Come home waito men!





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Nice thread faget, really informative.

i dont know whats happening. is this a loli thread?

did you opened the info websites?

Let's be friends in our separate countries instead.

I suppose Holla Forumsacks are OK, but frankly there are far too many foreigners in my country (even white people).

Japan for the samuria. America for the whites.

Taken out of context

why they have to complicate everything?


I've always wondered, why do the Japanese practically worship the whites?
You got the gaijin hunters who always seek out white foreigners to hook up with.
You got videos like OP's where the Japanese media fawn over a white girl for being uguu kawaii.
Even their biggest medium, anime, portrays characters that consistently look very Aryan (blonde hair, blue eyes, large and rounded eyes instead of slanted and thin eyes, etc.).

Have we colonized their minds?

As a rational people with a hierarchy mentality well established through centuries, they simply look up to those they perceive as superior to themselves.

cum home white man

The admiration of European physical features transcends cultural barriers.

poor little girl having to be around all these aliens

Japs usually dont have insecurity complexes like most other Asians and non whites.

Honestly I'd say you're correct, at least partially. Envy leads to hate, hence why the inferior mud species hate us and slants. Japs don't envy us, thus they're able to respect us.

I used to think that too, but after dating a chink myself i found out it's mostly wrong.

It's the opposite, they look down on whites.
Because whites are richer, or perceived as such. Especially in China. There are lots of white with yellow fever too. Asians in general love to make fun of white men for picking ugly girls because white men can't tell the difference. (I'd argue because all asians look exactly the same)
Japanese love kawaii, but they're disgusted by the rest of the world. Finding kawaii outside Japan blows their minds.
This one is half true. Jomon features are superior, but typical white feature are more pronounced that average Jomon, so no, anime does not draw white people by default. HOWEVER. All asians are envious of white and nordic features, such as eye size and colors, hair color and thinness, height, long legs, white skin, etc. The hard thing to understand is while they find most whites weird and disgusting, they really envy white features and want them for themselves. That's why all blonde/redhead characters in anime are said to be "halfs". The viewers would be weirded out if they were straight-out foreigners, because they see anime characters as asian.

Let them have their nation and healthy nationalism. Race mixing is destructive and unhealthy. Japan has too many hafus as is

Reminder to western cuckolds: Russia and North Eastern Europe has a large aryan population.

Actually, most people in Japan don't have thin eyes unless smiling.

We don't worship white people. Saying that somebody is pretty is not the same as worshiping them.

Not every Anime character is blonde with blue eyes.

We were never colonized by white people, as Jews are not white. Being colonized by Jews is the same position as all white people.


-larper with shit colored hair and eyes


It's sad to see this kind of shit because I can imagine most Japs think that Europe is still 99% white or something.
Sage because probably a slide thread.

they are cute as hell tho

only women, male happas are disgusting

Japan is great because they don't buy into the multiculturalism shit. Also they seem to appreciate classical european culture more so than other people. It's as if they 'get' the sentiment of it. But in the end a beautiful japan is only one that stays JAPANESE.

Also this is one of many slide threads

They also have a large Jew population.

Like Hitler said, they keep to their own and so do we and there should be no problems. Stop fucking it up.

Fused ear lobes…

This is one of the worst feelings I've realized. I'm a complete weab, don't really like anime, but I adore Japanese culture.

It's orderly, it's clean, and it's polite. From the North, to the South, to it's many islands, it's uniform and the people similar. I was watching a vlog of a far out reaching island from the Japanese mainland, and with only 150~ people, it was still clean and pristine whereas I've been to American islands and they're filthy and the natives criminals.

I, however, understand that by stepping my foot into the mix, I will risk contaminating it even if I choose not to breed.

export better white idols pls

Kill yourself.

Kill yourself.

Really actually kill yourself. This is not a joke.

Cute =/= Acceptable
It is important to keep Japanese as a pure race and separate.

what happened to the video?



Japan with whites is still multicultural Jewish scheming. Don't do this. The Jews want to "break open" Japan with whites because they can't use any guilt narratives against them except for WWII, which is regarding other Asian races that the Japanese still don't want in their country. The next steps after "white Japanese" are going to be "Japanese" niggers raping, killing, selling drugs and crying about racism; and then "Japanese" Muslims committing terrorism, creating no-go zones for infidels and demanding blasphemy laws.

There are already niggers in japan nigging their noggins.
Basically they sell drugs and make a living of that.
You want to cry? I we have seen the equivalent of whiggers in japan,of course they are basically wankers, have no weapons and can't fight for shit so basically they are to be laugh at but I've seen them
The guys to be careful with in japan usually wear expensive suits.

go home huwhite man and fix you're country.


