he wasn't shit posting and he made and actaul arguements, it think a banning was undeserved.
are the mods? getting too authoritarian?
Why was this man banned?
Color me surprised!
theres libertarian leftists.
i consider myself to leftist and antiauthoritarian
i misspelled big woop
Soiled pants and soggy eyes would have graced the bodies of you had you actually been on the internet any other time but now
who you talking to?
because he's a retarded faggot that needs to lurk more
much like you
I wonder why
Anyone complaining about being banned in general
that wasn't me. i found the screencap on b.
i think he was unjustly banned.
if its so retard why was it banned instead of argued?
Its an entry tier shiity argument that
Has been debunked since before this board was even created. This thread is an even bigger waste.
Lurk more
It was fucking argued, it had a giant thread that went in circles because he didnt concede any points. What the fuck are you talking about?
i just saw the screencap. it would be great if you could link the thread for context
because he didn't make an argument worth arguing for
so life in bourgeoise America is pretty good heh? why shouldn't we create a system capable of reproducing this environment for everyone on the planet, socialistic or not?
Responding to the banned OP:
How did the "middle class" make "huge gains"? Why? It didn't just happen magically. Manufacturing and global communications were improving in the mid- to late-19th century as well, so the "explanation" offered doesn't really explain anything. Manufacturing and global communications are improving right now, but the conditions for workers have measurably decreased in significant ways for decades compared to the so-called "golden age" of capitalism.
even if its shit, i still think banning is wrong.
what are you, a retard
says the guy who wants to ban contrary opinions.
look, I gave you an argument here
OP was banned for being stupid, now you can chose to continue arguing the point previously discussed or you can act like a fuccboi about getting banned, in which case you will walk the plank
okay explain to me how never having your ideas challenged and the resulting intellectual laziness ,is in your self interest.
op here, this wasn't me i found this screen cap on
Holla Forums
OP's does not challenge any ideas, it reaffirms the idea that casual critiques of marxism are dumb due to the lack of knowledge
i think he raising the question of weather marxism is still relevant in the modern age.
So your saying you didnt read the thread? So you have no idea why he could be banned due to his subsequent posts? So why make this thread and continue to reply when you've already been given an answer?
also was he honestly banned for the qaullity of his argument? or for its content? it is doubtless that there have been worse arguments for communism echoed on this board. were these people banned?
Because it's better to not have the board crowded by mooks who constantly make the same argument and can't be bothered to read.
Albeit, we probably should just have a stick for people like this to post in.
*have a sticky
i think this is a good idea.
it very much is, as the fact that American bourgeoise live much better than the rest is proof of his writtings and the wirttings of other leftists and anarchists
The new mods are a bunch of faggots.
new mods? when was this
Same here. I wouldn't have banned that person if I was a mod. I would ban a lot of other shitposters though.
Yeah he deserved more than a ban.
i think banning shitposters is okay in some circumstances
Hey what if he was banned for repeatedly making shitty posts? Mods should specify that to avoid arguments.
they should
I better fucking hope they have it better than in the past, because if it wasn't so it would be primitivism.
Such as?
Its 100% shitpost. kys OP and come back when you have actual arguments rather than just reposting the same retarded shit thats been posted over a thousand times now.
ITT: people trying to stir up shit about the mods for justly banning a shitposter, in order to subvert our board.
Go away OP
It's a three week ban. It's not like he's gone forever. If he isn't brain damaged he can get around it anyway.
there are new board volunteers and of course people are asshurt that now their shitty threads are being moderated
you should be banned
Yes it's a retarded argument, but he has to be shown WHY it's a retarded argument. Banning him is just going to make us look bad.
Mods you fucked up.
i dont even know if that thread is still around.
Pointing out that he misspelled something isn't really addressing anything
So what is it, are you the person who got banned or not?
Making threads is Authoritarian. Get a life.
i was not the man who was banned.
kys, read the fucking FAQ or ask a question rather than making a fucking thread saying
The amount of energy necessary to refute bullshit is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it. We should not use all our energy "disproving" retarded threads and idiots like these who, if you have a good look, are not intended by the original poster to be discussions, but rather political statements and propaganda.
all i read was a defence of banning opinions we don't like
then get a better reading comprehension lad
He is more than welcome to voice his opinion.
Just not create "lol fucking commies get fucked" threads.
He either formulate it in a manner that is a question or use on of the other threads. The post he was banned for was just shite.
All i read when you type is a defence for letting idiots shit up the board with spam.
lurk more and read a bit more, argument was a copypasta
The ban reason should say this then
You would save a lot of trouble that way
Thank you, based volunteer.
Also plz do something about the raid
Why? WHY? WHY!?!?!?!?!