Fan Games Are No Less Protected Than Fan Art By IP Laws

So when is someone going to sue the shit out of Nintendo?

Other urls found in this thread:

why not just make your game, with new sprites, and rename the characters Zamus Eran

Are you literally retarded?

This is why nobody likes Nintendo fanboys.

Just point them to Mario Runners

not surprising


All I'm getting from this is that Nintendo has every right to take down art of their IPs as well (which they have also been doing recently with regards to ecchi and porn). It makes sense that they would do this if they believe the works provide a negative effect to their IP's image (porn, sometimes fan games) or compete with their own commercial products (fan games).

It is interesting though that all these cases of takedowns are centered in the US - I don't recall any cases occurring in Japan (regarding doujin artists) or in Europe.

Lol, The only thing left of Nintendo is gonna be the massive amounts of porn it's IPs have generated

what a legacy

nintendo also removed doujins

Nah, they'll make themselves the Disney of Japan. Or you know, more so

Make your own games, retards

Fan art is transformative.
Taking a video game product namesake and likeness to make a piece of art is not the same as taking a video game product namesake and likeness and making a video game.

But just because they can doesn't mean they should.

I can't wait for TPP to finalize so that cosplay and even mere online discussion of their IPs is illegal and punishable by a prison reprogramming sentence. :^)

Since when did ripping off stolen assets count as fan art? The world isn't like deviantart, OP.

Guess I'm out of touch then. Here I though it was just NoA meddling with fan works.

Nintendo really is completing their image as the Disney of Japan.

How does it feel to be completely wrong about everything you posted, including that shit artwork?

Didn't they do something to that Tepig doujin or was that a rumor?



How does it feel to devote your entire life towards a company?

I seriously hope you get paid for this.




What a nice discussion going on.

Where in my post was I defending Nintendo? I later make a post comparing them (unfavorably) to Disney.

Shouldn't the fanart be protected under derivative work of the copyright law?

They didn't even pull a sega and get the best fan games to help develop and release. Hell, they don't even give a fair warning before shutting it down.

tl;dr, in the US, fan games could fall under the protections of fair use.

Were the games made with assets from actual nintendo games?
no need for a takedown
Don't ask for money regarding the game's development directly because dude IP Laws lmao. This isn't very difficult. Regardless, I hate how Nintendo's gone down the shitter since post-WiiU.

you can play pokemon uranium and AM2R.
theyre both downloadable and available online.

The Cease and desist is a legal formality so people don't see an image that anyone can grab their IPs and monetize them. it's all a formality. they're forced to do it.

they even waited for them to be done and spread online before Ceasing development, because of kindness. They know in practice theyre just fan games, but the suits tell them to do it.

Although I agree they should do like capcom, offer them a job with their game as price and upload the fangame, for free exposure and free reputation

Nintendo makes stupid decisions, but its not like they are the biggest offender. Squenix is the WORST with its cease and desists

This a myth, only trademark needs to be protected like that.

Copyright isn't so fragile.

As a person who studied law for three years I can tell you that you're full of fucking shit.

Companies and people owning IP have the right to protect their IP from obscenity and misrepresentation though.

Bill Waterson tried to get the "Calvin Pissing" stickers removed and even spent a fair amount on lawyers but the problem was most of the sellers were usually on the road and at car meets/fairgrounds and getting them made to order. He eventually had to concede because there wasn't just one company doing it. But his effort was mostly to show he's willing to protect the Calvin and Hobbes intellectual property helped him hold the IP even when he's not doing anything with it (And he will take those rights to his grave).

Sadly, Nintendo has a right, even under the provison of Satirical works, to take down porn based on their IP. Hell, they even bought the rights to "Super Hornio Bros", a porn made in the early 90's so it never, ever could be seen or distributed ever again.

Sadly that's law. You can get it classed as satire but companies are very good at disecting the burden of proof and if it qualifies these days. Disney's team of lawyers are especially good at it.

At the same time, their stance on fangames is bullshit. Especially in the wake of Sega now starting to comission games from some of the best fangame makers after keeping an eye on the rom hacking scene for years (Sega US pretended it didn't exist but never went after it because they believed it would keep Sonic relevant) or Microsoft having "content usage" policies that let you do machinima and other fan work using their games including fangames, dating back well before the 360 came out thanks to Red Vs Blue. Bungie and MS even allowed a 2D Fan Game called Halo Zero to come out and be discussed on as long it remained a free download (Though they wouldn't endorse it officially because they didn't want it considered cannon).

