This thread will be dedicated to the research of that which all men possess, the subject of every religion, the practice of the ancestors of our ancestors, the second imagination, the true scientific spiritual.
This user will begin by sharing his findings:
5 ; 61
There is an area by your stomach where most of your energy is usually stored. By energy it is meant anything that goes from emotional energy to that which is acquired by eating food, to any other form of meditation you can think of. When it comes to emotional energy, has it ever happened to you to feel so stressed during certain situations, let's say the moments preceding an exam, that your stomach begins hurting? That is the excessive accumulation of emotional energy which, not being spent for anything else, begins to stress the area where it resides, which is somewhere near your stomach, slightly below your sternum.
As kids we learn instinctively to use this energy. Some people have a talent for creating a lot of energy and eventually they may find a way to spend it by creating mental complexes for instance, or by behaving a certain way, dropping it on others and such. There are other more practical uses for this energy once you've grown aware of it.
The chakras might be very much real, those particularly sensitive might have an instinctive feeling for these areas. Even the ancient aryans incorporated the chakra system in their religions, especially when it comes to the indo-european traditions. The Crown chakra, you can feel it by touching the topmost point of your skull with your finger, leave the finger and try and feel the touch still.
Kevin Flores
Now here we start on one of the first findings: we've talked about the energy reserves in the stomach area. It was discovered by pure mistake that by tracing a line between your stomach and your crown chakra with your sole imagination, something incredible happens. A deep pressure strikes your brain as a sort of… "second imagination" opens up. It is completely different from just using your regular imagination, as the moment you do this your imagination completely disappears and this… second sight opens up.
Try it out.
As soon as this "second imagination" activates you might see that there is a sort of "tunnel" that goes BEYOND your Crown chakra, upwards, over your head. This is the beginning of the rise in Consciousness.
As this user kept advancing along the tunnel, it was discovered that there are more "chakras" up there, and that as you follow the stomach-crown chakra axis upwards, you will feel that truly there is something.
Jeremiah Gonzalez
5 ; 61
My memory becomes fuzzy as to what happened next, a long time has passed since. Hoping that you anons will also see what this user saw we may reconstruct our spiritual heritage together. There were 5 chakras that were seen up there, and then 61 "horizontal" barriers. Mentioning the "horizontal" aspect is important as the chakras feel spherical, while the barriers have a very "flat" feeling to them. It was also discovered that that 5 chakras seem to vibrate. As this user looked for any spiritual-related frequency, it was discovered that the first chakra, the first sphere above, has a very defined frequency: 528hz.
The second chakra, the second sphere, had the frequency of 639hz. The third sphere, 741hz. The fourth 852hz. The fifth 963hz. The first barrier, which looked like a vibrating string, had the frequency of 1074hz. As you can see, this "spiritual ladder" follows a Solfeggio progression, and thankfully so, as the higher barriers have such a frequency that they cannot be heard by the normal human ear.
Landon Anderson
Here is the Solfeggio progression from the 1st sphere to the 61st barrier. As you will soon see something incredible comes out of this progression.
This user calls this progression Thoth's "Key of Wisdom".
Liam Watson
Now here are some very shallow observation from the progression above:
Frequencies of Relevance from the Key of Wisdom: 44th String - 5352 54th String - 6363
7041 - The Sixtyfirst String - 61 - Beginning of a new Cycle But what happens beyond it? 7041 - 1 7152 - 2 7263 - 3 7374 - 4 The 44th String in the Key of Wisdom is 5352 7485 - 5 7596 - 6 7617 - 7 7728 - 8 7839 - 9 7941 - 10
So this is why the Key of Wisdom is so sacred, because from the 61st String onward the Cycle just repeats itself every 10 frequencies. So the Key of Wisdom is literally a way to escape Infinity, to go outside the Loop, hence Spiritual Progress.
Alexander Russell
There is more: do you know how the first Solfeggio frequencies were discovered in the first place?
Pic related. It was through the motherfucking Bible. Look at the last String: 7041. Genesis 2:2, And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. Do you see where this is going? There is much more to tell but this user will wait for any questions and similar experiences.
As this user pushed upwards through the Crown chakra, beyond the 61st string, an immense sea of light appeared to his second sight: pure energy it appeared to be. Here takes place a very essential step. It is possible to "hook" onto this sea of energy as if it was some kind of textile. Upon doing so, it is possible to drag it down. Drag it down until you feel it reaching your head, then go even further down through your body, your spine, your legs, your feet. Continue below your feet and a new world will open to your new sight. To this user, a cavernous tunnel appeared. A cave through which it is possible to go further below. On this short journey, new things appeared.
