Massive muslim prayer on streets of Paris. Protected by cops.


Sorry I can't download the video. It doesn't work.

Other urls found in this thread:



Must be nice to freely congregate on a French road with zero fear of getting trucked.

Crusade when?

Lmao, it's over, call me blackpilled, but i'm gonna leave the """""west""""" as soon as i have aquired the money to do so.

Enjoy being beaten to death by the inhabitants of the country you are going to leech off, and considered a traitor by your country of origin.


You are worse than a nigger leaving his shit hole for White man's gib cities. At least he has the excuse of being legally retarded. You're just a faggot coward.

This is a show of strength; they're in Parisian's faces saying that they're in charge. Bye, France. Disgusting.

At least move to some European country that isn't completely cucked, they still exist.

TBH while wankers like you allowed jews to co-opt and had you cheering on ZOG, what point is a legitimate red-pilled European going to do, wait four more years to vote in some other fashy based secret 'nazi' on our side to continue the jewish agenda unopposed?

I'm off out of Western Europe also, I hope never to meet a single one of you fashy based cartoon frog posting faggoty cunts.
You are the problem and the reason the jews won the last election to end America and with it take down the West for good.


and go where?

Do-nothings who fell for a ZOG puppet.

whats with these low tier slide threads today?

you mean macron?

There's a webm nigger.

Since when geographical entities have consciousness?

Good question.



Nobody cares. France is already dead.


I care.

Why? Its already dead. France is gone. Its never coming back. Watching the desecration of its corpse by those mongrel creatures who have taken over serves no purpose but to reiterate things you should already know.

I want to leave this country but I don't know where to go tbh.

time to recolonize your overseas lands


Take back your land and die doing it


loved it

Webm'd it

multikulti enrichment protected by limp-wristed faggot police
I can't think of anything funny to say about this.

I think he means Trump.

This is why french people don't act anymore.


"Indeed, the number of months with Allah is twelve [lunar] months in the register of Allah [from] the day He created the heavens and the earth; of these, four are sacred. That is the correct religion, so do not wrong yourselves during them. And fight against the disbelievers collectively as they fight against you collectively. And know that Allah is with the righteous [who fear Him]."

In all seriousness, how is Quebec holding up, considering the absolute state of the rest of Canada? I don't know much about that region's politics tbqh outside the francophone-anglophone disputes and their desire for independence.

You're right, this never would have happened if Hillary was president. :^)

Quebec is fighting back against Muslims by importing lots of French-speaking blacks.

Well, at least their heart was in the right place, sort of…


Still their central policy. Like

Says, they'd soon import 100 million french speaking niggers than 1 white anglo. Plus, they're a lot like a lot of the other "based" EU nations in that they are still le reeeeee-ing because they have at least maintained something of a distinct identity…… while still mooching off Ottawa.

Hotwheels was right to move to a tropical backwater.

Let's move in with hotwheels. All of Holla Forums together next week just shows up at Hotwheel's door.

Just imagine it, a perfect white national socialist utopia with all the hotwheels PJ parties and thai ladyboys you can dream of.

Breaking News: Multiple ships have been chartered under the name of alt-right terror association TRS, and are currently headed for the southeast seas.

Truck of peace, when?

Il s'appele Mohamed
Il est inscrit au chômage
Il arrive du Maghreb
Couscous et Djellaba
Il a ramené sa famille,
Toutes ses femmes et ses enfants
Il ne parle que le Kabyle
Et ne lit que le Coran

Mohamed, mouche à merde
Nous ne voulons pas de toi
Mohamed, mouche à merde
On va te ramener chez toi

Il joue l'incruste partout
Pour pouvoir être embauché
Il ne sait rien faire du tout
Et il passe sont temps à glander
Harlem Désir est ton Dieu
Parce qu’il te donne tous les droits
Il te protège, te rend heureux
Et te laisse vivre chez moi

Mohamed, mouche à merde
Nous ne voulons pas de toi
Mohamed, mouche à merde
On va te ramener chez toi

Nous l’avons croisé un soir
Dans une rue qui était noire,
On a voulu l’éduquer,
Mais nous l’avons crucifié,
Nous nous ne sommes pas inquiété,
De toute façon il n’y avait pas le choix
Dans son sang on l’a laissé
Il n’avait rien a faire chez moi

Mohamed, mouche à merde
Nous ne voulons pas de toi
Mohamed, mouche à merde
On va te ramener chez toi
Mohamed, mouche à merde
Ce soir tu vas souffrir
Mohamed, mouche à merde
Ce soir tu vas mourir

what's the point? ever tried talking to a eurocuck? insufferable, annoying, and pompous. they asked for this.

More like France is getting primed to fight Iran.

How many people did you talk with? Some faggot communists? That's the same as talking to a few SJW burgers and assuming all burgers must be SJWs.
The jewish media made people ask for it.


France is younger than the U.S.
1989 France Bicentennial Nat Geo had article about Muslims doing the same exact thing, noon prayer blocking traffic, halal, non-integration, etc., not news, just not reported in MSM.

So is France.

Face it user, all of Canada is done for.


Muslim call for killing french people.