They do go after Halo Porn though it's more of a keeping up the "No obscenity" rule. And those Pictures were always posted in The Flood sub-forum so much it became a running joke.

Everyone else has moved on but Nintendo and Nintendo's being stubborn and stupid again.

Do you have a single source to back that up?

Why would someone sue Nintendo for Nintendo taking down their fan games? That makes no logical sense here.

Also, why do people keep saying Nintendo will "fail"? I can see this going on for decades, easily.

did you forget that you already posted in this thread with the exact same image?

I deleted my previous post because I uploaded the wrong one

The next time they issue a baseless C&D you can just tell them to fuck off. If they actually follow through with their threat they'll have a reasonable chance of losing and will have to pay reparations.


I can understand people defending Nintendo (even though I disagree and hate the company for this) but that's the problem. When you compare them to how EVERYONE ELSE is handling fan games, there's simply no excuse.

Really, it's ironic. A company that presents itself as the "fun" company is going out of its way to make sure nobody ever has fun with anything. Between shit like fangames, their treatment of certain IPs, and their shitty localizations, we can't have nice games because Nintendo is hellbent on making sure they don't exist for some insane reason.

And then they'll appeal. And when they lose again, they'll appeal again. And again. And again. For decades, if necessary. Eventually, the side that ISN'T a giant international corporation will go bankrupt from legal fees. "Rule of law" is a myth.

There's no limit on how many times you can appeal? That sounds a little fucked up.

Why do you stupid niggers keep going on about laws and rights? Who the fuck cares about that made up horseshit?

IP is a stupid idea. It's not helpful. It doesn't help artists make money. It doesn't encourage the rampant expansion of culture. It only serves to provide a tool for those who already possess wealth to further enlarge their horde at the detriment of others.

More importantly, intellectual property is philosophically abhorrent. I may hold a physical object as property as I am able to manipulate, store, and even destroy it. I either have it, or I don't. IP holders don't actually hold anything. They communicate information, which exists on a variety of mediums as well as within the minds of those who consume the information. The scarcity which affects food and metals doesn't even begin to enter the equation with information.

The solution? Cocktails.

What does "cocktails" mean in this context?

No one is going to sue Nintendo, because the author doesn't know what he's talking about.

A copyright includes control over derivative art. That is the law. That is why we aren't flooded with a million Harry Potter games from every studio.

Copyright is a civil matter. That means Nintendo gets to pick and choose whom they go after. If Nintendo wants to go after fan games but not fan artists, that's their prerogative.

The courts do not waste time on trivial matters (de minimis non curat lex). A single piece of non-commercial fan art is a trivial matter. A fan game that may end up competing with Nintendo's own offerings is not trivial. He doesn't know Nintendo's plans, nor can he dictate them.

There is in countries with a decent justice system. Don't know about the Land of the Free though.

Doesn't the party that loses the lawsuit pay for them?

Oy vey.



Holy shit you stupid fucks
A DMCA takedown notice =/= a cease and desist letter of intent

Tatsumi Kimishima isn't Jewish and neither is Reggie Fils-Aimé.
You don't have to be a Jew to be a greedy sack of shit.

Wasn't AM2R C&D'd though? In any case, a false DMCA can be sued as well.

remember, it's only a discussion if it's pro-Nintendo !

No wait, it was a DMCA takedown, my bad.

Probably the molotov kind.


Maybe people will finally realize that copyright law has been distorted from "To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts" to "To make Lots of Cash doing Nothing Useful" and needs serious changes. Or maybe they'll just not give a shit like they did all the times copyright law's been fucked around with in the past. Guess which one will happen.


that's why you have to make a fucking parody OC like ricky rouse or monald muck

If your favorite company was really on that list then holy fuck user
Stop sucking corporate cock


Hi reddit

Never you double nigger. Fan art isn't protected, fan games aren't either. Especially when the fan games uses art assets that belong to Nintendo.


>even having a favorite company
You are the goodest of goyim.
I bet you're cut as well.

Isn't it on ice though?
I though that Canacucks for once chose wisley and shat on it all day long because of some farmer issues.
Same as Yurop.

Kikes never take 'No' for an answer.

