising everywhere. more and more people are seeing the Jew for what they are.

>normies are already turning away from the nfl and (((hollywood)))
let's accelerate the process
yeah because that approach has worked so well in the past…
how new are you?

There's so many things more entertaining for a man to watch than idiotic subhumans get paid millions of dollars to play children's games.

Professional twerking (denegrified) should be our national pastime. I would stand in line for this.

You're a fucking nigger kill yourself yes I took the bait fuck you

true dat, good if it wakes up a few more normies,
despite that I still think the enemy is much closer to a real checkmate than we are. we're getting polarized and showing our side, when the fighting truly starts, they'll know where to shoot and have an (((excuse))) to do so.


ignored by trump at least, maybe not shitposters

Twerking is a subhuman mating ritual.

ah yeah meant for>>10654953

In a sign of solidarity, the Pittsburgh Steelers will remain in the locker room during the national anthem before their 1 p.m. ET kickoff with the Chicago Bears

What about mineral water in glass bottles

Flat water is gross to me, being a euro is a blessing and a curse

White women are not subhumans and twerking has become an accepted part of the dance arts.

Aside from all-White dance troupes, there are other ways to "denegrify" and improve twerking such as the use of non-Black vocals in the music.

Fairly amazed not a single player has the spine to say "fuck this is stupid" and stand on the field alone. Their jersey would instantly become the #1 seller and they'd be invited onto TV shows.

I really don't understand why normalcucks would rather spend hours watching sweaty groids than something like this.

It might take a while but in time they will learn that professional twerking is the ultimate spectator sport.

People don't seem to be paying attention to how this ties in with the recent internet shut downs.

"Limited speech" has been trending among the left big time, and it's been the basis for far more censorship that we've previously seen.

It affects /pol even though we're still here. For example, it does less good to generate memes and stage a troll attack to inject them into normie minds if most of the troll accounts are shoah'ed from the normie-net.

The whole justification from the left is that a private business can censor any speech they like, and in fact they should censor it if it's offensive… So… what do these same (((assholes))) now say to attack Trump for asking the NFL to shut down anthem protests?

Trump is doing this to try to restore the troll network that had the capability to counter the MSM narrative. Ok, it's probably higher priority to throw a bone to his disillusioned base, but my point here is that it IS a meaty bone.

would risk getting anally raped by entire team of convicts and dropped for making coach and owner look rayciss

The media is calling it a sign of solidarity. But what really happened probably was the management doesn't want the players to appear split, while the players can't all agree to stand or all kneel.

cheerleading isn't a sport, why would twerking be consider a sport.

Congratulations on having created the most retarded thing I've read so far today. Keep up the good work.

Remember that Trump has a really old grudge with the NFL that goes back to the monopoly lawsuit he "won" for $1 when he owned the NJ Generals that was a part of the NFL's competitor the USFL. One thing that we know for sure about Trump is that he holds grudges for a really long time, this is likely just another item on his list. I wouldn't be against him on this one, the public sentiment among conservative middle class whites is not good with Negro Farm Equipment Sports (NBA & NFL) these days.

Who fucking cares? Let them bitch and moan, most players would be in prison if not for their scholarship to throw a ball around.

A HUNDRED NFL stars kneel during anthem in defiance of Trump: Hundreds more including Brady link arms in solidarity as the President says 'disrespectful' players should be FIRED and calls for boycott

user, please.
they only trust white men to throw the ball.

This is copypasta from another forum but I'll copy/paste it here because it makes some good points:

As a die-hard sports fan and someone that majored in sports management, I feel like I can shed a lot of light on this topic considering the RVF community is not big on sports and I've been following it all my life. The last five years, I have been studying sports trends and try to interpret the trend the sports world is going in. While I agree with Roosh in that the NFL is on the decline, I don't think anyone here has fully dived into why this is happening. Before I do that, I want to say that I don't think this is just going to be the NFL, I see this as a sports problem AS A WHOLE. But for now, I'll start with the NFL.

1. It is the ultimate .1% sport- The simple fact is the owners in the NFL have more power than any other group of owners in sports. Players basically have no rights compared to baseball whose players get guaranteed contracts and NBA players who have max contracts for arguably doing the least work and have the least risk. NFL players can get cut on a dime and even if they have $50 mil contracts, may not see much of it if a GM decides to cut them. Because the NFL is a very injury prone sport, this is a problem because they can lose their opportunity to be set for life in a blink of an eye because of a freak injury.

The owner right now is also ridiculously biased towards the owners when he is supposed to be neutral. They want to prove they can go after anybody with a power move such as Tom Brady and Ezekiel Elliott. Now, Elliott won his appeal but I think he's going to have to serve his six game suspension next year. I see this as a big problem for players' rights because from all reports about his case, the girl Tiffany Thompson pulled off the bitter-ex move of accusing him of domestic abuse when there is textual evidence that said she was going to fake it to ruin his career. I'm honestly surprised that case hasn't been talked about at length in this forum because it fits our narrative perfectly. Point is Goodell is targeting Zeke to make him the poster child of domestic abuse after Ray Rice and the problem with this is Elliott was cleared of all charges by the police, BUT the NFL is still targeting him like they would a male on a college campus. Most intelligent fans see right through this power/political battle and they are tired of it to the point where I don't think they'd mind seeing a lockout in 2021 once the union has to re-negotiate the contract with the owners. If anything, in 2011 most fans were neutral and just saw it as millionaires versus billionaires, now the fans see the players as more of thugs than ever before and see the owners as the ultimate example of greedy, villainous behavior.

2. NFL Redzone/Sunday Ticket and Fantasy Football- This is also a big problem because the NFL has reached such a Sunday popularity in a national environment, that it gives casual fans virtually no reason to go to the games, especially if they're located in a city with a bad franchise. Problem is, that popularity has peaked TV wise and they can't replace the fans they lost from the games to TV. Fantasy football and Redzone allow fans to focus on individual players and essentially just watch the big moments in each game rather than being stuck watching a bad game on local TV or in a stadium. This is a trend I think is irreversible and will hurt the NFL in the long-term. They'll never get fans to have the attention span for one game again (which is also why I think Thursday night football has hurt rather than helped them). With fans losing interest in one game, it will not only hurt from a ticket perspective but also from a merchandise perspective. Yes maybe they'll get jerseys of a player or two they like but team shirts and hats will go down along with secondary player sales.


I think we need to take the memes into real life. I've been looking for a good glossy printer on craigslist for a while. Get a few well placed memes in hollywood and nyc and there will instantly be leftist buthurt all over the internet calling attention to whatever subject we want.

only Tom Brady, Phillip Dorsett and Bill Belichick stood for the anthem for the patriots.

3. Dying from the ground up- In college I had a professor first bring this up to me and it resonated with me right after I graduated that he was 100% right about how the NFL would go down. It will die because people will be too scared to have their kids play pee wee football and once that gets mainstream, there will be no prospects for high school, then we will first notice a heavy decline in the college football scene, then it will finally start to take shape in the NFL. If you think I'm being extreme, I'm not.

I don't think most casuals studying the NFL realize how much of a game-changer the CTE revelation was. It basically took everything the NFL had under its rug and revealed it to the public. This was knowledge that the NFL was dangerous to a player's brain and long-term health and that'd they would be mentally far gone once their careers ended. The ones most vulnerable were centers, the other offensive lineman, and defensive lineman. I'm in my 20's and have already seen guys I grew up idolizing get effected by this such as Junior Seau, who committed suicide right after he had an arguably hall of fame career, donated his brain to research, and it was revealed he had strong CTE symptoms. Kurt Warner, Hall of Fame quarterback, has openly stated that he will not let his kids play pee wee football. Then there have been cases in lower level sports such as Eric LeGrand from Rutgers who ended up paralyzed because of a tackle he tried to make on special teams and there have been a couple of high school players that have died on the field and training camp who's stories went viral. Quite simply, football is perceived as too high risk for most parents to willingly let their kids get involved in if they have other opportunities.

Football may be spared if they solely go after kids in poor neighborhoods and areas but I'm not even sure if that will be enough. It has the gladiator label attached to it and unless they transition to something like 7-on-7 flag football eventually, I expect football to be extinct in the next 30-50 years, and be considered as a gladiator sport next century that we were barbaric for participating in. By the way this is part of the reason the ratings are going down, there's a lot more penalties for soft hits now and fans notice the game is being watered down.

1. Rich guys and Jews own the sport
2. Short attention spans and other entertainment options are taking it's place
3. A feminized society that doesn't allow boys to boys is rotting football from the ground up.
The NFL is a dying dinosaur.

Not to mention:
1. The working class is broke and doesn't have the money to buy NFL tickets
2. Niggers and spics don't go to football games
3. The upper class is filled with kikes and pussy men who have the money for NFL tickets but have no interest.
4. The increasing SJW culture in the NFL is pushing regular men away

Print this QR and watch niggers spics and faggots lose their collective shit
Paste irl at various public places

Thanks, interesting. RoK is a good site, they often have insightful articles, and Roosh and his crew are not afraid to name the Jew.

Why is it better to antagonise blacks against whites, when it only takes one degree to demonstrate their anger should be rightfully aimed towards their jewish club owners.

I know I know, you need everyone fighting against everyone but the jews.

The right way being disrespectful blacks vs the military. This 1st amendment bullshit won't fly because they laughed at the google memo guy and WN who all had free speech rights.

You forgot about the fact that football players are using their position and TV time to promote the politics they believe in which is only making the average american angry about the blatant disrespect to the country these football playing are doing. They are make more that the sum of what 10 middle class american makes in a lifetime. Yet they continue to shame and protest the country they live in that allows them to live so well.

since I haven't seen this mentionned these last few days, 'member when Tim Thomas from the Boston Bruins snubbed the Obama white house visit in 2012? interesting the difference in media treatment

I was thinking along the same lines but I like the QR code idea. Just having it link to some of the better red pilling videos online is all you would need to do.


Anyone fancy helping move the narrative more directly focused on the root of the problem [the jews] or are we all going to carry on cheering ZOG because it upsets leftists?

I totally agree that these sports "teams" are a replacement for tribalism. It made perfect sense when your tribe literally competed against other tribes a century ago (Germans against English, for example). But now they're routing for random African men as their "tribe" and fighting other "tribes" who are routing for their own African men. Spouts were intended as a non-destructive way to fight compete against rival ethno-states without going to war. The underlying purpose behind sports has become obsolete in the current year.

One guy did. Starting left tackle, Alejandro Villanueva, who also is a former U.S. Army Ranger. Only player that was out of the locker room for the national anthem.

Megafarms are horrible. I would much rather buy local produce from a hopefully peaceful half-nigger farmer than from monsanto.

Not if they are counter-signaling the brave heroes protesting against Drumpf and America.

Twerking can be competitive. Twerk-offs are a thing.

Are you twelve? If you're a degenerate that needs something to get off to then watch some actual porn. Twerking is fucking autistic. Of course, not watching perverse crap would be best, but I can't expect it from one who presents himself as a faggot degenerate.

Thank Christ my father hates football.

Porn is cuckoldry. I don't want to watch some other man's cock and I don't find lesbianism titillating.

Twerking is far from porn, it's an actual art form and is taking over the dance world.

I didn't intend to make this thread a twerk debate, I was positing that watching professional twerking is an example of a better way for straight men to pass their time than watching big black bucks play niggerball.

Appeal to majority. It doesn't matter how many people are adopting it - is it a good, dignifying and wholesome practice, that is the question here.

Then don't. Shut the fuck up and take it to Holla Forums, then.

You're the type of guy who goes to the strip club and claims that the reason you enjoy the pole dancing is because it's an impressive athletic feat.

No it isn't dumbshit. It's exactly the same.