When I was in Japan I saw a black van with a loudspeaker on top driving around telling all the foreigners to go home. Great people, as long as you don't overstay your welcome.
race mixing with japs is just as bad as the rest, the only ones pushing the white/jap mix are the kikes and people who had stumbled upon asian porn at age 14 and had their sexual preferences fucked for life. The kids won't be white, and they won't be Japanese. Your looking at minimum 4 generations to get back to either and that is if they themselves don't mix further, as mixed people tend to do.t.me a ricesteamer who did irreversible damage before he knew any betterI won't be trying to dodge the rope

This. Because they can't get the nips to cuck on their own, they want to send whites in there first because they know how open to cucking we are. They want to use us as a weapon to destroy Japan in the same way they're using mudslimes to destroy our own countries.


Planning on going to Asia and fuck tight virgin asian pussy without a condom. Will stay one month in each country, and after some time return back as a Chad.

Sure Moishe, I'll leave the USA to racemix and populate their country with gentlemen.

And we care why?

Why do you hate yourself so much?

If a white man is to race-mix with anyone, then japs are the absolute best out of all of the rest - they have a lo of white in then already.

The more Jomon the better for Japan in the long run.

But they should remain isolationist and stubborn. Only way to really perserve culture.

Impossible, either by international globalzation, thus economic pressure, or by how pathetically weak the last 3 generations are, Japan will sometime in the future open it's borders little by little, already happening in fact.

I will only marry a white blonde, but if I was into japanese chicks like when I was younger, I might marry and move there. Learn japanese if by any chance you faggots want to move to Japan, what Japan doesn't need is immigrants that do not speak the language. I fucking hate that and I am white, imagine the natives.

Do you have to pay any alimony if you have a half-japanese child and you are american?

Japanese courts are hell. Only if you marry the japanese native, if you don't, just child support, that is of course if you want to stay in Japan. You might move back, but I understand jack shit on international law, so we need an lawyer here.>>10649004

Japs have every right to resent our presence contaminating their islands. To them, we're the niggers, or at least the spics. If we weren't physically defending them from the termite people, they'd be justified in kicking us out altogether. I am absolutely prepared to respect their need for an ethnic homeland until we need the Lebensraum, and will happily visit, spend money there, and then fuck off back to where I belong.

Call me a dreamer kek, but I think a global white empire and a strong Jap nation would get along like a house on fire for however long it takes us to get space colonies up. Once we do, I don't even have a problem setting aside one or two colonies in the Dyson swarm for racemixing experiments between our distinguished peoples, just to see what can develop and as a gene bridge across what will, in 50,000 years, become a species divide.

Muds must go extinct long before this, however. I am of the opinion that quick muscle response is the only thing niggers have to contribute to the future, while spics and the other muddy casseroles haven't even got that.

Imagine a future with whites and Japs peacefully competing to build bigger and better space habitats and send them to the stars. Each of us has a population in the hundreds of billions, spread across a thousand light-years in huge swarms of habitat ships around distant stars. We have long ago extracted the genes we were interested in from the lower races and sterilized them into extinction. White scientists create new traits with laboratory experiments in gene creation, while the Jap scientists work out fast new production methods. Each race develops its own languages to the point where neither can even realistically learn the other; future-Japanese become so prolix and complicated that whites can't learn the rules, while future-English becomes so nuanced and analogue that calculator-brained nips never master the unspoken tone and flow of it. Only a handful of elite supergeniuses from each race can act as translators. They are rewarded handsomely with prime waifus.

Excuse me for a minute. . .

That's a very fucking big 'if' user.


>wants to be taken seriously

Didn't you get the memo?

There's got to be some successful half-nip dude somewhere, r-right?

My avatar is an easy, simple and direct method of getting 6 million dollars in one week. Except you can't see it, it's invisible.

There is, quite few artists are hafu.


How long did it take you to learn Nip user? I really want to

Keaunu Reeves

Or we can have separate countries and enjoy diversity as tourists.

Gross, an amalgamation of Asian aesthetics and western make-up and beauty supplies.


I forgot about him and the fact he's half nip. No one he hates himself and is so self-sacrificing

Go home, Rick


2 and a half to 3 years. My focus was reading, most people focus on conversation. Apply yourself, there is A TON of material on the net, and threads every so often here and 4cuck.

2 hours every fucking god damn day. And you will be very close or Level 2 on the proficiency test. Takes time. but it is worth it if you like the culture or the entertainment. On the business side it is risk to hedge all bets on this language.

Excuse me but if you need to go out of your way to pay money to obtain one of the CHEAPEST pussies on the planet, something is wrong with you and you have a micro dick. All I have to do is whip out the ham and eggs and I have bitches hypnotized by the man meat.

I shake my cock around like a dinner bell and they come a runnin' cause they know what time it is.

t. Chad Thundercock

Based on everything I've read/watched about gaijins trying to work/live in Japan is that's it's hell already for non-salarymen and hell in its own way due to stress for salarymen and it's only worse because of the isolation you receive as a foreigner. As it should imo, tourism is the only reasonable form of cultural exchange that doesn't permanently affect the makeup of the people.

That's ironic considering asians absolutely can't tell the difference between attractive and ugly white women.

There's your problem. Chinks are very different from nips.

Well there is space for debate on the only form of cultural exchange.

