



Next Assad is going to launch a missile full of gases though where could it go, I don't know?

link? what drugs are you on

scare tactics! new season coming to sci fi channel this winter

Fucking search next time

And this one.

nigga you are high as fuck.

Do you know where you are?

nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga
im 200% nigga

Do you?

Why is this thread getting kiked so hard?

Because there are already 6 million other threads on this exact topic.

How many fucking times is this thread going to be made?

There's like 3-4 other NK threads. A new thread doesn't have to be made for everything that comes out of NK.

Air burst?
Let her rip then I guess

There aren't

Not about this specific nuke test.
On September 23rd
After Trump threatened to destroy NK
After Kim Jong Un declared his intention to "tame" Trump with fire
After China agreed to massive sanctions

Any one of these stories could be the catalyst for WWIII.


Reported for >>>/x/ faggotry.

Yes there are/were They are getting pruned because we don't need 50 of the fuckers, kike.

Checked. All what he said, and an atmospheric test is not the same as some underground fart, especially on the diplomatic scene.

All talk, no action. Stop with your wishful thinking.

Well I hope THE UNITED STATES of AMERICA the most POWERFUL COUNTRY ON GOD'S GREEN EARTH is gonna teach that little FATTY a LESSON!!!!
Now that we have a PRESIDENT with BALLS in charge i'm lookin' forward to seein FIRE n FURY against those COMMUNIST PUNKS!!!!

If the idiot is dumb enough to do an atmospheric test, the entire world will rain down upon him. They won't give the fuck time to attempt to send up another.
Have they began rounding up all the gook foreign diplomat/spies yet? When the ambassadors go missing/sent away from every country, then shit will get real.

I believe we've been through two of these now since the memes began. Just because it didn't happen…yet again, doesn't mean it's sure to happen next year, or even a hundred years from now. Why do you want there to be an event that wipes out millions of whites anyway?

shit, think i might have posted this in the wrong thread.
whatever, it applies to all potential disasters that could happen today.

I pray for the great and ancient nation of Persia to obtain the bomb. May they get their ticket for continued existence. It's my birthday today and if I have a cake later I will wish for a nuke to be sent to the ziohive.

Get outta here you little goatfucker PUNK! Our PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP will make SURE no MUSLIM TERRORISTS ever get their STINKIN HANDS on a NUKE!!
If you think you're a PATRIOT maybe you shouldn't support a country where people shout Death to the jews n burn AMERICAN FLAGS….

fuck off kike bastard

Pookistan already has some

Getting nervous in Tel Aviv. Go drink some Palestinian blood, I heard it does wonders for frayed Jewish nerves. I've seen your retarded schizophrenic capitalization before. Fuck your apartheid state. The only thing funny is how you can't fight your own wars either. Incompetent Jews. Not real men. Slavers and deceivers.

Is this the beginning of the next big meme? Boomer-posting?

I agree with my Jewish friends.
Kinda weird that people hate them.
It's like they don't even consider them as people.
Listen I know we're all a bit upset about everything, with good reason.
Like, the federal reserve thing and all.

Just because they're nepotistic doesn't make them evil.
Everyone deserves a chance to repent and be good.
Why wouldn't you want peace anyway?
Seriously it's just kinda dumb.

That's a big test.

This post was meant for

Reported for kike worship
Enjoy your ban filth

kek kimmi getting into one of his tantrum becouse of the sanctions.
And leftypol trying desperately to cover for their failed state with shilling and sliding.

Nobody's doubting your power of observation here user. We're doubting your ability to understand what you observe.

What is it that makes normies do this, truly?

Reported. Kill yourself.

I don't think it was atmospheric. It registered 3.5 and was 5.0 km deep. Plus that would have been the perfect shitnado sequence to remove rocket man. Nah he's not that crazy. It was either an emp type underground test with a smaller yield but more specialized effect warhead (probably this) or the previous tunnel used to detonate the big one the fire earlier this month finally collapsed. My bet is on the former

You first cianigger.

Anyway is there any actual information about the nukes test?

Reported. Kill yourself.

Oh I get it heeb. Can't wait for electric boogaloo 2.2 this ones for ( ((you)) ) faggot
The vast majority of us on here relish the thought of and cannot wait for irl DOTR

Welp, it's clear now that people trying to fit in are using cianigger as a generic insult now.
Thanks Jim.
Stupid rice farming bastard.