MOSSAD agent spotted.
Twerking is the same as rap.
Ballet is an art form.
Twerking is a monkey in her fertile week.
Dont conguse them.

milk is bad too

literally how

So ridiculous. Hahaha.

I'm sure if a skinhead or someone he thought was racist came in to get an operation or be operated on by that chink doctor, he would probably kill the patient intentionally.

>(((surgeon))) looks patients up on social media before operations to make sure they aren't "natzees"
>Wait, user doesn't have a facebook account? What sort of person doesn't have a facebook account?
>by pure coincidence user never wakes up from his surgery

This is my fear.

Nice dubs. Can you imagine the kvetching going on in the NFL boardroom at this very moment?! This is literally anuda' shoah.

I'm sure he does actually look them up on social media. This guy's politics should never enter a hospital. The fact that he has a long history of this shit can only mean that it probably does affect his work performance on some level. I'm sure it's not a positive thing for his whiter patients.

I don't stand for the anthem anymore either, but obviously for completely different reasons than dumb niggers.

I will not stand for a flag that is the symbol of a "nation" where thousands of young white men, with parents, children, and families, have been sent off to their pointless death to serve pissrael.

A "nation" where the dominant "culture" now celebrated would be described by a liberal as:

Wow, your "nation" is built on the fact that you share practically nothing in common? Some "culture" right there.

And the "culture" celebrated by a conservative is:

Yes, this is truly the essence of Americanism. Mindless consumption, contempt for nature, disregard for future generations, and being defined by how no one really shares anything in common–aside from watching the Super Bowl(TM) and drinking Diet Coke(TM), right? The "United" States of America, where nothing really unites the people. How ironic.

Doesn't matter which side they're on, liberal or conservative, American "beliefs" and "culture" are FUNDAMENTALLY JEWISH.

Fuck what America has become. It is a decadent empire which of course is controlled by kikes, the physically embodiment of everything corrupted, degenerate, and anti-nature. The Founding Fathers would be BEYOND disgusted by America today, and would literally nuke it if they had the chance. Then the TRUE America would be rebuilt upon the ashes.

Their is also cheerleading competitions, though it is still not considered a sport. Rapping battles are a thing and are competitive though are still not a sport.


Just fuck off already. You're not convincing anybody that twirling around half naked in provocative African sexual motions is "art". It's uncivilized dance motions resembling only that of lower cultures.

I was already bored of the NFL. The only reason I was still watching was because of RedZone, and even then I started to just have it on in the background. Now I won't even bother if entire teams are doing this shit.

Are you trying to be an example of a niggers inability to understand the concept of time (outside of the present)?

Good job, user.

They can clean the toilets of the beaners and Asians who surpass them.

What's clear from that graph is that the Republican party has been sucking up to the wrong ethnic group for votes (beaners and kikes). They should focus on Whites and Asians.

We be new Anti-Comintern naow.

Yeah, about 86 dimensions more than your damaged brain can handle.
Trump is just creating tons favorability towards himself by calling out those entitled niggers which are just further enhancing the effect by doubling down with support of the media.
They took the bait and he's winning, retarded shill.

White women acting like subhumans is not "denegrified". It's a worse type of corruption than when the monkeys are doing it themselves.

Weimar up, fam. Shaking your girly parts in the faces of strangers is now 'art.'

This has got to be a goon shitposting. Kek just filter him lad.

I think this gif of an nfl quarterback's coalburner mother and the slovenly white embarrassment of a fan in front of her is the most perfect encapsulation of football I've seen in years.

This shit is so degenerate it's even worse than porn. this is a debasement of innocence which would have never occurred until the Jew niggerazation of America. All this is is turning white girls in wiggers. I respect an female chink college student studying to be a biologist than white young whores that do this, and that is why it is done.

I was at a farm show/harvest festival today and overheard 3 separate conversations about boycotting the NFL. Granted, it's anecdotal, but it was encouraging to see folks dropping the felonball spectacle.

That would require there to be black drivers. There's literally just one black driver in any of NASCAR's national series (Darrel Wallace Jr running in the truck series). There are 0 in IndyCar, 0 in IMSA, and only 1 in F1 but he's British and that isn't an American series anyways.


You know, I'm starting to think that those movies in the 80's and 90's about high school cliques, with the jocks against the nerds and the preppies against the stoners, were nothing more than Jewish attempts at atomizing the white man - separating large tribes into smaller ones. Schools were 90% white where I was growing up but I still always felt excluded and separated from my peers. I hated football chads and my own people. Only now, watching them come down on sports, movies, music AND my video games simultaneously is making me realize that my hate was misplaced. Those chads were my brothers.


Wow. That's like a unicorn right there fellas.

Football is a dumb ass sport anyways. Why are we investing millions of dollars to throw a ball around while giving each other brain damage? If we're going to get mighty and high with strength while not caring about the well-being of people then I want to see some fucking bear fighting.

this makes me laugh. sports and hollywood entertainment were supposed to be an escape from reality for people and trump has infiltrated, politicized and triggered the fuck out of participants of both.

75% + 15% is 90%, not 95%. The people you're trying to reach will write off the whole thing because of minor errors like this.

I had free tickets to the Colts game today. Some faggot players kneeled, I didn't walk out though. It does piss me off. Multi-millionaire niggers claiming to be oppressed is comical to most people and even the blacks in the crowd showed respect.

You fucking failed then you faggot. You should have started the trend. If you lead, people will follow, if you sit there and ignore it everyone else will follow along with that as well.

You could have started something. Instead you chose to cuck yourself to a bunch of virtue signaling niggers. Congratulations you chose a bunch of niggerball players and an hour or two of "entertainment" watching them smash into each other like gorillas, over your race and nation.

Fuck you

Came to post this but I guess I was way late. Ironically Oakland is one of the whitest teams in the league.

Calm down, autisticuck. Free tickets and free beer. Nobody even noticed it. I saw them kneeling on the news after I got home.

Football is a whiteman's game anyways. The only reason niggers took charge of it is because they can ook their aggression out freely and get appraisal like the modern tribals they are.

That faggot's not even blind.

So basically, you belong on cuck/pol/ and not here.

Niggers have often provided entertainment to the white man through minstrel.


Straight from kikepedia: " It is used as a resting position, during childbirth and as an expression of reverence and submission. "
The lib cucks meme themselves.

I was a Steelers fan until today. One man went out and stood at the tunnel for the national anthem. The rest were a bunch of candy-assed pussies who sat in the locker room. I guess this is what happens when you get a nigger head coach.

Hopefully somebody will publish the locker room footage during the anthem so we can see who disrespected it.

get the fuck out of here you incredible faggot

From a ZH comment.
"Sports is competition, capitalism is competition, socialism is participation trophies."



it truly is wonderful, he is in their heads, all day, every day

all arm punches. Did not know how to hold and grab for breathers. So much extra movement he lblew his load the first 3 rounds. That was an exhibition for money for UFC Vegas guys and all the boxing guys.

from Gary (((Gramling)))

Demonstrations By Players, Statements By NFL Ownership: I wrote a little bit about it last night and we’ll be covering it all day at The MMQB; I’m not going to deep dive the nation’s atrocious political situation because while I have thoughts and hypotheses and do my best to stay informed I have no true expertise in the area (though I have no expertise in football either, and that never stopped me). But what’s going on today is important and historic. It will be a while before we can look back and properly gauge the impact, but for now I’ll say this: I never thought we'd have a President who would go too far right for the tastes of NFL ownership. Just as the league and its owners (many of whom are huge Trump supporters) seem to be doing, perhaps this is a time to step back and reassess the reasons behind some of the choices we’ve made and the paths we’ve chosen.

Organically we'd not care, but the (((media))) and (((historians))) will make us remember.

Son of Jor-el, kneel before Zod

sports are to be an escape. But it morphed into a giant cashgrab that is used to placate all the lemmings in society.

The media is spinning Trump's shitting on the league to make Goodall look good. But this totally backfired in their face. Now all the Patriotic lemmings are booing the shit out of the kneelers cause they are defying the president and the flag. One steeler came out of the tunnel for the song today. All the stadiums got majority boobirds after it was sung.

When you let a guy who got 900 on his SAT's into Stanford and fill him up on adderral and focusin the result is a fucking moron who believes his opinion matters.

What is worse than sports in this country is sports coverage. There are multi 24 hour channels that just give their opinions on the days events. ESPN creates news cycles off of what its employees say about sporting events.


Normalfags are pissed enough that they're burning their NFL gear.

If you have any NFLshit lying around, make one of these and push it on twatter.

I think it is great if people say fuck you to pro atheletes. But corporations are buying and funding all this shit now. They can play to empty stadiums and prolly still turn a profit with the tv deals.

But in fairness to these pics the LA Collusium will never sell out a Pro football game. USC cannot sell it out unless it is a huge rival. And it is almost free to go to a college holds 93,607. Only winning NFL teams sellout and they hold around 50,000

I have an inkling, or gut instinct that tells me that to combat the empty stadiums they're going to try and hire actors and other fuckos to pose in and get paid just to sit there in those empty seats, to make it look like nothing is wrong. Get fucking searching on craigslist for any upcoming games.


High Fructose Corn Syrum and all the variants of sugar are pure AIDS.

Sugar in a normal serving is OK. A litre tub of soda is poison.

For a soda treat if I drink a carbonated cane sugar one it is really not that bad and i do not feel like I need to shoot up 10 minutes after from a crash of the 10 servings of sugar and chemicals in normal soda.


you could've been a contender


one kneel'd after Trumps comment..and he looks like he is 50/50

Pro sports is Jews paying nigs to distract whites. This is overdue.


And don't forget money laundering.

I've never read or heard a better description of Sportsball Today.

Like when the SJW came to politicize and destroy a hobby for Holla Forums, which drove many to eventually come over to Holla Forums. Comics and shit are suffering as well for their shit. And now sports, with shit like this. And they don't realize that removing the means of keeping the normie from being able to relax and escape from the over-politicized shit is going to draw more and more to the right side of the fence.

So, this would be redpilling on a more massive scale? I can't help but get erect thinking about it.

Report him to his hospital you retards. He took the Hippocratic oath, there's no waddling out of his obvious displays of discrimination if his superiors learn of that post.

it pisses me off it takes this for normies to finally dump niggerball. Not when the nigger players and coaches were raping, murdering, slinging drugs and flaunting the millions of undeserved dollars around and being unbearable niggers. The white man should have been fed up with this bullshit in the 90s.

this would be worth watching, but i'd only torrent it, still wouldn't pay for it. I wonder how much Trump is laughing while he's trolling the shit out of these morons. I bet he's getting a real kick out of it.


kek. dumbasses still don't realize they are slaves to the jews who own them and order them to work on a field.

the honest answer is that the niggers wouldnt be able to make literally any money chasing other niggers with balls around in any other country than the jewSA.

good idea. the fire rises.

Agreed. The problem with football is football fans.

I'm going to pitch this to some niggerball magazines and see if I can get an article (or twelve) out of it.

Archiving these for spreading before Twatter shoas them



This is fucking bait. Twerking is degenerate nigger subhuman low culture. Your nose is showing moshe.

Remember that 88D chess isn't just a meme, Trump is basically forcing liberals into defending a very unpopular stance… even normie radio programs hated that shit. And by forcing sports entertainment into defending it, maybe we can get a football version of gamergate where we have the opportunity to drop redpills on angry White normalfags.

CTE is caused by PED's, alcohol and drug abuse, and not resting your head once concussed.

Everyone has brain issues as we get older. This is a commercial for NFL that results on a pity party. NFL is bad because of CTE but UFC is allowed?

They need to do a study of 5,000 people in their 40's who never played football on any level. Does running and the pounding it causes to your brain cause similar CTE results.

Seacrest out!

How wonderfully insidious.