Both the major US candidates are against TPP, so I don't think it'll actually pass. It's falling apart at the moment
But let's not derail the thread into the TPP, that's a different problem.


Shit, I never noticed.



Hillary's gone on record supporting it many times before. The only thing you can expect her to do is parrot the public opinion as long as it's convenient.

>>>/reddit/ I heard they take Nintendrones like you.

Pretty sure Grand Poobah Trudeau is all for the TPP despite previously being ambiguous about it in his campaign.

Nice, glad to see my shitty OC will cause salt.

It's not really a discussion when one side is continually harping on the same points and ignoring everything else.

Really? I thought Hillary was against it.
I'm not American, so I haven't followed the election very closely.


Nintendo is a shit company and I hope they go bankrupt. Fuck them.

She's "against" it as in her latest statements were a backtracking on her previous statements on the deal. She's the huge flip-flopper, even compared to other politicians.


I'm going to ask a question and I want you to deliver an upfront answer, no fallacies, name-calling or general slyness. I will return the favour if you want.
Why do you like Nintendo so much, to the point of defending them over things other companies would be slaughtered for? What makes them exempt?

You forgot to include the copyright on your epic OC flipped image user.


For starters it makes contrarian faggots here mad. Secondly they haven't done anything morally or legally wrong or invalid.

This guy writes like a faggot and I'm glad he didn't get ad shekels from my click, but he's not wrong.

At least you're being honest.

I hope not, that doujin had really sexily drawn animal dicks on the pokemon

she became against it because it's not popular, but she was involved in the creation and you can bet she'll back it.

Well why wouldn't I be? I'm not defending Nintendo because they're Nintendo, I'm defending them because they haven't done anything illegal or immoral.

Its like you live in an alternate universe where everyone is as worthless and insignificant as yourself.


Kill yourself.

Now tell me what's more jewish, user: hosting games that rip off other peoples' IPs and work for profit without even giving uploaders a share of that revenue or the IP holder saying "hey quit making money off our shit"?

What did they "exploit", user. Tell me.

Amazing argument and what a funny meme you posted, user.

AM2R's website had no ads you corporate whore.

They were taking donations. That's revenue.

Look at the Nintendrones and Laugh

You could read the rest of the sentence to find out what they exploited.


I don't think you know what the term "exploit" means. The DMCA has been a law since the early 2000s and it is pretty clear, cut, and dry as to what it can be applied to. How did they exploit the DMCA?

ITT: Bumrustled Nintendorks

Yeah, I mean come on, it's now perfectly moral to make use of laws that have been corrupt since inception because it's been around for a while.

Nice current year argument.

Explain how they're corrupt instead of relying on a non-argument

I want Nintendo to die already.

You need somebody to explain to you how legislation that criminalizes fair use and interferes with historical preservation is corrupt?
Wow, my anime girl with question marks was more spot on then I knew.

Truly the greatest loss in all of this.

Where is this taking place at?
Cause I just check like three sites and I haven't seen anything removed.

Is Nintendo the new Viacom?

How is profiting off other peoples' work "fair use"? You sound jewish.

Tumblr. It's the only place that's been making a lot of good Wicke art, since Japan has shit taste and is going ga-ga over the skinny KLK-looking bitch.

Holy shit you're deluded

They did, the reason the mangaka cancelled the sequel was because he'd been contacted by Nintendo.

Okay, now I'm mad.

No, actually I was going to go >tumblr

I think he's talking about the Gamejolt situation.

I like theclack of an argument you have there, user.

Fair use includes many ways to profit off of work that involves other people's work. But the DMCA doesn't specifically concern itself with whether profit is involved, so that's neither here nor there.


But if Nintendo dies than there will be no more waifu lewds. But if there are lewds Nintendo will take them away…truly a conundrum.

And everyone else is talking about everything
And since he doesn't mention it specifically, he's also using that retarded train of thought to refer to everything

I agree, Nintendo is starting to become a fucking GIANT. For better or worse is up to you to decide.
They are a giant that no longer makes anything out of passion, but makes pasty dull mush meant to cater to the widest target audience possible.

They have become shameless about it being purely a business. They don't care about you or me, only about the most brainwashed shitgobbling retard that will clap their hands and say "I LUV NINTENDO11!!1!1" or "Color Splash isn't that bad u haters!!", because they don't know any better, and most likely never will.