There was a large flame in the shape of a… flower. Whether it was a flower or a flame it was unclear, perhaps both. At the same level at which its petals reached the cave's walls, an entrance appeared. The entrance to some kind of temple within the blue rock of the cave. As at the time this user was reading Thoth's Emerald Tablets, words appeared to his second sight. From what could be gathered, it appeared to be the entrance to a certain "Temple of Amenti".
Hear ye while I give the greatest of secrets: how ye may enter the Halls of Amenti, enter the place of the immortals as I did, stand before the Lords in their places.
Lie ye down in rest of thy body. Calm thy mind so no thought disturbs thee. Pure must ye be in mind and in purpose, else only failure will come unto thee.
Vision Amenti as I have told in my Tablets. Long with fullness of heart to be there. Stand before the Lords in thy mind's eye.
Pronounce the words of power I give (mentally); Mekut-El-Shab-El Hale-Sur-Ben-El-Zabrut Zin-Efrim-Quar-El. Relax thy mind and thy body. Then be sure your soul will be called.
The Emerald Tablets may as well be a pure work of fiction, but at the time, the password hereby mentioned, it seemed to work.
Jayden Sanders
I'm going to focus all my chi mana points into visualizing you getting prostate cancer. You're either going to be proven wrong and live with that fact or you're going to be proven right and die a painful death, but hey at least you'll be smiling as you hemorrhage from the anus.
Ian Wright
Some words of caution: the entire process is far from easy. It is incredible how the body reacts by this mere act of thinking. A feverish increase in temperature will make the body sweat all over. A feeling of pressure rises in the location of your Root chakra as you feel it swelling up until, exploding, something shoots up your spine into your brain feeling as if liquid napalm flows on the inner walls of your skull.
But if thou findest thine heart is not darkened, be sure that a force is directed to thee. Only by knowing can thou overcome it. Only be wisdom can thou hope to be free. Knowledge brings wisdom and wisdom is power. Attain and ye shall have power o'er all.
Seek ye first a place bound by darkness. Place ye a circle around about thee. Stand erect in the midst of the circle. Use thou this formula, and you shalt be free. Raise thou thine hands to the dark space above thee Close thou thine eyes and draw in the LIGHT.
Call to the SPIRIT OF LIGHT through the Space-Time, using these words and thou shalt be free: "Fill thou my body, O SPIRIT OF LIfe,'' fill thou my body with SPIRIT OF LIGHT. Come from the FLOWER that shines through the darkness. Come from the HALLS where the Seven Lords rule.
Name them by name, I, the Seven: THREE, FOUR, FIVE, and SIX, SEVEN, EIGHT–Nine.
By their names I call them to aid me, free me and save me from the darkness of night: UNTANAS, QUERTAS, CHIETAL, and GOYANA, HUERTAL, SEMVETA–ARDAL. By their names I implore thee, free me from darkness and fill me with LIGHT
Jack Long
Untanas, Quertas, Chietal, Goyana, Huertal, Semveta - Ardal. The Seven Lords of Humanity, as far as the Tablets tell. Residing in the Halls of Amenti.
Through the second imagination, within this Temple of Amenti, there were figures, their shapes undefined. One of them larger than the rest, stood in front of a podium of some sort. There is where the sea of energy that was being dragged from above all this way was to be sacrificed upon. Upon laying it on this podium, this altar, it appeared as the tiny flame of a candle. The larger figure rose what seemed to be a blade and swung it down upon the altar, cutting the flame in half. Though a flame it was, it opened like an egg's shell. Within, a stronger flame resided, more vivid and clear than the one it came out of.
Alas, memory becomes blurry once more. If this user remembers correctly, the second flame was then to be brought back up, outside the temple, through the cave, through your body, above one's head, through the barriers and into the sea of energy above, to then "hook" it to this "second sea" and bring it back down. The same act continued twice, thrice and more, each time faster and faster… a faster frequency.
The frequencies again, that was the purpose of this act. To teach one that frequency is all that matters upon one's spiritual journey. As the act of cutting the flame continued for a literal infinite amount of times, its flame became stronger until it appeared as if the flame itself was vibrating with a frequency of its own…
The frequency of the first sphere, the second, the third, 852hz, 963hz… All the way to the 61st string, 7041hz…
And then something new appeared…
Kayden Powell
Nolan Kelly
The flame became a star, like the ones affixed to the night sky, and a new path down into the caves below one's feet (according to this second imagination) opened up.