Football normies don't care about no neon hair colored tri sexual dragons. They just want to see the pig leather passed and the traditional anthem be honored. But thrusting their ugly dyke heads and their "progressive" shit into it with nigger gibs matter and etc. is kicking a wasp's nest. Normies are going to notice it when they don't want to. And when they see this shit in it, they'll look elsewhere and notice the same overpoliticized shit elsewhere. And then the normie will get to thinking and asking questions, and it'll lead them straight to Holla Forums-tier readings.

You can try, but the people who just now are waking up to the NFL being shit aren't usually ready to go full 14/88 in the same day. The most valuable thing to do is to try to radicalize both sides - pose as leftist twatter accounts and demand that the NFL remove the anthem entirely because "It's racist hate speech" while also pushing the normalfags into burning their tickets/jerseys in protest (burning something politically makes you far more willing to accept radical political ideas, since it puts you in that frame of mind.)

The big effect this could have is millions of middle class whites suddenly spending their Sundays doing something other than watching niggers parade in tights.

Brilliant. Godspeed user.

I can't blame the average Joe for continuing to be a "fan" of a team despite the obvious problems with the players and culture surrounding the average sports team. While the criminal nature of NFL players and the unethical behavior of the owners is immediately apparent, it was still possible to handwave the cognitive dissonance away by believing whatever sins were committed were merely the actions of an individual or a small number of "bad apples".

What makes this such a big deal is that it eliminates any possibility of such handwaving brushing this issue aside. Even the most ignorant normie cannot possibly overlook the facts here. 100% of teams protested and ~90% of players participated in said protest. It's incontrovertible evidence that the NFL is unappealing to the core, the only ones considered "bad apples" are actually the handful of players who refused to protest. The normie now knows the only people they identify with are treated like the enemy and that is an enormous deal.

Good. For a second there I was worried they'd be able to spin it as only a few bad apples and normalfags would be able to rationalize maintaining their ritualistic niggerball worship.

Fortunately everyone in the NFL quadrupled down and the average normalfag must face the fact these people hate them and their country and will not hesitate to turn against them.

Fucking Christ this could actually be what finally drives them away from the ultimate bread and circus.

But he will ban anyone from his forum who names the kikes or the proclivities of shitskins.


His parents are Armenian Muslims. He moved to Eastern Europe because he wanted to race-mix and couldn't find blonde girls who weren't desperate enough for a guy who wasn't a tracksuit wearing drunkard. This faggot promotes race-mixing. His forum is mostly made up of poos, niggers and chinks with the occasional race traitor White here and there. They worship pussy and believe in getting it by any means necessary.

But you knew that didn't you Roosh?

It's already started. Here's Bill Burr getting pissed that politics is fucking up his emotional safe space:

God I can't wait until this fucking nigger kike shit dies.


Only shit alcohol is the liquid jew.

What's wrong with you?

The sooner they chase off their mostly white audience, the better. Everybody's sick to death of political bullshit being put into everything, and whites keep the NFL afloat money-wise. I really, REALLY hope this is the straw to break the normalfag's back when it comes to football, because it's been a long time coming

That's not how this works, /fringe/. What if people who bought their season tickets show up?
Trust me. I was a fan of the Detroit Lions before I got redpilled. What they do is give away tickets to anyone they can. Buy a pizza from Little Caesars? Free NFL tickets. Buy $100 worth of shit from Meijer? Free tickets.
They do not pay people. That would equal a double loss. Kikes won't do that. Even shitty SJW sports like the WNBA don't do that. Like I said, it's more profitable to give away the tickets than pay someone to go. You're retarded.

Foosball definitely. But you still have hold outs in baseball and soccer. And of course the left won't be able to restrain themselves from trying to force their shit into those two either.

I at the very least give you that. webm related.

I'll take waifu pandering over millionare nigger ball throwers kicks Crying oppression any day.

Oh fuck me that's some fine pottery.

After Charlottesville, made one of the most pathetic yet undiluted displays of shiteating normalfaggotry and Boomerdom I've ever seen. He said everyone should just ignore the unstable powder keg that is race relations and "just watch the gaaaaame maaaaan".

If even his cucked, henpecked, Boomer ass is pissed after this shit, that is a very VERY good sign.

Stadiums hold up to 70,000 people. If the games don't sell out, they aren't televised on local channels unless it's a Sunday night, Monday night or Thursday night game. This is referred to as a blackout. If there are 5,000 or fewer seats unsold, a corporation like wal-mart steps in and buys them and gives them away. Or a corporation buys them at a low low rate and gives them to employees.
If tons of seats are unsold, you're looking at paying 20,000 people. You can't find 20,000 people in any city that won't tell everyone they know that they got paid to go to a game. Anything less than that and a corporation will buy the remaining tickets most of the time. That's why you have never heard about games that are just shy of selling out by a few seats.
It's either sold out or it's really empty. And 20,000 people getting paid to watch a game will never stop bragging about how they got paid to go to a game. Hell, people brag when they're just given tickets, much less if they would be paid. You'd know if they were paying people.

I hear fantasy leagues are down which is even better.

the tv deals are universally unprofitable

Does anyone have a Kaepernik jersey?
I need to wipe after a crap.

That's actually the real barometer. Fantasy football is their cash cow. Playing fantasy football gets the viewer to watch games they wouldn't ordinarily watch. It also keeps people who don't live in NFL cities watching games. Most of the new cucky rules in the NFL are to prevent injuries so that fantasy football players aren't affected by the injuries.
Fantasy football brings in a fuckton of money. It might bring in as much money as the game itself.

holy shit blast this out

it's the exact same rhetoric they use with gamers, they think they won with it

it can't fail

Vidya licenses for pro sports probably bring in as much money as TV does now, or it's close. I'm just pulling this outta my asshole but I honestly think it's true. Millions of people buy gameball gaymes every year just to have the updated rosters and stats.

Merchandising too. No matter what team's merchandise you buy, every team gets a slice of the pie.
If you buy a Kaepernick 49ers jersey, every team gets a small portion of that money. And that goes for every piece of merchandise with an NFL logo.

Alright mate, you've got a fair point. I still wouldn't put it past (((them))) to pull shit like getting craigslist fuckos to attend, as they've done it before in the past; just not with nfl shit as far as I'm aware of.

gotta kill off gameball then

we should all just play pic related and make a new site geared toward fantasy football gameball and gameball vidya cucks that's quite similar but different enough to avoid the sue-happy jews at GW

So I don't want to blackpill anyone, but that empty Thursday night game is probably not that big of a deal. California is the worst market for football. I never would have predicted it to be that empty that early in the season, but California getting another team was the most retarded thing I've heard. The LA rams were the St. Louis Rams and before they were the St. Louis Rams, they were the LA Rams. They originally moved from LA because nobody went to the games. Dumb idea to move them back to LA and this was predictable.
But this is just another reason why the NFL is going down. Shitty decisions like this and because people are becoming racially aware.
But the LA game in and of itself really isn't a huge deal. Anyone remembering when the Rams were in LA in the 80s knows this.

Underrated post.

To add… these are all the sports teams in California I can think of in just a minute and I'm sure I will miss one…
Mighty Ducks
Another team called the Kings

I mean… that's just what I can name in a minute and I'm sure there's more. California just doesn't have enough white people with money left to put asses in all those seats. Especially if the team sucks. Californians will only go to games if the team is winning.

Definitely need to kill off the Madden football game franchise. If you do that, NFL is officially in the toilet.

He should be pissed and I'm betting taxpayers won't be footing the $$$ for on-field military "tributes" for much longer. How may fans know that the DoJ has to PAY the teams for every military appearance?
Go to a ballgame, see military bands, wounded veterans throwing out first pitches, you-name it, while the fans in the seats believe the good-hearted teams are the ones holding the "tributes". Wonder if the TEAMS waived this FEE at the Superbowl or World Series out of the goodness of their hearts after 911? Have to also wonder if the National Anthem singers & halftime acts took any $$ to perform? Do entertainers get paid by the teams, or do they pay up like the military & taxpayers have to when the military appears on-field or in the air? You'd think entertainers would pay up, beings the exposure would up their record SALES! I don't know…

Niggers are inherently dangerous, giving them free reign to roam around a field with other niggers inevitably leads to cheap shots to the back of the head, stomping on people while they're down, headhunting guys who happen to be focused on another player, etc. It's dangerous due to the nigger element.

The real fun, which rolls back to vidya, is that by killing Madden and also FIFA, you would also kill off EA, the biggest vidya kikes to ever exist. You would be destroying the biggest bread and circus to ever exist whilst also saving vidya as well.

So it looks like these niggers have CTE so bad that they've forgotten where their paychecks come from. Supposedly there's going to be a major fan walkout… I think the guy said late November.

Chivas USA
(Soccer is relevant in California because of the beaners)

It's becoming dangerous to go to games now. A few years back a white Giants fan from San Francisco got beaten unconscious by two drunk as fuck beaners at a Dodgers game. The Dodgers' stadium is in an absolutely horrible part of Los Angeles near downtown surrounding by Mexicans of the illegal and gangbanging variety. Oldfags will remember the Raiders had this problem with they were in LA. People with money and families stopped going to LA Raiders games. In addition to the team becoming shit, you could walk through the parking lot of the LA Coliseum and find people looking for excuses to fight while giant clouds of pot smoke wafted through the air because of all the black and Mexican gang members who would hang around the stadium. Now factor in that Los Angeles has a lot fewer white people than it did in 1992. They all moved away, and niggers and beaners mostly don't buy tickets or merchandise more expensive than a cheap hat or a knockoff jersey from China.

I guess they don't have to worry about competition from the Chargers/Raiders, but I still would have picked just about any other state to move the franchise too.

sad story:

They already got your taxpayer money to build their stadiums and do all the traffic rerouting, new subway stations, etc. They don't really give a shit if you take away the little peanuts involved in military tribute fees and they don't care if you stop going to the games – that's what the new imported population is for.

You let me know when Donald talks about forcibly confiscating team owner assets to take back what was handed out by corrupt city and state legislatures. Considering he's testified before Congress back in the early 90s about how important it was for government money to be given to rich people like him for "development projects", I won't hold my breath. Makes for a nice media sideshow, though.

15-25+ years of working-man stress on the body of a teen in a 4-8 year stretch.

The fucked up thing about this is that they're going to do more time in prison for having guns than for inflicting brain damage on a guy so bad that he has to wear diapers and use a wheelchair for the rest of his life. And all he did was go to a fucking ball game.

I don't disagree with any of this, but this does serve to break the spell that this poison has had over the culture of the country opening the door for further political options down the road. I agree that it's most likely not Trump's M.O. to do what actually needs to be done, forced confiscation of assets from the corrupt kike criminals that run the league, and prison for the bureaucrats that redistributed assets from the people into this monopoly, however, let's just say Hitler was in there right now, he wouldn't have the political capital to do that because of the kind of cultural sway and power the NFL holds over the average American. So, what's going on now politically and culturally does serve an important function towards turning the NFL into a cultural pariah, a necessary step in any sort of step forward.

North Korea didn't have nuclear capabilities previously. Things are escalating quickly.

I can think of a dozen other stories which should be headlining the news.

Is becoming pozzed beyond belief. This is why it is being pushed so much. In any case, I don't fault Trump for being pissed. Football was something he probably used to enjoy.

And he's never going to have it because he doesn't get into real, tangible specifics as to what the problem actually is. And that's by design.

I agree with this also, he's been incredibly weak on a lot of key issues, and it raises the alarm. The only thing I don't agree with is that this is a show with no real tangible result. Breaking people away from this cultural poison and turning them against it is a very important thing.

I love when a girl moves like that

2017 has been such a great year.