The problem with gaijins working or living in Japan is what I call " the brazillian effect ". Brazillian in general move to other countries and live in fucking bubbles, they care not to learn the language, nor to adept or understand the culture, care little to societal norms, make little to no native friends, list goes on. Every population third world population does that on a larger number, don't known why.

This happens to people moving to Japan, and the culture is specially more alien to westerns then to other asians. Economically speaking it is hell because they are in a economic limbo, if you have skills you can find decent jobs, just avoid living on big cities, cars are " inexpensive ". You probanly watch or read low skilled forst world foreigners trying to live in Japan, I think.

You will receive isolation by any number of variables, not only because you are gaijin. If you speak the language most japanese will talk to you, even old fags that are ultra xenophobic/isolationist.

I think importing desperate people and high skilled labor from specific cultures can and is beneficial to native cultures, but what happens in the world right now is neither. In the end it is fucking complex. I got a good article in why the japanese society changed so much dueto economic stres, if you want say it and I will post it.

Don't hate myself, I don't hate my family. I don't even hate niggers, it would be like hating a lion. The only thing I hate is the push for miscegenation and the kikes behind it.
One or two here or there, no problem. One or two here or there when both groups are facing a downward population trend? I am contributing to a genocide user and it doesn't feel good to know it. Not gonna argue the "at least it was a jap" with anyone. The truth of it is I was scarred by Jewish pornography and fell for the "white women are whites" meme.
It's shame I feel about myself user. Not hate. You can be ashamed of your actions without hating yourself.

Indeed, opening the floodgates for one means opening the floodgates for all in this Jew infested globalist world.

And your point? You can respect a culture without saying, "it's too nip here, needs more white people". Your same pointless argument is what is used to commit white genocide: "white cultures are bad because they want to stay separate and white, more shitskins now!"

Huh, its almost as if our definitions and perception of beauty and attractiveness are based directly on our racial makeup. Bizarre and pure coincidental I'm sure

Yeah they all work for Nintendo



Words of wisdom.

Most prominent example:

A false analogy but it still is their right and duty to not encourage us baka gaijins from racially mudding their homeland.

Classical greco-roman composites or GTFO.

Back when I was racially bluepilled it kinda baffled me that all halfsies in animu were the product of nip male X Aryan female, like what gaijin female in her right mind would fuck a insular dwarf chink with a 4inches median penis size?

High-quality thread.

t. Japanese samurai

Impress me with your tism.


I agree with your other points, but the eyes are because of historical reasons. They started by copying burger animation which used huge eyes. While they did create their own style, I think the big eyes are still there due to that influence early on.

yeah alright, I like japan, but I'm not about to move my family there to be deracinated outsiders getting attention for being outsiders.
If I ever take a trip there, I'm just going to take a train ride down the coastline and stay in a few rural hotels. I'm not going to be clubbing, spending cash in international businesses or trying to hook up with some japanese broad who sees me as a shekel fountain.

I imagine that weebs piss off locals more than they can imagine.
posting this comment because I typed it out all the way, sage for unimportant thread.


You know the bubble economy only existed because of kikes, right? Japan had a very sophisticated economic model where the bank was nationalized before kikes came in and fucked it up, resulting in the "bubble economy" of the 80's.

Chad doesn't have to go to other countries to fuck tight virgin pussies. He doesn't even have to leave his house. They come to him.

Why change it if it's better?


this problem is twofold. a lot of white american and canadian women also goto japan and marry a japanese man, then begin to preach open borders and no racism plz bullshit, then act as if they are japanese themselves. these women are the worst fucking cancer.

A language becoming a common language usually has to do with history. Modern English did become a common language because of the Anglo-Frisian sea merchantry. As shitty as the jew Rothschild elements of the British Empire were, it easily surpassed Rome in overall influence.

Yeah it's a sad thing, they have their own version of single mother coalburners that spawn negrasians that run around the areas that foreigners and the type of shitty women you'd think would be into that kind of thing would go to.

Most of it's probably just laziness. If they use different eye/hair colors then they don't have to learn to draw many unique faces.

I doubt english has the contextual density to implement what you were describing. It doesn't even have grammatical cases.

It's also a quite stifling, conformist culture that discourages individuality. Seems to be a great place to visit but I don't think I would survive very long there without going nuts.


My experience was that they like foreigners who make the effort to learn their language and customs. They also understand that anime and video games are popular exports with foreigners, so liking anime in and of itself isn't weird to them. Manga is popular among people of all ages, just like books and movies. What they don't like are extreme weeaboos who think they're samurai, because those are just the white version of otaku, who are already shunned by society and considered creepy. They also don't like it when foreigners try too hard to be like them, which is something that goes beyond just adapting to fit in. Think wearing a kimono and geta in public outside of a festival day, for no particular reason. They can accept a white man as being a friend and can think highly of you if they see you're a good guy with a strong work ethic, but even if you live in their country for 50 years you'll never be considered one of them. And when you think about it, the great folly of the West for the past 50 years has been virtue signalers trying to pretend that non-whites could ever be one of us. The same concept applies.