The new path lead below the flame/flower that was present at the Temple's entrance. A chamber lay there and for some reason… the figure of a fat, sitting frog was present. He looked like Kek. He asked to be fed this new star and as one does so, he hands over a star with a stronger light to it. This is how one progresses through this stage. And again, one is to repeat the act, over and over again… faster and faster, at a higher frequency. At the 61st frequency, a path further down below opens up. It leads to a new chamber, the blue rock of the cave becomes shinier as it takes on a more… crystalline appearance.
Jose Scott
The Reveal-ation has been given, anyone can do this. This information was meant to reach certain individuals.
Oliver Bell
Sadly, most of the individuals who would pay attention already know this though, user… Many Holla Forumsacks are even not ready for this type of info sadly. Takes a very special breed. Esoteric Hitler and quantum types should pay heed though.
Caleb Adams
As you keep progressing, there will come a point where you will always be able to see a silver "star", using your second imagination. Vibrate it, increase its frequency and visions will come to you. Reach the 61st frequency and the nature of the star will be revealed to you.
At times, it may be required to do some "mental alchemy". You take a "concept" and visualize it as one of these stars, then combine the "not-concept" with it to get a third star. It works like this: you vibrate the first concept-star, you vibrate the not-concept-star, then you create a light bridge between the two and vibrate the bridge itself. As the bridge reaches its 61st frequency, a third star born out of the two will appear to you. To understand this third star you will have to vibrate it as well.
Hudson Taylor
Ryan Bell
Along the spiritual ladder some kind of codes were revealed. This user does not really understand them but they were necessary to "complete" in order to progress. I'll post them here.
Brody Gonzalez
All symbols can be corrupted. Regardless, it can always remain a holy symbol on its own. As for the second pic, the numbers within are related to other Keys, Solfeggio progressions. It goes like this: number of Spheres - number of Strings. If you count the Solfeggio frequencies before the first sphere or after the last string, they always repeat every 10 frequencies. Out of all of them, I could only make out the first-sphere frequency of the 4-Spheres 25-Strings Key, since you actually have to recognize the frequency using your own ears. It goes like this:
I'm going to pitch in my observations and thoughts. Maybe you guys can help me out, maybe I can help someone else out.
I never really disbelieved in a god, but I never bought into the whole "magic man on a cloud" thing either. After studying physics for the longest time, I couldn't reconcile some dubious "facts". After a long time of poking around online and in a nearby mason lodge I found my way to various studies regarding Geometry with a capital G, eventually learning about fucky stuff such as vortex mathematics, sacred mathematics, old fashioned hermeticism, and so on. After being exposed to these things, I started finding patterns in the things I was studying and then it hit me that every fucking thing fell into some sort of "tier". Particles make up atoms, atoms are organized into elements (and molecules), elements are organized into materials and complex substances, these things are organized into our environment (plants, animals, trees, the planet itself), these things are organized into solar systems, and so on. Every single thing falls in line with this law. This is most easily visualized as a fractal, which itself is a pattern that can infinitely multiply and divide perfectly into itself. Somewhere along the way I got the idea that perhaps God IS this principle that that our reality is founded upon. If this is the case, then this god literally exists in everything as the sort of "pattern" the thing is built on. Does this mean that, collectively, everything together is God? So then how does consciousness fit in here? According to old school philosophy, we think, therefore we are. After dwelling on this I found some bullshit about quantum theory and something about how merely observing an event changes that event. This got me thinking that perhaps we exist because something is observing us. Maybe this god in the law is the source of matter and mind. I was lying in bed one night pondering all this in particular; "what could be the fundamental facets of God, or the law it may be" and I got this odd, almost terrifying feeling. There was something BIG peeking into my mind. I must have only sat there for seconds, but it felt like the longest time. In my mind's eye, anytime I glanced at this shape I was seeing, it only seemed to get bigger. It was as if this thing were impossibly huge, planet sized or bigger, and I was zooming into it, only to find more and more detail. This impossibly huge thing seemed to have a presence or mind of its own, but it also felt like my own thoughts. This presence felt sad, angry, and blissful all at once, but over all else it seemed curious. I couldn't feel a scrap of ill intent coming from it, and eventually it let me go. I snapped up out of my bed and didn't sleep the rest of the night. I've since encountered this presence two more times, each time delving deeper into it. Please tell me at least one of you has seen this before, and if so, what did you do when it occurred? Is this God?