It's quite sad how we have been witnessing the death of a corporations identity since the Wii, but now it's becoming extremely malignant. Nintendo has just become yet another company. Not the company we all grew up with, Oh no.
It's tragic but that's life.

Splatoon came out a year ago.


Not a lawyer, but as I understand it appeals kick the can down the road, so to speak, keeping any monetary judgments in limbo until a higher court rules on the case. Legal fees continue to pile up though, which aren't awarded until the case is concluded. That's why wealthy corporations and individuals typically win by default, they can afford to keep going while individuals go bankrupt even if their claims are valid.

People are used to saying "it's okay when Nintendo does it" or "it's only a discussion if it's pro-Nintendo" but it's quite the opposite: the only viewpoint accepted on Holla Forums is anti-Nintendo no matter what it does. If you're not anti Nintendo, you're double plus un-good, better leave the echo chamber anti-Nintendo safe zone!

How many PS4 Neos and PSVR have you goyim preordered already? Gotta play Uncharted 4 in that sweet HDR.

I don't understand how people can defend Nintendo now. I used to love the FUCK out of Nintendo a few years ago, everything was Nintendo with me, Nintendo this. Nintendo that! I saw them as an awesome innovative force! They were legendary and original. Now, that interest is slowly fading into obscurity. You think I'd be excited for the NX, but we know NOTHING about it officially, it could be just another Wii U/3DS hybrid abomination for all we fucking know. They've become extremely business oriented, more than before, but are failing pathetically miserable now, they're not exactly in hot water, but aren't exactly getting homeruns with sales either, thus, Amiibos.

I honestly feel they're not giving roles to the guys who are passionate about what they like, I remember seeing a few directors not being allowed to direct games in turn for the shitty newbies (and thus sticker star and other M came to be), and the new fans don't know any better to have played the older Nintendo games with fluid creative output. This is one reason why a shit load of people praise Ocarina of Time, I personally think the game plays like shit, but I'd have to be smoking crack to think the lore and story wasn't interesting as all fuck.

Nintendo used to be good, and now they fucking suck because of their shitty business decisions. That's the problem here. You seriously don't think everyone hates Nintendo for no reason?


Thanks for proving my point.


Okay, fam.

So you're not denying that you're a Nintendrone, you're just denying that you're butthurt?

I don't think anybody claimed to want a productive debate with a Nintendrone.

Boy, let's hope you're baiting.
If not, then you should blow out your fucking cranium for being so damn retarded.

It's like having a child refuse to listen to reason, plug their ears and say "No! No! No!"



i'm really starting to wonder if the NIDF is real.
the amount of sliding & autism that appears on any post critical of nintendo seems like more than just nostalgia & autism.

Not only that, Gumball doesn't even look like this

I think you grossly underestimate the powers of autism and nostalgia, either one alone could really account for most of this shit.


Doesn't the same apply to people defending them?

Your queen and savior.

Wicke makes my dicke thicke real quicke.

Plus 75 years, plus another 150 when his estate does a Disney

Disregard that I suck cocks.
Read it wrong buddy, move along.


Oh my.



Ew, this is ugly tumblr tier art



and nothing of value was lost
daly reminder that theres a gardevoir with tits made by one of the art designers who worked for gamefreak


look it up, fam.
he worked for gamefreak and got fired for youknowwhat

He just posted it, doofus. Pokemoa is the webmaster of Pokesho, a pokemon fansite.
He's the closest you will ever get to official drawn Pokemon ecchi.


You mean their artist tried to draw 80s hair but ended up with what literally looks like a pile of segmented shit.

None of that is proof, dumbasses. Where's the proof he worked for Game Freak?
Which is awful because he's shit at drawing.

Doesn't Japan draw thicc bitches all the time?

ok user, tell me, when and where in my post >>>>10648726
did i imply AM2R is a shitty flash game?
i know pokemon uranium is shit, but did i imply that in my post? no.
gamejolt and newgrounds are filled with shitty, floaty clunky flash games

To be fair, Wicke's hair is much less exaggerated in her 3D model. She also has that slight titty bounce.

He's pretty popular, unlike a certain rando on Holla Forums.


And your point?

I love poofy hair. It adds volume and character. Better than tentacle haired anyway

Answer my question you cunt

Not until you stop using niggerspeak.

Yeah that looks far better
I guess they just need to fire their 2D artist.