Japan's work culture is brutal even for natives who grow up with 16 hour days and unpaid overtime being a normal idea to them. It was necessary in the aftermath of the war to help rebuild the country, but at this point I would argue it's extremely detrimental to the country's people and they need to lighten up. If you're coming from a country where overtime is something you get paid extra for and you expect to be able to go home at the end of your shift, Japan will probably break you quickly.

Honestly, like that one really oldfag said that one time, Japanese culture has its merits but it's not superior, it's stifling and treats its people like sardines. If I was so fantastic compared, then there wouldn't be so many nips killing themselves.

Yep, one thing I have zero plans of doing is going to Japan and working a regular job.

Japan uses the diversity rhetoric to appease the west, while meanwhile they have only taken like 20 refugees from Sryia, and deported most of them.

You have to understand that hone and tatane is a serious concept in Japan and Asia in general. Equivalent to hiding your power level.

Wow. Totally didn't expect that.



I think the post-war accomplishments of Japan merit a removal of the word "Honorary" from Hitler's phrase "Honorary Aryan". Japan at this point should be considered in the same regard and respect to distinctions as French, German, Italian and British, if for no greater reason than to spite the goon Kikes.

Gas yourself OP.

My boomer faggot dad always talks about how "attractive" Asian women are. Out of all the non-white women, I find them the LEAST attractive. They just don't do anything for me.

Ive seen a lot that are very attractive. But if you see a crowd they are all very ugly.

Knowing this pisses me off to no end. Personally if I were to ever create a cyberpunk setting, it would be an alternate reality where Japan told the kikes to fuck off, kept their economic model and began taking control of American industry. They would eventually get into a power struggle with the jews over who controls the country.

They also have a large Muzzie population

Jap-White mixes are shilled like crazy to forever end the national and genetic continuity of Japan, one of the few successful and pure nations standing on Earth at the moment. This is only a small part of pro-racemixing shilling against Japan, which plans to mix Japs with niggers and muds among others.

Already exists, its called Angel Cop and it was an anime OVA in the 90s


sorry meant to say clip unrelated, there is a webm around that has the scene where Angel Cop names the jew but I couldn't find it saved

Where can I find it with the original subs?

Was that Trunicht in the end not standing?

Excellent bait. Holla Forums should stop being so tsundere for Asian waifus. This whole "kill all halfbreeds" edgyness is Reddit tier nazi LARPing.

being attracted to cute subhumans =/= being married and starting a family with them

It would be more degenerate if we were not attracted by she-gooks or even the least-ape like of she-boons since that would make us TRSodomites.

I share the same belief but you've obviously given it more thought. It's a shame The Man in the High Castle is such a piece of shit because the Aryan-Honorayan alliance would have been beautiful. Mutual respect between two different races is one of the least hateful things out there, but somehow Hitler was the wrong one.

All of the nazi LARPers are like Greg Johnson, in my experience. Worshiping white women that fuck niggers and have bastard children, being LARPagan/anti-Christian, and being a homosexual that never breeds, while talking about other people being untermenschen. It's fucking hilarious.

Meanwhile, actual white men marry and have children with Asian women. They have a real future.

as nice as I'm sure your intention are, we can't do that. Aryan has a very specific meaning. Japanese would never say any Aryans were Japanese and Hitler would spit on you for so confusing the meaning of "Honorary Aryan".

Some faggot reported it

Aryan is a word for streetshitters. Are you a poo in loo? Germanics are fucking retarded.

white a people go hoooogughhghghghmme

this guy is king of the loudspeaker, he should be a professional protester loudspeaker person.

shoo shoo, jew.

They can't even get their own women and have to settle for imports m8

White women being trash is jews. The Enlightenment was jews. Niggers are jews. Asians are jews. Top fucking kek, user. This is why everything has gone to shit here since Trump got in. You're old and it isn't funny anymore.

Cringe. How desperate do you have to be to put gookloving in a positive light? White losers and betas settling for gooks is as common a meme as fat white women settling for negroes. Because they're both stereotypes that are true.

No, lad. They don't want their women. If you're not a nazi LARPing manlet incel, you can get a white woman easy. Nobody sane wants to marry a non-virgin whore. Stop putting them on a pedestal.

Everyone here complains about never being married, but they scoff at actual attractive virgins. Just trying to help out the ones that aren't completely brainwashed NEETsocs.

Again, if you have to settle for a gook you have a lot bigger problems than your virginity. If you're rejected by your own females, importing a desperate non-white women doesn't suddenly make you a man.

While I can agree that white whores are far and away from a sane choice, going abroad to get yourself a Japanese or gook wife isn't much better.

I understand exactly how specific a word like Aryan is. If my suggestion is flawed, let's throw out the whole of Hitler's phrase and just consider Japs as White.

"Aryan" is specific, but not that specific. Most Europeans descend from Aryans.

White women are the status symbols of women, every normal hotblooded male sees a blonde or redhead hotty as the pinnacle. That's why millions of military aged muds are flooding into europe as we speak. Go outside and you'll see how obsessed non-white men are with white women.