The real alarm is raised by what issues he HASN'T been weak on: searching for justification to shitcan the Iran deal [straight out of the Hain Saban funded white paper "Which Path to Persia"], letting Carl Icahn [Trump donor and megarich loxist] personally write up new drilling regulations to bail out his failing oil/gas plays, authorizing the largest arms deal ever with Saudi Arabia, stirring shit up with North Korea for real reason whatsoever.
Then go read "Tragedy and Hope". It's long, but it's worth it.


This. Even basic 'It's alright to be white' stuff sends them into a self-destructive tailspin.

Isn't Israel allowed to play in some Euro football compensation? Why not have Israeli football teams play in the NFL as well?


thread reminder that Bill Burr is an oil driller

yes, and he can be used as a litmus test. if even someone like him can't stand to have politics shoved into his face during his sportsball talmudvision broadcasts, how do you think the average normie will respond?


Bill Burr is not a normie. Bill Burr is some weird form of Gavin type lolberg and liberal who says shit for money.

There once was a time where I just wanted to be left alone and play my vidya in peace. I hope those fucking normalfags have to suffer the indignity of being shat on by the players, the coaches, the owners, the commentators and the journalists just as I was by industryfags three years ago. Given enough time and pressure, we will see our ranks grow that much more as they come to realize more and more that their idols are false.

Nothing but good can come of this.

More like kicking a WASP's nest. This isn't going to end well for them.

Fake News Jews trying to stir shit up.

So on the scale of hating Whites and the USA, what's "lock arms" rank?

Fuck you. You don't live in LA. There's a shit ton of white people who attend football games in large numbers in Los Angeles, you fucking kike. The thing is, L.A.'s real football team is the USC Trojans.

Their attendance beat the Rams and Chargers attendance combined. Same fucking stadium. Any LAfag will tell you USC is L.A.'s real football team, unless they're a UCLAfag.

USC vs. Rams, pic related, kikel. Eat a circumcised dick.

Sure, I don't know anything about LA. I only lived there for 10 years of my life where I was surrounded by Mexicans, blacks and Jews wherever I went, faggot. I'm sorry that I triggered you so hard and you feel the need to defend a game that's 3/4 black and controlled by Jews.

Oh I hope they do, I really fucking hope they do. It just needs a little push and the NFL goes off the cliff.

It is you that is frying up the foreskins, Schlomo.

Take a gander at this nigger

Also I just want to point out that University of Michigan football is much bigger than the Detroit Lions. And as bad as the Lions are, they sell out every game along with the wolverines and Michigan state Spartans. You just have too many sports teams.

LA is fucking turd world tier, it's probably even worse than that even. The one time I was unfortunate enough to go to LA there were homeless spics everywhere, you had to be served food behind bullet proof glass, and there wasn't a single white person around. Why the fuck are you even defending that shithole and apetackle anyway? Anyone white who watches this shit is a fucking turbo cuckold who should be gassed on sight.

id checked

oh yes and mix them with a bunch of suburbanite middle to upper class people

this can not fail

white girls celebrating having fat asses and mimicking the she-boon dance of promiscuity is good, goy


Tumblr weighs in. Strangely enough they seem to advocate doing exactly what those dang Internet Nazis are doing with Ad Nauseam.

You have to be baiting

Big companies run metrics to see how well their ad buys are working. Only small companies would get rooked by this.

Fucking retard. Also, they're so fucking inconsistent and retarded they're willing to give millionaires and billionaires more shekels just to get back at "right wingers" because some grossly overpaid ungrateful apes are protesting … something.

Oh I hope they try to pander to the new liberal demographic who up 'till this week hasn't ever watched sports!

The funny thing about this is just a few days ago Shaun King and his band of gullible niggers were calling for a boycott of the NFL because no team picked up Kaepernick. Then two days ago they started being pro-NFL once they found out that more players would protest

Ballet is art (I highly encourage some anons to buy tickets and go alone or with a friend/gf to enjoy the music and dance), nigger bouncing is nigger bouncing.

You guys are paper thin with this shit, get a grip.

Ha ha. They should get into something that isn't completely estrogenic. Watching professional sports does not help at all in that regard. Actually playing the games might. Knowing how to work on things (especially cars) definitely helps. But women can totally smell the estrogen and light beer on professional sports fans.
I'm not trying to troll. Just saying.
Sage for offtopic.

While we are on the subject of normie breads and circuses, the racemixing propaganda show The Walking Dead is down 20% in ratings in the season finale. I guess people seeing the handsome southern sheriff fucking a gorilla kinda upsets people. Along with another character fucking a nigger and the sweet southern belle having a gook baby turned some stomachs.
All good things.

Here's the top comments from the (((WSJ)))'s writeup. The normies are pissed.

Maybe they should just start showing reruns of the fake animal documentaries that used to predominate evening television.

People are still watching that boring trash?

I remember when television used to sign off after Carson and they'd play the national anthem and this would play all night long.


Not in the same numbers they used to, thank god.
I'm anxious to see how bad the ratings drop after the premiere. A tribe of lesbians is going to end up saving everyone in the first episode and the ratings will continue to plummet.

I'm old enough to remember this one too, hits me in the feels. Now they just switch over to paid programming. I've been TV free for over a decade, but I do watch the shit out of it when I am in a hotel for business or while on vacation. It's worse than I could have imagined now.

Is that circa mid-80s? I remember that one too, vaguely.

The Indian-Head test pattern fell out of use starting in the late 70s but if you lived in bumfuck nowhere it was possible to see it well into the 80s. Lots more small local TV stations existed in those days.

PBS used to have Stargazer come on for a few mins then sign off all night with this pattern. Feels

Honestly. I haven't understood it from the start. What a shitty form of protest. The left ha become so absurd and comical it's hard to believe these events are actually happening in reality. Just look at the long-neck antifa dox thread - he turns out to be a sexual submission fetishist.

I'm pretty sure the whole Trump presidency was arranged by the unseen metaphysical currents that underlie this reality as a way of forcing people to deal with their psychological issues. A large portion of the population of the western world has been saddled with daddy issues, hatred of masculinity, an unnaturally extreme fear of social mechanisms of rebuke (i.e. political correctness), absolute reverence to any authority structures or figures, no matter how full of shit they are, as long as they're willing to wear the mask of polite, educated, modernity (academia, the media, etc… this is why Trump simply being loud and rude upsets them so much more than the ten billion more atrocious and more important things happening every second of every day. They've internalized the idea that projecting the image of a smarmy urbanite is literally the most important thing i the world and anyone who doesn't do it is worthless. A brash, rude, person being in a position of official authority sets off a perfect storm of cognitive dissonance for them.), etc., as a result of Cultural Marxism and whatever else, and Trump was put in place as the ultimate trigger for these issues.

For the kind of folks who end up on Holla Forums I think the purpose of the Turmp placement was to break down savior psychology. Upon realizing the scale of the darkness in this world it becomes very appealing to wish for a savior who will just wipe it all away. Many on Holla Forums are weak to that way of thinking. The anti-climactic Trump presidency, coupled, paradoxically, with the revelation of the truth of there being deeper metaphysical layers to our reality (as proven by meme magic) during the election, will hopefully wake a lot of anons up to the fact that there's no savior coming but there are ways forward for those with the eyes to see.

I believe this mass triggering has been set into motion because some time soon the fundamental rules of our reality are going to undergo a substantial change and the determining factor in whether or not one will be prepared, or even capable of fathoming or surviving the coming era, will be the extent to which one has dealt with his personal issues and weaknesses as a being.

Fun fact, people were getting T R I G G E R E D by the name of the show and now it's called Star Gazers, and instead of based Jack it has some kike and a black guy.

I used to watch PBS during the day for Sesame Street and Mr. Dressup and Mr. Rogers. I feel slighted that I never watched this.

When both sides boycot the same thing, lol


New Murdoch Murdoch Video about the National Anthem is very appropriate here. Got me holding back tears by the end:

Those are big tasty pickles…..right?

I stand for the flag in memory of a dying culture - when whites knew niggers were stupid fucks, when they knew people weren't equal, when they wanted a white nation. You post an NSDAP flag for the same reason, not on the strength of what it is now - a symbol of a failed vision of Germany - but for the potential it had. Why have two standards? Make the impostors be the ones to shit on the flag, don't join them. The added benefit of this is there will be no confusion as to whom needs to be removed.

The tastiest. These pickles are fermented in a brine of pure coldpressed wildcrafted liberal tears. Every picklememe spread steers a ticket purchase away from a NatFagLeague game.

You fucked up, user. You choose free beer over ridiculing anti-white niggers. That's the kind of shit a kike would do; in fact free anything is what niggers and kikes show up most for.

Black males between the ages of 13-40 commit over half the murders in the country while being only 3% of the population. (3% percent because that doesn't count negroids without penises or ones too young or old to murder people.)

Then this same demographic of negroids, who are disproportionately awarded media access positions across the country by (((media moguls))) use their unearned positions to bitch about white men(which is what they are doing)

Don't kid yourselves, every second of (((media))) now is dedicated to castrating white males. (((They))) know they do not have to present anything even slightly resembling truth. All they do is create memes then beat them to death. They know the morons will never sniff them out.

It is our job to expose them with facts. Then wrestle the mics from their filthy hands.


Underrated post. I miss the esoteric content that used to show up rather frequently on Holla Forums.

1) This video was from almost a year ago.
2) He actually took K-nigger's side

Doesn't anyone watch this stupid shit?

Tell them it's the same thing as videogames.
Videogames are the new-age sports.
Boycott them all.

Passive: Receiving or subjected to an action without responding or initiating an action in return

Video games are typically interactive. Yeah, you may not be doing much in the way of physical activity other than working with your hands, but handegg/niggerball is about as passive as one can get. You don't even have to think. At least with vidya you exercise your mind and reflexes.

The world is passing you by, and you sit there and play fantasy in front of the computer?
Get a life, do something, take risks.
Fuck, are you a delusional faggot.

Or maybe you're working the gloryhole while you're typing this stupid shit? At any rate, I don't play vidya that much at all. I have written games though and would like to get to the point where I can write Holla Forums-friendly games to trigger normies with.

Fact: Virtually every high profile story (((CNN))) and others used to meme "White Man be killing black man for no reason" are cases where the negroid that got shot is a known violent offender in the act of another violent crime.

The tens of thousands of cold blooded murders of people by negroids since the "white cop racist" meme was started are ignored entirely by MSM. This is evidence that they are intentionally doing this.

They are brainwashing women and children. On a scale never before seen. This is why every time you go to the store there is some fat hog toting around 2 or 3 ugly mulatto children while the shit stain dad "be out fuckin some otha bitch"… and you are forced to pick up the bill.

Its disgusting.

we can meme this

This is good, it shows that either (((they))) have no long-range plans, or Trump stumped them so hard that they had to do an emergency course change.

Either way it counts as more winning.

The fact is there is virtually no end to the amount of people willing to play professional football. If you black ball people who use the league for political or personal vendettas, then you simply replace them knowing they cannot be hired by anyone else in the league. Football is dominated by certain people solely because they can sprint fast. If the fastest sprinters want to bitch because CNN tricked them into thinking a certain way, that's their problem, the next fastest sprinter will step in, and everything is still relative. Teams will stop drafting people that are likely to whine about whatever CNN and the (((others))) are meming, and we can watch a sport where we can actually relate to the players.

This is so fucking true it's sick. I notice it everytime I go to the grocery store. I'm not even kidding, I see so many white ladies with mulatto babies. It used to not bother me, but now I revolt. In my parent's neighborhood, in the suburbs. It is becoming niggerfied

Subhuman detected.

Do you drink apple cider vinegar and shill for taking high enough doses of niacin you get a "flush" while you're at it?

Stick your head in a metal box and shout as loud as you can. Smack that box with a hollow pipe.Give yourself a concussion and hearing damage. Your type and level of autism is useless.

Because you're a subhuman.

Interesting. Are there any statistics for soccer teams as well, specifically the European ones?