I love poofy hair, it's just drawn like shit in the promo art.

Ohmura is pretty bad at drawing.

the truth is stranger then fiction tbh fam

No, you Jew.

There are plenty of styles for drawing cartoons these days. The problem is that half of them are made by Newgrounds artists who really wanted to be cartoonists. SU is decent enough at its drawing style. Gumball seemed okay too. Haven't watched the other 2 though. Plus I don't even watch Cartoons these days except for SU due to my autism. I've been watching the superior anime for years now.

why would you come into a thread and decide to declare "I'm a giant steven universe watching faggot!"? Like yeah, I can point out a few wrong things with his image too, but still.

You're just terrible all around aren't you

But AM2R and pokemon uranium were DMCA'd too, and that article in the OP talks about them, so you're automatically talking about them

Do you think that, maybe, possibly, somewhere within the real of existence, that Nintendo really is in the wrong here?
That's the real reason there's no "discussion." It's like trying to make an argument to why kicking puppies is a good thing. You could do it, but you'd just be wrong.

I guess I just don't mind. There are times where the show is awful though. I wish they'd stop doing parody episodes of shit. The Initial D one in particular was awful.

They didn't do anything legally or morally wrong, though.

Wow, you really went back to that after you gave up arguing that point?

Prove that they didn't.

oh, my bad, it's just somebody else saying the same exact thing as somebody else.

user, you should probably look at IDs for a change.

I disagree. It's morally wrong to ruin other people's fun for literally no benefit.

Then why are you here?

Let's take it into consideration with the gamejolt takedowns. I'll give you a simple example. A kid is selling lemonade. His lemonade is using some sort of recipe that might be used by some factory. The factory than sues the kid or demolishes its lemonade stand, forbidding it from selling the lemonade because he "didn't own the recipe rights". It's not morally wrong? Come again?

He sounds like every other condescending, bitter fag on an imageboard are you really surprised he sounds like another user too?

That's a fucking stupid example and you should kill yourself for thinking that's even valid.

Considering Gamejolt's romhacks are made mostly by kids, it's not. It's literally a big corporation shitting on a bunch of romhacks made by kids "because we own the license"? Why were paid mods attacked but not this shit? Why is it that it's fine shitting on steam but if it's Nintendo it's "morally" or "legally" right? What's the big difference?

here's a better example

It's actually a good example. Things like AM2R are so small they shouldn't show up on Nintendo's radar, just like a lemonade stand wouldn't to a factory. Yet they still take the time and effort to shut it down, because fuck you.
Then idiots on the internet say they have to "protect their IP."

Prove that it isn't valid

They weren't ROMhacks.
Because Nintendo isn't charging for mods.

Except this didn't happen in any of the cases. Try again.

No it isn't. Kill yourself now.





>Defending a company selectively enforcing a corrupt law only when it doesn't make them look that bad to the public doesn't make you a cuckold

So what are we just lying about what actually happened now?

most fan games are not sold for money, I know for a fact AM2R was not, as well as the multitude of games on gamejolt are completely free, most even without the creators accepting donations.

You're probably thinking that using assets from another game legally excludes them from protection, but it doesn't. The big portion of Fair Use is if the end product is derivative enough in its artistic or education merit. Taking someone's assets and making a completely new game from them is the same as taking someone's song and remixing it, and both are legal under Fair Use.

Gamejolt got ad revenue generated by those games

Nintendo is charging 20-40$ for games from the 80s-90s. And they take down games for using old assets from said games.

Haven't noticed any of them asking for money. Am I missing something here?

You seem to continue repeating the same argument like a broken record.

You're a fucking idiot or you have some sort of brain problem.

nintendo is shit lol

and yet it wasn't gamejolt that was penalized, but the specific games and creators themselves

read the article in the OP.

The author explains that the legal argument Nintendo is using for these fan-games could to applied the same way to fan-art, cosplaying, fan-fiction, and song remixes. But Nintendo does not choose to go after these creations, meaning they only selectively throw their legal weight around. And the author's guess as to why this is stems from the assumption that games are products even if they are completely free, and thus can be subject to legal takedown unlike "artistic" examples of IP infringement.

You seem to have a personal vendetta against fanworks. Can I ask why?


Because he is bored and thought that impersonating the Nintendo fanboy boogeyman would be a good way to trigger Holla Forums into entertaining him.