The only reason losers deny this is when they've been rejected by white women their entire life growing up and have mentally associated their own women with rejection and negativity. So they have to fly across the globe to find a yellow midget who will rove them rong time. Asia is the sex tourist and pedo destination and any autistic white nerd can fly to asia and get laid and get an import bride. Which makes it all the more hilarious when these same men LARP as alphas who rejected white women. They sound like MGTOWs who try to tell everyone that they rejected women and not the other way around.

I know this is Holla Forums where we all both ironically and non ironically quote the fourteen words, but it's not lack of attention from females of your tribe that creates the appeal of going to asian females.

It's the -EXOTIC- factor. This isn't rocket science. It's not about self esteem or feels. Neither about shaming or not shaming.

If a man has to follow the Dick. he will follow it, regardless if it's same kin or exotic female.

Such is the Way of the Male.

How is it settling if you're happy, she's sexually attractive, and you have a successful marriage with intelligent, high potential offspring that will never revert to a mean?

You're peddling status symbols on the wrong site, Normalfag.

Aren't Japs Hapas anyway due to their Ainu heritage? Either way, their xenophobia and isolationism has kept them in good shape thus far, and miscegenation can really erode those things away if it's not handled correctly.

Yeah, that's why millions of young men are flooding Europe as we speak. Nothing more exotic than long legs, blonde, red hair and blue, green eyes. They're our enemies, but they're essentially trying to get a piece of our pie and are aggressive at doing it. Yellow fever nerds are checking out of life and settling for crappy imports because they are scared of their own women.

Breeding is not checking out of life. You'd have a point if you were talking about MGTOW or robo waifu womb weebs.

They're flooding because Moishe opened the gates and payed them gibs to come in.

Sounds like you want more Maldraws in the world.

wew, are you a roastie? You're like a Lefty saying a normal person is scared of faggots because they hate them.

I know you're being ironic, but you may be more on spot than what you think. You think middle easterners just because they are muslim don't feel curious how it feels to fuck one of those european short skirted sluts?
Even to boot, they are feminist and believe to have sex with several different men is empowering, plus they even receive a good sum in welfare as a "thank you" for experimenting with european females.

Seriously the whole refugee program was the biggest lack of understanding of male sexuality and psychology. Likely egalitarian minded people were at work in this and forgot that people are not born as blank slates.
This is why the immigration on this terms has to stopped, if it was stopped entirely last year it would be already too late, let alone finding a way to stop it tomorrow.

For me this is not exotic, but the same repeated thing I've seen since I was a kid. It's a matter of frequency. If I was born in an asian country I would find asian females boring.

The word -EXOTIC- has the EXO sound for a reason.

Stop throwing being so bitter for males acting like males as males always acted since the last 6000 years.

His children will be glorious Finngolians.

Only if they're from that region. Otherwise, his children shall spawn memes lower than KC-tier drivel.

Pretty much. All sucessful patriarchs are suspicious of females and their nature, and females being part of their kin is no excuse to relax.

If you think a female won't bring you trouble when dissatisfied just because you two are of the same race… then you're very naive for someone who browses Holla Forums.
Women will be women and men will be men, neither of those groups will lose their universal characteristics just because of race tribalistic dynamics.

Well, Japan already has an abundance of White blood, the problem is that relationships with outsiders will dissolve cultural norms most of the time and that's not okay.

Still, I fail to see the point of creating more Hapas.

Well it's a step upwards from producing abortions and alimoney at home.


No no, Hapas have even more White blood than normal Japs, but Japs already possess significant White DNA. My post doesn't really advocate or denounce these relationships, it just says that they have to be conducted carefully so as to not overthrow the status quo of isolationism. The children of said relationship would have to be fully integrated one way or another.

Was a lively one, but found the infiltrated kike roleplaying as a 1488er.

Elliot Rodgers was half-Jew if I'm not mistaken.

Well now, my bad.

>Implying i'm defending abortion because I don't want more of me
Wow you must be as jewish as your doubles are divine.


i say this especially because i moved to japan

Having half-white intelligent children that will also produce intelligent children is a step up from being having no children at all.
I said intelligent. You don't get or keep intelligence from mixing with brown people.

I noticed that the faggots pushing for race-mixing are neckbeards or no-chins.

But doesn't the risk for increased physical and mental health issues like autism and allergies still stand?

Actually I consider Japs as White themselves, but I don't promote having children with them any more than I would promote having children with French women to non-French White men. The distinctions between the different White ethnicities should be preserved.

If you're an Ashkenazi kike, sure.

The only problem I see that would actually persist is organ transplants, but that would only be for one generation. It's no different from inheriting any other hereditary illness, though. Most whites here have heart problems, cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes etc. that runs in their family. There are always risks.

Relationships between Nordic men and Mediterranean women can yield similar results in the children, including difficulty during childbirth. Ultimately, these problems can be minimized by a decent upbringing instead of the usual treatment of ignoring the child.

White piggu stay home, arigato, sayonara white piggu.

I'm just pointing out your worries here are not in white's interest, if you're completly ok with whites having abortions and families consisting of single mothers.