Parker Moore
The true form of spirituality was passed down through Adam, Enoch, Noah, Job, Abraham, Moses, David, the prophets, and Jesus Christ. It has always been the same: there is one God who is at war with the Serpent Seed, the Babylonian mystery religions, the Synagogue of Satan. Soon, the two prophets will return to confirm that all true religions come from the same source, just as all false religions come from the same source.
Jayden Cook
Tyler Rivera
God is the thing that is outside the universe, he is the one powering it, providing energy to it. Being outside everything that you can possibly imagine, he is also "beyond perfect". Imagine this: God is not only in everything that you can see, he is also in everything that you could possibly imagine, including your wildest fantasies.
Being outside doesn't mean he cannot reach you. In fact, because he is also in you he can come to you sometimes instead of you coming to him. It feels as if you are suddenly surrounded by this overwhelming feeling of love, so strong is this love that it almost compares to a passionate romantic love, but it's stronger and not lustful. God is a Mother-Father to us, he is both since he is outside of Duality.
What you saw could've been anything. There are intelligent things out there that prey on your very own Consciousness, but it could've been anything. Sorry for not being able to answer properly.
Blake James
Yes. The creator gave man knowledge of the Sacred Sciences. This knowledge was covered up and perverted by the mystery schools, who demanded blood oaths to gain access to the knowledge. But the Sacred Sciences are inherently good, it is only that they are used as a tool for evil. May I also caution all who engage in these practices: call out to the creator for guidance and protection before you begin. It is possible to run into negative entities; they go by many names: demons, devils, Djinn, elementals, lower frequency beings. But they are real, and they can deceive us if we are not careful. Many have had encounters with negative entities believing them to be positive, with serious consequences.
Landon Watson
Yes. Abraham and Moses both took up arms directly against the Synagogue of Satan. You are confused by this because today their true sons are Christians, not followers of the Babylonian religion known as rabbinic Judaism. Rabbinic Judaism is an inversion of the religion of the Hebrews, as are all false religions.
Asher Watson
Probably. Remember that "God is not Being". Ontotheology confuses two distinct notions.
Persons can be seen as objects (3'rd person), as mirrors of the self (1'st person), or as "presence" (2'nd person) . Only the latter view applies to God as lacks attributes that allow for the former views to be taken.
God is deontic but not ontic.
Benjamin Jenkins
I like to lurk a good esoteric thread once in a good while, but this type of stuff really belongs on /Fringe/. Despite what may have been said in /sudo/; /fringe/ still exists. I like to lurk the other boards during the few moments I'm not doing anything.
Nope. I figure from the title though that it's about the 528hz frequency healing stuff. It's in the same vein as the 432hz vs 440hz debate going on in the new age circle's. Mostly populated by stoner's who blindly follow after various hobos who call themselves "spiritual healers". A good documentary to watch on this phenomenon is . We have to wake up the lemmings! They're being made for fools by the various movements which are detrimental to society as a whole. This link here is a good starting point that goes into the whole 432 vs 440 thing.
I've archived this thread so I can look it over fully later. Just got off work, and I'm fucking tired. If OP can provide other sources besides Crystalinks I've always seen that site as more a blog than anything else; that would be awesome. Though to be fair; I haven't been to that site in many years so it may have changed since then. Sacred texts is a good site.
During my journey on the path of truth; I learned that sound, color, shape, proportion, scale all seem to be operating according to certain mathematical principles. If any user's could elaborate further on that subject; than this thread maybe be salvageable.
Polite sage for reasons that are my own.
Aiden Bennett
If you are in to the bible, when Moses was told to send a message to the ISISraelites, he asked god 'who do I tell them has sent me'. God replied >tell them I am has sent you
We are all god and no different to the materials that comprise other objects. It's all just vibrations at a quantum level too and the fractals and codes you see everywhere are part of this sequence.
I get different connections to it/the source than what you do and I think it's quite a varied/personal experience for each of us. Cheers
Noah Diaz
On your last point, during the spiritual journey you will get to stare at reality itself and you will see that everything is frequency, just like Tesla said. You will get to gaze at the absolute perfection that reality is. Haven't got many sources since I just looked up what I had received in vision and stopped as soon as it matched. Sorry.