And you all just fell for it.

I should also mention that profiting off your creation does not exclude you from protection under Fair Use, it's only a factor of the consideration, but then again so is the market impact of you selling that product. There are countless products that are sold for profit that fall under fair use, such as song artists sampling other musicians music and then selling it as a mix tape, or making a remix of an existing song and selling that, etc.

Except that's wrong, read about Fair Use again. Art isn't really covered by it.

That's not even close to true.

Also you seem to think the person needs to actively sell a game to violate law. As long as they get any sort of revenue they're in hot water.

Except that's false, Gamejolt was served with the DMCA.

I did, most of it was garbage because he has no understanding of the law.



Wasn't AM2R taken down because Nintendo thought it would fuck with sales of the original Metroid 2 on eShop? Then again, they've taken down No Mario's Sky which wasn't a remake or used any Nintendo assets so I don't know what the fuck.

Compare 30s-40s cartoons with 10s cartoons please


The image is a joke, it's mocking cherrypicking.



And even then, those new shows still look like spaz shit.

They took that down because it's a mario game, and nintendo sells mario games
Remember how Bethesda's legal team stuck their dick in Mojang over Scrolls because "the title could confuse customers"


I love all these non arguments

Rick and Morty really overuses that saggy ballsack mouth expression


See you decided to miss something
Parody. Simply making a game with Nintendo assets isn't parody.

They are literately paid shills. That's the only explanation at this point unless they do it for free. Just ignore and hide them.

Ah, so they're just being a bunch of faggots then. Gotcha.

This article was pretty much written by a whiny Tumblrina.

I wonder..

I already addressed it



I have been trying to notice what is off with the new cartoons. Apart from looking way too similar, they are bright, cheerful and shove in no complexity in their plots. They also dont have any interesting themes.

No Mario's Sky is parody of two different games, but that wasn't the point of the quote. Since you missed the sentence, I'll highlight it for you.

Parody isn't the only form of fair usage that can be sold for profit, it's just one example of fair use that has been protected even though it was sold.

Fucking perfect.

Fan games (and fan content in general) are copyright infringement and susceptible to dmca takedown by default, regardless of if or it does not make money off their works. Profit, like market impact, is just something the rights holder takes into account when considering making a C&D or DMCA, but it doesn't actually have any impact on the law. Profit also does not outright go against fair use law, though it weighs against fair use claims.

The only reason fan art is generally allowed is due to the gentlemen's agreement, where rights holder often treat copyright infringements of fan works not as harmful to their copyrights and instead as free promotion. Techniquely every company could take down every fn work made from their IPs - those made for free or for profit - but they don't because they don't see it as a worthwhile action. Nintendo's actions say that they believe nearly any use of their IPs they don't have control of is harmful to their brand and market presence. Which makes sense in the case of AM2R since it proves that fans can put together a far better Metroid game than Nintendo can in over decade of releases (infrequent as they my be).

Also since you seem to think Art isn't covered by Fair Use:

In fact, one of the first cases of Fair Use that hit the courts was someone taking a picture of a painting.

Except that decision was purely talking about parody.

now post the fuck anime pic


Do you understand how court cases and precedent works?

Do you understand how plagiarizing a video game isn't parody?

How do you sue Nintendo for using their own IP's?

Im pretty sure none of us own the Metroid License or Mario license Or the Brandly new Splatoon License

You're not doing any better. You're either just telling people to kill themselves or coming up with convoluted (and often false) nitpicks to other people's examples, arguments and metaphors.
I mean, what am I supposed to do, explain even more how nintendo is morally wrong, or just post smug anime girls at you since it's the only thing you seem to understand?

Fucking retarded.

I'll go with the one and only thing left that I doubt you can argue against. Why is Nintendo the only big company taking down games that "use assets"?

Your answer is going to be because they're legally obliged. Nothing else. If that's the case the anons trying to talk to you aren't going to get anywhere.

This is the same argument I've heard for the past 2 weeks now. I've had good arguments going with anons on the site but people like you are stuck up. You only take Nintendo's point of view as if it's the only important one. Wouldn't that in itself make arguing pointless? Instead of getting to an eventual agreement you stagnate due to neither side agreeing to each other. At least the other anons are trying to find points and talk to each other.

They aren't.

