Prince Harry first Royal Family member First Lady in Toronto - Throws Devil Sign
First lady Trump is leading the US delegation at the prince's Invictus Games, which opens on Saturday
Prince Harry first Royal Family member First Lady in Toronto - Throws Devil Sign
His mother was a coalburning whore, I'm glad she's dead.
Britbongs BTFO! There's your Harry…wut?
this is a dual sign. it's the freemason hidden hand while at the same time the horned hand. both trace back to roots in jewery/satanism/lucifer worship. 999/1,000 people don't notice signs like this so they do it blatantly in public to signal to the other insiders. they're all in the club and it's a big show for the slaves.
Reminds me when some retards tried to claim that Steven Miller was flashing a white power sign in this picture.
Britain's entire upper class should have been given the French Revolution treatment, IMO.
While I agree with the sentiment they should be killed, the French Revolution was a fucking farce.
I'd agree with that. The French aristocracy really didn't really deserve what they got and all the bullshit revolutionary "virtues" they came up with didn't justify the bloodshed and chaos that happened in that clusterfuck.
The "French" Revolution was an early jewish communist insurrection against the white aristocracy, really it was a revolution against the French. Today in Britain it's the aristocracy that has so heavily intermarried with the jews that they are no longer English. They DO need to be purged.
Hear hear!
Mais, c'nest pas le fin du match.
the French Revolution was the most proto-communist thing to happen before communism you parasitic piece of shit
Looks like he is undoing the buttons on his coat getting ready to sit down.
Why wasn't it justified? If thousands of people were willing to go out on the streets to kill and die for their beliefs, then they had had to have SOME sort of reason to go through all of those brutal killings. Seriously, I don't know much about the real history behind the French Revolution. Can someone fill me in as to why it was a "major farce"?
>thousands of people were willing to go out on the streets to kill and die for (((their))) beliefs
How do you do fellow enfants?
It's called equality and it's a lie made up by romantics.
Let's try over-analyze the whole thing for the sake of fun.
Symbolism-wise, if it was ever a secret symbol and not just an accidental gesture, it's definitely not a devil sign, it's a request for help.
The red devil symbol put the the thumb, middle and ring finger touching each other, with the pinky and index tensed to signify tough horns, which is not what he's doing at the moment.
What Harry's doing instead is the middle and ring hidden behind a veil, signifying something is happening behind the scene and is not shown outside, not sure what.
The thumb also hidden means that the head of the clan might not be in control anymore.
Translation, the royal brit family is in trouble, they're out of hand, they're requesting help.
If this was about the moor refugees, then this might be a signal that the royal family has lost the battlefield, the ancient gatekeeper has fallen.
The youngest of the clan broke protocol and try to spread the news, most probably without the blessing of the queen.
How about you go fuck yourself for fun.
Isn't that ginger dating a nigger?
The existence of a reason is not the same thing as justification for that reason. Consider the situation of Moscow in 1917. Nicholas II was an incompetent tsar, a decade ago the Russo-Japanese war destroyed most of Russia's fleet which was a major undertaking to create. Now thanks to foolish diplomatic agreements, Russia was being puled into a land war to the West. The situation was bad, but it could have been survivable for the regime had they kept their domestic politics in check. But what did they replace the tsar with but civil war that went on for over half a decade as revolutionaries fought revolutionaries over the scraps of what was Russia. When the Jewish communist "Bolsheviks" (despite their name, they were never the majority) seized power, things got even worse as the regime either intentionally or through sheer incompetence (most likely intentionally) created the conditions for mass famine and death among the Russians and Ukrainians whom it was supposed to benefit. Looking at Russian history in hindsight, it's an untenable argument to say that had the Romanovs stayed in power that things would be any worse off than what actually happened. In fact, in many respects, they would likely be better off.
The same principal applies when you look at the French Revolution. Although conditions may have been such that the peasantry could be inflamed to commit violence against the aristocracy on behalf of the rising Jewish mercantile interests under the veil of Equality and Liberty, it does not make the acts the revolutionaries took moral, correct, or beneficial.
That's the best autistic answer you can give to represent yourself to the proud aryans here?
You're a disgrace, get yourself a pike kike.
Yeah, the queen doesn't approve that.
But it seems the queen still sees Harry in a better view compared to his mother, she's still minimizing the actions she takes towards him.
Maybe the queen's getting a little soft.
Do you have a direct line to the queen m8?
I've yet to see her speak out. Back when jews were killing Brits in Palestine they rioted in England and were beating kikes. You'd see signs kid were holding saying remove jews. Why such silence?
do they just think we are utterly retarded and blind?
that looks like a mix between the master masons hidden hand and the devils horns.
I don't need to "represent" myself to you faggot. You're probably just more human garbage.
Definitely not m8, I'm just a passerby who saw a hand sign, just a passerby who follow and happen to see the good in the cause.
I hope my analysis is wrong, but it seems the queen sees a change of time.
If there's anything I know about the brit royals, they're naturally superstitious but actually caring of their people, even if it's done in a ruthless and hidden from view approach.
The Big Ben being shut down for restoration exactly before the last solar eclipse is technically a message to those who can decipher the symbolism.
She intends to pass the torch, it's the same implication as covering the Liberty statue with a veil and put her out of public view, assuming this was done in America.
If you're in the commonwealth and can actually see what they're doing behind the scene, or at least still have some faith on the royals, you might wanna start cooperating and help groom the next generation of royals, they'll be the next to take the burdens of the symbols.
Either that, or let the commoners learn what it's like to actually defend for themselves.
Brits are not texans nor germans, they don't have their attitude, they haven't even win a world cup since 1966, they lack the urge to strive.
BTW, you guys better have your mods on alert or something, there's rascals vandalizing your board.
Don't let this place go absurd like the board in cuckchan.
Similar to how Lenin and a bunch of communists overthrew the tzar in Russia, or how Mao overthrew the ROC and installed a communist regime in China.
Think about it. The masses don't need a good reason to sacrifice their lives, they only need a reason that makes them feel good and romantic to give them undying conviction to a cause.
5:55 and 444.
I'll check that for you.
came here to post this
Pic related.
Dio always did that.
Society is always filled with poor, stupid people devoid of morals and angry they are poor. 1917 Russia went the way it did because Nicholas refused to slaughter rebelling troops and bathe the streets in socialist blood. He should have killed the Petrograd garrison and their supporters, then slaughtered everyone who ever voiced the slightest support for socialism. This would have required a ceasefire with Germany. A couple hundred thousand deaths would have averted a few million.
Russian peasants were lazy, greedy scum and they were happy with promises of free shit from communists.
Also, Germany paid a few million gold marks to Marx which got the Bolsheviks into power and kept them from collapsing. Germany really is a shitty culture that ruined the west with their bullshit. All the shitty commie jews came from there too.
"Childish" edgy things.