Iran Successfully Tests Missile

The situation is escalating to the point where we may not be able to contain it.

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Video where?

Good for them but so what if they did?

Hope they actually do it next time, kike.

That's the range user, it explains why the kikes are triggered.

that's like 50-100 miles from Cyprus, no way that missile didn't hit somebody.

Why contain it?

I think I found it

Goddammit that isn't the path it's the range.

God bless Iran and all those who oppose isreal and the wider jew world order

Idhrib… Idhrib…

I wish them the best of luck in nuking Israel, but these people truly are insufferable.

Getting wise about kikes has really changed my global outlook on a substantial level.

Evil, leeching warmonger mutants that need to be crushed.
Hail Victory to all Iranians.
Fuck the kikes! Fuck global banking establishments!

Nigger pls. Who the fuck do you think they'd be aiming at?

Your mom

If they want to, it's only a matter of time before they put one of these into orbit. SpaceX showed the world there's no special sauce, and North Korea (who's launched two satellites) showed the world the hardest part is preventing American sabotage.

In this age of ubiquitous computers, CNC, and more engineers than you can shake a stick at, all you really need to get to space is money and the will to spend it.


Did you abduct her to Israel as your sex slave, you filthy fucking kike?



A Raspi Zero is a "$5" computer that is more powerful than the Apollo Guidance Computer, it only needs some effort from people with enough resources.
The biggest challenge is to escape from the need of GPS, because the GPS systems shut down if it believes that it's riding a missile, I'm not sure about GLONASS but I expect the russians to have similar security measures.

Of course.

Kikes are getting paranoid because Iran isn't exactly a fan of them. Saddam was killed because he formed a threat to them and now they're trying to put an end to both the Syrian government and the Iranian one as well.



It's really the sort of problem you'd just solve with pre-computed flights and inertial guidance. Use sensor fusion with star tracking if you really want to get fancy, but if you're launching from a known position it really isn't necessary.

"You crazy Iranian. Why don't you aim that somewhere it will do some good. At Tel Aviv!"

The kikes are in a tight spot because Trump is so unpopular. It would be difficult for him to start a war with Iran; too many non-jews would oppose it for no reason other than because Trump. The jews rely on America being their enforcer and they're starting to realize that America's ability to do that is waning.

Beyond politics, the American military is losing their supremacy. They still outspend everybody else by a great deal, but advances in technology are leveling the playing field despite military budgets. Russia's missile system in Syria has forced America to play nice. If Iran gets S-400 installations too, Israel will be SOL.

ZOG doesn't like it when their enemies are capable of defending themselves.



Trump cannot be allowed to start a war with Iran. But is Holla Forums up to the task of opposing him on this?

Persia is White.

And the Jew cries in agony as he stabs you


yes, let iran nuke israel, if that is indeed their goal. Otherwise they are no better then sadam.

There is absolutely no benefit to white people in attacking Iran. Such a war could only serve jewish interests.

Considering that Persia is White, such a conflict would be detrimental to Whites.

There was a time in my life that I believed that all these "Evil dictators who gas babies" must be stopped, but now I doubt any of the narrative. I remember Gaddafi and when he got lynched I was like "Okay that's good no more of the evil person", but now I know Gaddafi did nothing wrong. That's why I didn't believe that Assad is evil, even when he gassed all those children :), and I now genuinely believe the DPRK is best Korea (like "Hitler did nothing wrong" I used to say it jokingly) , but now I am inclined to believe that they aren't so bad, even the good guys (if perhaps in relative terms sometimes).



those digits say tel aviv is gettin glassed

maybe iran can finally put the jew in it's place

Zog Emperor will smash those shitskins for our greatest allies in the middle east!

After the comment holocaust overnight, your comment is the safest to say without threat from the super bad based freemason and jewish mods here.

Hail ZOG, is the nu-pol mantra

As the new wave gefilte-pilled based (((anons))) courtesy of Imkampfy's moderation would say,
Oy vey


It's all so clear now.

This is why the jew wanted little old lady Hillary representing their genocidal interests instead of a white male giving "total destruction" speeches at the U.N. Everybody's on guard now. Feels good. Goodbye, Israel.

I thought it was about the USA.

Please NUKE Israel.
Please, I beg you.


"AFD for Germany, that shits for me, the muslims must leave, 1488"


Future predicted

What does than have to do with Iran developing a missile?

What an absolute fucking piece of shit, how can any man have the gall or the chutzpah to sit there and say that? The same man who was more than happy to point out Obama's role in all of this when it suited him, the same man who was calling out Israel when it suited him. How can he possibly sit there and say that? The Jew truly does cry out in pain as he strikes you, a disappointingly apt example of it

NK has medium range ballistic Nukes,
Iran (thanks to a nigger) has short range ballistic Nukes.
Why does hellfire seem like a likely consequence of the Jewish invention?

kike detected. Need a mirror?

Well, it all came from Einsteins equation

Chutzpah is a kike word because it's inherently a kike trait. I suppose I can expect the usual slew of overused shill buzzwords coming my way?

'the usual"? do you get it a lot? Perhaps you need to either wonder why, or perhaps just stop posting? Any non-kike would have put "chutzpah" in quotes.

but, the kike behind the project was Oppenheimer

About thirty-five minutes ago, General Douglas Cox, the commanding General of Andersen Air Force Base in Guam, issued an order to the 9 B-52's of his 36th Operations Group which were airborne at the time. It appears that the order called for the planes to attack their targets inside the #DPRK. The planes are fully armed with nuclear weapons with an average load of 15 megatons each. The aircrafts will begin penetrating Norks radar cover within 25 minutes. In less than 25 minutes from now the Norks will be making radar contact with the planes. When they do, they are going to go absolutely ape, and they're gonna strike back with everything they've got. If prior to this time, US have done nothing further to suppress their retaliatory capabilities, America will suffer loss of at least 3 major cities. It is necessary now make a choice, to choose between two admittedly regrettable, but nevertheless, distinguishable post-war environments: one where we got twenty million people killed, and the other where we got a hundred and fifty million people killed.

Before GPS missiles have internal guidance, which is off the shelf now.



should we not celebrate NK?
Looks like a national socialist utopia, from the inside.

The Brits relayed this info to us.

Guess I should have said the Brits will save us. Would have been better.





Why contain it?


Why the fuck is OP implying its bad if Iran gets a weapon that can attack Israel.

Iran is based and its being roasted in the (((US media))). I hate the dumb goys that don't question it when overnight it becomes imperative that we go to war.

You'd think after the Iraq lies, people would be a little smarter. Fuck the lives of ZOGBOTs and who cares about Iraqis, we wasted so much money in Iraq