Well the players don't matter as much as the watchers, if SJWs take it over and of course won't give it back then it'll suffer like gaming for instance or movies. Watching sports will suffer the same fate because its gaining the same types of these people who know no home.


I can't' believe that's the first time I saw that post, even if its trolling its such great imagery.

This is Trumps way of redistributing wealth. Like a kickboxer he is working on the legs of the media. Less viewership mean less shekels for the jew. You know who built these expensive stadiums? Tax money. The entire public media that is controled by jews cia is the main goal. Believe it or not, Sessions hard nose tactics on the drug war is one way to get to the cia and defund them. Audits of the fed will reveal where the money is being funneled to the kikes. When no more shekels can be scammed, the jew will move on. The irony is Trump used the jews tools to fight them (social media). NFL is only a stepping stone. I predict a war on christmas is next.

When you see a useless whore like that, laugh, and say or do nothing else that could positively confirm why you laughed.

He is growing stronger

This is because humanity itself is the creation of the Jew.
In fact homosapiens are a test tube species that the Neanderthal Kikes invented to serve them when they first arrived to earth
The Neanderthal was fleeing from the reptilian and crashed onto Earth, thus leaving them trapped here.
Fortunately there were an entire legion of good goy test tube beings (their slaves) on their ship. When they crashed, they had to teach the Goy to serve because they hadn't been through the re-education camps yet.
So they had to teach them to obey.
Hence came religion.
The rest is history.
You are a test tube race, we all are, and we are meant to serve the Hebrew Neanderthal.

I appreciate your thoughtfulness, but I just wanted to say "it's early". To use a topical analogy, you're giving the Patriots' eulogy at halftime (for the non-aware, in Super Bowl 51, the Patriots were down 21-3 at halftime, and, against all odds and game dynamics, came back to tie, force overtime, then win). Your 2nd paragraph (i.e., a large portion of the Western world is forced to confront their issues, REEEEEEEE) is demonstrably true, yet your 3rd paragraph is speculative (i.e., Trump exists to break down savior psychology) without acknowledgement that it is. You jump directly to the conclusion on the latter ("there's no savior coming […]") but I'd like to remind you there are Tom Bradys out there and they may be gearing up for the 2nd half right now.

Excellent post and excellent prediction. Capped for future reference.

I hope they keep doubling down either way. Sure, the league can fire unpatriotic players and so on, but getting rid of the circus would be a bigger win.

Were you meaning to post this one user/ Same stuff, different point about voyeurism. Porn and Professional Sports watching are the same thing.

There is another take on professional sports: when done correctly, it can reinforce nationalism, and keep kids (the ultimate goys) engaged in direct competition with a diverse cross-section of life. Kids are fucking stupid, and for many, the pipe dream of becoming a professional athlete causes many to begin competitive sports. For many kids, competitive sports are the first redpill or perhaps the soil that future redpills will come to grow in. Having to actually guard Jerome, Jose, Christian, Arslan, Hans, Boris, etc, and score against them is a life lesson not soon forgotten.

When done in a healthy way, professional sports both provide masculine entertainment and encourage kids to compete themselves. When done in an unhealthy way, well, look at what we have today. Yet another pillar of our society is being attacked, big surprise.

Trump seems to be thinking the same thing. He's already ahead of the curve on that one though.


Look again user:

Will Trump turn out to be a legitimate savior? I don't know. He could. From what we've seen so far, my guess is no, but I don't know any better than you do. But the way I see things a legitimate savior for the kind of problems we actually face in this world would have to be more than simply a courageous or cunning leader - he would have to be nearly omnipotent and magical. I don't think that's Trump. I think the only way we will ever see that kind of savior is if we all work to discover how to become that way ourselves. And I think it's more of an esoteric than a political project.

Listening to Boston sports radio this morning. The normies are angry at the NFL and Patriots. Lots of talk of boycotting the Pats. Oh boy…This is gunna be fun.

Protocol 13

"SOON WE SHALL BEGIN THROUGH THE PRESS TO PROPOSE COMPETITIONS IN ART, IN SPORT IN ALL KINDS: these interests will finally distract their minds from questions in which we should find ourselves compelled to oppose them. Growing more and more unaccustomed to reflect and form any opinions of their own, people will begin to talk in the same tone as we because we alone shall be offering them new directions for thought . . . of course through such persons as will not be suspected of solidarity with us."

Target the sponsors.
Hurt the jew owners.
Shame normies for wearing nfl swag.
Mass twitter bomb the sponsors.


'That's what this flag is for': Pharrell gets down on BOTH knees as he hits out at Trump in front of thousands at Charlottesville unity concert, one month after violent white nationalist rally

Actor Jesse Williams says the NFL's pregame national anthem is a 'scam' convincing Americans to join the military and 'fly overseas and kill people'

classic based celebrity nigger

smart enough to know Trump is fake
dumb enough to pretend Charlotesville was real



who is that getting off air force one? context?

…and jews pretending they are 'nazis' call him a super-bad-based fashy goy secretly on ourside…


What the fuck, you couldn't figure out that there is a multitude of better things to do then be a retard drinking (((lite))) beer watching niggers run around with a ball?

I mean, who gives a shit if he has not fully repealed daca, if he has bombed syria, if he's buddy buddy with israel and saudi arabia and if he's not building the wall, as long as he throwing a jab at the NFL. so based amirite?


The rules are found on pages A62-63 of the league’s game operations manual:

==The National Anthem must be played prior to every NFL game, and all players must be on the sideline for the National Anthem.
During the National Anthem, players on the field and bench area should stand at attention, face the flag, hold helmets in their left hand, and refrain from talking. The home team should ensure that the American flag is in good condition. It should be pointed out to players and coaches that we continue to be judged by the public in this area of respect for the flag and our country. Failure to be on the field by the start of the National Anthem may result in discipline, such as fines, suspensions, and/or the forfeiture of draft choice(s) for violations of the above, including first offenses.==

On Sunday, almost a hundred players took a knee during the national anthem. The Pittsburgh Steelers, Chicago Beats, Seattle Seahawks, and Tennessee Titans all opted against even coming out on the field for the anthem.

But rather than warn these players and team they're violating league rules, Goodell is focusing his anger at President Trump, who said in a speech Friday that the NFL team owners should require their players to stand during the anthem.

“The way we reacted today, and this weekend, made me proud,” Goodell said. “I’m proud of our league.”

I hope they do it, the faster the bread and circus for normalfags is destroyed the better.

You fucked it up, it should have been something like "..and Jews call him /ourguy/"


But this is why I said earlier that this is the biggest move Trump has made since physically taking office - things like the NFL (specifically the NFL) are exactly why north Korean nukes, Chinese currency manipulation, African mineral theft, Jewish history revisionism, Jewish media hoaxing, Jewish central banking fraud, Jewish child murder, etc are not headlines. The only thing bigger he could have done would be shut down Facebook.

As it is, he is going for the next best thing - foece Facebook to allow us to say hateful shit but colored with the flag. The racial divide is obvious to anyone watching, but can remain unsaid. Normie fence sitters are forced to make the connection themselves while they watch, maybe the best method of redpilling. This is really a cornerstone pivot that will be foundational for later moves. Knowing idiotic mongrels, they won't stop at just one weekend, just one sport, so it will only intensify.

Reminds of that turned diaries idea, keep the pressure up but also heighten it frequently. Never let them relax, never let them adapt, constantly think of the new pain threshold and seek to pass it.

This is nothing but CivNat cuckoldry distracting you from what actually matters.

Niggers, playing niggerball for shekels from the Jew, refusing to show respect for the Holy Song of (((Patriotism))) - 'nationalism is bad goy!' - is not an issue of import, beyond the fact that its disgusting that so many of our people still watch this trash, that anyone actually pretends to give a shit about the Song of (((Patriotism))), and that the US president would try to earn back some cred with his racially-aware supporters by shilling some CivNat cuck bullshit at IQ80 niggerballers to distract from his myriad and unceasing blunders.

BOTN already got slav'ed. There's an American competitor to it that's better but easy to pozz. A Holla Forumsack has to own the HMB league lock stock or it will get pozzed, Jews would rather we have nothing than have something good, remember that lesson from vidya, Hollywood, music, sports….

God damn you redditor scum need to die.

Who do you think that is?
Also: It stuck in your head enough to motivate you to post. That said, my bad.

I can't imagine seeing some late forties early fifties fag saying "right in the feels" or "x the shit out of y" irl. But I guess we are bigger than we expect. Some museum piece in 4/k/ was talking about the years right after WWII and how Nazi gets were weird about talking war, blew our minds.


Doesn't the NFL have a tax exempt status or non profit?

NFL lost 13% of its revenue last year, and that was with only 1 player kneeling. Imagine what it's going to be now that half the league is kneeling. Another factor is that they are paying players WAY more than their value just to virtue signal. Colin Kaepernick made $20 million in one year, which is more than Brady makes. Keep in mind Kaepernick is one of the worst QBs to ever start a game. He was LITERALLY only hired because San Francisco needed a black QB. And because San Francisco is the virtue-signal capital of the world, they paid him 10x his value.

The kikes are virtue-signaling themselves out of their own wealth. We just need to keep boycotting and bootlegging. Never spend a dime of your money on (((entertainment))).

Now that's what the youths need!

Yes and Trump should revoke it.

Kikes always give themselves an out through contractual lingo.

For those who don't know:

Which comes out to like a month. Every night. For a month.

Now THAT is how you fucking sport. None of this niggerball bullshit where everyone has fucking 40 lbs. of padding on. Pussies.

I'm interested, please share

>We just need to keep boycotting and bootlegging. Never spend a dime of your money on (((entertainment))).
You need to go further than bootlegging. Never spend your TIME on (((entertainment))). If you have extra time on your hands you should be building and learning how to fabricate things, reading pre-poz books, getting a work out in, cleaning your guns and most importantly spending time with your family whilst NOT wasting away hours watching niggers throw a ball around.

While I agree that in theory its culture goes back centuries ago and that it promotes strength and character growth over being a whiny faggot:
1) It's full of neo-nazis. Not hard right folk, but literal kosher nationalists who just think fascism looks cool
2) Niggers are getting into it too, as you could see from the previous video
3) It requires way too many people to perform
But I'd like to see it practiced way more

They're also fucking up by trying to double-down and show "unity" out of the Hollywood playbook. But Hollywood has an international audience that likes or is indifferent toward their U.S. domestic politics.

NFL is different. They only have a U.S. domestic market. Nobody else in the world will ever give a shit about them. Furthermore it's not nearly as demographically broad as the audience for movies.

Im loving seeing the NFL sinking, because of niggers being niggers. Wait until these apes begin pulling this shit in college football. That is when the nigger feetsball obsession will truly meet its full end.

They will just stop using football as a jobs program for niggers. So expect more whites or Latinos.


Yeah, waking up the normalfags is not important at all. We'll just change everything with a hand full of anons, but only after we've blackpilled them to hell and back.

How I hate you retarded (((degenerates))).

Just remember this all isnt happening in a vacuum. There is a lot of social upheaval right now and that will also influence the decline of nigger feetsball

KYS you autistic kike

Not only are you a hypocrite, but you're a low-energy, videogame playing faggot, and in denial about how much of a pussy he is for doing so.
Videogames are far worse than sports.
And sports are BAD.

What is the endgame? Or is this the result of a self replicating meme?

Observation 1-These buck dancing negros and their organ grinders, for the most part, are alienating their core audience. That core is turning away and the organization looses money. Instead of money they get pats on the head from other virtue signalling libtards who until this past Sunday didn't watch any type of sport ball game. This knee meme is spreading slowly to other sports. There was a report of some idiot baseball spic and I just saw some gloating about a NASCAR cuck doing the same. No libtard on the planet has ever watched NASCAR and no libtard ever will.
Is this demoralization attempt? Are they trying to demoralize Trump's majority base by making their "heroes" and past times turn against them? I thought kikes loved money? Using sports to keep people docile is one of their greatest psychological weapons. Taking that away from them while tearing away the media bias mask even more violently than with the news will only solidify Trump's base.