When did I ever say that I supported the mass erasure of white children, you kike?

if all decent white men go for asian women, we'll white genocide. waito piggu stay home.

read the post instead of munching on your matzos, moshe.>>10651172

It's numerically impossible for all decent white men to go for asian women. It's an -EXOTIC- preference.

Some have taste for exotic goods, others don't. All scenarios presented here are unrealistic as heck.

But the only one that gives a sure genocide is to just abort all your offspring and to give the few one that appears broken homes.

we'll have white genocide, because white women will ride the cock carroussel until they end up with black children since black sperm travel further.

Soulless black eyes. I see more human spirit in niggers than yellow dogs.

Now this is a position I wholeheartedly stand behind, but what about that one bone marrow patient that was mixed?

I still hate kikes just as much as the next guy, but if you insist on miscegenation not being as bad as abortion, then you're sorely an IMAX projector.

lol butthurt, we have higher IQ/Creativity

Wanting to have white children = being a faggot like Greg Johnson. Tell me more rabbi

Reported and filtered.

It's not very persuasive to have Holla Forums telling males how/when/which females to partner up.

You know who typically repeats that type of advice in annoying way? Clingy mothesr and aunts. The suposed edgy Holla Forums website sounds like a chicken mother by now.

You're the one defending abortion and single parentship while pretending to be on white race interest.

Do you expect me to apologise for not promoting abortion?

Shoo shoo liberal

"We" as in Asians or half-breeds? IQ maybe. But not creativity. Asians are copy-machines and human calculators with no souls.

i am just trolling faggot. getting a japanese work visa is pretty hard, i know it since i had to work hard for it, tyrone.


It's funny that the best Asians you can find still aren't attractive to me. They are like nigger women who do everything in their power to appear more white. From eyelid surgeries to hair dye. Western fashion, ect. But when I see a gook, I'll always see them for the soulless dog-eating plague that they are.

Funny that someone who hates jews so much resorts to jewish tactics like putting words in others mouths and projection. Abortion is just as bad as miscegenation.

I expected you to apologize for having such a jewish dysfunctional reading comprehension, but not like that'd matter.


By now my edgiest "wish" is to find a good paying job in my own country surrounded by people of my ethnicity.

But that doesn't need I go full turbo autist repeating the totally not suspicious pattern of "western female pure and good who never did 1 slutty thing in their life, asian women will ruin your bloodline" chicken mother tier advice.

*but that doesn't mean I need to go full

Worshiping white women while never having children is exactly the same as being a Greg Johnson-tier faggot, faggot. If you can have a succeasful marriage and have children with a white woman, fine, but I seriously doubt it. Not even 5% of them are virgin. Someone can post that big collage about sexual morality and marriage if they feel like it.

Jap women are known to fuck men in courts. Not as much as White women, but still. Either way, just tone down your advocacy because it's not necessary. The truth of the matter is you and the guy you replied to are both fundamentally misunderstanding the problem. Protip: It's a gender problem, not a racial one. You want loyal women? Put the females in chains and treat them as what they are - your servants.

This is why Japs hate the gooks.

i rejected all white women who wanted to date me.

Mongrels and their supporters go into the woodchipper

Good. We don't need more faggot degenerates in the gene pool.

This is what it comes down to. Some choice.

I lived on both coasts and get what you're saying. But now I'm down south and there's plenty of good white women who are implicitly racial. Many get married young and have kids.

dating a white woman is like dating a pornstar, i instinctively knew that i would get shafted if i did.

The only worshipers I see here are the ones who love Asian dogs. They all look the same and lack the diversity which the white race has.

You're a newcomer, then. I've lived here my whole life. They aren't any better here. Some may marry younger, but they still don't want children, and they fuck just as much outside of marriage.

Then go live in Asian lands. Breed with all the gooks you want faggot.

yes, marry your own women, we don't want any fucking white neckbeard over here.

I'm in North West Arkansas. My county and the surrounding counties are 95%+ white. It is still shunned to be a whore because towns are small and word spreads. Mudsharks are very rare.

yes, that's already done i am in japan.

You don't know what you're talking about. Desist your anti-Jap faggotry or you'll look like a goon Kike.

You're so alpha. You can fuck women any ugly white guy with money can. Wow so impressed. Your mother must be proud.

The world will one day be all white. Your Asians have no future. Those lands will be ours.

A very long time ago, there were Hyperboreans who went south into what we now call Japan. They want the hyperborean bloodlines refreshed.

huh, lol. i am asian.

Sounds believable enough and I agree. I started my point with "females will be females", regardless of their race and age.
Just because she is or is not of your ethnicity and kin is no reason to relax. A same race female can screw you over very easily mainly if you're the female-worship type of guy.

At the end of the day, males will be males and females will be females, regardless of which is your favorite tribe.

Amen. If you believe White women are good and you are ready to marry and have kids with them, go ahead.

But "saving your race" by staying home on imageboards by shitposting on racemixing achieves zero.

White women won't save you (lol) and asian women won't insta-ruin you. Things are not so dichotomically extreme.