Forgot to sage

god dammit

Hopefully NK does vid related and gets rid of you rats for good

Kek. No you're CIAnigger because you're perpetuating CIA psyops you stupid fucking nigger.

Nigger you need to get your ass back to cuckchan with that fucking lightweight shit. Give me "beaner gets his face cut off" or "nigger tries to steal copper from utility box"; not many with hebes getting theirs unfortunately. A few stabbings work nicely to trigger kikes.

Neither of you faggots are here to talk about the topic and you're both filtered. Report away, the mods do ban faggots what overuse it.


So you can edit your post now, interesting. Used to only be able to delete them. Either that or you're a board vol.

Are you retarded?

Fuck off.


There now are two nows in the comment now. How many nows did you count in that last sentence?


O fuggg

Really makes you think.


Yes, and anyone of these stories could be appended to one of the other threads where the relevant background information is held and the discussion could continue.

EMPs only happen on the upper atmosphere, it can't be an "EMP type underground" nothing

What's wrong with you user? Blue balled on one too many shemitah threads?

I didn't say, nor imply he did a fucking thing. I said IF he does it (atmospheric test), the world will respond bigly.

Well to be fair he COULD be testing the EMP type underground in a large cave or something.

But that wouldn't get him any useful results because there's no ionosphere.

Anyone can edit those screenshots retard.

WW3 will never happen, people are too afraid to die and nowhere as enthusiastic about their government as people were back in the 1940s.

Wtf does the ionosphere have to do with anything? You're not trying to EMP your own country, you're trying to test an EMP nuke. Which you can do underground, measuring the type and amount of radiation emitted and sending it to the math autists to figure out how effective it would be.

I Kek'd.

For one, this isnt YTMND, nigger



where the fuck are the mods
every thread is being shilled into oblivion


Cleaning up these slides, kike. We already have multiple threads for this.

user you're just as retarded as I am.

No, the mods are getting blown by flip ladyboys, and Jim killed hotwheels.

Whatever helps you sleep at night.

sure thing samefag
Fuck off back to leftypol

You can't samefag when there's thread IDs, only leftypol doesn't know that.

Go back to reddit faggot, you clearly can't keep up.

Fuggin kek.
I don't know who's trolling who anymore

And you're bumping OP's gay ass thread so fuck you.



So, is it happening already? No? Ok, I'll come back later.


Aww the sage fell off my plate. Well if the mods are blowing ladyboys best to bring this garbage to their direct attention.

Go home redditor.

Bouncin' Sump


Sonic rump?
Okay now I'll go kms


look whose talking

Switching VPNs just to change your thread ID is pathetic.

Nigger, it doesn't work that way. A bump is a bump. Sage simply doesn't bump. Perhaps you should kill yourself if your reddit experience cannot show you even that difference.

Do you randomly save pictures of dead people in pools?

i forgot that existed.

1. That’s not how nukes work.
2. Implying I don’t want the only thing that would actually allow us to kill jews
I’m a realist. Fantasies only hurt us psychologically and as a community.

the only people who want to die are leftists.
>>>Holla Forums



Where the fuck did all these shills come from?

odds are good you'd be one of those to go if the circumstances were nuclear, dumbass.

I'm the shill because I don't want to see nukes in the west. top lel

I'd say yeah, that does make you a shill.

Jesus christ


Ah, that's the h8chan I know and love.
9:1 odds it's part of a CIAnigger op that anons have become immune to. What a useful defense mechanism.

You don't become immune to seeing shit. When will a picture of a nigger fucking a white woman ever not piss you off? The one with the skin scraped off the skull and still alive hangin' there. That's a new one. Fucking savages.


After a while you will become immune to seeing gore

so you're not 18 yet…

Kinda like how you can become immune to seeing a black man fuck your wife. Some things aren't good to be apathetic towards.

Could the Norkaboos in this thread clarify if they're enthusiastic about the manner in which NK functions or if they just don't want a useless military engagement in Asia?

Fuck off Jamal, you're not welcome here.

i got popcorn ready, someone will probably pop shit off soon - everyone can feel it

You would at least know the explody part worked.

captcha: nuk dmz