Observation 2-This could just be a self replicating meme that low IQ, group think, niggers latch onto mindlessly. And is unintentionally spread because the hysterical anti-Trump types love to signal boost, virtue signal, and pat good goy on the heads, then leave them to rot when the next new shiny object is dangled before them.

Either way, I'm enjoying it. I hope the NFL goes bust and the rest of these sports organizations follow suit. Prosports is a cancer and I don't think it is needed to inspire people to be fit and active. Pro sports came about a long time after people were playing for fun. All it did was ruin those sports.

I had a nigger bum conman that always asks people for money, it's an emergency, his car broke down, ran out of gas along the highway, is blocking traffic, etc. come up to me today, he did it about two years ago also so I remember him. It's looks like he's been in jail and has put on about 90 lbs of solid muscle. The only upheaval I see day after day is whites are getting weaker, their numbers are getting smaller, their influence is declining. Everywhere I go most business, the customer base, is no longer white.

Make Christmas Merry Again.

Admit it user, you popped a chub when you saw that nigger, didn't you? You had to have, because you're obviously a gigantic cuck black pilled faggot!

Football is brutal and violent. The hard helmets and pads encourage players launching themselves like missiles into one another. Need to be almost criminally insane to play at a high level. The average shelf life for an NFL player is around 5 years before they retire due to a catastrophic injury. Many players have permanent brain damage and can't walk without pain after they retire. Let me guess, You've never played and are European?(don't want to D&C but I see this opinion about pads=softer game by euros that don't understand the game) Football is only "nigger ball" in college and pro's. Absolutely nothing wrong with white kids playing football for thier local youth and high school teams. The problem is big time college and professional sports ball being promoted so heavily by the kike media and the kikes running thier antiwhite agenda through the sports leagues/mass media that they control.

Honestly, I think the kikes are extremely desperate to resort to using their cash cows as demoralization tools in such a blatant way as they are right now with this kneeling meme. One thing you can always bank one when it comes to kikes is the over flowing amounts of hubris in their rotten hearts.

I'm not the only one angry Jew.
I think this board is run by Jews for Jews by the (((US government))) so I'll refrain from voicing my true thoughts.

NFL is full of niggers and Trump is practically a kike.

Don't worry, that demoralized cuckold will be banned soon and all his posts deleted.

So you're against normalfags boycotting the NFL?


What a champ

How were the star trek ratings?
I predict it's going to die going to paid subscription.

Your dubs make me smile.

prob bad, ST sucks now, not like it was every amazing but TNG was pretty good

Could this taking a knee meme be the proverbial straw that breaks the camels back for the virtue signalling meme? From everywhere I see people being pissed off at the niggers. Only the cuckity of cucks are buying into it, normalfags are not.

Star Trek: Diversity

A well-run fraternity void of degeneracy (rare in these turbulent times) will at least have a strict list of invitees to their social gatherings. The larger organizational heads realized that A. many accusations are unfounded, yet still serve to taint the reputations of fraternities B. many transgressions end up being committed by anonymous persons at huge parties with no lists. Any worthless GDI off the street can wander into a huge party, even if they aren't a student

I saw a great idea on twitter: transgender cheerleaders. We need to push for this, it will totally fuck the NFL.

A most delicious development…

‘Goodbye Pittsburgh Steelers, Burn In Hell’: Angry Fans Burn Gear Over National Anthem Protest
Pittsburgh Steelers fans are taking to social media to show how upset they are that the team stayed inside during the national anthem.
Fans have posted numerous videos on social media of themselves burning their Steelers gear.
“I’m a lifelong Steelers fan, not anymore. Not a fan of you, the NFL, any of it,” says Jim Heaney on YouTube.

‘Sunday Night Football’ Ratings Down Again On Day Of Player Protests
In metered market numbers, the primetime matchup that saw the Washington Redskins beat the Oakland Raiders 27-10 snared an 11.6/20, the worst SNF has performed this season so far. It’s an 8% dip from the early numbers of last week’s game, Atlanta’s 34-23 win over Green Bay. Amid cheers and boos from fans at FedEx Field in Maryland last night, the third week of the SNF season declined 10% from early numbers of the comparable game of last year on September 25, 2016.

Sales Of Alejandro Villanueva Jerseys Skyrocket After Being Only Steeler To Stand For National Anthem
Alejandro Villanueva jersey sales are skyrocketing after he was the lone member of the Pittsburgh Steelers to stand for the national anthem before Sunday’s game against the Chicago Bears.
On Villanueva’s jersey is now the top selling Steelers jersey, and one of the top selling jerseys in the entire NFL.
The rest of the Steelers remained in the locker room and tunnel behind Villanueva during the national anthem.

Isn't that the new Star Trek with the main character as a black female vulcan with emotion, and who isn't even a captain?

Wonderful. I hope this is cancelled before even completing season.

I can't believe cucks still aren't giving this shit up and falling for the oldest kike trick of playing both sides.

It could. We've spent many years trying to convince normies that niggers are "not like us", and now the niggers are doing part of the work for us in removing themselves from the mainstream.

What is particuarly good is that sports are the primary link keeping even white boomers from gassing the niggers. When they cannot resort to "But muh football team", there won't be much resistance to what must inevitably come.


Trump is spending his $1 award in the NFL anti-trust case wisely.

Nike Backs NFL Players' Right to Protest in U.S. Anthem

Nike Inc. waded into the debate over NFL players not standing during the National Anthem, saying it backs their right to do so.

“Nike supports athletes and their right to freedom of expression on issues that are of great importance to our society,” Nike said in a statement.

This sis the problem with globalism over nationalism, to cater to it's worldwide base of anti-american consumers NIKE shits on the very country which gave it success. I l respect how China shuts this down, the stories about Chinese state security agents kidnapping CEO's and executives to remind them where their bread is buttered, and by whom.

Im-fucking-plying football has been pussy shit for a while now where none of the players do fucking anything for fear of getting hurt.

Hate TV & I'm bored, gonna milk this out for the rest of the season

Trying to reboot an old # on Twatter , #nflPUNKS PUNKS is a good pejorative I beleive that gets to the root of our fake oppressed , peer pressured million dollar ball players that they'll understand and hate

I used to like watching sports for live entertainment on TV where people had to do shit, race was a sideshow, but now it's like WTF Fuck them PUNKS

Anyhow I'm usually the final nail in the coffin for dying threads
Kek wills it

Rush Limbaugh's audience is on board with the boycott. NFL is brutally fucked in the ass hard now. It's official.

When boomer conservatives stop watching, they're going to be fucked. Glad Rush is doing something useful after decades of sitting on the sidelines shilling neo-con talking points.


Boomer ditto-heads are fucking pissed. This was a huge
and important demographic for the NFL…Gone now.

Not really. If these niggers were protesting the flag because the government wasn't playing zionist world police enough, Rush would be fellating their nigger dicks all day every day.

Half is starting a new campaign - Operation Boom Stick

That's true. But I'm still enjoying the moment in the sun when boomers actually take our side on an issue for once. We can gas them later. For now, they're doing our dirty work and helping to drain the kikes of some shekels.
After sportsball is in the grave, we can go back to spitting in their faces and cursing them for letting things get this bad.

The question is what do we replace nigger sports with? Obviously we read and do productive things and don't need the crutch of nigger sports to get through life. But we can and should make the transition easier for the retards that are hopelessly addicted to ESPN shit.
Cricket? Do we bring back professional bowling? Televised shooting competitions? These people long to watch competition while guzzling the liquid jew. We should help get them ease into watching non-kiked sports. But how and which sports?

Firstly, we don't simply decide to replace it, do we?
Secondly, our objective is and always has been chaos, why in the hell would we waste our efforts on rebuilding for the normies?

Focus on the goals in front of you one at a time.

No thanks, Pajeet.

Why not make the fire rise?

Drudge headline for this article stated:
(this doesn't include the other antics during the anthem)
Someone needs to crank out an infographic with these numbers

If the worst happens, the organization will just move to a different countries, occasionally professional teams play in foreign areas.

meant for

I've actually never seen a cricket game, but on the surface, it doesn't look that kiked. I always thought it was an English game? But then again, Pajeet is pretty much British these days.
Billiards, anyone? Only whites can afford their own tables.
I do believe we should assist normalfags in their efforts to undermine the kikes here. We should be doing it every chance we get. Soothe their withdrawal symptoms and make it easier for them to boycott the cylindrical jew.

Update: Some angry NFL fans have chosen a different way to express their dissatisfaction with the league and some of its players. As Yahoo reports, Steelers' offensive-lineman Alejandro Villanueva's jersey becomes an overnight best-seller after he stands for anthem.




No, GODDAMNIT. Don't buy the one players' jersey that stands up. Quit watching it altogether, you hopeless retards! They're still giving every team and every player money no matter whose jersey they buy. That's how the NFL profit sharing works. If you want to make any difference, you have to stop consuming it altogether.


Yeah as a novelty. Good luck supporting 32 franchises in Chinkland.

They are going to stop watching and buying. Those fans probaly weren't sophisticated enough to know about revenue sharing. That's why activists have to go out and spread that kind of info online and in real life.

I don't care at all about NFL. But if you want to hurt them, and even drop some redpills about niggers:

create one image with the rooster of the thugs from NFL, like that pic with jews from CNN

Put the niggers' face one, why he was jailed/arrested and his salary.

I give them some credit. At least they are making a statement. But that statement is this…
But the normalfags have no idea what they're dealing with. This is the boomer's gamergate and they don't know it yet. Imagine if this does to boomers what gamergate did to so many Holla Forumsacks. It would be game ogre for the kikes.
How many people started this journey with
Imagine that happening with the population density of sportsball fans… Would be amazing.

NFL popular is Brazil and Mexico hell you could buy NFL season tickets in Britain and Germany.

Yeah. Also there's the multiple millions of good goy gen-x/millennial fantasy football cucks that might get redpilled.

Still not enough money.

show them exactly how much the league and teams hate America
(not including reserve/injury squad or practice squad because I don't know if they were on the field for the anthem)

Travel wouldn't work out. The Jew owners are itching to get a team in a "new international market" but they haven't been able to work out a way for it to be fair for the international teams that have to travel…and getting groids to move/sign with that foreign team would be hard. The (((leaugue office))) sits around and mull these things over all day. Haven't come up with a solution yet.

And I'd add that are a fuckton of free lectures on every science/history subject one can think of from jewtube and elsewhere. Download it and put it on your device of choice for playback while exercising or working/doing chores/maintenance at your home. As with almost all academia some of it can be infected with pozz so it takes some effort to find good stuff.

That too.

Von Miller Ads Being Pulled After Anthem Protest
who the hell is he??? Who cares

Broncos linebacker Von Miller may be out an endorsement deal as a result of kneeling during the national anthem.

Before the team’s game with the Buffalo Bills Sunday, Miller was one of 32 members of the Broncos who took a knee to protest what they see as racial injustice in the country.

was thinking about something like this:

Niggerballer Allegedly Spit On White Fan

(((they ))) might be trying to devalue the league in order to make it easier to sell in foreign TV markets; normally it's priced above those markets.
Supposedly, this is what Murdoch's faggot sons are doing with the Fox News pivot to the left (parallel to the goal of just pushing the shitlib narrative)


As a former ballcuck, the sportscasters and writers have already engineered the normalfag fan's mind to ignore that these guys routinely get arrested, even for murder. The normalfag nigger worshipping sports fan is well aware that he's watching literal nigger criminals and he doesn't even think twice about it. This brainwashing has gradually taken place over the last twenty years and is nearly complete.