While I think I would tend to be happier with a same kin female in terms of family and kids, I would be lying if I said female asians have learned to value feminity traits that modernized western females hate.

Oh, it's shunned here too, but that doesn't stop it. An Alabama county, 80+% white. Mudsharks are a daily sight. I don't want used goods, whether it was a white dick or a nigger dick that was inside her. I will not tolerate used goods.

*would be lying if I didn't say

Good thing Japs are White.

The Asian "submissive" wives become "tiger moms" soon after birth. Then they dominate their white cuck husbands more than most white women ever would. So in the end, most white men who date/procreate with Asian women are cucks to begin with. You don't need to be a chad to get white women. Just not a pussy beta.

One word. Church.

If you racemix with nigs, arabs, or japs, then your kids will no longer be White, and you and your mongrel family can fuck off.

Then why are you attempting to convince me how "beautiful" your women are? Why the fuck would you want me to mix with your kind? Cuck Japnigger.

We should go for the women who got their virginity back by going to confession?
Jesus already told us they are going to burn.

user, I wasn't born yesterday. Higher chance, but still disgustingly low.


I'm no Christian but I agree. Go to Church, and you can have a community and a place to talk theology, and a dating pool all in one.

because there are no tripfags over here and if i use a trip, i will get instabanned, faggot LOL.

Race-mixing with any non-white is a slippery slope. Then other shitskins will be tolerated. "That Puerto Rican's pretty hot" - "How about that half Mexican chick?"

It never fucking ends.

Not this shit again sounds like a Broken Disc by DJ Soccer Mom

"Getting white women" and "Marrying a (single) White Woman" are galaxies apart in distance.

Anyone can get a lay. Only a minority of men can get a decent marriage.
Just because you can sleep with a female doesn't mean you are compatible or ready to marry her. If you believe that, enjoy your alimoney.

Believable but for the wrong reasons. White woman have this too, and in fact get so Tiger they are ready to get the correct Lawyer so her kid never sees his/her Father again.

A small price to pay for feminism!

No kike. Women who are young and still family oriented going to church. Virgins or someone who maybe had 2 or 3 boyfriends/sex-partners tops. They exist you know


Given we're in "produce children" terrain, the demands for female change drastically. Males think twenty times before wetting dick with a clear baby making intention, while sex without consequences almost anything goes.

If you tell yourself you can't get something then you wont. I'm not a (((MGTOW))) faggot who plays victim.

If you're a believer, you're not allowed to touch those women who aren't virgins, unless they're widows or something. Why do you suggest faking a religion to go after women?

I'm not playing victim in fact females are often receptive of me.

That does not mean I have to follow chicken mom script with "Holla Forums imageboard flavour" in regards to woman to marry.

A man is suposed to create and grab his own destiny by the pussy, not to phone his mom on what to do next.

Its not too late user, you can still educate yourself.

Fuck off. Are you a Tradcuck btw?

That's carnal Jew (((porn))) thinking. "Sex without consequences" doesn't exist. And a non-white woman is far more likely to poke holes in the condom or "forget" taking birth control to get pregnant.

Sure, the "slippery slope" is a good point, but the most important point is that most normal people are naturally against racemixing. If one is to racemix, then they must be a fucked up freak with little regard for their race and blood.

Proof? Also, what if said non-White woman is acting as a surrogate mother to all-White children?

I just hate playing a fucking victim like a nigger. I don't need little labels like MGTOW to define me. A real alpha to begin with doesn't need his little group of fags who hate on white women all day and worship gook gold diggers.

No this is what males always want to believe regardless of the era and their own age.

Whatever. If each poster here saying on good white women were already producing kids instead of just worshipping them and saying they are pure despite their bi weekly affair with jamal, we could be over the white demographic crisis.

Nothing pure white can ever come from a shitskin snatch. Even if it could, that's disgusting to think of. Go watch more interracial porn

So after 2 years the fucking gookposter is back.

What's your main opposition if such a relationship produced pure White children? The technology to do this is very real and it's already in use you dummy.

The goal is to produce white kids is where I'm getting at. Not worship muh Aryan princesses. But I also don't buy into all white women are mudshark whores. Yes, many are but like with anything, it takes time and effort to find the good ones. It's easier to go to some gookland and fuck any gook you can. That's nothing to be proud of.

Not that I advocate it, but since Japs are White, children with Japs would also be White.

What would be the fucking point? We're not looking to outbreed non-whites. We can boost our numbers with our own women. You must worship stinky brown and purple snatches to even think of that sick shit. No different than faggot sperm donors and other weird experimental kike shit. Fucking kill yourself literally.


This is the dumbest shit I've read today. Race is more than skin color

So you're pretending to be grounded in reality and fact yet your sentimentality on the subject proves otherwise. No substance, just "Feelz > Reelz".

Goon Kikes belong in the gas chamber.

Japs are honorary aryans, but you're gonna have to back up your "japs are white" claim.

It was a man named Arthur de Gobineau who came up with the theory of the Aryan master race. He was a French conservative monarchist of aristocratic descent who happened to be a linguist that was obsessed with Persia and studying Persian language/ archaeology, that's why we have a curry nigger/ Persian term like "Aryan." associated with Germans / Germanics. He was also a huge influence on German thinking / National Socialism. Basically, he proposed that miscegenation which leads to literal racial degeneration was the cause of all the world's ills and that in ancient times every civilization originally had a founding Aryan population and that civilizations stagnated / collapsed because of miscegenation and there no longer being enough pure blooded Aryans left to sustain it. This was his justification for why aristocracy and castes are a must. He considered the Germanics to be the purest Aryans left in existence owing to the remote location of Scandinavia and considered all other, Caucasoids, Europeans or otherwise, to be degenerates with blood contaminated by miscegenation. In his estimation, men like him were superior and had a right to rule specifically because of their Germanic heritage. He used his racial theory to justify the right of French aristocracy to rule over the Romano-Celt masses of France, whom he considered to be inferior degenerates, because they were of purer Frankish or "Germaine" descent. By the way, he presented himself as a conservative Catholic, but privately, he was a larpagan who invented a fake genealogy for himself and claimed descent from Odin. Anyhow, that's why Aryan, an Indian/Persian term, specifically refers to only racially Germanic people or people who are similarly of the purest White heritage with no trace of sub-human admixture. Ironically, Gobineau, the creator of the Aryan master race theory, personally hated Slavs, White Americans, modern Southern Euros, etc and considered them all to be degenerate mongrels, nevertheless, the South, just prior to the civil war, apparently loved his ideas and translated and published his book only with the selective removal of the Anti-American parts.

"Honorary Aryan" by Hitler's standards mean "White" by everyone else's. Either way, just as I don't promote the idea that every White man should wife a French woman, I also don't advocate having children with Japs, because the distinctions between the different White ethnicities should be preserved.

I understand all that but the idea of Aryans as a master race is wrong because pre-Aryan Europeans exist and they're just as good as the rest. You're wrong about Persia being non-White btw.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention Gobineau hated gooks, nips, and chinks with a passion. He ranked the races of the world like this Aryans > Whites> Blacks >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yellows. He believed that the Aryans possessed beauty, strength, and intelligence, while the Africans possessed only strength, but the Gooks had not one redeeming quality.

How many parts nigger are you?

It's a good thing his retarded belief was proven wrong then.

At least in Gobineau's original Aryan racial theory, the term "pre-Aryan" is nonsensical. Aryan basically refers to the original pure state of the White race. So if the people were racially White with no trace admixture of Yellow or Black blood, they were pure Aryans.

The people that came to populate Europe came in three waves, the first being hunter gatherers, the second being farmers, and the third wave was an invasion conducted by what we now refer to as Aryans.

your both fucking liars
Gobineau had deep insight into the species, try harder faggets

" He does not dream or theorize; he invents little, but can appreciate and take over what is useful to him. his whole desire is to live int eh easiest and most comfortable way possible. The yellow races are thus clearly superior to the black. Every founder of a civilization would wish the backbone of his society, his middle class, to consist of such men. But no civilized society could be created by them; they could not supply its nerve-force, or set in motion the springs of beauty and action."


He hated ching chongs far more than niggers because he didn't consider niggers a threat, but was obsessed with yellow peril. The French tried to station him in China and he protested fiercely, ending up in Brazil instead.



they have dark brown genitals
and if they stay 2 months in the sun they'll became as brown as a Pinoy

read these, and look at the pics they are commenting on:


You are wrong and you should feel wrong. Put those black pills away. You need more white pills.

My ancestors weren't born in Asia. Japan is for the Japanese.

Too many times to count have I seen weak beta white men with yellow squat goblins for wives, as the insect bleeds them dry of every last quarter and either leaves or screeches them to an early grave. There's no redeeming factor of the black-eyed midgets other than the ease of access to pussy because of their desire for western lifestyle and (maybe) half white mongrels. No white man that lowers himself to another race can ever consider himself "alpha". Conquest comes from taking the best, not compromising for less.

One last thing, despite all the Jewish-funded propaganda not only targeting whites but specifically white women, to this day, whites are the most likely to stay within their race. Among the two sexes, white females are the most likely to stay within race. If you're going to claim "hurr every last white woman on the planet is a coal burning whore" then you must also believe "durr every last white man on the planet is a yellow gook goblin chasing beta". The blatant black pill kike shilling is obvious at this point. But that was the intention from the start of this entire racemixing and cultural dissolution slide thread.


insects? you mean earth-bound greys, Tyrone.

Some Jap halfbreeds are cute but most asian women have the physique of a 16 yr old boy. That's why I like Mediterranean women, they have child bearing hips and age better than slavic women tbh.

that's because we have the same anatomy as the greys.

Imagine if a grey fucks a human, her muscular vagina would crush the grey's dick. That's exactly what it's like to be an Asian man fucking a White woman.

That's why we should never reproduce.

Those are original subs, its from LOTGH, I need to get around to watching it.

I remember those, I think I have them saved somewhere.


Seems about right.