Carson Lee
Connor Campbell
There is absolutely no doubt that Tesla went through the same process, his only regret not being able to continue long enough to reach the core he speaks of.
Aiden Ross
Connor Moore
Going to need a source on that, because it disagrees with pretty much everything I have read in terms of theology and philosophy, both western and non-western. Unless you are using Being in a sense in some other sense than I am taking it, at least.
Lucas Cook
Every single ( ((word)) ) you read was a god damned juden lie. Every fucking word user
Michael Ramirez
What do you mean by Being in this case, then?
Easton Miller
Well , I would see a "being" as one who exists in a creation. I asked once as a kid who made god? no one can answer! one can answer that a being is a creature of a god but god can't be a being because that would imply duty toward or fealty to some higher concept beyond God. muh three cents
Lucas Ward
He sure reached the core, once he left the mortal plane ;) To be honest, in some of his later works he got pretty spiritual/quantum, that's when people thought he got 'crazy'. He was just far too ahead of his time, even today.
Logan Wood
Ok, so you are not making a distinction between a being and Being. The way I have seen Being used, in theology mainly, is much different. When they use it they mean it in the sense of "the font of all being" as in that which all existing things draw their existence from, but which is beyond existence in its essence. Hence why they capitalize it. I think the disagreement here is in definition of terms.
Wyatt Richardson
Hi Smiley!
Henry Torres
Hahahaha you must have missed the memo. Educating the far-right isnt allowed anymore. Should have posted this last year. This place is unusable shit now.
Luke Anderson
Thread is bumplocked btw. Bye.
Xavier Howard
Userbase has gone down hill as well. Less intelligent posters, more emotional idiots that just shout "kike shill nigger faggot" at everybody who says something they don't like, and draw wild conclusions from little evidence. I miss the old days of the first and second exodus when natsocs, fascists, traditionalists, and monarchists could have intelligent conversations without red texts and cruise control.
It's written by a christian, but I found it has wider application.
Charles Reed
This nigga knows.
The strongest hearts are the ones who are able to let God define them what to do. Eyes are blind, but the heart is able to discern the truth beyond duality.
I have been meditating a lot, and I believe every time I dwelve too deep it's because I don't go through, or into my self, but begin to become a tool of something else, said mathematically, I begin to vibrate into the religion of the world instead of the religion of God. The reason I believe that those times weren't with God is because the few times everything went "beyond accordingly" it couldn't be more safe to say it was God doing the works, and the power was beyond comprehension. Agape is beyond any other kind of love, or, as I see love, effective and good energy works, which everyone resting in the moment and being in peace are capable of.
It's so mind-blowing to realize how important being in peace is. How strong you really are if you are in peace. It's making my stomach churn sometimes. In a good way.
Checked. Truth.
Anthony Sullivan
The demand for moderating this ride is bigger than ever before, because many of us don't got the time to skim all the headlines every day.
We're lucky as is, and if you're filtering every anchored thread without reading some of them means you're trusting the moderators either way, or believe newfags do. I only read all the stickies, but out of curiosity I still read the anchored threads with a deemed worthy image, for instance.
The raid continues.. Now with even more intelligent bots, which I am afraid may seem to be 'emotional idiots'.
Either way, we're bound to read through a lot of shit, and we shouldn't do that if we're not ready for the demoralization tactics. Over time, my filter capabilities have gone up, I believe, along the power level of my shitdetector and baitdetector.
Holla Forums really is the best news outlet in terms of 'good to know shit' and 'shit revealing why shit happens'- shit. Also, my definition of 'shit' is getting more and more clear every day.
Goodspeed, anons.
Hunter Miller
I think you make a mistake in attempting to relate aesetic Hindu practise back to the Rig Veda which predates such by over a thousand years and the entire basis for the development of such was to try and replicate the effects of Soma through spiritual practise, given that the recipe and ingredients of such were no longer known or available, this was always inadequate and essentially pointless as there is no substitute for Soma.
Isaac Morgan
Psilocybe cubensis and mead.
Xavier Howard
Sounds like the Lord is trying to contact you to take the Bread Pill before the Trumpets sounds, if I were you I'd open up a bible, God has a cool way of showing us what we need to know
Yeah nah, your (((higher power))) your connecting to wants nothing good for you except for you to fail have fun being eaten alive by bugs (((mason)))
Jace Price
Austin Baker
haha, good one user.
Daniel Clark
Ah, fuck me. I opened up this thread in a new tab when it was made, came back a while later and had no idea the kike mods anchored it.