What did this nigger mean by this?

I believe you mean convictball.
niggerball is basketball.

The words "nigger" and "convict" are completely interchangeable in every context.

I hope this bump physically hurts you.


When was the last time an American soldier actually died for freedom? The American revolutionary war?
No modern war has been fought for freedom, they all were money schemes orchestrated by Jewish oligarchs. The American people should fight tooth and nail to get their soldiers home from involvement in dirty wars. Those sand niggers can defend their own poppies.

It all starts in the modern era with this guy. He mentions earlier german efforts that he found similar to his independently, and ancient Greek efforts as well. Read as much as you can.

His protege Ellington Darden went a long way towards codifying the language and making Arthur Jones more accessible. Decent forum as well but his back catalog is better. However, he has been surpassed by another Jones protege with an order of magnitude more autism…

Dr. Ken Hutchinson's gang at Renex have refined the HIT protocol to an art. Best exercise possible IMO. For-pay forum and diet advice I would not follow (I would go with the work of Dr. William Davis, his blog-forum is free) but they will exercise you good. I'll write up more on this later but don't know if I will out it here. Self-improvement usually brings me bans. I will post as the zombie when I do write stuff.

You were the faggot in school bullying the smart nerds for knowing shit and doing well while you failed three grades, screeching in anger over the fact that you're at best a custodian while that nerd is making 6 digits a year helping us get closer to the fourth reich and space colonies of the future.

Leave it to some faggot whose only claim to fame is pretending to be someone else to have a subhuman IQ.

Thanks user, we had a nice kike-free thread and that's just too bad. Things were going too nicely. Good thing you're here to screech about MUH EMPTY AIRFIELD and other disinfo. Reported and deported.

And here's another kike shill. You shekelgrubbers must not be allowed to work on sunday or something.

Virtue signaling.

Go back to sucking dicks, Mordecai.

Star Cuck was always space communism.

Of course they are.

I'll throw a contender into the mix: gambling/nightclubs. When young people turn away from sports the excess energy tends to go into formulaic nightlife activities that take garbage and jack the price 8-20x. Trump saying to stop falling for that could make the nightlife industry go anti-america as a kneejerk reaction. So much could be tied up in it: get away from bad music, get away from drugs, be more responsible with money, treat women better / they treat themselves better. Something like his no alcohol pledge but more toned down and followable by large numbers.


the 50's the 60's the 70's the 80's were great, albeit troubled even then though due to Jew influences. However now, what was once 24% or 36% or 48% has morphed into 97% zionist control.

It wasn't about dying for freedom as much as it was people did actually enjoy it. In the 1970's you could tell a cop to get off your yard, in the 1960's a cop knew enough not to even be in your yard. That all changed with Reagan and then Bush, now cops can creep around your property at night and peep in your windows because whites said that was ok to do because they'd only do it to spics or niggers.

Now people are afraid they don't have permission to do anything. That is why everyone is angry


Basketball is apehoop

Eggball got SHITTED

Whiskey straight is the only answer for what do you drink. Glenlivet is for occasions, Crown is for weekends.

When does normie ball start?

Of course, niggers are their most loyal customer base. Only stupid niggers line up at midnight to pay $500 for sneakers that cost $12 to make in China.

us 3k or so anons are going to rule the planet together one day aren't we

So besides bitching on twitter, have trump supporters actually done anything?
Were there any notable walk outs or major rating drops yesterday?

Always starts the first week of September and ends the last Sunday of the year but finals go until the first week of February.




So whens the part where they're suppose to not stand for the anthem?




Brilliant! Yes, that is exactly what this is, or at least what it has the potential to become. We must make it happen.

It's always funny to me how the left seems to do PR against themselves perfectly.

I like the hash #onlyslaveskneel

the show is already getting shitted on, these aren't 1 star review bombings either.

Black science man has a pop culture reference

Are you retarded? This is a gift. boomers are actually facing having their culture fucked with by the left.

Sadly this is the only thing that gets boomer cucks upset about the left.

They treat hollywood like a religion.

It is mind boggling watching grown White men run their mouths non-stop about stupid, violent niggerball players. The NFL is bad enough. These dumb fucks also follow College and High School football too.

I've got some older relatives I help out from time to time so I'm forced to see some of the ESPN cancer. It's hard to believe people pay hard cash to watch niggers shuck and jive and then spend hours watching an analysis of the minstrel act.

The half spic (or w/e he is) walked back his actions just a bit ago, saying he was "embarassed" and so forth and he "shouldnt have thrown his teammates under the bus," and that he has no problem with them kneeling because "hur its not disrespectful."

I suspect this was not ENTIRELY setup, they didnt exactly put him up to doing this, but I suspect they saw a chance to really capitalize on this and acted quickly, probably went something like this

End result:

Basically, they played this situation perfectly with this .. whatever race that guy is. They let people rally around him, and then turned him and had him say things that would disarm everyone who supported him. Now they're stuck in a situation where if they supported him, and "agreed with him" because of his actions, they now have to deal with the uncomfortable situation of coming up with an explanation as to why he was right then, but wrong now about his assessment of what the groid players are doing.

I'll give them this, they probably didnt set the situation up, but damn they capitalized on it fast. I don't think, long term, its going to help them. But in the short term I think itll suck a lot of support from the "fuck the NFL" side of things, especially when it comes to people hating it for patriotic reasons and not because its a groid infested waste of time and money.

Ratings came out today, new season low.
I think it was 7-8% down.
Outlook to drop further as people lose interest entirely.

This is an important crack in conscience and should not be wasted.

I'm drawing up an abstract right now.

So what you're saying, my fine hebrew friend, is that niggerball is a a jewish bread and circus and we shouldn't cause problems for it.

How about you go gas yourself?

Please tell me you did not just notice this now. There is a reason celebrities are called false gods.

But where we live, in the real world, it is disrespectful.

And that is the bear that is poked.

I have never seen that posted by a non-shill or anyone that had anything to say but DNC. I seriously think it's a coded image to break anons out of no fap.

This. We don't want to "win" this particular battle. Winning a symbolic point in the retarded circuses that the system gives normalfags as a substitute for true community, patriotism, and nationalism would be pointless. We want this to go on as long as possible and get as ridiculous as possible to 1) drive normalfags and boomers away from from their pro-sports worship and 2) show at least some of them that the system despises them and wants them wiped from the face of the Earth.

Did you play football and get knocked in the head a few dozen times? Is that why you don't get this?


Kikeball can't die fast enough. Watching people throw a fucking ball for over an hour is the most fucking autistic shit possible.




The current wave of sports player protests in reaction to to Trump is counter-intuitively one of the best
gifts the media has ever given to right-wing politics. Instead of some libertine tramp and a bunch of nerdy
gamers. This time we have the POTUS and Major league sports teams. However our job is not to destroy the NFL
it is to politically activate the boomers - as a side effect of going after major league sports. GG for its
shortcomings actually serverd to create a lot of us. This is the goal.This is not necessarily in support of
what Trump is doing, but ancillary to it.


Boomers - Babyboomers white late forties to early 60s sports fans. Quietly voted Trump, due to naturally
becoming conservative as they grow old, however until right now, they were somewhat safe from the
left's intrusions into and attacks upon culture. They've quitely sat through sitcom after braindead sitcom
slowly injected with absurd left philiosophy such as transgender politics and the innate white evil
as the subtext to those show's narratives. Like a slowly boiling frog.They don't want to think about politics
during the game. Our job is to turn the heat up and make them jump out of the pot.


-American Made Vehicles
-Suburban consumption


-Disposable Income
-Living Memories of how society used to be
-Kids with student loans being brainwashed by leftist professors
-Untapped influence in politics


Due to our internet presence and boomers being relatively disconnected from the internet, we will have to employ
a different strategem. We will be running both offence and defense on this one. We want to reach them through
old media, but do not have the resources so we will manufacture controversy online to get it relayed to them.
We will have to do a lot of this through facebook (as it is the only social media that boomers actually use).

Part 1 Create the controversy

Organize a boycott - and organize the COUNTER boycott. This boycott will be more bark than bite, but basically
we should get a list of NFL sponsors (Monday Night Football or what have you) and make memes that tell the boomers
to tell these sponsors their thoughts about what goes on during the national anthem. The second part of this is we
find sponsors and create memes to defend them in lame boomer ways. "I'm not going to boycott X because it's Made in the
USA.This serves only to *publicize* the story, not to actually hurt these companies. The companies predicatable
(over)reaction will serve our ends.

goal: start a boycott and get old media to report on it.

Part 2 Intensify the situation

We need anyone with liberal blogs or twitter alts to aggresively call out athletes for not participating in the protests.
A good place to start is that the Dallas Cuckbois kneeled but didn't do so during the anthem because they don't take
the protests seriously/support white supremacy etc.We also need you to attack boomers. We want to make it seem as if they view
being a white sports fan or boomer as bad as being a KKK member.#EndBoomers try and resist the urge to go after them for being
white, go after them for being a certain age and therefore "ignorant". (They already know they are hated for being white and
are able to live with it, but what happens if we add something else to the list?)

goal: Make boomers feel not only intruded upon but threatened by the left.
goal: Expand these protests into as many sports as possible
goal: Have an athelete come out and say they feel coerced to participate in these protests
pipedream: Have Tiger woods take a knee during the PGA tour. Do you have any idea how much this shit happening in golf would
piss them off?

Part 3 Edify

Anons have already been doing this. Create black propaganda memes and hashtags to polarize both sides of the argument.
#OnlySlavesKneel #TakeAKneeOrLickABoot . Try to appear to genuinely argue that they should take a knee for Michael \
Brown. Ask Players to wear his number etc. We need to crank left-lunacy to cartoonish levels, and at the same time
give boomers the impression their peers are actually interested in whats going on.

Always remember:

Do your part. Talk to boomers. "ironically" share these memes. And RedPill RedPill RedPill

Nice post. We are already fighting the war on the metaphysical level. No one is going to save you. Everyone on here should be trying to become literally Hitler - as close as you can, or beyond.

When our will manifests in the physical realm the kikes and everything they represent will be swept off the face of the Earth.

Hopefully this niggerball paradigm shift has the same effect as goyimgate.


I still can't believe he won. It's almost surreal.

Why the fuck is no one bringing up the immigrant kangz kneeler-supporter who shot up the church?!

Not even 24 hours and (((they))) already buried this story.

yeah… no… obviously this is an attempt at crashing football with no survivors so they can file a new flight plan to bring in soccer as the new "global sport" and promote twinkish gayniggers as the new national heroes.

Wow Bill got really cucked. Used to not be that way. Jesus christ bill.

real football never has worked in USA. Americans do not want to watch something constantly for action. They want to have beers, eat food food, talk with friends, and then pay attention for a few seconds and hope something interesting happens in the game.

then the elites will import/create new americans who consume/behave/vote in ways that are helpful to the elite. At this point, the globalist, cosmpolitan elite gain nothing from allowing the "legacy" americans their bread & circuses the way they remember them. Might as well make them angry and uncomfortable to demoralize them or drive them civil disobedience and tax evasion so they can be prosecuted and ground-down into dust.


"Taking a knee" is supposed to show respect to vets! Also they're standing again, sorry vets!

Their conning plan backfired so they're going to try hedging their bets. Heh, losers. Take a knee or don't, you're going to either piss of Obama and his holdovers, or Trump and the USA.

Nigger spit on a fan

The nigging and kanging increases exponentially with every week, these fucking blacks have lost their God damn minds. A guy paid big money for a seat close to the field and a fucking nigger spit on him.

Bet he won't be doing that again. What an insane year this is.

They made their grave.

Race traitor

Why don't we just for once, unite with all other races against niggers? Nobody likes em especially the Latinos.