Changing audiences, used to be the presumption of one TV per household and stay at home parents so while cartoons were made for a main target of children they also tried to be interesting enough for whole families to tolerate them. Now that every household has a ton of tvs or other media devices there's no need to attempt for anything to appeal to multiple targets so there's a hard split between cartoons aimed at young children and teenagers with shallow plots and bright colors and adult cartoons like Rick and Morty and Venture Brothers with generally less bright palettes and mature humor. That's my theory anyway, could also just be that the people who make cartoons these days are dumber and more childish than the people who used to make them.

Sega, Valve, Bethesda, Microsoft.
At the top of my head.

I will go with the latter explanation. There have been some good, semi-modern shows before.

t. corpcuck

This is why the board is shit

Another part of Fair Use is if the usage is "transformative". In other words, if you create a completely new artistic piece out of copyrighted assets, that's covered by fair use. Which is why someone can remix a song that is not parody and still make money off of it. Creating an entirely new game in a style that hasn't been done in the main series before (AKA No Mario's Sky) would certainly fall under this.

And since you don't understand how Supreme Court cases work in the US, maybe you're a European or whatever, but basically each individual case is a specific instance but the circumstances surrounding the case become precedent for later decisions by the lower courts.

So just because one instance included parody, does not suggest every Fair Use must be parody in order for it to be sold and still be protected under Fair Use.

No in this case it's ad homo, because HOLY SHIT ARE YOU A FUCKING FAGGOT!
And now I take my own advice.

Oh yeah, I forgot about that. I've heard it from some Americans a few times. That's why there's a plethora of Touhou songs as well. That makes a lot of sense. Thank you user.

All you're doing is supporting Judaism. Large companies can get fucked.

I agree, this needs to be fair to EVERYBODY. I'm only against it if other people (not the creators) are making large amounts of profits, to the point of nullifying the product, like, let's say…an e-celeb, but fan-made works are fine for the most part due to the nature of them, being fair use and such.

Nintendo is just using the current law to the strongest point they can, and we can't do anything about it, yet.

oh boy
here we go again
the nintendrones strikes back


I just realized, I haven't given Nintendo money since I bought the original 3DS. Then I sold it a few months later, then I bought a used Australian new 3DS a few YEARS later, and I hacked it. Might buy a used N3DS is Craigslist or eBay in a few weeks, to hack it too.
I really like the IPS screen, which my model doesn't have.

Either way, Nintendo is not getting a fucking cent from me. Not anymore.

Yes we can, we just don't buy and (new) software or hardware from Nintendo here on out.

This fellow gets it.

They released the regular sized N3DS this month, faggot. Also once again you have no idea what amiibos are.

I'm the same guy you responded to, lol.

We really can do something too. Apparerently many senators are coming up for reelection this year so we could make a GG-like push to make better copyright an election issue

Care to shed some light on that? I'll bite!

I got a lot of stuff I didn't wanted when searching for "fuck anime" pictures.


That's not how that works
If people don't buy a product, it's not because they don't like the company, it's because they don't like the product
So if it's not profitable, they just stop making the product, and they still strike down fan works for trying to take portions of the market that would have given money to the company



That's even BETTER. My god.


In the related thread, shitposter



I'm too assed to use IXQUICK

That's nice and all but laws are made to be broken.

Holy fuck, this thread is still going.
Nintendo faggots, kill yourself already.

You first

Snakbar the whole lot of em.

What the fuck does that even mean
What does that have to do with anything

If you can't smell the smoke, guess who gets extinguished first.

I ain't defending any of that shit

Seriously what the fuck are you going on about
Are you one of those retards who didn't read the OP and think it's saying the opposite of what it's actually saying

Every fucking time.

In a perfect world, copyright laws wouldn't exist. But you should know that you don't live in one, so act accordingly if you aren't retarded.

Like people who buy into the hype and end up buying shit games, it's your own damn fault. Blame yourself.

And you wonder why others call you drone/shill.

where did all these corporate dicksuckers come from?

He doesn't wonder that, he knows damn well why, but you retards keep feeding him

nintendo has all the best porn

Whoops, looks like I jumped the gun unless the faggot switched IDs
Which I'm going to say that he did, because they post in the exact same style.

the retard is you and the law

I thought that legal fees were only paid by the losing party if the courts believe it is necessary.

What has anime in common with lazily drawn cartoons? It can look shitty too, but in a different way.


She was in on the making of it in Ausshit before bringing it over and supporting it before saying she was never for it before saying she'll support it against after the elections.

Even foreigners should know you can't trust what Hillary says by now what with everything that has been flooding out of her bone encrusted closet.

No I'm pretty sure he did make a sequel. He just couldn't have the thing crush the Pokemon trainers head after the fucking.

I don't remember this kind of bullshit being this rampant last month,are we being raided?
The only new thing that happened was that the actual mobile mario game got released after knowing about it months/a year in advance.Sure there was somewhat of a shitstorm after AM2R and Uranium got fucked over but barely anyone gave a shit about the latter besides the fact that it was shut down for it's patreon for online(which many neglect to mention).**Can't be bothered to remember or look up why AM2R got shut down"

The other thing that bothers me is that we have SU-fags that aren't called out for being the faggots with shit taste that they are.

I don't see why or how that shitty poster spread in a couple of days without rampant same-fagging.

There isn't any wit or effort into this shit and I fail to see how anyone considers that thing worth defending or posting.

Dammit HotCircles let me see my posts.

oh boy! A thread about how Nintendo is a bunch if idiots?!

Have i got some Redpills for you fuckers.

I present


While the game may not be that impressive, pay close attention to why it was failing.

Figure it out yet?

Watch this.


They are xenophobic to the point that they when they shoot themselves in the foot, they don't correct their mistake, they shoot themselves in the other foot.


Remember Metroid Dread? Remember that Metroid game Next Level pitched?


Because then it would no longer be true to the IP, which is the whole point of making a fan game


So they shelved 2 in house propositions for a new metroid game, but then they approved of Federation Fucks.

Remember, the only reason Retro got to make Metroid Prime was because Miyamoto was at the head of the project and practically owned Nintendo for a while.

it did fucking great, but then the rest of nintendo couldn't stand that a non-japanese STUDIO featuring non japanese WORKERS had made something BETTER than them.

So they put money into Other M to "prove they were better", but had a lobotomized baboon in charge of everything and it was terrible.

Now remember how everyone was yelling "we want Metroid Prime" back? That was because it didn't suck.

Fed Fucks exists for the simple fact that the Metroid Prime name is slapped on it and it sucks, so Nintendo can yell "See? BOTH series sucks! No one likes it anymore, shelf it!"

Except people DO like this series, and some of these people are in charge of game studios and they go up to nintendo and say "Hey, we got a bitching metroid game idea. Want it?" and they go "No, you evir white piggu!"


Remember that foot shooting?

its not just Americans. They didn't do anything to protect Rare, british Devs who blew most of their shit out of the water.


You really are a gigantic faggot.


You're right. I love when big corporations take down fan made content. It's their legal right after all.

I've heard that Nintendo knew Rare's team was getting torn from the inside (key devs were fleeing) so that's why they let them go so they get bought by Microsoft.

I miss BattleToads.

There is sorrow ahead. A close friend does not have much time left. It will be hard to accept but you will grow."

oh no we are not doing this again

The company that killed Castlevania?
You ever thought they cancelled or rejected certain games because they were shit? It's just now gotten to the point that all Nintendo makes is shit.

That just about sums up Ninty's entire problem with third party relations, huh? They just fucking shit up everything but hide behind a shield of YOU NO JAP WE KNOW BETTER THAN YOU shit.

What's even the point anymore. We can just hope that XSEED can port over some more of the golden Wii games like Little King's Story and just write them off entirely as soon as they lose exclusive rights to Monster Hunter

I get enough of that retarded logic from my fetish, I don't need it here!!
I had to quit cartoons because that dog shit was everywhere. The only hope left is nonTTGO DC and Adult Swim.

It's because that tumbler trash they call writers can't write so they steal ideas from other shows they've seen.

More like redditpills amiright.

Not to defend Steven universe, but how the fuck are you going to bitch about drawing style and incompetence, yet champion the part of CN that aired trash like this nightly at one point.

Samurai Jack being brought back. I like to think the reason they have so many shit pot head cartoons is because they funnel most of the money into Venture Bros with the start being them having a shit budget to work with and no idea how to do it well. At least with them they have the excuse of only having commercial money for half a channel to work with unlike Cartoon Network who has merchandise along with its commercials though now that AS is starting to making money through video games; I'm less lenient with them. There's also the price of Toonami.