Because Jews, and because they know they're next


If I was an American soldier/cop, I couldn't wait to kill all these kneelers in the next civil war


We started the fire?



Won't work, as Trump correctly understands the visual aspect is already deeply ingrained. If they try saying
even for cucked-out boomers, EVEN for them this will be too much, they'll balk. This is not calculated and controlled cognitive dissonance, this is wild and stupid flailing. The smarter media kikes instinctively understand how bad this looks but have no idea how to run damage control.

This entire situation is hilarious to watch, Trump deliberately backed them into a corner and forced them to take the bait. It wasn't just
it was

He wanted them to feel attacked, and he wanted to force them into a place where they'd have to try and 'protest' him. He further kept driving home that his order was for them to not kneel, to ensure they didn't do something smart like having everyone stand for the anthem but simultaneously sign a group letter condemning him for trying to break apart the league. Instead, he made sure to railroad their thinking into being that the way to defy Trump here was to kneel, and they all fell for it beautifully. What Trump did was almost cruel, like picking on the disabled kid. They had no defense against it and now the boomers are having their Gamergate. It really is beautiful.

Anyone see Colinigger in that muhammad the pedo goatfucker Ali tshirt? The irony of it all was that muhammad the pedo goatfucker Ali hated racemixing TOPKEK


This is pretty good, Rush is correctly assessing how people are feeling about this, especially where he talks about how the magic is breaking and has broken for many people already.

Can you really blame it when the biggest e-sports come out of San Fran?

I mean Riot Games is basically SJW games. If you ever wonder why you see the term toxic used so much for social behaviourisms rather than toxic substances, well it's due to Riot Games. Riot Games has made its mission to bann anyone from the game who might say something impolite to another player, because being impolite would mean you're toxic! Who could figure that getting grouped with 4 random people in a team based competitive environment would lead to people insulting one another….

I don't know much about other e-sports. Shooters will always be around and never really grow too big as esport. War 3 and Starcraft broodwar where the original esport titles and they were both great games. Modern day Blizzard makes only garbage games that they sell for maximum prices (most expensive games out there).

I don't know much besides mobas being really big as esports. I don't find mobas true sports as the game changes every patch. League and Dota get played in totally different way over years depending on what the devs do to the game.

Trump is just wreaking havoc at this point.
To believe we elected such a force into White House.
I love it

The part about riot is 100% on point, but Starcraft is only really a thing in asian countries and if you look at games published by activision blizz isnt that greedy.


Meanwhile man-ball (aka Rugby) is coming to the US:

they need NRL. Cronulla the White Power team.

I played both. Football collisions and physicality is by far more brutal. Stop the derailing
with "muh yuropoor sports are betta" posts.

Also, if rugby got popular, the negro would excel in that kind of sprinting sport.

It's like you can't admit why the match was ended early.
Video related: man who actually knows something about boxing and predicted how the fight would go AND that the ref would end it early:


Shit, no kidding. That's the expression of a condemned man. The extremely jewish bank logo next to the team logo in the background really drives the point home.

I tried to make an MP4 of the Villanueva apology (forced confession), but for some reason 4 minutes of 640x360 video is 18 megabytes. It's worth a watch for a glimpse into their world. This is how real life would look if Trump hadn't won.
What did they think was going to happen? Did they really think average guy would see this knee shit and go, "Yeah! Fuck America because football guys say so!"

Not so much, they dont seem to do well when you're constantly running and tackling, they're better at short bursts.

Straight shooters: Entire Cowboys team - including owner Jerry Jones - takes a knee PRIOR to the National Anthem to boos before standing and linking their arms during Star Spangled Banner

I think, at this point, a lot of people don't even know the origins of this knee shit. Anyone got some redpills that this was originally a protest against America as a whole for the shooting of a few dindus?

My sister called me up and said she's done with the NFL. Tom Landry must be rolling in his grave.

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee Kneels On House Floor In Support Of NFL Players

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) took to the House floor Monday night to kneel in solidarity with NFL players who chose defy President Trump and protest police brutality. Jackson Lee said you "cannot deny" that Trump calling players who kneel a 'son of a bitch' is "racism."

Found a quote from last year. This guy specifically says he's not going to stand for America. So, show this to anyone who says this kneeling shit isn't disrespectful.


Kek, don't forget to request male cheer leaders for the NFL on Twitter.


This. I believe most redpills start as a vague awareness of inward discomfort, that something you can't quite put your finger on is wrong, and then it gradually builds from there if you're honest enough with yourself to step out of your comfort zone.

This plainly is a racial issue, not a patriotism issue. Everybody knows it even though Trump himself won't dare cast it that way.

This could be the single greatest moment you may ever have Holla Forums to redpill your normie friends to the nigger issue.

Chicago police officers to be reprimanded after kneeling in Instagram post

A Chicago activist who apparently asked two "men of color" to kneel with her on social media may have inadvertently earned the police officers reprimands, officials said Monday.

Aleta Clark, who goes by the name "englewoodbarbie," on Instagram wrote on Sunday: "That Moment when you walk into the police station and ask the Men of Color are they Against Police Brutality and Racism & they say Yes… then you ask them if they support Colin Kapernick… and they also say yes… then you ask them to Kneel.!"

One day I hope to be strolling past the city park so I can yell this at the MFL's premier winless team the Dallas Ranch-Hands

kneegrow: a Black who compulsively kneels at inappropriate times

The outspoken president takes on NFL kneelers!
such importance
crucial issue
very momentous


It seems like everyone, even the people you're protesting against, agree with you. So what is so wrong with this country that you'd disrespect it so much? What are you even protesting? These people just hate America, and reasons don't matter. They know damn well there's no issue with the police.

Enjoy your stained teeth, brain damage, and liver damage, bean drinker.

Hehe, this, all of this.

But they were throwing everything in the trash long before this, the movie reboot was the line of the new reality.

Football used to be gruesomely violent. Like battlefield conditions tier.

They'd never survive in 1903's football, they'd all be dead.

Coffee actually is beneficial to the liver when drank in moderation, faggot.



coffee is supposed to help fight off degenerative brain diseases, my own great grandparents made it to 70's/80's with their marbles completely intact and both were daily coffee drinkers

If that came to pass, GTK,RWN would be a song sung by the many, and an actual holocaust would happen.

Oh gee wizz the alchies used in this experiment broke their routine of drinking in the morning to have two cups of coffee, choosing the lesser poison is still not the right choice here.

And the article is wholly unaware of which chemical is to thank, it's likely that the alcoholics just drank less booze during the course of the experiment.

Of course addicts will advocate for a beverage that raises hypertension and gives migraines.

Increased risk of heart attacks among young adults. A study conducted by Dr. Lucio Mos found that young adults who were diagnosed with mild hypertension had 4 times the risk of having a heart attack if they consumed the amount of caffeine equivalent to 4 cups of coffee. More moderate consumption showed 3 times the risk.

You're stressing your system for a liquid drug which you will abuse for decades.

A single reference to support you claim written by the literal faggot Ted (((Kallmyer))) that only exists to sell his book.
Why didnt you just link his Huffpost article instead you worthless kike ?


Absolutely spot on, Brother user. The true spiritual currencies are not the fiat paper that they print, but your time and attention. You SPEND time, and you PAY attention, but what will you sort of return will you get if you invest your precious time and attention in watching (((NiggerBall))) or their other (((entertainment))), I ask you?


Fuck off leftypol

Merchants never change.

artfags please do Pittsburgh Kneelers vs. Oakland Traitors. thanks

Why haven't you killed yourself yet?

Does she seriously think she can tell people to come buy stuff they don't want so her business doesn't fail?
Shylocke for sure.

The only sport I don't find boring is MMA anyway. Hitler encouraged martial arts as ideal sports to test men's abilities.

I piss on the Pittsburg Kneelers

When you understand the wrestling aspect of it, its almost always good to watch especially promotions with high production PrideFC, UFC etc.

When Boxing is good it's great but can be slow. CTE is a problem though

out of the Olympics and is a fucking shame

Don't drink your calories.

Herbal teas are good. Antioxidants, vitamins and shit.

No, Trannies. The NFL needs more black trannies on Sunday prime time Television after church.

I preferred Pridefc rules as it mimicked a real fight much better then the unified UFC rules, I hope Rizin doesn't die like Dream did.

Trips of truth.

You can't "denegrify" something that has its roots in a bunch of nogs watching baboon mating rituals and getting turned on. The entire "dance" is just nogettes literally offering their asses to their males for mounting.

Oh Pride will always have a special place in my heart. If they allowed elbows and fought in a flat "arena" with no ropes or cage it would have been perfect.

Except for biting and the other gory stuff like that it would literally have determined who the best fighters in the world were.

How do you know our Neanderthal ancestors didn't do something similar?

As far as denegrification, I think it's already happening with pro twerking in particular. There's a lot of electronic instrumental music being used. When you see many White troupes twerking to EDM with White female vocals instead of hip-hop, that's a positive sign.

Please fuck off you kike bastard

not an argument

Can't help but find this hilarious.

This professional twerking as a spectator sport meme should take off. Yes it's degenerate and primitive, that doesn't mean the NFL is better. In fact the NFL is 10 times worse, it's like a giant theatrical version of a cuckold's fantasy.

80% black players elevated to the status of demigods, cheered on by 80% scantily clad white cheerleaders(simulated harem). Millions of white men sitting impotently on their asses wearing the jersey's of their favorite negroid, Their sons and daughters learn to worship the negroid, as little Jimmy puts up posters of musclebound 7 foot tall negroids in his room as an act of submission, and little Jenny wants her very own black boyfriend when she grows up. All the while these jersey-wearing whites make these negroids multi-millionaires, who use their money to fuck their daughters in college while college-football negroids use the popularity of the sport to form literal harems of white women in university. Showing literal lesbian pornography would be less degenerate than that, twerking is Mr Rogers in comparison.

Can't help but find this hilarious.

This professional twerking as a spectator sport meme should take off. Yes it's degenerate and primitive, that doesn't mean the NFL is better. In fact the NFL is 10 times worse, it's like a giant theatrical version of a cuckold's fantasy.

80% black players elevated to the status of demigods, cheered on by 80% scantily clad white cheerleaders(simulated harem). Millions of white men sitting impotently on their asses wearing the jersey's of their favorite negroid, Their sons and daughters learn to worship the negroid, as little Jimmy puts up posters of musclebound 7 foot tall negroids in his room as an act of submission, and little Jenny wants her very own black boyfriend when she grows up. All the while these jersey-wearing whites make these negroids multi-millionaires, who use their money to fuck their daughters in college while college-football negroids use the popularity of the sport to form literal harems of white women in university. Showing literal lesbian pornography would be less degenerate than that, twerking is Mr Rogers in comparison.

When you get the normos on fire spiritually.

Easiest filter of my life.

Very astute analysis of football. I agree 100%.

There is already the Lingerie Football League. I don't watch it but it certainly seems like a better use of one's time than cheering on a bunch of sweaty silverback millionaires.

I say, get rid of the sportscuck shit entirely and promote live twerk choreography.

The audacity of it all is that these weirdos would think the Lingerie Football League was trashy while watching their gladiatorial cuckold pornography. I might actually watch football if they replaced it with this, healthy societies have worshipped fertile females since the dawn of humanity, only a mentally-ill society that inevitably self-destructs or is conquered would worship an entirely different race that hates them as their heroes and role-models.

Is this shit real? If it is this is a golden meme oppertunity.

Seahawks burning flag before game.

It doesn't even look real let alone it's inside with visible fire sprinklers etc.


Why not behour?
This is something I would watch

You should not be here.



The salt avalanche from this was snowballing gloriously until cut off abruptly by (((LV))).

I'd imagine the cat ladies are screeching about this?

You forgot the headline:

